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Stop… The Easy Way

© Copyright 2014

Redistribution of this work or any of its contents without explicit written permission
from the author is strictly prohibited.

This book will walk you through the method that I used to sexually reboot after failing
so many times with the usual approach, which is to abstain from porn, masturbation
and orgasms (PMO) and spend the whole time feeling stressed, frustrated, depressed
and sexually repressed while battling your own rationale and impulses before finally
succumbing to your urges and going back to square one. I did that on-and-off for two
years and it is not fun.

I would also like to add that I think it’s important that you are as relaxed as possible
while reading this book. The more relaxed and calm you are, the easier it is to absorb
the information. So if you haven’t already stopped masturbation and porn use before
today then carry on as usual. Yes that’s right; maintain your usual routine of
masturbating and watching porn.
As you continue reading your desire will gradually decrease and once you’ve reached
chapter: The Final Wank, you will be able to stop with ease.

The book is designed to be read from front to back, so don’t go skipping any chapters!

Remember, all you have to do is follow the instructions.


I’m not a doctor or a medical professional; I’m just a normal guy like you that struggled
for years with these problems before finally beating it and establishing The input from thousands of our users helped contribute towards
this book. While this information may prove useful to you it is not intended as medical
advice and should not be acted upon as such.

For your safety and mine, consider everything in this book to be of one man’s
opinion. The author of this book makes no claim to the accuracy of the information
provided and assumes no responsibility for anything you choose to do with it.

Chapter 1

The Problem and the Solution

“It isn't that they can't see the solution.

It is that they can't see the problem.”
- Gilbert K. Chesterton

Sexual Exhaustion is a term used by many people that are suffering from a range of
symptoms caused by chronic masturbation and pornography use, the most common

• Erectile Dysfunction (ED),

• Sexual Dysfunction,
• Premature Ejaculation (PE) and
• Shrunken penis and testicles

Cases of people suffering seem to be increasing every year, and due to the accessibility
of pornography, the mainstream consensus that prolonged exposure poses no adverse
side-effects and the embarrassing problems it causes, Sexual Exhaustion – or to
describe it more accurately – Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction has been able to grow
aggressively, almost silently, and with no signs of slowing down.

You’re probably reading this book because you are suffering with most if not all of the
following symptoms:

• It’s difficult to become aroused with a physical partner, but you can coax yourself
with the use of porn.

• You are struggling to maintain an erection (Erectile Dysfunction)
• You indulge in excessive masturbation; have a constant craving but little to no
• Social anxiety has developed. If you already struggled with this, excessive porn
can make social anxiety even more severe.
• Constantly feeling tired (fatigue) and lacking motivation
• General anxiety and a feeling of uneasiness
• Difficulty concentrating and pronounced worsening of short term memory
• Needing more extreme porn, or porn that doesn’t fall within your sexual

There are two main approaches that are used by people that attempt to treat Sexual
Exhaustion, and there’s truth to what motivates them.


Group 1 believes that they are suffering due to “over-masturbation” and have depleted
levels of vital vitamins, minerals, hormones and neurotransmitters by ejaculating

They treat this by taking various supplements, tailoring their diet and exercising to help
boost these levels. They generally continue watching porn and masturbating, albeit at a
reduced frequency. They can experience some improvements, but over a much longer
recovery time (1 year or more), and a full recovery cannot be achieved if they’re still
watching porn.

The core issue with this is that they are attempting to treat themselves under the
assumption that it’s all a matter of balancing chemicals in their bodies, and while it is
true that you may have depleted certain levels and that boosting them could help, the
main problem that is causing your sexual dysfunction is the change in brain circuitry
that has come about by compulsively watching porn.

Dopamine Dysfunction

Group 2 believe that they are suffering due to prolonged exposure to pornography
when masturbating, which has wired the dopamine reward system and sensitized it to
respond to artificial sexual stimulation.

They treat this by abstaining completely from porn, masturbation and orgasm for 60 -
90 days. They can experience tremendous improvements over a much shorter period of
time when compared to Group 1, but they have an even more difficult fight to get

Both groups experience very high relapse rates which can extend recovery time
The common ground for both of these groups is that their problems began with
compulsively watching porn.

And when I say porn, you can take this to mean any media that you respond to sexually.
Women’s sport catalogues, female yoga videos, girls’ Facebook photos – if it turns you
on and you masturbate to it, for the sake of expediency I’m calling it porn.

The problem with all of these approaches is that they don’t focus enough on first
understanding their beliefs and then changing their beliefs.

I’ve written this book with the purpose of helping you achieve long term success, and
this can only happen by reflecting deeply and understanding your own thought
processes so that you can deconstruct the illusions and skewed associations that you
have subconsciously anchored with porn, masturbation and sex.

It is only by doing this that you can ensure that you won’t spend the rest of your life
recovering and relapsing. By unveiling to yourself certain truths, your behavior will
automatically change. You won’t need to force anything.

When you no longer have the desire to watch porn, you won’t need any willpower to
fight it. And as I did, you will be integrating the best from each of the two approaches
into your sexual reboot.

Despite my method involving a period of abstinence, I do not expect you to never

masturbate again and my method bears no religious or moral agenda. By following the
instructions you won’t need to struggle through abstinence, and combined with the
other strategies and advice, you can make a full recovery (and in many cases
completely surpass your previous state of sexual prowess), enabling you to lead a much
healthier and far more satisfying life.

The benefits of achieving and maintaining a level of virility, that you probably haven’t
experienced since you were a young teenager, extend far beyond sexual confidence
and ability.

For you to recover all we have to do is eliminate the reasons why you excessively
masturbate and watch pornography, and by removing the desire to indulge in these you
won’t even need to use any willpower. Following your sexual reboot you will be able to
masturbate in a way that is not detrimental to yourself and fully enjoy sex on a regular
basis. You will find that dismissing porn from your life and embarking on a sexual
reboot will be one of the best decisions you ever make.

You should know that it is possible to fail with my method if you do either of the

Ignore instructions. There are things I recommend because I KNOW they will
help you. If you decide not to do it then you are not doing yourself any favors.

Fail to understand. You can question what I say but make sure to question your
own opinions and those that you have read on the subject.

Chapter 2

Meet a Former Addict

“To express oneself honestly, not lying to oneself,

now that, my friend, is very hard to do”
- Bruce Lee

So why did I write this book and what qualifies me?

I spent seven years of my life struggling with porn and masturbation addiction. The
longer it went on the more hope I lost, the more I masturbated, the more I isolated
myself. Sometimes I would masturbate up to 9 times per day. Sometimes I would make
the sessions last as long as I could, edging towards the point of no return and then
slowing right down as I was on the cusp of ejaculating and then working back up again.

That was my routine.

I knew all of the porn stars names, collected a vast amount of porn (two terabytes!),
organized neatly on several external hard drives but still found myself needing to watch
something I hadn’t seen before. It got to the point where I was masturbating with an
almost flaccid penis and practically ejaculating dust.

I bought a fleshlight, thinking that I had become too accustomed to my hand and
maybe something closer to a vagina would help me but I couldn’t stay hard enough to
get the “benefit”. I discovered that I could only get hard with some assistance. If I didn’t
touch myself nothing would happen down there at all.

When I realized I had a huge problem and tried to stop, 90% of the time I couldn’t get
past three days without masturbating to porn and the whole ordeal was such a struggle
and took so much effort that I couldn’t focus on anything else.

I felt depressed, I had no energy. I avoided my friends as much as possible. I avoided

socializing in general and found it increasingly difficult. The prospect of ever losing my
virginity was just a dream.

There was a girl that I really liked, to this day I still think fondly of her and she liked me
as well, but try as she might I passed on every opportunity she subtlety (and not so
subtlety) presented to me because I knew that in the state I was in I would not be able
to perform, which would have been devastating for me and disappointing for her.
Eventually she gave up on me and I continued my downward spiral into self-abuse.

As I became more aware of my problem I began to research online. I was following the
advice of self-purported doctors and anonymous forum users, spending a lot of money
on different supplements, I was exercising, I was doing all the things that can actually
help but avoiding the main thing that was holding me back, which was excessive porn
and masturbation.

I never regarded myself as someone that was weak-willed but for some reason I felt
that I was powerless. When I had managed to go a few white-knuckle days without
masturbating, at the back of my mind I thought to myself, “if I’m successful I will never
be able to masturbate again because I cannot imagine having to go through this
quitting process every time! Besides, I LIKE masturbating and I WANT to be able to
masturbate again, I just want to do it in a healthy way and with a fully working
penis!” And it was thoughts like those that helped me convince myself to give in to my
urges. Sit back down. And knock one out.

But one day I started to think about how much of this was in my mind. I started thinking
this way because I went on holiday with a couple of friends for a week in Prague. I had a
lot of fun, drank like a fish and probably destroyed most of my brain cells. It was when I
got home that I realized I had passed through an entire week without masturbating or
porn and not only that, I hadn’t even thought about it or felt any withdrawals (which

were my biggest fear before the holiday started). In fact, I felt great! I felt energized! A
great holiday can do that for you but I understood a piece of the puzzle: focus.

And what did I do? I masturbated, of course. How else would I celebrate? I was back at
home, back in the environment I spent most of my time. Back in the place where,
psychologically, I had anchored the need to masturbate and watch porn.
Afterwards I felt ashamed of myself as I put another tissue in the trash and then in a
flash I understood another piece of the puzzle: environment.

