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Test Information
Test Name DAMS Video Based Test Total Questions 100

Test Type Examination Difficulty Level Difficult

Total Marks 300 Duration 90minutes

Test Question Language:- ENGLISH

(1). In a patient with SLE, the deformity shown below is consistent with ?

a. Charcot joint

b. Jaccoud’sarthropathy

c. Ulnar claw hand

d. Osteoarthritis

Solution. b
Characteristic feature in this patient is that the deformity is ‘reversible’. In
Jaccoud’sarthropathy, the deformities result mainly from soft-tissue abnormalities, such as
laxity of ligaments, fibrosis of the capsule, and muscular imbalance, rather than from
destruction of the bone of joints, as occurs in rheumatoid arthritis. That is why the patient is
able to make a complete fist in the video inspite of the deformity. Although classically described
in rheumatic fever, Jaccoud’sarthropathy has also been described in SLE and other diffuse
connective-tissue diseases

Correct Answer. b

1-1 :

(2). Which technique in the evaluation of autoimmune diseases is being demonstrated here ?

a. Immunofluorescence

b. LE cell preparation



Solution. a
Major method used in the measurement of autoantibodies is the indirect
immunofluorescence. Most laboratories use HEp-2 cells in this technique.

Correct Answer. a


(3). Which drug used in rheumatoid arthritis acts by the mechanism shown ?

a. Tocilizumab

b. Rituximab

c. Abetacept

d. Tofacitinib

Solution. c
Abetacept is a soluble fusion protein consisting of the extracellular domain of human
CTLA-4 linked to the modified portion of human IgG.

Correct Answer. c

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 2/30

(4). Identify the test being performed ?

a. Pulse oximetry

b. Nail fold capillaroscopy

c. Joint ultrasound

d. Ungusometer

Solution. b
Nailfoldcapillaroscopy is a method to analyse microvascular abnormalities in autoimmune
rheumatic diseases. It can detect abnormalities like architectural disorganization, giant
capillaries, haemorrhages, loss of capillaries, angiogenesis and avascular areas

Correct Answer. b


(5). What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient who presented with gastroesophageal reflux disease ?

a. SLE

b. Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis

c. Rheumatoid arthritis

d. Sjogren’s syndrome

Solution. b
The video clearly shows calcinosis cutis ,raynaud’s phenomenon and telangiectasias. The
question also mentions that the patient has GERD. This combination is suggestive of
limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis.

Correct Answer. b


(6). What test is being performed in this patient ?

a. Finkelstein test

b. Faber test

c. Schoeber test

d. Gaenslen test

Solution. c
The purpose of the Schober test is to reflect the range of movement of lumbar spine during
flexion. It is very useful in ankylosing spondylitis, where the lumbar spine shows limited

Correct Answer. c


(7). The test shown is used in the diagnosis of ?

a. Adhesive capsulitis

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b. De Quervain’s tenosynovitis

c. Rotator cuff syndrome

d. Medial epicondylitis

Solution. b
Finkelstein's test With the thumb inside the hand, the wrist is ulnar-deviated. Pain
indicates a positive test. This is seen in de quervain’s tenosynovitis.

Correct Answer. b


(8). The polarizing microscopy finding shown below is suggestive of ?

a. Gout

b. Pseudogout

c. Calcium oxalate disease

d. Calcium apatite disease

Solution. a
Negatively birefringent needle shaped crystals are seen in gout.

Correct Answer. a


(9). The eye movement abnormality shown is ?

a. Ocular flutter

b. Ocular bobbing

c. Ocular dipping

d. Opsomyoclonus

Solution. c
In ocular dipping, a slow downward motion of the eyes is followed by a quick return to

Correct Answer. c


(10). This test is performed in the diagnosis of ?

a. Stroke

b. Motor neuron disease

c. Myasthenia gravis

d. Optic neuritis

Solution. c
Video shows the ice pack test used in the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Application of
icepack transiently improves neuromuscular transmission and improves ptosis in

Correct Answer. c

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10 :

(11). This phenomenon is better known as a syndrome in the name of ?

a. Uhthoff

b. Marcus Gunn

c. Lhermitte

d. Charcot

Solution. b
The Marcus Gunn jaw-winking phenomenon is an entity characterized by involuntary
elevation of a ptotic upper eyelid concomitant with various movements of the mandible.

