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Director’s Note
Ocean Policy
Splash Zone
10 12
Aquarium Adventures Member Activities

M O N T E R E Y B A Y A Q U A R I U M M E M B E R M A G A Z I N E S U M M E R 0 8


Our colony of African blackfooted penguins has a new, larger exhibit in Splash Zone: Ocean Homes.
In one drop
of water are
found all the
secrets of all
the oceans.
– Kahlil Gibran
Director’s Note

Julie Packard
Executive Director

It’s going to be lively at the Aquarium this summer, if the early

reactions to our new Splash Zone exhibit are any indication. The
excitement that greeted the original galleries when they first
opened now fills the entire second floor.

I’m thrilled to see the energy Save Our Seas presentation that take action through many
around the larger penguin ex- other kids can give to schools Aquarium programs. We’ve
hibit, the touch pool and the and youth groups nationwide. turned thousands of young
many interactive experiences They’re passionate about getting visitors into Underwater
in our new Enchanted Kelp their peers engaged in saving the Explorers for a day during
Forest gallery. It’s great to oceans and they’re turning their our SCUBA programs. High
watch families having fun passion into reality – field-testing school students in the Pajaro
together, which is what an the details and preparing to roll Valley are studying aquatic
Aquarium visit is all about. out the program in final form. ecosystems as part of our
Something else is happening, Ayla and Simon are two stu- Watsonville Area Teens
too. Encounters with live ani- dents who were motivated to Conserving Habitats partner-
mals touch kids in ways that action through their relation- ship. Other teens are making
will make a difference for the ship with the Aquarium. connections and gaining self-
oceans, for years to come. Our new Splash Zone gives esteem through our Young
It’s exciting to begin seeing us even more opportunities to Women in Science program.
the results. expand our work to connect chil- Thank you for making all of
For example, we have two dren and their families with the this possible – from the new
remarkable young people oceans. Our Splash Zone/Head Splash Zone galleries to these
who are truly champions of Start partnership has reached critical education programs.
the oceans as participants in 15,000 people throughout the With your help, we’re changing
our Official Explorers program. Monterey Bay region. Who the way young people connect
Ayla Besemer of Boulder, knows which of them will be with ocean life. Together, we’re
Colorado and Simon Willig of the next ocean leaders? sowing seeds that we’ll harvest
Redwood City are creating a People find inspiration and for generations to come. 3
Center for the Future of the Oceans Woolly sculpin - Clinocottus analis
A healthier ocean and coast it’s time to start a process to Young woolly sculpins
by Michael Sutton create a complementary set are typically found in
This year’s Ocean Policy of protected areas in federal small, shallow tide-
Report Card delivered good waters. We’ll keep you posted pools with lots of
news for California and not- on our progress, and enlist algae, while adults
so-good news for your help at critical usually occupy large
much of the nation. points when you can
open pools. During
The annual evalua- make a difference.
high tide, these fish
tion on progress
move toward shore
toward healthy We need your help Fringes and bristles fuzz
into more turbulent
oceans, issued by on another issue their outline, letting them
affecting marine waters. As the tide
the Joint Ocean blend in with the algae in
Commission Initiative, sanctuaries nationwide: reau- ebbs they retreat back
their tide pool habitats.
gave the federal government thorization by Congress of the to calmer tidepools.
an overall grade of C, up National Marine Sanctuaries They have a remark-
from C– in 2007. State and Act. The Act could be much able homing ability
regional efforts earned an stronger, notably by giving to return to the same
A–, with California singled sanctuary managers greater pools day after day.
out as a national leader in authority to protect fisheries
ocean protection. as part of healthy ocean
Still, as initiative co-chair
Leon Panetta, former White Why does this matter?
House chief of staff and Because a growing body of
member of the Aquarium’s international science demon-
board of trustees, strates that fully
lamented: “This protected marine
report card tells us reserves help
that for what I con- restore depleted
sider an A grade ocean waters
crisis in our oceans, beyond their bound-
it is being met by a aries. There’s new
C grade effort in Washington.” evidence of this from the
Channel Islands, off southern
We’re committed to an California. Scientists recently
A+ effort. With your help, found that some species were
we’re achieving A+ results. quick to respond and thrive
inside reserves established
Creation of marine protected in 2003, and that abundance
areas off the Central Coast last within reserves is spilling over
year was the first step in our into surrounding waters.
long-term campaign to estab-
lish a meaningful network of In all our efforts to safe-
The blood plasma of woolly
protected areas the length guard the oceans and its wild-
life, we rely on your support. sculpins is a deep green, thanks
of the California coast. We’re
now working to win If you’re not a mem- to biliverdin, a chemical pro-
approval for a strong ber of our Ocean duced when hemoglobin
network in coastal Action Team, I hope degrades. In most animals this
waters north of you’ll join us now. chemical breaks down to near
Monterey Bay – the There will be many nothingness, but for unknown
state’s next priority. opportunities in the reasons, in this species does not.
months ahead to
The superintendent of the stand up and speak out for
Monterey Bay National Marine the oceans. You can learn
Sanctuary has also agreed that more at

Michael Sutton is vice president and director

of our Center for the Future of the Oceans.