As time went on and I began to reflect more, I started to really try and look at myself
objectively. Honestly.

I realized why I was abusing myself in this way. I noticed which emotional states acted
as triggers for PMO and I saw how I could finally escape. And not only escape, but
improve myself in the process.

Chapter 3

Sexual Reboot Benefits

“Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.”

- Benjamin Franklin

A sexual reboot does far more for you than you might realize, especially if you’ve been
masturbating to porn since a young age. That was the case with me, and when I finally
recovered and experienced all of these amazing benefits, I truly understood just how
much impact porn had on my life.
I can only imagine how different my life would have been if I hadn’t got involved with
porn - and that might seem overly-dramatic to you, but I can assure you that’s not the
case. By attempting to restore my natural sexual function I inadvertently managed to
shed a lot of insecurity, which had previously limited me in life. And this isn’t just my
testimony; every one that has successfully rebooted has reported similar experiences.

Before you go through the list of some of the positive things that you can experience as
a result of this method, I want you to write down the things about yourself that you
would like to improve. Just one or two things under each of the following categories:

• Perspective on Life
• Social Interactions
• Interactions with Women
• Physical State
• Mental State

Done that? Now go through the list and see how many of these benefits match up.

Perspective on Life

• Feeling more alive than ever

• Feeling much more calm and centered
• Huge boost in confidence and determination
• Pronounced boost in the happiness derived from little things (food, music,
• Experiencing more emotions, feeling less numb to life
• Loving/accepting yourself
• Becoming more assertive, less passive, standing up for yourself
• Much more positive outlook on life, even in the face of difficulties

Social Interactions

• Pronounced decrease in social anxiety (which constantly improves)

• Ability to initiate the conversation more often
• Increased conversational skills, maintaining eye contact, smiling
• Increased vocabulary, words come to you more easily
• Able to relate much better to other people and their emotions

Interaction with Women

• Take more notice of real women and find them more attractive
• Senses are more engaged, and not just visual
• Increased motivation to meet and talk to women
• Creating a “magnetic sexual presence” which draws more attention to you.
• Feel less intimidated in the presence of an attractive woman
• Better sex (enjoying sex itself, not just pursuing an orgasm)

Physical State

• Improved posture and appearance (more confidence and less anxiety results in
better posture, as well as exercise)
• Increased athletic performance (stamina and physical strength)
• Voice is naturally a little deeper (This can be due to testosterone as well as there
being less tension in the body and vocal cords)

Mental State

• Increased clarity of mind and relief from brain fog

• Increased concentration and ability to focus
• Improved decision-making skills
• Improved memory
• Mood becomes more stable

Physical and Mental

• Increased determination, energy and productivity

• Increased quality of sleep

Sounds unbelievable, right? Just one little change in your life can have such a huge
knock-on effect to so many other areas. And that list doesn’t even take into
consideration the other opportunities that you can create for yourself with all the extra
energy you’ll have. Really, after you’ve finished this book and begin your sexual reboot
you are setting yourself up to enjoy a whole new life!

Chapter 4

The Willpower Method of


“A successful sexual reboot takes programming, not willpower.”

- John Barker

The common method of quitting porn-use and excessive masturbation is to:

• Delete all of your porn

• Delete all of your porn site bookmarks
• Install an internet filter and block adult websites
• Spend as little time on the computer or alone as possible
• Focus all of your will power on resisting your urges to masturbate, watch porn,
fantasize or orgasm for 90 days (and some may need more than 90 days)

For the most part this is sound advice and should be followed. Many people are beating
their addiction by following that method, but the following reasons highlight why it’s so
difficult to succeed.

Stopping is not the Real Problem

Every time you cum and close the video you have stopped watching porn and
masturbating. You may have a very strong conviction on day one to say that, “I don’t
want to beat-off in front of my computer anymore”. The real problem is day two or ten
or fifty or a thousand, when you’re feeling weak or depressed or bored or lonely and
you spend the whole day binging on porn and put yourself right back on the path of

Sense of Sacrifice

By approaching your porn and masturbation habits as something you need to quit you
are creating a sense of sacrifice. You’re quitting something. You’re giving something up.
Something that you have been turning to as a pain reliever, as a way to alleviate
boredom, stress and loneliness. You have been using porn as a way to escape from
reality as well as a way to achieve sexual gratification. This seems like a huge sacrifice to
On top of that, it means that you may not ask yourself why you feel the need to
escape in the first place since you’re so wrapped up in the symptoms of your problems
rather than the cause.

Still Focused on Porn

As you are focused on not watching porn, you are still focusing on porn. The most
successful and pain-free mindset to adopt is that porn is no longer an option in your
life and as far as you’re concerned, it no longer exists. Right now I’m sure the idea of
never watching porn again makes you feel anxious and uneasy. If it does, that’s good, at
least you can recognize what stage you are at right now. Don’t worry, it’s still early
days. With the help of this book you will be able to look at the role that porn plays in
your life a lot differently and reframe the position you’re in from one of sacrifice to an
opportunity to change your life and attain complete freedom and success!

Sexual Repression

Another problem with the Willpower method is that your sexual desire should not be
suppressed. This is one of the causes of so much discomfort. Your desire requires
another outlet and this actually presents you with one of the most exciting
opportunities as you can unveil a level of courage, creativity, determination and
boldness that may have been unknown to you previously. This is covered in more detail

All users will rationalize why they watch porn and masturbate, you included, but the
reasons are illusions. The first step we’re going to take is to remove these illusions and
open your eyes to the lies you’ve been feeding yourself. By doing so you will learn that
not only is there nothing to give up but there are astonishing advantages that come
with a complete sexual reboot and you will experience the domino effect this has on
enriching every other part of your life, including but not limited to: massively enhancing
your confidence, creativity, determination, social aptitude and of course your sexual

Once we’ve dispelled your belief, whether you’re conscious of it or not, that life will not
be as enjoyable without porn, once you realize that life is not only more enjoyable but
infinitely better without it, once the feeling of having to sacrifice something has been
obliterated, then we can consider the myriad of other reasons why you should kick
porn out of your life, because these realizations will become positive sources of
motivation to help you achieve that which you truly desire – to reclaim your life and
your virility.

Chapter 5

Why is it Difficult to Stop?

“When all else fails there's always delusion.”

- Conan O'Brien

As you know, I suffered for a long time with the following:

• Porn-induced erectile dysfunction

• Sexual dysfunction
• Premature ejaculation
• Shrunken penis and testicles
• Severe social anxiety
• Short-term memory loss
• Lack of ability to focus
• Depression

And when I finally stopped it felt like a miracle. I had spent 2 years making failed
attempts to stop, and during those attempts my depression would worsen significantly.
If I managed to make it past 3 days I would start to feel very happy and hopeful but
then the urge would increase ten-fold. By resisting the temptation I would slip back into
an even darker depression.

The whole thing makes me think of the escape in The Shawshank Redemption – having
to crawl through a sewer full of shit before reaching freedom – and I just couldn’t
handle it. So I would eventually watch some porn, beat-off, find myself still feeling

unsatisfied, trying to figure out why I think I need this so bad and then wishing I had just
held off just a little longer until the urge had passed.

If you’ve experienced the same process you probably thought you either don’t have the
willpower or it’s just not possible for you to enjoy life without porn. I know that’s how I

We enjoy the rush of dopamine while intensely focused on porn, the exhilaration and
energy from a shot of norepinephrine, the warmth of oxytocin as we climax, and then
the pleasant embrace of serotonin, leaving us feeling calm and happy afterwards.

Dopamine is responsible for the craving and dependency you feel and it also helps
produce the extremely focused attention you experience while you watch porn. A part
of the problem you are experiencing is actually due to dopamine addiction and as
dopamine responds to the novelty of new stimulation, you feed your addiction with an
excessive, frequent and varied amount of pornography. You may also be surprised to
learn that while you may think you’re addicted to masturbation as well, this is seldom
the case. It’s actually far more likely that this is simply a by-product of your
pornography/dopamine addiction which has led to a hyper-sexualized state.

• How often do you masturbate without porn?

• I doubt it’s often, but when you masturbate without porn are you fantasizing
about porn, picturing scenes you’ve previously watched?
I’m willing to bet that’s a yes.
• When having sex do you find yourself at times furiously trying to imagine scenes
from porn to keep yourself hard and excited?
This is a very common problem with porn-induced sexual dysfunction.

So why do you find it difficult to break this habit? Well, it isn’t just a habit, it’s
dopamine addiction. This is why it seems so difficult to give up, but that is not why it is
so difficult to give up. You need to understand the nature of addiction because without
that you are continuing your porn use because you believe you’re getting something
beneficial from it, even if it is just a crutch and a way to self-medicate, which is why it
feels like such a great sacrifice to ‘quit’. The great thing is that by understanding the
nature of your addiction you can really understand why you’re using porn and by

shifting your perspective and achieving this level of self-awareness it becomes easy to
just stop doing it!

It took for me to fight against myself and fail more times than I can remember before I
could take a step back and actually laugh at the situation. “Here I am with a problem,” I
thought to myself, “My way of escape and release has become my prison. The solution
is a bit of a distance away, but I can clearly see it, and yet I’m trying to swim against
the current to get there instead of just walking beside the river! I’m fucking sick of
porn and I resent the problems it’s caused me!”
And off I walked.

