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International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 97 (1993) 161-170 161

0 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0378-5173/93/$06X10

IJP 03191

Identification of stabilizing and destabilizing effects

of excipient-drug interactions in solid dosage form design

T. Diirig a and A.R. Fassihi b

a Pharmacy Department, Medical School, University of the Witwatersrand, 7 York Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193 (South Africa)
and b School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19140 (USA)

(Received 23 November 1992)

(Accepted 11 January 1993)

Key words: Excipient compatibility; Pyridoxal hydrochloride; Factorial experimental design;

Isothermal stress testing; DSC screening; Stabilizing effect; Destabilizing effect; Preformulation


The compatibility of pyridoxal hydrochloride with various tableting excipients has been investigated by isothermal stress testing
of multicomponent mixtures and by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) screening of binary drug excipient mixtures. A
Plackett-Burman factorial design was used to conduct the isothermal stress testing experiment. Elevated moisture and temperature
were found to be the dominant destabilizing factors. The factorial design experiment also revealed chemical incompatibilities with
mannitol, lactose and corn starch. Simultaneously, the strong stabilizing influences of various cellulose derivatives and colloidal
silicone dioxide were identified. It appears that these excipients function as moisture scavengers, thus decreasing the amount of
free water available for interaction with pyridoxal hydrochloride. The major incompatibilities were also detected by DSC screening.
The study demonstrates the value of employing a compatibility screening procedure capable of detecting both positive and negative
drug-excipient interactions.

Introduction The evaluation of drug-excipient compatibility is

therefore an essential aspect of any preformula-
The formulation of a stable and effective tion study. The two commonly employed compati-
dosage form requires careful selection of excipi- bility screening techniques are isothermal stress
ents used to facilitate administration, promote testing of binary drug-excipient mixtures and
consistent release and bioavailability of the drug thermal analysis using either DSC or differential
and to protect the active moiety from the envi- thermal analysis (DTA).
ronment. Although often regarded as ‘inert’, ex- In its simplest form isothermal stress testing
cipients can in fact readily interact with drugs involves the exposure of binary drug-excipient
(Monkhouse, 1984; Fassihi and Persicaner, 1987). mixtures to elevated temperatures and moisture
levels to accelerate drug ageing and drug-excipi-
ent interactionsAfter a specific storage time the
Correspondence to: A.R. Fassihi, School of Pharmacy, Depart-
samples can then be analysed by visual compar-
ment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Temple University, Phila- isons as well as by chromatography (Carstensen
delphia, PA 19140, U.S.A. et al., 1964; Carstensen, 1974). On the other