Correct Answer. b

11 :

(12). This phenomenon is seen in ?

a. Hepatic encephalopathy

b. Uremic encephalopathy

c. Respiratory failure

d. Any of the above

Solution. d
The video shows asterixis or flapping tremor. All the conditions in options can produce
flapping tremor.

Correct Answer. d

12 :

(13). What is the phenomenon observed ?

a. Tongue fasciculations

b. Palatal myoclonus

c. 10th nerve palsy

d. B and C

Solution. B
Palatal myoclonus is a rare movement disorder consisting of continuous rhythmic jerks
of the soft palate

Correct Answer. b

13 :

(14). The gait is known as ?

a. Stamping gait

b. Waddling gait

c. High stepping gait

d. Festinant gait

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Solution. b
Waddling gait or myopathic gait is due to weakness of muscles in the pelvic girdle.

Correct Answer. b

14 :

(15). What is the finding ?

a. RAPD right eye

b. RAPD left eye

c. RAPD both eyes

d. Adie’s pupil

Solution. a
The ‘swinging light test’ is used to detect a relative afferent pupil defect (RAPD): a
means of detecting differences between the two eyes in how they respond to a light
shone in one eye at a time. In an abnormal swinging-light test (i.e. there is a RAPD) there
is less pupil constriction in the eye with the retinal or optic nerve disease

Correct Answer. a

15 :

(16). The test is useful in a patient with?


b. Diabetic neurop

c. Parkinson’s disease

d. Motor neuron disease

Solution. b
This is the monofilament test used to detect peripheral neuropathy.Monofilaments,
often called Semmes-Weinstein mono-filaments generate buckling stress. The filament
is placed on the patient’s skin (usually the feet); when there is considerable loss of
sensation, the patient will not be able to detect the presence of the filament at buckling.

Correct Answer. b

16 :

(17). The method is used in looking for which murmur ?

a. MDM in Mitral stenosis

b. EDM in Aortic regurgitation

c. ESM in Aortic stenosis

d. Both a and c

Solution. a
Video shows the left lateral position used for detecting MDM murmur of mitral stenosis.

Correct Answer. a

17 :

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 6/30
(18). ECG monitor shows a change from normal sinus rhythm to ?

a. Complete heart block

b. Ventricular tachycardia

c. Ventricular fibrillation


Solution. c
Ventricular fibrillation has continuous irregular activation with no discrete QRS

Correct Answer. c

18 :

(19). ECG monitor shows ?


b. MAT

c. WPW syndrome

d. AF

Solution. d
Observe carefully the tachyarrhythmia here. Irregularity can be appreciated. Its is atrial
fibrillation, characterized by disorganized, rapid and irregular atrial activation with loss
of atrial contraction and with irregular ventricular rate.

Correct Answer. d

19 :

(20). Identify the respiratory pattern ?

a. Apneustic

b. Central neurogenic hyperventilation

c. Cheyne-Stokes

d. Ataxic

Solution. c
Waxing and waning character of respiration alternating with apnea can be appreciated.

Correct Answer. c

20 :

(21). What is the most likely cause in this patient admitted with respiratory failure ?

a. Bronchiectasis

b. Interstitial lung disease


d. Pleural effusion

Solution. c
Pursed lip breathing is seen in COPD patients.

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Correct Answer. c

21 :

(22). Most likely etiology of tremor in this patient ?

a. Parkinson’s disease

b. Essential tremor

c. Hyperthyroidism

d. Wilson’s disease

Solution. d
Wing beating tremor is a feature of wilson’s disease

Correct Answer. d

22 :

(23). This device used in the prevention of pulmonary embolism is ?

a. Amplatzer device

b. IVC filter

c. MERCI retriever

d. Solitaire device

Solution. b
This is the IVC filter. IVC filters are inserted into the vena cava percutaneously via the
femoral or jugular approach under fluoroscopy or ultrasound guidance

Correct Answer. b

23 :

(24). This method of looking for ascites is ?

a. Shifting dullness

b. Fluid thrill

c. Puddle sign

d. Nixon method

Solution. b
This is the fluid thrill method for detecting ascites. The patient push their hands down
on the midline of the abdomen. The examiner then taps one flank, while feeling on the
other flank for the tap.