Mysteries of the Deep

Research notes from MBARI such as hurricanes, tsunamis

by Kim Fulton–Bennett or even harmful algal blooms.”
What is the value of a clean
ocean? Is it a day at the beach? Kildow also works with
Is it all of the fish brought into other MBARI scientists who
Monterey Harbor in a are studying issues
year? Some of these of national and even
questions are easier global importance,
to answer than others such as the increas-
but, they are all worth ing acidity of the
asking. Answering ocean. Her role is to
them is the daily work look at their results
Woolly sculpins come in a
of Judith Kildow. and ask these questions: What
variety of colors, ranging
are the implications of this work
from gray-green to brown for our society? What are some
Like many researchers,
to reddish, with white, Kildow and her staff spend of the possible economic and
yellow or pink markings. a lot of time crunching data social effects of this research?
on their computers. But their What are the key findings from
data, instead of coming from this research that politicians
robot submarines or oceano- need to know in order to make
graphic instruments, come better decisions?
from federal and state gov-
ernment agencies. Kildow and her staff are
passionate about helping the
A wide variety of agencies public, as well as decision mak-
keep track of ocean- ers, understand the
related jobs and broader implications
income from activi- of scientific research.
ties such as tourism,
fisheries, and oil and “With all the
gas development. changes we are
But Kildow’s National causing in the
Ocean Economics Program is oceans, our society is facing
the first organization to com- some serious ethical dilemmas
pile all this information in and we must understand the
one place. trade-offs inherent in our deci-
sions,” Kildow notes. “We need
Far from being just facts to increase the visibility of rel-
and figures, her work can help evant marine research findings
Perched like birds in decision makers solve real- and connect science with the
world problems. As Kildow policy-making process.”
“branches” of algae,
says, “These data help us
woolly sculpins
understand how the health of To learn the value of fish
become one with the
the coastal ocean is related to caught at Monterey Harbor,
shrubbery with their visit the National Ocean
the health of the U.S. economy,
excellent camouflage. Economics Program
as well as the eco-
This species is com- nomies of coastal at
mon in waters off the communities. For And be sure to join us
Central Coast south example, we can find for the MBARI Open
to central Baja out which areas are House on July 19.
California. While particularly vulnerable For details go to
some have been to natural hazards
observed as deep as
60 feet, the woolly
sculpin’s natural
home is the rough
and tumble rocky
shore habitat,
Kim Fulton-Bennett is a communications associate for
especially tide pools. the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. 5
Tropical animals like the longfin bannerfish and moray eels return to the Coral Reef Kingdom New interactive exhibits enhance the complete redesign of the k
where visitors delight in these colorful displays. the animals that live in this rich habitat, from the top of the k

Splash Zone: Coral Reef We have pot-bellied seahorses

again and, for the first time,
White’s seahorses. Also new
Ocean Homes Kingdom are both splendid and spotted
garden eels, many varieties of
Kelp Forest
The new Splash Zone: Ocean The magic returns to the Coral colorful nudibranchs, California You’ll find the biggest changes
Homes offers engaging experi- Reef Kingdom in colorful exhibits moray eels, spiny lobsters and in the Enchanted Kelp Forest.
ences that complement a fanciful featuring your favorite animals pharaoh cuttlefish. New exhibits and games, along
array of live animals. The expand- and several exciting new ones. The popular Coral Reef Play with models of marine life, a
ed exhibit introduces visitors to We welcome back ethereal leafy area also returns. Costumes, more dynamic touch pool and
three ocean habitats: the Coral sea dragons and introduce their ride-on sea creatures, water walk-through kelp canopy will
Reef Kingdom, Enchanted Kelp cousins the weedy sea dragons. play toys and a giant clam immerse you in the kelp forest
Forest and Rugged Rocky Shore. chair invite children to come environment. You’ll learn about
All three galleries combined and imagine themselves at the animals that live in this rich
nearly double the area for fami- home in a tropical coral reef. habitat, from the sheltering kelp
lies to play and learn together. canopy down to the haven of
the holdfast.

kelp galleries. In the Enchanted Kelp Forest, you’ll learn about The popular blackfooted penguins return to their new and larger Rugged Rocky Shore home.
kelp canopy down to the haven of the holdfast. Across the way you’ll find their feathered friends, the common murres.