hand, thermal analysis has significant advantages

over the conventional technique of isothermal
stress testing. No long-term storage of mixtures
and subsequent chromatographic analysis is re-
quired and only a few milligrams of drug are
needed per individual experiment. Thermal anal-
ysis can therefore be valuable during the early Fig. 1. Structure of (a) free aldehyde form of pyridoxal and (b)
stages of a preformulation program where time is pyridoxal (hemiaceta!) as found in the solid state.
of the essence, only small amounts of drug are
available and no ~hromatographic methods of
analysis have been developed. However, several designs have been recommended for preformula-
workers have found that the results obtained by tion compatibiiity studies (~otola and Agharkar,
DSC screening are often not conclusive (Smith, 1984; Connors et al., 1986).
1982; Van Dooren, 1983; Gordon et al., 1984; In this study a Plackett-Dugan experimental
Chrzanowski et al., 1986) and frequently require design is used to investigate the compatibility of
further investigation. Reasons for this include the the B, vitamin, pyridoxal hydrochloride (PL HCI),
unrealistically high temperatures and heating with various tableting excipients. In addition, the
rates used, the lack of moisture stress and diffi- results are then compared with those obtained by
culty in interpreting thermagrams. the DSC screening technique. The molecular
An alternative approach to excipient compati- structure of PL I-ICI in the soiid state is shown in
bility testing involves the application of factorial Fig. 1. Although often depicted as a free alde-
experimental designs to isothermal stress testing hyde, X-ray c~stal~ography and infrared spec-
(Leuenberger and Becher, 1975). Plackett and trophotomet~ of pyr~doxal base and the hydro-
Burman (1946) have developed saturated frac- chloride salt have shown that in the solid state
tiona1 factorial designs that allow the researcher the molecule exists exclusively in the hemiacetal
to investigate accurately many factors simultane- confo~at~on (Rae et al.. 1982; Kortnyk, 1986).
ously without having to investigate all the possi- The internal hemiacetal also exists in neutral and
ble combinations of factors. Taken to the ex- acidic solution (Metzler and SneIl, 1955; Kortnyk
treme, Placket-Burman designs can be employed and Singh, 1963).
to evaluate up to N - 1 factors from only N
experiments (e.g., 11 excipients from only 12 ex-
perimental runs>. However, such designs do not
incorporate any ‘pseudo’ variables and therefore
the experimental error inherent in the design and
the significance of the measured effects cannot ~alytical grade PL HCI (Fluka, Buchs) was
be determined. The scientist therefore has to used throughout. The folIowing USP or BP grade
weigh up the need to obtain statisticafiy sound excipients were used. Stearic acid, magnesium
and meaningful information against the addi- stearate, colloidal silicone dioxide (Aerosil 3801,
tional work and material required if additional anhydrous lactose, corn starch, microcrystalline
runs are added to the experiment. A further cellulose (Avicel pHlOl), methylcellulose, ethyl-
limitation is that only main effects can be de- cellulose and mannitol. In addition, poly-
tected. The interactions between two or more methacrylate derivatives (Eudragit RSPM, Rohm
factors cannot be determined by this method. Pharma, Weiterstadt) and a modified lactose
However, within the bounds of these limitations, (Ludipress, BASF, Ludwigshafen~ were also used.
the use of these screening procedures invariably HPLC grade 2-propanol (Merck, Darmstadt),
results in a well designed, efficient experiment, double distilled water, analytical grade acetic acid
the outcome of which can be supported with and triethyIamine (Merck, Da~stadt~ and solu-
statistical significance. Thus, Pla~kett-Furman tions of heptane and octane sulphonate (PIG B7,

PIC B8, Waters Associates, Milford, MA) were ity) or lithium chloride (11% relative humidity)
used to prepare the mobile phase for HPLC. (Nyqvist, 1983). The hygrostats were then stored
in ovens at either 25 or 55°C.
Equipment After 14 days storage the amount of PL HCl
All samples were stored in thermostatically remaining in each powder mixture was deter-
controlled ovens (Memmert, Schwabach). HPLC mined by HPLC. The entire powder sample was
analyses were carried out on a System Gold (Be- used in each case. The mobile phase consisted of
ckman, San Ramon, CA) liquid chromatograph 10% 2-propanol and an aqueous buffer of 0.1%
equipped with a diode array detector and a Hy- acetic acid, 0.1% triethylamine and a mixture of
persil ODS (5 pm, 4.6 mm i.d. X 15 cm) analytical sodium heptane- and sodium octanesulphonate
column. A thermal analysis system (TA 3000, (0.004 M). A solvent flow of 1 ml/min was main-
Mettler, Greifensee) equipped with a DSC 20 cell tained and the eluent was monitored at 288 nm.
was used for DSC screening. In addition, the diode array detector was pro-
grammed to analyze all peaks in the purity scan
Isothermal stress study based on Plackett-Burman mode.
13 variables (11 excipients and environmental DSC screening
temperature and humidity) were investigated at PL HCl-excipient mixtures containing lubri-
two levels of magnitude (high ‘ +’ and low ‘ - ‘, cants and glidants were prepared in a 5 : 1 ratio.
Table 1). For this purpose an experiment involv- All other PL HCl-excipient mixtures were pre-
ing 24 different PL HCI-excipient combinations pared in a 1: 5 ratio. Each powder mixture (ap-
yielding results with 10 degrees of freedom was prox. 60 mg) was prepared by blending the pow-
designed according to the method of Plackett and ders in a glass vial with the aid of a vortexing
Burman (1946) (Table 2). The respective PL-ex- device. Samples of the binary mixtures and of the
cipient mixtures were prepared by blending the individual components (3-8 mg) were weighed
powders in a glass vial with the aid of a vortexing into standard aluminium pans with pierced lids
device (approx. 20 mg of accurately weighed PL and heated at 7”C/min over a range of 30-220°C
HCI was used in each case). The mixtures were in an atmosphere of flowing nitrogen. The ther-
then placed in hygrostats containing saturated mograms were interpreted according to the
solutions of sodium chloride (75% relative humid- guidelines of Van Dooren (1983) and Smith
(1982). A classification of no incompatibility, pos-
sible incompatibility and probable incompatibility
as proposed by Smith (1982) was used.
High ( + ) and low ( - ) let,els for the variables used in the

