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First United Presbyterian Church

November 28, 2010

1st Sunday of Advent

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

(*Those who are able are invited to stand)

We Gather in God’s Name

Prelude Meditation on CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM

Words of Welcome and Signing of Friendship Pads

Please add your name to the pad you will find at the end of each pew and pass it
along your row so that we can know each other by name.

The First Advent Candle

Voice 1 As the days grow shorter and the hours of darkness lengthen,
As the frosty breath of winter chills the air,
The season of Advent begins.

Voice 2 This year, Advent begins with the words of the prophet Jeremiah.
Long ago, God spoke to the people of Israel
Through Jeremiah about a descendant of David
Who would bring justice and righteousness in the land?
Voice 1 We light this candle with hope, waiting with all creation for God’s
promise to be born among us.
- the first candle is lighted

Unison - God of hope, we know there is much in your world that is far from what you intended.
Come to us again in this Advent season. Be born among us that al the world may be
made new.

*Call to Worship (responsively, from Isaiah) Karen Harpe

O Lord, open my lips,

And my mouth shall proclaim your praise!
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war any more.

*Opening Hymn 9 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel VENI EMMANUEL

Verse 1: All, unaccompanied

Verse 2: Treble Voices*
Verse 3: All
* generally women and children

Call to Confession

Prayer of Confession: (in unison)

Loving God, you teach us that the night is far spent and the day is at hand. Yet we live
as though we have all the time in the world. We turn away from your word and our
neighbors in need. Have mercy upon us, O Lord. Forgive us for not listening to your
word for us. Keep us alert, ever mindful of your presence among us, that we may joyfully
serve you in every minute. For we pray in the name of he who comes, our Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen.

The Gift of Forgiveness

Friends, hear the good news! The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. I declare
to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.

May the God of mercy who forgives all our sins, strengthen us in all goodness, and by
the power of the Holy Spirit, keep us in eternal life. Amen.

*Response Hymn 23 Angels We Have Heard on High

(Refrain Only)
*Peace The peace of Christ be with you all.
And also with you.
(Worshippers are invited to greet one another with the words, “The peace of Christ be with

We Proclaim God’s Word

Time with the Children

Children may pick up clipboards at the front of the sanctuary after the announcements. Please return
them to their boxes after worship.

Choral Anthem Jesu, Joy of Our Desiring J.S. Bach

Jesu, joy of our desiring,
Holy wisdom, love most bright;
Drawn by Thee, our souls aspiring
Soar to uncreated light.
Word of God, our flesh that fashioned,
With the fire of life impassioned,
Striving still to truth unknown,
Soaring, dying round Thy throne.

Through the way where hope is guiding,

Hark, what peaceful music rings;
Where the flock, in Thee confiding,
Drink of joy from deathless springs.
Theirs is beauty’s fairest pleasure;
Theirs is wisdom’s holiest treasure.
Thou dost ever lead Thine own
In the love of joys unknown.

Scripture Lessons

Prayer of Illumination

Old Testament Isaiah 2:1-5 Page 631

Epistle Romans 13:11-14 Page 162
Gospel Matthew 24:36-44 Page 27

Sermon: “New Beginnings”

*Hymn 8 Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates TRURO

We Respond to God’s Word
Sharing Joys and Concerns

Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer (debts) page 16

(The Presbyterian Hymnal)

There is a prayer journal at the back of the sanctuary where you may record prayer requests to
be included during the prayers of the people.

Offering Ourselves and Our Gifts


*Response 591 OLD HUNDREDTH

*Prayer of Dedication

We Go in God’s Name
*Hymn 452 O Day of God Draw Nigh

Charge and Benediction

Postlude Come Now, Savior of the Nations Paul Siefert

All are invited to the Social Hall for a time of fellowship and refreshment.
You may quietly exit during the postlude or you may remain seated for the playing of the
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE – November 21, 2010

From Bonnie M. Concern for Wyatt, a 13 year old, who will be tested for bone
cancer to determine the cause of his pain. Prayers for the best possible outcome
and for healing.

For Dottie Sorento, with a brief hospitalization and rehab.

From Dana Crobok, please pray for justice, peace, and closure as my lawyer
conferences regarding my overdue divorce conclude.

