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VISITORS FROM LANULOS LI Plan of Star Ship (mother ship) of Lanulos. “ VISITORS FROM LANULOS : As Related By Woodrow W. Derenberger To The Author _ 6 HAROLD W. HUBBARD \\ VANTAGE PRESS New York WASHINGTON — Hottywoop ales o> OH7 I would like to dedicate this book to UFORD, of Sebring, : Ohio, and to all UFO organizations throughout the world. ‘To the dedicated research teams, the scientific and ana- lytical study groups, and of course NASA's Aero Space Center. It was just such dedication as this, that made this book possible, so—as we may have a greater intelligent and mutual ‘understanding between your world and mine. Harold W. Hubbard FIRST EDITION All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form Copyright, © 1971, by Harold W. Hubbard Published by Vantage Press, Inc. 516 West 34th Street, New York, N. ¥. 10001 ‘Manufactured in the United States of America 2 FOREWORD Early in November 1966, two construction workers were driving south from Marietta, Ohio, heading for their homes near Point Pleasant, West Virginia, when a strange flying contraption appeared over the highway and settled in front of their car. A man in glistening coveralls stepped from the ‘object, walked over to the astounded men and engaged them briefly in a seemingly pointless conversation, He wanted to know where they were from, who they were and where they were going. He did not volunteer any information about himself, and the startled pair were too taken aback to ask questions. After exchanging a few words, the man re- (urned to the object and it ascended quietly into the night sky and disappeared. The two men talked the whole thing ‘over and decided to keep their mouths shut because they feared no one would believe them anyway. ‘A month earlier, two 16-year old boys in Elizabeth, New Jersey, allegedly saw a large man in shiny coveralls standing behind a high wire fence paralleling the New Jersey Turnpike. That same night there were some excellent jow-level UFO sightings around the Wanaque Reservoir, 4 few miles north of Elizabeth. I interviewed the boys carefully and separately. They both told the same story and the details... too complex to outline here...seemed to rule out any ordinary explana- tion. Later, during one of my frequent trips to West Virginia, 1 talked with the construction workers. They were re- Iuetant to discuss their strange adventure and insisted they didn’t want to get involved”. ‘The bizarre story of Woodrow Derenberger’s encounter » with a man in “shiny trousers” and a black coat on the vii ? > rainy night of November 2, 1966, was widely publicized. But I did not have an opportunity to meet Mr. Derenberger personally until about three months later. By that time he was making additional claims of repeated visits from men who presumably piloted “flying saucers.” When I first visited his rural home near Mineral Wells, W. Va., I half expected to find a wild-eyed kook spouting pseudo-science and sophomoric philosophies. Instead, he turned out to be a gentle, robust man with close-cropped sandy hair and deep blue eyes. His sincerity was obvious and he had a fine reputation for honesty, He did not try to give me a “‘con- tactee” sales talk, but merely tried to present the “facts” as he knew them, I have had considerable experience with UFO witnesses and “contactee” claimants and have de- veloped a set of rather tricky questions which I use to cross-check their stories. I was somewhat amazed when Mr. Derenberger was able to relate certain details common to many “contactee” stories; even those details that have never been published and are unknown even to the hard core UFO. buffs. On that first night in Mineral Wells, a group of us gathered behind the Derenberger home and watched a series of small globs of bluish light flitting mysteriously a few feet above the ground in a nearby field. He claimed the lights were being controlled by “Indrid Cold” but I wasn't ready to buy that. I ventured alone into the field and discovered two interesting “facts.” First, the field was surrounded by an electric fence (ouch!); secondly, a rather nasty bull had taken up residence there. I got shocked, hurtled headlong into a large puddle of mud, and was then chased by the bull. I was a bit too busy to really discover the source of those lights. They might have been distant automobile headlights filtering through the threes... even though they seemed to be in the field itself. We'll never know. West Virginia experienced a monumental but little- Publicized UFO “flap” throughout 1966-67. Thousands of viii witnesses all over the state claimed to be seeing eerie lights and strange circular flying machines in their skies. I, my- self, saw several of these things during my wanderings about the state, There is no doubt that something very unusual was happening there. Other “contactees” appeared in other areas of the state, all making claims similar to Mr. Deren- berger's, and most of them were able to provide those “secret” unpublished details. Even the psychiatrist who was mong the first to examine Mr. Derenberger later claimed a “contactee” experience. H During cone of my first interviews with him, Woody told an incredible story of how he had been flown to Lanulos and he described some unbelievable facets of life on that unknown planet. Later, I was to hear these same incredible details from other “contactees” in other states even though the full Derenberger story has not been published until now. : There are many who will scoff at this book and reject it entirely, Woodrow Derenberger will be called a liar, a charlatan, a psychopath and many other unpleasant things. He has already suffered considerable ri icule and condem- nation, even from those who believe in “flying saucers” but do not wish to believe that someone is actually riding around in them, I cannot endorse his story but I do feel I know the man well enough to give him a character reference. The important thing is that he seems to be telling the truth as he knows it. He sincerely believes that these things happened to him. And he is willing to expose himself to ridicule and condemnation in order to make himself heard. e * I know for an absolute fact that by taking a public posi- tion on all this, Woody has suffered a great deal. Speaking out has cost him dearly and he has made no money from it. insistence on relating these experiences and em. broiling himself in controversy has led him to the brink of bankruptey. This is a man of exceptional courage. And it has taken a great deal of courage for him to continue at all. Woodrow Derenberger could have kept his mouth shut, ix as so many others have done. He did not have to try to speak out. In the past two years I have traveled to twenty states, investigating UFO incidents, and I have uncovered many “silent contactees” who refused to allow their names to be printed and who preferred to keep their alleged ex- periences to themselves. The organized UFO buffs have been ignoring these people for years, and some of the organiza- tions have even been working to further ridicule and dis- credit those few who have had the guts to tell their stories. It is time for us to listen to these people. No matter how bizarre their tales may be, no matter how emotionally unacceptable their accounts are, it stands to reason that if “flying saucers” do exist then there is a chance —an excel- lent one —that one of these “crackpots” is really telling us the truth. Woodrow Derenberger may or may not be that one. But he at least deserves a hearing. His story should be carefully compared and correlated with other stories of this type. We should base our assessments of the “contactecs” not on credibility but upon a careful appraisal of claimed facts and details which tend to appear again and again in such accounts. Logic and systematic study must replace belief. In my initial interview with Woody, he stated that “Indrid Cold had told him that Lanulos was in “the constellation of Ganymede.” Completely unknown to Woody, and even unknown to most American UFO buffs, a group of “contactees” in Mexico claimed they were taken to some place in “Ganymede” in 1965. More recently, there has been a massive rash of “contacts” in South America in 1968, although few of these stories have yet been published in American journals, In a number of these new South Ameri- can cases the witnesses have said that the UFO occupants claimed to be from “Ganymede.” It is a remarkable co- icidence that so many “contactees” are beginning to talk about Jupiter's moon (which is what Ganymede is), par- ticularly since these stories are not being widely circulated. Are all of these people insane? I have talked to “con. x claimants who are doctors, lawyers, newspapermen, pol ice officers and ‘pilots, Woody has a fot of company: fane, reputable people. Pethaps we are the ones who have tjgen insane for ignoring them for so long. Strange, une believable things are now happening to people all over the world, By listening to the handful of courageous ones li Woodrow Derenberger, we may at last gain some real in- sight into what is really behind the UFO phenomenon. T'm not asking you to believe any of it. But Tam asking You to listen to what he has to say, Incredible though it Inay seem, it is very possible that these very same things could happen to you tomorrow. John A. Keel ‘October 12, 1968 New York City xi CONTENTS chapter 16 9 a 20 Foreword by John A. Keel Stopped on the Highway Second Contact Investigated Indrid Visits My Home My First Trip Aboard Ship ‘The Planet Lanulos Lanulos and the People Humanoids ‘A Continent and a Spaceship Humor Effects of Visit Trip to Venus New England Coast Tour Contactees y Where's the Proof? Organized Resistance Sightings at Home and Abroad $500,000 for Nothing The Government Interested 108 VISITORS FROM LANULOS \r ow x e DOM rn Vee Wie G t Q $O-2D¢ ¥Il Intergalactic Alphabet Cuaprer 1 STOPPED ON THE HIGHWAY It was a cold and rainy evening on November 2, 1966, approximately 7:00 pm, On this date, I was driving my Yord Econovan down Interstate Highway 1-77, coming from Marietta, Ohio, to my home in Mineral Wells, West Vir- yinia. I was driving up a long hill, at about 50 mph. My fwuck was loaded with stereos and sewing machines. One fof the sewing machines fell off the top of a stereo causing je to turn on my dome lights to see what had fallen. At this time I noticed a car coming up the highway behind uo, and he blinked his lights to pass. I kept on at the same vate of speed, and the car passed me. Directly behind this (ar, about 50 fect, this ship, as I have come to call it, came lip beside my truck, and at first, I thought it to be another far, Then I noticed that it had no lights. I then turned my jiead and glanced at it and saw that it was something that 1 hud never seen before. |At this time I was not frightened. Then it pulled a little head of me and turned crosswise on the highway and siaried slowing down, To keep from hitting this object, I slowed my truck and pulled off the highway to the right nto the shoulder so that I could go around it, but it com- ly blocked the road from shoulder to shoulder. It kept slowing down until it came to a complete stop, as I also lid, not more than 8 to 10 feet from it. As soon as it stopped, 4 door opened and a man stepped out. Immediately as he stepped to the ground, I received a jnesuge to roll my window down on the opposite side of Wy truck. I heard no andible voice, but I somehow knew 7 what the man had asked of me. I leaned across the truck and rolled down the window. The man then walked up fo the side of my truck and stood very close to the door and said that he would like to speak to me. He asked me hot to be frightened, and then asked my name. I was so frightened by this time that I could not answer him. He told me I could either think or speak verbally, whichever ‘was easier for me. He said his name was Gold. He then asked me if I worked for a living and if I had to—I told him yes, that T was a salesman. He then said that he was a “searcher.” He again repeated that I should not be frightened, that he wished me no harm, only happiness. He had a very pleasant smile on his face and his arms were folded, with his hands tucked under his armpits. He asked me what the lights in the distance were, and although he did not point, 1 knew the direction about which he was inquiring. 1 told him it was Parkersburg, a city. He asked me if all the people lived there, and I told him it was a place of business and of trade, and that most of the people lived in outlying arcas or the suburbs. He told me that a place of this kind where he was from was called a “gathering.” He then said, “Mr. Derenberger, look at me. I am the same as you are —I sleep, breathe and bleed even as you do.” Although he was not speaking verbally to me, I could well Understand every word he was saying. I felt no pain of any Kind, my truck was running smoothly. Both of my head. lights were on and also the dome lights in my truck. After the man stepped from the ship, it rose off the ground and hovered from 50 to 100 feet above my truck during the duration of our conversation. As he walked in front of my truck, T could see him very plainly in the headlights of my truck. He had a very pleasant appearance. He was approxi- mately 5°10” or 11” tall and weighed approximately 180 to 185 pounds. His hair was very dark and thick, and combed straight back over his head. He seemed to have a very good tan. He looked normal in every way and was 18 A i i hanged at times. friendly. ‘The expression on his face changed at Bie then asked me why 1 vas to’ frightened, and/asid that is country was not nearly as powerful as ours. He also told me to report this incident to our local officials, and at a liter date he would confirm my story. He then said that he Would meet with me again. I talked with him approximately 10 minutes. I did not sce him give any kind of sign, ie the ship descended, and settled directly beside my truck. Beige ich wali io on cee ee ther form reaching ‘The door opened and 1 could see anot BE i chose he door, ae’ to possibly help Mr. Cold into the ship. The ship then left and went straight up, making sort of fluttering sound. . for home. I do not exactly remember driving home. I think ‘it this time 1 was in a complete state of shock. When I got home, I immediately asked my wife to come to the kitchen, fund we sat down at the table. She could see the state I was 4 the first question she asked was “Did you have an ident that has killed someone?” I assured her that noth- ing of that sort had happened, and then told her of my experience, It startled her very much at first; then she suggested we phone the police. I thought I had settled down hy then, but after I got them on the telephone, 1 began Baking wncontrollaby, and my voice quivered so that she (ook the phone from me and related my story to them. When she had done this the police asked her to bang up Bie telephone and that they would call her back shordy Th about