Results and Discussion
(+I (-1
(A) Stearic acid 2 mg Omg
Isothemal stress testing using the Plackett-Burman
(B) Magnesium stearate 2 mg Ow
(C) Aerosil380 2 mg Omg experimental design
(D) Lactose 50 mg Omg The full design showing the percentage of PL
(E) Ludipress 50 mg Omg HCI recovered from each excipient combination
(F) Corn starch 50 mg Omg is shown in Table 2. From the percentage recov-
(G) Avicel pHlO1 50 mg Om
(H) Methylcellulose 50 mg
eries the average effect was determined for each
(1) Ethylcellulose 50 mg Omg variable and pseudo variable (Plackett and Bur-
(J) Eudragit RSPM 50 mg Omg man, 1946). Using the average effects of the
(K) Mannitol 50 mg Ow pseudo variables, the standard deviation of the
(L) Relative humidity 75% 11%
variable effect (svE) was calculated (Motola and
(M) Temperature 55°C 25°C
Agharkar, 1984). From this the minimum signifi-

~luckef~-Burlap design showing 9% PL NC1 recot?ered per triai fexcipient c~~~bination~

Trial Variable Pseudo variable % R-EC

1 +++++- f - + - + + - - + - - - - 95.15
2 -+++++ + - f - - + + - + - + _ - - 94.50
3 --++++ + - -I” c + - - + + + - + - - 97.14
4 ---+++ + + - - + + - - + - + + - 80.00
5 ----++ + + t + - + + - - -6 - - + - + 92.33
5 i-----f t + f - + - + + - f + - - + - 97.14
7 _+_____ + + “t + - + - + -I- + + - - + 93.60
8 +-i---- + + + + - + - + - f + - - 97.17
9 -+-+-- - 4 f + + - + - i- - - + + - 78.43
10 --+-+- _ - - t + t + f + f - - + f 76.14
II i----t--+ - - + f f + + - _. -I- + + f + 67.96
12 ++--+- i” - - -I- + -I- + + + - f + - - 86.33
13 -++--+ + - - i- -t + + + - + + - 100.0
14 --++-- + - “t- - - -I- f -t - + - f + 99.50
15 +--++- I- - - - - f + + - + - + 98.10
16 -e+--++ - - + + - - - - + + + f - 88.67
17 -c+--+ -I- + - - - - + f + - f 96.30
IS +-++-- + + - + - + - - - + + + + - 96.33
19 -+-++- - + + + - + - - 4 + + + + 100.0
20 4-i--++ - - f + - + - + - - + + + + 95.44
21 +-I---+-+ + - - + + - - + - + - - + + + 96.15
22 +++-+- + + - + + - - + - f - - - + + 95.10
23 i--k++--+ _ + 4 + + - - + + - - - + 87.18
24 ++i++- + - 4” + - + f - - t f - - - 98.40

A, stearic acid; B, magnesium stearate; C, Aerasil 380; D, lactose; E, Ludipress; F, corn starch; G, Avicel pH101; H,
methylcelhdose; I, ethylcelluiose; J, Eudragit RSPM; K, mannitol; L, relative humidity; M, temperature; N-W, pseudo variables; %
REC, percentage of PL HCl recovered.