One highlight that’s sure to

be a big favorite is a 42-foot-
long touch pool where families
this underwater shelter (without
getting wet). Inside the 10 times
life-size model they can touch
Rugged window and flat-screen video
monitors to improve your view
during the feeding shows.
can gather together for close
encounters with sea creatures
the colorful ridges of oversized
sea bugs, see the hairy arms of
Rocky Shore “The original exhibit was a
special place for families,” says
and plants. An underwater cam- brittle stars and encounter an Of course, Splash Zone Jenny Sayre. “We hope you’ll
era also offers closer views on exhibit that’s home to a living wouldn’t be complete without find even more to love in the
a monitor overhead. red octopus. our blackfooted penguins. new Splash Zone.”
Across from the touch pool, “We want this gallery to They’ve returned to a larger
children can race each other reflect the richness of the kelp exhibit complete with a pop-in
to “grow” giant kelp, solve a forest environment,” says Senior
mystery about why kelp isn’t Exhibit Developer Jenny Sayre
thriving and find camouflaged Ramberg. “That’s why you’ll find
Thank You, Members and Donors. Splash Zone connects children
animals on a light-up mural. a wide variety of live and inter-
to the wonders of the oceans and is critical to inspiring the next
Kids will love the 25-foot-long, active exhibits that take you
generation of ocean stewards. Your generous support helped
crawl-through model of a kelp into this intricate world.”
make Splash Zone possible and furthers our education, research
holdfast that lets them explore
and policy initiatives. We’re deeply grateful. 7
Membership in the Ocean
Action Team, our community
of ocean advocates, doubled
last year to over 10,000 people.
You helped us on a number of
issues: marine protected areas,
marine debris prevention and
sea otter conservation. There’s
more to come in the year ahead.

Mushroom soft coral Anthomastus ritteri Green sea turtle Chelonia mydas

Do you long to see deep sea Browse our new Sea Notes
animals? We recently returned blog at
from an expedition into the
Monterey submarine canyon
and brought back a few mush- What’s for the latest news on the
ocean’s creatures and features.
You’ll find everything from our

room soft corals, basket stars comments on high levels of
and California king crabs. Look mercury in sushi to a tale of
for them in the brittle star an octopus that’s become very
exhibit and the crab exhibit in attached to Mr. Potato Head.
the Sandy Seafloor Gallery.

In early February we released

our third white shark, which
was on exhibit for five months.
We fitted the healthy young
male with two electronic tags:
one relays near real-time data
and the other will collect detailed
information through early July,
when the tag will detach and
report back to scientists.

White shark release

We recently introduced a few

new sevengill sharks into the
Monterey Bay Habitats exhibit;
each is near or over seven feet
long. To make room for the
newcomers, we’ve returned
other sevengills to Northern
California waters. Look for the
new sharks roaming the hour-
glass-shaped exhibit.

Broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus

Northern sea nettle
Chrysaora melanaster

Jellies: Living Art will close on

September 1, making this summer
your last chance to groove to the
beat and beauty of this award-
winning special exhibition.

You helped us create Jellies. When

we asked what you’d like to see in a
new exhibit on jellies, you said a cel-
ebration of their ethereal beauty.
We responded by commissioning
works of art in a variety of media
that complemented the stunning
simplicity of these fascinating inver-
tebrates. Our aquarists searched for
the most dazzling exotic jellies from
all over the world like the blue jelly,
Mediterranean jelly, flower hat jelly
and spotted comb jelly - and the
result was magic.

Jellies: Living Art made news,

made history and held us all in
wonder. Experience it once again
this summer before it closes.
Summer means Aquarium Adventures programs are in full swing. We offer many
and in Monterey Bay. Advance registration is required for all programs. Please call
Adventures and Member Desk in the main lobby. Children under 18 must be accom

Underwater Explorers Seashore Sleepover

Daily: June 14 – September 1 Saturdays: June 28, July 19*,
Time: 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m., August 2* and 16*
2:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Friday: September 5
(90-minute program) Time: 8 p.m. to 8:30 a.m.
Ages: 8 to 13 yrs. Ages: 6 and older
Member Fee: $59 Member and Member Guest
General Public Fee: $79, Fee: $60 (up to 2 guests
plus Aquarium admission per membership)

