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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal

First Semester, SY 2019-2020


CONTACT HOURS: Lecture: 0 hour , Laboratory: 6 hours CREDIT UNIT: 2

I Vision: The leading University in human resource development, knowledge and technology generation, and environmental stewardship.

II Mission: The University of Rizal System is committed to nurture and produce upright and competent graduates and empowered community through relevant and sustainable
Higher professional and technical instruction, research, extension, and production services.
III Goals:

National: To train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for national development and for attainment of human quality life.

Regional: To train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for regional development.

University: To develop the full potential of an individual in academic and technological discipline for an empowered, productive and morally upright citizenry.

IV Core Values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Service, Excellence, Social Responsibility

V Graduate Attributes: Globally Competitive, Innovative, Adaptive, Nationalistic, Trustworthy, Service Oriented

VI Program: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

VII Course Description:

In this course, the students will acquire knowledge in the following topics: project design, research methodologies, construction and validation of instrument, data
Analysis and interpretation. They will also gain skills on how to present findings in different forms.

VIII Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students must be able to:

1. Present the findings of their research project after implementation.
2. Make recommendations based on the findings presented.
3. Cite significant contributions of the project.

IX. Course Outline:

Week Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Outcomes-based Content Teaching and Learning References
Assessment (OBA) Activities
1-3 Report on the updates of the extent of Rubrics 1. Research project Group reporting and Fraenkel, W. (2007). How to Design and
implementation of project & the data implementation sharing Evaluate Research in Education,
gathered. 2. Research Instrument and Mc Graw Hill, International Ed.
4-5 Discuss the steps in analyzing and Quiz 3. Data analysis and Lecture-Discussion Fraenkel, W. (2007). How to Design and
interpreting data interpretation Evaluate Research in Education,
Mc Graw Hill, International Ed.
6-7 Analyze the data gathered during the Rubric 4. Application of procedure in Workshop
implementation and interpret the results. data analysis Group presentation
8 Discuss how to organize and present the Exercise 5. Data Organization and Group activity &
data in tabular and textual forms. Presentation
9-10 Organize the actual data and present Rubric 6. Application of concepts Group presentation
them in the two forms.
11-12 Write the summary of findings, Rubrics 7. Writing the Summary of Group Activity
conclusions and recommendations. Findings, Conclusions, and
13-14 Write the thesis report. Rubrics 1. Chapter 3 Workshops How to Design and Evaluate
2. Chapter 4 Research in Education, Mc Graw Hill Co.
International Ed, Freankel and Wallen
15 Prepare power point for final defense. Rubric 7-10 min ppt ( 10-15 slides)
16-17 Present the thesis report. Rubric Thesis report presentation Final defense
18 Make revisions on the final thesis report. Rubric Thesis revision Group activity

XII Course Policies:

1. All requirements must be submitted on time. Late submission will receive deductions.
2. No text messaging or entertaining of phone during class hours.
3. Students with 3 consecutive unexcused absences will automatically be dropped from the class.
4. Students who wish to drop the course must do so officially.
5. Academic dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarism will be given a 5.0 mark on the exam, assignments or project.
6. Problems encountered with the subject must be discussed with the instructor. Such consultation may be made in person during designated time and at designated place.
XII Grading System:

60% - Class Standing

30% - Individual/group report, Data Analysis Performance
30% - Written Report or Data Analysis Report
40% - Midterm and Final Examination

XIV. Consultation period: Day Time Venue

MW Friday 10:00-12:00

Prepared: EVA B. MARANAN, PhD



College Dean


1. Wasserman, L. (2013). All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistics Inference, Singer, USA
2. Fraenkel and Wallen, (2007) How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education, Mc Graw Hill Co. Inc., International Ed.

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