Wageningen Graduate Schools Sandwich PHD - WUR

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Wageningen Graduate
Schools Sandwich PhD
Sandwich PhD candidates are international PhD
candidates who only spend part of their time at
Wageningen University.

As a sandwich PhD candidate you will spend the
first nine months of your degree at Wageningen
University. During this time you will expand your
research proposal and follow a tailor-made education
and training programme.

The next thirty months are spent conducting research

in your home country under the supervision of a local
supervisor. You will have regular contact with your
supervisor in Wageningen via email. Sandwich PhD
candidates often return to Wageningen for short visits,
and a Wageningen University supervisor will
sometimes visit the student’s home institute.

After you have finished collecting all your data, you

return to Wageningen to finish the PhD thesis, which
should take you approximately nine months. For your
thesis defense, your local supervisor will come to
Wageningen to act as co-promoter at your graduation

To apply for a Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS)
sandwich PhD position, you can follow the steps
outlined on the Application form. If you wish to apply
for a sandwich PhD position, you will need to provide
proof of commitment from your home institute in
addition to the other documentation. Please bear in
mind that the number of applications for WGS
sandwich PhD positions greatly exceed the number of
available places. Only the best candidates with the
most original and innovative research proposals will be

Wageningen Graduate Schools

Sandwich PhD
Deadline for proposals is 14 June 2017. Please
note that applications must be done by professors of
Wageningen University.

Each year Wageningen Graduate Schools has about

five positions available for sandwich PhD candidates.
The budget of around € 60.000 covers eighteen
months of stay in Wageningen and reimbursements for
travel costs of student and supervisors. Additionally,
Wageningen University will provide supervision,
education and training, and a waiver for the university
fee. The WGS Sandwich PhD programme only covers
the eighteen months a candidate spends in the
Netherlands. Due to tax regulations sandwich PhD
candidates funded by the WGS sandwich PhD program
are offered a PhD contract with a maximum length of 2
x 9 months.

A WGS Sandwich PhD will consist of

Nr of Total

Personnel expenses 18 x € €
2150 38.700

Visa 3 x € 1000 € 3000

International travel expenses 3 x € 1400 €


Settling allowance, book 1 x € 550 € 550

allowance, sending home
study material

Field supervisor 2x€ €

2.250 4.500

Use of facilities* 18 x € 500 €


Total €

*In order to receive this compensation for the use of

facilities, a chair group is required to send an invoice
after each stay via an intercompany(project nr. 84 152
55510 PhD beurzen, Administratie 84, kostenplaats
152(9) ).

The education budget and the costs for printing the

thesis are not included in the sandwich budget. The
department at which candidates conduct their research
will compensate these costs.

WGS Sandwich PhD application

A supervising professor at Wageningen University is
the only person who can start the application
procedure for a WGS Sandwich PhD. A professor of
Wageningen University may only submit one sandwich
candidate per round.

Each round the selection committee will award

approximately five candidates. If you obtain a WGS
sandwich PhD you must be in Wageningen for the first
part of the WGS sandwich PhD within six months after
the PhD has been awarded. If not, the WGS sandwich
PhD position will no longer be available.

The WGS sandwich PhD is awarded based on a your

resume. It is not possible to apply for a partial
sandwich PhD. Institutes can also not change
candidates after the selection procedure has been

Sometimes WGS sandwich PhD’s are used as a

stepping stone to pursue more financially rewarding
elsewhere. If you accept other finances , the WGS
Sandwich PhD will no longer be available. The recipient
research group may not use the remaining funding to
finance the research of another candidate.

You can apply by sending the application form plus all

the required annexes through SURFfilesender to
henrieke.deruiter@wur.nl. At the end of the form you
will find instructions. Please read the instructions
carefully before sending the form.

Deadline for proposals is 14 June 2017. Please note

that applications must be done by professors of
Wageningen University.

Admission requirements
You can only apply for a WGS Sandwich PhD if you are
a national of one of the countries in the following
regions: Middle and South America, Africa, countries
that belong to the former Soviet Union and that are
not an EU-member state and all Asian countries except
Israel, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. Dutchmen,
including those who hold dual citizenship, will not be
admitted into the sandwich PhD programme.

You will receive priority if you:

 Can prove you will be employed at your home

institute after completion of your PhD programme
 You have received funding from your home institute
 You are an MSc graduate from Wageningen
University or if you work on a Wageningen
University project

If you have recently finished an MSc at Wageningen

University your application will be considered, but
applicants with working experience at an institute in
one of the countries mentioned above will receive
preference. If no clear link between you and your
home institute exists, your application will not be
taken into consideration.

Selection criteria
Selection criteria:

1. Your link with your home institute:

 Quality and infrastructure of the supervising

 Written institutional support from the countries
 Quality of the relationship between the home
institute and Wageningen University

2. Your qualities as shown by:

 Curriculum Vitae
 Diplomas
 Publications
3. The quality of the proposal:

 Originality and innovative aspects of the

proposed research
 Clarity of the proposal: problem definition,
research methodology (comparable to a
WOTRO pre-proposal, no full proposals are

Please note that this WGS sandwich PhD position only

finances the eighteen months of the PhD programme
you will spend in the Netherlands.

     

PhD Programme
Tuition fee Application process

Timetable Funding your PhD

Rules and regulations

Graduate Schools
 Experimental Plant Sciences

 Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate


 Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences

 Food Technology Agrobiotechnology Nutrition and Health


 Production Ecology and Resource Conservation

 Wageningen School of Social Sciences

PhD Vacancies Services

 Wageningen PhD Council

 Buddy System

Moving to Wageningen

Categories of PhD Candidates

 Research Assistants

 Sandwich PhD candidates

Teaching duties PhD candidates

English language requirements

en|English 
To explore the potential of nature to improve the
quality of life.

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 PhD

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 General Terms and Conditions

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