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A Quantitative Research
presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department
NBP Reservation, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

in partial fulfillment of the requirements in


Cermino, Diane May B.

Palima, Andro J.
Millares, Maria Angelica P.
Fortaleza, Philvialyn
Clacio, Danica
Ramirez, Joshua
Andaya, Zhariz
Villagen, Hadji
Vebora, Angelo
Prajele, Maverick
Navarez, Wency
Tabernero, Junjie
Buenavidez, Catherine


Hazel Jhoy Casabar - Del Mundo

Research Adviser

October, 2018


This study was entitled “Social Networking and Mobile-Online Games: Their
Relationship to the Academic Performance of SHS Students of MNHS-Main “wants to
investigate the significant relationship between social networking to the academic
performance and mobile-online games to the academic performance of SHS students of
MNHS-Main. The purposed of the study was to describe the use of social networking
sites and mobile-online games of the students that somewhat related to academic
performance of Grade 11 General Academic Strand in MNHS-Main of the school year
2018-2019. This study is very important because this topic of interest is relevant to the
senior high school strand. This study will contribute research-based data possible
relationship between the use of social networking and mobile-online games to the
academic performances. Furthermore, the researchers proposed that the students of
MNHS-Main have an average of mastery level on the midterm grades in General
Mathematics of the academic year 2018-2019. The students use of social networking and
mobile-online games in terms of frequency and types of applications are the following;
majority of the students commonly use Facebook in their smart phones; they spend most
0 to 8 hours in a day and visit daily on their social media account; and most of the
respondents are not playing a mobile-online games on their smartphones but some spent
0 to 8 hours in a day and it is said that mobile-online games such as Mobile Legends,
Clash of Clans, Arena of Valor and Rules of Survival as not necessarily activity. Also,
majority of the students considered that social media helps their studies sometimes and
sometimes mobile-online games give them opportunity to think critically sometimes.
Finally, the researchers recommend that student’s use of social networking should be
under moderation, parents must be aware of the possible effects to their children,
developing effective teaching-learning process, and conducting seminars and activities to
improve academic performance in General Mathematics.

Keywords: Academic Performance, General Academic Strand, Mobile-Online Games,

Smartphones, Social Networking, Students


First of all, we are grateful to THE ALMIGHTY GOD for establishing us to done

our research safe and sound.

We also want to thank our parents for their unceasing encouragement and financial

support to do this research successfully.

We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our teacher Mrs. Hazel Jhoy

Del Mundo who give us an opportunity to do this research, which also helped us in

conducting this research topic.

We are thankful to Sir. Glenn Maratas, Mrs. Hazel Jhoy Del Mundo, Mrs. Filipinia

Malapad, Ms. Jocelyn Lacuesta, and Sir. Raden Margate who serves as the panel teachers

in our final defense and give their comments in our study.

We are thankful to Mrs. Cristina C. Bermudez who gives us the permission in

allowing us to do our research survey.

We are thankful to Sir. Jeffrey D. Delmundo, LPT, MAT who severs as the statistician

of our study.

We are thankful to Sir. Glenn C. Maratas who serves as the grammarian that helps us

in validating the survey questionnaire of our study.

We are also thankful to our respondents in Grade 11 General Academic Strand who

give their precious time to accomplish our research.

Lastly, nothing is impossible without the contribution of others. It is very important to

thank everybody who participated in our research.


Page no.




Table of Contents................................................................................................................4



Background of the Study.....................................................................................................6

Statement of the Problem…………......…………...............................................................9

Significance of the Study…………………………......


Scope and





Review of Related Literature and Study...........................................................................12

Related Literature...............................................................................................................12

Related Studies...................................................................................................................18


Conceptual Framework......................................................................................................23

Research Hypothesis..................................... ....................................................................23

Definition of Terms............................................................................................................24



Research Design.................................................................................................................25

The Sample........................................................................................................................25

The Instruments.................................................................................................................26

Date Gathering Procedure..................................................................................................27

Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................28



The Students Academic Performance in General Mathematics……………....................29

The Use of Social Networking…………………………………………………………..29

The Use of Mobile-Online Games………………………………………………………30

Relationship Between General Mathematics and Social Networking…………….….....34

Relationship Between General Mathematics and Mobile-Online Games………………34


CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................35






Chapter 1


In this chapter, the researchers present the problem and its setting. It includes the

statement of the problem, significance of the study, and scope and delimitation of the


Background of the study

Nowadays, technology is one of the most important part of people’s lives. All of us

depend on technology. Day-by-day, technology is increasing that gives impact to us and

has a variety of usage such as a medium of communication, fasten our tasks/ work, gives

entertainment and satisfaction, and etc.With the use of technology, this can create human

relationship by using social networking have played a big role in connecting people. In

the field of education, technology has made a very big change in the world. Because of

the invention of gadgets like mobile and cellular phones, it’s easier to learn than before.

The regular reliance on smartphones in daily life, and the information gather and

transmit such as texts, call data, and the geographic/location details, means an important

tool for communication. But, also have the potential to be used as a tool of abuse. Many

smartphone users are obsessed or infatuated with their smartphone functions. But over

time, it will become less interesting and far more a tool we engage with when we need to,

just as society has adjusted to computer use. In the meantime, young people needs to

educate about problematic internet use and help to understand why using functions on

smartphone can be potentially time-wasting and, at worst, negatively impact academic

performances in school.

According to Nations (2018), social networking has grown to become one of the

largest and most influential components of the web. Once signed into a social network,

having answered a few basic profile questions, it's easy to sit back and wonder what you

are supposed to do next. Perhaps the easiest way to understand social networking is to

think of it like high school. If someone who had friends in school and knew quite a few

people even if this person weren't friends with all of them, but it's likely that this person

didn't know everyone. If someone ever moved to a new school, or if this person can

imagine moving to a new school, they start out with no friends. After attending classes,

this person start meeting people, and as they meet them, this person begin associating

with those that have similar interests. Getting started with social networking is much the

same as starting a new school. At first, they don't have any friends, but as they join

groups and begin meeting new people, they build a friend list of those with similar

interests. Social networking sites include: Twitter, Yahoo, Facebook, Gmail, Skype,

Google and etc. Millions of people are using social networking sites which they used to

interact with old and new friends, physical or internet friends (Asemah & Edegoh,2012).

