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CGT PSA Nitrogen Generators operate on the Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) principle to

produce a continuous stream of nitrogen gas from compressed air. Two towers are filled with carbon
molecular sieve (CMS). Pretreated compressed air enters the bottom of the on-line tower and
follows up through the CMS. Oxygen and other trace gasses are preferentially adsorbed by the
CMS, allowing nitrogen to pass through. After a pre-set time, the on-line tower automatically
switches to regenerative mode, venting contaminants from the CMS. Carbon molecular sieve differs
from ordinary activated carbons in that it has a much narrower range of pore openings. This allows
small molecules such as oxygen to penetrate the pores and be separated from nitrogen molecules
which are too large to enter the CMS. The larger molecules of nitrogen by-pass the CMS and
emerge as the product gas.
Atmospheric air contains essentially 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Ordinary dry compressed air is
filtered and passed through a technically advanced bundle of hollow membrane fibers where
nitrogen is separated from the feed air by selective permeation. Water vapor and oxygen rapidly
permeate safely to the atmosphere, while the nitrogen gas is discharged under pressure into the
distribution system. Pressure, flow rate and membrane size/quantity are the main variables that
affect nitrogen production. Nitrogen purity (oxygen content) is controlled by throttling the outlet from
the membrane bundle(s). At a given pressure and membrane size, increasing the nitrogen flow
allows more oxygen to remain in the gas stream, lowering nitrogen purity. Conversely, decreasing
nitrogen flow increases purity. For a particular purity, higher air pressure to the membrane gives a
higher nitrogen flow rate. Purity ranges of less than 90% to 99.9% are possible. By combining
multiple membrane bundles, an infinite number of flow/purity ranges are available to satisfy
practically any application that requires nitrogen gas.
Generator dušika

Većina brodova za LNG opremljeni su generatorima dušika, instaliranim u strojarnici, koji proizvode
plinoviti dušik za:
Pritisak izolacijskih prostora barijere.
Kao brtveni plin za HD i LD kompresore.
Za gašenje požara u odvodnim jarbolovima. ( VENT MAST )
Za pročišćavanje sustava goriva i raznih dijelova teretnih cjevovoda.

Princip rada temelji se na membranama šupljih vlakana kroz koje prolazi komprimirani zrak i razdvajaju
se na kisik i dušik. Kisik se odzračuje u atmosferu i dušik se skladišti u međuspremniku.

Generatori dušika opremljeni su analizatorom kisika koji kontinuirano nadzire udio kisika u izlazu dušika.
Ako razina kisika poraste iznad 1% od projektne vrijednosti, tada se uključuje alarm. Ako se razina kisika
dodatno poveća, aktivira se visoko alarmiranje, preusmjeravanje toka u atmosferu i zatvaranje ispusnog
voda u međuspremnik.

Važno je shvatiti da će ispušni sustav iz dušika biti bogat kisikom u usporedbi s okolnom atmosferom.

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