Prayers for our active duty soldiers.

Prayers for a woman who left a message she was having surgery on Wednesday,
November 24th, and her recovery.

Joys: Baskets for Thanksgiving, person to do Joseph’s House dinner, and the
choir concert a joy!
November 28, 2010
Welcome To First United! It is a joy that you have chosen to enrich this worshipping
community with your presence this morning. We hope you find a spiritual home here, a place of
love, support and service. Following worship, you are cordially invited to gather with the
community for a time of refreshment and conversation in Fellowship Hall.
Wear A Name Tag as a sign of warm welcome for newcomers. If you do not have one, or need
a replacement, please make a note on one of the bright orange flyers at the rear of the
The Deacons thank those who are contributing $1 each week to the work of the Deacons. It is
greatly appreciated as we work to help others. You can either use the gold & white envelope in
the pew rack or make a special designation in your pledge envelope for this important Deacons
Deacons remind you of the Care Notes in the rack at the back of the Sanctuary. Care Notes
are pamphlets dealing with topics including grief, illness, anger management and concerns with
teens and children. We encourage you to use them for yourself, your family, friends, or other
individuals who might derive some benefit from them.
Parking for Worship is available in the large lot behind the Gurley Building at the corner of
Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street or in the small lot on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Fulton
Street and also along Fifth Avenue. Please note: The parking spaces in the alley on the
Grand Street side of the sanctuary are private parking spaces that belong to Franklin Plaza.
Please do not park there.
For families with children: Childcare during worship for children through age 4 is available
in the nursery located between the sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. The Respite Room, at
the rear of the sanctuary on the south side, is available for parents or caregivers of infants and
toddlers who may need a brief time away of worship. .
We welcome the Rev. Ken Applegate to our worship this morning. Ken is a member at
large in Albany Presbytery and has served the presbytery in many ways, as pastor, trustee,
committee member and chair. He is a frequent pulpit supply as churches move through pastoral
changes. Ken will be with us until at least Nov. 28 and will moderate the session. Ken is a
partner in Hudson Valley Restorations in Lansingburgh.
A reminder that there is always a basket for food donations for the Troy Larger Parish Food
Pantry on your way into church.  And if you would rather, cash buys more food from the
Regional Food bank.   Empty your change into the jars at either sanctuary door.

Joseph’s House, a homeless shelter, has some guests stay overnight at local churches, etc, in
the colder months – called “Inn From the Cold”. There is a need for volunteers to assist the
staff for these overnights. If you want to hear more about this program, let our church office
know or call John Husson 233-0847. (FUPC will host the IFC in February)

MISPRINT IN THE NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER) See insert for information.
Please submit DECEMBER NEWSLETTER information to by
Wednesday, November 30, 2010.
The flowers this morning are provided by Kristine Wohlfahrt and Karen Marbot.
The Deacon's are coordinating a mitten, hat, and scarf drive.  Bring your donations (new
items only, please) to the special tree in the sanctuary now through December 19.  All items will
be donated to the Teen Stork Room.

Reminder:  All announcements for the bulletin should be submitted to the church office on or
before Wednesday each week. Announcements will be highlighted by the lector in worship, but
there will not be time for individuals to make announcements during worship.  If an
announcement does not make it into the bulletin, please speak to the lector before worship so
that he or she may include it in the oral announcements for that day.

TODAY - November 28 – Pot Luck Lunch and Advent Wreath Making following worship.

December 5 - Victorian Stroll Sunday (no faith education)

December 12 – Preparing for Christmas – intergenerational crafts

December 19 – Intergenerational Spontaneous Christmas Pageant - during worship. In

preparation for the “spontaneous Christmas Pageant” on Dec. 19 please take some time to reflect on what
role you would like to “try on” when acting out the scripture of Jesus Birth – angel, shepherd, magi,
sheep, donkey?   Other?   On Dec. 12, during the Faith Ed Hour, you will have an opportunity to make a
prop that you will use on the 19th.  There will also be a variety of crafts available to make including
window stars and cards for shut-ins.

December 26 – no classes


January 14-16, 2011- The Gospel According to Harry Potter @ Christ the King Center,
Greenwich, NY. For details check the Albany Presbytery website.