In addition, playing mobile-online games can make people happy. Mobile-online

game is a video game which can be played on a feature phone, smartphone/mobile

phones, tablet, smartwatch, or portable media player (Elmenthaler, 2013). Today, mobile

games can be played online through downloading it from app stores or via internet

connection, Bluetooth, or through share it application.

Likewise, academic excellence or achievement plays an important role in an

individual placement, be it in the academic institutions or job placement. Due to this,

many people are concerned with the ways they can enhance their academic achievement.

The emphasis on academic excellence which is also prevalent worldwide has encouraged

many studies about the conditions promoting it. The role of academic achievement as one

of the predictors of one’s life success and also in the aspect of academic placement in

schools to higher institutions as well as the level of employability in one’s career is

inevitable (Kyoshaba, 2009). Coupled with the rise of technology, technology can bring

positive and negative effects in many aspects of life. Instead of students reading their

books, they spend their time chatting and making friends via the social networking sites.

Instead of students are busy answering their assignments and doing their projects, they

usually play online-games in their mobile phones, this might definitely have influence on

their academic performance.

General Mathematics is one of the most important school subjects in the curriculum

worldwide. It is a subject that has direct relationship with other subjects, particularly

technical and sciences. It is important subject not only from point of view of getting an

academic qualification at school or college, but also is a subject that prepares the students

for the future as well irrespective of which work of life they choose to be a part of. The

General Mathematics provides the interdisciplinary knowledge and problem-solving

techniques that can give you the edge in an increasingly competitive job market. General

Mathematics is intimately connected to daily life and everybody’s life-long planning.

Therefore, general mathematics is a subject that education and human life cannot

function effectively without it.

This study aimed to achieve the following: (1) improve the academic performances of

SHS student’s by giving knowledge on the use of social networking and mobile-online

games;(2) to create a balance between social networking and mobile-online games to

academic activities; (3) and to describe and correlate the two factors that affects academic

performances in the Grade 11 GAS strand in the school year 2018-2019.

Statement of the problem

The purposed of the study is to investigate the use of social networking sites and

mobile-online games to academic performance in General Mathematics of Senior High

School students under General Academic Strand in Muntinlupa National High School-

Main of the academic year 2018-2019.

Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the students academic performances in General Mathematics?

2. What is the students use of social networking and mobile-online games in terms


a. Frequency?

b. Types of applications?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance in General

Mathematics and social networking?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance in General

Mathematics and mobile-online games?

Significance of the Study

This study will be able to contribute research-based data possible relationship between

the use of social networking and mobile-online games to the academic performance in

General Mathematics. Furthermore, the society in general can make informed decisions


More specifically, this study can be significant to the following beneficiaries:

To the students. It will enable the students of Senior High School to be aware of the

topic, so that they will know that the use of social networking and mobile-online games is

for responsible use.

To the parents. This study may benefits the parents to gain awareness of the possible

effects of social networking and mobile-online games to their children, so they can give

limitations to their children and guide them to be responsible in using their smartphones.

To the guidance teacher. This study may help the guidance teachers of the school to

know the common reason why students have low academic performances or to utilize this

to their study.

To the school. The school will conduct seminars and activities that gives awareness to

the students about ways to improve academic performance in school, the proper use of

social networking and mobile-online games, and empowering the youth.

To other researchers. It will provide information and data for other researchers

undertaking similar topic of interest which was to describe the relationship between

social networking and mobile-online games to the students academic performance.

Scope and Delimitations

The purposed of the correlation study was to determine the relationship between

social networking and mobile-online games to the students academic performance. The

study population included students in the Grade 11 General Academic Strand in

Muntinlupa National High School-Main in the first semester of the year 2018-2019. The

sample size selected by multiple steps stratified sampling method. There are ten sections

under the General Academic Strand in Grade 11. Based on the computed Slovin’s

Formula, there are 229 total respondents required in the study. The study aimed to show

the uses of smartphone applications that limited only to social networking and mobile-

online games. This quantitative research is limited only to those students who are using

social networking sites and playing mobile-online games. The study scope the use of

smart phones applications that requires internet connection and does not included offline

games. Mobile-online games which includes Rules of Survival, Mobile Legends, Arena

of Valor and League of Legends. Also, the use of mobile networking sites in this study

are only limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Gmail. In measuring student’s

academic performance, it represented by the midterm grades in General Mathematics.

Chapter 2


This chapter of the paper presents the review of related literature, the conceptual

framework, the research hypotheses, and the definition of terms.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

As of today, most people relate social networking and mobile-online games to low

academic performances. Through the years, studies have yielded different results. Some

of them say that they are co-related when some say that they are not. The related

literature and studies in the study has provided an in-depth evidence of the uses,

advantages, disadvantages, impact, consequences, and concerns about the usage of social

networking, mobile-online games, and academic performances.

This chapter review some of the numerous works done by scholars and researchers

which are directly related to this research work, in doing so this chapter reviewed the

following variables: social networking, mobile-online games, and academic

performances. This also includes other research and information about social media,

internet addiction, mobile phones, and game addiction.

Social Networking

Social networking is the use of internet-based social media programs to make

connections with friends, family, classmates, customers and clients.

Social networking can occur for social purposes, business purposes or both through sites

such as Facebook, Gmail, Google, and Messenger applications. Social networking is also

a significant target area for marketers seeking to engage users. Networking is a process

that fosters the exchange of information and ideas among individuals or groups that share

a common interest. It may be for social or business purposes (Investopedia & LLC,


Social networking sites are social network services that focus on building online

communities of people who share interest or activities. Many years had passed, social

networking is very popular today. The term “Social Networking Sites” from the word

“Networking” refers to relationship. A practice of a public discourse or looking to meet

new people through communicating online (Banquil, Chua & Rivero, 2009).

Social networks have the power to open the world up to you, making it a smaller place

than it has ever been before. Social networking sites can help you make and keep friends.

