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Seminar Report
(Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Civil Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University Kota)

Seminar Guided By Submitted By

Associate Professor CRN:-12/561
Enrolment No:-12EUCCE077


MARCH 2016
Department of Civil Engineering
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota-324010



This is to certify that Mr. PRADEEP KUMAR YADAV College Roll No. 12/561
and University Roll No. 12EUCCE077 has submitted the seminar report entitled
“HYDRO POWER PLANT” in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering). The report has been prepared as per
the prescribed format and is approved for submission and presentation.

Counter signature of Head Signature of Guide


Professor & Head Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil Engg. Dept. of Civil Engg.
RTU, Kota-324010 RTU, Kota-324010

This is to acknowledge my gratitude towards my guide Dr. BISWAJIT

ACHARYA Associate Professor Dept. of Civil Engg. for his guidance and
suggestions in preparing this seminar report. His suggestion and way of
summarizing the things make me to go for independent studying and trying my
best to get the maximum in my topic this made my circle of knowledge very vast. I
am highly thankful by getting guidance from you on this seminar.

I also express my profound sense of gratitude to Prof. H.D. CHARAN,

H.O.D Civil &Dr. A.K. DWIVEDI, Dr. M.P. CHOUDHARY and Mr. S.K.
TAK for giving encouragement and opportunity to complete my seminar
smoothly.I take this opportunity to record my sincere thanks to all the faculty
members of the department of civil engg. for their help and encouragement. I also
thanks my friends for their unceasing encouragement and support.

I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to one and all who, directly or
indirectly, have lent their helping hand in the seminar report.


Final Year B.Tech (Civil)






3.1 Water reservoir 8

3.2 Dam 9
3.3 Spillway 10
3.4 Intake 11
3.5 Forebay 11
3.6 Penstock 11
3.7 Pressure tunnel 11
3.8 Surge tank 11
3.9 Turbine 12
3.10 Power house 15
3.11 Draft tube 17
3.12 Tail race 18
3.13 Swich yard for transmission of power 18


4.1 According to quantity of water 19

4.2 According to availability of head of water 21
4.3 According to load characteristics 23
4.4 According to plant capacity 24
4.5 According to type of fall 24




8.1 Jawahar sagar 31

8.2 Mahi bajaj 31
8.3 Maheshwar 31
8.4 dehar 32
8.5 Hirakud (burla) 32
8.6 Bhakra 32
8.7 Almatti dam 33
8.8 Mahatma ghandi tai race 33
8.9 Shiva 34
8.10 Galogi 34
8.11 Dhauliganga 34
8.12 Sobla 35
8.13 Tehri dam 35


9.1. Need for a hydel policy 36

9.2. Objectives of national policy 37



Fig. 3.1 Elements of hydro power plant 8

Fig. 3.2 Surge tank 12

Fig. 3.3 Types of turbines 13

Fig. 3.4 Pelton wheel tubine 14

Fig. 3.5 Keplan turbine 14

Fig. 3.6 Generator 16

Fig. 3.7 Types of draft tube 18

Fig. 4.1 Tidal plant 21

Fig. 4.2 Low head power plant 24

Fig. 4.3 Medium head power plant 22

Fig. 4.4 High head power plant 23

Fig. 6.1 Working of hydro power plant 28


In hydro power plant we use gravitational force of fluid water to run the turbine which is
coupled with electric generator to produce electricity. This power plant plays an important role
to protect our fossil fuel which is limited, because the generated electricity in hydro power
station is the use of water which is renewable source of energy and available in lots of amount
without any cost. The big advantage of hydro power is the water which the main stuff to
produce electricity in hydro power plant is free, it not contain any type of pollution and after
generated electricity the price of electricity is average not too much high.

Hydropower is the cheapest way to generate electricity today. That's because once a dam has
been built and the equipment installed, the energy source—flowing water—is free. It's a clean
fuel source that is renewable yearly by snow and rainfall.



Hydropower is electricity generated using the energy of moving water. Rain or melted snow,
usually originating in hills and mountains, create streams and rivers that eventually run to the
ocean. The energy of that moving water can be substantial, as anyone who has been whitewater
rafting knows.This energy has been exploited for centuries. Farmers since the ancient Greeks
have used water wheels to grind wheat into flour. Placed in a river, a water wheel picks up
flowing water in buckets located around the wheel. The kinetic energy of the flowing river turns
the wheel and is converted into mechanical energy that runs the mill.

In the late 19th century, hydropower became a source for generating electricity. The first
hydroelectric power plant was built at Niagara Falls in 1879. In 1881, street lamps in the city of
Niagara Falls were powered by hydropower. In 1882 the world’s first hydroelectric power plant
began operating in the United States in Appleton, Wisconsin.

A typical hydro plant is a system with three parts: an electric plant where the electricity is
produced; a dam that can be opened or closed to control water flow; and a reservoir where water
can be stored. The water behind the dam flows through an intake and pushes against blades in a
turbine, causing them to turn. The turbine spins a generator to produce electricity. The amount of
electricity that can be generated depends on how far the water drops and how much water moves
through the system. The electricity can be transported over long-distance electric lines to homes,
factories, and businesses.

Hydroelectric power provides almost one-fifth of the world's electricity. China, Canada, Brazil,
the United States, and Russia were the five largest producers of hydropower in 2004. One of the
world's largest hydro plants is at Three Gorges on China's Yangtze River. The reservoir for this
facility started filling in 2003, but the plant is not expected to be fully operational until 2009. The
dam is 1.4 miles (2.3 kilometers) wide and 607 feet (185 meters) high.The biggest hydro plant in
the United States is located at the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River in northern
Washington. More than 70 percent of the electricity made in Washington State is produced by
hydroelectric facilities.

