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Practice and Apply

As Act Two begins, John and Elizabeth Proc-
tor express concern about the growth of the
witchcraft scare. Then they argue: Elizabeth
urges her husband to expose Abigail as a
fraud, and the two revisit his affair with her. (The common room of Proctor’s house, eight days later.
Mary Warren brings news of further arrests At the right is a door opening on the fields outside. A fireplace is at the left, and behind it
and the possible implication of Elizabeth. Rev- a stairway leading upstairs. It is the low, dark, and rather long living room of the time. As
erend Hale arrives and interviews the couple, the curtain rises, the room is empty. From above, Elizabeth is heard softly singing to the
children. Presently the door opens and John Proctor enters, carrying his gun. He glances
and when the marshal arrests Elizabeth, Proc-
about the room as he comes toward the fireplace, then halts for an instant as he hears her
tor condemns the desire for vengeance that is singing. He continues on to the fireplace, leans the gun against the wall as he swings a pot
driving events, and he vows to save his wife. out of the fire and smells it. Then he lifts out the ladle and tastes. He is not quite pleased.
He reaches to a cupboard, takes a pinch of salt, and drops it into the pot. As he is tasting
again, her footsteps are heard on the stair. He swings the pot into the fireplace and goes to
a basin and washes his hands and face. Elizabeth enters.)

RL 3
Model the skill: RL 5
Elizabeth. What keeps you so late? It’s almost dark. 20 Proctor. It’s well seasoned.
conventions of drama Proctor. I were planting far out to the forest edge. Elizabeth (blushing with pleasure). I took great care.
Elizabeth. Oh, you’re done then. She’s tender?
Use the stage directions to explain what
Proctor. Aye, the farm is seeded. The boys asleep? Proctor. Aye. (He eats. She watches him.) I think we’ll
happens between Elizabeth and Proctor in see green fields soon. It’s warm as blood beneath the
Elizabeth. They will be soon. (And she goes to the fire-
lines 33–34. Read aloud the stage direc- clods.
place, proceeds to ladle up stew in a dish.)
tions, emphasizing the words kiss, receives, Elizabeth. That’s well.
Proctor. Pray now for a fair summer.
and disappointment. Then ask the follow- ( Proctor eats, then looks up.)
Elizabeth. Aye.
ing question: Why does he feel “a certain Proctor. If the crop is good I’ll buy George Jacob’s
disappointment”? Proctor. Are you well today?
heifer. How would that please you?
10 Elizabeth. I am. (She brings the plate to the table, and,
Possible answer: Proctor kisses Elizabeth, 30 Elizabeth. Aye, it would.
indicating the food.) It is a rabbit.
she “receives his kiss” (line 33), and he Proctor (going to the table). Oh, is it! In Jonathan’s
Proctor (with a grin). I mean to please you, Elizabeth.
returns to his seat at the table. He feels dis- trap? Elizabeth (It is hard to say). I know it, John.
appointment because she has not returned Elizabeth. No, she walked into the house this after- (He gets up, goes to her, kisses her. She receives it. With
his kiss; he feels the distance between them. noon; I found her sittin’ in the corner like she come a certain disappointment, he returns to the table.)
Extend the Discussion Why do you think to visit. Proctor (as gently as he can). Cider?

that Elizabeth does not respond to her Proctor. Oh, that’s a good sign walkin’ in. Elizabeth (with a sense of reprimanding herself for
Elizabeth. Pray God. It hurt my heart to strip her, having forgot). Aye! (She gets up and goes and pours a
husband’s kiss with a kiss of her own?
poor rabbit. (She sits and watches him taste it.) glass for him. He now arches his back.)

164 unit 1: early american writing

Resources for Act Two
See resources on the Teacher One Stop DVD-ROM and on
Video Trailer 12/22/10 4:53:39NA_L11PE-u0

Go to to preview
Plan and Teach, pp. 205–210 Two-Column Chart, p. A25 Teacher One Stop DVD-ROM selection. Other features that support
Summary, pp. 211–212 † ‡* New Word Analysis, p. E8 Student One Stop DVD-ROM the selection include
Text Analysis and Reading Spider Map, p. B22 PowerNotes DVD-ROM • PowerNotes presentation
Skill, pp. 213–215 †* Jigsaw Reading, p. A1 Audio Anthology CD • ThinkAloud models to enhance
Sequence Chain, p. B21 comprehension
• WordSharp vocabulary tutorials
• interactive writing and grammar
Selection Tests, pp. 65–68 ADAPTED INTERACTIVE READER on the Teacher One Stop

* Resources for Differentiation † Also in Spanish ‡ Also in Haitian Creole and Vietnamese

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Themes Across Time

Reading Support
This selection on includes
embedded ThinkAloud models–students
“thinking aloud” about the story to model the
kinds of questions a good reader would ask
about a selection.

tiered discussion prompts

Use these prompts to help students explore
the relationship between John and Elizabeth
Proctor as it is revealed in lines 20–32:
Connect Think of a time when you have
done something in hopes of making some-
one happy, only to have your effort fail. How
does that experience help you understand
Proctor’s feelings when Elizabeth fails to
respond to his attempts to make her feel
better? Accept all responses that make an
effort to connect to Proctor’s unsuccessful
compliments and offers of gifts.
Analyze Why does Proctor make a point
of saying, “I mean to please you, Elizabeth”
(line 31)? Possible answer: Proctor probably
wants Elizabeth to know that he is try-
ing to make up for his past infidelity. What
do the stage directions in that same line
suggest about Proctor’s efforts? Possible
answer: The stage directions, which instruct
the actor to grin, probably mean that Proctor
is grinning in hopes that he can coax a smile
out of Elizabeth.

Joan Allen as Elizabeth Proctor

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differentiated instruction
for struggling readers for english language learners
In combination with the Audio Anthology Vocabulary List Students may benefit
CD, use one or more Targeted Passages from creating a glossary of unfamiliar or
(pp. 166, 168, 173, 174, 177, 178) to ensure that archaic words in the selection. Students
students focus on key story events. Have should write down the word and the page
them use a Two-Column Chart to identify on which it appears. Allow students time
key events in Act Two. to look up the meanings in a dictionary. Ex-
plain that archaic words are no longer used
regularly if it all. Aye (line 4) is an example
Two-Column Chart p. A25
of a word meaning “yes” that is rarely used.

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Proctor. This farm’s a continent when you go foot prince and says to me, “I must go to Salem, Goody
40 by foot droppin’ seeds in it. 80 Proctor; I am an official of the court!”
T E X T A N A LY S I S Elizabeth (coming with the cider). It must be. Proctor. Court! What court?

RL 3 Proctor (drinks a long draught, then, putting the glass Elizabeth. Aye, it is a proper court they have now.
conventions of RL 5 down). You ought to bring some flowers in the house. They’ve sent four judges out of Boston, she says,
drama Elizabeth. Oh! I forgot! I will tomorrow. weighty magistrates of the General Court, and at the
head sits the Deputy Governor of the Province.
Miller reveals more about the Proctors’ Proctor. It’s winter in here yet. On Sunday let you
come with me, and we’ll walk the farm together; I Proctor (astonished ). Why, she’s mad.
attitudes toward each other in the stage
never see such a load of flowers on the earth. (With Elizabeth. I would to God she were. There be four-
directions. Elizabeth worries that her
good feeling he goes and looks up at the sky through the teen people in the jail now, she says. ( Proctor simply
husband was in Salem, and “He knows open doorway.) Lilacs have a purple smell. Lilac is the looks at her, unable to grasp it.) And they’ll be tried,
what she means” (line 65). Of what concern 50 smell of nightfall, I think. Massachusetts is a beauty 90 and the court have power to hang them too, she says.
is John Proctor aware? in the spring! Proctor (scoffing, but without conviction). Ah, they’d
Elizabeth. Aye, it is.
1 never hang—
Possible answer: Proctor is aware of Eliza-
beth’s concern that he might have gone to (There is a pause. She is watching him from the table Elizabeth. The Deputy Governor promise hangin’
Salem to see Abigail. as he stands there absorbing the night. It is as though if they’ll not confess, John. The town’s gone wild, I
she would speak but cannot. Instead, now, she takes up think. She speak of Abigail, and I thought she were
IF STUDENTS NEED HELP . . . Relate the his plate and glass and fork and goes with them to the a saint, to hear her. Abigail brings the other girls into
stage directions in lines 60 and 65. basin. Her back is turned to him. He turns to her and the court, and where she walks the crowd will part like
• Discuss what Miller means by the com- watches her. A sense of their separation rises.) the sea for Israel. And folks are brought before them,
Proctor. I think you’re sad again. Are you? and if they scream and howl and fall to the floor—the
ment “and yet she must” in the stage
100 person’s clapped in the jail for bewitchin’ them.
directions for line 60. 60 Elizabeth (She doesn’t want friction, and yet she must).
You come so late I thought you’d gone to Salem this Proctor (wide-eyed ). Oh, it is a black mischief.
• Point out that Miller leaves part of the afternoon. Elizabeth. I think you must go to Salem, John. (He
comment unstated but implied. Elicit Proctor. Why? I have no business in Salem. turns to her.) I think so. You must tell them it is a
that Elizabeth’s description (doesn’t want Elizabeth. You did speak of going, earlier this week.
friction, and yet she must, line 60) refers Proctor (thinking beyond this). Aye, it is, it is surely.
Proctor (He knows what she means). I thought better
to her need to express her sadness and of it since. Elizabeth. Let you go to Ezekiel Cheever—he knows
her mistrust of her husband. you well. And tell him what she said to you last
Elizabeth. Mary Warren’s there today.
week in her uncle’s house. She said it had naught to
Proctor. Why’d you let her? You heard me forbid her do with witchcraft, did she not?
go to Salem any more!
110 Proctor (in thought). Aye, she did, she did. (now, a
revisit the big question 70 Elizabeth. I couldn’t stop her. pause)
Proctor (holding back a full condemnation of her). It
What fuels a is a fault, it is a fault, Elizabeth—you’re the mistress
Elizabeth (quietly, fearing to anger him by prodding).
God forbid you keep that from the court, John. I
MOB? here, not Mary Warren. think they must be told.
Discuss In Elizabeth’s mind, what is the only Elizabeth. She frightened all my strength away. Proctor (quietly, struggling with his thought). Aye, they
way to bring the rising hysteria in Salem to Proctor. How may that mouse frighten you, Eliza- must, they must. It is a wonder they do believe her.
an end? Possible answer: Elizabeth says that beth? You— Elizabeth. I would go to Salem now, John—let you
her husband must reveal what Abigail had Elizabeth. It is a mouse no more. I forbid her go, go tonight.
and she raises up her chin like the daughter of a
admitted to him (lines 108–109). It is a problem
because Proctor would have to reveal that they
were alone together. 166 unit 1: early american writing