Correct Answer. b

24 :

(25). Identify the sign ?

a. Oppenheim sign

b. Chaddock sign

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c. Gordon sign

d. Walker sign

Solution. b
Chaddock's sign is present when stroking of the lateral malleolus causes extension of
the great toe, indicating damage to the corticospinal tract.

Correct Answer. b

25 :

(26). Identify the reflex ?

a. Hoffman reflex

b. Tromner reflex

c. Wartenberg’s reflex

d. Snout reflex

Solution. a
This is the Hoffman sign/reflex. Examiner holds the partially extended middle finger
between his thumb and index finger. Sudden downward tap is given to nail of middle
finger of the patient. This results in adduction and slight flexion of thumb.

Correct Answer. a

26 :

(27). The technique shown is cardiac stenting under guidance of ?

a. CT

b. MRI

c. OCT

d. Fluoroscopy

Solution. c
OCT stands for Optical Coherence Tomography

Correct Answer. c

27 :

(28). This child with abnormal laughter spells and psychomotor delay is likely to have ?

a. Adrenal tumor

b. Hypothalamic hamartoma

c. Renal cell carcinoma

d. Neuroblastoma

Solution. b
Video shows the laughing associated seizures (also known as gelastic seizures),
associated with hypothalamic hamartoma.

Correct Answer. b

28 :

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(29). Most likely cause of the skin lesions in this patient with advanced CKD ?

a. Varicose veins

b. Psoriasis

c. Lupus vulgaris

d. Calciphylaxis

Solution. d
Calciphylaxis, also known as calcific uremic arteriolopathy, is a rare painful syndrome of
calcification of the small blood vessels located within the fatty tissue and deeper layers
of the skin associated with necrosis. It is seen mostly in patients with advanced chronic
kidney disease.

Correct Answer. d

29 :

(30). What is the primitive reflex elicited ?

a. Glabellar tap

b. Palmomental

c. Rooting

d. Avoidance

Solution. b
Palmomental reflex is contraction of mentalis and orbicularis oris muscles causing
wrinkling of skin with slight retraction, in response to stroking palm of ipsilateral hand.

Correct Answer. b

30 :

(31). This child is most likely suffering from ?

a. Peripheral neuropathy

b. Duchenne muscular dystrophy

c. Myotonic dystrophy

d. Cerebral palsy

Solution. b
Video show’s gower’s sign seen in patients with duchenne muscular dystrophy

Correct Answer. b

31 :

(32). What is the examiner trying to demonstrate ?

a. Saccade

b. Pursuit

c. Optokinetic nystagmus

d. Ophthalmoplegia

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 10/30
Solution. c
Optokinetic nystagmus is a normal physiologic phenomenon. It is a conjugate nystagmus
induced by a succession of moving visual stimuli.

Correct Answer. c

32 :

(33). This patient is likely to have which endocrine condition ?

a. Hyperthyroidism

b. Hypothyroidism

c. Pheochromocytoma

d. Cushing’s syndrome

Solution. b
This is the delayed relaxation of ankle jerk seen in patients with hypothyroidism.

Correct Answer. b

33 :

(34). What is the examiner looking for ?

a. Dancing carotids

b. Shifting dullness

c. Hepatojugular reflex

d. Landolfi sign

Solution. c
Hepatojugular reflux is the distension of the neck veins precipitated by the maneuver of
firm pressure over the liver.

Correct Answer. c

34 :

(35). What is the likely diagnosis ?

a. Left 3 nerve palsy

b. Left 6th nerve palsy

c. Left 3+6th nerve palsy

d. Left 5 nerve palsy

Solution. a
Video shows down and out eye on the left side. Indicates left third nerve palsy.

Correct Answer. a

35 :

(36). The afferent part of this reflex is mediated by which cranial nerve ?

a. 5th

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b. 7th
th th
c. 9 & 10
d. 12

Solution. a
Video shows the jaw jerk. The afferent is mediated by 5th cranial nerve

Correct Answer. a

36 :

(37). Identify this movement disorder ?

a. Myoclonus

b. Chorea

c. Tremor

d. Ballismus

Solution. b
The random semi-purposeful movements with the flowing character is indicative of

Correct Answer. b

37 :

(38). Which movement disorder is likely to be present in this patient with the grip problem shown ?

a. Myoclonus

b. Chorea

c. Tremor

d. Ballismus

Solution. b
Milkmaid’s grip due to motor impersistence is a feature in Hintington’s disease. So
expected movement disorder is chorea.