Chapter 6

Dopamine Addiction

“All the suffering, stress, and addiction comes from not

realizing you already are what you are looking for.”
- Jon Kabat-Zinn

Dopamine is involved in every addiction. It is a neurochemical that’s responsible for

reward, craving and motivation, and at the core of pornography addiction is dopamine
dysregulation. Due to the exposure of pornography you’ve managed to wire your
brain’s reward pathway, and over time you need more and more stimulating porn to
get the same boost of dopamine, which can in some cases lead to the consumption of
more extreme pornography and porn that falls outside of one’s own sexual orientation.

For your sexual reboot to be successful you need to stop watching pornography so that
your brain can ‘rewire’ and normal dopamine regulation can be achieved. Temporarily
abstaining from masturbation and orgasm is also necessary for your sexual reboot to be
accomplished as quickly and easily as possible.

When you stop watching pornography your brain will go into shock. The usual rush of
dopamine that it’s accustomed to stops and as the brain has been wired into
recognizing this usual influx of dopamine as being central to your ability to survive, you
can feel a craving for something your brain thinks you’re being deprived of.

With a reduction in dopamine comes a reduction in pleasure and the result is

depression. Some report also feeling anxiety, mood swings and irritability. But most of
this is mental, simply because of the belief that you’re being deprived of something.

The perspective with which you approach beating this addiction is central to success
because in reality the withdrawal pangs are so subtle that people can live their whole
lives without noticing them. By achieving the right frame-of-mind you can harness the
power of your sexual desire and channel this energy into things that not only better you
as a person but also ensure that the reward pathways in your brain are responding to
something natural.

Pornography addiction is easy to kick. If you’ve tried and failed you may scoff at that,
but bear with me. First accept that you are addicted to pornography. The withdrawals
experienced are a subtle feeling of something missing and can be easily dismissed.
You’re not in physical crippling pain trembling on the floor in the fetal position,
screaming at hallucinations and vomiting all over yourself, and you’re not being
deprived of something you need to survive.

You won’t need willpower to fight the urge to masturbate to porn when your desire to
have a life full of:

• Confidence
• Energy
• Freedom
• Happiness
• Self-Respect
• Creativity
• Youthful Virility
• Strong Erections and
• Great Sex

…far outweighs it.

If someone held a gun to your head and told you that they would pull the trigger if you
watched porn again then you and I both know that you would not do it. You would be
presented with sufficient motivation to not indulge in porn for the sake of your own
survival, and for every day that you were alive you would feel fantastic (and probably a
little nervous!). Now, considering the price of this book, my budget doesn’t stretch far
enough for me to go to your house and stand there with a gun to your head all day, but

thankfully that isn’t necessary. By realizing that you can stop doing something when
adequately motivated it is simply a case of tapping into your core beliefs, aims, dreams
and expectations so that you can fully understand your position and then find the
source of motivation yourself.

It’s a subtle shift in thinking that worked for me and all of the people I’ve coached. It
will work for you too.

Chapter 7


“We cannot solve our problems with the same

thinking we used when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein

On the face of it, pornography seems like the perfect way to self-medicate. It’s
something you can do that doesn’t require any effort and doesn’t cost any money. It
can stimulate and titillate as you masturbate! No wonder it’s a huge industry.

• If you’re feeling lonely you can instantly choose between thousands of women to
keep you company at the click of a button.

• If you’re bored you can pass the time watching and stroking yourself over a
beautiful girl getting rammed in every orifice.

• If you’re depressed you can forget about the rest of the world and immerse
yourself in a fantasy of sexual gratification.

• If you can’t sleep you can tire yourself out over a mammoth wanking session.

• If you’re stressed you can unwind as a young woman gets the pounding of a

• If you’re anxious you can calm your nerves by jerking over a girl swallowing great
big globs of cum.

Feel like watching some porn right now? Go ahead; I’ll be here when you get back.

Finished? Great. Now as I was saying, porn seems like a great way to treat all of the
above (and I’m sure you can think of some more), but for those of us that become
addicted, it’s at the cost of forfeiting our ability to enjoy any semblance of sexual
fulfilment with an actual person.

Despite this trade-off it’s still extremely difficult for men to get over porn addiction and
porn-induced ED. Why is that? Part of it is because the ability to deal with any adverse
emotional state has completely diminished. Porn has become the default coping
strategy and as porn addiction takes hold, you find yourself in a hyper-sexualized state
and the line between being bored, lonely, depressed etc. and being horny have become

Most addicts usually believe that they just have a raging libido and need an outlet,
when the vast majority of the time it’s actually a combination of an adverse emotional
state, which leads to the pull of a dopamine craving that steers them towards porn,
after which they then become aroused and seek release. It is important to recognize
the difference between a dopamine craving and a genuine state of arousal.

Before you can even begin your sexual reboot you need to objectively analyze yourself
and develop alternative coping strategies, which I call Porn Trigger Replacements.

Chapter 8

Porn Trigger Replacements

“We can never free ourselves from habit.

But we can replace bad habits with good ones.”
- Steven Pressfield

With pornography, the deeper you go into addiction, the greater the need to relieve
the withdrawal pangs of dopamine, and the more you believe that the pain relief you
feel is contributing towards treating other areas in your life, such as times of stress,
boredom, anxiety, the need to concentrate, to sleep, relax, alleviate loneliness,
embarrassment, frustration, unhappiness and many other states of mind.

Before you usually masturbate are you already very aroused and fully erect before you
sit down and load up a porn video, or is it usually the case that you were on your
computer and then decided to watch some porn which led to you feeling aroused…?

I’m guessing it’s usually the latter, and in those cases why did you decide to watch porn
when you weren’t already feeling aroused? What are you feeling? Ask yourself
honestly. At the end of this chapter is a Porn Triggers Replacements worksheet which
you can print out and fill in. When you next decide to watch porn, before you do, write
down your emotional state. Do this each time until you have a full list of Porn Triggers.

Armed with your list of Porn Triggers you will have a much greater insight into the
emotional states you experience before you decide to indulge and take refuge in

You will also become aware of the problems that you’re running away from. In the
absence of positive coping mechanisms for your problems, you are instead turning to
porn to temporarily alleviate them. This must end because your retreat into watching
porn and the comfort you feel being sheltered from life’s issues and problems is the
very same thing that’s contributing towards them. It is a cycle that is completely
dependent upon poor decision making.

The Porn Trigger Replacements that you choose must correspond with the Porn Trigger,
and be very specific. For example, if boredom is one of your Porn Triggers, don’t write
“do something fun” as the replacement. Leaving room for doubt is not constructive to
executing this technique flawlessly. Instead, you want to write down a specific activity
that you can set about doing straight away.


Boredom is the antithesis of creativity, but sometimes you just want to be lazy. Even so,
there are still things you can do that don’t expend a lot of energy - less than
masturbating anyway.

If you’re bored, you’re not feeling stimulated or interested, so think about what does
interest you. Are there any subjects that you would like to learn more about? Make a
list of them, then find good books, films, documentaries, comics or whatever on the
subject and keep them on standby.
When you next find yourself feeling bored, instead of beating off in front of the
computer you can be relax by reading a fascinating book, or watching an awe-inspiring

If you have a hobby, or if you had a hobby that fell by the wayside then you can pick it
up again. If it’s a hobby that you can do by yourself then even better, but it’s not a
must. It doesn’t matter what the hobby is, as long as it replaces your current hobby of
choking the chicken every day.


If you’re often feeling depressed before you turn to porn then this needs to be
addressed, but it’s a tricky subject.
You first need to establish if there is a reason why you’re feeling depressed. This is the
difference between the emotional state of depression and clinical depression. I suffered
with depression for a while, even before my porn addiction, but I never went to the
doctor to get meds for it because, in my case, I knew in my heart of hearts that there
was a reason I was feeling it and I had the power to overcome it.
Depression is a normal emotional state. We are supposed to feel depressed when we’re
unhappy about something or if our environment is adversely affecting our body –
you’re not supposed to feel numb and you don’t have to be so quick to get anti-
depressants if you haven’t tried anything to alleviate the depression naturally.

I have to make it clear that you should always get advice from medical professionals in
matters related to your health, but still, just a little bit of reflection beforehand can
produce many answers for you.

When I was depressed it was because I was unhappy with myself. I didn’t measure up
to my own expectations, which made me want to try less, so that I wouldn’t experience
failure. My comfort zone became so limited and dark, with me sat in the middle feeling
sorry for myself. I would search for things or people I could blame for whatever
insecurity was bothering me that day, when the reality was that I was only focused on
the problem and on my misery, which was self-perpetuating, as a way to justify why I
should keep feeling sorry for myself. I locked into a cycle of self-absorbed, habitually
negative thinking, which I see now as just another bad habit.

I took a long time for me to finally take responsibility for the position I was in, stop
blaming others, and turn my depression into a fuel to push me into expanding my
comfort zone and changing my circumstances for the better.

If your life is shit or you have no respect for yourself, then you’re going to feel shitty.
That’s just the way it is. The only suggestion I can make is to focus on the solution, not
the problem. Don’t look for excuses to feel sorry for yourself.

The endorphins released when you exercise can really help improve your mood, so can
eating a balanced diet. Getting enough sunshine and spending enough time socializing
are all important factors to consider. Do not under-estimate how important those
things are. If you spend all day sat on your ass doing nothing and eating crap, then it
won’t take long for your mood to take a turn for the worst.

