Comp Bal 123

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EQUITIES AND LIABILITIES 2018 2019 absolute % 2017 2018

Equity Share Capital 61.38 61.38 0 0 61.38 61.38
TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL 61.38 61.38 0 0 61.38 61.38
Reserves and Surplus 1,255.68 1,307.43 51.75 4.12127294 1,162.66 1,255.68
TOTAL RESERVES AND SURPLUS 1,255.68 1,307.43 51.75 4.12127294 1,162.66 1,255.68
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS FUNDS 1,317.06 1,368.81 51.75 3.92920596 1,224.04 1,317.06
Long Term Borrowings 410.68 189.47 -221.21 -53.864323 473.97 410.68
Deferred Tax Liabilities [Net] 0 0 0 0 0
Other Long Term Liabilities 61.06 14.44 -46.62 -76.35113 17.96 61.06
Long Term Provisions 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 471.74 203.91 -267.83 -56.774918 491.92 471.74
Short Term Borrowings 747.82 1,284.18 536.36 71.7231419 812.23 747.82
Trade Payables 541.07 615.01 73.94 13.6655146 400.07 541.07
Other Current Liabilities 878.6 742.24 -136.36 -15.520146 638.82 878.6
Short Term Provisions 37.59 43.06 5.47 14.5517425 39.11 37.59
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 2,205.08 2,684.49 479.41 21.7411613 1,890.23 2,205.08
TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES 3,993.88 4,257.21 263.33 6.59333781 3,606.20 3,993.88
Tangible Assets 1,057.06 1,065.13 8.07 0.76343822 568.87 1,057.06
Intangible Assets 50.02 0.6 -49.42 -98.80048 0 50.02
Capital Work-In-Progress 10.1 47.27 37.17 368.019802 285.38 10.1
FIXED ASSETS 1,122.19 1,117.80 -4.39 -0.3911994 859.48 1,122.19
Non-Current Investments 469.04 453.37 -15.67 -3.3408665 469.38 469.04
Deferred Tax Assets [Net] 11.45 15.86 4.41 38.5152838 24.39 11.45
Long Term Loans And Advances 183.84 105.77 -78.07 -42.466275 167.87 183.84
Other Non-Current Assets 131.8 136.32 4.52 3.42943854 186.19 131.8
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 1,918.33 1,829.12 -89.21 -4.650399 1,707.30 1,918.33
Current Investments 335.09 251.82 -83.27 -24.85004 367 335.09
Inventories 936.87 1,059.09 122.22 13.0455666 698.27 936.87
Trade Receivables 618.95 675.93 56.98 9.20591324 713.96 618.95
Cash And Cash Equivalents 66.94 101.85 34.91 52.1511802 38.75 66.94
Short Term Loans And Advances 0 83.78 83.78 12.25 0
OtherCurrentAssets 117.71 255.63 137.92 117.169314 68.66 117.71
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 2,075.55 2,428.10 352.55 16.9858592 1,898.89 2,075.55
TOTAL ASSETS 3,993.88 4,257.21 263.33 6.59333781 3,606.20 3,993.88
absolute % 2016 2017 ABSOLUTE% 2015 2016