Hydropower is also readily available; engineers can control the flow of water through the
turbines to produce electricity on demand. In addition, reservoirs may offer recreational
opportunities, such as swimming and boating. But damming rivers may destroy or disrupt
wildlife and other natural resources. Some fish, like salmon, may be prevented from swimming
upstream to spawn. Technologies like fish ladders help salmon go up over dams and enter
upstream spawning areas, but the presence of hydroelectric dams changes their migration
patterns and hurts fish populations. Hydropower plants can also cause low dissolved oxygen
levels in the water, which is harmful to river habitats.

Power system mainly contains three parts namely generation, transmission and distribution.
Generation means how to generate electricity from the available source and there are various
methods to generate electricity but in this article we only focused on generation of electricity by
the means of hydro or water (hydro power plant). As we know that the power plant is defined as
the place where power is generated from a given source, so here the source is hydro that’s why
we called it hydro power plant.

 Hydropower is a renewable, non-polluting and environment friendly source of energy.

 Oldest energy technique known to mankind for conversion of mechanical energy into
electrical energy.
 Contributes around 22% of the world electricity supply generated.
 Maximum benefits in minimum time.
 Offers the most fastest economical means to enhance power supply, improve living
standards, stimulate industrial growth and enhance agriculture with the least
environmental impact and without heavy transmission losses .
 Due to less transmission losses there is a reduction in distribution cost as well.


The world’s first hydroelectric project was used to power a single lamp in the Cragside country
house in Northumberland, England, in 1878. Four years later, the first plant to serve a system of
private and commercial customers was opened in Wisconsin, USA, and within a decade,
hundreds of hydropower plants were in operation.In North America, hydropower plants were
installed at Grand Rapids, Michigan (1880), Ottawa, Ontario (1881), Dolgeville, New York
(1881), and Niagara Falls, New York (1881). They were used to supply mills and light some
local buildings.

By the turn of the 20th century the technology was spreading round the globe, with Germany
producing the first three-phase hydro-electric system in 1891, and Australia launching the first
publicly owned plant in the Southern Hemisphere in 1895.In 1895, the world’s largest
hydroelectric development of the time, the Edward Dean Adams Power Plant, was created at
Niagara Falls.

In 1905, a hydroelectric station was built on the Xindian creek near Taipei, with an installed
capacity of 500 kW. This was quickly followed by the first station in mainland China, the
Shilongba plan in the Yunnan province, which was built in 1910 and put into operation in 1912.
Upon completion Shilongba had an installed capacity of 480 kW – today it is still in operation
with an installed capacity of 6 MW. In the first half of the 20th century, the USA and Canada led
the way in hydropower engineering. At 1,345 MW, the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River
became the world’s largest hydro-electric plant in 1936, surpassed by the Grand Coulee Dam
(1,974 MW at the time, 6,809 MW today) in Washington in 1942.

From the 1960s through to the 1980s, large hydropower developments were carried out in
Canada, the USSR, and Latin America.

Over the last few decades, Brazil and China have become world leaders in hydropower. The
Itaipu Dam, straddling Brazil and Paraguay, opened in 1984 at 12,600 MW (it has since been
enlarged and uprated to 14,000 MW), and is today only eclipsed in size by the 22,500 MW China
Three Gorges Dam, which opened in 2008.

Hydropower today

Into the 21st century, hydropower continues to catalyse growth around the world. For example, it
has played a key role in transforming Brazil into the seventh largest country by GDP in 2012; not
least through a period of very rapid economic growth between 2000 and 2010, which saw its
increase in (nominal GDP) value only outpaced by the USA and China. This was only possible
with the massive increases in electricity output that have been delivered by its investment in
hydropower. In 2010, Brazil produced 349,000 GWh of electricity, and by 2011 this had
increased by 40 per cent to 489,000 GWh. Remarkably, just 2 per cent of this energy came from
imports, and around 80 per cent from hydropower.

The result is a very modern fleet of very large hydropower stations – of which at least 24 are
rated at 500 MW or above. Brazil has made the most of its rich hydrological resource to
transform itself into a leader on the world stage, keep costs down and maintain its energy
independence from the rest of the world.This is just one example of the massive stimulus to
economic growth that hydropower can provide; as we look towards the future the technology has
a huge role to play in bringing growth and prosperity to the developing world.



FRL is the Upper level of the reservoir (selected based on techno-economic& submergence


Lowest level up to which the reservoir level could be drawn down to withdraw waters for energy
generation (selected from considerations of silt & turbine operational limits) is called as
minimum drawdown level.

Total storage capacity of the reservoir is termed as gross storage.

Reservoir storage which cannot be used for generation and is left for silt deposition( below
MDDL) is called as dead reservoir.

It is the storage in the reservoir which is available for power generation.(between FRL &

Firm power is continuous power output in the entire period of hydrological data at 90%

Energy generated corresponding to firm power is called as firm energy.

Peak energy is electric energy supplied during periods of relatively high system demands.

Off peak energy is electric energy supplied during periods of relatively low system demands.
Load factor is the ratio of the average load over a designated period to the peak-load occurring in
that period.

Storage required to meet daily variations in load demand is termed as diurnal storage . It depends
upon the minimum flows and peak discharges.

Most critical period with respect to system load requirements, begins when reservoir begins
delivering water for generation from full i.e the available storage is fully drafted at one point
during the period; and the critical period ends when the storage has completely refilled.


That portion of the critical period in which reservoir live storage is completely drafted while
meeting firm energy requirements is called as critical draw down period.

The head at which the turbine will operate to give the best overall efficiency under various
operating conditions is called as design head.

It is the difference of elevations between water surfaces of the forebay/ dam and tailrace under
specified conditions.

The gross head chargeable to the turbine less all hydraulic losses in water conductor system is
termed as net head.

The water hammer is defined as the change in pressure rapidly above or below normal pressure
caused by sudden change in the rate of water flow through the pipe, according to the demand of
prime mover i.e. turbine


FIGURE 3.1: Elements of hydro power plant


An open-air storage area usually formed by masonry or earthwork where water is collected and
kept in quantity so that it may be drawn off for use.

