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Lesson Plan

2 Grade Science

Total Duration: 45 minutes

Intro: 10 minutes
Activity: 20 minutes
Presenting: 10 minutes
Conclusion: 5 minutes

Content Objectives Language Objectives

The student will be able to: The student will be able to:
·The student will be able to list ·Generate lists of words/phrases from
the four things a habitat needs banks or walls
and make a model. ·Complete modeled sentences starters
(e.g., “I like ____.”)
·Describe people, places or objects from
illustrated examples and model

Major Performance Task(s) Reflection/Self-

·Make and identify a habitat. Assessment/Grades/Other
·After making their activity, the

student will explain what makes a habitat,

and what examples they have in their
Key Vocabulary Materials
·Habitat ·Paper
·Climate ·Markers
·Environment ·Tape/Glue
·Organism ·Scissors
·Shelter ·Pencil and Eraser
·Print outs
·Index Cards
·Lined Paper
Learning Activities List

Why is this useful?

 This activity is useful, because it allows students to be interactive with
creating a habitat themselves. In addition, they will be able to keep
their projects and reference them while studying and presenting them
to the class. They will listen to their classmates present their habitats,
as well. This will help to reinforce the characteristics that make a
habitat. However, this project is also useful because it reinforces the
idea of teamwork in the classroom due to the fact that each student
has to work with another member in the classroom. In addition to
working with another student, they will also be able to ask other
groups questions and discuss their habitats. I will encourage them to
ask questions to group while others present and this will challenge
them to be critically thinking throughout the lesson and presentations.

Activating/Building Background Knowledge

 Connect their knowledge about homes in Harrisonburg and places
around the world to animal’s habitats.
 Discuss what they need in their habitat to what animals would need.

Presentation/New Content
 The four things that animals need in a habitat.
 The different habitats have different elements because of the
location, climate etc.

 This activity applies to students of all learning abilities, because we
will be watching a video, speaking, creating habitats, and students
will be working in partners for additional support. I will also be helping
all of the students for additional support, as well.
 In addition, there is a power point presentation, so students will be
able to read, and listen to me emphasize what is required to make a
habitat. The students will be able to references this throughout the
activity, if necessary.

 My role as the language assistant will be to emphasize the content in
English. I will also be supporting students around the classroom and
helping them when they have questions.
 The role of the teacher is to re-emphasize various points in Spanish
where students are specifically confused. As a result, they will fully
understand the content. She will also be walking around the room
and helping the students who require additional support.

Practice and Review /Assessment

 Students will complete a worksheet and review the features of a
 Have students create a model of a habitat in groups
 Students will label the features of a habitat
 Students will present their habitat to the class

 Go over the objectives
 Ask students review questions to ensure them that they know and
have achieved all of the objectives

Possible Extension/Application Activities

 If students finish their model before other groups they can draw and
label other elements of a habitat that they think belong in their habitat
 Have them do research on their habitat and add other organisms that
are relevant to their habitat

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