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1 Please find sheet of 2nd Statement E&S 2018-19

2 Do not use your format
3 Do not Copy / Paste your Excess & Surrender Statement in the same Sheet
4 Enter the figures manually in relevant head in the same format and do not hide / delete an
5 If you think any GL Account / Head of Account is missing insert your desire Head
of Account at the bottom of the same sheet and mark with yellow color
6 Do Not punch "-" symbol in blank cell punch "0" (Zero) in case of no value / figure
7 Attached Explanatory Memo seprately in MS Word Formate with 2nd Excess & Surr
excess amount should mentioned
For further assistance / Queries contact:-

042-99212583 Deputy Inspector of Treasuries & Accounts

0321-8806620 Sh. Tayyab Naseer, Budget Examiner

e / delete any Column or Row

cess & Surrender Statement in which reason of

2nd Statement
3 Excess & Surrender 2018

District Accounts Office, Chakwal

Additional Total
Budget Actual for Actual for
GL Grant previous 4 present 6
Description Allocated Allocation
LAST months months
Account 2018-19 2018-19
2018-19 (3/18 to 6/18) (7/18 to 12/18)
(if any) (3+4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A01101 Basic Pay Of Officers
A01102 Personal Pay
A01106 Pay of officers C
A01103 Special Pay
A01105 Qualification Pay
A01150 Others
A01151 Basic Pay Of Other Staff
A01152 Personal Pay
A01155 Qualification Pay
A01156 Pay of Other staff C
A01170 Others
Total- A011
A01202 House Rent Allowance
A01203 Conveyance Allowance
4 4

Additional Total
Budget Actual for Actual for
GL Grant previous 4 present 6
Description Allocated Allocation
LAST months months
Account 2018-19 2018-19
2018-19 (3/18 to 6/18) (7/18 to 12/18)
(if any) (3+4)
A0120D Integrated Allowance
A0120X Ad - Hoc Allowance - 2010
A01216 Qualification Allowance
A01217 Medical Allowance
A0121A Ad - Hoc Allowance - 2011
A0121M Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2012
A0121N Personal Allowance
A0121T Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013
A0121Z Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2014
A0122C Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2015
A0122M Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2016
A0122Y Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2017
A0123G Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2018
A0122N Spl. Conveyance Disable Emplyee
A01226 Computer Allowance
A01238 Charge Allowance
A01239 Special Allowance
A01265 Cash Handling Allowance
5 5

Additional Total
Budget Actual for Actual for
GL Grant previous 4 present 6
Description Allocated Allocation
LAST months months
Account 2018-19 2018-19
2018-19 (3/18 to 6/18) (7/18 to 12/18)
(if any) (3+4)
A01253 STA
A01270 037-SSB 30%
Total- A012
A01273 Honoraria
A01274 Medical Charges
A01277 Contingent Paid Staff
A01278 Leave Salary
Total- A0121 - - -

A03201 Postage And Telegraph

A03202 Telephone And Trunk Call
A03205 Electronic Communication
A03205 Courier And Pilot Service
A03301 Gas
A03302 Water
A03303 Electricity
A03304 Hot And Cold Weather Charges
A03402 Rent For Office Building
A03801 Training - Domestic
6 6

Additional Total
Budget Actual for Actual for
GL Grant previous 4 present 6
Description Allocated Allocation
LAST months months
Account 2018-19 2018-19
2018-19 (3/18 to 6/18) (7/18 to 12/18)
(if any) (3+4)
A03805 Travelling Allowance
A03806 Transportation Of Goods (Govt)
A03807 P.O.L Charges A.Planes H.Coptors S.Car
A03808 Conveyance Charges (Govt)
A03901 Stationery
A03902 Printing And Publication
A03905 Newspapers Periodicals And Books
A03907 Advertising And Publicity
A03917 Law Charges
A03918 Exhibitions, Fairs And Other National
A03955 Computer Stationery
A03970 Others
Total- A03

A04114 Superannuation Encashment Of L.P.R

Total- A04 -

A05216 Fin. Assis. To The Families Of G. Serv

Total- A05
A09201 Hardware
7 7

Additional Total
Budget Actual for Actual for
GL Grant previous 4 present 6
Description Allocated Allocation
LAST months months
Account 2018-19 2018-19
2018-19 (3/18 to 6/18) (7/18 to 12/18)
(if any) (3+4)
A09601 Purchase Of Plant And Machinery
A09701 Purchase Of Furniture And Fixture
Total- A09
A13101 R & M Of Machinery And Equipment
A13201 Furniture And Fixtures
A13701 Hardware
A13702 Software
A13703 IT Equipment
Total- A13

Additional Original
Budget Actual for Actual for
GL Grant previous LAST present 6
Description Allocated Estimates
4 months months
2018-19 2018-19
2018-19 (3/18 to 6/18) (7/18 to 12/18)
(if any) (3+4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A01 Pay - - - - -

A012 Allowances - - - - -
8 8

Additional Total
Budget Actual for Actual for
GL Grant previous 4 present 6
Description Allocated Allocation
LAST months months
Account 2018-19 2018-19
2018-19 (3/18 to 6/18) (7/18 to 12/18)
(if any) (3+4)
A0121 Other Allowances - - - - -