Changes in weather cause the natural flow of streams and rivers to vary greatly with time.
Periods of excess flows and valley flooding may alternate with low flows or droughts. The role
of water-storage reservoirs, therefore, is to impound water during periods of higher flows, thus
preventing flood disasters, and then permit gradual release of water during periods of lower
flows. Simple storage reservoirs were probably created early in human history to provide water
for drinking and for irrigation. From southern Asia and northern Africa the use of reservoirs
spread to Europe and the other continents.

Reservoirs ordinarily are formed by the construction of dams across rivers, but off-channel
reservoirs may be provided by diversion structures and canals or pipelines that convey water
from a river to natural or artificial depressions.

When streamflow is impounded in a reservoir, the flow velocity decreases and sediment is
deposited. Thus, streams that transport much suspended sediment are poor sites for reservoirs;
siltation will rapidly reduce storage capacity and severely shorten the useful life of a small
reservoir. Even in larger reservoirs, sedimentation constitutes a common and serious problem.
Because removal of the deposited sediments from reservoirs is generally too costly to be
practical, reservoirs on a sediment-laden stream are characteristically planned to provide a
reserve of storage capacity to offset the depletion caused by sedimentation. Despite this, the life
expectancy of most reservoirs does not exceed 100 years at present sedimentation rates.

 The water reservoir is the place behind the dam where water is stored.
 The water in the reservoir is located higher than the rest of the dam structure.
 The height of water in the reservoir decides how much potential energy the water
 The higher the height of water, the more its potential energy.
 The high position of water in the reservoir also enables it to move downwards
 The height of water in the reservoir is higher than the natural height of water flowing in
the river, so it is considered to have an altered equilibrium.
 This also helps to increase the overall potential energy of water, which helps ultimately
produce more electricity in the power generation unit.

3.2 DAM
A structure built across a stream, river, or estuary to retain water. Dams are built to provide water
for human consumption, for irrigating arid and semiarid lands, or for use in industrial processes.
They are used to increase the amount of water available for generating hydroelectric power, to
reduce peak discharge of floodwater created by large storms or heavy snowmelt, and to increase
the depth of water in a river in order to improve navigation and allow barges and ships to travel
more easily. Dams can also provide a lake for recreational activities such as swimming, boating,
and fishing. Many dams are built for more than one purpose; for example, water in a single
reservoir can be used for fishing, to generate hydroelectric power, and to support an irrigation
system. Water-control structures of this type are often designated multipurpose dams.

Auxiliary works that can help a dam function properly include spillways, movable gates, and
valves that control the release of surplus water downstream from the dam. Dams can also include
intake structures that deliver water to a power station or to canals, tunnels, or pipelines designed
to convey the water stored by the dam to far-distant places. Other auxiliary works are systems for
evacuating or flushing out silt that accumulates in the reservoir, locks for permitting the passage
of ships through or around the dam site, and fish ladders (graduated steps) and other devices to
assist fish seeking to swim past or around a dam.

A dam can be a central structure in a multipurpose scheme designed to conserve water resources
on a regional basis. Multipurpose dams can hold special importance in developing countries,
where a single dam may bring significant benefits related to hydroelectric power production,
agricultural development, and industrial growth. However, dams have become a focus of
environmental concern because of their impact on migrating fish and riparian ecosystems. In
addition, large reservoirs can inundate vast tracts of land that are home to many people, and this
has fostered opposition to dam projects by groups who question whether the benefits of proposed
projects are worth the costs.
 The dam is the most important component of hydroelectric power plant.
 The dam is built on a large river that has abundant quantity of water throughout the year.
 It should be built at a location where the height of the river is sufficient to get the
maximum possible potential energy from water.

Excess accumulation of water endangers the stability of dam construction. Also in order to avoid
the over flow of water out of the dam especially during rainy seasons spillways are provided.
This prevents the rise of water level in the dam. Spillways are passages which allows the excess
water to flow to a storage area away from the dam
These are the gates built on the inside of the dam. The water from reservoir is released and
controlled through these gates. These are called inlet gates because water enters the power
generation unit through these gates. When the control gates are opened the water flows due to
gravity through the penstock and towards the turbines.

A forebay (or head pond) is an enlarged body of water provided at the downstream end of canal
just at the upstream of penstocks to act as a small balancing reservoir. A forebay is required in
the case of run-of-river plants at the upstream of the diversion work. In case of a storage plant, it
is required only when the power house is located away from the dam and the water is conveyed
to the power house through a power canal. If the power house is located at the toe of the dam, a
separate forebay is not required since the penstocks directly take water from the reservoir which
itself act as a forebay.

The main function of forebay is to store some water to act as a regulating reservoir for the

The penstock is the long pipe or the shaft that carries the water flowing from the reservoir
towards the power generation unit, comprised of the turbines and generator. The water in the
penstock possesses kinetic energy due to its motion and potential energy due to its height.The
total amount of power generated in the hydroelectric power plant depends on the height of the
water reservoir and the amount of water flowing through the penstock.The amount of water
flowing through the penstock is controlled by the control gates.


It is a passage that carries water from the reservoir to the surge tank


It is a safety device.Whenever the electrical load on the generator drops down suddenly, the
governor partially closes the gates which admits water flow to the turbine. Due to this sudden
decrease in the rate of water flow to the turbine, there will be sudden increase of pressure in the
penstock. This phenomenon results in hammering action called water hammer in the penstock.
When turbine gates are suddenly opened to produce more power, there is a sudden rush of water
through penstock and it might cause a vacuum in water flow system which might collapse
penstock. Penstock withstands positive hammer and vacuum effects.