ten minutes they did call, asking my wife i Was nervous and frightened or if she thought T needed a doctor. She told them that I was still nervous but that I Id settled down considerably and did not need a doctor. He then told her that I should not be frightened because they had received reports from two other men who had een stopped in the same way on the same highway that ight ‘ After we had talked to the police, we sat and talked of 19 what I had experienced. I tried to explain to her the feel- ings or emotions that I was still feeling. I don’t think that I was frightened, for at no time did I feel that I was in danger. It was more shock that I felt at being stopped so unexpectedly and the sight of their craft, Also hearing or feeling this man speak to me without audible sound and even at that time, I realized that I was experiencing telepa- thy, for I knew he was getting my thoughts as they formed in my mind. ‘The longer my wife and I talked, the calmer I became and could understand what had happened. Although I could not speak aloud, this man at all times seemed very friendly, and gave me no feeling of fear at all. 1 soon realized that my shock at secing their craft so unexpectedly and experiencing telepathy, was really what had so upset me. By $:00 a.m., I was over my nervousness and was able to go to bed and sleep soundly, although my wife later told me she had not slept at all. When I awakened the next morning, the first thing that came to mind was the picture of the huge ship that had stopped me the night before. I could see it as plainly in my memory, as though I was still looking at it. The ship seemed to be 45 to 60 feet long. ‘The height at the highest part of the ship was hard to determine —it seemed to have been from 12 to 20 feet high. The nearest I can explain the ship is to say it resembled an old fashioned kerosene lamp chim- ney, flaring at both ends, narrowing down to a small neck and then enlarging in a great bulge in the center. It was a dark charcoal grey colored object that glistened in the rain as my headlights shined on it. The only opening that 1 could see was the door from which Mr. Cold emerged. ‘There were no lights of any kind and the only sound was a soft fluttering noise that was continuous when the ship was near me, Cuaprer 2 SECOND CONTACT At 8:00 am., November 3, 1966, I left home for work as usual. I was still very much excited about the experience that had happened to me, and my employer soon asked me what was wrong. I felt I just had to tell someone else about it, so I told him everything that had happened. He first laughed at me but soon realized that I was very much in earnest. He did believe my story and later talked to the people from space himself. er horly ater 10:00 asn., Glen Wilson, the producer from WTAP-TV in Parkersburg, W. Va, came to the store where I was working and asked me if I would be willing to tell my story to the public. Without giving much thought to the publicity that would follow my interview on TV, 1 agreed to go on the air that same afternoon. At 2:30 p.m., November 3, I did go to the TV station and was met by the station personnel as well as Larry Murphy from the Parkersburg News, Sgt. Plum — City Police, Sgt. Vandeven- Ader ~ State Police, a reporter from the Parkersburg Sentinel, nn Air Force Sergeant and several other people that I did hot know. They asked me questions that lasted from 2:30 pan. until after 6:00 p.m. I explained everything just as it happened in complete detail and then each man, in turn, Would question me. During this day of November 8, reports of seeing the same ship on the night before were coming into the city and state police as well as the radio and TV stations. One family, Mrs. Frank Huggins and her son, i nd daughter, Susan, stopped their car and watched the ship very shortly after T had left the spot where the ship 21 had stopped me, They watched it for about five minutes until it left, going toward the city of Parkersburg. Another boy, driving on the same highway, had the shocking ex: perience of having the ship hover over his car and shine a brilliane white light on him. He left very quickly and re- ported it to the police. Two truck drivers were stopped on the same highway by the same ship on the same night, but would not give their names for publication, although they did report it to the police. These two men did, however, later reveal their story to John Keel, a wellknown writer from New York. When I left the TV station shortly after 6:30 pm., I went directly home where I was met by several friends, as well as a large crowd of people I had never scen. They all wanted me to tell my story again. I met several who told me they had seen the ship sometime after 8:00 p.m., in the same area that it had stopped me. I talked to these people until 2:30 a.m., when I had to ask them to leave, as 1 had to work the next day, And this day, the 4th of November, was another day that I will never forget, for I had my second contact with Indrid Cold. This contact, however, was completely through mental telepathy. I was on my way home from Pomeroy, Ohio, and a friend of mine was riding with me. We were ng south on Highway 7 toward Parkersburg, when a slight tingling sensation began around my forehead. Very quickly, I knew that Mr. Cold was trying to talk to me. T did not want to receive him, but the sensation persisted, and I finally answered him. The gentleman riding with me knew that something was going on, as he later told me that he also had some sort of feeling but didn't know what it was. Mr. Cold then told me to slow down and drive very carefully, that huis ship was directly over my truck and they were following me. He told me that the first time he had contacted me, he had only asked me questions to calm me and settle my fears. At this second contact I was not fright. ened and he asked me repeatedly to drive very carefully. T 22 Ind a feeling that 1 cannot explain. ‘The feeling was in fy head, not pain, but as though I was hearing my own Voice with his words, This is very hard to explain because previous to this, I knew nothing of mental telepathy. Mr. Cold told me he was from a planet called Lanulos. He said that it was located close to the galaxy of Ganymede, ilthough I have since come to believe that Mr. Cold gave Mie the wrong location for their own safety. He told me that his planet was practically the same as ours, that they we woods, fields and streams and oceans as we do. He flso said that he had taken samples of our vegetation and Also some of our animals, and with very few exceptions these Were the same as they have. He also told me that he was married, that he had two sons aged 8 and 11, and that his Wife's name was Kimi. Since the previous time, a baby girl has been born to them — they named her Kimilis. d Mr. Cold also said that their time was not exactly like ours, They have three seasons — planting, harvesting and cold. He said that his people had a life expectancy of 125 (0 175 of our years. At this time he told me his first name was Indrid, and that he was getting ready to break contact, and that I would reesive a severe shock to prepare myself for it. 1 was listening very intently to every word he said, and had begun to think of questions to ask him, when he jold me he was leaving, Dies novek eee et eeeeen arated, I had | small throbbing pain in my right temple, which lee shortly. I decided not to tell anyone, however, I did revea this to NIGAP at the next meeting they had with me. After my television interview, my story was picked up by the local news media as well as by UPI and API which spread my story all over the world. The telephone rang constantly — we were not even able to have a peaceful meal. We received calls from Washington, New York, California, Texas, and letters from all over the world. People were coming from all over to our house to watch for ships. They would even come as early as 5:00 p.m, eat their dinner of 23 sandwiches and coffee in their cars and sit for hours watch- ing. As much of my sales work was done in the evenings, my wife and children were left alone almost every evening. Marjorie was quite frightened of the ships, but was more upset and frightened by the crowds of people that would gather in our yard. Every night there would be as many as 25 to 30 strangers come to our door after I would come home from work which would sometimes be quite late. We tried to be patient with them, inviting them in to talk, while my wife served coffee by the gallons and cookies, quite often talking until 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. We let this get completely out of hand, turning no one away that was actually in- terested in my story, until one night 1 came home from work very late and there were so many cars parked on the road —as far as you could see — and our yard was also parked full of cars, so that we had to call the police to clear the people from our yard. We estimated about 150 people. The police did come and clear the people, but most of them returned when the police were gone. During those fitst few months, we were never able to get to bed before 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. Our son Greg, 7, was given a very hard time at school. ‘The children called his daddy a liar. They became so cruel that my wife finally went to the school and talked with his teachers. This helped only slightly. Greg became very nervous, as did our daughter, Taunia, 4. They wouldn't g0 to bed because they were so afraid of all the voices they could hear outside. This eventually led them both to having nightmares and screaming during the night. Being a salesman on commission, my work slowed down. to a standstill. 1 was recognized everywhere I went. People would call, pretending to be interested in buying merchan- dise, and I would drive many times 40 miles or more to sell, only to find that they only wanted to see and talk to me about UFO's. Naturally, our finances dropped to noth- ing as we had but very little money coming in. We dug into our savings and when it dwindled down to nothing, we had 24 to move. We sold most of our furniture and moved into a summer cabin that belonged to my wife's family. We did mnanage to hide from the public for about one month. "Then it started again, our home was now on the banks of the little Kanawha River, and the crowds found us when several UFO's were sighted over the river directly behind uur house. The Parkersburg papers carried the story of the sighting, and people started coming there and found out Where we lived. The story circulated around that the ships were coming to see me and this really got the crowds coming = they got so bad that it was impossible for me to work. We moved again, to Vienna, W. Va., right in the middle of town. We felt we were safe there, until we were visited by a TV crew from Germany who wanted to make a TV docu- inentary about our experience. They talked to several people who backed up my story with their eye witness reports of seeing the space ships while visiting with me. After this, we had to move again. This time we moved to Cleveland n the heart of town, where at the time of this writing, \we are virtually unknown, except by a few very close friends. Cuarrer 3 INVESTIGATED Shortly after Christmas, I received a visit from Captain Bruce Parsons of the Cocoa Beach, Florida, Police Depart: ment, formerly the Police Chief of Parkersburg, who said he was also a security guard for National Acronautical Space Agate Be listened to my story and then invited me and my family to visit Cocoa Beach, and tell my stor head of NASA. At this time we were hing vaied esse night by so many people that we were glad to go away for a while for a rest and a vacation. We stayed at Cocoa Beach for one week, and were escorted on a tour of the complete Cape Kennedy Base, while we were there. __ During that time, I told my story to a man who was introduced to me simply as Charley, the head man of NASA. I was interrogated every night for five days, and after listen- ing to my story several times, I was told that I had told them nothing that they did not already know. I am almost sure that they knew of the planet of which I had told them. Several other people had told them of the same kind of experience. I asked them why they would not release this to the public, and was told if they did it would cause a panic— women would commit suicide, throw babies out of windows, jump under trains, etc., and that this kind of panic could sweep across the whole world. I did not agree with them then, and I still don't. What their reasons were for covering up their investigations, I don't know, nor can I think of any valid reason for doing so. Several weeks after Thad been there, a Mr. Harold Salkin of Space Age Com- 26 munications, Inc., tried to confirm my visit there with Bruce Parsons and what I had told him. They would tell him nothing, except that I had been there. NICAP also inyestigated my story, sending a team or sub-committee from Pittsburgh, Pa., consisting of six men under the supervision of a Mr. William Weitzel and a Mr. Kevin Dee, of Belpre, Ohio. They questioned dozens of people who told them of seeing the same ship that I had, fon the same night, in the same general location; yet they made no release of the story for several months — then they played it down as much as they could, T also received questionnaires through the mail from the Air Force. I never heard from them again. I have talked to several other people who got the same treatment from NASA, NICAP and the Air Force. They are thoroughly investigated, then dropped. NICAP even hired Dr. Jenkins, a well known local psychiatrist to examine me to see if my brain had ever been damaged, or if I suffered from epilepsy. They gave me an EEG test also, yet when the test results came back from the clinic, they were negative proving I was perfectly and sound. ‘They refused to release the test results to the public. One of the NIGAP members even told me not to talk to anyone except NIGAP. I told them I would talk to whom I pleased. They were very angry and would not talk to me again. ‘On a recent trip to New York from Washington, D.C. several ships were seen by Harold Salkin, my wife and my- self, We stopped the car and reported to the Air Force and several newspapers telling them exactly where to look — they would not print it. Yet a few days later, the Air Force ex- plained it was a Russian Satellite breaking up. All I can say about that stupid explanation is, it followed us for 100 miles along the highway and was still going strong as it passed over New York City. Many people saw and reported the sightings of UFO's over the United Nations building, and hundreds have re- ported sightings of UFO's over Washington, D.C., yet the 27 Air Force and NICAP would make absurd explanations of what they were— everything from weather balloons to satel- lites or meteors. Kither they are ignorant or they think the general public is. Some of our greatest scientists admit there is something up there, piloted by intelligent beings. Many people have stood in my back yard watching the space people, ‘who have become my friends, land their ships and talk to me, Among these people are Bob LaLonde from Cleveland, the Dexter family from Parkersburg, and many others. What I can't understand is why every investigative branch of UFO research seems reluctant to talk to people who have been contacted by space people. I know there are a lot of false “contactees,” yet if half the time were spent on the contactees, as there is on sightings, they could weed out the fakes, and get a lot of true facts from them. I personally know of a young man from Washington, D.C., who was taken to the planet Lanulos. 