July 9-19, 2011 –educational and fun trip with a spiritual side to Taize, France( with 2 days in
Paris).  This trip is for youth and young adults who will be 17 or older in 2011. Details on the
Albany Presbytery website  Deposit of $250 is due by December 27,
2010 to hold your spot.

Oakwood church closing: At the November 16 stated meeting of Albany Presbytery, the
closing of the church was delayed until June 30, 2011 to permit the congregation to seek
alternate uses of the building for the benefit of the neighborhood. The Food Pantry will
continue through this time, so please continue to bring in your food items or cash to support the
pantry. Regular Sunday worship ended on November 21.

The Oakwood Cooperative announces SONGS OF THE SEASON, taking place Saturday,
December 11, 2010. SONGS OF THE SEASON will include a book sale, clothing sale, and
bake sale during the day from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., and a musical concert at 7 p.m. The featured
acts will include the RPI Concert Choir, Tuba Christmas Ensemble (Tuba and Baritone Horns
from the Colonie Town Band), the Ameros, the Uncle Sam Chorus, The Brothers Tazer, and
acoustic guitarist Steve Anderson and more. All events will take place at Oakwood at 313 10 th
Street, Troy (at the corner of 10th and Hoosick Streets).

This event is designed to help meet the gap in operating expenses in order to keep the doors of
the building, which has an important future in the Troy community, open. All proceeds will
benefit the Oakwood building fund for operating expenses.

Mark your calendar now!!

On December 5, the Sunday of Troy’s Victorian
Stroll, First United will reprise

Victorian Christmas Service of Worship at

11:00 a.m.

Followed by tea sandwiches and sweets served

from noon to 1 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
CALENDAR for November 28-December 4, 2010

Sunday, November 28
10:00 AM Worship Sanctuary
11:00 AM Pot luck lunch/wreath making Fellowship Hall
7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Rose Room

Monday, November 29
6:00 PM Music Together Rose Room

Tuesday, November 30
3:45 PM Troy Children’s Chorus Rose Room
7:15 PM Faith Education Committee McCarty Room

Thursday, December 2
4:30 PM Worship Committee
7:00 PM Choir Rose Room

Saturday, December 4
10:00 AM AA Group Second Floor
Winter Walk for the Homeless

Sunday, December 5
11:00 AM Worship Sanctuary
Noon-1 PM Tea, Sandwiches & Sweets Fellowship Hall
Noon-5 PM Victorian Stroll Concerts Fellowship Hall/
7:30 PM NA Group Meeting Rose Room
The First United Presbyterian Church of Troy
1915 Fifth Avenue, Troy, New York 12180
Phone: (518) 272-2771 Fax: (518) 266-9483
Where People with Differences Unite in Christ
Our Mission Statement
Together, we worship God through Christ and explore all dimensions of life in the Spirit;
To demonstrate God’s inclusive love, we seek to heal wounds and care for God’s creation;
To serve God in the world, we work for peace and justice.
Our Statement of inclusive ministry

We invite all people of every background, condition, and orientation into the full fellowship, ministry and mission of
God’s Good News in Jesus Christ. All who join the church are extended the full privileges of membership, are
challenged to lead lives of Christian discipleship, and are eligible to be considered for church office.

Clerk of Session: Chandlee Gill, phone: (518) 274- Coordinator of Educational Ministries: Leslie M. Kelly
0748 Financial Analyst: Carlie D’Annunzio
Minister of Music: Maury A. Castro Administrative Assistant: Suzanne Petty
Troy Children’s Chorus Accompanist Intern: Maria (Office hours 9 AM to 1 PM)
Elmer Housekeeper: Lynne Stevens

First United Presbyterian Church is a member of the Troy Larger Parish

The purpose of the Troy Larger Parish is to serve Jesus Christ, and partner together as one Christian family, loving
one another and serving the people in Troy, NY and beyond. We seek to join with each other in mission and
ministry, specifically:
 through the coordination of worship and pastoral care in our congregations
 through the provision of training, and equipping of our lay people for local and global mission
 through the redevelopment and revitalization of our congregations; and
 through intentional joint mission, fellowship, and visioning as we seek God’s blessings and purpose for all
the people of Troy

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