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Telephone Conversation Script


 A person is inquiring for a stay at a hotel with his wife.


 Mr. Catulin – The person who is making a reservation.

 Mr. Blancaflor – A receptionist of Waterfront Cebu City Hotel


B: Hello, Waterfront Cebu City Hotel, Blancaflor speaking, how may I help you?

C: Good afternoon Mr. Blancaflor. I am wondering if there are any rooms available for
reservation on the 18th of August?

B: Yes sir, there are rooms still available on that particular day.

C: Fantastic, please make a reservation for two people. We will be arriving at 9:00am.

B: Noted. How many nights will you and company be staying?

C: We’ll be staying until the 21st of August, so three nights.

B: May I know what kind of room you are interested in staying at?

C: I would like to avail of the deluxe room offer.

B: The desired room for lodging has been noted. It will cost P41,000 per head. Are there
any other concerns?

C: Yes, I have one concern. I would like to know if the room has internet access or not.

B: All the rooms have free WiFi internet access 24/7.

C: Is that so? That’s great then.

B: Can you please state your full name?

C: Edgar Catulin Jr.

B: And contact number?

C: My telephone number is 349-2940

B: What mode of payment would you like to use sir?

C: I intend to pay in cash.

B: I will repeat all the information you have relayed. You and company are arriving here
on the 18th of August, 2017 at exactly 9:00am. After arriving, you will be staying in the
deluxe room, which costs P41,000 per head, for three nights. You will then pay at the
counter in cash. Is that accurate?

C: Yes, there are no inconsistencies with the information you have repeated.

B: With that, your reservation has been noted. Is there anything else you would like for
me to do sir?

C: That is all, thank you for assisting my inquiry Mr. Blancaflor.

B: You’re welcome sir. We look forward to your visit and thank you for choosing
Waterfront Cebu City Hotel.

C: Goodbye.

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