Correct Answer. b

38 :

(39). Identify the clinical sign ?

a. Barre’s sign

b. Abductor sign

c. Froment’s sign

d. Digitiquinti sign

Solution. a
PRONATOR DRIFT (Barre's sign) - Subtle sign of UMN lesion
Patient is asked to hold both the upper limbs outstretched, symmetrically in front with
the palms facing upwards (supinated) and then asked to close both eyes tightly.Watch
for the position of weak limb. The weak limb pronates and drifts down.
Reason - In corticospinal tract lesion, the selectively weakened muscles are shoulder abductors,
external rotators, supinators and elbow extensors. So, the action of these weak muscles are
overcome by the antagonists causing pronation, elbow flexion and downward drift.

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Correct Answer. a

39 :

(40). Identify this test performed in a patient with suspected meningitis ?

a. Brudzinski’s sign

b. Kernig’s sign

c. Battle’s sign

d. Babinski’s sign

Solution. b
With the hip and knee flexed at right angles, attempt to passively extend the knee. This
produces pain, resistance and inability to fully extend the knee.

Correct Answer. b

40 :

(41). What is the root value of this reflex ?

a. C4,C5

b. C5,C6

c. C6,C7

d. C8,C9

Solution. b
Root value of supinator jerk is C5,C6

Correct Answer. b

41 :

(42). What sign is being demonstrated ?

a. Collier’s sign

b. Spurling’s sign

c. Cozen’s sign

d. Chvostek sign

Solution. d
Chvostek sign is elicitedby tapping the skin over the facial nerve about 2 cm anterior to
the external auditory meatus. Ipsilateral contraction of the facial muscles is a positive
sign. It is a sign of hypocalcemia.

Correct Answer. d

42 :

(43). The finding is seen in association with ?

a. Hyperreflexia

b. Hypotonia

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c. Chorea

d. Hyporeflexia

Solution. a
This is ankle clonus which is seen in association with hyperreflexia

Correct Answer. a

43 :

(44). This patient most likely has a lesion in?

a. Right MLF

b. Left MLF

c. Right MLF +PPRF

d. Left MLF + PPRF

Solution. a
This is right internuclearophthalmoplegia seen in right MLF lesion

Correct Answer. a

44 :

(45). Identify the test ?

a. Kernig’s

b. Pemberton’s

c. Romberg’s

d. Babinski’s

Solution. c
This is the Romberg test to detect posterior column dysfunction

Correct Answer. c

45 :

(46). Most likely valvular lesion in this patient ?

a. Aortic stenosis

b. Aortic regurgitation

c. Mitral stenosis

d. Mitral regurgitation

Solution. b
The video shows “dancing carotids”seen in aortic regurgitation

Correct Answer. b

46 :

(47). What is the test going to be performed ?

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a. EEG

b. Polysomnography

c. Nerve conduction study

d. Holter monitoring

Solution. a
EEG measures electrical activity of the brain by means of surface electrodes

Correct Answer. a

47 :

(48). Identify the procedure performed here ?

a. Renal biopsy

b. Skin biopsy

c. Splenic biopsy

d. Gall bladder biopsy

Solution. a
This is the renal biopsy procedure

Correct Answer. a

48 :

(49). What is the sign being demonstrated ?

a. Von Graefe’s sign

b. Joffroy’s sign

c. Stellwag sign

d. Pemberton’s sign

Solution. a
the failure of the upper eyelid to follow promptly and smoothly the downward
movement of the eyeball that is seen in Graves' disease

Correct Answer. a

49 :

(50). Features are suggestive of ?

a. Right 10 nerve palsy

b. Right 12th nerve palsy

c. Left 10th nerve palsy

d. Left 12 nerve palsy

Solution. b
The tongue is deviated to right on protrusion outside due to push of unaffected

Correct Answer. b

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50 :

(51). The method shown in the video was first described by

a. Louis Pasteur

b. Robert Koch

c. Paul Ehrlich

d. Ruska

Solution. b
Robert Koch provided remarkable contributions to the field of microbiology. He was a German
general practitioner
(1843- 1910) . His contributions are as follows:
• He introduced solid media for culture of bacteria,
EilshemiusHesse, the wife of, one of Koch's assistants had suggested the use of agar as
solidifying agents.
• He also introduced methods for isolation of bacteria in pure culture.
• He described hanging drop method for testing motility.
• He discovered bacteria such as the anthrax bacilli, tubercle bacilli and cholera bacilli.
• He introduced staining techniques by using aniline dye.