Kids can get a fish-eye view of Enjoy the Aquarium after hours Monterey Bay Aquarium Adventure Sails Explor
marine life as they don masks, and sleep next to your favorite
regulators and drysuits and exhibit. We offer activities
Baylis. Join us for a beautiful day sail and learn
take the plunge in our Great throughout the evening or you evening with a glass of wine; or charter the boa
Tide Pool for a surface SCUBA can explore the Aquarium on
experience. Our certified dive your own. The evening con-
Day Sails Sunset Sails
staff will assist participants in cludes with a bedtime snack.
Member Fee: Member Fee: $45
the water and introduce them Wake up with the fishes and
$49 (10-17 yrs.); $59 per adult General Public Fee: $55
to the animals that live along enjoy a continental breakfast
General Public Fee:
the rocky shore. The small in the Portola Restaurant. This Join our naturalists for a great
$59 (10-17 yrs.); $69 per adult
group size ensures a safe and program is for members and evening of natural history and
educational adventure for up to two guests. Set sail on a summer adventure ocean wildlife aboard the Derek
everyone. No previous SCUBA mixed with science! Step aboard M. Baylis. Enjoy wine and light
experience necessary, though *Join us early in July
the 65-foot, eco-friendly Derek refreshments, and meet an
basic swimming skills are and August for Evenings
M. Baylis, and cruise beautiful amazing array of animals while
required. Reserve space ahead by the Bay and kick off the
Monterey Bay. Take part in an sailing on beautiful Monterey Bay.
of time to guarantee a spot, night with entertainment
important ocean monitoring Discover how we can keep the
or sign up during your visit to and refreshments.
program and discover how a oceans healthy as we watch for
the Aquarium. Specialized few simple decisions in your wildlife along the Monterey coast.
Youth Group Sleepovers
suits fit over your clothes so daily life can help preserve
We offer special sleepovers
you don't have to worry about Monterey Bay and the oceans. Mother’s Day Special
throughout the year for
bringing special gear. Sunday, May 11
youth groups. Contact our
Reservation Center for details. Moms ride free with one
paid passenger.

great ways for you and your family to appreciate marine life at the Aquarium
l our Reservation Center at 866-963-9645 to register, or stop by the Aquarium
mpanied by a paying adult (except for Underwater Explorers).

Morning Rounds ArtSea

Thursdays and Sundays Saturdays: May 10, 24; June 21;
June: 1, 15, 22, 26, 29 July 5, 19; August 2, 16, 30
July: 3, 6, 10, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31 Time: 9 to 10 a.m.
Aug: 3, 7, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 31 Ages: Families with
Sept: 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 children ages 3 to 7 years
Time: 8:15 to 10:30 a.m. (Older children may partici-
Ages: 8 and older pate. Program fee applies.)
Member Fee: $45 Member Fee: $16
General Public Fee: General Public Fee: $20,
re Monterey Bay aboard the 65-foot Derek M. $65, plus Aquarium admission plus Aquarium admission.
about the marine environment; sail into the (Program fees for parents
The morning begins with a are waived.)
at for a birthday party or company outing. private viewing of a sea otter
feeding and training session. Join us for an opportunity
Then you’ll go behind the to mix art and science in this
Father's Day Sail Sailing Charters
scenes on “morning rounds” special program designed to
Sunday, June 15 Book your own private adven-
and help prepare food, feed inspire creativity in our
Dads ride free with one ture cruise and discover the bay
animals and learn daily main- youngest visitors. Create a
paid passenger. in a whole new way. Perfect for
tenance for exhibits. unique art project inspired
family reunions, company out-
by artists such as Laura
Star Spangled Cruise ings, Scouting adventures (merit
Bryant, Romero Britto or
Friday, July 4 badges), birthday parties or any
Alexander Calder. Older sib-
Time: 7:30 to 10 p.m. small event! On-board natural-
lings can participate, but
Member Fee: $125 ists answer your questions, and
please note this program is
General Public Fee: $150 hands-on activities ensure
developed specifically for
amazing discoveries. Wine and
Celebrate the 4th in style aboard children 3 to 7 years old.
light food will also be available;
the Derek M. Baylis. We’ll serve call for details.
wine and dessert and have a
champagne toast on this holiday
cruise while you watch the fire-
works burst overhead.

Offered May 11 through September 30

For details go to or call 866-963-9645. 11
Cooking for Solutions 2008

Member A
We still have tickets for
many Cooking for Solutions
events – but they’re moving
fast and some programs
have sold out. On May 16-17,
enjoy one of these can’t-miss choices:

The Gala
Friday, May 16; 7:30 p.m.
Member Fee: $95 per person
General Public Fee: $115 per person

