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J Archaeol Method Theory (2015) 22:1–32

DOI 10.1007/s10816-014-9235-6

Networks in Archaeology: Phenomena,

Abstraction, Representation

Anna Collar & Fiona Coward & Tom Brughmans &

Barbara J. Mills

Published online: 30 January 2015

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract The application of method and theory from network science to ar-
chaeology has dramatically increased over the last decade. In this article, we
document this growth over time, discuss several of the important concepts that
are used in the application of network approaches to archaeology, and introduce
the other articles in this special issue on networks in archaeology. We argue
that the suitability and contribution of network science techniques within
particular archaeological research contexts can be usefully explored by scruti-
nizing the past phenomena under study, how these are abstracted into concepts,
and how these in turn are represented as network data. For this reason, each of
the articles in this special issue is discussed in terms of the phenomena that
they seek to address, the abstraction in terms of concepts that they use to study
connectivity, and the representations of network data that they employ in their
analyses. The approaches currently being used are diverse and interdisciplinary,
which we think are evidence of a healthy exploratory stage in the application of
network science in archaeology. To facilitate further innovation, application, and
collaboration, we also provide a glossary of terms that are currently being used
in network science and especially those in the applications to archaeological
case studies.

A. Collar (*)
Department of Classical Archaeology, Aarhus University, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5, Aarhus 8000, Denmark

F. Coward
Department of Archaeology, Anthropology and Forensic Science, Bournemouth University, Christchurch
House, Talbot Campus, Fern Barrow, Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB, UK

T. Brughmans
Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Konstanz, Box 67, 78457 Konstanz,

B. J. Mills
School of Anthropology, University of Arizona, 1009 E South Campus Drive, Tucson, AZ 85721-0030,
2 Collar et al.

Keywords Archaeology . Network science . Social network analysis .

Relational archaeology

Don’t Believe the Hype?

Gartner’s hype cycle (Fenn and Raskino 2008), a model for the life cycle of
emerging technologies (Fig. 1), shows how on its emergence, a technological
innovation is surrounded by inflated speculations and enthusiasm about its prospects.
This is then followed by a period of disillusionment, where the innovation does not
seem to live up to expectations, until finally its place in a domain becomes more
completely understood, allowing it to be used to its full potential. The hype cycle
model is arguably just part of the perhaps more commonly known logistic curve of
diffusion of innovations and/or adoption of technologies, but the concept allows us
to situate the recent surge in the use of formal network methods in archaeology
(Fig. 2) within a longer term framework of their gradual diffusion across the
discipline. Network methods have been used by archaeologists at least since the
1960s, but only in the last decade or so have they become more widely applied:
does this imply that they are heading toward the lofty peak of inflated expectations?
Or have we already struggled past this point to race down the slope on the other
side, toward the trough of disillusionment?
Much of the biological and cultural worlds that people inhabit are organized into
networks of nodes (from neurons, to individuals, to groups) and the relational ties or
edges that connect them (Newman 2010). A major idea within network science
is that the position of a node within a network both constrains and creates
opportunities for future action (Borgatti et al. 2013, p. 1). An increasing number
of scholars are arguing that network science—used here to cover network concepts
and methods drawn from a variety of disciplines—can make innovative contribu-
tions to archaeology, while acknowledging the many challenges that face

Fig. 1 Gartner’s hype cycle for emerging technologies (modified after Fenn and Raskino (2008), Figs. 1–2):
the moment of technological innovation is the starting point; expectations rise rapidly leading to a peak in
visibility; followed by a negative hype period where the technology does not live up to expectations; the
technology matures and its potential is better understood. Note that this curve is a model, and that it does not
represent the full life cycle of technologies, which could still fail or increase after these initial patterns
Networks in Archaeology 3

Fig. 2 Histogram of the number of published archaeological applications of formal network methods per year.
Expanded version of Fig. 5 in Brughmans 2013. For references, see note at end of this paper

archaeologists using formal network methods (Brughmans 2014; Brughmans et al.

2015; Isaksen 2013; Knappett 2011; Knappett 2013; Peeples et al. 2014).
However, how can we claim to properly understand the role network science
can play in the archaeological research process if our expectations are inflated,
or if we are wading through a personal trough of disillusionment? Where
precisely are we on the hype curve? As the editors of this special issue on
network science in archaeology we would like to think we have reached the
slope of enlightenment and that—if we squint a bit—we can catch a glimpse of
the consolidation phase represented by the plateau of productivity, but perhaps
we are still in the initial phase of optimism marking the near foothills of the
peak of inflated expectations. The Gartner hype cycle teaches us an important
lesson regardless: although only some innovations reach the plateau of produc-
tivity, all initially face this difficult traverse, and going through these ups and
downs is both an inevitable and a necessary process. Here, then, we will
attempt to go beyond the positive (or indeed negative) hype, and attempt to
focus on what network concepts and methods really contribute to archaeological
The papers in this special issue all thus illustrate how using network methods in
archaeology can contribute to a new stage of productivity. We will not therefore list the
advantages and disadvantages of using network concepts and methods in our discipline
(e.g., Brughmans et al. 2015), but instead present positive examples of the ways in
which using these concepts and methods allows us to ask and answer new archaeo-
logical research questions—moving us beyond the hype toward a better understanding
of the potential role of networks more broadly within archaeology. We also provide a
glossary to clarify and standardize new or unfamiliar terms (underlined in the text).
4 Collar et al.

What Makes Network Methods Distinctive?1

A key question for archaeologists interested in using networks is whether and how
their data can be represented as nodes and connections between them, or edges. But
why would we want to represent our archaeological data as networks anyway, and
why should using a network science approach tell us something about the past that
other approaches could not? Underlying these questions is the idea that using
network methods allows us to do something we could not do before, something
different from “standard” archaeological practice, which will reveal new information
about our data.
To answer these questions, we need to consider what we really mean when we
talk about “network science.” According to the pared-back definition suggested in
the editorial of the first issue of the new journal Network Science, “network science
is the study of network models” (Brandes et al. 2013, p. 4). This of course simply
begs the further question: what is a network model? We would argue that a network
model represents the conceptual process researchers go through, explicitly or im-
plicitly, in deciding whether the phenomena under investigation can be usefully
abstracted using network concepts and represented as network data (Fig. 3; Brandes
et al. 2013). For example, we might be interested in a past phenomenon such as
patterns of trade in prehistory. A certain level of abstraction is required to view this
in terms of network concepts, and to determine whether this alternative conceptual-
ization will lead to new insights. For example, “past trade” can be conceptualized
and abstracted as the aggregate pattern of individual social entities engaging in
multiple interactions through which the flow of goods and commercial information
takes place. Abstraction of past phenomena into network concepts in this way
requires scholars to clearly and explicitly define the conceptualizations they use in
order to come to their conclusions.
The next step in the network modeling process is to formulate specific representa-
tions of these concepts as network data. In our trade example, social entities can be
represented as nodes and the connections that allow for, or arise out of, the flow of
commercial information and goods between them can be represented as edges, linking
the nodes together. Not only does this step allows for the “translation” of archaeological
data into network data, but in the absence of sufficient empirical data, it also allows
scholars to formally represent their hypotheses, formally analyze them and explore their
implications, and specify what forms of network they would expect to see should new
archaeological data become available in the future.
Figure 3 presents network data as the end result of the process of abstraction,
suggesting it serves merely to represent network concepts. However, network data
have distinguishing characteristics of their own in that they allow us to represent
dynamic processes and their effects. Brandes et al. argue that what makes network
data different is the assumption that the presence of one edge may affect any other edge
in the network: for binary networks, the presence or absence of an edge may depend on
the presence or absence of other edges; in valued networks, the weight of edges may
depend on that of other edges (Brandes et al. 2013, p. 10). Quite literally, then, from a

