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Surya Namaskar

Mantra hirŠ C
Hari Ohm

w±n± imâ mh Aarohn\ w]aranidvm\ |

hdœog& mm sUyR hirma8& c na=y ||
Udhyanadhya mitra maham, ārohan utarān divam
Hrudrogam mama surya, harimānam cha nāsaya

=ukequme hirma8& rop8akasu d0mis |

A9ohairdœ ve=u me hirma8& ind)mis ||
Sukeshume harimanam, ropanākā sudadhamasi
Athohāridra vesume, harimānam nidadhmasi

wdgadyma idTyo iv+ven\ shsa sh |

i³qNt& mhy& rN0yn mo Ah& i³qte r0m\ ||
Udagādayamā dityo, visvena sahasā saha
Dvishantam mahayam randhayam, mo aham dvishate radham

Mantras 1. Ohm Mitraya Namaha (Salutations to the friend of all)

2. Ohm Ravaye Namaha (Salutations to the shining one)
3. Ohm Suryaya Namaha (Salutations to he who induces activity)
4. Ohm Bhanave Namaha (Salutations to he who illumines)
5. Ohm Khagaya Namaha (Salutations to the one who moves through the sky)
6. Ohm Pushne Namaha (Salutations to the giver of strength and nourishment)
7. Ohm Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha (Salutations to the golden cosmic self)
8. Ohm Marichaya Namaha (Salutations to the rays of the sun)
9. Ohm Adityaya Namaha (Salutations to the son of Aditi-mahashakti)
10. Ohm Savitre Namaha (Salutations to the stimulating power of sun)
11. Ohm Arkaya Namaha (Salutations to he who is fit to be praised)
12. Ohm Bhaskaraya Namaha (Salutations to the one who leads to enlightenment)
13. Ohm Bhaskare Bhyo Namo Namaha
14. Ohm Mathra Pithru Byum Namo Namah

Slokes Aaiddev ! nmStu_y& p/sId mm -aSkrŠ |

idvakr ! nmStu_y& p/-akr nmo¤Stute ||
Ādideva! Namastubhyam, prasida mama bhāskara
Divākara! Namastubhyam, prabhākare namostu te

AaidTySy nmSkar& ye kuvRiNt idne idne |

jNma&trshSâequ daird/& nopjayte ||
Adityaysa namaskāram, ye kurvanti dine dine
Janmāntar sahastreshu, dāridryan nopa jayate
Posture Number Explanation Breathing
0 Hands in a namaskar posture, with thumbs of hands easing into the Recite
chest. The lower part of the hands should be parallel to the earth. The Mantra
weight of the body is equally distributed to both the feet.

Raise and stretch both arms above the head, with palms facing upwards. Inhale
1 Arch the back and stretch the whole body, with eyes looking towards
the hands.

The body is bent down with hands stretched down to touch the ground. Exhale
2 The entire palm is rested on the ground, with the head touching the

Keeping both hands in place, bend the left knee* while extending the Inhale
3 right leg backwards as far as possible. The right toes and knee touch the
floor. Bring the pelvis forward, arch the spine and look upwards.
Push-up position with only the palms and the toes of the legs touch the Hold
4 ground. The body should be perfectly straight including the head and
the neck.

The body is lowered to touch the ground at the forehead, chest, knees, Exhale
5 and toes while keeping the buttocks elevated.

Pull the body forward with the hands (palms) on the ground and toes Inhale
6 touching the ground. Arch the back without the knees touching the

Palms and feet firmly on the ground. Press the feet so that the heels Exhale
7 touch the ground without bending the knees. Bring the chin towards the
Bring the left* foot forward, placing the foot between the hands. Inhale
8 Simultaneously bring the right knee down to the floor and push the
pelvis forward. Arch the spine and look upwards.
The body is bent down with hands stretched down to touch the ground. Exhale
9 The entire palm is to rest on the ground, with the head touching the

Hands in a namaskar posture, with thumbs of hands easing into the Inhale
10 chest. The lower part of the hands should be parallel to the earth. The
weight of the body is equally distributed to both the feet.

* Alternate between the left and right leg with odd and even mantras respectively.

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