Correct Answer. b

51 :

(52). Choose the correct flagellar arrangement of the bacteria shown in the video

a. Amphitrichous

b. Lophotrichous

c. Monotrichous

d. Atrichous

Solution. b
Lophotrichous arrangement of flagella refers to a tuft or bunch of flagella arising from
one of the poles of the bacterium. Classical example is Helicobacter pylori.

Correct Answer. b

52 :

(53). Name the bacteria first used to demonstrate the gene transfer procedure shown in the image

a. S. pneumoniae

b. C. diphtheriae

c. E. coli

d. B. anthracis

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Solution. c
-Bacterial conjugation is the transfer of genetic material between bacterial cells by direct
cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells.
-Conjugation is a mechanism of horizontal gene transfer, as
are transformation and transduction, though these two other mechanisms do not
involve cell-to-cell contact.
-Bacterial conjugation was discovered by Nobel Prize winners Joshua
Lederberg and Edward Tatum.
-They showed that the bacterium Escherichia coli entered a sexual phase during which it
could share genetic information.
-Bacterial conjugation is often incorrectly regarded as the equivalent of sexual
reproduction, since it involves the exchange of genetic material.
-During conjugation the donor cell provides a conjugative or mobilizable genetic element
that is most often a plasmid or transposon.
-Most conjugative plasmids have systems ensuring that the recipient cell does not
already contain a similar element.

Correct Answer. c

53 :

(54). Choose the mechanism of action of the procedure shown in the image

a. Cell wall disruption

b. Protein denaturation

c. DNA damage

d. Cell membrane disruption

Solution. b
-This method is sterilisation by red heat, an example of dry heat method.
-Dry heat kills the organisms by charring, denaturation of bacterial protein, oxidative
damage and by the toxic effect of elevated levels of electrolytes.

Correct Answer. b

54 :

(55). A 25 year old farmer admitted with Jaundice and acute renal failure. Urine dark field microscopy as shown in the video revealed the
suspected pathogen. Choose the appropriate culture media for this pathogen.





Solution. c
It is a case of leptospirosis as suggested by the clinical scenario. The video shows motile
spirochaetes: Leptospirainterrogans, which can be cultivated on Fletcher’s medium, EMJH
medium and Korthoff’s medium.

Correct Answer. c

55 :

(56). Name the infective stage of the pathogen which causes a typical clinical manifestation as shown in the video

a. Endotoxin

b. Exotoxin

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c. Endospore

d. Exospore

Solution. C
-It is a case of infant botulism, also called as “floppy baby syndrome”.
-It is caused by ingestion of spores along with honey or pica.
-The endospores germinate in the alkaline environment in the intestine and the
vegetative bacteria so formed then produce the botulinum toxin, which is
responsible for flaccid paralysis.

Correct Answer. c

56 :

(57). Name the selective medium for the bacteria commonly associated with the disease shown in the video

a. McLeod medium

b. Pike’s Medium

c. Ashdown medium

d. Cetrimide agar

Solution. d
The video points towards hot tub folliculitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, for
which selective medium is Cetrimide agar.

Correct Answer. d

57 :

(58). Pathogenic bacteria were isolated from cases of Urinary tract infections in a ward. They have exhibited a phenomenon as shown in the
video. What is the application of this phenomenon?

a. Diagnostic

b. Epidemiological

c. Therapeutic

d. Prophylactic

Solution. b
The video shows dienes phenomenon used for typing of Proteus.
Dienes phenomenon: When two strains of Proteus are inoculated at different areas on a culture
• If swarming of two strains merge incompletely, and remain separated by a narrow line of
demarcation- indicates twostrains are different
• If swarming of two strains merge completely without any line of demarcation- indicates two
strains are identical.