Social networking sites can act as a kind of group therapy session. Social networking

sites allow you to live a life unhindered by small talk. Social networking sites can help

foster friendships and perhaps more besides. Social networking sites make fitting in

easier, as long as you open up a little.

Social media can be very influential on society in both positive and negative ways. It

gives people a way to stay in touch with people who live far away. It lets people share

fun, interesting and informative content. It gives businesses a way to engage with


One of the problems, however, is that anybody can share anything, including material

that may not be accurate. In some cases, real harm is done when people spread

inflammatory, unverified or outright false information. This can harm private individuals,

as when someone is bullied online. It can also have a harmful impact on society as a


Social media has made it very easy to spread information quickly. Because Facebook

and Twitter timelines move so quickly, viewers don’t often verify what they’ve seen. A

great deal of content is also spread through images and memes, which may or may not be

based on valid information. Of course, many memes are created to be funny, cute or

outrageous. Others, however, are intended to influence our thinking. Even links to real

articles can be misleading. It’s safe to say that most people who see a headline and link

never read the whole article.

Social Media is useful but there is an evident that it gives negative impacts to students

who are not aware of the proper use of social networking sites. Students can help to

access basic information like they are gaining knowledge to become a competitive

individual. The problem is that instead of students would do their homework’s, they give

more priority in checking their social media account and busy chatting with their friends.

The most important things in the students life is studying, learning good habits and

gaining knowledge to become a better individual. But look what happened in this days,

students are observed entrapped by the schemes of using social networking sites

(Jimenez, 2018).

In March 2014, the UK's Daily Mirror published the story of Danny Bowman, a

teenage "selfie addict" who allegedly spent up to 10 hours a day taking 200 selfies,

dropped out of school, and tried to kill himself when he was unable take the perfect photo

of himself. Taking selfies has become a very popular activity, particularly

among teenagers and young adults. From a psychological perspective, the taking of

selfies is a self-oriented action which allows users to establish their individuality and self-

importance and is also associated with personality traits such as narcissism.

Mobile-Online Game

According to techopedia (2018), mobile-online games is a kind of video game played

on Mobile phones, Smart phones, Tablet, and computer. Nowadays, with the emergence

of android phones many game applications are developed for it and some existing

applications are migrated into it. Many games are develop for mobile phones most

specifically for android. With the high technology equipped with these mobile phones,

mobile games become robust and attract many people to buy or have this phone for them

to experience what’s inside it which makes it a trend for the new generation of mobile


According to the mobile analytics company named App Annie( 2018),Chinese mobile

game publishers saw a significant rise of over 40 percent on year-on-year on overseas

revenues from Apple Incorporation iOS App Store and Google Play store during the first

half of this year, hitting $2.6 billion. Gaming app publishers reported 1.5 billion

downloads via Google Play and iOS App Store in the first half of 2018, compared with

1.1 billion in the same period last year, according to App Annie’s data. The report said

China saw a slowdown the first- half domestic mobile game revenues, proving overseas

markets such as Japan, South Korea and Germany, and expansion is a necessity for

Chinese publishers. By the end of June, more than 200 Chinese mobile games apps had

been downloaded more than one million times around the world, each earning $1 million

globally (Shijia, 2018).

The concept that gaming could become an addiction first gained traction in 2013 when the

disorder was included in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders"

(DSM). At the time, the disorder was only listed as a "condition for further study." "Excessive

gaming may lead to avoiding negative moods and neglecting 'normal' relationships, school or

work-related duties, and even basic physical needs," review author Frank Paulus said in a

statement. But Mark Griffiths, a professor of behavioral addiction at Nottingham Trent

University in England concurred that most child gamers do not suffer from addiction. It is

because it's not about the amount of time a child spends in front of a video game," Griffiths

explained. "It's about the content and context in which that screen time figures into his or her

life. “If your kid is not suffering educationally, and has got a wide network of friends, is

doing his chores and engaging in physical education, then what they're doing with their spare

leisure time is not negatively impacting their life and cannot be called an addiction -- even if

the parent thinks it's excessive," he said.

Contrary to the traditional belief that mobile-online gaming is merely an addictive

source of entertainment and diversion, recent research has proved that mobile-online

gaming has numerous benefits and key among them, is the development of cognitive

skills in both children and adults. Just as physical exercise helps in improving and

strengthening your muscles, cognitive games help to indulge one's brain in constant

stimulation, thus improving the brain's performance.

The following are some of the cognitive benefits of playing mobile-online games

according to Sheila Eugenio: (1) Improves coordination. When an adult or child is

playing a mobile-online game, he or she is not only staring at the computer inactively.

The activities and actions on the screen provide a lot of mental stimulation. For one to

play, he or she will need to coordinate their visual, audial and physical movement.

(2) Improves problem-solving skills. Mobile-online games involve certain rules. This

means that the player has to think carefully before making any move to ensure that they

stay within the required rules of that particular game. (3) Enhances memory. Playing

your favorite mobile-online game may require both visual and audial memory. The player

is required to read or listen to the instructions which might only be provided at the

beginning of the game, thus the need to remember them throughout the entire game.

Mastery of the keys on your keyboard helps you easily move your characters in the game.

This helps improve your memory, whether short- term or long-term. (4) Improves

attention and concentration. Mobile-online games especially action games, have proven

to be able to capture the player's attention for the entire period of the game. This is

brought about by the player's need to achieve certain objectives within the game, and be

able to progress to the next level. (5) It is a great source of learning. Mobile-online

gaming is not only beneficial to adults and teenagers, but to children as well. Many

modern education institutions incorporate mobile-online games as a teaching

methodology. This helps these children improve their academic skills by providing

games that are specifically aimed at enhancing their cognitive and creative skills.