Summary of rke co~~t~bi~i~ fest using a P~acket~“~u~an factoriar design

Variable Average Significant Significant

effect 2p<o.1= 2PCO.4 b
(VE,, = 1.782) (VE,, = 0.864)
Stearic acid - 0.239 Xl0 no

Magnesium stearate 0.661 no no

Aerosil 380 2.205 Yes Yes
Lactose - 1.086 no yes
Ludipress - 0.381 no RO

Starch - 0.898 no Yes

Avicel pH105 1.790 Yes yes
Methylcellulose 2.322 yes Yes
Ethylcellulose 1.510 no Yes
Eudragit RSPM - 0.455 no no
MannitoI - 2.496 yes yes
Relative humidity - 3.725 yes Yes
Temperature - 4.550 Yes Yes
a 90% level of confidence.
b 40% level of confidence.

cant variable effects (VE,, = t X svn) were calcu- book of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 1986) this may
lated at the 90 and 60% levels of confidence. As create less favourable reaction conditions and
compatibility studies are of a predictive and pre- reduce molecular mobility in the system.
ventative nature, the 60% level of confidence was A relatively very low destabilizing effect was
considered in addition to the 90% level of confi- also observed for Eudragit RSPM. The effect
dence. This enables the adoption of a conserva- may largely be due to the alkalinity of the excipi-
tive approach to excipient selection. Excipients ent (Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients,
deemed to have a significant destabilizing effect 1986). Alkaline conditions are known to be detri-
at the 60% level of confidence nevertheless con- mental to the stability of PL HCl (Cunningham
stitute a risk to the stability of the final dosage and Snell, 1945; Ang, 1979). Eudragit RSPM is
form and can thus readily be identified and omit- unlikely to be used in the large proportions that
ted. Table 3 compares the average effects (main were used in this study (Eudragit : PL HCl, 5 : 1)
effects) of the variables with the VE,, at various as it is used mainly for film coating and in small
levels of confidence. quantities for inclusion in delayed release matri-
It appears that relative humidity and tempera- ces. Therefore, it is unlikely that Eudragit RSPM
ture are the dominant destabilizing factors (Table will cause serious stability problems.
3). This supports earlier findings which had shown A very small destabilizing effect was also ob-
PL HCI to be a moisture-sensitive drug, undergo- served with stearic acid. It is possible that the
ing physical changes at elevated moisture levels melting of stearic acid under experimental condi-
(Durig and Fassihi, 1991). tions had an effect on the interaction with PL
Amongst the excipients mannitol clearly had HCl. Various melting points reported for stearic
the greatest destabilizing effect (average effect acid include 59-64, 51-62.5 and 63-69.2”C
- 2.406, Table 3). Mannitol was selected for test- (Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 1986).
ing as it is known to be non-hygroscopic and had Therefore, a certain amount of melting can be
shown excellent compatibility with vitamins A, B expected at 55°C. As the interaction does not
and C (Wai et al., 1962). The hemiacetal ring in exclusively occur in the solid state, no conclusions
PL HCl is known to react readily with aliphatic can be made.
alcohols (Nuernberg, 1961). Mannitol is a hexahy- A common trend in this study is the relatively
dric alcohol molecule and the destabilizing effect large positive effect observed for the cellulose
could therefore be due to a strong interaction derivatives, i.e., Avicel, methylcellulose and ethyl-
between the hemiacetal and one or more of the cellulose. The effects of methylcellulose and Avi-
hydroxyl groups of mannitol. ccl are significant at the 90% level of confidence.
Corn starch, lactose and Ludipress (a granu- These excipients are relatively hygroscopic and
late consisting of lactose, povidone and crospovi- would be used with caution in conjunction with
done) also appear to be of limited value for any moisture-sensitive drugs. However, it is known
formulation containing PL HCl (see average ef- that ethylcellulose stabilizes ascorbic acid
fect, Table 3). Lactose is known to undergo a (Schmidt, 1982). Furthermore, in stability studies
non-enzymatic browning reaction (generally on acetylsalicylic acid in various cellulose mix-
known as the Maillard reaction) with amines. tures, it was shown that water is not readily
Although the reaction is believed to occur mainly available to cause degradation (Ahlneck and
in primary amines (Duvall et al., 1965), the possi- Alderborn, 1988). It appears that water becomes
bility of an interaction between the protonated strongly bound to the free hydroxy groups in the
pyridine nitrogen of PL HCl and free lactose amorphous regions of the cellulose. As moisture
carbonyl groups should therefore be considered. is a major destabilizing factor for PL HCl, it is
The lower average effect of Ludipress (Table 3) possible that the celluloses tested in this experi-
may be due to the protective effects of povidone ment exercise a protective effect on PL HCl in a
and crospovidone. Crospovidone in particular is similar way. A considerable proportion of the
able to sorb large quantities of moisture (Hand- moisture may therefore be strongly bound (low