1 was on a “talk” radio program in Washington, telling my story and answering questions from the listening audi- ence who were calling in. A young man by the name of Ed Bailey called in, and on the air told me that he was glad to hear my story because he too had been to Lanulos. He gave his phone number to the producer of the show and aft the show I called him and made an appointment to visit and talk with him. When I did visit him, I also took John. Keel, a New York writer, and Harold Salkin of Space Age Communications, Inc., and publisher of The Little Listen- ing Post. On the way to his apartment, Harold Salkin asked me if there was any way I could prove this man's story was not a fake. I told them if the young man described a certain flying pleasure craft resembling a “magic carpet” or a fly- ing sled, that we would know he was telling the truth and not just making up a story from what he had heard. I had never mentioned the machine in public or even to my friends previous to this. The young man was a senior in college and lived there with three other men to whom he 28 had related his story, knowing they would keep his confi- dence —he didn’t even tell his family. These three young men didn’t believe his story until they heard me on the radio. ‘As we entered his apartment, we viewed a very com- fortable home atmosphere with the young men appearing to be very neat, clean and seriousminded college students who didn't even have a television, which they felt would interfere with their studying. During the two hours we in- terviewed Ed, his roommates were busy with their studies on the table in the adjacent dining room. y Ed said he had been stopped on the highway in the same manner that I had, and was later contacted in a restaurant where he was working as a part-time waiter to help pay his college expenses. One night after he had quit work, he was dropped off in front of his apartment by a fellow employee. Another car drove up, and the man that he had talked with previously, called “Vadig,” asked him to get in the car. He then asked Ed if he would like to go for a ride on a ship. Ed agreed to go and was taken to Lanulos, He described the landscape, the Eee e also the flying sleds. The things he saw w« eyenet aaa the Air Force, NICAP, CIA and Project Blue Book withhold all of the evidence of different people describing these planets in the same way, which would prove these “‘contactees” have been contacted. As far as their saying we are not ready to accept a people from another world, or that it would cause panic, is a lot of bunk, far harder to swallow than the true facts, as they have them. ‘The radio signals that are being picked up from Il over the world at the time of this writing, were ex- plained at first, as exploding stars or sun novas, or anything to fool the public. But now at last the scientists all over the world are admitting that the signals are from some intelligent life, from some other world. Before long they will have to {cll all they know, or the people from space will tell us them- selves, for they will eventually land among us and make 29 themselves known to us all. The United States or Russia have never sent an astronaut into space that have not seen and been seen by the space people from other worlds. Why doesn’t the Air Force admit it? Also there were pictures, taken on the moon by the U.S. Satellite, that were never released — why? Is it because the Air Force thinks we would panic if we all saw what they see. After all the different wars and trouble the people of our world have been shoved into, I don’t think we would panic at meeting a friendly people from another world. If the Air Force, CIA, Project Blue Book, and all the other responsible investigative groups had released their findings in the beginning, all the confu- sion resulting from flying saucers would never have hap- pened; but from the very beginning the Air Force and GIA have tried to suppress the true story. ‘The Air Force even tried to suppress a science fiction story as far back as 1958, by author Ray Palmer in Amazing Stories. They obvionsly thonght it was too close to the truth. The story later came out in Fate magazine and they have tried to stop his writing ever since. In August of 1967, while I was still manager of an appliance store in Parkers. burg, W. Va., I was visited by two men, dressed entirely in black, who warned me to stop talking so much about fly- ing saucers. They would not identify themselves, but just said they had authority to stop me, My personal opinion is that these, and all the “men in black” are from the Mafia. 1 am still talking and will continue to do so, until the space people land and make themselves known to every one of our people. On a recent tip to Westford, Mass., we were visiting some friends, Mrs, Adele Darrah and family. While stand- ing in their back yard, Mrs. Darrah, her son David, Harold Salkin, my wife and I, counted six space ships at one time. We called the local paper, told them to send a man out to where we were, or just go out and look. They wouldn't print it. Why do the newspapers have orders from the Air Force or GIA to keep quiet about UFO's or to play them 30 down as much as possible? We will find out before too long. ‘As far as proof that NICAP and the Air Force will not release all of their investigations, the following is the re- port made by Dr. Jenkins to NIGAP, which they absolutely refused to release to the public: ‘In the carly part of December 1966, on a Tuesday evening, shortly after Mr. Derenberger had been contacted by Mr. Gold, I arranged to have an clectro-encephalogram performed at the St. Joseph's Hospital in Parkersburg, W. Va. The examination took approximately 1 to 114 hours. Present at the time were Mr. Keven Dee, investigator for NICAP, Mr. Pete Volardi, the EEG technician and myself, Dr. Jenkins. The EEG record, as we looked the record over superficially at that time, was negative. The only indica- tion of any change on the record was not abnormal and was during a time when Mr. Derenberger was in contact with Mr. Cold, and this was characterized by electrical in- dications of increased concentration on Mr. Derenberger’s part. There was no evidences of abnormalities at all. Sub- sequently, a report and interpretation was obtained from Baltimore, and the report indicated no abnormalities at all and was a perfectly normal clectroencephalogram. There was no evidence of organic brain damage or of seizure dis. orders. We were particularly concerned about epilepsy and there was no evidence of this. The record was a normal record with no indication of any central nervous system pathology at all. There was no evidence of any psychiatric disorders at all. Also as a part of the examination, I sub- mnitted a report to the Pittsburgh Sub-Committee of NICAP, Of the psychiatric examination of Mr. Derenberger in which J sated that T could find no evidence of mental disorder. ‘There was no indication of any lower pathology. 1 found Mr. Derenberger to be normal.” i Cuarrer 4 INDRID VISITS MY HOME One night, while still living at Mineral Wells, I came home very late from work. It was very cold and the usual crowd of watchers had left. I parked my truck by the side of the house, and as soon as I opened the door of my truck, 1 heard Indrid Gold say, “Don’t be frightened, Woody, it is Indrid and my friend Karl.” They were waiting for me on my back porch. I invited them into the house, but they refused, saying that they didn’t want to awaken my family, or frighten them. Although it was very cold, we sat on the porch and talked for approximately two hours. They talked of their home and how they lived. They told me they had never had any kind of war in their world, and that they could not understand the word “hate.” They are taught from childhood that all people are brothers and sisters and it doesn’t matter where they are from, or who they are, or what color; they are still God’s children and so they are one family in God. They believe there is only one God who is the creator of all the worlds and life. They believe that God loves one as much as the other, and that in God's love, there is no discrimination, They truly live in the belief that every man is equal. They believe that man’s sole purpose on any world is to Serve God and to help one an- other. There is only one denomination of faith on their planet and they simply call themselves God's children, Indrid told me they were not superior to our own intelli- gence here on this earth, only in the sense that they have learned to serve God and to live together with love and understanding, and that their space flight was simply due 82 to a longer study of space research. They have spent hun- dreds of years conquering gravity and the knowledge of bending distance and space. I tried to tell him of our way of life; it seems so much more complicated than theirs. I told him of our different religious beliefs, which baffled him completely. I couldn't explain it to them, for I am baffled too. When I finished tclling him of all our different beliefs and our unbelievers, he was really mixed up, but as he said, “I am not a super n,” 1 can understand why he can't understand our re- igion. 1 also could not tell him why we have wars, why we can't get along with our own neighbors, let alone try to explain why we can’t live in peace with different parts of our world, thousands of miles away. I became so confused trying to explain it all that I asked him to tell me why we live in fear and hatred. He told me it was the inability to communicate with each other—that words alone are not enough; we have to show each other we are concerned about one another. He said that if the people on our world had telepathy, we could understand each other better. We have all had thoughts that we could not put into words, or said some- thing that was taken differently than the way we meant it. He also said that everyone on this earth has the ability to telepathy, we have just never learned to use it. We ‘an learn it because it's easily taught and some of our people already have it. Even though I had been using telepathy, I still did not understand it completely, so 1 asked Indrid to explain it to me. After he had done so, I did understand it, but it is still hard for me to put into words, although I will try. Mental telepathy or thought transference, as they call it, is very simple. It is merely the ability to release your thoughts and to do this, you have to trust the person or persons you re talking to, for you actually open your mind to let the 38 other person look into it. You just think what you want them to know, and the thoughts are transferred into the other person’s mind. Indrid told me that the impulses from a person's mind are stronger than any radio signal known, but you haye to know how to direct them and control them, You, also as the receiver, have to know how to relax your mind and let the thought or words form in your own mind, It does sound hard to understand, but it docs work, for with them I can communicate as easily as I can speak Eng- lish. T have met two people here on earth that I have, to a certain degree, learned to receive their thoughts. You cannot force your thoughts on another person; they have to be released and flow out. You have to learn how to re- lease and relax your mind, and this is done by mind exer- cise. They have taught me how to do this; it was easy and I learned to do it quickly. I believe everyone here on earth could learn just as easily. No matter who you are or what you are, no one can read your mind, without your consent. Without the full cooperation of both parties, mental telepathy or thought transference is absolutely impossible. Nobody, including these people from space, can read your mind without your help and consent. If everyone here on earth could use telepathy, it would be easy to see there would be complete understanding between everyone. This in itself would stop wars and hatred, for once you can learn to understand a person, you can learn to love them. ‘Transmitting your: thoughts is easy once you know how —it is almost like day dreaming, completely relaxed, and just letting your thoughts _ drift to the one you are thinking of. The people from space: did not always have the ability to use telepathy. They have a legend of how their world was populated and how telepathy. came to them through God. | In the beginning, a space ship crash landed on Lanulos (supposedly from earth). ‘The space travelers (male and female) immediately started working to repair the ship, 34 They worked for several years trying to get the ship to fly. They began quarreling among themselves on how to repair the ship. They finally became so angry at one another that they started leaving the group with their families to make their own way. Finally, no one was left to repair the ship. ‘They were all trying to make a living at what we call farm- ing. These individual family groups began to get very lonely and realized the futility of the anger that had separated their party. “ ‘They began thinking more and more of their friends, wishing that they could talk to them but not knowing where they had settled, and being afraid to travel too far from their own home; all they could do was wish and think of their friends and hope to meet them some day again. ‘Their wishes to communicate with their friends became so intense that one time a man realized he was hearing the thoughts of a man whom he had been closely associated with. ‘Their thoughts eventually drew them together, Real- izing what their intense desires had accomplished for them, they gave thanks to God and concentrated on the other people of the party, and that was the beginning of mental telepathy. Reslting that God had given them the chance to come together again, they have devoted their learning of God's way and credit everything to God. This is the reason these people are reli Indrid told me that their world was guided by what they call the Guiding Council. The Council is comprised of rep- ves from the different worlds belonging to the Inter-Galactic Circle. Each planet elects their representatives, the number depending on the population of their world, nd are elected by popular vote by the people. This Inter-Galactic Circle is beneficial in that all planets receive the benefits of sharing in all new developments in the fields of Technology, Medicine, Engineering, etc. The Guiding Gonneil studies each world’s problems, no matter 35 What kind, and recommends the way to over They cannot use force of any kind in any way, bee bern of their ability to understand cach other, there is always a way to find the cause and cure of any problem. At the Tad of our talk on my back porch, he invited me to take a ride oon his ship —at this time I refused. T did walk back to thels ship with them, which was about one thousand yards bee hind say Posse in back ofa lange barn. I stood and watched ip, bid the 4 quickly disappear int the Ean See 36 Cnarrer 5 MY FIRST TRIP ABOARD SHIP Tivo days later, when I came home from work, about 10:30 or 11:00 p.m., I was again met by Indrid and Karl Ardo, and we sat out in the yard and talked for some time. When the men got ready to leave, I walked out to the ship with them, When I reached the ship, Indrid asked me if I would like to see the ship inside, I went aboard and was shown all through the ship, except the back compartment. When I was getting ready to leave the ship, I was standing just inside the door when I saw a small panel that was glowing with a pale blue light, about shoulder high to a man of my size—about six feet tall. I took my hand and cautiously laid it on the light to see what would happen. At the same time, the door shut very quickly with a solid thud. I do not know exactly what made me frightened, but when the door shut, I immediately thought, “Oh-Oh, they are going to take me up whether I want to go or not.” I forgot completely that Indrid and Karl would know what 1 was thinking. Indrid laughed and said, ‘No, not unless you want to.” I felt very foolish for letting them know my feelings, and they realized it because they Iaughed all the harder. I asked Indrid, “If you don’t intend to take me, why did the door shut?” He said, “I didn’t shut it, Woody, you shut it, T asked, “How does it operate?” He replied, “Touch the blue plate again. I touched the blue plate; the door immediately opened. 