Key concepts used throughout this introduction are underlined, and are defined in the glossary at the end of
this introduction.
Networks in Archaeology 5

Fig. 3 Top: an abstract representation of a network model (adapted from Brandes et al. 2013, Fig. 1). Every
network perspective for the study of the past includes these elements and processes. Bottom: an example of
how a network model is used to explore a particular phenomenon

network perspective relationships matter: it is the relationships that constitute a net-

work, and that change its structure. This makes it clear how fundamental the theoretical
assumptions underpinning representations of networks are to network science: when
representing their data as a network, scholars must formulate exactly how they envisage
some ties as dynamically affecting others.
The following hypothetical example of a road network illustrates the key
features of network data further. If roads connect town A with town B and town
B with town C (Fig. 4a), all road-bound traffic between towns A and C will need
to pass through town B. A researcher may note from empirical data, or simply
hypothesize, that over time a new road appears, directly connecting A and C. To
explore processes of network change, the researcher must formulate and weigh a
range of hypotheses: for example, a direct road between A and C is more likely to
emerge if the road via B becomes unappealing for some reason. Perhaps the direct
route is shorter, the inhabitants of town B levy a toll on traffic, the bandits are
terrifying, or the potholes are terrible. Such hypothetical scenarios do not merely
change network structure by altering the relationships between individual nodes,
but will also affect the future development of that network. For example, adding a
new road may mean that the traffic passing through town B decreases, decimating
the commercial opportunities of its inhabitants and casting the town into
interminable decline.

Fig. 4 Towns and connecting roads represented as network data. The hypothesis that the road from town A to
town C via town B becomes unappealing will increase the probability that network (a) will evolve into
network (b). This change will affect the opportunities of each town in terms of controlling the flow of
resources (goods, people, information), and might in turn trigger further network change
6 Collar et al.

What’s New for Archaeologists?

The foregoing provides a good starting point for identifying the potential that concepts
and methods from network science offer archaeology. Network science is not a single,
monolithic entity, but denotes a diverse set of methods, models, and approaches
concerning the study of the management, representation, and analysis of network data
which represent our hypotheses about how and why relationships matter. It is not
limited to the analysis of networks or the study of social networks, nor is it limited to
the representation of data, nor to the fact that it offers researchers new ways to phrase
research questions. The central potential of network science for archaeology is that it
places relationships at the heart of our analytical techniques.
Does this suggest that archaeology needs a dedicated toolkit of network
science methods? The discipline uses a range of formal methods already: for
example, geographic information systems (GIS) is the study of the management,
representation, and analysis of spatial data, the assumption being that spatial
data is somehow different from other types of data and merits the development
of a methodological toolkit dedicated to its study. GIS was adopted and adapted
from other disciplines and is now commonly used in archaeology because we
frequently deal with spatial data, because we ask research questions that require
the analysis of spatial data, and because archaeologists find visualizations of the
spatial distribution of archaeological data useful for visual exploration and
communication. Precisely the same arguments can be made for networks—we
frequently deal with relationships, we ask research questions that require the
analysis of relationships, and archaeologists find visualizations of relationships
in archaeological data useful for visual exploration and communication.
As with GIS, network concepts and methods were originally drawn from other
disciplines and are still in the process of being adopted and adapted to the specifics of
archaeological data. However, although archaeologists currently need to draw from the
suite of techniques and models designed by practitioners in the interdisciplinary field of
network science, this does not relegate archaeological network analysis to a subfield of
network science, and there is much potential for the development of specifically
archaeological network techniques and methodologies, as the papers in this special
issue demonstrate.
We argue that the innovative aspect of network science for archaeology lies in the
possibilities it offers for understanding the fundamental significance of relationships,
within and between past (and present) individuals, groups, and material culture. In the
rest of this introduction, we draw on the contributions to this special issue to illustrate
some of the kinds of phenomena that are studied, the ways in which archaeological data
are abstracted into network concepts, and how they are represented as network data.
Table 1 shows a summary of these practical examples, listing all papers in this special
issue and the three steps in the network modeling process: phenomenon, conceptual-
ization, and data representation, along with notes on the methods/tools employed and
some observations on how the authors deal with dynamic networks which change over
time. Introducing the contributions in this way both demonstrates some of the new
ways in which using network science has allowed archaeologists to address their
research questions, and also draws out the underlying similarity of the modeling
processes involved across a broad range of disparate case studies.
Networks in Archaeology 7

Table 1 Summary of how network approaches are used in the articles in this issue

Borck, Mills, Peeples & Clark

Phenomenon: Persistence vs. depopulation of the pre-Hispanic North American Southwest
Conceptualization: Similarities of proportions of ceramic wares as evidence of more direct and/or intensive
interactions between settlements. Having high population levels and/or more extensive links with other
groups or open social networks is more adaptive and results in survival and persistence rather than
Data representation: Sites/nodes are connected by edges extrapolated from high levels of similarity (deter-
mined using the Brainerd-Robinson coefficient) in decorated ceramic wares at those sites.
Methods/tools: Standard social network analysis measures e.g., homophily, embeddedness; External – Internal
(E-I) index calculated at multiple analytical scales to examine individual regions’ embeddedness in the
overall network.
Temporality: Sites are divided into 50-year chronological time slices, taking into account the date ranges for
each site and ceramic type and estimated population of each site.
Visualization: Maps of sites and of secondary network data (E-I indices); plots of geographical variation in
network properties across the region under study. Separate network visualizations for each time slice;
weighted edges and different-shaped nodes for different cultures/geographical regions.
Brughmans, Keay & Earl
Phenomenon: Intervisibility of Iron Age and Roman sites in southern Spain
Conceptualization: Intervisibility of sites could be the result of deliberate positioning of sites to signal between
them and/or to the control of outlying sites by central ones. More prominent sites could thus be more
attractive to later Roman arrivals.
Data representation: Individual sites are nodes, connected with directed edges representing probable lines of
sight from an observer on one site to an observed point at another site.
Methods/tools: Intervisibility of sites is determined using a GIS according to a probability threshold
determined via sensitivity analysis. Generated networks are analyzed using standard network measures e.g.,
density, degree centralization, clustering coefficient. Simulations of intervisibility networks generated
without topographical constraints are compared with archaeological data to evaluate which factors are most
significant in producing the observed patterns.
Temporality: Five distinct time slices determined separately using the archaeological record.
Visualization: Maps of sites; various site location properties and secondary network data (global network
measures e.g., clustering coefficient, density, degree, arc probability) presented as graphs; network
visualizations, geographically based, different variations of the same data using different thresholds for
edges (not chronological).
Phenomenon: Food exchange and sharing among prehistoric Ancestral Pueblos in the American Southwest.
Conceptualization: Individuals with surplus food share with others; such food sharing is adaptive and selects
for social aggregation (or, in negative scenarios, depopulation).
Data representation: Agents exchange with other agents, creating directed ties between individuals that are
represented as nodes.
Methods/tools: Agent-based simulations are used to model the effects of reciprocal exchange on household
placement, size and stability. The model which produces results most closely resembling the archaeological
record is analyzed using network methodologies and concepts, including network diameter, path length,
degree, clustering coefficient, etc.
Temporality: Chronological time blocks predetermined by the broader context of the author/project
and based on the archaeological record. Simulation includes “built-in” multi-scalar temporality
which decisions made about exchange and trade on a “seasonal” basis and decisions about
relocation on an “annual” basis. New generations/households are formed at regular (but unspec-
ified) intervals.
Visualization: Present plots/graphs of the output of ABMs; map of study area; node size represents indegree
and outdegree; color of node interconnectedness.
8 Collar et al.

