Climate Change Essay

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Climate change is one the most serious challenges humanity has ever

faced. Increased emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to

the atmosphere causes a trend of warming in our Earth. Because of this,
global warming occurs. This is what we define as the process of a gradual
increase in the earth’s atmospheric and ground temperatures throughout
the entire planet.

According to studies of scientists and from the short documentary

film, “Panahon Na! Ang Hamon sa Pinoy at Climate Change,” the effects
range from a rise in sea levels to the extinction of certain species. As the
temperature will increase, the ice cover on the planet will start melting. The
water from these melting glaciers will end up in the oceans, which will lead
to a rise in the sea level and will drown the low places in the world. It also
will destroy the rich biodiversity of various ecosystems because it will be
hard for them to adapt to these changes. Coral bleaching is also one of its
consequences. It happens when corals are stressed by changes in
conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients, that they expel the
symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues which provides them
food, causing them to turn completely white. When a coral bleaches, it is not
dead. However, if the algae loss is prolonged and the stress continues, coral
eventually dies and home of millions of fish is lost. We also experience
adverse effects of climate change in the cloak of extreme weather events.

Although there are natural causes of climate change, a big part of this
is attributable to anthropogenic causes. It may seem unnoticeable but if we
observe and reflect on ourselves, our wasteful living and activities translate
to greenhouse gases or carbon emissions which are harmful to Earth. But
since climate change is mainly attributed to human activity, I know the
solution also lies in us. To help our Mother Earth, we can use the concept of
car pooling. As for me, I will use a bicycle or walk to any nearby
destinations. Another way is to use public transport such as bus, taxi, and

Arnie Jhane D. Pantaleon

light rail transit. Though these, we can reduce carbon monoxide released by
the combustion. I will plant trees. We all know how trees are essential in
mitigating the effects of global warming. As trees grow, they absorb and
store the carbon dioxide emissions that are driving global heating. New
research estimates that a worldwide planting programme could remove two-
thirds of all the emissions from human activities that remain in the
atmosphere today, a figure the scientists describe as “mind-blowing.” On the
other hand, I will suggest to my parents to use highly efficient model
appliances and an energy saving light bulb like compact fluorescent lamp
(CFL) which is 13 watts only but as bright as a 60-watt incandescent lamp.
It does not only reduce greenhouse gases emission, it also lowers our
electricity bill. Also according to the video, one million of this incandescent
lamp being replaced by the one million CFLs is like we've put off a
construction of a 50 megawatt power plant. To sum up, I pledge to save
water and energy and quit what is termed as “wasteful living.” As Dingdong
Dantes said, “Buy only what we need to buy and eat only what we can
consume.” If we follow this together with our knowledge in 8Rs, we can
reduce landfill waste that produces methane and other greenhouse gases.

Climate change and global warming are harmful not only to us but
also to nature and animals. It affects our food and water supplies as well as
our health conditions. These facts help me realize how serious the issue is.
We have already done enough of damage, and hence it's high time we
understand the climate change and global warming causes, effects and the
future repercussions and work out some solutions at the earliest. One’s
effort regardless of how simple it is will never be wasted if we act all
together. We should also remember that change must start in ourselves. So,
all human on earth must prevent any activities that can cause climate
change and global warming!

Arnie Jhane D. Pantaleon


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