87 This is how they open and close the door on the ship. I realize now that on the first night I saw Indrid Cold, when they stopped me on Interstate 1-77, that when I said a man. reached out to close the door, it couldn't possibly have been so. It would be utterly impossible for any man to close one of these doors by hand —it is done some way by some kind of hydraulic power, I suppose. When I got off the ship, Indrid told me that soon, if I wanted to, I would be given a ride on one. 1 had always been afraid to get on board a ship, but now my fear was leaving me. After being on board, I wanted to try it again, 1 was coming back from Ravenswood, W. Va., towards Parkersburg, on Route 21, about 6:00 at night when I received a message from Indrid that if I wanted to take a ride on a ship, they were parked in a place where they were building a new highway just off the road I was travel- ing on. He told me he would tell me when I reached the place to turn off. When 1 reached this spot, I was directed to turn right, off the highway. I pulled up into a place that was being graded for the new toad. Indrid’s ship was sit- ting there. I parked my truck, locked the doors and entered. the ship. Indrid told me then, that any place on our earth that I wanted to go, he would take me. I do not know to this day why I said the Amazon Jungle; but that is what I said, and very shortly I found myself over the Amazon Jungle. I do not know how exactly to describe the feeling in the ship as it traveled —there was a continuous vibration in it. It made me slightly nauseated, and every time I travel on a ship, I get the same feeling. I asked Indrid about the vibration, and he told me that it was simply the uncontrolled power. They have become so accustomed to this vibration, it does not bother them. When we reached the Amazon Jungle, we slowed down the ship, and they opened the port holes or the windows in the ship. These windows have metal covers that slide over the glass windows. T could look out the windows, and 38. as I did, I could see that we were very low over the towns ind villages along the Amazon. I saw villages, people walk- ing, towns and streets. “We did not remain there very Jong, and when we left, we went directly upward to approximately 600 miles be- low the surface of the Moon, where we made contact with what I shall call the “mother ship.” Indrid called it the Flagship of Lanulos. Indrid’s ship went up dircetly under- neath this mother ship and went into a locking berth. There was a door in the top of Indrid’s ship that opened downward, ind one in the mother ship that opened upward. Through this door I made my entrance into the ship. ; 1 was taken directly to the Commander of the ship and was introduced to him and the people that served on this big ship; both men and women. This ship was huge — it was bigger than anything that I could imagine could fly in the air, Tt was as big as a football field, and approximately or nine stories high. I was taken through a great part ship, and was shown into the dining room, where I ate something comparable to our potatoes. They had a table that tesembled our green beans and I also ate some kind of meat that was called “Kautuma,” which tasted something like our wild deer. ‘ I was then taken within approximately fifty feet of the surface of the Moon. I saw huge craters on the Moon, and huge piles of rocky cliffs. I saw a huge bridge across a great If or gully that went into a big cavern or cave. I was told that there were space ships parked in this great cavern. After we had been there just a very short while, the ship's windows were sealed again, and Indrid told us we were going on another short trip. At this time, I was taken divectly to what we call Saturn. ‘This whole world was agri- cultural; I did not see any evidence of a factory of any kind. Indrid told me their machinery and equipment was all into them from other planets. I could see the rings of Saturn very plainly. T had read something of these rings but I did not know, or have any 39 idea what caused them. Now I know. The whole planet of Saturn is shaped like a big bowl with the people living inside it like in a valley. The rim of this so-called bowl is covered by ice, The rings of Saturn are simply rainbows that are caused by the sun shining on the ice. After we left Saturn, we went directly to Lanulos. I was never permitted, at any time on this first tip, to make a landing. But when we got to Lanulos, we were taken down. very close to the surface. So close, in fact, that I could see the people on the ground, and was able to wave to them, and they in turn waved back to me. I went over many cities, or “gatherings,” I saw huge fields and forests; I saw rivers and streams; I saw people by the hundreds walking on the streets; I saw farms with machinery being operated on the farms. I could see what I would call automobiles, yet they had no whecls and seemed to hover over the ground. We traveled for a great distance over Indrid’s home planet, Lanulos. He told me many things and showed me many interesting things, He told me that I could not land, because if I did, I would have to receive shots for decontamination and be immunized against germs and diseases; that I could carry germs and diseases to Lanulos, or take them from Lanulos back to ‘arth. He promised that later I would be taken to Lanulos and would land and could talk with the people and see how. they lived. Thad never met some of the people on the mother ship before, and I can tell you that some of them had never seen a man from Earth before. They were slightly fearful of me at the very beginning because they had heard so much about our planet and its warring times. Indrid had told them all about me and had told them a great deal of the history of Earth, and they were beginning to understand the people of Earth, Even though they had been to our planet and had investigated our planet and searched out many things, since 1947, they still could not understand our way of life. I could really and truly feel the love these 40 people had for me, 2 perfect stranger from Earth. Our people here on Earth somehow cannot understand or have the feelings of these people that love another people from another planet even though they are so far away. They are very much like us in every respect, except in our way of living with each other. These people treated me with ut- most friendliness. They told me at this time, as Indrid had told me before, that if I wished, I could take my family and move to Lanulos, Venus, Mars or any planet that I thought we would like to live on. I could go there and stay as long 1 wanted and could come back any time I wished. If I J go to this planet, [ would be given a position of some sort to earn a living for my family. We would be taught the ways of Lanulos and learn to live as they, and already my family is learning to love everybody the way Indrid’s people do. T honestly think that I have a truer, deeper understand- ing of my own people and everybody on Earth than I had two years ago. 41 Cuarrer 6 THE PLANET LANULOS _ On the 11th day of May, 1967, I was to go on a selli trip to Pomeroy, Ohio, about 85 miles ee Eaaenbion in this day, I made my second trip to the planet Lanulos. As I was going towards Pomeroy, I had almost reached the city when I received a message from Indrid Cold, tell- ing me where to meet him, that he wanted to take me some- place I went to a place that was about half-way between Recdsville, Ohio and ‘Tupper's Plains, Ohio. On this road, was told by Indrid Cold through mental telepathy where to drive my truck. When I reached the place, he told me his ship was already there and waiting for me. 1 was told that if I wanted to, I would be taken on the trip to Lanulos. vig, ist Planned to leave my truck where I had met the ship, but one of the men said that my truck was sure to be found, and someone would question why it would be left in such a lonely place. ‘The plan was then, that India’s iend, Clinnel, a man from the planet Ceranabus, would drive my truck back to Pomeroy, Ohio, and park it in th town itself, where it would draw no attention. ; _Clinnel did drive my truck back, and a woman by the name of Elvaine Kletaw drove a Volkswagen belongin; Glinnel. When 1 entered the ship, T met Indrid Cold. his wife Kimi, Karl Ardo— second in command, and two other eos whose names were Toni and Daryl— members of the ‘The trip was very rapid. I don't recal i ship was closed entirely and sealed — it made its own atmos: 42 phere, the air in the ship was very casy to breathe, and T could not tell much difference between it and our own Earth's atmosphere, 1 would say, although I did not look at my watch, that the entire trip from Earth to Lanulos did not take more than thirty minutes of our time. We went dixectly to the mother ship which took us to Lanulos. "As we neared the planet Lanulos, one of the men, Daryl, who was not exactly a doctor, but was rather what we would call a medic in the Air Force or the Army, gave me one shot in my right arm. I was taken to a room and stripped, and given some kind of antiseptic shower. It did not take Jong to get this preparation over with, but by the time it was over, we were entering the atmosphere of Lanulos. As we came down lower to where the ground of Lanulos as unfolding under us, I could see through the bottom of the ship, by means of a sort of port-hole that looked like a huge lens of optical glass. As we descended lower, they opened a huge metal door on the side of the ship, and a kind of platform or runway extended out about four feet from the doorway of the ship. There was a guardrail com- pletely around this platform, Indrid and his wife, and several people, including myself, went out on this platform. We were watching Lanulos come up to meet us, and I have never in all my life seen anything look so beautiful as the rolling hills and vast plains, the oceans and rivers of Lanulos. I saw one place that was called Kumyala or “the moun- tains of sand.” ‘This place looked to be nothing but pure sand for hundreds of miles. There were huge mountains, bigger than any that are recorded on Earth, and of pure sand. Indrid said. nothing lived in this place but small reptiles, or lizards, a8 we would call them. ‘The only water they had was the dew they found in morning or at night. When we landed, Indrid, Kimi, Karl Ardo and T left the ship together and went directly to Indrid’s home. He had a beautiful home that was made, as far as I could tell, of just ordinary brick like we have here on Earth. The front part of the house faced the east and was made completely 43 of glass. The sun, when it came up, shone directly on the front of Indrid’s home, and they had draperies they could completely draw over this side at night. As I walked into his home, I met his children. His oldest son who was 12 years old, was named “Conard.” He was a very handsome boy, well-built and very pleasant with a warm smile on his face. He was very excited at meeting an carthman for the first time, even though he had heard all about me from his father. The second son, “Coner,” was 9 years old and also was a ery nice young boy. They also had one daughter, five is old, a1 le Was Vel i shortly after Christmas. ee een In Indrid's home, I was taken first into the living room, Jt was furnished very tastefully in modern furniture, very much like the furniture you would see in our own homey on Earth. Then I was taken into the kitchen or dining room, which was combined. The cookstove looked like a large metal box. Any part of the top of it could be heated for cooking by pressing a button. Indrid said they use atomic power for heat, light and cooking. I was then shown through their bedrooms and their laundry room. This was the first thing that completely mys. tified me. There were hooks all over, suspended from the ceiling. Indrid’s wife, Kimi, told me that they merely hung the clothes that they wanted washed on these hooks, Thes they closed the door and turned on a spray that I would call a detergent spray, which really did soak the clothes in detergent. After they had been soaked with this spray for 20 long, ic automatically turned off and just the clear water was turned on, and they were rinsed thorough! You that they were clean clothes when they vere done Thee they were left in this room to dry, and were ready to wear when taken. out. Kimi said there was no ironing necessat sug. Indtid then took me on a tour of the “Gathering.” "The ‘Gatherings” were numbered and this one was Number 44 Twenty-Seven Gathering. As we walked out to the edge of the roadway where the sidewalks were located, 1 saw that they were all moving. There were two sidewalks running in opposite directions. We stepped on the sidewalk that went toward the center of the Gathering, We merely stood on this sidewalk and were carried quickly to the place where ted to go. The first stop we made was at a store, and I would say it was comparable to one of our biggest department stores. As we walked through the store, Indrid laughed and said I would not be able to do what I was planning to do. He took me by one hand, his wife, Kimi, took the other hand and they led me through the store. I could go as slowly or as fast as I wanted to, but I had no chance to pick anything up, and I can assure you I would have. I wanted to bring something with me, desperately, but I will tell you now, I received nothing. 