Table 1 (continued)
Golitko & Feinman
Phenomenon: Procurement and distribution of pre-Hispanic Mesoamerican obsidian
Conceptualization: Long-distance flows of raw material; centrality of major centers might imply top-down
control of production and distribution, even distribution following geographical least-cost rules might imply a
more dispersed network of trade.
Data representation: Obsidian flows (edges) between sites (nodes); similarity between obsidian frequencies at
nodes is used to “weight” edges (subject to a minimum “cutoff” value).
Methods/tools: Diachronic social network analysis; centrality measures; geographical least-cost pathways.
Temporality: Separate networks are generated for predetermined chronological time blocks based on the
archaeological record.
Visualization: Network visualizations with nodes arranged both by geographical coordinates and by relational
organization (spring embedding is the routine chosen).
Phenomenon: Adaptiveness of social relationships and exchange relationships among hunter-gatherers,
particularly in challenging environments such as the Kuril Islands of Northeast Asia during the Epi-Jomon and
Okhotsk cultures.
Conceptualization: Similar geochemical signatures of pottery assemblages from Kuril Island sites imply
exchange relationships between those sites; these relationships were adaptive and so likely to become more
intensive and less fragmented over time.
Data representation: Sites/nodes are probabilistically linked by common membership of a group sharing
ceramics made of clay from a common origin.
Methods/tools: Sensitivity analysis in the form of repeated bootstrapping with random sampling is used to
assess the extent to which “removing” nodes from the network affects the overall network pattern, particularly
network centrality (degree, betweenness and eigenvector are all measured).
Temporality: Two separate networks generated corresponding to two archaeologically distinct cultural
historical periods, supported by graph correlation between the networks indicating significant differences
between them.
Visualization: Map; cluster analysis of similarities and differences in material culture; scatter graph of
secondary network data (principal components); primary and secondary network data metrically as tables;
network visualizations (in each case, two networks, one relational, one geographical, per time period, node
size representative of degree centrality in some, in others width of line indicates strength of relationships);
graphs of secondary network data (how network measures change as nodes are removed); boxplot.
Graham & Weingart
Phenomenon: Trade and exchange of bricks in the Roman economy.
Conceptualization: Individual brick makers stamp bricks made of particular fabric or fabrics, which are sold
elsewhere; the distribution of the stamps of individual brick makers demonstrates the reach of trade from the
Data representation: Individual stamped bricks with the stamp of the same maker are the nodes, linked by
edges representing various relationships (common findspots; common fabrics, etc.); this two-mode network is
later collapsed into a one-mode network.
Methods/tools: Standard network characteristics are calculated, including average shortest path length and
clustering coefficient. Two-mode networks. Archaeological networks are compared with random networks to
determine the archaeological network does not represent a “small world” in this case. Agent-based simulations
are used to generate social networks that are compared with the archaeological networks as a means of
assessing the plausibility of the model (the Roman economy as “bazaar”).
Temporality: Network is parsed by four rough dynastic periods. Temporality is built into the ABM in cycles of
searching for and harvesting resources and asking for help from other nearby agents.
Visualization: Screenshot of Netlogo model; output of different resource bases used in ABM. Various network
measures are presented metrically in tables. No network visualization per se is presented.
Networks in Archaeology 9

Table 1 (continued)
Mol, Hoogland & Hofman
Phenomenon: How do the inhabitants of the small island of Saba, North-Eastern Caribbean, fit into the broader
economy and lifeways of the archipelago as a whole?
Conceptualization: Similarities and differences between the material cultures of sites reflect frequency/
intensity of contact/relationships between them.
Data representation: Sites (nodes) are connected firstly by geographical distance (within a variable cut-off
point, sites are “linked”) by potentially multiple edges if archaeological and historical evidence points to the
movement of ideas or goods between them; at the intra-site level, individual sites/burials/house structures
become the nodes, connected into multi-scalar two-mode networks by edges derived from material culture
Methods/tools: Minimum distance networks; Ego networks; betweenness centrality; multi-scalar networks
incorporating a variety of different types of node, from “site” to individual “find.” Two-mode networks.
Temporality: All sites are roughly contemporary; dating/phasing not explicitly considered.
Visualization: Map; Ego networks; minimum distance networks, i.e., geographically based visualization
(betweenness centrality indicated by color of node). Spatial intra-site diagrams; two-mode ego networks with
nodes differently shaped to indicate what kind of entity it represents (here node size correlates with
betweenness centrality, and node color indicates the different nature of the exchange systems).
Östborn & Gerding
Phenomenon: Diffusion of fired bricks across the Mediterranean region during the Hellenistic period.
Conceptualization: The contexts of brick use are similar between sites closely linked in the diffusion network
among which the innovative technology spread, and change over time and with distance, so that contexts with
higher levels of similarity in brick attributes are likely to have been linked more closely.
Data representation: Contexts (which may include several from individual sites) become nodes, linked by
shared attributes including dating, structural use, “binding,” size category, subject to a (variable) minimum cut-
off number of shared attributes.
Methods/tools: Standard social network analysis measures: path length and network diameter. Similarity levels were
systematically varied to determine the optimum level of similarity in order to exclude potentially false positives.
Temporality: Dating phase is included as an attribute which can be strictly enforced as a link or not.
Visualization: Images of fired bricks; maps with sites plotted by chronological time slice; graph of temporal
distribution of fired bricks and kinds of contexts in each time slice; geographical networks at different
probabilities; networks in which only the shortest paths are represented; dots on maps in which the dots are
altered to show various network properties; graph of median edge lengths at different thresholds; histograms of
network measures/degrees; plots of network measures at different similarity levels.

