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Animation Reviewer

1.Which of the following is a reference sheet of an animator that shows how characters are constructed and how they
would pose?
A. Bar sheet B. Model sheet
C. Plain sheet D.Line sheet
2. Which model sheet design shows the different behaviors, moods, and attitude of the character?
A. Anatomical Study Model Sheet
B. General Final Line Model Sheet
C. Rough Constructional
D. Rough Character Concept
3. What are the shapes used to combine in creating simple cartoon character?
A.Cicle, square, and triangle
B.Cicle, square, and rectangle
C.Circle, triangle, and rectangle
D.Circle, oval, and triangle
4. What shape is used to depict dependable, solid or heavy characters?
A. Circles B. Squares C. Triangle D. Rectangle
5.Based on the picture. How do you measure the height of a cartoon character? It is measured by
A. The shape of heads
B. The size of heads
C. The number of heads
D.The texture of heads
6. Why is proportion important tool in drawing? Because it can emphasize…
A.Drawing and details
B.Elements and communicate ideas.
C.Texture and communicate ideas
D.Shape and sizes
7. Which of the following is NOT the steps in creating head construction?
A. Start with a circle
B. Draw an eye line horizontally around the circle and draw a line vertically perpendicular to the eye line.
C. Draw the eyes above the horizontal line and the nose below the eye line
D. Add detail of the character
8.What should the artist do after the finished scene folder approved by the clean-up checker? The artist…
A. Forwarded the scene folder to the director
B. Forwarded the scene folder to the animator
C. Keep the scene folder
D. Signs off the scene folder
9.What is the function of the clean-up checker? It examines the…
A. Rough storyboard, model pack, exposure sheets
B. Scene against the storyboard, model pack, exposure sheets, and animation roughs.
C.Scene against the drawing, model pack, exposure sheets, and animation roughs.
D. Scene against the clean-up, model pack, exposure sheets, and animation roughs.
10. What is the vital importance sheet to the animation process in a sense that it passes on the audio soundtrack
information to the animator?
A. Dope sheet
B. Plain sheet
C. Exposure sheet
D. Chart
11. Which one is a premier tool for online cartooning and animation?
A. Dreamweaver B. Portable Adobe
C. Macromedia Flash D. Micromedia Flash
12. Which of the following facts is true about vector?
A. Quantity or phenomenon that has two independent properties, magnitude, and direction.
B. Quantity or phenomenon that has independent properties, magnitude, and direction
C. Refers to the creation of successive frames of animation between key frames
D. Refers to the creation of successive key frames of animation in-betweening
13. Which of the following is a vector application?
A. Harmony B. Maya
C. Adobe Reader D. Flash
14.When is the import of the image to the workspace in Macromedia Flash done?
A.After scanned the rough drawing
B.After trace the drawing using bitmap tool
C.After use line tool D.After creating new layer
15. What does it meant when creating a content based on vectors that are infinitely scalable?This means that the
person draws a cartoon…
A. 3 inches wide in flash, the person could blow it up in their desired size without seeing a single pixel.
B.3 inches wide in flash, the line would still be sharp.
C.3 inches wide in flash, the person could blow it up in their desired size with seeing a single pixel.
D.3 inches wide in flash, the person could blow it up in their desired shape with seeing a single pixel.
16.What is the third step in manual tracing Macromedia Flash?
A.Scan rough drawing
B.Imports the image to the workspace
C.Traces the drawing using bitmap tool
D.Use line tools for long lines and curve
17. What is an essential component for any records management program in the animation industry?
A.Recordkeeping policy B.Recordkeeping regulation
C.Recordkeeping management D.Recordkeeping industry
18. Who would report first to the supervisor if there are discrepancies with the key animation, X-sheets or
A. Rough artist B.Clean-up artist
C.Breakdown artist D.In-betweener artist
19. What would happen if the supervisor cannot work it out in any discrepancies with the key animation, X-sheets or
breakdowns? They call on the…
A. Production manager to sort out the problem
B. Breakdown artist to sort out the problem
C. Clean-up artist to sort out the problem
D. Rough artist to sort out the problem
20. In implementing the necessary revisions after referral has been made. What should the clean-up artist do? Clean-
up artists…
A. Delay to start process by using dark pencil to structure everything
B.Start process by using HB pencil to structure everything
C.Often start process by using dark pencil to structure everything
D.Start process by using B pencil to structure everything
21. The following are the standard materials in recordkeeping except;
A.Hard copies of storyboard B. Black and white model packs
C.Exposure sheets D. Dope sheets
22.What is the basic symbol used in drawing?
A. Art B. Form C. Shape D. Line
23. What is one of the uses of line in art? It is used to…
A.Produce shade of a design
B.Hatch line to cross one direction
C.Divide space or area of a design
D.Show multiple lines of a design
24.Which of the following line is goes in one direction?
A. Cross- hatch lines B. Hatch lines
C. Double lines D. Cross lines
25. Who is responsible in polishing the key drawings?
A.Breakdown artist B.Animation Director
C.Clean-up artist D.Rough artist
26.Who is finishing off the animation based on the chart and spacing given by the animator?
A. Breakdown Artist B.Animation Director
C. Clean-Up Artist D. Rough Artist
26. What is the best definition of breakdown pose?
A. Pose in one key
B. pose in- between two keys
C. Pose between three keys
D. Pose between one-two keys
28. What do you call the breakdown drawing?It comes between…
A. Keys to help the key frame animator describe the action to in-between animators
B. Keys to help the key frame animator describe the action to in-between animators
C. Keys to help the key frame animator describe the action to in-between animators
D. To help the key frame animator describe the action to in-between animators
29.Based on the picture. How would you identify breakdown drawings? Identifying as…
A. Circled number
B. An underlined number
C.Identifying as number only
D.Identifying as 1, 2 and 6 number
30.What would happen if there is no breakdown drawing indicated in the breakdown chart?
A. Breakdown chart will not proceed.
B. Breakdown chart will not be approved
C. Breakdown chart will not be completed
D. Breakdown chart will not be passed
31. Based on the picture in no. 16. What is the function of key drawings? They function as…
A.The beginning and last movement of the drawings
B.The beginning, middle and last movement of the drawings
C.The starter, middle and last movement of the key drawings
D.The starter, middle and last movement of the key drawings
32. How is one way of line testing done?By flipping the drawings by:
A. Finger B.Thumb C.Computer D. Hand
33.When are all drawings cleaned up? When…
A.Line testing is undone B.Line testing is done
C.Rough drawing is undone D.Rough drawing is done
34. What type of external connector provides a high-speed connection between computer and peripheral devices?
A.Flash drive B.USB port
C.External D.Firewire
35. Which of the following is the best definition of flipping?
Check if the action is...
A.Moving properly B.Working properly
C.Timing properly D.Not working properly
36. Where does an animator use pencil testing?
A.In mouth sync B. In eye sync
C. In lip sync D.In eyebrow sync
37. When does an animator will redraw, add or delete frames? If the result is…
A. Good B. Good enough
C. Satisfactory D. Unsatisfactory
38. What is the helpful hint for clean-up?
A. Line must be popping B.Line must be connected
C. Line must be broken D.Line must be double
39. What is the short term for in-betweening?
A. Tween B.Tweening
C.In-tween D.In- tweening