water activity, a,) and unava~lible for degrada- thermore, Aerosil is acidic and may also exert a
tion reactions. The existence of various thermo- stabilizing effect by maintaining an acidic mi-
dynamic states of water in biopolymers such as croenvironment. Pyridoxai solutions are most sta-
cellulose has been extensively documented (Zo- ble in the acidic range (Cunningham and Snell,
grafi et al., 1984; Zografi and Kontny, 1986; Zo- 1945; Ang, 1979).
grafi, 1988), although the rigidity of this concept The moderate stabilizing effect of magnesium
has recently been challenged (Ahlneck and Zo- stearate was unexpected. A possible explanation
grafi, 1990). In addition, the lower stabilizing could be that magnesium stearate provides a hy-
effect of ethylcelhtlose may be due to the lower drophobic coat on the PL HCl particles, thus
hygroscopicity of this polymer which leads to reducing drug-water interactions. Water solubie
greater water activity and chemical instabili~. vitamins stabilized by coating with hydrophobic
The strong stabilizing effect observed for fatty acids and mono- and diglycerides are com-
Aerosii 380 tcolloidal silicon dioxide) may also be mercially available (Schmidt, 1982).
attributed to its moisture scavenging role. Col- Based on this study it can be recommended
loidal silicone dioxide can sorb large quantities of that mannitol, lactose, Ludipress and starch
water (up to 18% at 78% RH) and can be used as should not be combined with PL HCl. The desta-
a drying agent for hygroscopic materials (Hand- bilizing effect of Ludipress appears to be rela-
book of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 1986). Fur- tively low, However, Ludipress is best avoided as

Eudragit RSPM


Eudraglt RSPM. PL HCI

5 1
t , I, I I I I, I I I, I I I, I I I r,,,,r,r,,r,r,,,,,,t
50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250

Temperature “C Temoerature “C

c d
I i
Methyl cellulose Ethyl cellulO5e


Methyl cellulose PL HCI Ethyl celluloSe : PL HCI

I 1 I I I11111 ,,,,,,,,, ’
50 100 150 2cO 250 too 150 200 250

Temperature OC Temperature “C

Fig. 2. DSC thermograms of (a) Eudragit RSPM, PL HCI and a PL I-ICI: Eudragit RSPM (1: 5) mixture; (b) Avid pH101, PL HCl
and a PL HCl: Avicel pHlOl (1:s) mixture; (c) methylcellulose, PL HCl and a PL HC::methyicel~uiose (1:5) mixture; fd)
ethylcellulose, PL HCl and a PL HCI : ethylcel!ulose (1: 5) mixture.