Networks in the Past

Archaeologists are perhaps primarily concerned with material culture. This inevitable
focus on the physical remains has encouraged some particular ways of thinking about
the past and about past phenomena—the archaeologists of the early twentieth century
were accused by the “New” Archaeologists of the 1960s and 1970s of having forgotten
about the people who made and used the artifacts they studied and typologized. In
contrast, the New Archaeologists asked different kinds of questions of their material
culture, seeking to understand past social phenomena such as dynamics of trade and
exchange, population rise and fall, or regional interactions and systemic change.
Equally in turn, however, processual archaeology has been accused of cultural mate-
rialism, whereby the materials and the processes they can illuminate have been given
precedence over the intention behind and the meanings of the objects. The
postprocessual turn in archaeology sought to redress this, refocusing on the roles of
10 Collar et al.

individual agency and social imbalances in accounting for past phenomena, as well as
seeking to explore networks of meaning and symbolism in material culture.
The past phenomena that are most often studied using network science approaches
show similarities to those studied by the processual school of thinking, although many
of the interpretations of relationships fit comfortably within postprocessual approaches.
Knappett (2011) has framed this in terms of the multi-scalar ways in which materials
intercede between people and even how things may interact with other things. We find
in this volume, for example, the study of population growth, migration, and regional
interaction within changing environmental conditions explored in the paper by Borck
et al. (2015); food exchange and settlement patterns simulated in the paper by
Crabtree (2015); production and exchange of a variety of different kinds of raw
materials, goods, and practices in those by Golitko and Feinman (2015), Gjesfjeld
(2015), Graham and Weingart (2015), and Mol et al. (2015); the diffusion of
technological processes (Östborn and Gerding (2015)); and site interconnections,
power, and intervisibility, as studied by Brughmans et al. (2015). This kind of
abstraction is aided by the archaeological record, since sites or assemblages of
material culture form natural nodes, and seeking to focus on the dynamics by which
they come to be characterized the way they are is an extremely fruitful line of
analysis, yielding new interpretations and posing new research questions, as all these
papers demonstrate in different ways.
A criticism that can be leveled at many existing applications of network science in
archaeology is that the network models used are not concerned with the individual
decision making and interactions that constituted most people’s normal lives, and that
these interactions thus become subsumed under the grand narrative of long-term culture
processes. But what is also clear from the studies presented in this volume is such
interactions can be incorporated into formal methods, and that there is space for
elements of the postmodern critiques in archaeological network analysis. The paper
by Graham and Weingart focuses on the stamps of individual brick makers in the
Roman Empire. In addition, both this paper and that by Crabtree use agent-based
modeling (ABM) techniques to simulate networks based around the actions and
interactions of individuals. Meanwhile, the paper by Mol et al. demonstrates the
potential of network methods for exploring the interplay between the actions of
individuals and the grand narrative of the longue durée by comparing site-to-site
networks with ego networks revolving around individual actions and interactions
derived from intra-site analyses. Such ego networks can be useful for providing a
multi-scalar view of site assemblages by abstracting, combining, and visualizing the
relationships between different types of material culture that might usually be separated
out into different levels. This allows network interpretations to break away from
traditional scales of analysis, so bringing the roles of the individual into the picture
more clearly. These fully worked methodological contributions point the way toward a
richer and more detailed understanding of the interactions that make up networks in
archaeology, which, taken alongside other more theoretical research that use networks
as a heuristic device for thinking about agency, relationships in material culture, and
between people and things (Hodder 2011, 2012; Knappett 2011, 2015; Latour 2005)—
might help to bring us closer to the “thick description” as argued for by Geertz (1973).
In all these examples, from the broad-scale diachronic analyses of millions of pieces of
ceramic data offered by Borck et al., to the localized, site-level picture of individual
Networks in Archaeology 11

interactions in the Caribbean presented by Mol et al., it is the relationships between the
nodes that are brought to the fore: using network science methods allows all the diverse
phenomena under study to be viewed afresh, in terms of the interactions that underlie
them. This can provide a meaningful bridge between the processual and postprocessual
approaches that are now part of archaeology’s legacy.

Network Concepts in Archaeology

How are these past phenomena translated into abstracted network concepts? A number
of network models have been previously used and applied in archaeology—including
the “small world” and “scale-free” networks. The small world concept (Watts and
Strogatz 1998) has often featured in archaeological network analysis, perhaps partly
because of its fame and its common use in many other disciplines, and it has proved a
useful model in many cases. However, the papers in this special issue highlight the fact
that network science in archaeology is already reaching beyond these low-hanging fruit
and demonstrating beyond doubt that the small world is not a one-size-fits-all model.
All the network concepts that are used here offer new ways to get at the realities of past
interactions and relationships, and demonstrate a level of criticism and reflexivity of
method which support the notion that the use of networks in archaeology is moving
toward the slope of enlightenment.
The paper by Borck et al. uses the concepts of embeddedness and homophily to look
at population resilience and system collapse across a large area of the American
Southwest. They extract relationships between sites—used as a proxy for groups of
people—to think about processes of population migration and stability in the face of
environmental crisis. Likewise, Crabtree’s paper uses the exchange of food goods in the
American Southwest as a proxy for social relations, exploring aggregation and occu-
pation in contrast to dispersion and abandonment. She interprets the clustering of
households into settlement groups as being based around the function of sharing foods
and so contributing to better life expectancy. She uses dendrochronological data to
generate predictions of annual soil productivity and uses this as the basis for an agent-
based model in which people follow food resources and the simulated results are
compared with the real data.
The paper by Gjesfjeld takes a similarly socio-ecological perspective, using ceramic
data from the Kuril Islands near Japan as a proxy for exploring intra-archipelagian
social relationships and social aggregation and fragmentation in environmentally ex-
treme conditions, assuming that these relationships reflect adaptive behavior. He
conceptualizes this through the use of network centrality measures, and offers critical
evaluation of network models by bootstrapping and repeatedly generating the models to
ensure a level of robustness. Intra-regional exchange, production, and trade are also the
focus of several other papers here: Golitko and Feinman generate regional networks of
material culture similarity as a proxy for the exchange networks through which
obsidian circulated in Mesoamerica. They argue that the properties of networks and
nodes, such as centrality, reflect economic relationships and power relations (hierar-
chical or heterarchical) between ancient settlements. In a similar vein, Östborn and
Gerding offer another example of a network based on similarities in material culture
and technological practices that explores the diffusion of innovative technologies: in
12 Collar et al.

this case, Hellenistic fired bricks, as a proxy for differential access to information,
potentially indicative of hierarchical political and social relationships between sites and
levels of society. While the Graham and Weingart paper also looks at bricks, it does so
in a very different way, highlighting the variety of ways in which network methods can
be applied. They focus on testing a model of the Roman economy as a multi-scalar
“bazaar” incorporating actors at a variety of scales from the small-time peddler to the
grand merchant. Here, the makers’ stamps and fabrics of bricks become proxies for
origins and patterns of trade, allowing the exploration of networks of production and
patronage via network properties such as clustering and path length. Their analysis of
the archaeological data is complemented by their use of an ABM to generate network
data directly from hypotheses about the individual behaviors of actors in the bazaar.
Interestingly, the ABM data do not match the archaeological data very well, and neither
really supports the hypothesis that the Roman world was a “small world.” This
mismatch between model and archaeological reality points to a valuable tool for testing
hypotheses about past processes.
In contrast, Mol et al. take network analysis in a different direction: alongside inter-
site networks based on geographical proximity, they also use ego networks based on
intra-site assemblages to explore local networks, using multiple different kinds of
material culture—from ceramics to burials to zooarchaeological data—to produce a
“thick” network picture of multiple different interactions within and between groups in
the Caribbean.
Finally, Brughmans et al. use a network method in a strikingly different way,
focusing not on material culture but on the properties of the sites themselves: exploring
inter-site connections and visibility and comparing this data with known routes through
the landscape of southern Iberia. Their use of site visibility data as a proxy for exploring
changing political power relations and political control of the landscape highlights the
fact that multiple different processes could have given rise to the edges in our network,
and hence that multiple models could describe the network data under scrutiny, but
some are better at this than others.