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differentiated instruction
for struggling readers • Do Proctor and Elizabeth believe that the use a dictionary and context clues to explore
1 Targeted Passage accused are witches? How can you tell? these other words from this page: fault (line
[Lines 82–104]
(lines 101–104) 72), mad (line 86), tried (line 89), wild (line 94),
This passage reveals that the search for clapped (line 100), black (line 101), wonder
witches in Salem is getting out of control.
for english language learners
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words Direct (line 116).
• Why has a court been set up in Salem?
students’ attention to the word court in lines
(lines 82–85)
80 and 81. Explain that court can be a verb,
• Who is the leader of the girls who claim to be meaning “to attempt to gain someone’s favor
bewitched? (lines 95–98) or love,” or a noun, referring to “a place where
• What system is used to determine whether accused people are judged.” Elicit that court is
the accused people are witches? (lines 98–100) a noun in these lines. Then have small groups

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Themes Across Time

Proctor. I’ll think on it. Elizabeth. And I.

120 Elizabeth (with her courage now). You cannot keep Proctor. Spare me! You forget nothin’ and forgive
it, John. nothin’. Learn charity, woman. I have gone tiptoe in READING SKILLS
Proctor (angering ). I know I cannot keep it. I say I this house all seven month since she is gone. I have RL 1
160 not moved from there to there without I think to Model the Skill: draw
will think on it! RL 3
Elizabeth (hurt, and very coldly). Good, then, let you
please you, and still an everlasting funeral marches conclusions about
round your heart. I cannot speak but I am doubted, characters
think on it. (She stands and starts to walk out of the
every moment judged for lies, as though I come into
room.) After students reread lines 149–164, ask
a court when I come into this house!
Proctor. I am only wondering how I may prove them to turn to the chart introduced on
Elizabeth. John, you are not open with me. You saw
what she told me, Elizabeth. If the girl’s a saint
her with a crowd, you said. Now you— p. 135. Help them draw conclusions by
now, I think it is not easy to prove she’s fraud, and
130 the town gone so silly. She told it to me in a room Proctor. I’ll plead my honesty no more, Elizabeth. working with them to enter more informa-
alone—I have no proof for it. Elizabeth (now she would justify herself ). John, I am tion about Elizabeth and Proctor. Remind
Elizabeth. You were alone with her? only— them to record evidence in the chart to
Proctor (stubbornly). For a moment alone, aye. 170 Proctor. No more! I should have roared you down support their information. Invite sugges-
Elizabeth. Why, then, it is not as you told me.
when first you told me your suspicion. But I wilted, tions about quotations or other evidence
and, like a Christian, I confessed. Confessed! Some students might glean from the passage.
Proctor (his anger rising ). For a moment, I say. dream I had must have mistaken you for God that
The others come in soon after. Then ask the following question: What
day. But you’re not, you’re not, and let you remem-
Elizabeth (quietly—she has suddenly lost all faith in
character traits do Elizabeth and Proctor
ber it! Let you look sometimes for the goodness in
him). Do as you wish, then. (She starts to turn.) me, and judge me not. reveal in this dialogue?
Proctor. Woman. (She turns to him.) I’ll not have Elizabeth. I do not judge you. The magistrate sits in Possible answer: Elizabeth reveals that
140 your suspicion any more. your heart that judges you. I never thought you but she is suspicious of Proctor and increas-
Elizabeth (a little loftily). I have no— a good man, John—(with a smile)—only somewhat ingly bold in her willingness to confront
Proctor. I’ll not have it! 180 bewildered. him about his affair. Proctor reveals that
Elizabeth. Then let you not earn it. Proctor (laughing bitterly). Oh, Elizabeth, your jus- he is defensive about his actions and angry
tice would freeze beer!1 (He turns suddenly toward a
Proctor (with a violent undertone). You doubt me yet? about Elizabeth’s inability or unwillingness
sound outside. He starts for the door as Mary Warren
Elizabeth (with a smile, to keep her dignity). John, if enters. As soon as he sees her, he goes directly to her and to forgive him.
it were not Abigail that you must go to hurt, would grabs her by her cloak, furious.) How do you go to
you falter now? I think not. Salem when I forbid it? Do you mock me? (shaking
Proctor. Now look you— her) I’ll whip you if you dare leave this house again!
Elizabeth. I see what I see, John. (Strangely, she doesn’t resist him, but hangs limply by
150 Proctor (with solemn warning). You will not judge his grip.)
me more, Elizabeth. I have good reason to think 190 Mary Warren. I am sick, I am sick, Mr. Proctor. Pray,
before I charge fraud on Abigail, and I will think on pray, hurt me not. (Her strangeness throws him off,
it. Let you look to your own improvement before and her evident pallor and weakness. He frees her.) My
you go to judge your husband any more. I have insides are all shuddery; I am in the proceedings all
forgot Abigail, and— day, sir.

1. your justice . . . beer: Alcoholic beverages freeze at very low temperatures, so Proctor is sarcastically
calling his wife cold-hearted.

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for english language learners for advanced learners/ap • What does Proctor think about himself?
Vocabulary Support Use New Word Analy- Analyze Dialogue Have students discuss • What does he mean by the phrase “roared
sis to teach these words: evident (line 192), Proctor’s outburst in lines 170–176. Encourage you down” (line 170)? How might his
compensate (line 199), aware (line 452), restrain them to try reading it aloud a few times to get relationship with Elizabeth be different at
(line 518), image (line 556), define (line 571). a feel for the emotions that Proctor expresses this moment if he had “roared [her] down”
in these lines. Then ask students to write a earlier?
brief essay analyzing the passage in the light
New Word Analysis p. E8 • What are his criticisms of Elizabeth?
of these questions:
As students share their essays, ask them what
• How did Elizabeth find out about his affair
they think it would take for the Proctors to
with Abigail?
resolve their conflict.

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Proctor (with draining anger—his curiosity is draining (pause)
it). And what of these proceedings here? When will Proctor. But—surely you know what a jabberer she
READING SKILL you proceed to keep this house, as you are paid nine is. Did you tell them that?
pound a year to do—and my wife not wholly well?
draw conclusions RL 1 Mary Warren. Mr. Proctor, in open court she near
RL 3 (As though to compensate, Mary Warren goes to to choked us all to death.
about characters 200 Elizabeth with a small rag doll.)
Proctor. How, choked you?
Mary Warren. I made a gift for you today, Goody
Miller provides clues about Mary Warren’s 240 Mary Warren. She sent her spirit out.
Proctor. I had to sit long hours in a chair, and passed
character by describing her directly and by Elizabeth. Oh, Mary, Mary, surely you—
the time with sewing.
showing how other characters react to her. Mary Warren (with an indignant edge). She tried to
Elizabeth (perplexed, looking at the doll ). Why, thank
Reread lines 199–217. What do the stage you, it’s a fair poppet.2 kill me many times, Goody Proctor!
directions suggest about how Mary feels Mary Warren (with a trembling, decayed voice). We
Elizabeth. Why, I never heard you mention that
after her day in court? must all love each other now, Goody Proctor. before.
Possible answer: The stage directions sug- Mary Warren. I never knew it before. I never knew
Elizabeth (amazed at her strangeness). Aye, indeed
we must. anything before. When she come into the court I
gest that Mary feels tired, upset, anxious,
say to myself, I must not accuse this woman, for
and overwhelmed by what is happening. 210 Mary Warren (glancing at the room). I’ll get up early
she sleep in ditches, and so very old and poor. But
in the morning and clean the house. I must sleep
IF STUDENTS NEED HELP . . . Have them 250 then—then she sit there, denying and denying, and
now. (She turns and starts off. )
I feel a misty coldness climbin’ up my back, and the
meet in small groups, using a Spider Map Proctor. Mary. (She halts.) Is it true? There be four- skin on my skull begin to creep, and I feel a clamp
to consider Mary’s emotions. Remind them teen women arrested? around my neck and I cannot breathe air; and then
to record both stage directions that relate Mary Warren. No, sir. There be thirty-nine now— (entranced ) I hear a voice, a screamin’ voice, and it
to Mary’s emotions and lines that describe (She suddenly breaks off and sobs and sits down, were my voice—and all at once I remembered every-
how other characters react to her. exhausted.) thing she done to me!
“with a trembling, sobs Elizabeth. Why, she’s weepin’! What ails you, child? Proctor. Why? What did she do to you?
decayed voice” (line 216) Mary Warren. Goody Osburn—will hang! Mary Warren (like one awakened to a marvelous secret
(line 206) 220 (There is a shocked pause, while she sobs.) insight). So many time, Mr. Proctor, she come to
260 this very door, beggin’ bread and a cup of cider—
Proctor. Hang! (He calls into her face.) Hang, y’say?
and mark this: whenever I turned her away empty,
Mary Warren (through her weeping). Aye. she mumbled.
Proctor. The Deputy Governor will permit it?
Elizabeth. Mumbled! She may mumble if she’s hungry.
Mary’s Emotions Mary Warren. He sentenced her. He must. (to Mary Warren. But what does she mumble? You must
ameliorate it) But not Sarah Good. For Sarah remember, Goody Proctor. Last month—a Monday,
Good confessed, y’see. I think—she walked away, and I thought my guts
Proctor. Confessed! To what? would burst for two days after. Do you remember it?
Elizabeth: exhausted
“amazed at her (line 217) Mary Warren. That she—(in horror at the memory) Elizabeth. Why—I do, I think, but—
strangeness” (line 208) —she sometimes made a compact with Lucifer, Mary Warren. And so I told that to Judge Hathorne,
230 and wrote her name in his black book—with her 270 and he asks her so. “Sarah Good,” says he, “what
BEST PRACTICES TOOLKIT—Transparency blood—and bound herself to torment Christians till curse do you mumble that this girl must fall sick
Spider Map p. B22 God’s thrown down—and we all must worship Hell after turning you away?” And then she replies
2. fair poppet: pretty doll.