0 0 61.38 61.38 0 0 61.38 61.38

0 0 61.38 61.38 0 0 61.38 61.38
93.02 8.000619 1,177.06 1,162.66 -14.4 -0.12234 1,106.38 1,177.06
93.02 8.000619 1,177.06 1,162.66 -14.4 -0.12234 1,106.38 1,177.06
93.02 7.599425 1,238.44 1,224.04 -14.4 -0.11628 1,167.76 1,238.44
-63.29 -13.3532 770.82 473.97 -296.85 -3.85109 742.12 770.82
0 33.02 0 -33.02 -10 1.5 33.02
43.1 239.9777 153.47 17.96 -135.51 -8.82974 141.32 153.47
0 0 0 0 0 0
-20.18 -4.10229 957.3 491.92 -465.38 -4.86138 884.94 957.3
0 0
-64.41 -7.93002 408.3 812.23 403.93 9.892971 348.53 408.3
141 35.24383 389.17 400.07 10.9 0.280083 328.58 389.17
239.78 37.53483 438.45 638.82 200.37 4.569962 403.56 438.45
-1.52 -3.88647 32.45 39.11 6.66 2.052388 49.92 32.45
314.85 16.6567 1,268.37 1,890.23 621.86 4.902828 1,130.59 1,268.37
387.68 10.75037 3,464.11 3,606.20 142.09 0.410178 3,183.29 3,464.11
0 0
0 0
488.19 85.8175 581.75 568.87 -12.88 -0.2214 610.89 581.75
50.02 0.53 0 -0.53 -10 0.53 0.53
-275.28 -96.4609 196.76 285.38 88.62 4.503964 167.4 196.76
262.71 30.56616 779.04 859.48 80.44 1.032553 778.82 779.04
-0.34 -0.07244 497.85 469.38 -28.47 -0.57186 400.96 497.85
-12.94 -53.0545 0 24.39 24.39 0 0
15.97 9.513314 281.03 167.87 -113.16 -4.02662 256.59 281.03
-54.39 -29.2121 54.62 186.19 131.57 24.08825 86.71 54.62
211.03 12.36045 1,612.54 1,707.30 94.76 0.587644 1,523.07 1,612.54
0 0
-31.91 -8.69482 336.61 367 30.39 0.902825 307.72 336.61
238.6 34.17016 656.89 698.27 41.38 0.629938 576.66 656.89
-95.01 -13.3075 668.19 713.96 45.77 0.684985 569.81 668.19
28.19 72.74839 65.4 38.75 -26.65 -4.07492 95.46 65.4
-12.25 -100 58.55 12.25 -46.3 -7.90777 62.76 58.55
49.05 71.43897 65.93 68.66 2.73 0.414076 47.82 65.93
176.66 9.30333 1,851.57 1,898.89 47.32 0.255567 1,660.22 1,851.57
387.68 10.75037 3,464.11 3,606.20 142.09 0.410178 3,183.29 3,464.11

0 0 61.38 61.38 0 0
0 0 61.38 61.38 0 0
70.68 6.388402 1,039.40 1,106.38 66.98 6.444102
70.68 6.388402 1,039.40 1,106.38 66.98 6.444102
70.68 6.052614 1,100.78 1,167.76 66.98 6.084776
0 0
28.7 3.867299 922.18 742.12 -180.06 -19.5255
31.52 2101.333 0 1.5 1.5
12.15 8.597509 111.24 141.32 30.08 27.04063
0 0 0 0
72.36 8.176826 1,033.42 884.94 -148.48 -14.3678
0 0
59.77 17.14917 316.56 348.53 31.97 10.09919
60.59 18.43995 235.71 328.58 92.87 39.40011
34.89 8.645555 310.92 403.56 92.64 29.79545
-17.47 -34.996 43.78 49.92 6.14 14.02467
137.78 12.18656 906.98 1,130.59 223.61 24.65435
280.82 8.821691 3,041.18 3,183.29 142.11 4.672857
0 0
0 0
-29.14 -4.77009 672.39 610.89 -61.5 -9.14648
0 0 1.4 0.53 -0.87 -62.1429
29.36 17.53883 157.72 167.4 9.68 6.137459
0.22 0.028248 831.5 778.82 -52.68 -6.33554
96.89 24.16451 386.08 400.96 14.88 3.854123
0 0 0 0
24.44 9.524923 261.17 256.59 -4.58 -1.75365
-32.09 -37.0084 24.92 86.71 61.79 247.9535
89.47 5.87432 1,503.67 1,523.07 19.4 1.290177
0 0
28.89 9.388405 384.1 307.72 -76.38 -19.8854
80.23 13.91288 551.86 576.66 24.8 4.493893
98.38 17.2654 480.45 569.81 89.36 18.59923
-30.06 -31.4896 51.58 95.46 43.88 85.07173
-4.21 -6.70809 47.03 62.76 15.73 33.44674
18.11 37.87118 22.5 47.82 25.32 112.5333
191.35 11.52558 1,537.51 1,660.22 122.71 7.981086
280.82 8.821691 3,041.18 3,183.29 142.11 4.672857

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