1 saw all sorts of toys that were comparable to the toys that our own children play with. I saw the cooking stoves that I had seen at Indrid’s home. I saw games of all kinds, that were, of course, written and described in Lanulesian, and I could not read their writing well enough to tell what Twas seeing. When Indrid led me out of the store, I noticed the people were now beginning to travel more thickly on the sidewalks and were standing off the moving sidewalks, talk- ing in groups of two or three or larger. I was introduced to one group that had six people in it. The people on Lanulos are nudists, they wear no clothes in warm weather. I guess I looked very strange hecause I was the only one there that was completely dressed. ‘As the people saw me, some of them drew back and gazed at me as though they were very frightened of me. Indrid talked to them almost continuously, telling them all about me. He used telepathy and the Lanulesian language verbally in talking to the people. As he would talk verbally, w 45 I could not understand everything he would say, so he mostly talked with mental telepathy so that I could under- stand. ‘After he had explained to the people about me, some of them did come up and shake hands with me, and would tell me they were glad to meet me, but that I was not what they expected an Earthman to look like. After we had met several groups of people, and were met always by the same fear of me, we went into another store and a comfort station, or should I say, a restroom. Karl Ardo and Indrid went into the restroom with me, and asked me if I would disrobe, and walk out of the store with them. I have said before that on Lanulos I had never seen an overweight person, or one that was underweight. I was a little bit overweight and people looked at me, but not with the fear that they had before. I walked up to several groups of people, and was met by much kindness and friendliness. Indrid then had a chance to tell them that I was an Farthman, before they were frightened of me. I was then taken for one of them, and was treated very friendly by their people. One group of people that I met and talked to, were working on a lawn. They were raking the lawn, straightening a paling fence and painting it, the same as we do here on earth. There was one young girl, about 18 or 19 years of age, who told me that she had always thought that the people of Earth were very “clannish” and fought continuously among themselves. I guess they have the same kind of feel- ings about us as we do about their people. They fear us very much because they know we are at war all the time. "The girl told me that the only friends she thought we had were of our own clan or family. She did not know that we had whole groups and towns, whole countries that live together in peace. Anyway, she was very surprised when she saw the shock that I received when she told me how her people thought we lived on Earth. I tried to tell her exactly how we did live—I explained to her the way of war and that different countries were at war, but to them this was 46 all very hard to understand, In fact, they could not under- stand it at all, because they said all people everywhere, are brothers and sisters, As I have said before, these people did not even know how to, or understand the word “hate.” It was not in their vocabulary, and they could not understand it in any way. They didn’t know what it meant. 1 was taken to a place on the outside of the Gathering, where I was taken into a factory. This factory was very similar to a factory that I myself had worked in. It was a steel factory, and they were making steel the same as we do. They were melting their ore and turning it into metal. ir furnaces were very hot, but I don’t know how they : heated. The people in these factories that worked up close to the heat did wear heavy clothing. I remember that when I worked in the factory, I got very dirty every day, 1s did everybody else that worked with me, and we had to take a shower every night before leaving the job. These people have a huge pool that ran completely around the outside of their plant, and after work, all the people went out and bathed in these pools. ‘They had streams, or jets, of water that came down from just regular shower heads into the stream, where they could lather with soap and then washed and rinsed clean. It looked like a very nice way to get rid of the day's grime and dirt. 1 don’t think that I will ever forget the things that I saw. I saw so many things that it is impossible for me to describe everything that T did see. I saw things that I could not understand even after they told me how they worked. I saw automobiles, or air cars as they called them. Actually, they had no wheels; they traveled over culverts, or ditches, or long troughs in the ground. These cars traveled approximately 10 to 12 inches above these troughs and were powered by air. They were held in the air by jets of air from the bottom of these troughs, but their forward motion was produced by jets of air from the car itself. They had all sizes of these cars; I saw some that would only hold one person, some for two people, and 47 some for three, four and six passengers. They also had the huge transporters or buses. They all traveled at any speed they wished to go. We left Gathering 27 and went to 28, which was approximately thirty miles of Earth distance, and it took us about 10 or 12 minutes to make the trip in one of these cars. ‘As we were coming back from making an inspection of Gathering 28, I was asked if 1 wanted to meet a family from Earth, that was taken directly from Earth to Lanulos forty years ago and had made their home there. I told Indrid that I was very anxious to meet this family and 1 was taken to a little farm and was introduced to John and Carolyn Peterson from Acapulco, Mexico. These people looked to be about 50 or 55 years of age. They were very spry and very active. When I went up to their place, they were playing a game that I would say was very much like our tennis. After I talked to them, and they had told me how long they had been there, and how well they liked it, 1 asked John Peterson how old he was. He told me he was 90 years of age and his wife was 85. I could not get over how happy and contented they were. They had raised seven children on this planet and were very happy and had no desire to return to Earth. After I had talked to the Petersons, I was taken back to Indrid Cold’s home and from there to the ship, I arrived back on Earth between 9:00 and 10:00. After I came back to Earth, we landed very close to Parkersburg, where I was met by Clinnel in the little blue Volkswagon, and taken to my truck, which had been brought back to Parkersburg and parked directly across the street from the U.S. Post, Office in Parkersburg. After I left Clinnel and got into my truck, I had to sit for approximately 10 or 15 minutes, to stop trembling and to gain my composure, for I can assure you that I was still very nervous and excited, although I was never frightened at all on the way. I have only the highest regard for all the people I met on Lanulos. I hope and pray that these people 48 can teach all of our people the way they live, because there they have the closet thing to a paradise that I ever hope to see. They loved one another, they trusted one another, they sang, they laughed, they had the most wonderful sense ‘of humor that I ever saw in anybody. Some day, I hope we will all be joined together, and can live as the people of Lanulos and other planets that I know. I don’t know whether we will go to Lanulos to live or not. I do really want to go, but I know I can be of so much more use here on Earth trying to spread the word of these people. These people mean no harm to us in any way. They have a doctrine of life that they say they can teach us very shortly if they could land among us to teach our officials and our people their way of life. 49 Cuaprer 7 LANULOS AND THE PEOPLE ‘The people of Lanulos are mostly a happy world of people. Their way of life is completely different from ours, in that they do not have the difficulty of understanding one another as we do, due to their ability to use telepathy; so there is very little quarreling or bickering among them. ‘There is never any lack of something to do in the way of entertainment or to keep busy. Each and every person has some kind of job; there are so many hours of work, of rest, of play, and every family has so many hours of exercising each day. They have sports of just about every kind that we also joy. Swimming is the most popular sport, and most fami- lies have an indoor swimming pool in their home for win- ter swimming. They have similar spectator sports such as baseball, basketball and football. In their baseball, they use a bigger ball and a flat bat, and their football is only touch football as our smaller children play here. They also play tennis and volley ball, and their winter sports include ice skating, sledding and skiing as well as ice fishing. Archery is also a popular sport but only for target sport; they are not allowed to hunt game for sport, although they do cat domesticated meat. In warm weather, they do not wear clothing at all, ex- cept for formal gatherings or dancing. I asked how come they go nude, and got the same answer that our nudists give here. God made them as they are, and they are not ashamed of their bodies. When I was there, I went as they 50 do, and was not the least bit self-conscious. It just seemed the perfectly normal thing do. ‘Their life expectancy ranges from 125 to 175 years of age. They attribute their long life expectancy to their health habits. They are raised from childhood, learning to control the volume of food they eat, as well as having a balanced diet. The food they eat is very much like our own and yet so different. All their food is grown organically with no chemicals of any kind added. They do not eat chocolate, pork or any bleached flour in the form of white bread, etc. ‘They do cat Jean beef, but mostly sea food, and they de- pend a great deal on vegetables and fruits, They do have coffee, but with the caffein removed. They once brought me some of this coffee and it was very rich and not at all like our decaffeinated coffee. I think the thing that impressed me more than anything else was their monetary system. Although everyone works that is able to work, everyone is paid, not according to his or her skill, but rather according to the size of their family and needs. They are given what they call credits or “script,” and when they buy something, they write the article on the credit or script and give it to the clerk in the store, where it is kept for inventory purposes only, so that they know what to replace. No one ever has to live in want; one can have all the credits he needs. I asked them if this was a communistic way of life, and they said no, it was the free will of the people. 1 know by actual experience that they are truly a classless race of people. The top man in the Guiding Council is considered no better than the man who digs ditches ‘These people believe in this way of life and they really live it that way. ‘They have one and the same belief in God, so they all worship together. I attended one of their worship services, where they sang two hymns, then kneeled or sat to thank God for their way of life and His blessing upon them. They asked for guidance and protection from evil. I could actually feel the presence of God in our midst. ‘There was no long drawn out sermon, just thanks for what He had done and they asked for this continued help and blessing from God. At this meeting my whole concept of love was changed. 1 realized for the first time, what the commandment, “Love thy neighbor,” really meant. From earliest childhood, their children are taught of God's love, and that they should obey His will. As children grow older seeing and living in a true Christian home, their love for God grows stronger. These people do not believe that they are perfect, but they do believe that they are on the right road, and will eventually live with Christ. They believe in reincarnation — they say this is how they, and we, will finally reach perfection. ‘Their children start school when they reach the age of understanding, and go until they become 28 ycars of age, or until they reach the highest level of learning. The love of God is taught all through school. At graduation, ¢ach and every one is allowed to pick his or her own job; if they later become dissatisfied, they can change jobs. The Guiding Council and everyone works for the happiness of the people. Because of the understanding these people have through mental telepathy, their marital standards are higher than ours. IF two people find that they are not compatible, they are allowed to separate and to remarry if they wish. In- compatibility is the only grounds for divorce, and the sepa- ration must be agreeable to the parents of both the husband and wife as well as the Guiding Council. The children are taught in school to respect sex in marriage as a normal and natural way of life; therefore, they do not have any prob- Jem with promiscuity, which has been a great problem here since the beginning of time. ‘They do have strict birth control, for they realize the danger of over-population. Fach family is allowed to bear only two children, but their families are not limited be- cause they can adopt as many children as they wish. 52 ‘They do have orphans, for people do die, or “pass on” as they say, and they have accidents that result in deaths, many times leaving children without parents. The orphan- ages are run by the Guiding Council and are very seldom ever overcrowded because of the many people adopting to make larger families. 1 visited one of these orphanages and was surprised to see almost as many workers as there were children. They explained that all children need love and had to be shown that they were both loved and needed. By having so many dedicated workers, no child ever felt neglected. They lived as though they were in their own homes and I never saw a child over seven years of age in the home because they are all adopted out by that age. Their orphanages are truly a home in all ways for these children without parents. 