When I was feeling depressed I would either do something that got me out of my own
head, like a movie or meeting up with friends (without talking about being depressed),
or I would focus on things that would improve me or my life, such as reading philosophy
and challenging my views, or on working and developing my business.


Feel lonely before you watch porn? You already know the answer to this Porn Trigger,
so ask yourself why don’t you socialize and find people?

• Do you feel inadequate?

• No confidence?
• Are you a really irritating person that no one wants to spend any time with?

Porn will only compound the feelings of loneliness, right after you finish wiping yourself
up, so you can spare yourself this nonsense and spend more time with your friends and
family and meeting new people.
If you’re a difficult person to be around then you can focus on improving yourself.

The dopamine rush might seem like it lifts a weight off your mind, but it sure does
stress your body. There’s a range of things you can do to de-stress that don’t include
choking your chicken:

• Meditate – It’s very easy and very effective. First, you sit down. Then close your
eyes and focus on your breathing. That’s it.
• Listen to music – a good song releases dopamine as well.
• Stroll through a park – walking is a great way to de-stress, and the fresh air will
do you some good.
• Lie down – it’s a classic and still very effective way to deal with stress. Simply lie
down and do nothing. The stress will simply melt away.

Really, anything that takes your mind off the thing that made you stressed to begin with
will relax you. Hanging out with friends, watching TV, reading a book, cooking, playing
guitar – all of them are much more suitable and a far more worthy use of your time
than masturbating.

Below is an example of a PTR sheet with one activity for each.

Porn Trigger Porn Trigger Replacement

Depression Exercise for 15 minutes, resistance exercises.
Then go for a short run.

Loneliness Phone a friend, go out and socialize. Get out of

my place.

Stressed Meditate for 15 minutes

Can’t sleep Read a book. Doesn’t take long.

Bored Go to the sea and surf

In your worksheet it is best to write down two to three alternative activities for each
Porn Trigger, so that you have some choices depending on your circumstances at the


Porn Trigger Replacements

Porn Trigger Replacement

Chapter 9

Sexual Desire Sublimation

“The starting point of all achievement is desire.”

- Napoleon Hill

It’s not always the case that when you want to watch porn you’re escaping something.
Sometimes you are just genuinely horny. Obviously this is totally normal and once you
have fully recovered this is the only reason why you should masturbate, in the absence
of a partner to sleep with. However, during your recovery it is best to not give in to your
sexual desires as much as possible.

There are exceptions to this, such as when you test your progress, which is covered in
chapter: I’m Just Testing I’m Still Working!

As you begin to feel better and notice improvements in yourself you can then start to
slowly introduce a moderate amount of masturbation, as this can help your brain
rewire and maintain your libido. As durations can vary from one person to another
you’ll need to rely on the results from your Sexual Reboot Progress Worksheet in order
to gauge when it’s a good time for you to start doing this.

So you’re probably thinking what are you supposed to do with all this sexual energy
you’ll be building up during your sexual reboot.

Fight it?
Rip your hair out?


The idea of transferring the power and energy of your sexual desire into other areas of
your life is nothing new. The concept has existed for at least a few thousand years and
has its roots in Eastern philosophy, but if you’re not a New Age-type or spiritual in any
way, have no fear, the concept still holds true and is extremely easy to utilize. It was the
adoption of this technique that helped ensure that my sexual reboot was successful
when all of my other attempts had failed, and all it requires is a little bit of reflection
and focus.

Sexual desire is the most powerful of all human desires and as Napoleon Hill said, “So
strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life
and reputation to indulge it,” which you and I already know! But what if you could take
this insatiable drive and instead redirect it towards something other than sex?

Sexual Desire Sublimation is an effective tool that you can use and the great thing
about it is that the first step requires you to stop masturbating. This is often cited as the
hardest step for healthy males – although that’s not the case for you given that you
already have a great reason why you should abstain – and since you will stop
masturbation for the sake of your sexual reboot it makes sense to combine the
methods to maximize your benefits. You can kill two birds with one stone by
overcoming porn-induced sexual dysfunction, greatly elevating your quality of life, and
focus all of your untapped sexual desire into further enhancing other major aspects of
your life.

The three core areas of life that need to be balanced in order for you to be completely

• Health – includes physical as well as mental health.

• Wealth – this can be money and/or knowledge.
• Relationships – this covers socializing, friends, lovers and family.

Your pornography addiction has probably impacted all three areas but mostly health
and relationships. Looking back over the notes you made earlier on your Porn Triggers,
work out what else is lacking in your life.

Print out and fill in the Sexual Desire Sublimation worksheet at the end of this chapter
with all of your dreams and wishes and then put your intentions, dreams and problems
in order of priority. Again, be as specific as possible. You need to have clearly defined

When I was going through my final sexual reboot attempt I had a fulltime job in
Customer Services which I was really fed up with, so on the top of my list of major
changes I wanted to make in my life was quitting my job and starting my own business.
From what I understood of the Sexual Desire Sublimation technique, I needed to make
my intention my whole focus – which wasn’t hard considering being my own boss was
one of my dreams – but to keep me on task and to help me organize I bought a small
white board and hung it on the wall. I would write my daily tasks and update weekly

First of all I dedicated 1 hour every evening to brainstorming ideas. I considered every
talent or skill that I have, thought of everything that I’m passionate about and then
thought about what I wanted to achieve. Where those three things converged was a
possibly viable business. Then I would pick away at the ideas until I had something I was
completely confident in.

With all of this burning sexual energy radiating through my body I was working harder
on realizing my dream than ever before. After conducting my brainstorming exercise
every day for a week I felt like I had great ideas just pouring out of me and together
with my progress against porn-induced sexual dysfunction I was making great headway.
Suffice to say I quit my job 4 months later and I know if it hadn’t been for Sexual Desire
Sublimation I would still be a wage slave in a Customer Service department.

I told you about how I used this technique to change my career, but it can be easily
adjusted to help you with any pursuit.

In Taoist philosophy there are certain meditative mantras that accommodate this
process but I don’t see it as completely necessary. Certainly meditation is great for
relaxing your mind, increasing your awareness and improving your focus and
concentration, so feel free to meditate if you wish. If you would really like a mantra to
chant, try this: “I will be thought of for my achievements, not just my potential.”

Aside from meditating, any activity or practice that calms your mind is perfect for
starting this process (like playing a musical instrument, swaying in a hammock, sitting
on the beach), just be sure to keep a notepad and a pen with you!

During your sexual reboot, when you wake up in the morning and feel your libido
raging, you know that cumming over porn is such an unworthy outlet when compared
to how you can really use this power. Take a deep breath, look at your notes and focus
your attention on your goals. Quite quickly you will notice how much more efficient
you’ve become, it will become easier and easier to maintain your focus and you’ll be
effectively fucking your dreams into submission with your new super-charged approach
to life.

There are ways to continue the Sexual Desire Sublimation technique even in an
intimate relationship (which can transport sex to a whole new level too) but we can go
through that after you’ve recovered.


Sexual Desire Sublimation

Skills Passions Goals


Chapter 10

Speed Up Recovery

“Healing is a matter of time,

but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”
- Hippocrates

Some people, especially those that have excessively masturbated to porn for a while,
may find that they are deficient in certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids and so on.
Rebalancing these can help significantly, and this can be achieved with the right diet,
exercise and supplements.


When I first started my recovery I didn’t consult with a professional, which is why I
wasted a lot of money on supplements that didn’t help (or boosted my libido way more
than usual and turned me into a sex-crazed lunatic, which is not particularly helpful
during recovery).

Fortunately, I did manage to eventually find what worked for me, and even now there
are still some supplements that I take to maximize the benefits. The list below is based
on my own experience as well as the experience of others from the

Magnesium – Deficiency can lead to premature ejaculation, muscle cramps, sleep
disturbance, depression, anxiety and headaches. Magnesium is one of the properties of
semen, and excessive masturbation coupled with a Magnesium deficiency can lead to
suffering the aforementioned symptoms.

Zinc – Deficiency can cause hair loss, poor eyesight, neural malfunction, bad memory
recall, and is necessary for the functioning of several glands in the body. Zinc is also
passed in semen.

Vitamin A – Deficiency is marked by dry and pale skin, poor night vision and
persistent fatigue. It is needed for proper immune function and human growth
hormone production. And yes, it’s in your sperm.

Calcium – Deficiency causes memory loss, muscle spasms, numbness and tingling in
the hands, feet and face, and depression. It’s also passed in your seed.

Chloride – An essential electrolyte mineral, it helps maintain proper blood volume

and pressure and balance pH levels of bodily fluids. Deficiency leads to a loss of
appetite, muscle weakness, lethargy and dehydration. And it’s in your cum.

Vitamin B Complex – These essential nutrients help convert your food into fuel
and keep you energized. It consists of eight vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12.
Each has its own job ranging from regulating sleep patterns and reducing depression, to
the production of stress and sex related hormones.

So when it comes to deficiencies, if any have come about because of excessive

ejaculation, then it will probably be one from the list above.

The following properties carry a range of health benefits and can help further boost
your recovery.

L-Tyrosine – This is an amino acid, which is one of the building blocks of protein. It
can help produced a more focused state of mind, lessen depression, ease stress,
enhance libido and help with Erectile Dysfunction (ED caused by poor blood-flow, not
brain circuitry issues).