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differentiated instruction
for struggling readers for advanced learners/ap syndrome”). Have students share their find-
2 Targeted Passage [Lines 213–233] Research and Evaluate [small-group op- ings and see if they can reach a consensus
tion] Ask students to reread Mary’s account of about the validity of Mary’s experience.
Ask students these questions:
what happened in court (lines 246–256) and
• How many women have been arrested? to consider this question: What reason other
(line 215) than Goody Good’s “witchcraft” might have
• What is the punishment if a person is found caused Mary to experience the symptoms that
guilty of witchcraft? How can a person avoid she describes in lines 249–256? Ask students
that punishment? (lines 221–226) to do some research to support their answers
(including some research about “false memory

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Themes Across Time

(mimicking an old crone) “Why, your excellence, no Mary Warren (terrified, but coming erect, striving for
curse at all. I only say my commandments;3 I hope I her authority). I’ll not stand whipping any more!
may say my commandments,” says she! Elizabeth (hurriedly, as Proctor approaches). Mary, revisit the big question
Elizabeth. And that’s an upright answer. promise now you’ll stay at home— What fuels a
Mary Warren. Aye, but then Judge Hathorne say, Mary Warren (backing from him, but keeping her erect
“Recite for us your commandments!” (leaning avidly posture, striving, striving for her way). The Devil’s MOB?
toward them) and of all the ten she could not say a loose in Salem, Mr. Proctor; we must discover where Discuss Point out that in lines 277–288,
280 single one. She never knew no commandments, and he’s hiding! Mary Warren explains that Goody Good was
they had her in a flat lie! 320 Proctor. I’ll whip the Devil out of you! (With whip condemned when she could not recite the Ten
Proctor. And so condemned her? raised he reaches out for her, and she streaks away and Commandments. How might this method of
Mary Warren (now a little strained, seeing his stubborn yells.)
judgment indicate that Salem’s hysteria over
doubt). Why, they must when she condemned herself. Mary Warren (pointing at Elizabeth). I saved her life
witches is growing? Possible answer: Mary
Proctor. But the proof, the proof! today!
asserts that Goody Good’s inability to recite
Mary Warren (with greater impatience with him). I (Silence. His whip comes down.)
the Ten Commandments is “hard proof, hard
told you the proof. It’s hard proof, hard as rock, the Elizabeth (softly). I am accused?
as rock” (line 287) that she’s a witch, when re-
judges said. Mary Warren (quaking). Somewhat mentioned. But I
ally such a lapse is not proof at all. The leap of
Proctor (pauses an instant, then). You will not go to said I never see no sign you ever sent your spirit out
290 court again, Mary Warren. to hurt no one, and seeing I do live so closely with
judgment that it takes to connect the two ideas
330 you, they dismissed it. is an indication of hysteria—that is, hysteria
Mary Warren. I must tell you, sir, I will be gone
every day now. I am amazed you do not see what Elizabeth. Who accused me? is causing people to make life-and-death
weighty work we do. Mary Warren. I am bound by law, I cannot tell it. (to
judgments against their neighbors based on
Proctor. What work you do! It’s strange work for a Proctor) I only hope you’ll not be so sarcastical no nothing more than an elderly woman’s faulty
Christian girl to hang old women! more. Four judges and the King’s deputy sat to din- memory (which might be the result of the stress
Mary Warren. But, Mr. Proctor, they will not hang ner with us but an hour ago. I—I would have you of the situation).
them if they confess. Sarah Good will only sit in jail speak civilly to me, from this out.
some time (recalling) and here’s a wonder for you; Proctor (in horror, muttering in disgust at her). Go to
think on this. Goody Good is pregnant! bed.
300 Elizabeth. Pregnant! Are they mad? The woman’s Mary Warren (with a stamp of her foot). I’ll not be
near to sixty! 340 ordered to bed no more, Mr. Proctor! I am eighteen
Mary Warren. They had Doctor Griggs examine and a woman, however single!
her, and she’s full to the brim. And smokin’ a pipe Proctor. Do you wish to sit up? Then sit up.
all these years, and no husband either! But she’s Mary Warren. I wish to go to bed!
safe, thank God, for they’ll not hurt the innocent
Proctor (in anger). Good night, then!
child. But be that not a marvel? You must see it, sir,
it’s God’s work we do. So I’ll be gone every day for Mary Warren. Good night. (Dissatisfied, uncertain
some time. I’m—I am an official of the court, they of herself, she goes out. Wide-eyed, both, Proctor and
say, and I—(She has been edging toward offstage.) Elizabeth stand staring.)
Elizabeth (quietly). Oh, the noose, the noose is up!
310 Proctor. I’ll official you! (He strides to the mantel,
takes down the whip hanging there.) Proctor. There’ll be no noose.

3. commandments: the Ten Commandments in the Bible.

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for struggling readers for english language learners for advanced learners/ap
Comprehension Support Point out the word Language: Verb Tenses Explain that Mary Analyze Conflict Ask students to consider
noose in lines 348–349. Explain that a noose Warren sometimes uses the present tense these questions as they reread lines 323–344:
is the loop of rope used to hang someone and when describing past events, as in these • How has Mary’s defense of Elizabeth in court
that Elizabeth and Proctor use the word to examples: “she come into the court” (line 247); changed the power dynamics among Mary,
refer to Elizabeth’s execution, should she be “I say to myself” (lines 247–248); “I never see Elizabeth, and Proctor?
convicted. Have students paraphrase these no sign” (line 328). Elicit that came, said, and
• How does that change reflect the upheaval
two lines, using modern English, so that it saw, respectively, are the standard verb forms
throughout the community?
reads something like this: Elizabeth. Oh, they’ll in these examples. Then have pairs of students
hang me, they’ll hang me for sure! Proctor. No locate other uses of the present tense to relate Have students summarize their analysis in a
one is going to hang you. a past event. paragraph that they share with the class.