53 Cnarrex 8 HUMANOIDS ‘One evening, a young man by the name of Jim Hacket came to our home asking me a good place to watch for space ships. I told him that the only place I knew was Bogle Ridge, which was an isolated area 12 or 15 miles out of Parkersburg. A few nights later he returned, telling me his story. He had gone out several nights to watch for ships and had seen them, but no one in his family would believe him so he had invited his cousin, Darla Sartor, to go with him. They were parked on Bogle Ridge just shortly after dark on a warm summer evening. A storm had just come up; it was raining very hard and was pitch dark with no stars or moon to be seen. They were wate ing the skies very intently and as they did, they saw the lights of a ship which came down very quickly and landed in a gully slightly behind the car, to the left of the driver's side of the car. The lights looked like ordinary automobile lights shining parallel with the car, with a revolving green and red light over the large white light on the left. As they sat watching, Jim began hearing voices con- versing with each other. He asked his cousin if she could hear anything and she said she could not. He also said he felt a slight tingling sensation around his face. Then there was a knock on the window on the passenger side of the car and they both jumped, nervous and frightened. The man knocked again, and both times after knocking went to the rear of the car and stood with his back to them. 54 Jim then heard him ask, “Is she your wife.” He replied, “No, she is my cousin.” He was speaking to Jim in telepathy and he then asked Jim to go with him, telling Jim to tell Darla to lock the car doors and that Jim would return shortly. Jim was very frightened, but did as he was told, begging Darla not to leave him there, After she had promised that she would wait, he got out of the car and walked down the dark road toward the ship. The man was carrying a light that appeared to be a flashlight but with a red light on top of it. In a very short time, Jim came back to the car, shaken and frightened. The man had taken him back to the ship, but not aboard. He had asked him for his shoes, which he called moccasins, also for his watch, which they told him they would return the following night in the same spot, after they had examined them. Later, Jim discovered that he had also given them his socks and a flashlight which he didn’t even Know he had picked up, since it had been lying on the seat of the car. ‘The next night, as he was going to pick Darla up at her mother’s home, he suddenly got the idea that he should come to see me and tell me what had happened. When he had told me what had happened, 1 immediately called for Indrid to ask him if he knew anything about this. He said that he did not, and that it was not any of his people. I told Jim that T would go with him and Darla and also took a friend along. We went out and parked in the same spot that they had the night before. Jim, my friend, and T got out of the car, telling Darla to stay there and lock the doors, and started to walk toward the spot where they had seen the ship the night before. As we walked, I told the other men to glance to their right down in the gully, where we could see three men standing — they were Indrid, Karl Ardo and Demo Hassan, ‘The ship that Jim and Darla had seen the night before was there waiting for them on the other side of the road down in another ravine. We walked out to where the pink 55 ship had been and then started back. When we approached the place where the men were, from the ship that Jim had seen, Indrid instructed me to get their attention, while he and the two men with him could get around behind them. ‘As we stood talking to them, Indrid came up behind them and forced them into their ship, telling us to go home, and that Jim’s things would be returned to him. As we drove down off the ridge, we could see Indrid’s ship escorting the other ship away from us. Indrid later told me that these people were Humanoids, and that they would have stolen everything that Jim and Darla had if we had not been there. Humanoids have a human's features and build, except around their eyes, they are very red and wrinkled. For hair they have something that resembles small pin feathers on a chicken. These creatures come from a planet that is com- pletely out of our Universe. On this planet, if any object is left unattended, it belongs to whoever picks it up, so when they steal here, it is not stealing to them but simply the way of life that they are used to. They are completely harmless and will not for any reason physically harm anyone. ‘These Humanoids caused myself and my family, as well as some other friends of ours, some uneasiness on another occasion. One Sunday evening in February of 1967, I re- ceived a call from a well-known doctor in Vienna, W. Va., that there were two pink space craft hovering over his home! This was shortly after the Jim Hacket incident. 1 imme- diately thought of the Humanoids, and invited the doctor and his family to come over to my home, They did come and the two pink space craft followed them all the way. After the doctor's family came into the house, the ships hovered over my house. I became nervous, and through mental telepathy called Indrid Gold. It was getting dark and my family and I and the doctor and his family went into the yard to watch for Indrid Cold to come. In approxi- mately 10 or 15 minutes, we saw the lights of other ships converging on the pink craft. There were nine ships, includ- 56 ing Indrid’s, that encircled the Humanoid ships, and forced them to land in a large field across from my house. ‘We watched them for about 15 minutes, when all eleven ships lifted into the air and went straight up. Indrid told me that they were escorting the Humanoids to the very edge of our Universe, and they had agreed never to come back. Until this day, I have never seen or heard of the pink ships again, although before this, these pink ships were reported all over the U.S.A. and other countries. Indrid told me that the people that Betty and Barney Hill had their experience with, were Humanoids. ‘Although the Humanoids are harmless, as far as physic- ally harming anyone, they could not be made to under- stand that they could not just take anything that was not actually in the possession of anyone at the time they picked it up. Humanoid 57 Cnaprer 9 A CONTINENT AND A SPACESHIP On July 18, 1967, at approximately 3:40 p.m., in Athens, Ohio, I was making my regular service calls, when between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m,, I walked into the bus depot to get a sandwich. I sat down at the table and ordered a sandwich and a glass of iced tea. A man asked if he could sit down, beside me and without glancing at him, 1 said, “Sure, sit down.” Then I realized that no one had spoken to me out Joud; everyone in the bus depot tuned and looked at me ecause I was the only one speaking and no one had said anything. Then I realized it was Clinnel from the planet Cerabus talking to me with mental telepathy, and when he realized the mistake I had made, he merely grinned and said, “Thank you,” and sat down. He asked me what I had ordered and he ordered the same. After we had eaten, we sat and talked a while. He asked how I was doing and other questions. When we finished cating, we walked outside together and he asked me where my truck was parked. I told him where it was. He then asked me if it would be all right to leave it there for a little while. We walked down the street about a block and got into a blue Volkswagen. We drove approximately halfway between Route 7 and Reedsville, Ohio, on a gravel road, and drove up the road to a certain isolated spot, where I saw the huge space ship of Clinnel's parked on the side of the road between the road and the woods. We parked the blue Volkswagen, got out and walked 58 about five feet and entered the ship. I asked him if we were going to his planet or to Lanulos and he said, “Neither, 1 will show you where we are going as we go and tell you where you are if you do not recognize the area.” We went direetly to the country called Iraq. We flew very low over several factories and several farming communities, and were seen by literally hundreds of people. Traffic stopped on the roads, even boats stopped in the water, and people stood up in the boats looking at us; some even waved to us and others ran from. us. We went over several different places, one place as 1 understood Clinnel, was called Tobruk. We left there and came back to the United States. We were traveling very fast although we were never out of our atmosphere and the ship was not sealed at any time. I could see the landscape and the countryside as we were passing over, although I could not recognize any detail because we were traveling far too fast; however, I could recognize the oceans, fields and some cities. We hovered in the air in the western countries where we developed some pictures, although they were not exactly pictures. They were taken while we were over Iraq I saw the “film” as we would call it. There was a little square box, approximately 24 x 18 inches and about 10 inches thick; this was pointed at the crowds of people over Iraq. It gave a brilliant red beam when it came out, it was punched with small indentations. that looked like a tape from a teletype machine running through this continuously when the red beam was on. As the tape went in one side it was completely blank, and when it came out, it was punched with small indentions. ‘There were no holes through it, but rather raised places on the tape. He said he took 27 miles of tape, if it were stretched out. When we got back to the United States, he asked me if I wanted to see what I had been watching him do all this time, and I told him yes. This is when we hovered over the Western part of our United States and he put this tape in another square box, started one end of the tape 59 through it, turned it on and it was just as we would see a movie. It projected a perfect image of the landscape and people in fine detail. It was as though taken with a very closeup camera. These people can take pictures far superior to anything I have ever seen, although they are called image takers. It is not a printed negative or anything of this nature; it is just this paper with the indentations in it. When we had viewed all the pictures, he put them away, and then we returned to the area where we had started from. He asked me if I would like to see my house and family as they see us from the air. I said, “Yes, I would love to.” At this time it was shortly after 7:00 p.m. We hovered over my home at several hundred feet in the air. He could not come down too low because it was still daylight, although the ship could have been seen plainly from the ground, As we came up over my own home, coming very slowly, I recognized the landscape and the house where I live, and as I was watching, I saw my father-inlaw drive his car into the driveway and he and my mother-indaw got out of the car and stood and looked around. My son, Greg, came out to greet them, talked to them awhile and they all went into the house. After this we left my home and went over to a friend’s house on 25th Street in Vienna, W. Va., where we hovered over his house but could attract no attention. He even tumed on the lights of the ship and beamed them down, but it was still daylight and did not attract any at- tention whatsoever that we knew of. When we left there, we went back to the European countries. As we were crossing over some part of England, we came very close, within approximately 1,000 feet, of a big airliner of some kind. We could see people staring out the cockpit, or front of the plane, and we could see people pressing their faces against the windows of the plane, watch- ing us. Clinnel said he thought the plane was on automatic pilot because we could see into the front part of the plane, and we could see two men and a woman pressing their faces against the glass, watching us. 60 ‘We then went to a place called Milan in Italy. We were just outside the city on a country road and Clinnel decided to bring his ship down in the middle of the road in front of a man riding a bicycle. When we did, Clinnel opened the door of the ship and stepped out on the ground. I stepped out beside him. Clinnel and I were dressed alike except our clothes were of different colors. He had on a white sport shirt and a pair of navy blue trousers. When we step- ped out before the man on the bicycle, he stopped his bicycle, just sat there on the seat and stared at us, and would not make any kind of attempt to speak. We tried to talk to the man for two or three minutes, but the man would not respond in any way—he just sat and stared at us, completely speechless. We got back into the ship and left. When we were leaving, very high up in the air, the man was still sitting on his bicycle looking straight up at our ship, not attempting to leave in any way that we could tell. When we had visited several places, in other European countries, we came back to the place where Clinnel had first taken me to the ship, and landed. The little blue Volkswagen was still setting there. When we got off the ship, I was bid good-bye by Clinnel’s girl friend, Bueldine Vaus, whom he has since married. Clinnel and T returned to Athens in the Volkswagen. He drove up beside my truck, told me he would see me shortly, and drove off. I got into my truck and drove back to Parkers- burg to my home, arriving there about 11:00 p.m. Clinnel told me at that time the same sightings that were shown in Europe that evening, would very soon be seen all over the United States. 61 Cuaprer 10 HUMOR Late one evening, as I was driving toward the city of Parkersburg from Athens, Ohio, the road ran beside the Ohio river. It was very cold and I had my boss with me. We saw several cars parked along the side of the road, with their headlights shining out over the river. In about the middle of the river was a long cigarshaped space craft, hovering about ten feet over the water. When I started to stop, I received a telepathic message to keep driving; that it was Indrid Cold just letting people see their ship. All at once, | heard Indrid and his companion start laughing very hard. T asked him what was so funny, but he was laughing so hard that he couldn't tell me for a while, then he said that a man and a woman had just pulled over and stopped, saw their ship, and the woman said, “Oh, Howard, what is that?” Her voice carried perfectly in telepathy. ‘Then, becoming more excited, she said, “Who are you?” Indrid said that she transmitted so well that he decided to see if she could receive as well as she could transmit, and he said to her, “I am Indrid Cold from Lamulos.” The woman cried out, “Oh, Howard, I am wetting my- self." Since that night, the man and woman have talked to Indrid many times. Another night T had stopped in a small restaurant for dinner about 9:00 p.m. I had just started eating, when a group of our young people came in and sat down in the booth directly behind me. I soon noticed that my name, “Woody,” was being used several times. As I listened, I wondered where this young man received all his information. 