Omega 3 – These are healthy fats that really should be in your diet. You can
experience increased brain functioning, impacting behavior and cognitive function. You
may have a much better sleep quality. Research shows that it can reduce inflammation,
joint pain, improve skin health, bowel health, depression, you name it - it has a lot of

SAM-e – Produces serotonin, balances dopamine, and can leave you feeling more
calm and centered. Another plus is it helps counteract high prolactin levels, which
means that it can contribute towards decreasing your refractory period. Lower
refractory period = arousal levels return much faster after ejaculation.

Arginine – This works by increasing levels of nitric oxide, which play an important
part in your erections. It’s often taken with Pycnogenol because it helps increase the
absorption rate and enhance the effects. Be aware, taking too much will have the
opposite effect and will increase prolactin levels.


Obviously a balanced diet is a going to help you feel great and function at optimum

• Processed carbohydrates,
• High fructose corn syrup
• Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
• Other unnatural chemicals

Avoid hydrogenated oils, food with soybeans or vegetable oil. Olive oil is good. Fish oil
is also good. Watch out for fish that are high in Mercury, though.
A change in diet will make a huge difference.

As Vitamin A, Zinc and Magnesium in particular may be lacking in your body, you can
tailor your diet to account for this.

Vitamin A sources:
• Milk and Eggs
• Carrots, Spinach, Sweet potatoes, Peppers , Corn, Squash
• Apricots, Acorn

Zinc sources:
• Beef, Pork, Chicken, Turkey
• Barley, Wheat, Beans, Nuts, Almonds, Ginger, Whole Grains, Pumpkin and
Sunflower Seeds
• Crab and Oysters

Magnesium sources:
• Spinach, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Amaranth, Barley
• Almonds Pumpkin and Sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts,
• Peanut Butter, Avocados, Chocolate
• Oysters


Like everything in this chapter, these are all optional extras to help you recover faster,
but if you’re not doing any exercise at all then you are really missing out.

It lowers the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, and can
significantly boost your self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy levels, while also
reducing stress, depression and dementia – it seems the benefits never end.

You want to go for a moderately-intense session, which means that your heart beat is
elevated. You can still talk and you shouldn’t be struggling. Ease in to your exercise
regime and please try not to be too stupid and injure yourself. If you’re dealing with
weights, stick to what you are comfortable with, even if it makes you look like a big
sissy in the gym. Form is of absolute importance, and you need to learn the right form
while the weights are still light. Create bad habits early-on and you will almost certainly
mess yourself up down the road.

If weights aren’t you thing then any cardio workout, resistance training or even
swimming will do. Really, it doesn’t matter what you choose, as long as you eventually
give your whole body a workout over the course of a week.

You’ll feel the difference this is making very early on.

Chapter 11

Slow Down Recovery

“The progress of rivers to the ocean is not so rapid

as that of man to error.”
- Voltaire

• Watch porn
• Masturbate to porn
• Feel sorry for yourself


Chapter 12

Stay off the Forums

“Focus 90% of your time on solutions

and only 10% of your time on problems.”
- Anthony J. D'Angelo

Back when I first started researching porn-induced sexual dysfunction I really made a
bad turn on the internet and ended up on a few websites that did more harm than
good. Everyone in the community seemed completely hopeless and after wasting
countless hours browsing through the material I really didn’t think it would be possible
for me to make a full recovery (and it sure did dent my wallet, too!). Ah… if only I knew
then what I know now, I would have saved myself so much pain, anguish, depression
and money!

This is one of the reasons why I mentioned that it’s so important to be critical of what
you read online – not everyone has the answers and there are many other variables to
Throughout my successful reboot I stayed away from all of the forums and communities
and put all of this out of my mind. It helped immensely because then I wasn’t reading
about it and thinking about it all the time (and you will go through long periods where it
doesn’t even cross your mind).
While some communities such as the noFap subreddit, the Your Brain Rebalanced
forum and the Sexual Reboot forum can be excellent resources, during your recovery
they can serve as constant reminders of things that you’re trying to avoid. Your
attention can be much more positively and productively drawn towards your Sexual
Desire Sublimation goals and your Porn Trigger Replacement activities.

Now some sexual rebooters may disagree with me because they found that the
communities helped them when they were feeling weak, relapsing and struggling with
their willpower, but then those people haven’t taken the necessary steps, as you are
doing, to challenge and change their beliefs. If you want to completely recover, regain
your sexual ability, and also avoid falling into the trap of Porn-Induced Sexual
Dysfunction in the future, then you need to develop the necessary coping mechanisms
from within yourself.

A big part of the problem that served as a catalyst for the position you’re in now is that
you were seeking refuge in PMO instead of dealing with your problems. Sure, seeking
refuge in a community is much more positive than porn but the advantages of relying
on yourself as your source of motivation and strength is so much more empowering
and plays a huge part in ensuring your long-term success with being porn-free.
When you’ve fully recovered you can spend your time helping people that are trying to
recover from porn-induced sexual dysfunction but not while you’re trying to recover as

Chapter 13

Counting the Days

“Don’t count the days; make the days count.”

- Muhammad Ali

This is a very common approach for anyone trying to give up an addiction or habit and
while some may find encouragement in waking up every day and striking another line
through the calendar, if they do slip up during their recovery they end up feeling
absolutely devastated that they ruined their PMO-free streak, and the vast majority of
people then go on to binge for the rest of the day on porn because, in their minds, “I’ve
already failed, so I may as well just indulge and start again tomorrow”. That binge
demoralizes you and holds you back even further from recovery, and I should know,
because it was that stupid mentality that contributed to me failing hard for so long.

Counting the days is not helpful. Counting the days is the hard way. Leave that to the
people climbing up the walls using the Willpower Method.
The whole point of your recovery isn’t to go a certain amount of consecutive days
without porn, masturbation or orgasm. The point is to rewire your brain and regain
complete function of your penis so that you can have sex with real people. Don’t lose
sight of that.

If you slip up and masturbate, big deal. Carry on with your recovery.
If you slip up and watch porn. Learn from it. Why did you do it? Check your Porn Trigger
Replacement worksheet. Is something missing? What needs changing? Figure out what
alternative activity would better serve you when you’re in the frame-of-mind that led

you to watch porn. Is there something you don’t understand? Re-read this book.
Contact me. Don’t just mope around like a failure and whack off all day because of it.

That’s why I don’t advocate counting the days. If you count the days you are reminding
yourself every day that you’re not watching porn. This means that every day you’re
thinking about porn. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Give yourself the chance to move on from

When you purchased this book you were automatically subscribed to the Stop… The
Easy Way mailing list (check your junk box if you didn’t get the confirmation email).
The emails I send out are designed to reaffirm points of this book at the times that you
may need to read them. I will remind you when it may be time to measure your
progress. I will send emails that encourage you to work towards your goals and your
What I will not send you are emails, every day, telling you not to look at porn. We don’t
focus on the problem, we focus on the solution.

Make a note of the date that you start your sexual reboot and then forget about it.
Every now and then you might wonder how much time has passed, and when that
happens, you can check, but don’t count every single day of being PMO-free as if a
winning streak is all it takes to recover, because it isn’t. Part of your recovery, as you
know, will involve reintroducing sexual stimulation and real sex again, so it doesn’t
make sense to track the days without PMO. Furthermore, your recovery will never stick
if you still harbor the belief that porn provides some benefits for you.

Masturbation and orgasms are an integral part of the recovery process, you just need
to change the routine, frequency and motivation behind them, and that involves
temporarily abstaining in the beginning. It makes sense doesn’t it? You’ve been
strangling the little guy with your death grip, relentlessly punishing him over and over
again just to satisfy yourself. Where’s your heart? Let him rest for a little while, sheesh!

Chapter 14

Beware of Cutting Down

“There's no abiding success without commitment.”

- Tony Robbins

When most people first realize that they’re suffering from porn-induced sexual
dysfunction they tend to try the Cutting Down method, which is a totally ineffective
route to take if your goal is to completely recover as quickly and easily as possible –
which is what this book is all about – but I will be straight with you and go over what
you can expect if you deviate from this.

As you can guess, ‘cutting down’ involves reducing the amount of porn you consume
and the amount of times you masturbate and orgasm, instead of stopping cold turkey.

Cutting down porn instead of eliminating it will keep you trapped forever.
Reducing masturbating and orgasms instead of abstaining can still be beneficial but not
while you’re still watching porn. Even abstaining from masturbation completely may
not help if you’re still watching porn.
The number one thing you need to stop is PORN.

Temporarily abstaining from masturbation and orgasms will help speed up your
recovery massively and you will usually notice distinct changes in yourself after only a
few weeks.

There are two halves to a sexual reboot. One half involves PMO abstinence, and the
other half involves porn abstinence, moderate masturbation and real sexual

You don’t need to be so hung up on masturbation and orgasms. There are people that
give in during their attempted recovery and then spiral into a period of depression
because they think they’ve failed themselves. This boost in anxiety, stress and
negativity is not helpful and it’s no wonder why they struggle so much.
Masturbating two or three times per week (without porn or porn-fantasy!) during your
sexual reboot will not kill you or end the world, but know this:



Not only that, if you are regularly masturbating from the very start of your sexual
reboot then you will not experience the benefits of Sexual Desire Sublimation. Without
that you may find yourself having to rely upon willpower more, leaving yourself wide
open to relapses and binges, throwing your Porn Trigger Replacements out of the
window, further distancing yourself from coping with life.

After your sexual reboot you will have proved to yourself that YOU are in control of
your impulses and urges and not the other way around. You will come out of this with a
greater understanding of yourself and your body.