Surge tank acts as a temporary reservoir. It helps in stabilizing the velocity and pressure in
penstock and thereby saves penstock from getting damaged.To serve as supply tank to the
turbine in case of increased load conditions, and storage tank in case of low load conditions.

FIGURE 3.2: Surge tank

Water flowing from the penstock is allowed to enter the power generation unit, which houses the
turbine and the generator. When water falls on the blades of the turbine the kinetic and potential
energy of water is converted into the rotational motion of the blades of the turbine. The rotating
blades causes the shaft of the turbine to also rotate. The turbine shaft is enclosed inside the
generator. The hydro project are site specific as such the use of standard or off the shelf unit may
not be possible.

The selection of type of turbine is made on the basis of “Head”. The broad classification is
given below.
 Low head(upto60 m) —Kaplan Turbine
 Medium head(30to600m)—Francis Turbine
 High head (more than300m) —Pelton

FIGURE 3.3: Types of turbines

Impulse turbines change the velocity of a water jet. The jet pushes on the turbine's curved blades
which changes the direction of the flow. The resulting change in momentum causes a force on the
FIGURE 3.4: Pelton wheel tubine

FIGURE 3.5: Keplan turbine

turbine blades. Since the turbine is spinning, the force acts through a distance and the diverted
water flow is left with diminished energy. Prior to hitting the turbine blades, the water's pressure is
converted to kinetic energy by a nozzle and focused on the turbine. No pressure change occurs at
the turbine blades, and the turbine doesn't require a housing for operation. Impulse turbines are
most often used in very high head applications. Newton's second law describes the transfer of
energy for impulse turbines.


Reaction turbines are acted on by water, which changes pressure as it moves through the turbine
and gives up its energy. They must be encased to contain the water pressure (or suction), or they
must be fully submerged in the water flow. Newton's third law describes the transfer of energy for
reaction turbines. Most water turbines in use are reaction turbines and are used in low and medium
head applications. In reaction turbine pressure drop occurs in both fixed and moving blades.


a) A power house usually contains following components:
b) Hydraulic turbines
c) Electric generators
d) Governors
e) Gate valves
f) Relief valves
g) Water circulation pumps
h) Air ducts
i) Switch board and instruments
j) Storage batteries
k) Cranes

Hydro generator is coupled to the turbine and converts the mechanical energy transmitted
by the turbine to electrical energy. Generators may be of:
a) Suspended type
b) Umbrella type
Main Generator components include:
 Stator
 Rotor
 Upper Bracket
 Lower Bracket
 Thrust Bearing & Guide Bearings
 Slip Ring & Brush Assembly
 Air Coolers
 Brakes & Jacks
 Stator Heaters
The hydraulic turbine governor is equipment for controlling the guide vanes by detecting
turbine speed and its guide vane opening in order to keep the turbine speed stable or to
regulate it's outputGovernors are provided with the following features;

 Quick Response and Stable Control

 Guide Vane Opening Detection with High Accuracy
 Speed Detection with High Accuracy
 High Reliability
 Easy Maintenance

FIGURE 3.6: Generator

Draft tube is located between lower ring of turbine and tail race. It conveys water after discharge
from runner to tail race tunnel.Draft tube (DT) gates are provided for isolating the Power house
and tail pool before taking maintenance of the turbine.The DT gates are provided with hoisting
mechanism. The DT gate may be a single piece or a combination of more than one pieceIt allows
the turbine to be set above tail water level, without loss of head, to facilitate inspection and
maintenanceIt regains, by diffuser action, the major portion of the kinetic energy delivered to it
from the runner.

Reaction turbines must be completely enclosed because a pressure difference exists between the
working fluid (water) in the turbine and atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to connect the
turbine outlet by means of a pipe known as draft tube upto tailrace level.

Types of Draft Tubes

i. Conical Draft Tube.

This is known as tapered draft tube and used in all reaction turbines where conditions permit. It
is preferred for low specific speed and vertical shaft Francis turbine. The maximum cone angle
of this draft tube is limited to 8° (a = 4°). The hydraulic efficiency of such type of draft tube is

ii. Elbow Type Draft Tube.

The elbow type draft tube is often preferred in most of the power plants, where the setting of
vertical draft tube does not permit enough room without excessive cost of excavation.

iii. Moody Draft Tube.

This draft tube has an advantage that its conical portion at the center reduces the whirl action of
water moving with high velocity centre reduces.
FIGURE 3.7: Types of draft tube


Tail race is a passage for discharging the water leaving the turbines, into the river.


The electrical equipment of a hydro-electric power station includes like transformer, circuit
breaker & other switching & protective devices.


The classification of hydro electric power plant depend on the following factors:

According to quantity of water

i. Run of river plant
ii. Storage plant.
iii. Pumped storage plants.
iv. Tidal plants
According to availability of head of water
i. Low head plant
ii. Medium head plant
iii. High head plants
According to load characteristics
i. Base load plants
ii. Peak load plants
According to plant capacity
i. Micro hydel plants
ii. Medium capacity plants
iii. High capacity plants
iv. Super hydro plants
According to type of fall
i. Concentrated fall plants
ii. Divided fall plants


It is following types.

i.Run of river plant.

As the name implies, the project is planned as run of the river.Water is diverted from the river,
routed through the water conductor system and finally water after generation of power is thrown
back to the river at a lower level on down stream.It takes advantage of the drop in elevation that
occurs over a distance in the river and does not involve water storage. Power generation
fluctuates with the river flow and the firm power is considerably low, as it depends on the
minimum mean discharge.Canal power projects are also run-of-river projects.

ii.Storage plant.

Storage projects provide storage or pondage and thereby, evens out stream flow fluctuations and
enhances the water head.It increases firm power and total power generation by regulating the
flow. Providing storage is complicated and costly as it involves construction of dam.

iii.Pumped storage plants.