(6) Improves the brain's speed. While gaming, the brain receives multiple stimulations,

both visual and audial. According to research, individuals who play video games

frequently can process these stimulators faster than others. These stimulators ensure that

the brain is continuously working to interpret them. (7) Enhances multitasking skills. An

action game, for example, may require you to be very observant. It requires you to be

able to move your joystick or keys while looking at the various features on your screen

such as energy levels, oncoming adversaries, ammunitions left, available time among

other factors, all which are vital to winning. This ensures that the player can observe and

react accordingly to all requirements of that particular game. (8) Mobile-online games

improves social skills. Mobile-online gaming enables many players to engage in a

particular game simultaneously. As such, there is constant communication between the

players which in turn results in the development of meaningful as well as casual

relationships among them. This helps players meet new friends while also strengthening

bonds with their old friends.

Academic Performance

Kyoshaba (2009) stated that academic excellence or achievement plays an important

role in an individual placement, be it in the academic institutions or job placement. Due

to this, many people are concerned with the ways they can enhance their academic

achievement. The emphasis on academic excellence which is also prevalent worldwide

has encouraged many studies about the conditions promoting it. The role of academic

achievement as one of the predictors of one’s life success and also in the aspect of

academic placement in schools to higher institutions as well as the level of employability

in one’s career is inevitable.

Likewise, academic performance refers to the ability to study and remember facts,

being able to study effectively and see how facts fit together and form larger patterns of

knowledge, and being able to think for self in relation to facts and being able to

communicate your knowledge verbally or down on paper. There are several factors

affecting student’s academic performance. Some are home, school, teacher, and student

factors. Most of the factors are home related: family size, financial burden, work at home,

parental attitude through education and parenting style. The academic performance of the

learners must therefore be viewed on the four mentioned factors and may this article

provide some ideas for some corrective and tangible measure that would lead to the

understanding of the issue (Garcia, 2012).

Related Studies


A thesis made by Ravichandran (2009) in New Zealand, aimed to gain an overall

understanding of teenagers’ mobile-phone usage (positive purposes and negative

impacts). A mixed methods approach was employed to explore the research problem.

Quantitative data was collected through questionnaires (18 closed and 02 open ended

questions) and qualitative data through interviews (approximately 21 questions). The

results shows that Teenagers’ possessing mobile phones 96.5 % (n=111). The overall

findings from this study reveal that parents (caregivers’ perceptions of teenagers’ mobile

phone usage are not satisfactory. Although a mixed opinion, they lean towards negative


According to previous study of Kuss & Fernandez (2016) that aimed to maximize the

interest, game addiction is the ultimate goal rather than intention, which means attractive

products will enable users to play games frequently and even become loyal user. Since

the study confirmed the vital role of perceived visibility in forming addiction, game

developers should realized the vital role of social function of mobile games and put

significant resources into developing and delivering social mobile games.

Another study from Goel, Subramanyan, Kamath (2015), the prevalence of internet

addiction and its association with psychopathology in Indian adolescents.A cross-

sectional study sample comprising of 987 students of various faculties across the city of

Mumbai was conducted after obtaining Institutional Ethics Committee approval

andpermission from the concerned college. There has been an excessive use not only in

India but also worldwide in the last decade. There is a growing concern about whether

this is excessive use and if so, whether it amounts to an addiction. The results indicated

those with excessive use internet had high scores on anxiety, depression and anxiety


The study of Peter (2015) shows a direct relationship exists between social media

usage and the academic performance of students in universities. To achieve this, the

descriptive survey research design was adopted. The study focused on University of

Lagos hence, population consists of all the 24,661 full-time undergraduate students. The

simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample of 378 students.

Research findings showed that a great number of students in University of Lagos, are

addicted to social media. To this end, the researcher recommended that social media

should be used for educational purposes as well; Social Networking Sites should be

expanded and new pages should be created to enhance academic activities and avoid

setbacks in the students’ academic performance; and Students should be monitored by

teachers and parents on how they use these sites This is to create a balance between social

media and academic activities of students to avoid setbacks in the academic performance

of the students.

This study of Sa’ad, Adamu, and Abdullah investigated the causes of poor

performance in mathematics among public senior secondary schools students in Azare

metropolis of Bauchi state, Nigeria. The study sample was 361 in which 300 were

students and 61 teachers which were selected from the population of 5,545. The

descriptive survey design was used and questionnaire was used in the collection of data.

Frequency and simple percentage were used in the analysis of the data. The findings of

the study led to the conclusion that students’ negative attitude toward mathematics,

anxiety and fear of mathematics, inadequate qualified teachers, poor teaching methods,

inadequate teaching materials, overcrowded classes were some of the causes of poor

performance in mathematics in the study area. The study also found out that developing

positive attitude, motivation and proper guidance toward mathematics, using proper

methods of teaching the subject, provision of relevant teaching materials, additional

classrooms and furniture, provision of libraries and mathematical laboratories were some

of the ways of improving performance in mathematics in the study area. Finally, the study

recommended that frequent inter-school competition in mathematics, frequent

supervision and inspection by proper authorities as well as enlightenment of parents on

importance of children’s education should be adopted.


Amabao (2011) conducted a study to explore the use of social networking sites and

how it affects the communication aspects of every individual. It shows the reason why

they use social network sites as a way of communication and building relationship with

the other person, and also would like to present the possible problem that a user might

encounter using social networking sites. This study used a descriptive- survey method

involved the use of questionnaires. Social networkers in the Philippines also showed the

highest level of engagement on social networking sites averaged of 5.5 hours per visitor

in February, which visitors frequenting the social networking category an averaged of 26

times during the month.

A qualitative study of Bernardo (2010), research has shown that a critical variable in

determining academic achievement in different cultures and educational systems is

approaches to learning. In this study, the author sought to determine whether this variable

influences academic achievement among Filipino college students. The learning process

questionnaire (LPQ) has been the source of intensive cross-cultural study. The results

indicated that: (a) the Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ) was a valid instrument to

assess the learning approaches of non-low-achieving Filipino college students; (b) the

Deep and Achieving subscale scores of the Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ) were

positively related to academic achievement even when the effects of school ability and

prior academic achievement were controlled; and (c) with some slight exceptions, the

relationship between the Learning Process Questionnaire (LPQ) scale scores and

academic achievement were generally similar between male and female Filipino students.

Implications for the study of student approaches to learning in different cultures and

educational systems are discussed.


