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Aims and Scope

Originally founded as the Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, Research in Microbiology has been a leading source of up-to-date information in the
field of microbiology for more than a century. It publishes papers based on original research in fundamental and applied biology of bacteria,
archaea and lower eukaryotes. It covers all aspects of microbial taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology, physiology and metabolism, molecular genet-
ics and genomics, as well as interactions between microbes and interactions of microbes with their environment. Research in Microbiology
currently publishes 10 issues a year, including an annual Forum issue, and contains original articles, reviews and letters to the Editor.
Cited/abstracted in: Biological Abstracts/Biosis, CNRS/Pascal, Current Contents (Life Sciences), Excerpta Medica/EMbase, Index
Medicus/Medline, Science Citation Index. Also covered in the abstract and citation database Scopus®. Full text available on ScienceDirect®
Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. E. DASSA (Paris, France)

Editors: Pr. P.N. BERTIN (Strasbourg, France); Dr. D. CABANES (Porto, Portugal); Dr. V. CATTOIR (Rennes, France);
Dr. J. COLLEMARE (Angers, France); Dr. D. DAFFONCHIO (Milan, Italy); Dr. L. DIJKSHOORN (Leiden, The Netherlands);
Dr. M. DUBOW (Orsay, France); Dr. P. DYSON (Swansea, UK); Dr. C. ELMERICH (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France);
Dr. E. FABIANO (Montevideo, Uruguay); Dr. E. FABRE (Paris, France); Dr. S. FANNING (Dublin, Ireland);
Dr. S. R. FILIPE (Lisboa, Portugal); Dr. O. FRANCETIC (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France); Dr. J. GOWRISHANKAR
(Hyderabad, India); Dr. G. JANBON (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France); Dr. M. JEBBAR (Plouzané, France);
Dr. M. KRUPOVIC (Insitut Pasteur, Paris, France); Dr. D. MAZEL (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France); Dr. B. NAN (College Station, TX, USA);
Dr. O. NEYROLLES (Toulouse, France); Dr. J. NIGOU (Toulouse, France); Dr. S. NORDLUND (Stockholm, Sweden);
Dr. P. NORMAND (Villeurbanne, France); Dr. V. PACES (Prague, Czech Republic); Prof. E. PEETERS (Brussels, Belgium);
Dr. J.R. PENADÉS CASANOVA (Segorbe, Spain); Dr. D. PRANGISHVILI (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France);
Dr. L. RIGOTTIER-GOIS (Jouy-en-Josas, France); Dr. E. RON (Tel Aviv, Israel); Dr. Y.-P. WANG (Beijing, China);
Dr. T. ZHANG (Hong Kong, China)
Review Editors: Dr. P. BASTIN (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France) Dr. J. DAVIES (University of British Columbia, BC, Canada)
Dr. Y. DESSAUX (Institut des Sciences du Végétal, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)

Editorial Coordinator: Géraldine Legras, E-mail: microbiology@pasteur.fr

Desk Editor: Dr. Arnaud Firon, E-mail: arnaud.firon@pasteur.fr
Cover legend: The Nucleotide-Binding Domain of ABC systems: one fold to rule them all. In ABC systems, the well-conserved
ATPase dimeric domain (colored in green and red) fuels a wide diversity of biological functions that range from membrane transport to
various activities including translation, DNA repair, chromosome maintenance and segregation. From the top and clockwise, the MacB
macrolide exporter, the FolT ECF folate importer, the BhuTUV heme importer, the MalEFGK2 the maltose importer and TM287/288, a
putative drug exporter are represented on the inner membrane of an hypothetical microorganism. The structure of EttA in complex with
the ribosome is depicted into its cytosol.
Copyright: Cedric Orelle and Gregory Boël.

Publication information: Research in Microbiology (ISSN 0923-2508). For 2019, volume 170 is scheduled for publication.
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Printed by Henry Ling Ltd, The Dorset Press, Directeur de la publication : Daniel Rodriguez
Dorchester, UK Périodicité : 10 nos/an

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