the crucible: act two 169

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350 Elizabeth. She wants me dead. I knew all week it Proctor. I may blush for my sin.
would come to this! 390 Elizabeth. I think she sees another meaning in that
Proctor (without conviction). They dismissed it. You blush.
grammar heard her say— Proctor. And what see you? What see you, Elizabeth?
L 3a
and style Elizabeth. And what of tomorrow? She will cry me Elizabeth (“conceding” ). I think you be somewhat
Use Realistic Dialogue Reread lines 354– out until they take me! ashamed, for I am there, and she so close.
356. How does Miller make this exchange Proctor. Sit you down. Proctor. When will you know me, woman? Were
realistic for the time of its setting? Elizabeth. She wants me dead, John, you know it! I stone I would have cracked for shame this seven
Possible answer: Miller chooses era-specific Proctor. I say sit down! (She sits, trembling. He speaks month!
words and expressions (“cry me out”) and quietly, trying to keep his wits.) Now we must be wise, Elizabeth. Then go and tell her she’s a whore. What-
an inverted sentence (“Sit you down”) to 360 Elizabeth. ever promise she may sense—break it, John, break it.
make this exchange realistic. Elizabeth (with sarcasm, and a sense of being lost). Oh, 400 Proctor (between his teeth). Good, then. I’ll go. (He
indeed, indeed! starts for his rifle.)
Proctor. Fear nothing. I’ll find Ezekiel Cheever. I’ll Elizabeth (trembling, fearfully). Oh, how unwillingly!
tiered discussion prompts tell him she said it were all sport. Proctor (turning on her, rifle in hand ). I will curse
Elizabeth. John, with so many in the jail, more than her hotter than the oldest cinder in hell. But pray,
Use these prompts to discuss Elizabeth’s
Cheever’s help is needed now, I think. Would you begrudge me not my anger!
thoughts in lines 378–384 about why Abigail favor me with this? Go to Abigail. Elizabeth. Your anger! I only ask you—
has accused her:
Proctor (his soul hardening as he senses . . .). What Proctor. Woman, am I so base? Do you truly think
Restate Retell in your words what Elizabeth have I to say to Abigail? me base?
says about Abigail in lines 382–384. Possible 370 Elizabeth (delicately). John—grant me this. You have Elizabeth. I never called you base.
answer: Abigail wouldn’t accuse me unless a faulty understanding of young girls. There is a
410 Proctor. Then how do you charge me with such a
she had a lot to gain. She wants to get rid of promise made in any bed—
promise? The promise that a stallion gives a mare
me so that she can be with you. Proctor (striving against his anger). What promise! I gave that girl!
Elizabeth. Spoke or silent, a promise is surely made. Elizabeth. Then why do you anger with me when
Analyze How and why does Elizabeth try to
And she may dote on it now—I am sure she does— I bid you break it?
show that she is different from Goody Good and thinks to kill me, then to take my place.
and Goody Osburn? Possible answer: Eliza- Proctor. Because it speaks deceit, and I am honest!
( Proctor’s anger is rising; he cannot speak.) But I’ll plead no more! I see now your spirit twists
beth notes the flaws of the women (lines
Elizabeth. It is her dearest hope, John, I know it. around the single error of my life, and I will never
381–382) and sets herself above them both to There be a thousand names; why does she call tear it free!
make her point that Abigail has a different 380 mine? There be a certain danger in calling such a Elizabeth (crying out). You’ll tear it free—when you
reason for accusing her. name—I am no Goody Good that sleeps in ditches, 420 come to know that I will be your only wife, or no
Evaluate How effective is this passage in nor Osburn, drunk and half-witted. She’d dare not wife at all! She has an arrow in you yet, John Proc-
call out such a farmer’s wife but there be monstrous tor, and you know it well!
deepening our understanding of Elizabeth
profit in it. She thinks to take my place, John.
and Abigail? Explain. Possible answer: The (Quite suddenly, as though from the air, a figure
Proctor. She cannot think it! (He knows it is true.) appears in the doorway. They start slightly. It is
passage is very effective. It shows that Eliza-
Elizabeth (“reasonably” ). John, have you ever shown Mr. Hale. He is different now—drawn a little, and
beth is perceptive, realistic, and smart; it also her somewhat of contempt? She cannot pass you in there is a quality of deference, even of guilt, about
reveals the mean-spirited, dishonest side of the church but you will blush— his manner now.)
Abigail’s personality by suggesting that to
get what she wants, she would have a person
executed on false charges.
170 unit 1: early american writing

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4:53:50 PM
differentiated instruction
for english language learners for struggling readers
Vocabulary: Outdated Forms Discuss these Develop Reading Fluency Have students
examples of outdated uses of the verb to be: work in trios to perform a readers’ theater
Be for is and are: lines 379, 380, 383 version of the scene that includes lines
Were for was: line 491 181–349. Students should work together to
select roles and to practice reading aloud the
Make sure that students understand the
lines with feeling and fluency. Ask trios to
meaning of each example, and encourage
take turns performing sections of the scene
them to be alert to additional examples as
so that every student has a turn speaking.
they continue to read.

170 unit 1 : early american writing

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Themes Across Time

Hale. Good evening. Elizabeth (with an attempt at a laugh). You will never
Proctor (still in his shock). Why, Mr. Hale! Good believe, I hope, that Rebecca trafficked with the Devil.
430 evening to you, sir. Come in, come in. Hale. Woman, it is possible.
Hale (to Elizabeth). I hope I do not startle you. Proctor (taken aback). Surely you cannot think so.
Elizabeth. No, no, it’s only that I heard no horse— Hale. This is a strange time, Mister. No man may
Hale. You are Goodwife Proctor. 470 longer doubt the powers of the dark are gathered
in monstrous attack upon this village. There is too
Proctor. Aye; Elizabeth.
much evidence now to deny it. You will agree, sir? T E X T A N A LY S I S
Hale (nods, then). I hope you’re not off to bed yet.
Proctor (evading). I—have no knowledge in that line. RL 3
Proctor (setting down his gun). No, no. ( Hale comes But it’s hard to think so pious a woman be secretly conventions of RL 5
further into the room. And Proctor, to explain his a Devil’s bitch after seventy year of such good prayer.
nervousness.) We are not used to visitors after dark, drama
Hale. Aye. But the Devil is a wily one, you cannot
but you’re welcome here. Will you sit you down, sir? How do dramatic conventions in lines
deny it. However, she is far from accused, and I
440 Hale. I will. (He sits.) Let you sit, Goodwife Proctor. know she will not be. (pause) I thought, sir, to put 436–453 show that Reverend Hale’s arrival
(She does, never letting him out of her sight. There is some questions as to the Christian character of this creates a tense atmosphere in the Proctor
a pause as Hale looks about the room.) 480 house, if you’ll permit me. home?
Proctor (to break the silence). Will you drink cider, Proctor (coldly, resentful ). Why, we—have no fear Possible answer: Stage directions show
Mr. Hale? of questions, sir.
the tension in the room: “to explain his
Hale. No, it rebels4 my stomach; I have some further Hale. Good, then. (He makes himself more comfort-
nervousness” (lines 437–438); Elizabeth sits,
traveling yet tonight. Sit you down, sir. ( Proctor able.) In the book of record that Mr. Parris keeps, I
sits.) I will not keep you long, but I have some note that you are rarely in the church on Sabbath Day.
“never letting [Hale] out of her sight” (line
business with you. 441); Proctor offers Hale cider “to break
Proctor. No, sir, you are mistaken.
Proctor. Business of the court? the silence” (line 443); Hale “wets his lips”
Hale. Twenty-six time in seventeen month, sir. I must
450 Hale. No—no, I come of my own, without the call that rare. Will you tell me why you are so absent? before speaking (line 451).
court’s authority. Hear me. (He wets his lips.) I know Proctor. Mr. Hale, I never knew I must account to Extend the Discussion Why do Elizabeth
not if you are aware, but your wife’s name is— 490 that man for I come to church or stay at home. My and Proctor become tense and guarded
mentioned in the court. wife were sick this winter. after Hale arrives? Why is Hale ill at ease
Proctor. We know it, sir. Our Mary Warren told us. Hale. So I am told. But you, Mister, why could you with the Proctors?
We are entirely amazed. not come alone?
Hale. I am a stranger here, as you know. And in my
Proctor. I surely did come when I could, and when
ignorance I find it hard to draw a clear opinion of I could not I prayed in this house.
them that come accused before the court. And so
Hale. Mr. Proctor, your house is not a church; your revisit the big question
this afternoon, and now tonight, I go from house
460 to house—I come now from Rebecca Nurse’s house
theology must tell you that. What fuels a
Proctor. It does, sir, it does; and it tells me that a
minister may pray to God without he have golden MOB?
Elizabeth (shocked ). Rebecca’s charged!
500 candlesticks upon the altar. Discuss After students read lines 449–472,
Hale. God forbid such a one be charged. She is,
however—mentioned somewhat.
Hale. What golden candlesticks? ask them the following question: How would
you describe Hale’s view of the hysteria seen
in court? Cite evidence to support your an-
swer. Possible answer: Hale seems a little put
4. rebels: upsets. off by the hysteria in court (lines 456–458) and
tries to distance himself from it (lines 450–451);
the crucible: act two 171
however, he agrees with the court that there
is cause for concern about witchcraft (lines
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for advanced learners/ap that illustrate what they consider to be the

Analyze Action Have students meet in small appropriate atmosphere. Urge students to
groups to discuss the scene in which Hale script the body language and gestures as well
interrogates Proctor (beginning in line 478). as the vocal expressions of the characters.
Note that although Hale comes to visit “with- Invite students to test their stage directions
out the court’s authority” (lines 450–451), his by having classmates enact the rewritten
conversation with Proctor feels like a court scenes.
proceeding. Also point out that Miller pro-
vides few stage directions for their exchange.
Then have students work independently to
rewrite this scene, adding stage directions

the crucible: act two 171

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Proctor. Since we built the church there were pewter What’s your suspicion, Mr. Hale?
candlesticks upon the altar; Francis Nurse made Hale. No, no, I have no—
READING SKILL them, y’know, and a sweeter hand never touched
Proctor. I nailed the roof upon the church, I hung
the metal. But Parris came, and for twenty week he
RL 1 the door—
draw conclusions RL 3 preach nothin’ but golden candlesticks until he had
them. I labor the earth from dawn of day to blink Hale. Oh, did you! That’s a good sign, then.
about characters
of night, and I tell you true, when I look to heaven 530 Proctor. It may be I have been too quick to bring the
Think about Proctor’s comments on this and see my money glaring at his elbows—it hurt my man to book,5 but you cannot think we ever desired
page. Why would it be reasonable to 510 prayer, sir, it hurt my prayer. I think, sometimes, the the destruction of religion. I think that’s in your
conclude that Proctor is an independent man dreams cathedrals, not clapboard meetin’ houses. mind, is it not?
thinker? Hale (thinks, then). And yet, Mister, a Christian on Hale (not altogether giving way). I—have—there is a
Possible answer: Proctor is an independent Sabbath Day must be in church. (pause) Tell me— softness in your record, sir, a softness.
you have three children? Elizabeth. I think, maybe, we have been too hard
thinker because he prefers to focus directly
Proctor. Aye. Boys. with Mr. Parris. I think so. But sure we never loved
on God rather than on the rules and wishes
Hale. How comes it that only two are baptized?
the Devil here.
of Reverend Parris. In particular, Proctor’s
Proctor (starts to speak, then stops, then, as though Hale (nods, deliberating this. Then, with the voice of
decision not to have his youngest son 540 one administering a secret test). Do you know your
unable to restrain this). I like it not that Mr. Parris
baptized by Parris (lines 514–520) violates Commandments, Elizabeth?
should lay his hand upon my baby. I see no light
the rules for Puritan behavior but honors his 520 of God in that man. I’ll not conceal it. Elizabeth (without hesitation, even eagerly). I surely
conscience. do. There be no mark of blame upon my life, Mr.
Hale. I must say it, Mr. Proctor; that is not for you
to decide. The man’s ordained, therefore the light Hale. I am a convenanted Christian woman.
IF STUDENTS NEED HELP . . . Discuss the im-
of God is in him. Hale. And you, Mister?
portance of Proctor’s comment about not
Proctor (flushed with resentment but trying to smile). Proctor (a trifle unsteadily). I—am sure I do, sir.
seeing any “light of God” in Reverend Par-
ris (lines 519–520). Help students link that
5. bring the man to book: judge the man.
comment to Proctor’s bitterness over the
fact that Parris replaced the pewter candle-
sticks with golden ones (lines 502–511).