it is used in relatively large quantities as a This may provide new insights on simpie ways to
filler/diluent and its main component, lactose, stabilize moisture sensitive drugs.
has a substantial destabilizing effect on PL HCl.
Stearic acid and Eudragit RSPM have rela- DSC screening
tively small negative effects and are unlikely to be The DSC traces of PL HCl, the excipients and
used in large quantities in solid dosage forms. their corresponding mixtures are shown in Figs
They could therefore be used if no alternatives 2-4. The thermograms of the PL HCl mixtures
were available. On the other hand, magnesium containing Eudragit RSPM, Avicel pH101, meth-
stearate, which has superior lubricity, appears to ylcellulose, ethylcellulose, Aerosil 380 and stearic
be compatible with PL HCI. acid (Figs 2 and 3a, b) exhibit all the thermal
~ethylcellulose, ethylcellulose, Avicel pHlOl features of the individual components. In general,
(microc~stalIine cellulose), Aerosil 380 (colloidal the broad melting endotherm of PL HCl (approx.
silicone dioxide) and magnesium stearate are the 178°C) appears even broader and shallower and
excipients of first choice as they tend to stabilize occurs at a slightly lower temperature. However,
PL HCl in these powder systems. this may be attributed to the mixing process,
The finding that the celluloses and colloidal which lowers the purity of each component in the
silicone dioxide exert a significant stabilizing ef- mixture, thus resulting in slightly broader and
feet on PL HCl deserves further investigation. lower melting points (Smith, 1982). Slight varia-

a b

Stsaric acid

f Stearic acfd : PC HCI

50 100 150 200 250
I I, I I I I I, I I I,, , , , , , 1

50 100 150 200 250

Temperature “C
Temperature “C

50 100 150 200 250

Temperature “C

Fig. 3. DSC thermograms of (a) Aerosil 380, PL HCI and a PL I-ICI : Aerosil 380 (5 : 1) mixture; (bf stearic acid, PL HCI and a PL
HCI : stearic acid <S : 1) mixture; (cl magnesium stearate, PL I-ICI and a PL HCI : magnesium stearate mixture; (d) starch, PL HCI
and a PL HCI : starch mixture.

tions in peak shape and melting point may also magnesium stearate are frequently observed by
be caused by varying sample geometries (Giron- DSC. However, these are often of a physical
Forest, 1984). The characteristic broad endo- nature. Due to the low concentrations of magne-
therms between 40 and 140°C observed for the sium stearate in the final dosage form such inter-
celluloses can be attributed to the loss of residual actions are often irrelevant (Gordon et al., 1984;
water from these polymers (Botha and Loetter, Wells, 1988). Magnesium stearate is widely re-
1990). No incompatibility could therfore be de- garded as the lubricant of first choice and any
tected for Eudragit RSPM, Avicel, methylcellu- improvement in the stability of the formulation
lose, ethylcellulose, Aerosil, and stearic acid. must be weighed up against the difficulties of
The DSC trace of magnesium stearate (Fig. 3c) finding a suitable substitute. Judging from the
shows two shallow, broad endotherms in the re- appearance of the DSC trace a significant solid-
gion of 50-l 10°C corresponding to different hy- solid interaction is unlikely, but nonetheless pos-
drated states or pseudo-polymorphs. The DSC sible.
trace of the PL HCl : magnesium stearate (5 : 1) Similar to the celluloses, starch exhibits a broad
mixture also shows several small endothermic and shallow endotherm between 40 and 120°C
peaks in this region. The peaks could not be (Fig. 3d). This may again be attributed to the loss
directly correlated with those of pure magnesium of bound water. The DSC trace of the PL
stearate. However, the PL HCl peak remains HCl : starch (1: 5) mixture shows several interest-
largely unchanged. Incompatibilities involving ing features. The PL HCl endotherm is broad-

a b



Mannltol PL HCI

Temperature “C


w I

100 150 200 250

Temperature “C

Fig. 4. DSC thermograms of (a) mannitol, PL HCl and a PL HCI :mannitol mixture (1 :5); (b) lactose, PL HCl and a PL
HCl : lactose mixture; (c) Ludipress, PL HCI and a mixture of PL HCI : Ludipress (1 : 5).