Correct Answer. b

58 :

(59). A typical mechanism exhibited by a pathogen isolated from a case of neonatal meningitis shown in the video. Choose the correct

a. E. coli

b. H. influenzae

c. S. agalactiae

d. L. monocytogenes

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Solution. d
The video depicts formation of actin rockets by Listeria monocytogenes(a cause of
neonatal meningitis) to spread from one host cell to another, responsible for its
facultative intracellular nature.

Correct Answer. d

59 :

(60). Name the test shown in the video which used to differentiate Staphylococcus from Streptococcus.

a. Oxidase

b. Catalase

c. Urease

d. Coagulase

Solution. -NA-

Correct Answer. b

60 :

(61). Identify the procedure performed

a. Renal Selective arteriography

b. Renal balloon angioplasty

c. CT angiography

d. Intravenous pyelography

Solution. b

Correct Answer. b

61 :

(62). Identify the pathology on DSA clip

a. Cerebral aneurysm

b. Carticocavernous fistula

c. Moya Moya disease

d. MRA

Solution. b

Correct Answer. b

62 :

(63). identify the procdure

a. Angioplasty

b. Aneurysm coiling

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c. DSA

d. Aneurysm clipping

Solution. b

Correct Answer. b

63 :

(64). Which reflex is being elicited in the video ?

a. Antisaccade

b. Smooth pursuit

c. Vestibulo-ocular reflex

d. Optokinetic nystagmus

Solution. c
This reflex functions to stabilize images on the retinas (when gaze is held steady on a
location) during head movement by producing eye movements in the direction
opposite to head movement, thus preserving the image on the center of the visual

Correct Answer. c

64 :

(65). This milestone is achieved by :

a. 4 months

b. 6-7 months

c. 10-12 months

d. 1.5 years

Solution. c
Video shows the pincer grasp that is attained by 10-12 months

Correct Answer. c

65 :

(66). Identify this reflex ?

a. Tonic neck reflex

b. Moro reflex

c. Babinski reflex

d. Palmar grasp

Solution. b
Moro reflex is elicited by sudden extension of the head, that results in rapid
symmetrical abduction of the arms and opening of the hands.

Correct Answer. b

66 :

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 20/30
(67). What is the test being performed ?

a. Diascopy

b. Wood’s lamp

c. Patch test

d. Blanch test

Solution. b
Wood's lamp examination is a procedure that uses transillumination (light) to detect
bacterial or fungal skin infections.

Correct Answer. b

67 :

(68). What is the test being performed ?

a. Diascopy

b. Wood’s lamp

c. Patch test

d. Blanch test

Solution. c
It is a test to discover whether a person is allergic to any of a range of substances
which are applied to the skin under a plaster.

Correct Answer. c

68 :

(69). What is the sign shown ?

a. Nikolsky’s sign

b. Asboe Hansen sign

c. Hutchinson’s sign

d. Auspitz sign

Solution. b
Asboe Hansen sign refers to the extension of a blister to adjacent unblistered skin
when pressure is put on the top of the bulla.

Correct Answer. b

69 :

(70). What is the reflex being elicited ?

a. Tonic neck reflex

b. Rooting reflex

c. Parachute reflex

d. Moro’s reflex

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Solution. c
The infant is suspended horizontally then plunged downwards; the reflex consists of
arm extension to "break the fall."

Correct Answer. c

70 :

(71). What is the technique being performed ?

a. Carotid artery Doppler

b. Transcranial doppler

c. Deep brain stimulation

d. Electroconvulsive therapy

Solution. b
Transcranial Doppler measure the velocity of blood flow through the brain's blood
vessels by measuring the echoes of ultrasound waves moving transcranially (through
the cranium).

Correct Answer. b

71 :

(72). The animation shown is of which procedure ?

a. Single balloon endoscopy

b. Double balloon endoscopy


d. Capsule endoscopy

Solution. d
Capsule endoscopy is a procedure that uses a tiny wireless camera, in the size of a
large pill is swallowed and it takes pictures of the digestive tract

Correct Answer. d

72 :

(73). Identify the suture technique shown ?

a. Horizontal mattress

b. Vertical mattress

c. Purse string

d. Simple

Solution. c
It is a surgical suture passed as a running stitch in and out along the edge of a circular

Correct Answer. c

73 :

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(74). Identify the test being performed ?

a. Allen’s test

b. Adson’s test

c. Schober’s test

d. Gower’s test

Solution. b
This is done is suspected thoracic outlet syndrome. Clinician will stand on the side of
the patient. Radial pulse on affected side is palpated. Patient is asked to take a deep
breath and turn his extended neck to the same side. In a positive test, the radial pulse
becomes feeble or absent.

