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HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.


• What is Ethics?
• Benefits of AI
• Impact of AI on Ethics
• Data Canvas & Data
• Conclusion
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Let’s start with a video of the Future of Work!

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx Source: Growth Tribe
Let’s hear! Perhaps the greatest Computer
Scientist ever predicting on
Machine Intelligence

We have clearly passed the


• In 2014 - Eugene Goostman, Simulating a

13 year old passed the Turing test at
University of Reading

We are seeing Leaps and Bounds

in advances of Technology – in
Artificial Intelligence, Big Data,
Quantum Computing and
Processing Power!
What is Ethics

How do you ensure the ethics of Data Capture, Maintenance and

Usage of DATA that gets doubled every two years!
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Current Understanding of AI , Data Science , Data
Privacy or Data Ethics - A Situation of

IT was six men of Indostan

To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.

And so these men of Indostan

Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the
And all were in the wrong!

From - The Blind Men and the

Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe

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A Good Explanation of Progress of AI
Early AI
Basic Turing Test Style
Use of Memory and Knowledge
Post John McCarthy’s Conceptualization
Basic Robotics and Degrees of Freedom

Machine Learning
Algorithms Centric
Statistics Driven
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning

Deep Learning
Rapid Infrastructure Growth
Advanced Algorithms
Big Data Explosion
Quantum Computing

Source :
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Can AI Take us to this stage?
Fast Learning – Download and Fly an helicopter

How about Fast Data Download – Hey – Can I test this brand new
“thing” in 2 minutes? How do we ensure Privacy and Data Ethics
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Top Human World Champions Royally defeated by AI!

Deep Blue



AlphaGo won 60–0 rounds on two public Go websites

including 3 wins against World Go champion Ke Jie.
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Take it to next level
How can you easily integrate globally. Language
will no longer be a barrier.
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AI for Spirituality
A new priest named Mindar is holding
forth at Kodaiji, a 400-year-old Buddhist
temple in Kyoto, Japan.

Like other clergy members, this priest

can deliver sermons and move around
to interface with worshippers.

Mindar is a robot.

Designed to look like Kannon, the

Buddhist deity of mercy, the $1 million
machine is an attempt to reignite
people’s passion for their faith in a
country where affiliation is on the

Somewhere CLOSE In INDIA

• -
Have your Ganpati Arti done by a
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Rahman Multiple Internet Searches 13
But... AI is not without controversies though!
ISAAC ASIMOV’s Laws of Robotics
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings
except where such orders would conflict with the
First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as
such protection does not conflict with the First or
Second Law.

Facebook Researchers shut down an AI

Elon Musk - “AI is Potentially more engine at the Facebook AI Research Lab
Dangerous than Nukes”
sets up a $1 billion (£770M) to try and
(FAIR), discovering that the AI created
promote safe development of AI its own unique language undecipherable
by humans - Simultaneous glimpse of
Vladimir Putin - both the awesome and horrifying
“Whoever masters AI will rule the world!” potential of AI
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Positive Example
Money Ball – Great example and Analogy that can be
looked at.

The best-known Moneyball theory was that on-base

percentage was an undervalued asset and sluggers were

Oakland Athletics and Boston Redsox used the

SaberMetrics based analysis to gain a lot of brilliant

Not so Positive

People of African American background fill-up 40% of US

prisons – Economic impact of $31000 per year. What
about having a better systems in place to avoid this
unnecessary costs to the society?

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Source: Multiple Internet Searches
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Microsoft’s AI Fiasco – “REPEAT AFTER ME” - TayTweets

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Source: Multiple Internet Image Searches 18
Uber Self-Driving Car Fatality in Arizona

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Google’s Translation – Learning Problem – And Correction

After initial launch with lesser data set, issues were

seen. After a backlash, and a bigger datasets Google
Neural Machine Translation got this right!

Train the model well – with good and diverse set of


HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx Source: Multiple Internet Searches & Google Blog 20
IBM WATSON’s Big Jeopardy Fiasco!

• IBM Watson Led all the way against Jeopardy! Superstar


• Watson completely guess wrong, and had an answer so off

the mark it shocked the audience

• In response to “Its largest airport is named for a World War II

hero; its second largest, for a World War II battle” in
the category of “U.S. Cities,” Watson said “What is Toronto?”