Pump storage projects involve reversible turbines, which can generate power from water of
upper reservoir during peak hours and pump back water from lower reservoir to the upper
reservoir during off peak hours.These projects are advantageous in power system of mix type,
which have thermal and nuclear power houses in addition to hydro power projects.Pump storage
project utilizes the off peak surplus power of the grid in lifting the water from lower reservoir to
higher reservoir and generates power during peak hours thus flattening the load curve.

iv.Tidal plants.

A tidal power plant makes use of the daily rise and fall of ocean water due to tides; such sources
are highly predictable, and if conditions permit construction of reservoirs, can also be dispatchble
to generate power during high demand periods. Less common types of hydro schemes use
water's kinetic energy or undammed sources such as undershot waterwheels.Tidal power is
extracted from the Earth's oceanic tides; tidal forces are periodic variations in gravitational
attraction exerted by celestial bodies. These forces create corresponding motions or currents in the
world's oceans. The magnitude and character of this motion reflects the changing positions of the
Moon and Sun relative to the Earth, the effects of Earth's rotation, and local geography of the sea
floor and coastlines.
FIGURE 4.1: Tidal plant


i. Low head plant

They consist of dam across the river.A sideway stream diverges from the river at the dam,
powerhouse is constructed over the stream, which further joins the river.Vertical shaft Francis or
Kaplan turbine are used commonly.

ii. Medium head plant.

It is used normally when Head : 30 to 100m

 Uses Francis Turbine

 Forebay provided at the beginning of penstock at as reservoir.
 Water is carried in open canals from main reservoir to forebay then to
powerhouse through penstock.
FIGURE 4.2: Low head power plant

FIGURE 4.3: Medium head power plant

iii. High head plants:
 Head: 100m to 2000m
 Water is stored in the lake over the mountain during high rainy season or
when snow melts.
 Water should be available throughout the year.
 Pelton Wheel turbine is used.

FIGURE 4.4: High head power plant


i. Base load plants

They cater to the base load of the system, they need to supply constant power when connected to
the grid.

ii. Peak load plants

Some of the plants supply average load but also some peak load. Other peak load plants are
required to work only during peak load hours.

i. Micro hydel plants

A micro hydel plant has the capacity less than 5 MW.

ii. Medium capacity plants

A medium capacity plant has the capacity between 5MW and 100 MW.

iii. High capacity plants

A plant having a capacity between 101 MW and 1000 MW is usually classified as a high
capacity plant.

iv. Super hydro plants

A super hydro plant has a capacity greater than 1000 MW.


i. Concentrated fall plants

In this type of plants the power house is located close to the dam or the weir so as to utilise the
entire created head as a concentrated fall.
ii. Divided fall plants
In this type of plants, the power house is located at a suitable distance away from the dam on the
downstream to utilise a steep fall available in the ground surface for increasing the operating


The following factors should be given careful consideration while selecting a site for a hydro-
electric power plant:


The recorded observation should be taken over a number of years to know within reasonable,
limits the maximum and minimum variations from the average discharge. the river flow data
should be based on daily, weekly, monthly and yearly flow ever a number of years. Then the
curves or graphs can be plotted between tile river flow and time. These are known as
hygrographs and flow duration curves.


The output of a hydropower plant is not uniform due to wide variations of rain fall. To have a
uniform power output, a water storage is needed so that excess flow at certain times may be
stored to make it available at the times of low flow. To select the site of the Dam, careful study
should be made of the geology and topography of the catchment area to see if the natural
foundations could be found and put to the best use.


The level of water in the reservoir for a proposed plant should always be within limits throughout
the year.


Most of the time the electric power generated in a hydro-electricpower plant has to be used some
considerable distance from the site of plant. For this reason, to be economical on transmission of
electric power, the routes and the distances should be carefully considered since the cost of
erection of transmission lines and their maintenance will depend upon the route selected.

It is always a desirable factor to have a good access to the site of the plant. This factor is very
important if the electric power generated is to be utilized at or near the plant site. The transport
facilities must also be given due consideration.
Chapter- 6


Following are the working steps of a hydro power plant:-

i. Initially the water of the river is in Catchments Area.

ii. From catchments area the water flows to the dam.
iii. At the dam the water gets accumulated. Thus the potential energy of the water increases
due to the height of the dam.
iv. When the gates of the dam are opened then the water moves with high Kinetic Energy
into the penstock.
v. Through the penstock water goes to the turbine house.
vi. Since the penstock makes water to flow from high altitude to low altitude, Thus the
Kinetic Energy of the water is again raised.
vii. In the turbine house the pressure of the water is controlled by the controlling valves
as per the requirements.
viii. The controlled pressurized water is fed to the turbine.
ix. Due to the pressure of the water the light weight turbine rotates.
x. Due to the high speed rotation of the turbine the shaft connected between the turbine and
the generator rotates.
xi. Due to the rotation of generator the ac current is produced.
xii. This current is supplied to the powerhouse.
xiii. From powerhouse it is supplied for the commercial purposes.
FIGURE 6.1: Working of hydro power plant



i. Renewable source of energy thereby saves scares fuel reserves.