Correct Answer. b

74 :

(75). Identify the sign shown ?

a. Hutchinson’s sign

b. McEven’s sign

c. Battle sign

d. Tinel sign

Solution. c
Battle sign is bruising over the mastoid process as a result of extravasation of blood
along the path of the posterior auricular artery, seen in basilar skull fractures.

Correct Answer. c

75 :

(76). Identify this sign in a patient with acute pancreatitis ?

a. Cullen sign

b. Grey Turner sign

c. Battle sign

d. Tinel sign

Solution. b
Grey Turner sign is bruising over the flanks

Correct Answer. b

76 :

(77). Identify this instrument ?

a. Deavor retractor

b. Langenbeck retractor

c. Doyen retractor

d. Morris retractor

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Solution. b
Used to actively separate the edges of a surgical incision or wound, can also hold back
underlying organs and tissues so that body parts under the incision may be accessed.

Correct Answer. b

77 :

(78). Identify the breathing pattern in this patient with diabetic ketoacidosis ?

a. Cheyne Stokes

b. Biot’s

c. Kussmaul

d. Vesicular

Solution. c
It is the deep and labored breathing associated with diabetic ketoacidosis

Correct Answer. c

78 :

(79). What is the test being performed ?

a. Egawa test

b. Pen test

c. Book test

d. Froment’s sign

Solution. a
With the palm flat on the table, patient is asked to move the middle finger sideways.
This is a test for dorsal interossei of middle finger.

Correct Answer. a

79 :

(80). Which paranasal sinus tenderness is being tested for ?

a. Frontal sinus

b. Maxillary sinus

c. Sphenoid sinus

d. Ethmoid sinus

Solution. d
The ethmoidal sinus tenderness is being looked for here.

Correct Answer. d

80 :

(81). The procedure performed here is ?

a. Caloric test

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b. Anterior rhinoscopy test

c. Posterior rhinoscopy test

d. Cold spatula test

Solution. c
It is a technique to examine the posterior part of nasal cavity and nasopharynx

Correct Answer. c

81 :

(82). What is this instrument ?

a. Gene xpertanalyser

b. Spectrophotometer

c. Chromatograph

d. Calorimeter

Solution. b
Spectrophotometers measure light intensity as a function of wavelength and are
commonly used to measure the concentration of a compound in an aqueous solution

Correct Answer. b

82 :

(83). What is the test being performed ?

a. EEG

b. Polysomnography

c. Nerve conduction study

d. Holter monitoring

Solution. c
This is the nerve conduction study equipment. It is used for the motor and sensory
assessment of a peripheral nerve.

Correct Answer. c

83 :

(84). The insertion animation demonstrates which instrument ?

a. Sengstaken Blakemore tube

b. Nelaton catheter

c. Foley’s catheter

d. Malecot’s catheter

Solution. a
It can be used in the management of variceal bleeding

Correct Answer. a

84 :

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(85). What is being performed ?

a. Vertical lift

b. Log rolling

c. Trendelenburg procedure

d. Translational lift

Solution. b
in emergency medicine, the log roll or logrolling is a maneuver used to move a patient
without flexing the spinal column.

Correct Answer. b

85 :

(86). Identify the splint shown ?

a. Aeroplane splint

b. Von Rosen splint

c. Thomas splint

d. Cock-up splint

Solution. c
It is used in immobilization in hip and thigh injuries

Correct Answer. c

86 :

(87). Identify this orthopedic device ?

a. Lumbo-sacral belt

b. Knuckle bender splint

c. SOMI brace

d. Milwaukee brace

Solution. d
It is a corrective spinal orthosis used in scoliosis

Correct Answer. d

87 :

(88). This technique shown can be used for ?

a. Non union

b. Complex fractures

c. Limb lengthening

d. All the above

Solution. d
The video shows ilizarow procedure and can be used for all the above indications

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Correct Answer. d

88 :

(89). The test performed can be used in the diagnosis of ?

a. Tennis elbow

b. Colle’s fracture

c. Carpal tunnel syndrome

d. Dupuytren’s contracture

Solution. c
Video shows phalen’s sign for carpel tunnel syndrome

Correct Answer. c

89 :