• Reason – There is a Toronto in Illinois - Although it’s too

small to have an airport – and Toronto in Canada has an
American League baseball team. Toronto is also close the
right answer – Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport

• Watson Bet cleverly to win the game anyways!

• How would a Quizzer with a high IQ answered this question?

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AI Discrimination / Bias due to incorrect data
Broward County in Florida used a Software to predict and risk rank the citizens to
predict future criminals. And it’s biased against blacks.

Northpointe’s core product is a

set of scores derived from 137
questions that are either
answered by defendants or pulled
from criminal records

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx Source: ProPublica Article
What are some challenges of Automated Decision Making?

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx Source: Future of Privacy Forum 23
Big Brother Policing – Ethics?
Source: Multiple Internet Searches
Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I'll be watching you
Oh can't you see
You belong to me
My poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you
Since you've gone I been lost without a trace
I dream at night I can only see your face
I look around but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby, please
Oh can't you see
You belong to me
My poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake
I'll be watching you
Every move you make
Every step you take
I'll be watching you
I'll be watching you

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- Lyrics from POLICE Song 24
Is AI – Good or Bad? – Some Chat Examples

Source: Multiple Internet Image Searches

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
AI Driven Chatbot for Moral Policing and Spiritual

Source: Multiple Internet Image Searches

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AI Chatbot Failures – Due to Missing Context

Still a long way to go to meet

the forecast of 1-human brain
by an AI driven machine
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More Chatbot Situations

Source: Multiple Internet Image Searches

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What if AI is Biased?

Facebook picks 6 projects from India for ethics in AI research awards

“Mitigating Bias in Face Recognition for Vast Regional Diversity in India”

“Patient-Centric Frameworks for the Evaluation of AI-Enabled Medical Tests”

“Targeted Bias in Indian Media Outlets”

“Regulatory Impact Assessment of the National AI Market Place of India”

“A ‘Public Law of Information’ for India”

“Ethical Implications of Delegating Decision-making Journey to AI Systems”

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Problem of Deep Fakes & Cheap Fakes

Source: Data & Society

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Problem of Bias in Precision Medicine
Bias in Datasets
Datasets can become unintentionally biased through
• a lack of cohort diversity
• technical processes of data collection and cleaning
• the specific incorporation of electronic health record data.

Bias in Outcomes
The outcomes of precision medicine research can be discriminatory in many ways
• too much focus on individual responsibility for health
• the marginalization of those population groups with lower health literacy or in less resourced areas
• the potential to shift the accepted forms of biomedical research.

Source : Data&Society – Fairness in Precision Medicine

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
• Google isworking with the United States
Department of Defense on drone
software called "Project Maven."
• The project applied Google's image-
recognition techniques to the millions of
hours of drone footage collected by the
military with the goal of identifying
people and objects of interest.
• Laura Nolan, who resigned from Google
last year in protest at being sent to work
on a project to dramatically enhance US
military drone technology, has called for
all AI killing machines not operated by
humans to be banned.
• Nolan said killer robots not guided by
human remote control should be
outlawed by the same type of
international treaty that bans chemical

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Drone based autonomous Weapons –Impact on humanity

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
• Wanted: military “ethicist”. Skills:
data crunching, machine learning,
killer robots. Must have: cool head,
moral compass and the will to say
no to generals, scientists and even
• The Pentagon is looking for the
right person to help it navigate the
morally murky waters of artificial
intelligence (AI), billed as the
battlefield of the 21st century.
• “One of the positions we are going to
fill will be someone who’s not just
looking at technical standards, but
who’s an ethicist,” Lt Gen Jack
Shanahan, director of the Joint
Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) at
the US defense department, told
reporters last week.

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Source: Inshorts / Deccan Herald

Can AI and Big Data help Bangalore solve the

woeful traffic Problem – and possibly become
a role-model For other big metros’ to

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Will we have a Dr. AI How-Sir M.D?

A human doctor in the US

• Goes through 16 years of education before entering medical school

• Has to pass through internship and residency before practicing medicine.
• After all these a human Dr. needs several decades of experience to become a qualified
cancer expert.

AI expert or an IBM Watson will probably need two to five years of

“learning” to become as knowledgeable.

It is the complexity of the domain that defines how long Watson will take
to learn it.

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Will we have a Dr. AI How-Sir M.D?

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Image Source: Machine Learning, XKCD 38
Doubling Data – Will it be a Trouble?

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Who’s Problem is it anyways?