The review of related studies and literature is summarizes as follows:

The research cited 4 foreign related literature and 3 local related literature, 4 foreign

related studies and 2 local related studies. Three related study and related literature are

similar to the present study which says that social networking or the use of social media

can affect the student’s academic performances. These are the studies of Banquil, Chua &

Rivero (2009), Peter (2015) and Jimenez (2018). There is a significant relationship

between the use of social networking sites and students academic performances (Peter,

2015) and Banquil, Chua & Rivero (2009). Most of the studies cited are quantitative and

a correlation research design, are similar to the present study to conduct information to

the chosen topic. There are three quantitative studies used to know the percentages of the

respondents such as: Ravichandran (2009), Garcia (2012), and Peter (2015).While

Bernardo (2010) and Kyoshaba (2009) are quantitative research design that aims to show

the academic excellence or achievement plays an important role in an individual

placement, be it in the academic institutions or job placement. A quantitative research

design of Sa’ad, Adamu, and Abdullah investigated the causes of poor performance in

mathematics An exploratory quantitative study shows results that there is a prevalence of

internet addiction and game addiction worldwide, these are the studies of Kuss &

Fernandez (2016) and Goel, Subramanyam & Kamath (2015).

Conceptual Framework

The Figure 1 below illustrates the conceptual framework of the study.

SHS Students’ use of Social

Grade 11 GAS student’s

Academic Performance in
General Mathematics
SHS students’ use of Mobile-
Online Games
Figure 1.The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows that the student’s academic performance as dependent variable is

assumed to be related to the independent variables, which are social networking and

mobile-online games. The paradigm presents the variables that considered in the research.

The arrow lines that connect the dependent variable to independent variable indicates the

hypothesize relationship between variables.

Research Hypothesis

The following null hypothesis are used in the study and tested at 0.05 level of


1. There is no significant relationship between social networking usage and student’s

academic performance in General Mathematics.

2. There is no significant relationship between the use of mobile-online games and

the student’s academic performance in General Mathematics.

Definition of Terms

As words may mean differently in different contexts, the following conceptual and

operational definitions are given as the words used as intended to be understood for the

purpose of this study.

Academic Performance: It refers to the general average of students in the subject

General Mathematics.

General Academic Strand: This refers to the respondents of the study that will help us

gather information and answers the given questionnaires. In the study it refers to

Grade 11 students of Muntinlupa National High School Main.

Mobile-Online Games: It refers as a video game played on a mobile or cellular phones

that requires online. These are commonly Rules of Survival, Arena of Valor,

Mobile Legends, and League of Legends.

Smartphones- a mobile phone that performs many of the functions of a computer,

typically having a touchscreen interface,

Social Networking: The use of internet to make information about yourself available to

other people especially people you share an interest with to send messages to

them. In the study it refers to Facebook, Messenger, Google and Gmail.

Social Networking Sites: A website where people put information about them and can

send to others such as Facebook, Messenger, and YouTube.

Students: Someone who is studying at School. Someone who is very interested in a

particular subject. In the study it refers to those students who are using social

networking and playing mobile-online games.

Survey questionnaire of the study-The researchers developed research questionnaire to

conduct the study. The instrument used by the researchers.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes the research design, the sample, the instruments, the data

collection procedures, and the plan for data analysis.

Research Design

The aimed of this correlation study is to determine the relationship of social

networking to the student’s academic performance in General Mathematics. Also, to

determine the relationship of mobile-online games to the student’s academic

performances in General Mathematics.

The Sample

The study population includes respondents in the Grade 11 General Academic Strand

in MNHS-Main of the academic year 2018-2019. The sample size is selected by multiple

steps of stratified sampling method. The total number of samples is computed based on

Slovin’s Formula.

It shows that the sample size (n), there are 229 total number of respondents who

answered the survey questionnaire in the study. The table 1 shows the respondents

distribution into 10 sections of Grade 11 General Academic Strand, the total population

(N) is 539 students, and the total number of respondents in each section (n). The study

used multiple steps stratified sampling method to get the sample size (n) on each section

and total number of respondents based on the computed Slovin’s Formula.

Table 1. The Number of Respondents in the study

Section N n
1101 60 25
1102 56 24
1103 56 24
1104 48 20
1105 50 21
1106 48 20
1107 52 22
1108 55 23
1109 55 23
1110 59 25

Total 539 229

The Instruments

To collect necessary data that used on answering the problems stated in this research,

the researcher developed a survey questionnaire regarding on the use of social

networking and mobile-online games of senior high school students in MNHS-Main. The

survey instruments includes the direction and short discussion/information to the study

about this study. The questionnaire was composed 10 questions, it was constructed on the

form of gathering relevant information that it includes question related to address the

students midterm grades in General Mathematics. Likewise questions 2 to 8 used to

describe the students use of social networking and mobile-online games in terms

frequency and types of applications. Moreover, items 9 and 10 show how social

networking and mobile-online games helps them to think critically and study.

Validity of the questionnaire was obtained by presenting it to three professional

people, they check the grammar and content of the survey questionnaire.

Data Gathering Procedure

The process for gathering the needed data in study is described in the following steps.

1. The researchers seek permission to obtain the list of students in Grade 11 General

Academic Strand of the academic year 2018-2019 from which samples will be


2. The researchers developed survey questionnaire that intent to gather necessary

information from our respondents. It was content validated by three experts.

3. The researchers distributed the questionnaires to the selected samples during their

break time to not desturb class discussion.

4. There were 100% retrieved rate that the researchers collected the same day as they

were given to ensure a higher percentage of questionnaires.

Figure 3. Flowchart of Data Gathering Procedure.

Data Analysis

To answer the questions presented under the Statement of the Problem, the following

statistical tools will be employed.

1. Responses from the questionnaire were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of

frequency counts, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Mean and standard

deviation were computed in analyzing the midterm grades of students in General

Mathematics. The below interpretation was used to interpret the students’ academic


Range Interpretation

75- Above Mastery Level

Below 75 Below Mastery Level

2. The use of frequency counts and percentage, Rank to describe the use of Social

Networking and Mobile-Online Games. The number of hours that the students spend

on Social Networking and Mobile-Online Games was classified according to

interpretation below.