(90). What is being demonstrated ?

a. Froment’s sign

b. Laseguetest

c. Ortolani test

d. Galeazzi test

Solution. b
It is a test for lumbar radiculopathy

Correct Answer. b

90 :

(91). What test is being performed in this child ?

a. Adson’s test

b. Ortolani test

c. Galeazzi test

d. Trendelenburg test

Solution. b
This is the ortolani test used in developmental dysplasia of the hip

Correct Answer. b

91 :

(92). The apparatus is used for ?


b. Phototherapy

c. Resusciation

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d. Artificial feeding

Solution. b
Video shows phototherapy used in neonatal jaundice

Correct Answer. b

92 :

(93). What is the instrument shown ?

a. Maddox rod

b. Fundoscope

c. Placido disc

d. Slit lamp

Solution. c
It is used to detect abnormality in corneal curvature

Correct Answer. c

93 :

(94). What test is being performed here ?

a. Rose bengal test

b. Maddox rod test

c. Schirmer test

d. Colour vision test

Solution. c
It is a test to detect aqueous tear production

Correct Answer. c

94 :

(95). What is the instrument used ?

a. Maddox rod

b. Perimeter

c. Tonometer

d. Hertelexophthalmometer

Solution. d
is an instrument used for measuring the degree of forward displacement of the eye in

Correct Answer. d

95 :

(96). What is the procedure done ?

Copyright © 2014 Delhi Academy of Medical Sciences, All Rights Reserved. 28/30
a. Tonometry

b. Perimetry

c. Hess screen

d. Maddox rod test

Solution. b
Perimetry is the systematic measurement of visual field function (the total area where
objects can be seen in the peripheral vision while the eye is focused on a central point)

Correct Answer. b

96 :

(97). Identify this incision performed in case of an appendicectomy ?

a. Rosen’s incision

b. Grid iron incision

c. Pfannensteil incision

d. Lanz incision

Solution. d
Lanz incision is a small transverse, muscle splitting incision used in appendicectomy

Correct Answer. d

97 :

(98). Identify this instrument ?

a. Anterior vaginal wall retractor

b. Colposcope

c. Sim’s speculum

d. Cusco’s speculum

Solution. d
Cusco's self-retaining bivalved speculum is a surgical instrument used for vaginal and
cervical examination

Correct Answer. d

98 :

(99). The characteristic appearance of uterus on ultrasonography suggests ?

a. Hydramnios

b. Hydatidiform mole

c. Twin pregnancy

d. Abruptio placenta

Solution. b
Snowstorm appearance in ultrasound is a feature of hydatidiform mole

Correct Answer. b

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99 :

(100). The sign shown is seen in ?

a. Keratoconus

b. Glaucoma

c. Retinoblastoma

d. Grave’s ophthalmopathy

Solution. a
Munson's sign is a V-shaped indentation observed in the lower eyelid when the patient's
gaze is directed downwards

Correct Answer. a

100 :
Test Answer
1.(b) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(c)

11.(b) 12.(d) 13.(b) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(b) 17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(c)

21.(c) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(b) 25.(b) 26.(a) 27.(c) 28.(b) 29.(d) 30.(b)

31.(b) 32.(c) 33.(b) 34.(c) 35.(a) 36.(a) 37.(b) 38.(b) 39.(a) 40.(b)

41.(b) 42.(d) 43.(a) 44.(a) 45.(c) 46.(b) 47.(a) 48.(a) 49.(a) 50.(b)

51.(b) 52.(b) 53.(c) 54.(b) 55.(c) 56.(c) 57.(d) 58.(b) 59.(d) 60.(b)

61.(b) 62.(b) 63.(b) 64.(c) 65.(c) 66.(b) 67.(b) 68.(c) 69.(b) 70.(c)

71.(b) 72.(d) 73.(c) 74.(b) 75.(c) 76.(b) 77.(b) 78.(c) 79.(a) 80.(d)

81.(c) 82.(b) 83.(c) 84.(a) 85.(b) 86.(c) 87.(d) 88.(d) 89.(c) 90.(b)

91.(b) 92.(b) 93.(c) 94.(c) 95.(d) 96.(b) 97.(d) 98.(d) 99.(b) 100.(a)

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