Network Data in Archaeology

Finally, then, how are these network concepts, as approximations of the past phenom-
ena under study, turned into network data? A key issue here is the difference between
the distinct analytical stages of representation and visualization. “Visualization” is the
depiction of archaeological data as network data. However, before this can occur, the
distinct step of representation must take place, in which scholars specify how the
network concepts they have developed to explore the past phenomena they wish to
understand (as described above) can be translated into network data in the form of
nodes and edges, and combinations of these. At the core of this translation from
concept to data representation is the decision-making process by which the archaeol-
ogist decides what they are calling “nodes” and what they consider to be the “edges”
between those nodes.
A very common approach, demonstrated by many of the papers in this special issue,
is to use sites as nodes. Sites form natural nodes because of their relative boundedness,
discreteness, and stability and persistence over archaeologically observable timescales,
Networks in Archaeology 13

as well as their common use by archaeologists as analytical concepts. They offer the
opportunity for mesoscale analysis of interactions: probably the level at which archae-
ologists most often work, due to the diachronic nature of the archaeological record and
a historic interest in systemic level processes. However, the papers in this volume
nevertheless formulate very different conceptions of the edges that link the nodes, and
in fact as Mol et al. demonstrate, there is no need to restrict oneself to just one scale of
analysis—while sites are used as nodes in part of their analysis, they go on to
experiment with finer scales of analysis, using for example burials and house structures
as nodes alongside sites.
Such two-mode analyses offer greater opportunities for including multiple kinds of
nodes within a single network. For example, while Mol et al. start from a one-mode
analysis at a regional level, using sites as nodes, they then focus in more tightly on
some nodes in particular to examine intra-site relationships in material culture and how
these connect into the broader network. To do this, they use a two-mode, genuinely
multi-scalar representation and indeed visualizations incorporating sites, objects, and
contexts as nodes. Similarly, Graham and Weingart’s paper uses individual stamped
bricks, the stamp of a particular manufacturer, common findspots, and common clay
fabrics as different kinds of nodes. Although they later collapse their multi-nodal
networks into a one-mode network connecting individual stamped brick finds, includ-
ing multiplex modes of representation at an early stage of their analysis allows them to
explore complexities in the relationships under investigation. Graham and Weingart’s
paper also introduces a still finer scale of analysis, similarly employed by Crabtree, in
which individual agents are used as nodes in agent-based simulations. Although such
simulations do not allow us to access real individuals in the past, they do allow us to
begin to account for individual agency and the role individuals play in creating and
maintaining networks, and allow us to test the plausibility of our assumptions about
individual actions and interactions against the archaeological record itself.
Of course, what links the nodes together is as fundamental a question as how the
nodes are characterized themselves. Perhaps unsurprisingly for archaeologists, most of
the papers in this special issue use various aspects of material culture and inferred
material culture practice to create the edges in their network, the exception being
Brughmans et al. who use visibility to integrate their sites into a linked network. This
representation of the network edges is particularly innovative as it marries network
analysis with the rich tradition of spatial analysis and landscape interpretation in
archaeology, and highlights the potential of contextualizing network studies with more
perceptual approaches.
The use of material culture as the edges in the network is by no means straightfor-
ward, however, and the maturity and diversity of the approaches represented in this
special issue highlight this very clearly. One common approach is to measure similar-
ities in material culture between sites (Borck et al.; Mol et al.; Golitko and Feinman;
Graham and Weingart; Östborn and Gerding). These approaches are largely networks
of consumption, drawing on the networks of materials used and discarded (or lost) at
archaeological sites (Mills et al. 2014). However, other commonalities can also be used
to link nodes. For example, alongside direct evidence for common manufacturers in the
form of brick stamps, Graham and Weingart include information on origins, findspots,
and fabrics in their multiplex networks—an approach that draws on networks of both
production and consumption. Gjesfjeld’s paper demonstrates another potential way of
14 Collar et al.

linking nodes/sites together, using principal components analysis to separate out groups
using similar raw materials in their ceramic traditions.
Even when using “simple” similarity measures, analysts must make decisions about
whether and how to weight their edges to indicate variable strength of relationships
between nodes, as demonstrated for example in the paper by Golitko and Feinman, who
use frequency of material culture similarity to do this. Edges can also be characterized
as having directionality, i.e., as indicating flow from one node to another that is not
necessarily reciprocated. Crabtree, for example, uses directional edges in her networks
to illustrate patterns of exchange between individuals. Indeed, much of the work on
compositional analysis in archaeology can be effectively represented through direc-
tional networks. Conceptualizing archaeological data as network data in this way
allows the data to be analyzed using a suite of different techniques and methods drawn
from network science—these are dealt with in detail elsewhere and so will not be
covered here (see Newman 2010; Scott and Carrington 2011; Wasserman and Faust
1994); many are demonstrated in the contributions to this volume. However, one
important element of the process, and one that needs to be recognized as a distinct
stage of analysis, is visualization. It might perhaps be assumed that producing a visual
image of “a network” would be a final and relatively straightforward step in analysis
once decisions have been made about how to represent the archaeological data as
network data—and indeed, visualizations are relatively straightforward to create in
many different software packages. However, they are not necessarily an end in
themselves, and both the rationale for and form of visualization must be carefully
considered if the resulting image is to achieve its aim and not simply end up as a so-
called “spaghetti monster”—a network so dense and complicated that it is extremely
difficult to comprehend.
First, visualization offers the opportunity to reassess a dataset and the appropriate-
ness of the assumptions made in conceptualizing that dataset as a network, making it an
important part of the iterative process of analysis—not necessarily the end stage.
Second, although (or perhaps because) network visualizations are both fairly easy to
make and can be extremely appealing as a novel way of viewing connectivity in
datasets, careful thought must go into them. Most of the papers in this special issue
have chosen to represent their network data as a network visualization. However, the
choices that have been made about how to present the visualizations are diverse. Each
technique highlights different aspects of the data that the author(s) are concerned with,
and enable the reader to access and assess structural properties and information about
relationships between entities.
Geographical visualizations are often helpful, as they place the network into an
archaeologically recognizable context. Almost every paper here provides a map,
orienting the reader in space and time, and many present visualizations of networks
in which the nodes are arranged by geographical coordinates. However, many also
include visualizations of networks organized according to other criteria in which, for
example, the nodes are arranged so that the distance between them reflects the strength
of the relationships between them. Such visual juxtaposition of geographical and other
network layouts allows readers to see the potential impact of geography on material and
social relationships in the datasets under investigation (e.g., Brughmans et al.; Östborn
and Gerding; Golitko and Feinman; Gjesfjeld; Mol et al.; see also Mills, Clark et al.
Networks in Archaeology 15