Analyze Visuals FPO

Activity Study how the characters are

positioned in the photo and what they are
doing. What do their positions and activi-
ties reveal about the Proctor family? Possible
answer: The characters’ positions reveal the
distance between Elizabeth and Proctor by
showing Elizabeth looking on from outside
the group. The activity of reading, especially
of Proctor reading to his sons, reveals that the John Proct0r and his sons
household values thinking and education.
172 unit 1: early american writing

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4:53:52 PM
differentiated instruction
for advanced learners/ap reminded Puritan elders that the original
Research: Church Membership Some scholars ideals of the “city upon a hill” had begun to
believe that a key aspect of the background to fade. Ask students to summarize their find-
the Salem witch trials was the fear of certain ings and present them to the class.
leaders in the community that Puritan values
no longer influenced citizens in the way that
they once did. Challenge students to research
what church membership once meant in
terms of the rights and privileges it provided
for Puritans in Massachusetts, and why, by
the 1690s, a lapse of membership might have

172 unit 1 : early american writing

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Themes Across Time

Hale (glances at her open face, then at John, then). both good health and good fortune. (to John)
Let you repeat them, if you will. Good night, sir. (He starts out.)
Proctor. The Commandments. Elizabeth (with a note of desperation). I think you tiered discussion prompts
550 Hale. Aye. 590 must tell him, John. Use these prompts to help students explore
Proctor (looking off, beginning to sweat). Thou shalt Hale. What’s that? the characterization in these critical lines,
not kill. Elizabeth (restraining a call ). Will you tell him? 578–595:
Hale. Aye. (Slight pause. Hale looks questioningly at John.) Summarize What does Elizabeth see in
Proctor (counting on his fingers). Thou shalt not steal. Proctor (with difficulty). I—I have no witness and Hale’s behavior that makes her desperate
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods, nor make cannot prove it, except my word be taken. But I for Proctor to reveal what he knows about
unto thee any graven image. Thou shalt not take the know the children’s sickness had naught to do with
Abigail? Possible answer: Elizabeth sees that
name of the Lord in vain; thou shalt have no other witchcraft.
gods before me. (with some hesitation) Thou shalt Hale is “obviously disturbed” by the Proc-
Hale (stopped, struck). Naught to do—?
remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. (Pause. tors’ answers to his questions and “evasive”
Proctor. Mr. Parris discovered them sportin’ in the
560 Then.) Thou shalt honor thy father and mother. in declaring that he supports her (line 584).
600 woods. They were startled and took sick.
Thou shalt not bear false witness. (He is stuck. He She also sees that although Hale attempts to
counts back on his fingers, knowing one is missing.) (pause)
smile, “misgivings are clear” on his face (lines
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Hale. Who told you this?
Hale. You have said that twice, sir. Proctor (hesitates, then). Abigail Williams.
Hale. Abigail!
Analyze Elizabeth nearly begs Proctor to
Proctor (lost). Aye. (He is flailing for it.)
tell Hale about Abigail. Why do you think
Elizabeth (delicately). Adultery, John. Proctor. Aye.
Elizabeth doesn’t reveal the information
Proctor (as though a secret arrow had pained his Hale (his eyes wide). Abigail Williams told you it had
naught to do with witchcraft! herself? Possible answer: Elizabeth defers to
heart). Aye. (trying to grin it away—to Hale) You
see, sir, between the two of us we do know them Proctor. She told me the day you came, sir.
her husband; she would never reveal some-
570 all. ( Hale only looks at Proctor, deep in his attempt to thing about him without his consent. Fur-
Hale (suspiciously). Why—why did you keep this?
define this man. Proctor grows more uneasy.) I think thermore, it is Proctor rather than Elizabeth
610 Proctor. I never knew until tonight that the world
it be a small fault. 3 is gone daft with this nonsense. who would have firsthand knowledge of the
Hale. Theology, sir, is a fortress; no crack in a for- conversation with Abigail.
Hale. Nonsense! Mister, I have myself examined
tress may be accounted small. (He rises; he seems
Tituba, Sarah Good, and numerous others that have Evaluate Do you find Proctor’s weakness in
worried now. He paces a little, in deep thought.)
confessed to dealing with the Devil. They have this scene believable? Why or why not? Pos-
Proctor. There be no love for Satan in this house, confessed it.
Mister. sible answer: Proctor’s weakness—that is,
Proctor. And why not, if they must hang for denyin’ his reluctance to give information that might
Hale. I pray it, I pray it dearly. (He looks to both of it? There are them that will swear to anything before
them, an attempt at a smile on his face, but his misgiv- save his wife—is believable. Readers and au-
they’ll hang; have you never thought of that?
580 ings are clear.) Well, then—I’ll bid you good night. dience members understand and sympathize
Hale. I have. I—I have indeed. (It is his own suspi-
Elizabeth (unable to restrain herself ). Mr. Hale. (He with Proctor’s desire to protect himself and
620 cion, but he resists it. He glances at Elizabeth, then at
turns.) I do think you are suspecting me somewhat? John.) And you—would you testify to this in court? his wife from scandal.
Are you not?
Proctor. I—had not reckoned with goin’ into court.
Hale (obviously disturbed—and evasive). Goody Proc- But if I must I will.
tor, I do not judge you. My duty is to add what I
Hale. Do you falter here?
may to the godly wisdom of the court. I pray you

the crucible: act two 173

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for struggling readers for english language learners

3 Targeted Passage [Lines 594–623] Vocabulary: Outdated Forms Discuss these
terms from the dialogue that rarely appear in
In this passage, both Hale and Proctor come
modern English:
to a new understanding of the situation.
• Thou shalt (lines 551–563), “You will”
• What news from Proctor shocks Hale? Why
is Hale suspicious? (lines 594–598, 602–604) • pray it dearly (line 578), “hope so very much”
• How does Proctor explain his silence? (lines • naught (lines 596, 598, 607), “nothing”
610–611) • daft (line 611), “crazy”
• How does Proctor explain Hale’s effective-
• reckoned with (line 622), “planned on”
ness? (lines 612–618)
• What does Hale suspect, though he fights
the suspicion? (lines 617–620) the crucible: act two 173

L11TE-u01s14-crucible2_NA.indd 173 12/29/10 11:58:18 AM

Proctor. I falter nothing, but I may wonder if my a Christian house.
story will be credited in such a court. I do wonder Hale. God keep you both; let the third child be
tiered discussion prompts on it, when such a steady-minded minister as you quickly baptized, and go you without fail each Sun-
Use these prompts to help students under- will suspicion such a woman that never lied, and day in to Sabbath prayer; and keep a solemn, quiet
cannot, and the world knows she cannot! I may way among you. I think—
stand Elizabeth’s defense before Reverend 670
630 falter somewhat, Mister; I am no fool.
Hale in lines 648–663: (Giles Corey appears in doorway.)
Hale (quietly—it has impressed him). Proctor, let you
Giles. John!
Connect Have you or someone you know open with me now, for I have a rumor that troubles
Proctor. Giles! What’s the matter?
ever had to put up a defense against a false me. It’s said you hold no belief that there may even
accusation? How does that experience help be witches in the world. Is that true, sir? Giles. They take my wife.