We have 55 great restaurants and 50 fine

wineries participating in this year’s organic and
sustainable culinary celebration.
Jazz Sings! at In 2008 we team up again with Kuumbwa Jazz to prese
Deluxe Tour with Darina
Allen, Kristin Kidd, Joan
Nathan and Nancy Silverton
Saturday, May 17
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Sponsored by
Bernardus Lodge
Member Fee: $180 per person
General Public Fee: $225 per person Kim Nalley Ed Reed Spencer Day
(Tax-deductible portion:
$105 members/$150 general public) Saturday, June 7 Nalley was taught piano Joining her for Jazz Sings!
8 to 11 p.m. by her great-grandmother will be other exceptional
This is an extraordinary culinary event. Sit down Member Fee: and later attended the jazz artists, including Ed
for great food, great wine and lively conversation $50 for the jazz event; Educational Center of the Reed, Spencer Day, the
with four food legends: honored chef, Darina Allen, $175 for the event and Arts, where she studied Kuumbwa Honor Jazz
known as Ireland's favorite cook; Kristine Kidd, gourmet dinner opera and theater. She has Band, Dreambeach, Ron
a chef, cookbook author and General Public Fee: performed at most of the Kaplan and the Jazz Birds.
food editor at Bon Appétit $65 for the jazz event major jazz festivals in the
Magazine; Joan Nathan, food United States, Europe, Ed Reed is a late-blooming
writer, cookbook author and Our headliner this year is Japan and Canada, includ- standout whose vocal
the “doyenne of Jewish- internationally-acclaimed ing Monterey, Umbria Jazz stylings have won wide
American food”; and Nancy jazz and blues vocalist Kim and Lincoln Center; and has acclaim. “Ravishing,”
Silverton, co-founder of La Nalley. In looks and pres- collaborated across a wide “exquisite” and “transport-
Brea Bakery. You'll be treated to a gourmet lunch ence, the San Francisco range of styles – including ing” are some of the ways
by honored local celebrity chef, Cal Stamenov of singer is often eerily remi- with Michael Tilson Thomas critics have described the
Bernardus Lodge – just nominated for a James niscent of Billie Holiday. and the San Francisco rich baritone stylings on
Beard Award as the best chef in the Pacific Vocally, she packs a 3 1/2 Symphony Orchestra. his debut CD of love bal-
region. The meal includes premium wines from octave range that can go lads – recordings released
family-owned Chappellet Vineyards, which cre- from operatic to gritty blues, The owner of Jazz at Pearl’s, as he approaches his
ates sustainable world-class vintages mirroring projection that can whisper she is also a bandleader eighth decade.
the great first-growth Bordeaux. a ballad yet is capable of and the producer of sever-
filling a room without ampli- al successful historiograph- Spencer Day blends jazz,
See our website at fication, and the ability to ical concerts including her folk and contemporary scat blistering solos without award-winning “Ladies Sing styles, delivered in a velvet
for details about other Food losing the crowd or the the Blues”; “She Put a Spell baritone voice that has
and Wine Adventures, cook- swing of the song. on Me: Tribute to Nina earned him wide acclaim
ing demonstrations with Simone,” which was short- from coast to coast. An old
three of our celebrity chefs, listed for a Grammy; and a
and a host of activities and multimedia Black History
tastings throughout the Aquarium on Saturday, Month Concert Series.
May 17. Special prices are available for two-
event packages. For tickets, call 866-963-9645
(831-647-6886 on the Monterey Peninsula),
and press 5.

Member Nights

Member Nights are the per-
fect opportunity to enjoy the
Aquarium. Take part in our
themed programming, explore
our expanded Splash Zone
galleries or delight in the beauty of Jellies: Living
Art before it closes on September 1. Free for
members; registration is not required. You may
purchase guest tickets on the night of the event.
Guest cards are honored for Member Nights.

the Aquarium
ent Jazz Sings! at the Aquarium on Saturday, June 7 from 8 to 11 p.m.
Thursday, July 24:
Picnic by the Bay
7 to 9:30 p.m.
You’re invited to one of our
most popular Member Nights,
Picnic by the Bay. You can
enjoy your picnic dinner in front of our many
ocean-view decks. Bring sandwiches, potato salad,
fried chicken or your favorite “dinner to go” during
this special evening. For this Member Night, the
Portola Restaurant will not be serving dinner.