62 I will never know, but he was telling his friends that he was a good friend of mine and he knew all my brothers and sisters as well as my wife and children, naming them all by name. He told his friends that they could believe every word that 1 said abou: my experiences, for he had known me all of his life. Having my back to him, I could not see his face, nor could I recognize his voice. After 1 finished cating, 1 went to the cashier, paid my check, then walked back past their booth, so I could see who was such a good friend of mine. I had never seen any of them before. I (ook a business card from my pocket, handed it to him, smiling. He took one look at my card, jumped up from his seat, took me by the arm, and escorted me outside the restaurant. He said, “Please, Mr. Derenberger, don't give me away. My friends are so thrilled by your experiences, and I want to impress my girl friend by saying that I know you personally.” I wished the young man luck, and had a good laugh over it, Later, he came to see me, and we did become good friends, Somehow a rumor got started that I was pregnant, and had to go back to Lanulos to be delivered, where it was natural for men to give birth instead of women. How it got started, I don’t know, but I received dozens of letters, asking if it were true, After awhile it ceased to be funny and one day I was demonstrating a stereo to a lady, when she said, “I would like to ask you a question, but I am ashamed to.” Knowing perfectly well what she was about to ask me, I told her to go ahead and ask me anything she wanted to. She said, “Is it really true that you are pregnant?” 1 replied, “Yes, ma’m. She then said with a look of amazement, “You're kidding! How will it be delivered?” I answered, “I don't know, they just told me that when it was time, they would take me to Lanulos for delivery.” I never told her that I was kidding her, but I sure got a big laugh out of that one. 63 Another time, a friend of mine was riding with me on my regular sales route about 8:00 p.m. He asked me to call ina ship, boasting that he would not be afraid at all. I knew he was afraid, that he had never seen a ship, and that he partly doubted my story. Wanting to convince him and at the same time perhaps scare him just a little, I did call for one of my space friends to come close to my truck, if possible on the passenger side. A ship did come in within twenty feet of my doubting friend’s side of the truck. As he turned his head casually glancing out his window, he spotted the ship. ‘Once, a woman came to the store where I worked, and told me she had just read in her Bible about the man from space who had stopped me on the highway. She said he was from the Devil, and that I had been contaminated. My only hope of living now was for her to take me out right then to the river and baptize and cleanse me from evil. One night a well-known writer and author, John Keel, from New York City, came to my place in Mineral Wells, to sce the ships. We went into my back yard to look for one and could see the lights of the ships about one-half mile behind my home, hovering over some trees. Mr. Keel decided to walk across the fields to investigate at close range. It was very dark and he had no light, but he started anyway. He thought the lights were possibly the lights of automobiles, and he wanted to sce if there was a road where the lights were. The first thing Mr. Keel found was an electric cattle fence, the next thing was a big wet hole in the ground, filled with water and manure. He looked later like he had tried to clean out the hole with his clothes. He also met a very cross bull, but he did find out that there was no road where the lights were. SCOUT SHIP FROM CERABUS SCOUT SHIP FROM LANULOS SCOUT SHIP FROM CERANABUS SCOUT SHIP FROM VENUS REPAIR SHIP Cuarrer 11 EFFECTS OF VISIT The first time the space people came to my home, my wife and son, Gregory, were very frightened. They went to an upstairs room and refused to come down. When Indrid realized how frightened they were, he would not come into the house, but we talked on my back porch. After they left, both my wife and Greg asked me to tell them everything that was said. Shortly after this, my wife was cleaning hou: when Indrid and Karl tried to contact her with telepathy, asking her to come outside the house and look at their ship. Again, she became frightened and would not talk to them, Indrid told me not to worry; that after she got to know them, she would lose her fear. Many times, when my wife would go shopping or to visit, her parents or friends in our family car, I was able to surprise her and Greg by telling them everywhere they had been, and at what time they left the house or returned, or even what purchases she had made. The space people would follow them, in their ship or car and then tell me where they had been. Many times when my wife was driving, the space people would be in another car and would blow their horn and wave to her. She would not know them, but Greg nild say, “Mommy, those are some of Daddy's space friends.” He always seemed to be able to recognize them, but my wife continued to be afraid of them until one day, while doing her housework, someone knocked at the front door. Two men wanted to demonstrate a vacuum cleaner. When she told them thet I had just bought her one recently, 65 they still continued talking to her about the UFO's and my experience of being stopped by one. She told them all about how I felt the night it happened. They asked her if she was still afraid to meet the space people, and she said she was still a little frightened of them. When they started smiling at her reply, she looked more closely at them, and. from the description I had given her of Indrid and Karl, she realized she was already talking to them. From that time on, my wife and Greg have never been afraid of any of the space people, and consider them their very best friends. J think that this contact with space people has changed Greg's entire personality. Before, he was a very quiet, shy little boy, who seemed to be wrapped up entirely in himself. But now, he is a very outgoing boy who can talk and ex: press himself as well as any adult. Although he does lead @ normal life for a nine year old boy, of cycling and baseball, he still does a lot of serious thinking about the more serious, and important things in life, The space people have given, him a lot to think about and have inspired such writing as the following, which he brought home from school one day. He had written it in his spare time, but of course, did not turn it in at school, knowing by that time, the ridicule he would receive, Farth Star Date 4-68 Our purpose here is to help people through guidance. Our forefathers were intelligent enough to build a spaceship. They took off through the Earth’s atmosphere and landed on a strange planet; which one, we do not know. They lost their guidance for building a spaceship and got along the best they could. Finally, they received the guidance back they needed for building a spaceship. Soon they made a gigantic spaceship called the Mother Ship. Through the years more Mother Ships and Scout ships have been made and are getting more modern every year. We believe in being born again and going from dif ferent levels until we teach the point of perfection. 66 Right now we are on our third test. People on Earth are different from the other planets because they don't know what the word love means. All they know is hate hate — hate. We are trying to persuade people this is wrong but all we get in response is outrage. Our friends from space have been shot and almost killed. We are still fighting a never-ending battle for peace and friendship. by Greg Derenberger My little girl, Taunia, while too young to understand all that is going on, has made fast friends with Indrid and Karl, She doesn't care where they are from, so long as they play with her, Many times when the four of us are out rid- ing in the car, she will be the first to see Indrid’s ship fol- lowing us. She always lets out a little squeal saying, “There's Indrid, Daddy, that’s his ship.” She never mistakes an air- plane or star for his craft; she seems to know it instinctively from any other object. At home, Taunia has a large box, which she pretends is her “Ship of Mars.” In it, she says she can make a trip to Mars in “nothing flat” earth time. Maybe with the help of God and these people from another world, my little boy and girl, as well as all other children, will some day live in a world of peace and love, where there is no war or want of any kind. 67 Cuarrer 12 TRIP TO VENUS In the middle of April in 1967, T was invited to take a trip to the home of a man and his wife who were from the planet we here on Earth call “Venus.” The man’s name was Jitzo Cletaw and his wile, Elvane. I had already met this couple several times, and was very glad to accept their invitation. Their ship was what is called a “saucer.” It was approxi- mately 31 feet in diameter, with a dome on top. The bottom ‘was slightly concave in appearance, and had something that looked like wheels from a train. Jitro told me they were gravity repellers and attratcors, and that no ship would fly without them. The ship was almost coal black in color with a row of lights around the perimeter of the craft. On top it had a red, a blue and a green light. Under the ship was a huge revolving white light in the front, and a red lights of the same size on the back. The ship was from 15 to 20 feet high. On the inside it had three compartments: the control room, kitchen and living room combined, and the room where the power supply came from, I was never allowed in the latter. In the control room was a big control panel that had many different colored lights on it; each light marked for its particular function. Altogether there were three rows of lights; seven in the top row, four in the second and three in the bottom row. Sitting in the pilot's or co-pilot’s seat, facing the panel, going from left to right, the lights were as follows: First 68 row —(1) deep green in color with the intergalactic writing above it, “All Go,” (2) bright orange — "Obstacle In Vicini- ty,” 8) deep purple — “Serious Power Trouble,” (4) bright yellow—"“Speed,” (6) light green—“Oxygen Content, (6) pale yellow— “Dioxide,” (7) deep green—“All Go. Second row: — these lights were all blank until something went wrong, at which time one or more of the lights would turn red, telling exactly where and what the trouble was. ‘Third row: — this row had two red lights, one on each end, that also were warning lights. The middle one was not a light, but rather a television, that would let the pilot or copilot see in any direction around the ship, even behind. it. In the living quarters there was a table, 2 chairs, a cooking unit, a storage place for food, 2 bunk beds, a small shower and restroom in one corner of the room, and a closet for clothing and equipment in another corner. It was very simply, but comfortably furnished. Jitro told me this was only a scout ship, it could not make the trip home, but was used only between the Earth and the Flag or Mother Ship. It took about 15 minutes to go from Earth to the Mother Ship on this trip. When we arrived at the Mother Ship about 600 miles the moon, we locked into position underneath the big shi Tt was an airtight connection. A door opened downward from the scont ship and one opened upward from the Mother Ship. As soon as we were in the big ship, the door closed. I was taken to the control room of the big ship. The control panel looked about the same, only much bigger with more ’s and dials. There were three separate levers slightly in front of the control panel. These were used to maneuver the ship in any direction. ‘They told me that all the space- craft, handled in almost the same way, that if you could pilot one, you could pilot any or all the rest, for the con- trols were just alike. When we arrived on Venus, the big Mother Ship lowered gently and slowly through the at- mosphere. 69 | ‘As we came down through the atmosphere, it seemed as though the whole world of Venus opened up below us. ‘At first all I could see was water and land, then the plains and great cultivated fields came into view. There seemed to be a slight haze over everything, although you could see very plainly. The whole landscape looked as though it were flat, but Jitro told me there were low hills and valleys, but no big mountains. Rivers and streams looked to be every- where —if ever a world had plenty of water, Venus has it. Trees and vegetation were very thick, and the air seemed to be very hot and heavy. Jitro told me the temperature was always between 100 and 110. ‘The only times these people wear clothing is at formal gatherings or at dances. It was not unbearably warm, but it was too warm for my comfort. Wild flowers of every description were growing everywhere. Trees grew very thick through the trunks but not looked to be over 30 or 40 feet tall. The leaves on dif- frent trees were different in shape and color —some were a deep rich green, others were red, purple and just about every color you could think of. The rivers and streams were very clear and beautiful—I never saw a stream of water that was dirty looking or contaminated. The people themselves were as friendly and happy as anyone could be. Most of the men were about 5'10” or 6' tall, while the women were a little shorter. Again, on this planet I never saw one overweight or underweight per- son, they were all a very light yellow in complexion and were the most handsome people I had ever scen. They treated me like a brother and as one of their best friends. ‘Although it was very warm in their world, T really hated to leave, but having just a limited time to be away from my home and job without causing my family to worry, I had to leave all to quickly. I know I will visit there again, soon. 70 Curren 13 NEW ENGLAND COAST TOUR On a recent speaking tour through Massachusetts, I stayed with friends in Westford, Massachusetts, for a few days. These people were very interested in the UFO reports that were coming out around the country, and while there we were fortunate enough to get several spacecraft to come in very close to the house. There were about ten people, all intimate friends, that could feel free to discuss their sighting experiences to one another. We were talking when I suddenly spied someone looking in the window from outside the house in the dark. I very quietly asked Della, my hostess, to look in the direction of the window without staring at it. When she did this, she also saw the man stand- ing outside the window looking in. After looking further, we noticed that there were men standing outside all the windows in the room. Earlier in the evening, Della had heen doing an imitation of a very high pitched whining noise that she had heard coming from a Humanoid ship outside her window one night. When she did this imitation, my wife recorded it on a small tape recorder on which we had been taping some of the experiences that were related. A very tall, dark and handsome young man (Della’s eldest son) happened to be in the group along with