You have to pay attention to your body. This is the best indicator that you have of when
it’s right for you to start masturbating again.

Chapter 15

Just Testing it Still Works!

“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

When I first came to the realization that I had developed sexual problems due to my
porn use I was horrified. That increased fear and anxiety I felt only made things worse,
and I became desperate to experience a normal erection again – just to prove to myself
that it was still possible!

I wasted so much money on drugs like Cialis and Viagra (neither of which helped
because my problem had nothing to do with a lack of blood flow) and herbal
supplements, since I figured that if I have depleted certain vitamins, minerals,
hormones and neurotransmitters through my porn addiction then surely just taking
supplements that will boost them will reverse everything! But no, it isn’t that easy.

The right supplements can help speed up the process but they are not a replacement
for a sexual reboot, they are just a way to augment it. This is because the problem isn’t
just depleted chemicals; the problem is that certain pathways in the brain have been
rewired to respond to porn, and away from real sexual experiences. And not only that,
there’s the psychological side of this problem as well, and there aren’t any supplements
around that can change your beliefs. Porn has to be removed for things to return to the
way they should be, and not only that, avoiding masturbation and porn for a while is
imperative for an easy and speedy recovery.

During your sexual reboot you will most likely want to masturbate just to test yourself
and see how you’ve improved, especially when you start feeling so amazing. I suggest
that you should decide whether or not to test yourself based on your reasons why.

If you only want to test yourself because you fear that your libido has completely
flatlined then DON’T TEST. Your libido will flatline. What did you expect? You’ve been
watching porn and beating off like a monkey for years and all of a sudden you stop!
Take a flatlined libido as a sign of progress during the sexual reboot. It tells you that
your body is responding to the new changes in lifestyle that you’ve thrust upon it. And
fear not, your libido will come back, oh yes, and with a vengeance I might add, so don’t
be impatient. Good things come to those that wait.

After you’ve passed this flatline period, you’ve begun experiencing a lot of the benefits
that I mentioned earlier, and providing at least around 30 days have passed then you
can test yourself. Without porn or fantasizing about porn, and when you’re already
feeling genuinely aroused, see how easy you can get it up. How engorged you become.
And try masturbating by only paying attention to the sensations you’re creating.
Experiencing this improvement in yourself will spur you on to continue abstaining for a
little while longer, if necessary (which it probably will be).

You can then test again 2 – 4 weeks later and compare the results to your first test.
What improvements are there?

Following a few of these tests, when you have noted consistent improvements in your
condition you can then start to introduce a normal, moderate routine of masturbating
no more than 3 times per week. I don’t like to sound so clinical, but the point is that you
need to moderate and not whack-off with abandon every day. But if you want my
advice, I would use that new sexual magnetism you will have achieved and get yourself
a real woman to sleep with. More on that subject in chapter: Reintroducing Real Sex.

At the end of this chapter is a Sexual Reboot Progress Worksheet which you need to
complete. You must make some notes and jot down measurements of how you are
right now, before you’ve begun your sexual reboot.

Then when you next test yourself you can see your progress. If you notice that you take
measurements one day and they’re worse than the last ones, then you can assess the
situation to find out why.

• Have you been masturbating regularly?

• Have you been watching porn?
• Have you been eating shitty food?
• Did you start/stop taking a supplement?

Figure out which variable has changed and then correct it and continue with your
recovery. Never feel down and out about it as fluctuations are natural and sometimes
you might not have changed anything.
Besides, you will find that the true test comes with having real sex.


Sexual Reboot Progress

Measurements Date:

Base to Tip: (Press ruler against pubic bone)

Girth: (Use tape measure on the widest part)

Erection Quality: /100%

Erection without Touch: Yes No

Measurements Date:

Base to Tip: (Press ruler against pubic bone)

Girth: (Use tape measure on the widest part)

Erection Quality: /100%

Erection without Touch: Yes No

Measurements Date:

Base to Tip: (Press ruler against pubic bone)

Girth: (Use tape measure on the widest part)

Erection Quality: /100%

Erection without Touch: Yes No


Chapter 16

Reintroducing Real Sex

“Use, do not abuse... neither abstinence

nor excess ever renders man happy.”
- Voltaire

You might be wondering if you can have real sex during your sexual reboot. The answer
is a resounding YES. Just make sure it’s in moderation (max 2-3 times per week),
especially at the beginning.

With all of the problems I was facing it only took me about 4 weeks before I felt able to
have real sex again, but psychologically I had a lot of performance anxiety on my mind.
Fortunately for me and for all of you, the vast majority of women are very
understanding and all you have to do is relax. I couldn’t perform that night because of
all the pressure I had put on myself, but I certainly could in the morning and it had such
a positive impact and was a huge catalyst for my recovery. After all, being able to enjoy
real sex is one of the aims of a sexual reboot and the sooner you feel ready to ease
yourself in, the better!

Just bear in mind that your refractory period may be much longer than usual and you
might not be performing at your absolute best at the start, but as you continue your
sexual reboot you can expect everything to improve.

It is only by having sex that you will really know if you have completely sexually
rebooted, and sex itself can actually speed up your recovery, so I cannot recommend
enough that you get yourself out there as soon as you can.

Chapter 17

Will I Miss it?

“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good

we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”
- William Shakespeare

At this point in time you might be wondering if you will miss porn. The thought had
crossed my mind several times during my failed attempts, but I now realize the
opportunity that this question presents, if you feel that the answer is “yes”.

It can mean that there is something you’ve missed in the reflection of your thoughts
and motives. If you think you will miss porn then you still believe that porn can fill a
void in your life, and if you believe porn can fill a void in your life then there is an issue
that you have not yet addressed. Ask yourself why you will miss porn. When you look
over your Porn Replacement Triggers have you left anything off?

If it simply boils down to you missing the convenience of looking at naked women
online then consider this:

There was a time in your life when just a beautiful face would drive you crazy; a time in
your life when you were much more sensitive and receptive to women in the real
world. Though porn has desensitized you from responding in this way, you can count on
it coming back, and it’s nothing short of incredible.
I had abused myself to the point that I couldn’t respond to women anymore. I often
couldn’t respond to porn anymore. I felt I had drained the very essence of my manhood
into Kleenex and I thought that my sexual reboot would result in a partial recovery at

best. Fast forward several weeks and I couldn’t believe what I was experiencing! It was
truly like regaining my teenage libido again, but with the benefit of a matured mind, I
was able to look at women in a healthy way and at the same time, if I met a very
attractive woman, I felt more stimulated than porn had ever gotten me. I had the fire
behind me to pursue the women I was attracted to, despite my fears, anxieties and
inexperience, and compared to the real thing you will never miss porn.

The desensitization that occurs through prolonged porn use is gradual and subtle, and
only really noticed when erectile dysfunction kicks in. If you’re like me and spent your
teenage years through to your twenties masturbating to porn, then what you’re really
missing are all those years of virility. We can’t get those years back but we can ensure
that our present and future makes up for it.

Chapter 18

The Easy Way to Stop

“If you know the enemy and know yourself

you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”
- Sun Tzu

Now we can go over the easy way to stop porn addiction and excessive masturbation so
that you can make a complete recovery from Sexual Exhaustion and Porn-Induced
Sexual Dysfunction. As long as you have followed everything and taken the time to
complete the exercises then you’re in a position to enjoy the process as well!

All you need to do:

• Make a firm decision now to never watch porn again.

• Stop masturbating until your real libido returns 4-8 weeks later
• Only masturbate when you feel aroused
• Don’t sulk about it, celebrate!

So why didn’t I just say that at the beginning? Because you weren’t ready for it. If
you’ve already tried to stop before, you know as well as I do that you were looking at it
much differently than you are looking at it now. I had to give you the opportunity to
really reflect on yourself and break down your delusions first, and then get you
organized with the necessary strategies.

During my first dozen attempts I found a sexual reboot impossible and unbearable! And
who wouldn’t when they are trying to get through 90 days without porn or
masturbation while thinking about porn and masturbation the whole time?

All the depression and lethargy I was feeling was because I was trying to fight my
impulses. I never truly believed that I wanted to stop, I just knew that if I wanted to get
better I would have to stop, and if I could just get through 3 months I would eventually
emerge as a new man, capable of real sex. It was thinking like this that set me up for
failure every time.

A sexual reboot is not just a matter of abstaining from PMO for a little while. If it was I
would just advocate locking a male chastity device to your penis and mailing the key,
via the slowest postal service available, to a fake address on the other side of the world.
By the time the key had been bounced back to your address, you would be cured! But
no… a real, long-lasting recovery starts in your mind. It starts with you understanding
yourself. It starts with you making a commitment to yourself that you will actually deal
with your problems and your insecurities and not just bury your hand in your pants.

The 90 day recovery timeframe is an average. For some it’s sooner, for some it’s longer,
and you already know that there’s no point counting the days. All you need to do is
listen to your body and the best feedback you can receive is when you start to have real
sexual experiences (again). Being physical with another person doesn’t just speed up
your recovery drastically, it’s absolutely crucial for a full recovery.

Before my final sexual reboot attempt I looked back at all of my past failures. What was
I doing wrong? Why was I caving in? Previously I had always been completely optimistic
that I would be able to get through it eventually, I just didn’t know how many attempts
it would take. But then I started thinking, what if I don’t ever get over this addiction?
What is it about porn that I’m willing to destroy my life in pursuit of it?