Please note: Although you can purchase beer

Kuumbwa Honor Jazz Band Ron Kaplan The Jazz Birds and wine at the Aquarium, you may not bring
in your own alcoholic beverages. Thank you for
soul with a young and Singer Ron Kaplan is one This year’s Jazz Sings! at your cooperation.
energetic spirit, he sings of the finest contemporary the Aquarium promises to
originals and standards, singers of jazz standards, be a hot ticket, so be sure Thursday, August 14: Friday, September 19:
combining classic style with following in the footsteps to get yours early! Humpback Whales Sea Otters
a fresh, contemporary edge. left by legends like Frank 7 to 9:30 p.m. 7 to 9 p.m.
Sinatra, Mel Torme, Nat Gourmet Dinner: Start
The Kuumbwa Honor Jazz King Cole and Tony your evening off on a high We’ll feature special programs celebrating some
Band brings together an Bennett. He has superb note with a gourmet four- of your favorite sea creatures.
all-star group of young command of a flexible course dinner paired with
musicians who are nomi- baritone that cocoons the fine wines at 6:30 p.m. in Member Night Dinner
nated by their high school listener within the cozy the Portola Restaurant. Join us before Member Night
music teachers and then atmosphere of the images Seating is limited and for a delicious dinner on the
audition to be a part of he sings about. reservations are required. waterfront in the Portola
this talented group. Restaurant at 6:30 p.m.
The Jazz Birds delight For more information, Reservations are required;
Dreambeach is a dynamic audiences as they swoop or to make reservations, $34.95 for adults, $13.95 for children under 12
vocal/bass duo founded and swing with high-flying please call 800-840-4880. (plus tax and gratuity). We offer a fixed menu
by singer Pipa Piñon and harmonies and soaring You’ll also find more about selected by Executive Chef Dory Ford.
bass player Daniel Vee syncopations on period the artists on our web site.
Lewis. Pipa Piñon has long standards. They’re meticu- Call 831-648-4967 for reservations and menu
delivered beautiful and Proceeds benefit the edu- information. Reservations must be secured with
lous in their re-creation –
haunting songs to dedicat- cation programs of the a credit card. Seating is limited.
both vocally and visually –
ed audiences. Sometimes Aquarium and Kuumbwa
of groups of the ‘20s and
compared to Kate Bush, Jazz in Santa Cruz. Tickets Hotel Accommodations
‘30s like the Boswell
Laurie Anderson and Enya, are non-refundable. Check our web site under
Sisters. Jazz Birds bring
she and co-writer Daniel both musicianship and “Visitor Info & Tickets” or
Vee Lewis are passionate swanky vocal harmonies visit the Monterey County
and soul-stirring. to each performance. Convention and Visitors
Bureau web site at 13
Member Calendar Summer
Offered Daily: Underwater Explorers June 14 – September 1; Aquarium Tours Starting May 1
Weekends Only: Early Openings May 24 – September 1; Evenings by the Bay July 5 – August 31

June July August September

1 Morning Rounds 3 Morning Rounds 2 Seashore Sleepover 1 Jellies: Living Art closes

7 Jazz Sings! at the Aquarium 4 Star Spangled Cruise 3 Morning Rounds 4 Morning Rounds
World Ocean Day

8 World Ocean Day 5 ArtSea 7 Morning Rounds 5 Seashore Sleepover

15 Morning Rounds 6 Morning Rounds 14 Member Night: 7 Morning Rounds

Father's Day Sail Special Humpback Whales
Morning Rounds
21 ArtSea 10 Morning Rounds
16 Seashore Sleepover 11 Morning Rounds

22 Morning Rounds 17 Morning Rounds

17 Morning Rounds 14 Morning Rounds

26 Morning Rounds 19 Seashore Sleepover

21 Morning Rounds 18 Morning Rounds

28 Seashore Sleepover 20 Morning Rounds 24 Morning Rounds 19 Member Night: Sea Otters

29 Morning Rounds 24 Member Night: 28 Morning Rounds 20 Otter Days

Picnic by the Bay
Morning Rounds
27 Morning Rounds 30 ArtSea 21 Morning Rounds
Otter Days

31 Morning Rounds 31 Morning Rounds 25 Morning Rounds

28 Morning Rounds

Members’ Exclusive Early Openings Aquarium Tours

We’ll open our doors at 9 a.m. just for you and your guests Daily: Starting May 1 (50-minute tour)
every weekend beginning Saturday, May 24 – Monday, Ages: 6 and older
September 1; plus Monday, May 26 and Friday, July 4. Member and General Public Fee: $10, plus Aquarium admission

Evenings by the Bay Go behind the scenes and find out how we bring the Aquarium’s
July 5 – August 31 (weekends) unique live exhibits to life. Discover the hidden world of animals
and get an insider’s view while learning about research we’re con-
This summer you can linger at the Aquarium as we extend our ducting to contribute to healthy oceans in the future.
hours on Saturday and Sunday nights between July 5 and
August 31. We’ll stay open until 8 p.m. both nights. Spend some
extra time at your favorite exhibit, grab a bite at the Portola
Restaurant and enjoy live music.

