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6005 Applied Operating Systems

Class Exercises – Week 4 Session 1

File System Management

We are going to manage the file system by using tools available in the Windows environment. This
class exercise will affect your marks for the practical portion of your assessment (Assessment 2).
Submit this exercise with your answers at the end of the class. This will be returned to you
tomorrow. No submission, no marks.

Use the pre-installed XP or 2003 virtual machine for this exercise. You will not have access to these
tools on the NET host machines.

NAME: ___________________________
A. Checking the disk

In the CLI, type CHKDSK. Answer the following questions:

1. How many stages are there? List down what each stage is doing.

2. Write down the result after the message, “Windows has checked the file system...”. Yes,
write ALL of it. 

3. What do you think is the function of the chkdsk command (write down the exact purpose of
the command)? (Hint: /h)

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IT6.6005 Applied Operating Systems

B. Defragmenting the disk

1. You should have done your research on how to defrag the system via command line. Do this
and write down what full command that you used for doing the defragmentation.

2. Write down the result of the defragmentation report.

3. Are you having any difficulty or issues with the defrag process?

C. Preparing the data for backup

1. In the root of the C drive, create two folders, one called User Data and the other Shared
Documents. Under the User Data folder, create a folder for each member of your group (the
people sharing this machine for the exercise). Under the Shared Documents, create three
sample documents (can be any, image, doc, text, etc.).

2. Copy all your profile content into your folder under the User Data folder.

D. Configuring the backup

1. In the CLI, type in ntbackup. This should bring up the backup wizard. Then click on Advanced
Mode to configure the backup.

2. Configure the backup to meet the following requirements:

a. Backup the two folders only: User Data and Shared Documents.
b. At the end of every week, the backup is scheduled to run a full backup at 9 pm.
c. Every Monday and Wednesday night, an incremental backup is scheduled to run at

3. Run the backup. To do this, you will need to go to All Programs > Accessories > System Tools
> Scheduled Tasks. If you right click on the full backup schedule, you should have an option
called Run now. Check that the backup file has been created and get the tutor to confirm
that you have scheduled the backups appropriately: where, when and what has been backed

4. Do #3 again but this time, choose Properties. Write down the full string for the command
that you find under the Run text box.

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