ened and peak temperature has been shifted up- Conclusion

wards (approx. 185°C). An additional broad and
shallow endotherm occurs at 220°C close to the The ability to assign a statistical significance to
pyrrolytic temperature for PL HCI. The observed the observations made and to identify both desta-
interaction therefore involves a liquid phase and bilizing and stabilizing factors clearly distin-
may also involve pyrrolytic degradation products. guishes isothermal stress studies based on a suit-
The evidence for a solid-solid incompatibility is able factorial experimental design from other ex-
therefore not conclusive. Nonetheless, starch cipient compatibility testing methods. DSC
should be used cautiously until more information screening proved to be a reliable indicator of
on its possible interaction with PL HCl can be major incompatibilities. The shortcomings of this
obtained. method are the inability to give good estimates of
Mannitol exhibits a prominent sharp melting the extent and significance of the destabilizing
endotherm with a peak temperature of 168°C. effects and the inability to detect stabilizing ef-
This coincides with the onset of the PL HCl fects. An additional disadvantage of DSC screen-
melting endotherm (Fig. 4a). The DSC trace of ing is the uncertainty as to whether or not the
the PL HCl :mannitol mixture shows two large observed interaction is chemical in nature. Addi-
partially overlapping endothermic peaks. The tional isothermal stress studies are usually re-
peak temperatures occur at 145 and 158”C, re- quired to confirm the results. This largely negates
spectively. Such large shifts in peak temperature the advantages of DSC screening.
are most probably indicative of a strong physico- It appears that in excipient compatibility test-
chemical interaction between the two compo- ing the emphasis is often mainly on the detection
nents. PL HCl and mannitol are likely to be of incompatibilities. Yet, the benefits of simulta-
incompatible. neously investigating the stabilizing effects of var-
An examination of Fig. 4b and c supports the ious excipients are obvious, especially when for-
earlier finding that lactose and Ludipress may be mulating inherently unstable drugs. This aspect
incompatible with PL HCl. The thermograms of may become increasingly important with the in-
the PL HCl : lactose and PL HCl : Ludipress (1: 5) creasing use of drugs of biological origin such as
mixtures show an additional prominent en- peptide drugs developed by rDNA technology.
dotherm in the region of 160-170°C. In both From this point of view, isothermal stress testing
cases, the small exothermic peak occurring be- based on a Plackett-Burman experimental design
tween the characteristic exotherms is obliterated. provides a superior method of excipient compati-
However, unlike in the isothermal stress study it bility testing. DSC screening is suitable as a com-
is not possible to discern any difference between plementary method to isothermal stress studies
the destabilizing effects of these two excipients. and to gauge excipient compatibility during pre-
This may partially be due to the lack of moisture liminary stages when no stability indicating
stress. method is available. In terms of excipient-drug
The results of the DSC compatibility screening interaction studies the most useful area of appli-
can be summarized as follows: cation for DSC would appear to be the study of
No or unlikely incompatibility: Aerosil 380, pharmaceutically important physical interactions
Avicel pH101, methylcellulose, ethylcellulose, such as the formation of a solid dispersions of a
Eudragit RSPM, magnesium stearate and stearic poorly soluble drugs in water soluble carrier ma-
acid. terials (Grant and Abougela, 1982; Ford and
Possible incompatibility: corn starch. Francomb, 1985).
Probable incompatibility: anhydrous lactose, An ‘ideal’ preformulation excipient compatibil-
Ludipress and mannitol. ity test which is rapid, consumes only small quan-
It should be emphasized that the observed tities of drug and provides accurate, reliable,
aberrations in the thermograms may be caused by quantitative data remains yet to be developed.
physical rather than chemical interaction.

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Great Britain, 1986, pp. 215, 299, 254, 255.
Ahlneck, C. and Zografi, G., The molecular basis of moisture Kornblum, S.S. and Sciarrone, B.J., Decarboxylation of p-
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the solid state. Inr. J. P/zarm., 62 (1990) 87-95. Kortnyk, W., Application of physicochemical methods to study
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