Range Interpretation
0-8 hours High
9-16 hours Moderate
17-24 hours Low
3. The R-value and p-value in Pearson Coefficient Correlation was calculated to test the

hypothesis set in the study at 0.05 level of significance. Data was encoded to, an online calculator.



The chapter presents the findings of the study. It includes the analysis of the results of

the statistical treatment employed as well as the interpretation of the results of the study.

The students’ academic performance in General Mathematics.

Table 1. The Result of Midterm Grades in General Mathematics
Mean SD Interpretation
Midterm grades in
82.87 0.36 Mastery level
General Mathematics

*75-Above mastery level, 74 and below- Mastery level

The table 1 shows the academic performance in General Mathematics. The respondents
chosen to participate in this research have been randomly selected through stratified
sampling. Based on the data provided in the table 1, the midterm grades in General
Mathematics shows that they have mastery level with an average of 82.87.

The Use of Social Networking

Table 2. The Use of Social Networking in Terms of Frequency Measuring by Hours per
Frequency Rank
Respondents Percentage (%) Interpretation
0-8 hours 201 87.77% Low 1
9-16 hours 25 10.92% Moderate 2
16-24 hours 3 1.31% High 3

The table 2 shows that two-hundred one of the respondents with the percentage of
87.77% percent who participated in the survey answers 0-8 hours which is considered
low. Twenty-five of two-hundred twenty nine (229) senior high school students answered
9-16 hours with the percentage of 10.92 percent which is considered moderate. Only
three respondents with the percentage of 1.31% answered 16-24 hours which is

considered high. The result is in-line to Amabao (2011) study, social networkers in the
Philippines have highest level of engagement with an average of 5.5 hours per visit.

All of the abocve; 0.88%

Instagram; 22.47%
Twitter; 3.08%
Gmail; 2.64%

Facebook; 70.93%

Figure1. The Social Networking Accounts that Students Commonly Use

The figure 1 presents the Social Networking that the students commonly use. It shows
that seventy one percent (71%) of the respondents are frequently use the Facebook
account. Followed by Instagram with twenty-two percent (22%), while Twitter and Gmail
accounts for both 3% of the total sample. Likewise, one percent (1%) uses all the
same accounts.

1 day; 2.18% Never; 2.18%

2 days; 3.93%
3-4 days; 10.04%
5-6 days; 10.92%

Daily; 70.74%

Figure 2.
Frequently Use of Social Networking of the Students in a Week.

Figure 2 exhibit the number of days the students visit their social media account per
week. Seventy-one percent of the 229 senior high school students participated in the
survey use their social media account daily. Eleven percent of the 229 senior high school
students participated in the survey use their social media account 5-6 days per week.
Likewise the 10%, 4%, and 2% of the respondents use social media sites of every 3 to 4

days, 2 days and 1 day, respectively. And 2% of the respondents never use social media

Rules of survival; 12.23%

Clash of clans; 6.99%

None of the above; 52.40%

Mobile legends; 20.96%
Arena of valor; 0.87%
All of the above; 6.55%

The Use
of Mobile-Online Games

Figure 3. The Types of Application that the Students’ Play

The figure 3 presents the types of application that the students play. Fifty-two percent

of the respondents who participated in the survey never played mobile-online games in

their smartphones. Twenty-one of 229 respondents answered Mobile Legends, while the

12%, 7%, and 3% of the respondents played Rules of Legends, Clash of Clans, and Arena

of Valor, respectively. Moreover, the 7% of the respondents play all the mentioned games.

Table 3.The Importance of Mobile-Online Games According to the Students

Respondents Percentage Rank

Must-do activity 33 14.41 % 4
Should-do activity 36 15.72 % 3
Can-do activity 51 23.14% 2
107 46.72% 1

The table 3 shows the importance of mobile-online games according to the students.
There are 46.72% out of 229 respondents who participated in the survey considered
playing mobile-online games a not-necessary activity.

Table 4. The Longest of Hours in a Day Students Spend in Playing Mobile-Online

Frequency Rank
Respondents Percentage (%) Interpretation
0-8 hours 188 82.10% Low 1
9-16 hours 27 11.27% Moderate 2
16-24 hours 14 6.11% High 3

Never; 37.12% Daily; 16.59%

5-6 days; 8.30%

1 day; 12.23% 3-4 days; 12.66%

2 days; 13.10%

table 4 indicates the number of hours spend in Mobile-Online Games in General
Mathematics. One-hundred eighty eight of the respondents with the percentage of
82.10% percent who participated in the survey answered 0 to 8 hours which is
considered low in playing Rules of Survival, Clash of Clans, and Arena of Valor.
Participation in playing Mobile Legends and Rules of Survival by twenty seven of 229
senior high school students answered 9-16 hours with the percentage of 11.27% percent
which is considered moderate. Only fourteen respondents with the percentage of 6.11%
answered 16-24 hours which is considered high in playing Mobile Legends.

Figure 4. Frequently Use of Mobile-Online Games of the Students in a Week

The figure 4 shows the frequently use of mobile-online games of the students in a
week. Thirty- seven percent of the 229 senior high school students participated in the
survey never played mobile-online games in a week. While 17%, 8%, 13% and 13% of
the 229 senior high school students participated in the survey play mobile-online games
daily, 5 to 6 days, twice a week and once in a week.

Table 5. The Students Response on Social Networking Helps them in their Studies.

Respondents Percentage (%) Response Rank

63 27.51% Always 2
28 12.23% Often 3
130 56.77% Sometimes 1
5 2.18% Seldom 4
3 1.31% Never 5
The table 5 indicates the students response on social networking helps them in their
studies. One-hundred thirty of the respondents with the percentage of 56.77% percent
who participated in the survey answered sometimes.

Table 6. The students response on Mobile-Online Games gives them opportunity to think
critically .

