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Jack Wheatley, October 2019

Dear Parent or Guardians,

I am Jack Wheatley, your child’s 5th Grade Social Studies Teacher at East Terrell Hills Elementary
School. After twenty-five years in business and construction, I recently completed my
Alternative Teaching Certification in Social Studies – and Special Education - Grades 4-8.
Teaching has always been my life-time passion; and I am thrilled beyond belief to have this
opportunity to be in the classroom at such an incredible school, and with exceptionally talented
students such as yours. It is going to be an exciting year for us!

I believe that the teaching and understanding of Social Studies, which includes History,
Government, and Geography is enhanced by group activities and participation through group
presentations and classroom discussions. In order for this to occur, students must feel safe in
their classroom environment; and social anxiety and fear must be eliminated particularly within
their work/study groups. Friendship, relationship, and acceptance must be established, and
until students feel safe from ridicule and rejection, learning cannot take place.

In order to accomplish this, the following procedures will be performed and expected daily:

1. Engage: I will be at the classroom door each and every day to greet your child by name
and welcome them enthusiastically and supportively to class. It is a new day!
2. X-plore: When students enter the classroom they will immediately and quietly go to
their designated work tables, and write in their Process Journal a personal reflection
about the question on the classroom white board.
3. Communicate: To build upon an element of trust, a Class Social Contract will be in place.
This is a document developed by the class in which they make the rules – what is
acceptable and what is not, as well as the consequences. We will recommit to it daily!

Expectations: I know that you will be interested in knowing what is expected of your child
when it comes to the completion of classroom assignments, my grading policies, and how to
contact me if you have any questions or concerns. These guidelines will be written and sent
home to you within this first week of school. Please review and acknowledge that you have
received them by having your child return it signed, no later than next week. I first wanted to
communicate; however, the essential procedures and practices that have been designed to
help your child succeed academically.

If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please contact the school office and leave a
message, and I assure you that I will respond to your call within twenty-four hours. We are
going to have an exciting year. I look forward to meeting and communicating with you; as we
will help your child succeed, together.

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