Separate network visualizations are also often presented for distinct time slices,
again aiding comparison between visualizations (e.g., Borck et al.; Golitko and
Feinman; Gjesfjeld). Other papers present a series of visualizations comparing the
results using different threshold values where edges between nodes are present or
absent depending on a minimum threshold value (e.g., Brughmans et al.; Gjesfjeld;
Östborn and Gerding). The benefits of visualization must be balanced with decisions on
what is lost in the thresholding of ties, and in some cases often weighted and
unweighted tie analyses can both be used (e.g., Peeples and Roberts 2013).
The visualizations of nodes and links can also be tailored to demonstrate the
properties of individuals and the properties of interconnections within the network.
The width and/or color of edges can be scaled to provide a visual guide to the strength
of weighted networks, as seen in the visualizations in papers by Borck et al., Gjesfjeld,
and Golitko and Feinman. Similarly, the size, shape, and color of nodes can be adjusted
to reflect a variety of attributes of the nodes. Primary attributes such as the nature of the
entity depicted by the node (e.g., site/material culture object or class by Mol et al.;
geographical region and/or cultural affiliation by Golitko and Feinman, and Borck
et al.) and secondary attributes such as the node’s centrality or degree (Mol et al.;
Crabtree; and Gjesfjeld), and even interpretations such as the nature of the exchange
system each node is inferred to be part of (Mol et al.) can be visually conveyed in this
However, it is clear from the papers here that traditional network visualizations are
only one of the ways in which both primary and secondary network data can be
presented: almost all the papers also employ a range of other well-known data analysis
techniques used in archaeology to highlight those aspects of the networks they wish to
emphasize. Indeed, Graham and Weingart’s paper does not include a traditional
network visualization at all, relying on tabular presentation of metrics, a graph plotting
the output of their agent-based models over time and a screenshot of their computa-
tional implementation of those models.
Other means of visualization seen here include the use of color-coded maps by
Borck et al. to demonstrate changing external-internal (E-I) index values across their
study region, thus mapping the geographical variation in network properties across the
area. Still other types of visualization can also be seen—notably, Östborn and Gerding
are the only authors to include an image of the actual material culture used to create the
networks, while Mol et al. include a plan of one of the sites they study, used as a basis
for creating the intra-site elements of their multi-scalar two-mode network. It is clear,
then, that visualization is far from straightforward; although the traditional network
visualization, whether geographically or relationally organized (or indeed both), re-
mains deservedly popular, many decisions must be made about which and how many
networks to produce visualizations of, and what information, if any, is to be conveyed
about the attributes of edges and nodes. It is also clear that there are many other options
for conveying information about network data than traditional network visualizations.


In this introduction, then, we have pulled apart the processes that the authors of the
papers in this special issue have gone through to first abstract the phenomena they
16 Collar et al.

study into network concepts, and then to represent those concepts as data. This has
demonstrated how abstraction and representation processes determine the usefulness of
network methods for addressing research questions. Different network data can be
constructed from the same archaeological data, and different network conceptualiza-
tions and network data can be formulated for exploring the same phenomena. We could
conclude that the multi-vocality of network approaches is a significant virtue: they
reveal different things, allow for different insights into past phenomena through
different conceptualizations, and allow one to work on multiple (conceptual and/or
geographical) scales. However, some approaches might be more suitable than others,
and it is the way in which we abstract the phenomena we are interested in and the way
in which we see connections in our data that will determine their success.
It is important to stress again the fact that network methods are part of an archae-
ological research process, not a replacement of it. Network methods provide a set of
techniques that may potentially prove useful at multiple different stages of the analyt-
ical and interpretive process. The abstraction of past phenomena into concepts is
something all archaeologists do routinely, and formulating assumptions about how
and why relationships matter should always be motivated by archaeological theory and
Second, network science methods incorporate techniques that are already frequently
used by archaeologists, or that are an element of commonly used methods. For
example, a Harris matrix can be considered a network representation of the theoretical
assumptions known as the laws of stratigraphy. Formal methods should be selected for
their ability to perform necessary tasks no other method can do, and can often
complement one another when used in combination.
Third, some of the more familiar elements of network science can also be of
considerable use. For example, in some cases similar, more commonly used statistical
techniques might be an alternative and perhaps ultimately a better means of manipu-
lating archaeological data. However, the representation of archaeological data as
network data and the use of exploratory network techniques are a valuable form of
exploratory data analysis, as the process of representing archaeological data as net-
works, exploring them visually, and thinking about relationships and their implications
can lead to new insights and questions.
Such a process may also bring about a new attempt to understand how structure and
practice interact since one of the major results of network approaches in other disciplines
is how actors (nodes) influence, and are influenced by, the position of other actors within
the network. Archaeology’s ability to marshal datasets that can be both spatially and
temporally expansive allows us to analyze networks in a dynamic way. Moreover, there
is room for considering things or artifacts as actors within a network approach, such as
within the two-mode network analyses suggested by Knappett (2011). Some things
certainly did have agency to individuals and groups in the past and representing that
interaction formally may be one way to explore relationships of people and things.
As the articles in this issue show, we are at the beginning of an exciting process with
a healthy diversity of approaches. The future of network theory in archaeology depends
on continuing to explore the various ways in which network science can produce new
questions and new answers. We need to think more deeply about datasets, collabora-
tion, and sharing of data, because large datasets are particularly well-suited to analysis
through network concepts and methods. Having said this, as several of the articles
Networks in Archaeology 17

demonstrate, small datasets can still deliver important insights. The diversity in scales,
concepts, approaches, and applications that we have seen already bodes well for
networks in archaeology being more than “hype.”

Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the contributors to this special issue and to all speakers at the
session of the Society of American Anthropology in Hawaii in 2013 from which this special issue is derived,
including the discussant Ian Hodder. We would also like to thank Catherine Cameron and James Skibo for
their help in compiling and editing the contributions.

This glossary contains definitions of concepts used in the individual papers of
this special issue. For each concept, we first provide a formal definition, often
followed by a description of the main use of the concept or its implications.
The network represented in Fig. 5 is used to illustrate a number of concepts.
Where examples drawn from figures are provided, we refer to connected nodes
by their number separated by a hyphen (e.g., 1–2 indicates that node one is
connected to node 2). A key reference work for most of the concepts described
here is that by Wasserman and Faust (1994), in which more elaborate
descriptions, mathematical formulations, and additional bibliographic resources
can be found. A limited number of additional primary sources are given in this
glossary and included in a separate bibliography below.
The glossary presented here benefited greatly from discussions with members of
the algorithmics group at the Department of Computer and Information Science of the
University of Konstanz, John M. Roberts Jr., and the contributors to this special issue. It
is coauthored with Habiba. The authors of this paper are solely responsible for any
remaining mistakes in this glossary.

Actor See node.

Acyclic network Defined as a directed network with no cycles.
For example, the directed network in Fig. 5b is not acyclic
because it includes the cycle 2-3-4-2. Examples of acyclic
networks include citation networks and dendrograms.
Adjacency matrix Defined as a way of representing a network where there is a row
and a column for each node, and the values in the cells indicate
whether an edge exists between a pair of nodes.
Affiliation network See two-mode network.
Arc See directed edge.
Average degree See degree.
Average shortest See geodesic.
Betweenness A node’s betweenness centrality is defined as the fraction of the
centrality number of geodesics passing through this node over the number
of geodesics between all pairs of nodes in the network.
Nodes with a high betweenness centrality are often
considered to be important intermediaries for controlling
18 Collar et al.