Respondents Percentage (%) Response Rank

29 12.66% Always 3
25 10.92% Often 4
104 45.41% Sometimes 1
11 4.18% Seldom 5
40 4.80% Never 2

The table indicates the students response on Mobile-online Games gives them
opportunity to think critically . One-hundred four of the respondents with the percentage
of 45.41 % percent who participated in the survey answered sometimes.

Relationship Between Academic Performance in General Mathematics and Social
Table 7. The Result of Pearson Coefficient Correlation

Paw R-Value P-Value Interpretation

Number of Hours Spend in Social
No Significant But
Networking and Grades in
0.0111 0.867323 A Positive
The table 7 shows the result of Pearson Correlation between the number hours spend

in social networking and grades in general mathematics. The computed R-value is 0.0111.

Since the P-value is 0.867323 which greater than the level of significance of 0.05, then

the result indicates that is not significant. Although technically a positive correlation, the

relationship between variables is very weak because the nearer the value is to zero, the

weaker the relationship.

Relationship Between Academic Performance in General Mathematics and Mobile-

Online Games

Table 8. The Result of Pearson Coefficient Correlation

Paw R-Value P-Value Interpretation

Number of Hours Spend in
Mobile-Online Games and Grades
-0.046 0.488521 No Significant
in General
The table 8 shows the result of Pearson Correlation between the number of hours

spend in mobile-online games and grades in General Mathematics. The computed value

of R is -0.046. Although technically a negative correlation, the relationship between

variables is only weak because the nearer the value is to zero, the weaker the relationship.

The calculated P- value is 0.488521. The result is not significant at p<0.05.



This chapter presents the conclusion that were drawn based on the findings, and the

corresponding recommendations.


Based on the finding of the study the following conclusion are drawn;

1. The students of MNHS-Main have an average of mastery level on the midterm

grades in General Mathematics of the academic year 2018-2019.

2. The students use of social networking and mobile-online games in terms of

frequency and types of applications are the following;

a. Majority of the students commonly use Facebook in their smart phones.

b. They spend most 0 to 8 hours in a day and visit daily on their social

media account.

c. Most of the respondents are not playing a mobile-online games on their

smartphones but some spent 0 to 8 hours in a day and it is said that

mobile-online games such as Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, Arena of

Valor and Rules of Survival as not necessarily activity.

3. Majority of the students considered that social media helps their studies sometimes

and sometimes mobile-online games give them opportunity to think critically


4. There is a positive relationship between the academic performance in General

Mathematics and social networking. It means that the academic performance in

General Mathematics is affecting on the students’ use of social networking.

5. There is no significant relationship between the academic performance in General

Mathematics and mobile-online games. It shows that some students spent more on

mobile-online games yet have a good grades in General Mathematics.


On the basis on the findings and conclusions derived, the following are hereby


1. The student’s use of social networking should be under moderation and they must be


2. The parents must be aware of the possible effects to their children, so they can give

limitations to the responsible usage.

3. The guidance teachers should know the common reason why students have low

academic performance, where they may develop effective teaching-learning process

to improve the low academic performance in General Mathematics of the students.

4. The school should conduct seminars and activities that gives awareness to the

students about ways to improve academic performance in school, the proper use of

social networking and mobile-online games, and empowering the youth.

5. Other researchers should replicate this study in different setting, more samples and to

other related subjects area. They may consider positive effect of mobile-online games

to students to academic performance or ability to think critically and analysis. They

may also consider social media as a support system of the students.


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Dear Respondent,

We, Grade 12 students from General Academic Strand, are conducting a research

entitled “Social Networking and Mobile-Online Games: Their Relationship to the

Academic Performance of SHS Students in MNHS-Main.” In line with this, we would

like to ask your help to provide necessary information and data.

Please feel free to answer the survey form. The information given by you will be kept

confidential and will be used for research purposes only. Thank you!



Social Networking and Mobile-Online Games Survey Questionnaire

Demographic Profile

Name: (optional)____________________ Section: GAS 11____

Directions: Please answer the following questions.

1. What is your Midterm Grades in General Mathematics?____

2. What social media account do you use commonly in your smartphone?

A. Facebook B.Gmail C.Twitter D. Instagram E.All of the above

3. How many hours per day do you spend using your social media account?_____

4. How often do you use your social media account within a week?

A.Daily B.5-6 days C.3-4 days D. Twice a week E. Once a week F.Never

5. What mobile-online games application do you have in your smartphone?

A.Rules of Survival B.Clash of Clans C.Mobile Legends

D. Arena of Valor E. All of the above F.None of the above

6. In your opinion, how do you consider playing mobile-online games?

A. Must-do activity C. Can-do activity

B. Should-do activity D. Not-necessary activity

7. How many hours per day do you spend time playing mobile-online games?____

8. How often do you play mobile-online games within a week?

A. Daily C. 3-4 days E. Once a week

B. 5-6 days D. Twice a week F. Never

9. Does social networking sites help you in your study?

A. Always C. Sometimes E. Never

B. Often D. Seldom

10. Does mobile-online games give you opportunity to think critically?

A. Always C. Sometimes E. Never

B. Often D. Seldom

Finding the Number of Respondents in the Study Computed by Slovin’s Formula.

n= 2
1+ N e

n= 2
1+ ( 539 ) ( .05 )

539 539
n= n=
1+1.35 2.35

n=229 sample size

= ×100

=0. 4248 ×100

=43 Weighted mean

September 13, 2018

Mrs. Cristina C. Bermudez

Grade 11 Level Coordinator
Senior High School Department
Muntinlupa National High School


Good Day!

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of GAS 1206 students (S.Y. 2018-2019) in

Research in Daily Life 2, we are conducting a research entitled, “ Social Networking and
Mobile-Online Games: Their Relationship to the Academic Performance of SHS Students
in MNHS-Main.”

We are in the process of collecting data through survey that will be used in our study.
Regarding this issue, we would like to ask your permission to allow us to administer our
survey questionnaires to the selected Grade 11 students from General Academic Strand

We would greatly appreciate your consent at our request. Thank you for your time and
God bless.