you understand Elizabeth’s risky response to Proctor (He knows this is critical, and is striving ( Francis Nurse enters.)
Hale’s concern that she does not believe in against his disgust with Hale and with himself for even Giles. And his Rebecca!
answering ). I know not what I have said, I may have Proctor (to Francis). Rebecca’s in the jail!
witches? Accept all responses that attempt to
said it. I have wondered if there be witches in the
connect to Elizabeth’s self-defense. Francis. Aye, Cheever come and take her in his
world—although I cannot believe they come among
wagon. We’ve only now come from the jail, and
Interpret When Proctor comes to her de- 640 us now. 4 680 they’ll not even let us in to see them.
fense during the questioning, Elizabeth cries Hale. Then you do not believe—
Elizabeth. They’ve surely gone wild now, Mr. Hale!
out, “Question Abigail Williams about the Proctor. I have no knowledge of it; the Bible speaks
Francis (going to Hale). Reverend Hale! Can you not
Gospel, not myself!” (lines 661–662). What of witches, and I will not deny them.
speak to the Deputy Governor? I’m sure he mistakes
does she mean? Possible answer: Elizabeth Hale. And you, woman? these people—
is implying that she knows the Bible and lives Elizabeth. I—I cannot believe it. Hale. Pray calm yourself, Mr. Nurse.
according to its teachings, whereas Abigail, Hale (shocked ). You cannot! Francis. My wife is the very brick and mortar of the
whom everyone seems to consider above Proctor. Elizabeth, you bewilder him! church, Mr. Hale (indicating Giles) and Martha
reproach, is the one who needs lessons in Elizabeth (to Hale). I cannot think the Devil may Corey, there cannot be a woman closer yet to God
Christian morality (because of her lies and own a woman’s soul, Mr. Hale, when she keeps an than Martha.
her illicit interest in Proctor). 650 upright way, as I have. I am a good woman, I know 690 Hale. How is Rebecca charged, Mr. Nurse?
it; and if you believe I may do only good work in Francis (with a mocking, half-hearted laugh). For
Synthesize Consider what you have learned the world, and yet be secretly bound to Satan, then murder, she’s charged! (mockingly quoting the war-
about Elizabeth in this passage. Do you I must tell you, sir, I do not believe it. rant) “For the marvelous and supernatural murder of
think that she will make a favorable impres- Hale. But, woman, you do believe there are witches Goody Putnam’s babies.” What am I to do, Mr. Hale?
sion in court? Why or why not? Possible in— Hale (turns from Francis, deeply troubled, then).
answer: Elizabeth probably will make an Elizabeth. If you think that I am one, then I say Believe me, Mr. Nurse, if Rebecca Nurse be tainted,
unfavorable impression because she is willing there are none. then nothing’s left to stop the whole green world
to speak her mind even though she voices an Hale. You surely do not fly against the Gospel, the from burning. Let you rest upon the justice of the
unpopular—and, in the mind of the court, Gospel— court; the court will send her home, I know it.
perhaps heretical—view of witchcraft. 660 Proctor. She believe in the Gospel, every word! 700 Francis. You cannot mean she will be tried in court!
Elizabeth. Question Abigail Williams about the Hale (pleading ). Nurse, though our hearts break, we
Gospel, not myself! cannot flinch; these are new times, sir. There is a
( Hale stares at her.) misty plot afoot so subtle we should be criminal to
cling to old respects and ancient friendships. I have
Proctor. She do not mean to doubt the Gospel, sir,
seen too many frightful proofs in court—the Devil
you cannot think it. This be a Christian house, sir,

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4:53:56 PM
differentiated instruction
for struggling readers she direct her comment to Reverend Hale?
4 Targeted Passage [Lines 672–695] (line 681)

Even the most upstanding citizens of Salem Comprehension Support Hale expresses
are not safe from the charge of witchcraft. his disbelief that Rebecca Nurse could be
“tainted,” or guilty of association with the
• With what crime is Rebecca Nurse charged?
Devil (lines 696–698). Then read this com-
(lines 691–692)
ment aloud: “if Rebecca Nurse be tainted,
• Why is it so surprising that Rebecca Nurse then nothing’s left to stop the whole green
and Martha Corey have been accused? (lines world from burning.” Help students restate
686–689) Hale’s comment in their own words. Example:
• How does Elizabeth characterize the town If Rebecca Nurse is guilty of witchcraft, then
after learning of these arrests? Why does no one is safe from accusation.
174 unit 1 : early american writing

L11TE-u01s14-crucible2_NA.indd 174 12/29/10 11:58:21 AM

Themes Across Time

is alive in Salem, and we dare not quail to follow I do carry on my back tonight. (He takes out a
wherever the accusing finger points! warrant.) I have a warrant for your wife.
Proctor (angered ). How may such a woman murder Proctor (to Hale). You said she were not charged!
children? Hale. I know nothin’ of it. (to Cheever) When were
710 Hale (in great pain). Man, remember, until an hour she charged?
before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in 750 Cheever. I am given sixteen warrant tonight, sir, T E X T A N A LY S I S
Heaven. and she is one. RL 3
Giles. I never said my wife were a witch, Mr. Hale; Proctor. Who charged her?
conventions of RL 5
I only said she were reading books!
Cheever. Why, Abigail Williams charge her.
Hale. Mr. Corey, exactly what complaint were made
Proctor. On what proof, what proof? The plot deepens when Miller introduces
on your wife?
Cheever (looking about the room). Mr. Proctor, I have the clerk of the court, Cheever, and the
Giles. That bloody mongrel Walcott charge her.
little time. The court bid me search your house, but marshal, Herrick (lines 726–735). What plot
Y’see, he buy a pig of my wife four or five year ago,
I like not to search a house. So will you hand me complication is likely to follow the en-
and the pig died soon after. So he come dancin’ in
any poppets that your wife may keep here? trance of these characters?
720 for his money back. So my Martha, she says to him,
“Walcott, if you haven’t the wit to feed a pig prop- Proctor. Poppets?
Possible answer: Cheever will arrest
erly, you’ll not live to own many,” she says. Now he 760 Elizabeth. I never kept no poppets, not since I were
Elizabeth and Herrick will take her into
goes to court and claims that from that day to this a girl.
custody because the hint of witchcraft to
he cannot keep a pig alive for more than four weeks Cheever (embarrassed, glancing toward the mantel
because my Martha bewitch them with her books! where sits Mary Warren’s poppet). I spy a poppet, which Mary Warren had referred earlier
(Enter Ezekiel Cheever. A shocked silence.) Goody Proctor. (lines 323–334) has become a formal crimi-
Cheever. Good evening to you, Proctor. Elizabeth. Oh! (going for it) Why, this is Mary’s. nal charge.
Proctor. Why, Mr. Cheever. Good evening. Cheever (shyly). Would you please to give it to me? Extend the Discussion How do you think
Cheever. Good evening, all. Good evening, Mr. Hale. Elizabeth (handing it to him, asks Hale). Has the Cheever makes his entrance into the room?
730 Proctor. I hope you come not on business of the
court discovered a text in poppets now? Describe possible mannerisms and body
court. Cheever (carefully holding the poppet). Do you keep language that he might use.
Cheever. I do, Proctor, aye. I am clerk of the court 770 any others in this house?
now, y’know. Proctor. No, nor this one either till tonight. What
signifies a poppet?
(Enter Marshal Herrick, a man in his early thirties, revisit the big question
who is somewhat shamefaced at the moment.) Cheever. Why, a poppet—(He gingerly turns the pop-
Giles. It’s a pity, Ezekiel, that an honest tailor might
pet over.) a poppet may signify—Now, woman, will What fuels a
have gone to Heaven must burn in Hell. You’ll burn you please to come with me?
for this, do you know it? Proctor. She will not! (to Elizabeth) Fetch Mary here.
Discuss After students read lines 739–746,
Cheever. You know yourself I must do as I’m told. Cheever (ineptly reaching toward Elizabeth). No, no,
I am forbid to leave her from my sight. point out that when Cheever arrests Elizabeth,
740 You surely know that, Giles. And I’d as lief 6 you’d
not be sending me to Hell. I like not the sound of it, he says to Giles, “You know yourself I must
Proctor (pushing his arm away). You’ll leave her out
I tell you; I like not the sound of it. (He fears Proc- 780 of sight and out of mind, Mister. Fetch Mary, Eliza- do as I’m told” (line 739). Why is Cheever’s at-
tor, but starts to reach inside his coat.) Now believe beth. ( Elizabeth goes upstairs.) titude dangerous in a climate of hysteria? Pos-
me, Proctor, how heavy be the law, all its tonnage Hale. What signifies a poppet, Mr. Cheever? sible answer: Cheever’s attitude is dangerous
because he is not taking personal responsibility
6. as lief (lCf): rather. for his actions. He is letting his “official” posi-
tion and the hysteria that drives it dictate his
the crucible: act two 175 behavior.

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for english language learners upright (line 650), bound (line 652), mistakes for advanced learners/ap
Vocabulary: Multiple-Meaning Words (line 683), marvelous (line 693), respects Analyze Mood Ask students to reread lines
Remind students that context clues often can (line 704), quail (line 706), wit (line 721), spy 752–758. Discuss how Proctor’s demand for
help determine the meaning of a multiple- (line 763). proof in the arrest of his wife goes completely
meaning word. For example, point out that ignored by Cheever, who instead looks for evi-
critical means “extremely serious” in line 635 dence against her (the poppet). Have students
Jigsaw Reading p. A1
but that in another context it can mean write and share a paragraph in which they
“having a tendency to find fault.” Have Jigsaw analyze how Proctor’s ineffective cry for proof
groups of mixed language ability use context reflects and furthers the mood of The Crucible.
clues and dictionaries to investigate and
report on these multiple-meaning words:

the crucible: act two 175

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Cheever (turning the poppet over in his hands). Why, Mary Warren (frightened for herself, her voice very
they say it may signify that she—(He has lifted the small ). What poppet’s that, sir?
T E X T A N A LY S I S poppet’s skirt, and his eyes widen in astonished fear.) Proctor (impatiently, pointing at the doll in Cheever’s
RL 3 Why, this, this— hand ). This poppet, this poppet.
conventions of RL 5 Proctor (reaching for the poppet). What’s there? Mary Warren (evasively, looking at it). Why, I—I
drama Cheever. Why (He draws out a long needle from think it is mine.
the poppet.) it is a needle! Herrick, Herrick, it is a Proctor. It is your poppet, is it not?
The characters become more agitated and
790 needle!
the dialogue moves quickly as the plot now Mary Warren (not understanding the direction of this).
( Herrick comes toward him.) It—is, sir.
becomes more complicated. How does
Proctor (angrily, bewildered ). And what signifies a Proctor. And how did it come into this house?
Abigail use the poppet to create further 830
conflict between herself and Elizabeth? Mary Warren (glancing about at the avid faces).
Cheever (his hands shaking). Why, this go hard with Why—I made it in the court, sir, and—give it to
Possible answer: Abigail has sabotaged her, Proctor, this—I had my doubts, Proctor, I had Goody Proctor tonight.
the poppet, knowing that Mary would give my doubts, but here’s calamity. (to Hale, showing the
Proctor (to Hale). Now, sir—do you have it?
it to Elizabeth; then she injured herself to needle) You see it, sir, it is a needle!
Hale. Mary Warren, a needle have been found inside
implicate Elizabeth falsely. Hale. Why? What meanin’ has it?
this poppet.
Cheever (wide-eyed, trembling ). The girl, the Wil-
IF STUDENTS NEED HELP . . . Mary Warren (bewildered ). Why, I meant no harm
800 liams girl, Abigail Williams, sir. She sat to dinner in
by it, sir.
• Review with them the action discussed Reverend Parris’s house tonight, and without word
Proctor (quickly). You stuck that needle in yourself?
in this scene involving Mary, Abigail, and nor warnin’ she falls to the floor. Like a struck beast,
the poppet, especially lines 799–810. he says, and screamed a scream that a bull would 840 Mary Warren. I—I believe I did, sir, I—
weep to hear. And he goes to save her, and, stuck Proctor (to Hale). What say you now?
• Help students fill in a Sequence Chain to two inches in the flesh of her belly, he draw a needle Hale (watching Mary Warren closely). Child, you
understand the steps leading to Eliza- out. And demandin’ of her how she come to be so are certain this be your natural memory? May it be,
beth’s being charged with the stabbing stabbed, she (to Proctor now) testify it were your perhaps, that someone conjures you even now to
of Abigail. wife’s familiar spirit7 pushed it in. say this?
Proctor. Why, she done it herself! (to Hale) I hope Mary Warren. Conjures me? Why, no, sir, I am
Mary Warren sews a poppet in court. 810 you’re not takin’ this for proof, Mister! entirely myself, I think. Let you ask Susanna
( Hale, struck by the proof, is silent.) Walcott—she saw me sewin’ it in court. (or better
Cheever. ’Tis hard proof! (to Hale) I find here a pop- still) Ask Abby, Abby sat beside me when I made it.
pet Goody Proctor keeps. I have found it, sir. And 850 Proctor (to Hale, of Cheever). Bid him begone. Your
Abigail sticks a needle into the poppet.
in the belly of the poppet a needle’s stuck. I tell you mind is surely settled now. Bid him out, Mr. Hale.
true, Proctor, I never warranted to see such proof of Elizabeth. What signifies a needle?
Hell, and I bid you obstruct me not, for I—
Hale. Mary—you charge a cold and cruel murder
Mary gives the poppet to Elizabeth. (Enter Elizabeth with Mary Warren. Proctor, seeing on Abigail.
Mary Warren, draws her by the arm to Hale.)
Mary Warren. Murder! I charge no—
Proctor. Here now! Mary, how did this poppet come
Abigail falls to the ground with Hale. Abigail were stabbed tonight; a needle were
820 into my house?
a needle in her belly. found stuck into her belly—

Abigail claims that Elizabeth’s “spirit” 7. familiar spirit: the spirit or demon, most usually in the form of an animal such as a black cat, that was a
put the needle into her. companion and helper to a witch.

176 unit 1: early american writing

Elizabeth is arrested.

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differentiated instruction
Sequence Chain p. B21 for struggling readers
Comprehension Support Have students
reread the exchange between Hale and Mary
Warren in lines 842–849. Point out that
Hale’s question, “May it be, perhaps, that
someone conjures [bewitches] you even now
to say this?” (lines 843–845) attempts to in-
fluence Mary’s answer. Discuss with students
whom Hale means by “someone”—the Devil?
Abigail? Elizabeth?

176 unit 1 : early american writing

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Themes Across Time

Elizabeth. And she charges me? enough for the morning; you will bake, in the after-
Hale. Aye. noon. Help Mr. Proctor as you were his daughter—
860 Elizabeth (her breath knocked out). Why—! The girl
you owe me that, and much more. (She is fighting tiered discussion prompts
her weeping. To Proctor.) When the children wake, Use these prompts to help students explore
is murder! She must be ripped out of the world!
900 speak nothing of witchcraft—it will frighten them.
Cheever (pointing at Elizabeth). You’ve heard that, (She cannot go on.)
Elizabeth’s departure after they read lines
sir! Ripped out of the world! Herrick, you heard it! 894–908:
Proctor. I will bring you home. I will bring you soon.
Proctor (suddenly snatching the warrant out of Connect Have you ever tried to act strong in
Elizabeth. Oh, John, bring me soon!
Cheever’s hands). Out with you.
Proctor. I will fall like an ocean on that court! Fear a difficult situation? Do you think that you
Cheever. Proctor, you dare not touch the warrant.
nothing, Elizabeth. were successful? Do you think that others
Proctor (ripping the warrant). Out with you!
Elizabeth (with great fear). I will fear nothing. (She noticed your attempt? Accept all responses.
Cheever. You’ve ripped the Deputy Governor’s war- looks about the room, as though to fix it in her mind.)
rant, man!
Interpret Why is it significant that when
Tell the children I have gone to visit someone sick. Elizabeth realizes that she must leave
870 Proctor. Damn the Deputy Governor! Out of my (She walks out the door, Herrick and Cheever behind
house! her home, she immediately gives a set
910 her. For a moment, Proctor watches from the doorway.
Hale. Now, Proctor, Proctor!
of ordinary household orders? Possible
The clank of chain is heard.)
Proctor. Get y’gone with them! You are a broken
answer: Elizabeth’s orders are significant
Proctor. Herrick! Herrick, don’t chain her! (He rushes
minister. out the door. From outside.) Damn you, man, you because they underscore her central role in
Hale. Proctor, if she is innocent, the court— will not chain her! Off with them! I’ll not have it! I her family—that of manager of the home
Proctor. If she is innocent! Why do you never won- will not have her chained! and chief caretaker of the children. She is also
der if Parris be innocent, or Abigail? Is the accuser (There are other men’s voices against his. Hale, in a trying to maintain a sense of normalcy for
always holy now? Were they born this morning as fever of guilt and uncertainty, turns from the door to others as she herself faces great danger.
clean as God’s fingers? I’ll tell you what’s walking avoid the sight; Mary Warren bursts into tears and sits
Synthesize Given what you have learned
880 Salem—vengeance is walking Salem. We are what weeping. Giles Corey calls to Hale.)
about Proctor and Elizabeth, who do you
we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy 920 Giles. And yet silent, minister? It is fraud, you know
children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and it is fraud! What keeps you, man?
think is better equipped to handle a court
common vengeance writes the law! This warrant’s appearance? Explain. Possible answer:
( Proctor is half braced, half pushed into the room by
vengeance! I’ll not give my wife to vengeance! two deputies and Herrick.) Elizabeth seems better equipped to handle
Elizabeth. I’ll go, John—
5 the upcoming challenge. Although she
Proctor. I’ll pay you, Herrick, I will surely pay you!
Proctor. You will not go! Herrick (panting). In God’s name, John, I cannot
is afraid, she makes herself stand up and
Herrick. I have nine men outside. You cannot keep help myself. I must chain them all. Now let you face the future; Proctor, however, has been
her. The law binds me, John, I cannot budge. keep inside this house till I am gone! (He goes out reluctant to get involved because of his past
Proctor (to Hale, ready to break him). Will you see with his deputies.) relationship with Abigail.
890 her taken? ( Proctor stands there, gulping air. Horses and a wagon
Hale. Proctor, the court is just— 930 creaking are heard.)
Proctor. Pontius Pilate! God will not let you wash Hale (in great uncertainty). Mr. Proctor—
your hands of this!8 Proctor. Out of my sight!
Elizabeth. John—I think I must go with them. Hale. Charity, Proctor, charity. What I have heard in
(He cannot bear to look at her.) Mary, there is bread

8. Pontius (pJnQtC-Es) Pilate . . . hands of this: the Roman governor who presided over the trial and sentencing
of Christ. Pilate publicly washed his hands to absolve himself of responsibility for Christ’s death.

the crucible: act two 177

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for struggling readers for advanced learners/ap

5 Targeted Passage [Lines 876–884] Analyze Character [paired option] Point out
that Reverend Hale is “in a fever of guilt and
In this passage, Proctor’s outburst points to a
uncertainty” and cannot watch as Proctor
key idea in The Crucible.
protests the chaining of Elizabeth (lines
• According to Proctor, what does a person 916–918). Ask students to write a soliloquy in
gain by accusing others of witchcraft? (lines which Hale expresses his thoughts and feel-
877–878) ings in this scene, drawing upon his experi-
• Why does Proctor say that the children have ences in Salem thus far and perhaps specu-
all the power in Salem now? What evidence lating about his future involvement there.
might he offer to prove this claim? (lines
the crucible: act two 177

