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DT Software Example - Nov.

Time-Price Square and Time-Price Alert

Dynamic Trader’s

Time-Price Square and Time-Price Alert

This begins a series of examples of the new features in Version 2 of Dynamic

Trader. Version 2 is in the final beta stages and set for release by mid-Dec.,
possibly sooner. All owners of the current Version 1.1 will receive Version 2 at no
charge. Through Dec. 1, purchasers of Version 1.1 will receive a $300 discount off
the price of the complete Dynamic Trader Software and Trading Course.
Robert Miner’s new book, Dynamic Trading, will provide you with a
comprehensive educational experience of dynamic time, price and pattern analysis
and trading strategies.

W. D. Gann and the Squaring of Price and Time

W. D. Gann provided invaluable instruction of time and price market geometry.
Both price and time are the consequences of the same cause. One of Gann’s
techniques was to geometrically “square” the price and time range of a prior swing
forward. Both the price and time divisions and angles would often be where
markets made trend reversals or found support and resistance.

In 1989, I wrote and released a very comprehensive home study course on the
analysis and trading techniques of W. D. Gann. In that course, I taught how the
dynamic ratios were as important for price and time geometry as the static ratios.
The most important dynamic ratios are the Fib ratios (.618 etc.) while Gann used
the static ratios (.25, .333 etc.).

Dynamic Trader Version 2 allows the user total flexibility to construct time-
price geometric projections. If you are a Gann traditionalist and only want to use
the static division, no problem. If you want to include the dynamic divisions and
angles, no problem.

Examine the daily wheat chart on the next page.

Dynamic Traders Group, Inc. - - 520-797-3668

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DT Software Example - Nov. 1997
Time-Price Square and Time-Price Alert

Wheat made a decline from the Aug. 29 high to the Oct. 2 low. Traders were
given a hint of the dynamic geometry in wheat as the previous two swings had
lasted 34 and 53 calendar days, both at or near Fib. time counts. The price and
time of this bear swing is projected forward. This example shows the .618 price-
time square projected forward with the .618 angles. The Oct. 22 high was made
just a tick above where price and time squared at the .618 division. As W. D. Gann
said: “When price and time square, change is inevitable.” It may not really be
inevitable, but it is a very high probability.

Note how the Oct. 22 top (W.5) tagged the 1x1 angle. Also note how the
minor low on Oct. 17 (W.4) tagged the .618 angle before making the final advance
to the Oct. 22 high.

Dynamic Traders Group, Inc. - - 520-797-3668

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DT Software Example - Nov. 1997
Time-Price Square and Time-Price Alert

Just below is the menu choices available for Dynamic Trader users to choose
the parameters for the Time-Price Squares. Any ratio or angle may be used. In this
case, just the .618 division and angle are chosen. The “Reflect” box is also chosen
which will project forward the time-price range of the recent swing

The user may also chose

the projected square to
use ticks as well as
whole numbers. This is
especially useful for
short-term traders who
would use ticks to make
the price-time square on
intraday data.

Dynamic Trader’s Time-Price Alert Routine

Anything that can be done geometrically can be done mathematically. Dynamic
Trader includes a Time-Price Alert routine that quickly alerts the trader to the
geometric and mathematical market position. Below is what the Time-Price Alert
showed for wheat on Oct. 22. The Time-Price alert compares swings of similar
degree for the price and time relationships.

The Time-Price Alert shows the exact ratio of the

swings chosen. The ratios become red when they
are either a direct hit or within 5% of the ratios
chosen. The alert would be red for a .618 hit if the
time or price hit was between .587 (95% x .618)
and .649 (105% x .618). This “within” percentage
may be set by the user depending on how precise he
or she desires the alert to be. Each wave position
(2,3,4,5 and G222) has its own set of ratios. When
ever just two swings are compared, the W.2:W.1
set is chosen as shown above.

Dynamic Traders Group, Inc. - - 520-797-3668

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DT Software Example - Nov. 1997
Time-Price Square and Time-Price Alert

The Time-Price Alert shows mathematically the same market position as the
Time-Price Square shows geometrically. Gann would have loved Dynamic
Trader’s Time-Price Alert Routine! Would you like to quickly be alerted
whenever a market is “squaring out in time and price?” You will be if you use
Dynamic Trader. Whether you want to do the geometric Time-Price Projection
Squares or use the Time-Price Alert, Dynamic Trader provides the user with
complete and unique time and price analysis tools and routines.

Price and Pattern At The Oct. 22 High

What was the price and pattern position of wheat when it reached the “Squaring of
Time and Price” at the Oct. 22 high as shown on the intraday chart below? Wheat
had entered the ideal price zone to complete a wave-5 top. The Oct. 22 high was
just a tick or so below the parallel channel and the Fib. Stoc-RSI (13,8,5) on the
intraday chart had reached an extreme (above 90%) and turned down. All factors
of time, price, pattern, geometry and volatility were in a position for wheat to
complete the swing up from the Oct. 2 low.
The chart below is a five bars per day chart. Although not real-time, Dynamic
Trader Version 2 is designed accommodate many intraday data format files
including Gentick, ASCII, Metastock, Trade Station, etc.

The Dynamic Trader Software and Trading Course, Version 1.1 is known
as providing the most complete approach to time, price and Elliott wave analysis
and trading strategies. Version 2 takes this approach a giant lead forward with

Dynamic Traders Group, Inc. - - 520-797-3668

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DT Software Example - Nov. 1997
Time-Price Square and Time-Price Alert

many new routines. All routines in Version 2 are designed for both daily and
intraday data.

Take advantage of the $300 discount through Dec. 1 for the complete
Dynamic Trader Software and Trading Course.

For comprehensive instruction on all aspects of time, price and pattern analysis
and trading strategies, get Robert Miner’s new book, Dynamic Trading. Whether
or not you are a Dynamic Trader Software owner, the new Dynamic Trading
book will teach you how to immediately put the Dynamic Trading approach into

Dynamic Traders Group, Inc. - - 520-797-3668

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