I tried to look at myself and my experiences objectively. After I had binged on porn I
reflected upon how I really felt about it. I noticed this speedy feeling throughout my
body that was more desperate than pleasant. I noticed how empty and flat I felt after
every session. I noticed how I became completely oblivious to time passing by during
my binges. I noticed intense lethargy and a cloudy mind. The more I tried thinking like
this the more it actually interrupted me while I was beating off! Suddenly it was like I
was another person looking at myself. I saw a useless, desperate coward in a darkened
room, furiously clicking between browser tabs to find the one video that I felt would be

satisfactory for me to bust a nut over. I hated what I had become and I saw that all the
things I was trying to escape through porn were only compounding the problems.

I achieved certain clarity of mind that I hadn’t experienced before and I began the same
exercises that are in this book. Writing down the things that I really wanted to do, what
issues and insecurities I have, things that I can do to face them and expand my comfort
zone. As I improved I started socializing more. I didn’t have to force myself, I felt
compelled to do it. I noticed women were much more receptive to me. I was calm,
centered and happy. Once I started having sex I felt like a real man and when I look
back at the lonely, bored, porn junky that I was, I barely recognize the guy.

Chapter 19

The Withdrawal Period

“The impediment to action advances action.

What stands in the way becomes the way.”
- Marcus Aurelius

Times vary from one person to the next, but usually within 2 - 4 weeks you can expect
dopamine to start regulating properly again. Until this happens you may experience
withdrawals from dopamine, but remember the withdrawals you experience from
dopamine are completely painless and at their strongest during the first seven days.
Once normal dopamine regulation has resumed, all that’s left are the psychological
anchors you’ve created, and for anyone that hasn’t taken the time to deconstruct them,
they can be very powerful.

The mistake many people make is to confuse these mild dopamine withdrawals with
genuine arousal and the delusions they have built around porn, such as it alleviating
depression, loneliness, boredom and so on. As you are aware that porn is only
temporarily alleviating symptoms that it created in the first place, you can make it clear
in your head that you don’t need porn, and spare yourself the torture of feeling that
you’re missing out on it.

When you’ve fully adopted this mindset you will see frequent porn users as people to
pity; wired into their computers, slowly desensitizing their reward circuitry, forming
addiction pathways, sexual conditioning themselves and shutting down their coping
mechanisms. There will never be a time that you’ll be jealous of one of your friends just

because they spent their whole weekend fapping over porn. What a waste of time! You
will be enjoying your freedom instead.

If you’re not sure if you’re feeling genuinely aroused or if it’s a dopamine craving, then
it’s easy to find out. Without looking at porn, fantasizing about it, or touching yourself,
are you hard? Yes? Then masturbate. You were genuinely horny. If you answer no, then
it isn’t real.

Confusing dopamine cravings with your delusions and Porn Triggers as all belonging in
the same group of “withdrawals” is a mistake. Beyond dopamine, everything else is all
mental and it only has as much power as you give it. You’ve already written down a list
of your Porn Triggers and simply being aware of these puts you at a great advantage.

Those that can’t tell the difference and are attempting to fight this with the Willpower
Method tend to struggle massively because they don’t have clearly defined Porn Trigger
Replacements to act as alternative (and more effective) coping strategies. You must
correct your behavior immediately. When you experience a Porn Trigger, just check
your list, and then go and do it. It doesn’t take any thought and it interrupts the process

The most common trigger will be when you are at home alone. This is an environmental
trigger as you have watched a lot of porn and you have formed certain pathways in
your brain to connect the two. Focusing on your Sexual Desire Sublimation goals will
help you re-establish new pathways quickly.

As I did, you can look at every feeling you experience as a great sign of recovery:

“I’m feeling a slight dopamine craving. Good, this is progress. Before I would just
follow my dick like a brainless zombie and drain myself out. Now I can enjoy the fact
that I’m cleansing my mind of this shit.”

“Hmm, this is different. I haven’t felt any signs of arousal for about a week now.
Great! Dopamine is beginning to be regulated normally again. When my libido comes
back I can actually have sex or masturbate.”

You can start to see every dopamine withdrawal as something pleasurable and look
forward to the future. When you feel the craving, take notice of it, pay attention to the
actual feeling it’s giving you, the different sensations, and know that each one is
bringing you closer and closer towards your goal.

Porn Trigger Replacements and Sexual Desire Sublimation goals are constructive uses of
your time, but don’t forget to acknowledge to yourself every day that you are now free!

Chapter 20

Will It Be Harder for Me?

“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all
part of the same compost heap.”
- Chuck Palahniuk

Provided you have rid your mind of the damaging beliefs you had adopted to justify
your porn use, then anyone can find the process easy. What can be difficult is if your
current circumstances mean that you will be subjected to more Porn Triggers than the
average person, which is why being prepared is paramount to your success.

As I mentioned before, the environmental trigger will be the most prevalent, and if you
spend a lot of time at home with nothing to do, feeling bored, then you may feel like
watching porn as a way to relieve that feeling.

As long as you have followed all of the instructions and have diligently completed the
Porn Trigger Replacements and Sexual Desire Sublimation exercises, then you will able
to overcome this with ease.

Maintaining a positive frame of mind, seeing every withdrawal pang as a sign of

progress, maintaining your self-awareness and being honest with yourself will make
your recovery a pleasurable time.

Chapter 21

The Main Reasons for Failure

“It's fine to celebrate success but it is

more important to heed the lessons of failure.”
- Bill Gates

One reason for failure is losing sight of why you’re doing this in the first place. You may
have noticed improvements in yourself and thought, “Okay, this is easy. I know I can
recover any time, so porn has no power over me” and then indulge for a couple hours.
This is the beginning of deluding yourself again.

While it is true that you can, in theory, recover any time, porn still holds power over
you if you’re willing to sacrifice your ability to respond sexually in the real world, just to
watch it for a short while. If moments like these occur and you find yourself
rationalizing why it’s alright to watch porn, then give your brain a kick in the ass and
look in the mirror! Ask yourself why. Remind yourself of what you will achieve through
your sexual reboot. Don’t allow yourself to piss your life away any longer!

Another reason for failure is simply having a bad day. Things can go wrong and you can
just not give a shit about anything at that very moment. You know you had
brainwashed yourself into believing porn filled a void in your life, but fuck it, you just
want to escape into that fantasy right now. Just stop.
We all have bad days, and the problem with beating a dopamine addiction is that
you’re not able to cope with stress as well as people that aren’t burdened by this
problem. In time you will be able to much better handle stress, but for now you just
need to remember that bad days are inevitable. In fact, it was a bad day that pushed
you towards realizing you had a sexual dysfunction to begin with. Be happy with
yourself that at least you are pushing in the right direction now. Don’t feel sorry for
yourself and act like a child.

If you had a bad day and want some escape then watch a good film or something. Porn
is not an option and it’s just going to make you feel worse in the long run.

It’s also important to really challenge your beliefs. If something triggers you to start
pursuing porn then you need to spend more time questioning yourself. You can go over
the exercises as many times as you want, continually adapting and improving upon the
activities and goals that you have set out to do.

It’s absolutely necessary to always maintain a positive outlook, even on bad days. You
can just as easily frame a situation to highlight all the good just as you can demonstrate
the bad. Your perspective rests on your decision to view these events either as
opportunities or as justification to behave as a victim of circumstance.

The choice is yours.

Chapter 22

Should I Avoid Temptation?

“We usually know what we can do,

but temptation shows us who we are.”
- Thomas à Kempis

As you’ve been following the instructions so far you may be in a position where you
think that you can keep your porn collection stashed away on a hard drive and it really
doesn’t pose a risk, since you know that porn is no longer an option, you fully
understand why you were using porn as an escape, you’ve devised suitable coping
strategies, you have the foundation laid to pursue your dreams and goals with an
intense, libido-fuelled tenacity, and you are committed to turning your life around.
While it may be true that you’ve achieved the right state-of-mind, keeping any porn or
porn site bookmarks somewhere on your computer or phone is a not a wise move.

1. It means that, subconsciously you still haven’t let go, leaving you destined for
2. If you’re committed to your sexual reboot and all of the good that awaits you
then why even keep such material?

As well as being a preventative measure, it is also a powerful symbolic action which has
a psychological effect on strengthening your resolve.

Apart from that, it’s good not to shy away from temptation. In today’s world, sex is all
around you. Scantily-clad women adorn billboards, magazines, TV and streets all over
the world. You can’t avoid it, but you can learn to cope with it. Applying your new
strategies is a new habit all of its own and you will notice yourself improving quickly, as
your competency increases.

Right now, with regards to your Porn Trigger Replacements and Sexual Desire
Sublimation goals you are likely at the level of Conscious Incompetence. The full scale
looks like this:

• Unconscious incompetence – Your coping strategies were at this level before you
started thinking about them and becoming aware of them.
• Conscious incompetence – Now that you’re aware of them you still need to think
about them to implement, and you aren’t too good at them.
• Conscious competence – You still have to think about implementing your
replacement habit, but you’ve become very good at it.
• Unconscious competence – You have established a new habit. The new behavior
is now completely automatic and executed without error.

It is said that you can attain Unconscious Competence with any new habit in about 21
days. That’s only 3 weeks before a new, good habit can be integrated into your life
without you even needing to think about it anymore.