Fig. 5 Example network used in some of the definitions below to clarify network concepts

the flow of resources between other nodes, because they

are located on paths between many other node pairs. The
concept of brokerage is often mentioned in relation to
betweenness centrality. Nodes which are incident to the
only edge connecting two subsets of nodes in the network
are in a position to broker the relationship between these
nodes. These nodes will typically have a high betweenness
centrality but not necessarily a high degree or closeness
centrality. For example, in Fig. 4 if the only route between
towns A and C travels through B, town B may be in a position to
tax any goods traveling between them, to control what
information travels between towns, or to isolate one or both.
Betweenness centrality was first quantitatively expressed by
Anthonisse (1971) and Freeman (1977).
Bipartite network See two-mode networks.
Blockmodel Defined as a partitioning into blocks of structurally
equivalent nodes, where the blocks are connected by
hypothesized edges.
In blockmodeling, the rows and columns of adjacency matrices
are arranged so that structurally equivalent nodes are in adjacent
positions in the matrix, and the edges between different blocks
can be studied. First introduced by White, Boorman, and
Breiger (1976).
Brokerage See betweenness centrality.
Networks in Archaeology 19

Centrality Defined as a family of measures of the node’s position within

the network, which represent a ranking of nodes (see
betweenness, closeness, degree, and eigenvector centralities).
Centrality measures are used to identify the most important or
prominent nodes in the network, depending on the different
definitions of importance or prominence implemented in the
network measure used.
Clique A clique is a subset of nodes in a network, where every pair of
nodes is connected by an edge.
In the social sciences, only cliques of three nodes or more are
usually considered. For example, in Fig. 5a, nodes 2, 3, and 4
form a clique of size 3. The definition of a clique is independent
of whether it applies to the whole network or not. For example, a
network can consist of multiple cliques, or an entire network can
be one clique. The latter can also be called a complete network.
Closeness centrality The closeness centrality of a node is defined as the inverse of the
sum of the geodesics of that node to all other nodes divided by
the number of nodes in the network.
The closeness centrality of a node gives an indication of how
close this node is to all other nodes in the network, represented
as the number of steps in the network that are necessary on
average to reach another node. Nodes with a high closeness
centrality score could be considered important or prominent,
since they can share and obtain resources in less steps than other
nodes. Early quantitative implementations of closeness
centrality are reviewed by Freeman (1979).
Clustering Defined as the number of closed triplets over the total number of
coefficient triplets in a network, where a triplet is a set of three nodes with
two (open triplet) or three (closed triplet) undirected edges
between them.
The clustering coefficient represents the average probability that
two nodes connected to a third node are themselves connected,
and it is commonly used for this purpose since the publication of
the “small-world” network model (Watts and Strogatz 1998).
The clustering coefficient of a network is closely related to
the concept of transitivity in the social sciences, which captures
the notion that “a friend of a friend is a friend.” Transitivity
refers to the tendency of an open triplet to become a closed
Cohesion See density.
Complete network See clique.
Connected Defined as a subset of an undirected network in which any pair
component of nodes can be connected to each other via at least one path,
and where there can be no paths to any nodes outside this
For example, in the undirected network in Fig. 5a, there are two
connected components: node 5 and nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4.
20 Collar et al.

Connection See edge.

Cycle Defined as a path in a directed network in which the starting
node and ending node are the same. It is also called a closed
For example, in Fig. 5b, the path 2-3-4-2 is a cycle. See also
acyclic network.
Degree The degree of a node is defined as the number of edges incident
to this node.
The average degree of a network is the sum of the degrees of all
nodes in this network divided by the number of nodes. In a
directed network, the indegree of a node refers to the number of
incoming incident edges of a node. In a directed network, the
outdegree of a node refers to the number of outgoing incident
edges of a node. For example, node 2 in Fig. 5a has a degree of
3, while the same node can be said in Fig. 5b to have an
indegree of 2 and an outdegree of 1.
Degree centrality Defined as the centrality of a node based on the number of
edges incident to this node.
According to the degree centrality measure, a node is important
or prominent if it has edges to a high number of other nodes.
Degree distribution Defined as the probability distribution of all degrees over the
whole network.
The measure is commonly used to compare the structure of
networks since the publication of the “scale-free” network
structure (Albert and Barabási 2002, p. 49; Barabási and Albert
1999; Newman 2010, p. 243–247). In scale-free networks, the
degree distribution follows a power-law.
Density Defined as the fraction of the number of edges that are
present to the maximum possible number of edges in the
Cohesion is a commonly used concept which is often
operationalized using the density measure. For other cohesion
measures, see Wasserman and Faust (1994, 249–290).
Diameter Defined as the length of the longest geodesic in the network.
Directed edge Defined as an ordered pair of nodes, which is often graphically
represented as an arrow drawn from a starting node to an end
A directed edge is asymmetric. It connects a starting node with
an ending node and cannot be traversed in the other direction.
For example, all edges in Fig. 5b are directed edges.
Directed network Defined as a set of nodes and a set of directed edges.
A path through a directed network will need to follow the
direction of the directed edges. For example, the network in
Fig. 5b is a directed network.
Distance See path length.
Dyad Defined as any pair of nodes in a network that may or may not
have an edge between them.
Networks in Archaeology 21

For undirected edges, there are two possible dyadic

relationships: connected, or not connected. For directed edges,
there are four: unconnected; connected in one direction;
connected in the other direction; and connected in both
Edge Defined as a line between a pair of nodes, representing some
kind of relationship between them.
Many synonyms exist to refer to an edge, including tie, arc,
relationship, link, connection, and line. An edge can be directed
or undirected, and weighted or unweighted. The concept “arc” is
often used to refer to a directed edge.
Ego network Defined as a network consisting of a node (called ego), the
nodes it is directly connected to, and the edges between these
Eigenvector The eigenvector centrality of a node is defined in terms of the
centrality eigenvector centrality of nodes incident on it.
More descriptively, instead of assigning a single centrality score
to a node, a node’s eigenvector centrality is defined in terms
proportional to the nodes incident on it. A node with a high
eigenvector centrality is a node that is connected to other nodes
with a high eigenvector centrality. See Newman (Newman
2010, 169–172) for the procedure to calculate eigenvector
Embeddedness A polyvalent concept that comprises two variants. The first is
the structural integration of a node or any group of nodes within
the network. Different measures for structural integration exist.
The E/I index is one example of this, which is calculated as a
ratio of the number of edges within a group of nodes (internal)
and between groups of nodes (external). The second variant, as
popularized in economic theory through the work of Polanyi
(1944) and Granovetter (1985), relates to the intertwined nature
of social, economic, political, religious, and cultural interac-
tions. See Borck et al. (2015) and Hess (2004) for overviews of
this concept.
Equivalence See structural equivalence.
Geodesic Defined as the path between a pair of nodes with the shortest
path length. Sometimes referred to as the shortest path length
between a pair of nodes. For example, the geodesic between
nodes 1 and 3 in Fig. 5b is the path 1–3 with a length of 1. The
average shortest path length is the average of all geodesics in a
Graph See network.
Heterophily Defined as a tendency of nodes to become connected to other
nodes that are dissimilar under a certain definition of
For example, in Fig. 6a, a node with an attribute value
represented in gray will have a tendency of being connected to a
22 Collar et al.