his wife, and when we all knew what was going on outside, we decided to put on a show for them. Don stood up in the middle of the room, pantomiming and acting as if he were demonstrating something with a glass. A couple of the women in the group examined his eyes and ears and mn then compared them with others in the room. At the same time he was standing in the middle of the room, moving his hands very distinctly and slowly, my wife was rewinding the tape recorder which was on the chair beside her and quite obscure from the outside watchers. She turned the volume up as far as it would go and as Don gestured, she played the very loud shrill whining noise. Immediately, the men outside the windows, started running and disappeared in the woods behind the house. Believe me, we did not see any more of the uninvited visitors that night. A few of the people in the group that night not only had seen ships in the air, but had also talked to space people by telepathy. Della had been in touch with a space man by the name of Orthon, from Venus. Pat had been talking to a man called Umar from the planet Jupiter. He had told her that she would meet a man with a Southern accent, and as soon as she met me, she said she knew that I was the man he was talking about. He also gave her more in- formation about my wife and me while we were there. All of the people there that night had seen ships at close range many times, and three of the women who were very close friends had been practicing telepathy for some time, with ‘one another. Young Darrel, a college student, is now getting a little telepathy and is followed home from his part-time job every night by a space ship. Our hostess had put us in a bedroom which overlooked the wooded area in the back of the house, and the bed was right in front of the window. When my wife and I went to bed that night, she sat up in bed and looked out the window to see if the ships were still hovering over the woods. Suddenly, we both heard someone say, “What are you looking at?” She answered saying, “I am look Te was Bueldine, and after a brief conversation tele pathically, she bid us “Nok-noches,” which means, “Good- night.” All of the people that we met here agreed that the only 2 hope for our world is to accept the space people, to observe the way they live in love, and to accept their way as our ‘own, Della is in contact with people all over the world who have had sightings and talked with space people and who all agree that we need the space people to show us the way to live like brothers. ‘While on the Barry Farber Show in New York, a report came in of a UFO reported to be seen in nearby New Jersey. Reporters were sent out to check on what was hap- pening, and while I was still on the air, the report came over the air that a minister had first sighted the object and reported it to the police. Then three policemen in three different cars had followed the object for some distance. It as reported to be a bright discshaped object traveling just a little above tree top level; yet this sighting, with a minister and three policemen reporting, only made a very short article in a local newspaper. tr} Cnarrer 14 CONTACTEES Before November 2, 1966, I was never interested in fly- ing saucers or any kind of UFO. I had heard of them, but had always dismissed them, as some kind of craft belonging to our own Air Force. But since my first meeting with these people, I have been keenly interested in people who claim to have been contacted. Some of these people are definitely fakes, but some are also very true. ‘One man lives in Ripley, W. Va., only thirty (30) miles from my home at Mineral Wells. Although I never met this tman myself, he related his experiences to John Keel, a well-known writer and UFO investigator. He told of meet- ing Clinnel, a space man from Cerabus, a world close to Venus. This man from Ripley had never heard of me or my experience, nor I of him, yet he met and talked to the same people that I had. Keven Shaw -was another young man in Parkersburg, W. Va., who met the people of Lanulos. I became very good friends with Keven and he was the first person from Earth that I was able to communicate with telepathically. Many times when we were together, he and I have received tele- pathic messages from Indrid Gold or his frinds from space. Later, Keven left Parkersburg, being transferred by his em= ployer, but Indrid tells me that they still see and talk with him, and I have talked to him telepathically since he moved. Keven and I worked as salesmen for the same firm. One day, I had been to Athens, Ohio, all day with my boss. Both Keven and T had told our employer that we could communicate by telepathy but he refused to believe us, 74 On this day, I was never out of the sight of my boss, and as we were returning home, I told him that I could tell him exactly what sales Keven had made that day and who the customers were. He still didn't believe me and he said he would bet me $10 that I couldn't. I wrote out all the cus tomers and the sales that Keven had made as he told me about them, and when we got back to the office, Keven came in and put his sales slips on the desk before our boss. Needless to say, Keven and I were $5 richer. Another day, I came into the store where I worked, and my boss had just sent Keven on a run to Elizabeth, W. Va., to pick up a parcel at the State Police Headquarters there. He didn’t know that he was going to send Keven until after he came to work, and he knew there was no way I could have found out where Keven was. He told me he would again bet me $10 that I could not tell him where Keven was. I told him to double the bet and he was on. I tried to contact Keven and when I reached him telepat! ally, he told me he was just going into the State Police Headquarters in Elizabeth, W. Va., to pick up a package. T told my boss where he was and he never doubted us again about our use of telepathy. Thad not been in touch with Keven for some time until recently. I was lying in bed one night and had just finished talking with Indrid by telepathy, when I heard Keven call- ing me. I answered him and he said he knew that I had been wanting to talk to him, and what did I want. I told him that I had just been wondering where he was and how he was getting along. He told me that he was a foreman in his line of work and was about to be promoted to a superin- tendent job. He said that his boss had warned him that if he got mixed up publicly in the UFO field, he would be fired from his job. So Keven had not been talking to any- one from his hometown of Parkersburg, other than his family, because he did not want to be traced down by the UFO investigators who had talked to him before. Sooner or later, Keven plans to go to Lanulos to work oe and live, but until the time comes for him to go, he will have to remain silent and think of his job first, as so many others have had to do. Dan and Wilma Rhine live in Belpre, Ohio, directly across the Ohio River from Parkersburg, W. Va. They jointly own and operate a business of their own in the Mid ‘Ohio Valley. On April 10th, 1967, they both came to see me on my farm at Mineral Wells, and while there, met and talked to both Indrid Cold and Demo Hassan, from Gerabus. Dan and Wilma have both become good friends of the space people, although because of their business, they too, can only talk to close friends about the space people. A young woman from Parkersburg drove her mother and father out in the country to show them her new summer home on the banks of the Little Kanawha River, just a short distance from Parkersburg. When they parked their car in the driveway, a large circular craft landed beside their car. Her father became very frightened and she had to leave at once. The next evening she came out to my home, and while telling me her story, the same craft circled slowly overhead. She became very excited and left for home. She came back the next night bringing two friends, Mary ‘Teaters and Grace Showers. The same craft came back and landed behind my barn; the occupants of the craft were Jitro Cletaw and his wife Elvane from the planet Venus. ‘They got off the ship and waved to us, then re-entered the ship and the ship lifted straight up into the air. All three of these women later talked to different space people. Shortly after my first meeting with the space people, I was invited to tell my experience on a certain radio program. The moderator on this show absolutely refused to believe any part of my story. One year later, I returned to his pro- gram and found out that this radio personality had, since my first show with him, been in contact with the space people himself Of course, he cannot tell of his experience with the space people. He told me he was going to try to go to Lanulos to work as a newscaster. He already asked 76 Indrid Cold to sce if this was possible, and was told that he could. He will make his last broadcast here by telling what has happened to him, and where he is going. I cer- tainly hope to hear this broadcast soon. Dr. Alan Roberts came to my home November, 1966. He was very interested in what had happened to me. He nade a complete examination of my physical condition and questioned me for several hours about my meeting with Indrid Cold. He told me he had already questioned several other people about my character and reputation in my neighborhood. He had also talked to the people who saw craft on the same night in the same vicinity that I had. He had talked to NIGAP, and one Air Force Sergeant who had ¢ been among the first to question me about my contact with the space people to talk to, Shortly after this, on Decem- personal investigation of me, he told me he believed my story and wanted to know if there was some way he could meet one of these people from space. I told him I would ask Indrid to contact him, which I did, expressing the opinion that Dr. Roberts would be a very good man for the space people to talk to. Shortly after this, On Decem- ber 21, 1966, Dr. Roberts and his wife were visiting at my home shortly after dark. They had left their three children at home, telling them they would be back early. They had not been at my house more than twenty minutes when the doctor's oldest daughter called, saying that someone was in their house, and the children were all hiding upstairs. The doctor and his wife left and went home immediately, saying that they would call me as soon as they got home. ‘The doctor owned a very large dog, and whenever the doctor and his wife would go out without the children, they would have the dog run loose inside the house to protect the children, even though they were of the age to take care of themselves. I had been to their home several times, and had even petted the dog, but even I could not enter the house without the doctor or one of his family being with me. No one could enter that house while this 7 dog was loose unless the family let him in. Yet, when the doctor and his wife got home on this night, the children were all upstairs and the dog was in the bathroom and the door had been closed. The children told their parents that the dog had not barked at any time that night, Because it was very cold that night, the windows in their kitchen were steamed up and written on the window with what looked like a finger tip were these words: “Sorry we fright- ened the children. Thought you were all gone, so came in to wait for you. Left because of children, will come back another time —Demo.” Shortly after Christmas in 1966 the doctor did make his first contact with the space people. He was again visiting at my home when three of the spacecraft landed in the field behind my house. Demo Hassan, the man from Gerabus, came part way to meet the doctor and they talked for a short while, Then Demo went back to his ship and left. ‘The doctor has met and talked to these people many times since then and can converse with them in telepathy. He has told me that they have helped in many ways to treat some of his patients. Dr. Roberts could not seem to help, but after describing the symptoms to Dodd Hendricks, a doctor from Mars, he was able to either help or cure com- pletely the patient. After what Dr. Roberts has already Tearned about these people, he is very determined that these people must be brought to the knowledge of all earth people. He says he is ready to face ridicule, or any other hardships, by telling what he knows of these people; yet the time for Dr. Roberts is not just yet, the space people tell him to wait just a litle longer, but it will he soon A woman by the name of Ellen Harris, of Parkersburg, had met Indrid Cold and wanted desperately to see their world, but was very much afraid to ride in the space craft. Her desire to see their world was so great that she could not sleep and lost all desire to eat, but she could not over- come her fear of riding in their craft. One morning Ellen Jeft home to go shopping at the nearby shopping center. 78 She had not been shopping long when she developed a ter~ rific headache. She went into a drug store to get an aspirin. She sat down at the soda fountain and asked for a glass of water. This was approximately at 10:00 a.m., on a Tuesday morning, A man about 6 feet tall, and weighing about 200 Ibs., was sitting next to her on her right. She remembers nothing after this, until about 6:30 p.m. that evening. When she got home, she was very tired, and strangely enough was not in the least concerned about her inability to remember the past eight hours. Her husband and two sons remarked how tired she looked, She told them she had been shopping all day, had already eaten, and went straight to bed. She slept soundly for the next twelve hours and awoke feeling very refreshed. She, at this time, did not remember dream- ing at all, but that evening after dinner, she began to re- member a dream she had had. After telling her husband and the boys what she had dreamed, they called me on the telephone to come to their home, that they had some- thing to tell me. When my wife and I arrived, this is the dream she had. In the dream, she had met a man while shopping who asked her if she wanted to see Lanulos. Answering yes, she vas first taken for a short ride in an auto, into the country, then got aboard a long cigarshaped spacecraft and feeling no fear at all, she was taken directly to Lanulos, where she was met by two women who showed her around the city, or “gathering.” They talked to her for quite some time, telling her the next time she came to Lanulos to visit them, she would not be frightened, and could remember every- thing. Later, after listening to her story, I asked her to describe the two women and everything else she had seen. She de- scribed Bueldine Vauss and Kimi Cold, two space women she had never seen before. Also, she described Gathering 27 and the surrounding terrain perfectly. She could never have done this unless she had been there. She described the Gona Tree, a tall beautiful large-leafed tree that grows 79

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