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Exercise 1: Identifying Primary and Secondary Source Name:

Determine if the source would be a Primary Source (P) or a Secondary Source (S).

● A Primary Source is an eyewitness account or a testimony by a person directly involved in the event; or
it must have been produced by a contemporary of the event it narrates or an information that was
created at the same as an event.
e.g. Diaries, letters, legal and official documents, speeches, autobiographies

● A Secondary Source is information from somewhere else or by a person not directly involved in the
event; it interprets and analyzes primary sources.
e.g. Textbooks, encyclopedias, printed materials which interprets previous research


1) A role play showing how Macario Sakay was executed. 1. _________

2) A short story describing Andres Bonifacio and Daniel Tirona’s “confrontation” in 2. _________

the Tejeros Convention.

3) Artemo Ricarte's memoir describing his life in the revolution. 3. _________

4) A cartoon showing how blood compact between chieftains in the pre-colonial times. 4. _________

5) A text book describing the reform movement. 5. _________

6) A news report about the declaration of Martial law. 6. _________

7) A millenial social media commentator explaining what it was like to be an Elvis Presley 7. _________

in his famedom.

8) A YouTube video describing how the rice terraces were built. 8. _________

9) An interview with Henry Sy about how he built a business empire. 9. _________

10) A radio broadcast from the day the Bataan fell from the Japanese forces. 10. _________

11) A biography of Ferdinand Marcos written by a foreigner. 11. _________

12) A book describing Ferdinand Magellan sailing to the Philippines. 12. _________

13) A contemporary artist's painting of what life was probably like in the 19th century. 13. _________

14) A journal by an activist about his participation in the demonstration. 14. _________

15) The Philippine Constitutions. 15. _________

16) A journal written by Gregorio del Pilar. 16. _________

17) A history book describing the life of Gregorio del Pilar in the Battle of Tirad Pass. 17. _________

18) A classmate reporting about the Japanese occupation and World War 2. 18. _________

19) A video recording taken in World War 2. 19. _________

20) A World War 2 veteran talking about World War 1. 20. _________
21) The History Channel’ explaining the traces of Austronesians in Asia and beyond. 21. _________

22) A memoir of Gen. Santiago Alvarez. 22. _________

23) A general's diary describing what he thought about the Supremo, Andres Bonifacio. 23. _________

24) A historian describing what it was like to be Jose Rizal as a reformist. 24. _________

25) A journal article written about how Natives or early Filipinos lived. 25. _________

26) A website describing the economic condition of the Philippines after World War 2. 26. _________

27) A newspaper article from 1941 describing the attack on Pearl Harbor. 27. _________

28) An autobiography of a politician. 28. _________

29) A grandfather describing the war he participated in 1942. 29. _________

30) The declaration of independence in 1898. 30. _________

31) Nestor Mata describing his experience about the plane crash of 1957 that took the 31. _________

life of former Pres. Magsaysay .

32) A legal document signed by two contracting parties. 32. _________

33) A text book describing the EDSA Revolution 1. 33. _________

34) A student reading an official report about the cause of Pinatubo’s crash in 1957. 34. _________

35) An interview with a soldier about what it was like to be assigned in Sulu. 35. _________

36) A prisoner telling you about the kind of government we had for the past few years. 36. _________

37) A movie showing the life of Hermano Puli. 37. _________

38) A song dedicated to Macario Sakay. 38. _________

39) A love letter of Rizal to Leonor Rivera. 39. _________

40) An official document that solidified the sale of friar lands to the Americans. 40. _________

41) A blog about the blogger’s taste of life in her travel to Paris. 41. _________

42) A speech of Douglas MacArthur’s intention to return in the Philippines. 42. _________

43) A newspaper article from 2015 describing the global economic crisis in 2008. 43. _________

44) A raw footage of the military encounters against a group of rebels in the Philippines. 44. _________

45) An essay about the importance of a hero and hailed as the first prize in an essay 45. _________

writing contest.

46) The moral code written by Jose P. Laurel. 46. _________

47) The college professor discussing the Agrarian reform of the Philippines. 47. _________

48) The description of a Malay race written in a Brittanica encyclopedia. 48. _________

49) An enhanced photograph of Andres Bonifacio. 49. _________

50) Today’s painting about the life of the Tagalogs in the 1800’s. 50. _________

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