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In the era of 21st century, the concept of global citizenship has become universal in terms of education.

The process of globalization is continuing on a very fast pace, as the people and the things are getting
interconnected with each other. In the ever-growing dynamic community, it has become significant for a
person to think about the role of each and every citizen. There are different definitions of global citizen.

A global citizen is considered as a person who has the sense of civic responsibility towards their local
community in a greater human race. In the ever-growing globalized world, this term has become very
popular and necessity for your own identification. Global citizen is a platform for the people who are
unaware and identified the part of emerging world communities and for the people whose actions helps
in the contribution of building values and practices of community.

Facts concluded from the ancient history and defines that people are organized into communities and
groups that shares culture, values, ideas and the overall identity. This results in shaping the political,
social, economic needs of the people. But the present era has less communication skills and physical
barriers. There is an increase in demand of global engagement, therefore, resulted in the belongingness
of the community. We are living at a place where everybody is interconnected on web with their choices
and actions.

More opportunities are offered to the younger generation but it requires creativity, flexibility and
proactiveness. In the education of global citizenship, young generation has the capability to solve
various problems, make different decisions, communicate different ideas effectively and efficiently,
think critically and work well with others. It will help an individual educationally, professionally and
personally. Thus, a global education is considered as prominent inside the classroom.

In the classroom, students are more likely to face issues in regards with the global independence
through an economics course with various cultures and identities and sustainable development in the
science environmental course. Some of the classes offer variety of learning methods to the students that
includes role-playing and debate that has further became necessity for the curriculum of basic school.

sustainable developmentThere are some curriculum that allows open-minded students to gain deeper
knowledge on the subject matter along with enabling students for exploring more about their own and
the entire world. As a result, students can become good and successful learner, responsible citizens,
confident individuals and effective contributors. With this, students can develop, explore and express
their own opinions and values. They can increase their respecting and listening skills and the opinions of
others by making several informed choices that should not affect anybody. Therefore, the future of the
world lies in the hands of youth.

All humans share some commonalities, as a community is not defined by the labels and the borders. This
thinking method is developed differently for every citizen. It can be developed by regular learning and
this learning is based on global issues or some foreign language, travelling of people to other countries
and the education on the effect of personal decisions.

The concept of global citizenship helps in the creation of mega nation along with acting on additional
feeling that defines connectedness and encourages various people to think on different issues globally.
It also enables the diversification and expansion of different communities. The complex weave of
connections between the communities are developing that further includes war, poverty and struggle
for the peace of the world. Also, for the development of cultural and personal awareness and empathy,
it has become important for the global citizen in the preservation of planet that each and every human
is sharing for the better preparation of an individual to increase global community.

Global citizenship is known as the method of thinking that helps in increasing cultural awareness which
further results in cultural empathy with deeper sense. Firstly, it helps in increasing cultural awareness
that further helps in adding pleasure to the life by creating positive effect on the lives of others. It can be
achieved by keeping current events and meaningful conversations with people from different
backgrounds. This awareness of cultural appreciation and differences is towards the culture.

This cultural awareness has been build up with an aim to develop a sense of cultural empathy. It is
important for the each and every person to learn becoming border crossers especially young generation
comfortably by making human differences as they are capable of seeing the world from different
perspectives. There are certain issues that create the affect for the entire world. It is important for
someone to take the responsibilities of these issues and take steps to resolve them. Otherwise, these
issues will continue to affect every person until the entire community could work together and find
different solutions. If global communities require help, then the world will become the peaceful peace.

It is positive to become a global citizen because the actions of an individual not only affect small
communities but also the entire world. There are no borders which could protect the planet from
various harmful practices, products and pollutants from distant countries. Every nation of the world
shares the same ecosystem so that the toxic waste and the pollution will travel around the ecosystem
along with damaging the environment for everyone.
It is important for every person to get aware of the potential and deadly effects by reducing the carbon
footprint in different ways. Our planet demands different focus based on what each person is doing with
their lives, where the connection, community, end of violence and caring became important to
purposeful existence. Furthermore, we will not get another chance to create the same and healthy
environment that we have already destroyed to the great extent.

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