ii. Economical source of power.
iii. Non-polluting and hence environment friendly.
iv. Reliable energy source with approximately 90% availability.
v. Low generation cost compared with other energy sources.
vi. Indigenous, inexhaustible, perpetual and renewable energy source.
vii. Low operation and maintenance cost.
viii. Possible to build power plant of high capacity.
ix. Plant equipment is simple.
x. Socio-economic benefits being located usually remote areas.
xi. Higher efficiency, 95%to98%.
xii. Fuel is not burned so there is minimal pollution.
xiii. It's renewable - rainfall renews the water in the reservoir, so the fuel is almost always
xiv. Hydropower is the least expensive method of generating electricity. The flowing
water is free and renewable by the water cycle.
xv. It is readily available. It can be controlled easily.
xvi. Hydropower can store energy. The water can be saved and managed efficiently,
depending on the seasons. It can also be used again and again.
xvii. It wastes less energy.
xviii. Dams control flooding and the water supply.
xix. Hydropower plants are dependable and last long. The maintenance costs are quite
xx. Hydropower’s source of energy is clean.
xxi. Hydro plants do not release pollutants into the air because they do not burn fuel.
xxii. Reservoirs can also offer leisure activities, such as swimming and boating
xxiii. No fuel charges.
xxiv. Less supervising staff is required.
xxv. Maintenance & operation charges are very low.
xxvi. Running cost of the plant is low.
xxvii. The plant efficiency does not changes with age.
xxviii. It takes few minutes to run & synchronize the plant.
xxix. No fuel transportation is required.
xxx. No ash & flue gas problem & does not pollute the atmosphere.
xxxi. These plants are used for flood control & irrigation purpose.
xxxii. Long life in comparison with the Thermal & Nuclear Power Plant.


i. Loss of large land due to reservoir.

ii. Hydropower may become more expensive in the future. Licensing and assessing
dams is a long and expensive process.
iii. Wildlife habitats can be changed or destroyed. Fish, for example, may not be able to
swim upstream to reproduce. Their spawning and migratory patterns are disrupted.
iv. Hydropower can increase silting, alter water temperatures, and lower the amount of
dissolved oxygen in the water.
v. The initial cost of the power plant is very high.
vi. Generally, Such plant’s are located in hilly area’s far away from load center & thus
they require long transmission lines & losses in them will be more.
vii. Power generation by hydro power plant is only dependant on natural phenomenon
of rain .Therefore at the time of drought or summer session the Hydro Power Plant
will not work.
viii. It can be generated only in areas with heavy rainfall and sufficient supply of water.
ix. Hydel power generation stations are to be located in hilly mountainous terrains
where waterfalls as well as ideal sites for dams are located. In a region/country
without hills hydel power generation is not possible.
x. Building a dam affects the environment and wildlife of adjoining areas. Nearby
low-lying areas are always under the threat of floods.



Location: Rajasthan Operator: Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd

Configuration: 3 X 33 MW Francis Operation: 1973-1974
T/G supplier: AC, CGE EPC: Beas Construction Board
Quick facts: Part of the Chambal River hydroelectric scheme owned in equal shares by Madhya
Pradesh and Rajasthan. Jawahar Sagar dam is the third dam in the series of Chambal Valley
projects, located 29km upstream of Kota and 26km downstream of Rana Pratap Sagar dam. The
concrete gravity dam is 45m high and 393m long


Location: Rajasthan Operator: Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd

Configuration: 2 X 25 MW, 2 X 45 MW Francis Operation: 1986-1989
T/G supplier: BHEL
Quick facts: Development of the multistate Mahi Bajaj Sagar Project started with laying of the
foundation stone in 1960. The project is named after national leader Shri Jamnala Bajaj. Major
construction activities started in 1972 and the project was dedicated by Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi in Jan 1983. Releases from Mahi Reservoir are to Power House I (2 x 25 MW), 8km
from Banswara town, for sale into Rajasthan. The share of Gujarat state is routed to Power
House II (2x45 MW) 40km from Banswara town on the bank of the Anas River, a major
tributary of the Mahi.


Location: Madhya Pradesh Operator: Shree Maheshwar Hydro Power Corp Ltd
Configuration: 10 X 40 MW Kaplan Operation: 2010
T/G supplier: BHEL EPC: BHEL, SEW Construction, Prasad & Co
Quick facts:In 1993, the government awarded the concession for the 400-MW Maheshwar
project to the Indian textile company S Kumars. The site in Nimad District 2km upstream from
the town of Mandleshwar had been in development since 1978. After years of delay and
numerous changes in ownership, the project is now controlled by Shree Maheshwar Hydro
Power Corp Ltd, 68.7% owned by Entegra Ltd. Entegra in turn is controlled by MW Corp Pvt
Ltd, a company that was formed as part of the reorganization of S Kumnars Group in December
2006. Work restarted in November 2005 and the plant is scheduled for start-up by year-end 2010
at a final cost of Rs 27.6bn.


Location: Rajasthan Operator: Bhakra Beas Management Board

Configuration: 6 X 165 MW Francis Operation: 1977-1983
T/G supplier: BHEL, GEC-Alstom EPC: Beas Construction Board
Quick facts: Dehar is on the right bank of River Sutlej upstream of Slapper bridge. The water
coming out of Sundernagar Sutlej Tunnel enters into a surge shaft. At the exit end, the tunnel is
trifurcated into 8ft steel outlet pipes


Location: Rajasthan Operator: Orissa Hydro Power Corp Ltd

Configuration: 2 X 49.5 MW Kaplan, 2 X 32 MW Francis, 3 X 37.5 MW Kaplan
Operation: 1956-1990 T/G supplier: English Electric, Voith, Siemens, Hitachi
Quick facts: The Hirakud Dam is on the River Mahanadi 15km upstream of Sambalpur town and
was the first post-independence major multi purpose river valley project in the country. Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru laid the foundation stone in 1948. The Burla powerhouse is on the right bank
at the dam and there is a second smaller powerhouse at Chiplima 22km downstream. Units 3&4
were rebuilt and uprated to 32 MW by Voith Siemens.


Location: Punjab Operator: Bhakra Beas Management Board

Configuration: 5 X 108 MW (left), 5 X 157 (right) Francis Operation: 1960-1968
T/G supplier: Hitachi, GEC, LMZ, Electrosila EPC: Hydropower Institute
Quick facts: This was the first large multipurpose hydro project in Punjab. Excavation of the
diversion tunnels started in 1948 and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru placed the first bucket of
concrete for the dam in Nov 1955. The facility uses the Sutlej River to supply drinking and
irrigation water for portions of six states. The 226m high dam has a crest length of 518m.