Business Partners, In-kind Gifts & Matching Gifts
Business Partners ChevronTexaco
Since 1984, we’ve Service Systems
Businesses are vital partners Cingular Wireless
in our endeavors. Their contri- earned an interna- Associates, operator Cisco Systems Foundation
butions help make possible tional reputation for of our gift and book- The Clorox Company Foundation
free Aquarium visits for over excellence in marine stores, understands eBay Foundation
80,000 schoolchildren each
life exhibits and the importance of Electronic Arts Outreach
year, as well as our innovative ExxonMobil Foundation
education programs, new and science education. these connections
Gap Foundation
compelling exhibits and criti- Our live exhibits and the responsibility Gartner
cal conservation research. inspire visitors to we have to inspiring Genentech
General Electric Foundation
Business Leaders appreciate our oceans, but it’s the the next generation of ocean stewards.
Global Impact
$25,000 and above human connections that move people We thank them for their generous sup- GlobalSanteFe
Bank of America Goldman, Sachs & Co.
from engagement to empowerment. port and commitment to our efforts.
Charitable Foundation, Inc. Google
Service Systems Associates Hayford Family Foundation
The William and
Business Benefactors
Business Contributors Buder Engel Advertising Inns of Monterey Flora Hewlett Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
$1,000 to $2,499 Eco Concepts, Inc. J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines Hewlett-Packard
Carmel Development Company
Asilomar Conference Grounds The Fishwife Restaurant Joullian Vineyards Home Depot Foundation
Frank M. Booth, Inc.
Big Creek Lumber Company Hahn Estates/Smith & Korbel Champagne Cellars IBM
Fresh Express Fresh Foods
Bowman Family Trust Hook Winery LaRochelle Winery Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
Fry's Electronics
Bubba Gump Shrimp Company Hudson, Martin, Lockwood Vineyard Intuit Foundation
Homer Hayward Family
Carmel Insurance Agency Ferrante & Street McIntyre Vineyard The James Irvine Foundation
Pebble Beach
Casa Munras, A Larkspur Hotel The D. L. James House MontPellier Vineyards ITG Incorporated
Company Foundation
Collins Electrical Company, Inc. at Searock Odwalla JK Group Trustees
Cupertino Electric, Inc. Manpower Paraiso Vineyards Johnson & Johnson
Business Stewards
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers Marina Dunes Resort Scheid Vineyards Microsoft
$5,000 to $9,999
HeadQuarters Advertising, Inc. Michael's Catering and Silver Mountain Vineyards Moody's Foundation
CTB/McGraw Hill
Hilton Garden Inn Monterey Wild Thyme Deli & Cafe Storrs Winery and Vineyard National Semiconductor
CulinArt, Inc.
Hyatt Regency Monterey Monterey Bay Boatworks Ventana Vineyards Corporation
Dow Chemical USA
Inns by the Sea Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa Weibel Vineyards Nordson Corporation
Estancia Winery
ITL Events, Inc. Monterey Sanitary Supply Co. Oracle Corporation
Fresh & Easy
Markon Cooperative, Inc. National Geographic Theater Matching Gifts Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Neighborhood Market
Medialocate USA, Inc. Hearst Castle The following companies and The David and Lucile
Granite Construction
Monterey Bay Area Sheet Metal Noland, Hamerly, Etienne & Hoss foundations have generously Packard Foundation
J.M. Smucker Company
Contractors Association OSTI, Inc. matched gifts made by our Partech International
Kemper Refrigeration
Monterey Peninsula Inns Pajaro Dunes Company members and donors: PepsiCo Foundation
Pacific Hotel Management
Odwalla Rutherford & Chekene Pfizer Foundation
Passionfish Salas O'Brien Engineers, Inc. A & B Foundation Prudential Foundation
Business Patrons
Portola Plaza Hotel Salinas Surgery Center Adobe Systems Rockwell Automation
$2,500 to $4,999
Premiere Events SD&A Teleservices, Inc. Aetna Foundation Charitable Corporation
Chambers & Chambers
Premium Packing, Inc. Struve Financial Alliance Bernstein SAP
Del Monte Center
Richard T. Dauphine, MD, & Insurance Services AMD SBC Foundation
EHDD Architecture
Center for Knee and Shoulder Tri-County Business Systems American Express Spansion
Finch, Montgomery,
Salyer American Fresh Foods, Inc. Web of Life Field (WOLF) School American International Group, Inc. Steelcase Foundation
Wright & Emmer
Southern Wine & Spirits William C. Vogelpohl, MD Applera Corporation Sun Microsystems, Inc.
First National Bank
of America, Inc. Archer Daniels Midland United Technologies
of Central California
Spottswoode Estate In-kind Gifts Foundation W. W. Grainger, Inc.
Monterey Bay National
Vineyard and Winery The following recently gave in- Aspect West Community
Marine Sanctuary
Stocker & Allaire, Inc. kind services, and we’re grateful AT&T Foundation Partnership Program
Rudolph & Sletten
System Studies for their generous support: Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Vital Choice Seafood
TFD Group Bank of America
Bargetto Winery Barclays Global Investors