Fig. 6 Nodes with two different attribute values, represented as the white or gray fill of nodes. a Heterophily
represents a tendency of nodes being connected to other nodes with a different attribute value. b Homophily
represents a tendency of nodes being connected to other nodes with the same attribute value

node with a different attribute value represented in white.

Homophily Defined as a tendency of nodes to become connected to other
nodes that are similar under a certain definition of similarity.
For example, in Fig. 6b, a node with an attribute value
represented in gray will have a tendency of being connected to a
node with the same attribute value.
Indegree See degree.
Isolates Defined as nodes in a network which have no incident edges.
For example, node 5 in Fig. 5a is an isolate.
Line See edge.
Link See edge.
Network Defined as a set of nodes and a set of edges.
In mathematics, a network is referred to as a graph, while
networks often consist of social nodes and edges, and are
referred to as social networks in the social sciences.
Node Defined as an atomic discrete entity representing a network
A vertex (plural vertices) is a commonly used synonym to refer
to a node. The term actor is sometimes used as a synonym for
nodes in the social sciences.
One-mode network See two-mode network.
Outdegree See degree.
Path Defined as a walk between a pair of nodes in which no nodes
and edges are repeated.
For example, nodes 1 and 3 in Fig. 5b are connected by the path
Path length Defined as the number of edges in a path.
For example, nodes 1 and 3 in Fig. 5b are connected by the path
1-2-3, which has a path length of 2.
Power-law Defined as a mathematical relationship between two entities
where the frequency of one entity varies as a power of the
second entity. More formally, the probability of a node with
degree k is proportional to ka.
Commonly used to describe the degree distribution of networks
with a scale-free structure (Barabási and Albert 1999). When a
network’s degree distribution follows a power-law, it implies
that few nodes have a much higher degree than all other nodes
in the network and most nodes have a very low degree. Nodes
Networks in Archaeology 23

with a very high degree, sometimes referred to as “hubs” in the

network, significantly reduce the average shortest path length of
the network.
Relationship See edge.
Shortest path See geodesic.
“Small-world” A small-world network is defined as a network in which the
network average shortest path length is almost as small as that of a
uniformly random network with the same number of nodes and
density, whereas the clustering coefficient is much higher than
in a uniformly random network (a uniformly random network is
defined as a network in which each edge exists with a fixed
probability p).
The small-world network structure as described here was first
published by Watts and Strogatz (1998). This structure illus-
trates that relatively few edges between clusters of nodes are
needed to significantly reduce the average shortest path length.
It implies that resources can flow between any pairs of nodes in
the network relatively efficiently, while maintaining a high
degree of clustering.
Social network See network.
Strongly connected Defined as a connected component in a directed network.
component In a directed network, a connected component is always either
strongly or weakly connected. For example, in Fig. 5b, node 5 is
a connected component, while the set of nodes 1, 2, 3, and 4 are
not because node 1 cannot be reached by a path from the other
Strong tie A number of theoretical network models used in the social
sciences rely on a distinction between strong and weak
ties (particularly those drawing on Granovetter 1973). The
distinctions between the two, however, are rarely formally
defined. In general, strong ties are used to describe
frequently activated relationships (such as family/kin ties)
whereas weak ties are used to describe infrequently
accessed connections (acquaintances). Strong ties tend to
be among actors with similar sets of overlapping rela-
tionships whereas weak ties more often connect sets of
actors who would otherwise be unconnected. In weighted
networks, thresholds on the distribution of weights across
a network as a whole are often used to define strong vs.
weak ties though there are no consistent rules used for
this distinction.
Structural Defined as two nodes are structurally equivalent if they have
equivalence identical edges to and from all other nodes in the network (see
Lorrain and White 1971).
Structural equivalence is used to identify nodes which have the
same position in a network. It can be used to inform
blockmodeling. In the social sciences, the structural similarities
24 Collar et al.

identified through structural equivalence are used to study social

positions and social roles.
Tie See edge.
Transitivity See clustering coefficient.
Two-mode network Defined as a network in which two sets of nodes are defined as
modes. In a two-mode network, nodes of one mode can only be
connected to nodes of another node.
Two-mode networks are sometimes referred to as bipartite
networks. The definition of modes depends on the research
context. In the social sciences, two-mode networks are often
used as a representation of affiliation networks, where one mode
represents individuals and the other mode represents institutions
or other concepts these individuals are affiliated with (given the
definition of affiliation within the research context). For exam-
ple, individuals may be affiliated to political parties, or be
members on different boards of directors. The most common
example of the use of two-mode networks in archaeology is to
represent sites as one mode and the artifact types found on sites
as a second mode. Two-mode networks can be transformed into
two different one-mode networks by focusing on either one of
the two modes. In a one-mode network, only the nodes of one of
the two modes is included, and pairs of nodes are connected by
an edge if both have a connection to at least one node of the
other mode in the two-mode network. For example, the two-
mode network in Fig. 7a (where two different modes are rep-
resented as nodes with a different color) can be transformed into
a one-mode network of only gray nodes (Fig. 7b) or a one-mode
network of only white nodes (Fig. 7c).
Undirected edge Defined as an unordered pair of nodes, which is often
graphically represented as a line drawn between the pair of
An undirected edge is symmetric. Typically just called an edge.
For example, all edges in Fig. 5a are undirected edges.

Fig. 7 a Representation of a two-mode network, where nodes belonging to different modes are represented
with a white or gray fill. b One-mode representation of the gray mode in the two-mode network of a. c one-
mode representation of the white mode in the two-mode network of a
Networks in Archaeology 25

Undirected network A set of nodes and a set of undirected edges.

An undirected network is symmetric. For example, the network
in Fig. 5a is an undirected network.
Unweighted edge Defined as an edge which is not weighted.
Typically just called an edge. See also weighted edge.
Unweighted network Defined as a set of nodes and a set of unweighted edges.
Valued network See weighted network.
Vertex See node.
Walk A walk between a pair of nodes is defined as any sequence of
nodes connected through edges which has that pair of nodes as
In contrast to a path, nodes and edges can be repeated in a walk.
For example, in Fig. 5b, a walk between nodes 2 and 3 could be
Weakly connected Defined as a connected component in a directed network where
component the directionality of edges is ignored.
In a directed network, a connected component is always either
strongly or weakly connected. For example, in Fig. 5b, there are
two weakly connected components: node 5 and nodes 1, 2, 3,
and 4.
Weak tie See strong tie.
Weighted edge Defined as an edge with a value associated to it.
These values are often real numbers but they can also be any
concept connecting the end nodes of the edge. The definition of
an edge weight depends on the research context. Weights could
be represented as an attribute of an edge. Thresholding can be
applied to select a subset of edges with a given edge weight.
Weighted network Defined as a set of nodes and a set of weighted edges.


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