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her favor, I will not fear to testify in court. God help Proctor (moving menacingly toward her). You will tell
me, I cannot judge her guilty or innocent—I know the court how that poppet come here and who stuck
not. Only this consider: the world goes mad, and the needle in.
it profit nothing you should lay the cause to the Mary Warren. She’ll kill me for sayin’ that! ( Proctor
vengeance of a little girl. continues toward her.) Abby’ll charge lechery on you,
Proctor. You are a coward! Though you be ordained Mr. Proctor!
940 in God’s own tears, you are a coward now! Proctor (halting). She’s told you!
Hale. Proctor, I cannot think God be provoked so 980 Mary Warren. I have known it, sir. She’ll ruin you
grandly by such a petty cause. The jails are packed— with it, I know she will.
our greatest judges sit in Salem now—and hangin’s
Proctor (hesitating, and with deep hatred of himself ).
promised. Man, we must look to cause proportion-
Good. Then her saintliness is done with. (Mary
ate. Were there murder done, perhaps, and never
backs from him.) We will slide together into our pit;
brought to light? Abomination? Some secret blas-
you will tell the court what you know.
phemy that stinks to Heaven? Think on cause, man,
and let you help me to discover it. For there’s your Mary Warren (in terror). I cannot, they’ll turn on
way, believe it, there is your only way, when such me—
950 confusion strikes upon the world. (He goes to Giles ( Proctor strides and catches her, and she is repeating,
revisit the big question and Francis.) Let you counsel among yourselves; “I cannot, I cannot!” )
think on your village and what may have drawn Proctor. My wife will never die for me! I will bring
What fuels a from heaven such thundering wrath upon you all.
your guts into your mouth but that goodness will
MOB? I shall pray God open up our eyes.
not die for me!
After students read lines 995–1007, ask them ( Hale goes out.) Mary Warren (struggling to escape him). I cannot do
the following question: How has hysteria Francis (struck by Hale’s mood ). I never heard no it, I cannot!
created a situation that causes Proctor to say, murder done in Salem. Proctor (grasping her by the throat as though he would
Proctor (He has been reached by Hale’s words). Leave strangle her). Make your peace with it! Now Hell and
“Now Hell and Heaven grapple on our backs,
me, Francis, leave me. Heaven grapple on our backs, and all our old pre-
and all our old pretense is ripped away” (lines tense is ripped away—make your peace! (He throws
960 Giles (shaken). John—tell me, are we lost?
996–998)? Possible answer: Hysteria in the her to the floor, where she sobs, “I cannot, I cannot . . .”
community has created a situation in which Proctor. Go home now, Giles. We’ll speak on it
1000 And now, half to himself, staring, and turning to the
people’s basest potential is being revealed and open door.) Peace. It is a providence, and no great
Giles. Let you think on it. We’ll come early, eh? change; we are only what we always were, but naked
even encouraged. Now the Salemites must
decide whether to continue along the destruc- Proctor. Aye. Go now, Giles. now. (He walks as though toward a great horror, facing
Giles. Good night, then. the open sky.) Aye, naked! And the wind, God’s icy
tive path that their hysteria has created (Hell) wind, will blow!
or to treat the accusations fairly and without (Giles Corey goes out. After a moment.)
(And she is over and over again sobbing, “I cannot,
fear (Heaven). Mary Warren (in a fearful squeak of a voice). Mr.
I cannot, I cannot,” as the curtain falls.)
Proctor, very likely they’ll let her come home once
they’re given proper evidence.
selection wrap–up 970 Proctor. You’re coming to the court with me, Mary.
READ WITH A PURPOSE Now that students You will tell it in the court.
have finished Act Two, have them think about Mary Warren. I cannot charge murder on Abigail.
the impact rumors can have on a community.
Based on your experiences and your reading,
what happens when rumors get out of con-
trol? Possible answers: Innocent people like 178 unit 1: early american writing
Elizabeth Proctor can get hurt because other
people like Mary Warren are trying to protect
themselves. NA_L11PE-u01s33-A2Cru.indd 178
differentiated instruction 12/22/10 4:53:59 PM

CRITIQUE for struggling readers • Why does Hale think that such terrible
6 Targeted Passage [Lines 934–954] events are happening in Salem? (lines
• Remind students that although Abigail does 941–950) Does he think that witchcraft is
not appear in this act, her presence is un- This passage reveals Hale’s stubbornness,
the only explanation? (lines 941–950)
deniable. Have students identify and explain despite his concern about the way that
Salem is handling its witchcraft scare. Comprehension Support As students reread
the moment in Act Two in which they felt
Proctor’s threat in lines 990–992, point out
Abigail’s presence most strongly. • To whom does Hale refer when he says
the word “goodness.” Elicit or explain that
• After completing the After Reading ques- that the “the vengeance of a little girl”
Proctor uses the word to refer to Elizabeth;
tions on page 179, have students revisit could not have caused the town’s frenzy?
she is the “goodness” that he will not allow
their responses and tell whether they have (line 938)
to be executed. Have students suggest other
changed their opinions. • Why does Proctor call Hale a coward? terms that Proctor could use to refer to his
(lines 934–940) wife, based on what they have learned about
178 unit 1 : early american writing Elizabeth in Act Two.

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Themes Across Time
After Reading
Practice and Apply
1. Recall Why does Elizabeth want John to go to Salem? RL 1 Cite textual evidence to For preliminary support of post-reading ques-
support analysis of what the text
2. Clarify Why does Hale come to the Proctors’ home? says explicitly as well as inferences tions, use these copy masters:
drawn from the text, including
3. Summarize What proof leads to Elizabeth’s arrest? determining where the text leaves
matters uncertain. RL 2 Provide
an objective summary of Reading Check p. 215
Text Analysis the text. RL 3 Analyze the
impact of the author’s choices Conventions of Drama p. 213
regarding how to develop
4. Form Opinions Do you think Reverend Hale believes that Elizabeth Proctor and relate elements of a Question Support p. 216
is practicing witchcraft? Support your opinion with specific details. drama. RL 5 Analyze how an
author’s choices concerning Additional selection questions are
how to structure specific parts
5. Draw Conclusions About Characters Review the traits you recorded in your of a text contribute to its overall provided for teachers on page 209.
chart for Elizabeth Proctor. How would you describe her character? structure and meaning as well as
its aesthetic impact.
6. Analyze Conventions of Drama What does dialogue reveal about the
complicated relationship between John and Elizabeth in the following
answers RL 1, RL 2, RL 3, RL 5

scenes? 1. to tell the Salem court that its cases are

• Elizabeth learns that John was alone with Abigail (lines 132–138) based on Abigail’s fraudulent testimony
• Elizabeth asks John to break his unspoken promise to Abigail (lines 398–422) 2. to determine the Christian character of
• John threatens Mary Warren (lines 990–1005) their household
7. Analyze Dramatic Irony Dramatic irony occurs when the readers know 3. a doll with a needle in it, linked to Abigail’s
more about a situation than a character does. Why is John struck by Hale’s claim that Elizabeth’s spirit stabbed her
declaration that “some secret blasphemy” (lines 946–947) has caused all of
the confusion? Possible answers:
8. Make Judgments About a Character How would you judge John’s behavior so 4. Yes; he is “struck by the proof” of the poppet
far? Cite evidence from the play to support your judgment. (line 811). No; he thinks she is a good wom-
9. Compare Characters Compare the following characters and determine which
an—so much so that he turns away in “guilt
one has the greatest faith in the court proceedings. What accounts for their and uncertainty” when she is arrested (line
differing attitudes? 917).
• John Proctor • Hale • Cheever 5. common core focus Draw Conclu-
sions About Characters Elizabeth is virtu-
Text Criticism ous, honest, and courageous, yet defensive
10. Historical Context Miller wrote that during the anti-Communist hearings, “I of her position as the wronged wife and
saw accepted the notion that conscience was no longer a private matter but cold toward John.
one of state administration.” How does this notion apply to the witch-hunts
in Salem? 6. common core focus Conventions of
What fuels a mob? • There still is much tension between John
and Elizabeth over Abigail.
What role does Reverend Hale play in the mob mentality that develops in
Salem during Act Two? • John feels that Elizabeth does not trust
him, and Elizabeth feels that John is not
honest about his feelings.
• John truly loves Elizabeth and loathes him-
the crucible: act two 179
self for what his infidelity has produced.

22/10 4:53:59 PM 7. John 179

NA_L11PE-u01s33-ar2Cr.indd is struck because he knows that the 10. The notion applies to the witch-hunts 12/22/10
be- 4:51:49 PM Assess and Reteach
“secret blasphemy” might be his adultery. cause personal principles no longer seem
8. So far, John appears weak and defensive. He to matter in Salem. For example, Proctor’s Assess
hesitates to expose Abigail, and he is angry decision not to attend church due to his DIAGNOSTIC AND SELECTION TESTS
that Elizabeth is disappointed in him. moral convictions arouses suspicion. Selection Test A pp. 65–66
9. Proctor: He thinks the proceedings are Selection Test B/C pp. 67–68
What fuels a MOB? Possible
Interactive Selection Test on
unjust, for he knows Abigail’s motives.
answers: Hale’s role is to find the truth,
Hale: He has the greatest faith in the pro- but his search only leads to more doubts Reteach
ceedings because he set them in motion. and accusations. Level Up Online Tutorials on
Cheever: He believes the proceedings are
Reteaching Worksheets on
just because he is a court official.
Literature Lesson 1–2, 6, 23–24, Reading
Lesson 9
the crucible: act two 179

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