Location: Karnataka Operator: Karnataka Power Corp Ltd

Configuration: 5 X 55 MW, 1 X 15 MW Kaplan Operation: 2005
T/G supplier: Kvaerner, Siemens EPC: Kvaerner, Siemens, Gammon
Quick facts: The Almatti Dam power house was built on the toe of an existing dam on the
Krishna River in Bagalkot Dist. The power station was in development for years as part of the
Upper Krishna multipurpose project. The 1,500m long dam was built by Gammon from 1991-
1998, but operation of a hydro project necessitated increase water storage. This was contested by
Andhra Pradesh and not finally settled until Apr 2000 by Supreme Court order. Power station
development dates to 1992 when the state government signed an MOU with Asia Power Corp
Ltd. The project then went to a joint venture consortium under Chamundi Power Corp Ltd,
which eventually came up with a revised project report after the Supreme Court judgment for
setting up the power house at an estimated cost of Rs 1469.8cr. This proposal was rejected by the
CEA and the project was turned back to KPCL and approved by CEA in Mar 2002 at an
estimated cost of Rs674cr including financing. Construction and commissioning thereafter was
to schedule.


Location: Karnataka Operator: Ambuthirtha Power (P) Ltd

Configuration: 2 X 11 MW Kaplan Operation: 2007
T/G supplier: Fouress, Resita EPC: TCE, Asian Tech, Coastal Projects
Quick facts: Development and construcio of MGHETRS was managed by Soahm Reneweable
Energy. The project is near Jog Falls, Shimoga, and features a 25m diversion dam and a 3.2km,
4.5m dia headrace tunnel. It was one of the first Indian projects commissioned under the Indian
Electricity Act 2003 to be classified as a "Captive Power Project" by Praxair India (P) Ltd and
also one of the first registered as a CDM project. Financing was by a consortium, led by Housing
and Urban Development Corp Ltd (HUDCO) and including Rural Electrification Corp and
Syndicate Bank. Equity partners are India Clean Energy Ltd and Praxair India Pvt Ltd.

Location: Karnataka Operator: Cauvery Hydro Energy Ltd

Configuration: 2 X 1.5 MW Kaplan Operation: 1998
T/G supplier: Jyoti
Quick facts: Shiva was built across a power channel drawn from the River Cauvery. The station
went into operation in Sep 1998


Location: Uttarakhand Operator: Uttaranchal Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd

Configuration: 2 X 1 MW, 2 X 500 kW Pelton Operation: 1907-1914
T/G supplier: Boving
Quick facts: This plant on the Bhatta River in Dehradun District is considered India’s second
oldest hydroelectric plant. In 1998, SCP and Alternate Hydro Energy Centre (AHEC) University
of Roorkee completed mechanical, civil and electrical repairs for the power station. Funding for
the project was from CIDA. Further rehabilitation efforts are in train.


Location: Uttarakhand Operator: National Hydroelectric Power Corp Ltd

Configuration: 4 X 70 MW Kaplan Operation: 2005
T/G supplier: Alstom
EPC: Electrowatt, Kajima, Daewoo, Samsung, Hindustan Construction
Quick facts: This project is a run-of-the-river scheme on the Dhauliganga River, a tributary of
the Kali on the Indo-Nepal border. It was authorized in Apr 1991 at a cost of Rs 602 crore and
construction started in Feb 2000. Civil works include a 56m concrete face rock-fill dam, a
5.29km headrace tunnel, and an underground powerhouse, all built in very difficult terrain in the
Indian Himalayas. The project is designed to generate 1,134 GWh/yr with grid connection via a
300km, double-circuit 220kV transmission line to Bareilly set up by Power Grid Corporation
8.12 SOBLA

Location: Uttarakhand Operator: Uttaranchal Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd

Configuration: 2 X 3 MW Francis Operation: 1999
T/G supplier: Kvaerner
Quick facts: This plant is on the Dhauliganga River in Pithoragarh District. It is scheduled for
overhaul and modernization by 2009


Location: Uttarakhand Operator: Tehri Hydroelectric Development Corp Ltd

Configuration: 4 X 250 MW Francis Operation: 2006-2007
T/G supplier: Kharkov, UETM
EPC: Hydropower Institute, National Projects Construction Corp Ltd
Quick facts: The two-stage, Tehri dam and hydroelectric project is on the Bhagirathi River. The
260.5m rockfill dam is the largest in Asia and one of the tallest in the world. The scheme was
first contemplated in 1949, but development took over 50yrs and was the target of extended
protests by local citizen groups. Final approvals for construction were in 1990. In 1996, the
protests forced the Indian Prime Minister to appoint an expert committee to review the project,
but the results were inconclusive and final appeals were dismissed in the fall of 2003. The
second phase consists of a pumped-storage power plant with four more 250-MW sets
Chapter- 9


 Aim  To accelerate the development of Hydropower

 Introduced In 1998
 Introduced by  Ministry of Power (MoP) and Government of India (GoI)
 With Central, State and Private hydropower projects contributing 3455 MW, 5810 and
550 MW respectively, the GoI aims to reach the total capacity of 9815 MW during the
ninth plan. (The XIth Plan aims capacity addition of 18781 MW in the hydropower
Need for a Hydel Policy
Hydro power is a renewable economic, non polluting and environmentally benign source of
energy. Hydro power stations have inherent ability for instantaneous starting, stopping, load
variations etc. and help in improving reliability of power system. Hydro stations are the best
choice for meeting the peak demand. The generation cost is not only inflation free but reduces
with time. Hydroelectric projects have long useful life extending over 50 years and help in
conserving scarce fossil fuels. They also help in opening of avenues for development of remote
and backward areas.