More than 5 Million

Will the machines be intelligent

enough to avoid issues?

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Source: Gartner

Responsibility and Data Ownership Is Split

Consultant: Data vs.
information vs. CFO: Let’s manage data as
knowledge vs. CISO: I don’t have enough
a real asset. Data is one of
wisdom … blah blah resources to protect this
our most risky assets.
blah … toxic asset.


CDO: Data is our greatest DPO: And make sure we

monetization asset. protect our assets’ privacy.

CEO: Data is one of our

greatest competitive assets.

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
6 © 2019 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Gartner is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and its affiliates.
Source: Medium

How can we Govern Data ?

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Source: Data & Society

Misinformation and Techniques of SOURCE HACKING provide journalists, news

Spread of Hate / organizations, platform companies, and others with a new
Fake News
Source Hacking is a tool for generating Virality of Posts, so that
terms such as “trolling” and “trending” ado not stand in for
concerted efforts to pollute the information environment

Viral Sloganeering
• repackaging reactionary talking points for social media and press amplification
Leak Forgery
• prompting a media spectacle by sharing forged documents
Evidence Collages
• compiling information from multiple sources into a single, shareable document, usually as an
Keyword Squatting
• the strategic domination of keywords and sockpuppet accounts (A sockpuppet is an online
identity used for purposes of deception) to misrepresent groups or individuals
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx 43
Source: Data & Society

Data Ethics & AI –

Media Content
Moderation Case

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Have a Data Ethics Governance Framework
Data sources

Limitations in data sources

Sharing data with others

Ethical and legislative context

Rights around data sources

Your reason for using data

Communicating your purpose

Positive effects on people

Negative effects on people

Minimising negative impact

Engaging with people

Openness and transparency

Ongoing implementation

Reviews and iterations

Your actions
Source: The ODI 45
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Use the Data Governance to drive innovation ethically
•Your approach

Use the data with an aim to

make a positive impact

Create Steward
•Strategize and Create your Data •Steward and maintain the data Ethically
Governance Strategy

•Innovation / Capability / Infrastructure
•Ethics / Equity / Engagement
•Leverage Trust / Openness / Network
with Standardization bodies such as / Fast.AI etc,

Source: The ODI 46

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
AI Governance Model – A Layered View*
AI-based systems are “black boxes,” resulting in massive information asymmetries between the
developers of such systems and consumers and policymakers. How do we address this?

AI Blackbox issues
How do we handle issues such
as ?
• Justice and equality
• Use of force
• Safety and certification
• Privacy
• Displacement of labor and
• Information asymmetries
• Finding normative
• Government mismatches

Source: Urs Gasser and Virgilio A.F. Almeida

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
AI and Governance
AI Governance Challenge in Society
• AI is built by humans and it will be shaped by human values. If we build AI systems that are a mirror to our
current societies, they will be riddled with the historical biases and inequalities of our societies - Amnesty
• Most of the AI programmers are White, Male and Young Computer Scientists – How will it address the
diverse landscape?

City Centric AI Policy

• In 2017, New York City passed a law that aims to help ensure that algorithms used by city agencies are
transparent, fair, and valid by setting up a task force to make recommendations on algorithmic regulation,
transparency, and bias. While these rules apply only to New York and do not appeal to human rights
directly, this move to regulate AI may become a model for other cities.

National AI Policy
• In 2018, the Australia Human Rights Commission launched a project to directly address the human rights
impact of AI and emerging technologies, which includes a robust engagement of international human
rights law and may serve as a guide for other countries
Source: Data & Society
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
Sample Corporate AI Principle / Vision - Google

Be socially beneficial

Avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias

Technologies that cause or are likely

Be built and tested for safety to cause overall harm. Where there
Weapons or other technologies
is a material risk of harm, we will
whose principal purpose or
proceed only where we believe that
implementation is to cause or
the benefits substantially outweigh
Be accountable to people the risks, and will incorporate
directly facilitate injury to people.
appropriate safety constraints.

Incorporate privacy design principles

Technologies whose purpose

Uphold high standards of scientific Technologies that gather or use
contravenes widely accepted
excellence information for surveillance violating
principles of international law and
internationally accepted norms.
human rights.
Be made available for uses that accord with
these principles

HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx
HSBC - DNA Summit - Ethics in Use of Data and AI - Speech - Kalilur Rahman v2.pptx

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