Business Affiliates Blackstone Winery Becton Dickinson Foundation
$500 to $999 Diving Unlimited International BitMover, Inc.
AIG VALIC Ghirardelli Chocolate Company BlackRock
Aon Risk Services, Inc. Hahn Estates/Smith Boeing Gift
of Central California & Hook Winery Capital Group Companies
Bamboo Reef Enterprises HeadQuarters Advertising, Inc. Charles Schwab Foundation 15
A Gift for the Future
Marie and Jacob Belogorsky had a great Their sense of wonder grew for the crea-
love for the oceans. They had an equally tures that inhabited their beloved oceans.
strong desire to protect them. And they By permanently restricting their gift
had a vision: to combine their passion and to our Endowment Fund, they help secure
love for the ocean in a way that would future programs inspiring ocean conserva-
make a difference. They did this by desig- tion — forever. We’re deeply grateful to Marie
nating a significant gift from their estate and Jacob for believing in the Monterey Bay
to the Aquarium’s Permanent Endowment Jacob Belogorsky Marie Belogorsky Aquarium and in the future of the oceans.
Fund. Jacob passed away in 2002 and Gifts to our Endowment provide critical
Marie followed him in 2006. They made their home in Saratoga where future support for our programs. To learn
“This is a gift for the future,” Marie once Jacob established his medical practice. Over more contact Mary Mullen, vice president
told us. She considered the Aquarium, “a many years, they frequently enjoyed week- of development at 831-648-4913. If you have
floating palace, a great accomplishment.” ends at the beach. Their favorite picnic spot already designated a gift to the Aquarium
Marie and Jacob were married nearly 70 was a bluff overlooking the ocean in Big Sur, in your estate plan, please let us know so
years ago in Romania at the start of World where they spent many leisurely hours. we may thank you and welcome you into
War II and escaped German occupation to In 1984, they were among our first our Jane Steel Ocean Legacy Circle.
settle in America. Charter members. When they visited, they
discovered a new world of amazing animals.

supervising editor: Ken Peterson credits: eco-audit: By using 30% post–consumer

art director: Jim Ales Richard Bucich (5 bottom), Jim Capwell/ waste recycled paper the Aquarium continues
vice president, development: Mary Mullen (4 left center, 15), Ann its commitment to conserving the Earth’s
designer: Kristin Mudd Caudle illustrations (4-5, 8 top right, 8 bottom, natural resources. Figures represent per
designer: Ken Beckwith 12-13), Martin Crowdy/ (cover), issue savings.
editor: Karen Jeffries (5 top, 7 center left), Steve
trees: . . . . . . . . . 20 (trees saved)
writer: Angela Hains Johnston/Monterey Bay Aquarium (4 top),
photo researchers: Jenny Keller/Monterey Bay Aquarium (8 top
wood: . . . . . . . . . 11,627.16 (lbs. saved)
Kris Ingram and Gail Skidmore left illustration), Mark Leet (3), Monterey Bay water: . . . . . . . . . 17,096 (gals. saved)
printing: Blanchette Press Aquarium (5 center right, 6 center second waste: . . . . . . . . 1,813 (landfill lbs. saved)
from left, 13 right top, second and third from energy: . . . . . . . 28,174.9.8 (Btu-000 saved)
top), Tyson Rininger/Monterey Bay Aquarium
All data provided by Environmental Defense.
regular hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (8 lower left), Kit Sagen/Monterey Bay Aquarium
Mixed Sources
holiday hours: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (4 bottom), (6 center left), Bryan 30%
Product group from well-managed forests,
information: Call the Membership Skerry/National Geographic Image Collection controlled sources and recycled wood or fiber
Cert no. SW-COC-2068

office 831-648-4880 or 800-840-4880 (2), Tom Trinko (9), Randy Tunnell/Monterey Cert no. SW-COC-2068
Monday through Friday: Bay Aquarium (6 top left, center second from © 1996 Forest Stewardship Council
Cert no. SW-COC-2068

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time. left, center right, 6-7 top center, 7 top right),
Randy Wilder/Monterey Bay Aquarium (7 center shorelines is published for members of the Monterey
second from left, second from right and right, Bay Aquarium; 886 Cannery Row, Monterey, California
10-11). Photos for Jazz at the Aquarium and ©2008 Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation. Shorelines,
Cooking for Solutions on pages 12-13 courtesy Monterey Bay Aquarium, the kelp logo, Jellies: Living Art,
Sharks: Myth and Mystery, Cooking for Solutions, Aquarium
of the artists and chefs.
Adventures, Ocean’s Edge, Center for the Future of the
Oceans, Seafood Watch, the penguin logo, Science Under
Sail, Splash Zone, Mysteries of the Deep, Flippers, Flukes &
Fun, Vanishing Wildlife, Aquarium of the Air, Underwater
Explorers and Wild About Otters are trademarks of the
vol. 24 no. 2 summer 2008
Aquarium. All rights reserved.

U.S. Postage
Monterey Bay
Time dated materials enclosed Foundation

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