40. What image is consists of distinct straight or curved lines placed against usually plain background?
A. Rough drawing B. Clean-up drawing
C. Line art D. Clean-up stage
41.Where are all elements compiled after they are approved by the director?
A. In the Animation Scene Folder
B. In the Animation Scene Box
C. In the Animation Scene Cabinet
D. In the Animation Scene Shelve
42.Select the best definition of rough drawing.
A. Final sketch of a design or picture
B. Preliminary sketch of a design or picture
C. First sketch of a design or picture
D. Last sketch of a design or picture
43.Where are all the rough and reworked drawings of the animator are carefully redrawn?
A.Clean-up stage B.Draft drawing stage
C.Final drawing stage D.Rough drawing stage
44. What is the function of a good clean-up artist?
A.Creates dull lines B.Creates rough lines
C.Puts emphasis the uneven line details
D.Puts emphasis on the importance of details
45.What do you call the line produced by a pencil lead made a soft native carbon occurring in black to dark gray
foliated masses?
A.Graphite line B.Rough line
C.First line D.Final line
46.What do you call the rough key poses and expressions produced by the animator?
A.Clean-up artist’s key B.Producer’s key
C.Animator’s key D.Rough artist’s key
47. What would happen if the clean-up model differs from the original rough?
A. Rough artist will redraw the character on a new sheet of paper
B.Clean-up artist will redraw the character on a new sheet of paper
C.In-betweener artist will redraw the character on a new sheet of paper
D. Animator will redraw the character on a new sheet of paper
48 When are the key drawings forwarded to the clean-up department.
A.Once the key drawings have been approved by the animation director
B.Once the key drawings have been approved by the rough department.
C.Once the key drawings have been approved by the in-betweener department.
D.Once the key drawings have been approved by the producer department.
49. In traditional animation process, what is the function of animation director?
A. Responsible for the final line
B. Responsible for the clean-up
C.Checks all the in-between key poses
D.Checks all the key drawings
50. What consistencies are there between drawing and character model?
A. Drawing must match the character models and contain all details.
B. Drawing must match the animator’s key and contain all details.
C.Drawing must differ the character models and contain all details.
D.Drawing must differ the animator’s key and contain all details.

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