So what about being home alone? I’ve brought this up a few times now because it
tends to be the biggest sticking point for people on a sexual reboot. Yes, temptation is
at home, after all, you have complete privacy and a high-speed broadband connection,
or at the very least a neighbor with an unsecured high-speed connection, but you need
to learn how to enjoy your own company without having to rub one out. You have all
the strategies you need, you’ve made it clear in your head what your priorities are and
now you’re in a position to really go for it!

Chapter 23

The Moment of Revelation

“Minor things can become moments of great revelation

when encountered for the first time.”
- Margot Fonteyn

During the first month you may start to notice some distinct changes in yourself. I liken
the feeling to be a bit like achieving 16:9 widescreen vision, whereas before all you had
was 4:3 vision. Things just seem different, in a good way, and yet also strangely familiar,
as if the layers have been peeled back and your old self has emerged. To put it more
accurately, the best of your old self has resurfaced and combined to form a natural and
improved self. I don’t have a snappy name for this, other than the Moment of
Revelation. Provided you have really let go of the old beliefs you harbored and have
advanced through your recovery as instructed, then this stage awaits you all.

For many that embark on their recovery, they don’t get to experience this if they’ve
chosen the Willpower Method, because they didn’t deconstruct the reasons why they
turned to porn to begin with, so for them, the whole ordeal felt like they were avoiding
something that they still wanted. The psychological impulse remains, and always will
until they understand this.

When you reach the Moment of Revelation you will truly realize that you will never
need to turn to porn again. The gravity of your success will set in and you can see the
world and your place in it, in a new way. From that point on it’s plain sailing! For some
people, this revelation will set in while you’re still reading this book.

Regardless of this change, you don’t need to sit around and wait for it to happen. I can’t
give you a definite date as to when it will set in. I say during the first month because
that is usually the case. For some it is immediately and for others after a few weeks, but

you can just focus on what you need to do. The whole point is to be free and not to try
and measure up to any expectations. You’ll know when you’ve arrived.

Chapter 24

The Final Wank

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be

a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”
- Mark Caine

Okay, the time has finally arrived. The final wank. Now, this isn’t absolutely final of
course, but it is your final wank over pornography.

Before you do this I need you to answer this question:

Do you have any doubts that you can complete a sexual reboot?

If your answer is ‘yes’ then you are not ready yet. Think about what it is that is causing
you doubts and re-read the necessary chapters in this book. Make sure you have spent
a significant and concentrated amount of time completing the reflection exercises on
the worksheets. Write down what your fears are and trace them back to their roots.

If after re-reading this book you still don’t think you are ready then let me know on the
Sexual Reboot forum, or if you’d prefer to contact me privately you can do so through
the website.

A successful sexual reboot depends largely on your outlook and your attitude. If you
approach this mission with only concerns of possible failure then you are really over-
thinking it – and for someone that chronically masturbates and watches excessive
amounts of porn, thinking too much certainly follows the same pattern of excess! But
joking aside, it’s true. To stop watching porn and to temporarily abstain from
masturbation is easy. When I used to believe it was difficult I sure as hell found it
difficult, but following the changes in my beliefs and my approach I could finally see it
for what it was: Nothing more than a choice.

You’ve read the book this far, which means that you really want to get your life back on
track, so rid yourself of any pretense and get started.

Provided you are ready, it’s time for your final wank.

1. When the urge strikes you, quickly identify which Porn Trigger set you off.

2. Load up your porno of choice

3. As you masturbate, pay attention to the physiological changes that are

happening to you

4. After you blow your load and clean yourself up, don’t say, “OK, I can’t watch porn
again”. Instead say: “Yes, my freedom from this habit begins now! I can finally
regain my true libido, enjoy sex with real women, be better equipped to handle
stress and enjoy life in ways I never thought I would be capable of.”

5. Know that you may feel some withdrawals for several days, but it is wrong to
assume that you will have to rely on willpower to get past this feeling.

Recognize the difference between the withdrawals that are a response to the
psychological brainwashing (that you’d previously conditioned yourself to accept)
and the subtle dopamine cravings. They are not the same. Having overcome the
brainwashing, all that remains is the dopamine craving while it is gradually
regulating itself again. Know that porn will not alleviate the dopamine craving, as
the withdrawal it satisfies only serves to fuel the next withdrawal. You just need
to remind yourself that YOU ARE NOW FREE and take every little dopamine pang
as a sign that you are on the path to recovery.

A dopamine pang is mild and easy to ignore. It will not make you suffer. It is the
psychological triggers that so many people struggle with, and now you are able to
deal with all of these, and as time goes by and you reach the level of Unconscious
Competence, your new coping habits will be well ingrained and automatically
spring into action.

It is with this understanding and perspective that you will be able to enjoy your
recovery and look forward to advancing every day towards your goals. Those that
instead choose to resist the cravings through sheer willpower will suffer the
psychological withdrawal for the rest of their lives, which accounts for so many


6. Don’t ever doubt your decision as this will turn a positive and relatively easy
recovery into a lengthy and arduous battle! Do you just want to get through a
few months without watching porn so that your ED goes away, but leave yourself
open to relapsing time and time again, or do you want to ensure that you will
never fall into the trap again, and not only that, never feel tempted to either? By
being firm with your choice and maintaining your resolve to recover, you will not
need to summon any willpower to fight this. It is absolutely possible for you to
achieve this, and from the moment you have finished your final wank over porn
and closed the video, you are already an ex-addict and well on your way towards
a full recovery!

Alright, now that you’ve blown your load to porn for the last time and you are ready to
finally free yourself from the burden of pornography addiction, as well as the sexual
dysfunction that it’s caused you, be sure to look out for the Stop… The Easy Way emails
that I’ll send you periodically to help you along on your mission.

I start sending them about a week after you purchased this book, provided you clicked
the confirmation link in the sign-up email.

Cheat Sheet

Sexual Reboot

Be honest with yourself at all times.

Delete your porn videos and bookmarks.

When you want to watch porn,

consult the Porn Triggers Replacement worksheet

Use your extra energy towards improving your life in other areas.
Consult the Sexual Desire Sublimation worksheet.

Don’t count the days. Just listen to your body.

Don’t focus on other people’s recovery. Focus on your own.

Make sure you’re eating right.

Exercise regularly.

Optional: Take some supplements to speed up recovery.

After 30 days and providing your libido has returned, when you’re next aroused
be sure to take measurements again. Repeat every 2-4 weeks. Monitor your

If you attract someone you like, sleep with them. Sex is very good.

When your measurements indicate consistent improvements,

slowly introduce porn-free masturbation.


A Final Warning

Abstaining permanently from porn can only be a good thing, but abstaining long-term
from masturbation is not advised.
Part of successfully rewiring your brain is reintroducing real sex and porn-free sexual
stimulation again. Don’t forget to do that part! If you don’t touch yourself or have sex
for 6 months don’t be surprised if your libido goes into hibernation. Remember why
you’ve embarked on this journey in the first place. It’s not so that you can chop your
bits off and stare at them in a jar. You want to be able to use them again, so make sure
you do it!

If you have completely stopped watching porn and masturbating, you’ve improved your
diet, lifestyle and supplemented with beneficial things such as Omega 3, Zinc and
Magnesium and you haven’t experienced any improvement in your condition more
than 90 days later then get yourself to a doctor and request to be tested for any
conditions or deficiencies. Here is a list of different tests you can request. You can also
update us all on the forum.

And for those of you that will follow the instructions and free yourself from the
slavery of porn addiction easily, remember: those that find it easy to give up an
addiction can pick it up again just as easily.

Be vigilante and on guard. The need or the want to watch porn no longer exists for
you. Don’t fall into the trap again.

Help Others

“The most important thing about recovery is to pass the message on.”
- Maurice Gibb

Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction and Sexual Exhaustion are not going to fade away any
time soon. The trend shows that not only are the figures increasing (some estimates
suggest 60% of porn-users experience some degree of sexual dysfunction), but men are
desensitizing themselves through porn use at younger and younger ages. It’s not
unheard of now for 16 year olds to be suffering with full-blown ED! This is a growing
problem and one we can help reduce by educating others.

Once you have completed your sexual reboot you can help others by posting your
experience on our forum and answering questions about your experience. This will help
educate others and give them the push they might be looking for to begin their own
sexual reboot.

Furthermore, you could have friends that are suffering with the same problems as you,
but unless they tell you it might seem a little too creepy to ask, “Hey, are you
masturbating to a lot of porn? If so, have you noticed your boner needs way too much
encouragement to stand up? I think I can help.”
I thought of a solution to this and I have created a Male Sexual Virility Test which you
can share with anyone online. On the surface it is just a little free online test that
assesses your sexual behavior and tells you how virile you are, but advice and
suggestions are provided to those that accumulate points on the Sexual Dysfunction

This way, anyone you share the test with has the opportunity to discover for
themselves what problem they have, as well as how to recover. If they don’t have any
problems then the assessment test will congratulate them on how virile they are and
give their ego a nice big boost, so it’s win-win.


I’ve received a lot of great feedback about this book and I would love to hear from you
as well. Success stories are inspirational and can be shared with the rest of the

If you weren’t able to complete your sexual reboot and re-reading the book didn’t help
then please reach out to me at: and tell me what problem
you’re having.

Some people have contacted me to say that my method didn’t help them, but after
speaking to them I found that they had ignored several instructions, so if you are having
trouble with this method, please remember that this isn’t a pick ‘n’ mix guide.
Follow all of the instructions and you can ensure your success.


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