Our country is endowed with enormous economically exploitable and viable hydro potential
assessed to be about 84,000 MW at 60% load factor (1,48,700 MW installed capacity). In
addition, 6781.81 MW in terms of installed capacity from small, mini and micro hydel schemes
have been assessed. Also, 56 sites for pumped storage schemes with an aggregate installed
capacity of 94,000 MW have been identified. However, only 15% of the hydroelectric potential
has been harnessed so far and 7% is under various stages of development. Thus, 78% of the
potential remains without any plan for exploitation.

Despite hydroelectric projects being recognised as the most economic and preferred source of
electricity, share of hydro power has been declining steady since 1963. The shape of hydro
power has been continuously declining during the last three decades. The hydro share has
declined from 44 percent in 1970 to 25 75:23:2 percent in 1998. The ideal hydro thermal mix
should be in the ratio of 40:60. Because of an imbalance in the hydel thermal mix especially in
the Eastern and Western regions, many thermal power stations are required to back down during
off peak hours. The capacity of the thermal plants cannot be fully utilised resulting in a loss of
about 4 to 5 percent in the plant load factor. Even if the share of hydro power is to be maintained
at the existing level of 25 percent, the capacity addition during the 9th and 10th Plan would work
out to 23,000 MW. If the share were to be enhanced to 30 percent, it would require a further
addition of 10,000 MW of hydro capacity.

The constraints which have affected hydro development are technical (difficult investigation,
inadequacies in tunnelling methods), financial (deficiencies in providing long term financing),
tariff related issues and managerial weaknesses (poor contract management). The hydro projects
are also affected by geological surprises especially in the Himalayan region where underground
tunnelling is required), inaccessibility of the area, problems due to delay in land acquisition, and
resettlement of project affected families, law & order problem in militant infested areas.


The programmed capacity addition from hydel projects during the 9th Plan is 9815 MW, of
which Central Sector and State Sector will contribute 3455 MW and 5810 MW respectively and
the balance 550 MW will be contributed by the Private Sector. Sanctioned and ongoing schemes
under implementation will enable a capacity addition of 6537 MW during the 10th Plan, of
which 990 MW, 4498 MW and 1050 MW will be the contribution of Central, State and Private
Sectors respectively. In addition, 12 projects (5615 MW) have been identified for advance action
in the 9th Plan for benefits in the 10th Plan.

The Government of India has set the following objectives for accelerating the pace of hydro
power development : -

(i) Ensuring Targeted capacity addition during 9th Plant :

The 9th Plan programme envisages capacity addition of 9815 MW from hydel projects in the
total capacity addition of 40245 MW. The Central Sector hydel projects would contribute 3455
MW, State Sector would add 5810 MW and Private Sector 550 MW. Keeping in view that the
achievement in 8th Plan had been dismal, the Government is determined to ensure that no
slippage is allowed to occur and the targeted capacity addition in the 9th Plant is achieved in full.
(ii) Exploitation of vast hydroelectric potential at a faster pace :

The Government would initiate advance action for taking up new hydro projects since the
ongoing projects will contribute a very small percentage of the desired capacity addition
envisioned for 10th Plan and beyond. Towards this end, Government would take up for
execution all the CEA cleared projects, and take steps to update and obtain clearances for
pending DPRs. Measures for vigorously starting survey and investigations for new green field
sites would also be implemented shortly. In addition, Government is keen to restart and activate
the hydro projects which are either languishing for want of funds or are remaining dormant due
to unresolved inter-State issues.

(iii) Promoting small and mini hydel projects

Small and mini hydel potential can provide a solution for the energy problems in remote and
hilly areas where extension of grid system is comparatively uneconomical and also along the
canal systems having sufficient drops. The small hydro potential could be developed
economically by simple design of turbines, generators and the civil works. Small and mini hydel
capacity aggregating to about 340 MW is in operation, and Government is determined to provide
thrust for developing the assessed small hydel potential at a faster pace henceforth.

(iv) Strengthening the role of PSUs/SEBs for taking up new hydel projects

In view of the poor response of the private sector so far in hydro development which may persist
for some more years, the involvement of public sector in hydel projects would not only have to
continue but will also have to be enlarged. There are categories of projects such as multi-
purpose, projects involving inter-State issues, projects for peaking power and those involving
rehabilitation and resettlement which may be taken up and implemented more easily in public
sector. Similarly, mea hydro projects in the North and North Eastern region would also have to
be executed by CPSUs in case the State or the private sector is not in position to implement these

(v) Increasing private investment :

Even though public sector organisations would play a greater role in the development of new
schemes, this alone would not be adequate to develop the vast remaining hydro potential since it
will require huge investments which are difficult to be supported from the budget/plan assistance
in view of competing demands from the various sectors. A greater private investment through
IPPs and joint ventures would be encouraged in the coming years and required atmosphere,
incentives and reliefs would be provided to stimulate and maintain a trend in this direction.

Aim of government of India :-

Aims to realize 100% hydropower potential of the country by year 2025-26. These objectives
have been developed in response to the following constraints:

 Technical, including difficult investigation, inadequacies in tunneling methods)

 Financial (deficiencies in providing long term finance)
 Tariff related issues
 Managerial weakness (poor contract management)
 Geological surprises (especially in the Himalayan region where underground tunneling is
 Inaccessibility of the area
 Problems due to delay in land acquisition and resettlement of project affected families
 Law and order problem in militant infested areas.


In order to achieve a growth rate of 7-8 % as envisaged in National policy of India, it is also
required to tap all the small Hydro Power potential of the country. Hydro Power Project sector,
especially in view of the fact that Large Hydro power projects involve huge capital investment
and long gestation period which private partners do not afford to bear. The utilization of small
Hydro Power Potential is especially required in all states where the utilized potential is very low
like in MP and therefore optimum utilization of the same may set up an stepping up stone for
achieving self sufficiency in power sector in country.


 Maps Of India
 Wikipedia
 Google Images
 Indian Energy Portal
 International Energy Association Data
 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING by Dr. K.R. Arora published by Standard
Publishers Distributors.

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