Respectfully yours,
Cermino, Diane May B.
Research Leader (GAS 1206)
Millares, Maria Angelica
Palima, Andro
Fortaleza, Philvialyn
Navarez, Jhoven
Ramirez, Joshua
Clacio, Danica
Andaya, Zhariz
Maniwang, Airha
Villagen, Hadji
Vebora, Angelo
Prajele, Maverick
Navarez, Wency
Tabernero, Junjie
Buenavidez, Catherine

Noted by:
Mrs. Hazel Jhoy Del Mundo
Research Teacher
September 13, 2018

To the Evaluator:

Good day!

The researchers are currently conducting a study entitled, “Social Networking and
Mobile-Online Games: Their Relationship to the Academic Performance of SHS Students
in MNHS-Main.”

In this regard, may we respectfully request for your expert opinion about the validity
of our self-made survey questionnaire designed to answer the stated problem in our
research. We believe that your knowledge and insights will be valuable and will greatly
enrich our study.

Thank you for your consideration and we hope you will able to fulfill our request.

Respectfully yours,

Cermino, Diane May B.
Research Leader (GAS1206)

Millares, Maria Angelica
Palima, Andro
Fortaleza, Philvialyn
Navarez, Jhoven
Ramirez, Joshua
Clacio, Danica
Andaya, Zhariz
Maniwang, Airha
Villagen, Hadji
Vebora, Angelo
Prajele, Maverick
Navarez, Wency
Tabernero, Junjie
Buenavidez, Catherine

Noted by:

Mrs. Hazel Jhoy Del Mundo
Research Teacher


1.The questions are truly

measure what they intend
to measure.

2.Instructions are clear
and easy to follow.

3.The questionnaire is
very appropriate in
collecting the necessary
data from respondents.

4.The questions in the

survey employed easily
understandable item.

5. The questions in the

survey are worded in a
clear, concise and
unambiguous manner.

Name of Evaluator:

Signature: ____________________________________

September 13, 2018

To the Evaluator:

Good day!

The researchers are currently conducting a study entitled, “Social Networking and
Mobile-Online Games: Their Relationship to the Academic Performance of SHS Students
in MNHS-Main.”

In this regard, may we respectfully request for your expert opinion about the validity
of our self-made survey questionnaire designed to answer the stated problem in our
research. We believe that your knowledge and insights will be valuable and will greatly
enrich our study.

Thank you for your consideration and we hope you will able to fulfill our request.

Respectfully yours,

Cermino, Diane May B.
Research Leader (GAS1206)

Millares, Maria Angelica
Palima, Andro
Fortaleza, Philvialyn
Navarez, Jhoven
Ramirez, Joshua
Clacio, Danica
Andaya, Zhariz
Maniwang, Airha
Villagen, Hadji
Vebora, Angelo
Prajele, Maverick
Navarez, Wency
Tabernero, Junjie
Buenavidez, Catherine

Noted by:

Mrs. Hazel Jhoy Del Mundo
Research Teacher
September 13, 2018

To the Evaluator:

Good day!

The researchers are currently conducting a study entitled, “Social Networking and
Mobile-Online Games: Their Relationship to the Academic Performance of SHS Students
in MNHS-Main.”

In this regard, may we respectfully request for your expert opinion about the validity
of our self-made survey questionnaire designed to answer the stated problem in our
research. We believe that your knowledge and insights will be valuable and will greatly
enrich our study.

Thank you for your consideration and we hope you will able to fulfill our request.

Respectfully yours,

Cermino, Diane May B.
Research Leader (GAS1206)

Millares, Maria Angelica
Palima, Andro
Fortaleza, Philvialyn
Navarez, Jhoven
Ramirez, Joshua
Clacio, Danica
Andaya, Zhariz
Maniwang, Airha
Villagen, Hadji
Vebora, Angelo
Prajele, Maverick
Navarez, Wency
Tabernero, Junjie
Buenavidez, Catherine

Noted by:

Mrs. Hazel Jhoy Del Mundo
Research Teacher






Group Picture After The Presentation

The Second Day Of Defence


Before The Research Survey

During The Research Survey

After The Survey Research



Name: Diane May B. Cermino

Age: 17

Address: Phase 4 Orchids Street, Bagong Sibol,

Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Contact No.: 09459761702

Signature Over Printed Name

Name: Maria Angelica P. Millares

Age: 18

Address: 1029 Sto.niño St. Brgy. Poblacion

Muntinlupa City

Contact No.: 09212144414

Name: Joshua R. Ramirez.

Age: 18.

Signature Over
Address: Printed
Purok Namecomp. Putatan,
1 Marquez
Name: Maverick Parajele

Age: 18.

Address: Block 6b Lot 34 Ebony St. RV2, Victoria

Homes, Tunasan, Muntinlupa City.

Contact No.: 09187905005

Signature Over Printed Name

Name: Danecca G. Clacio

Age:18Fortaleza Philvialyn

Address: Blk 17 Excess lot Shv Putatan Muntinlupa

City Phase 4 Blk26 Lot 14 lot SV3 Poblacion,
Name: Junjie Tabernero
Contact No.:City
Contact No.: 09184242693
Address: Phase 4 Blk26 Lot 14 lot SV3 Poblacion,
Signature Over Printed Name
Muntinlupa City
Signature Over Printed Name
Contact No.: 09568435888

Signature Over Printed Name

Name: Ron Angelo C. Vibora


Addres: Summit Ville, Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Contacr No.: 09195184761

Signature Over Printed Name

Name: Zhariz V. Andaya

Age: 17

Address: Block 3 Building 3 GK Manulife Soldiers

Hills, Putatan, Muntinlupa City

Contact No.:

Signature Over Printed Name

Name: Katherine R. Buenavidez


Address: 91 San Guellermo St., Bayanan?

Muntinlupa City

Contact No.: 09199221310

Signature Over Printed Name

Name: Andro Palima


Address: Phase 4 Blk26 Lot 14 lot SV3 Poblacion,

Muntinlupa City

Contact No.: 09303247625

Signature Over Printed Name

Name: Hadji Villagen

Age: 18

Address: Gk Sison Magdaong Drive,Poblacion

Muntinlupa City

Contact No.: 09662755266

Signature Over Printed Name


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