A03 Operating Expenses - - - - -

A04 Retirment Benefits - - - - -

A05 Financial Assistance - - - - -

A09 Purcahses - - - - -

A13 Repair & Maintenance - - - - -

G. Total - - - - -

Your Calculation is OK
nder9 2018-19 9

Cost Center: CY--------

Estimated /
Anticipated /
Projected 2 Total
Revised Surrender Excess
months of Column
Proposed Amount Amount
expenditure 6+7+8
(01/19 & 2/19)
8 9 10 11 12
- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - -

- - -

- - - -
10 10
Estimated /
Anticipated /
Projected 2 Total
Revised Surrender Excess
months of Column
Proposed Amount Amount
expenditure 6+7+8
(01/19 & 2/19)
- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -
11 11
Estimated /
Anticipated /
Projected 2 Total
Revised Surrender Excess
months of Column
Proposed Amount Amount
expenditure 6+7+8
(01/19 & 2/19)
- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -
12 12
Estimated /
Anticipated /
Projected 2 Total
Revised Surrender Excess
months of Column
Proposed Amount Amount
expenditure 6+7+8
(01/19 & 2/19)
- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -
13 13
Estimated /
Anticipated /
Projected 2 Total
Revised Surrender Excess
months of Column
Proposed Amount Amount
expenditure 6+7+8
(01/19 & 2/19)
- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -
- -

- -

Estimated /
Anticipated /
Projected 2 Total
Revised Surrender Excess
months of Column
Proposed Amount Amount
expenditure 6+7+8
(01/19 & 2/19)
8 9 10 11 12
- - - -

- - - -
14 14
Estimated /
Anticipated /
Projected 2 Total
Revised Surrender Excess
months of Column
Proposed Amount Amount
expenditure 6+7+8
(01/19 & 2/19)
- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -

- - - -




Object Discription Reason of excess amount

A01101 Basic Pay Of Officers Salary Expenditure
A01102 Personal Pay Salary Expenditure
A01103 Special Pay Salary Expenditure
A01105 Qualification Pay Salary Expenditure
A01150 Others Salary Expenditure
A01151 Basic Pay Of Other Staff Salary Expenditure
A01152 Personal Pay Salary Expenditure
A01155 Qualification Pay Salary Expenditure
A01170 Others Salary Expenditure
A01202 House Rent Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01203 Conveyance Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01207 Washing Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01208 Dress Allowance Salary Expenditure
A0120D Integrated Allowance Salary Expenditure
A0120X Ad - Hoc Allowance - 2010 Salary Expenditure
A01211 Hill Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01216 Qualification Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01217 Medical Allowance Salary Expenditure
A0121A Ad - Hoc Allowance - 2011 Salary Expenditure
A0121M Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2012 Salary Expenditure
A0121N Personal Allowance Salary Expenditure
A0121T Adhoc Relief Allowance 2013 Salary Expenditure
A0121Z Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2014 Salary Expenditure
A0122C Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2015 Salary Expenditure
A0122M Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2016 Salary Expenditure
A0122Y Adhoc Relief Allowance - 2017 Salary Expenditure
A0122N Spl. Conveyance Disable Emplyee Salary Expenditure
A01226 Computer Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01238 Charge Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01239 Special Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01265 Cash Handling Allowance Salary Expenditure
A01270 001 -Other Salary Expenditure
A01270 037-SSB 30% Salary Expenditure
A01273 Honoraria For making payment to employees who are performing extra ordinary duty due to shortage of staff
A01274 Medical Charges (attached sanction accorded by authority alongwith Explanatory note)name of officers / officials with amount
A01277 Contingent Paid Staff (attached sanction accorded by authority alongwith Explanatory note)
A01278 Leave Salary (attached sanction accorded by authority alongwith Explanatory note)
A03201 Postage And Telegraph For Sending correspondance/accounts etc to FD/AG and all departmetn s
A03202 Telephone And Trunk Call For official use
A03205 Courier And Pilot Service
A03301 Gas routine payment of GAS bills
A03302 Water
A03303 Electricity For routine bills of eclectircity
A03304 Hot And Cold Weather Charges
A03402 Rent For Office Building (attached sanction accorded by authority with reason)
A03801 Training - Domestic (attached supporting document alongwith Explanatory note)
A03805 Travelling Allowance Due to revision of DA Rates
A03806 Transportation Of Goods (Govt)
A03807 P.O.L Charges A.Planes H.Coptors S.Car For operation of Generator during load shedding Hours
A03808 Conveyance Charges (Govt)
A03901 Stationery to facilitate litigant public and discharging of day to day duty
A03902 Printing And Publication For printing of Registers/books/Annual Accounts
A03905 Newspapers Periodicals And Books
A03907 Advertising And Publicity For printing of baners etc for pensioners information etc
A03917 Law Charges
A03918 Exhibitions, Fairs And Other National
A03955 Computer Stationery Required for prining of reports of GPF/Pension/Accounts etc
A03970 Others Misc items of office use
A04114 Superannuation Encashment Of L.P.R (attached sanction accorded by authority alongwith Explanatory note)/ Name of officers / officials with amount
A05216 Fin. Assis. To The Families Of G. Serv (attached sanction accorded by authority alongwith Explanatory note)
A13101 R & M Of Machinery And Equipment Maintainance of Generator etc
A13201 Furniture And Fixtures Repair of Computer Furniture items and office furniture
A13701 Hardware Repair of Computers etc
A13702 Software
A13703 IT Equipment Replacement of IT Items in Printers etc

Note Mention name and cell / mobile number of the concerned officer / official here who prepared 2nd statement of excess & surrender 2017-18
Name of officer / official ____________________________
mobile / cell no. _____________________________
‫بجٹ بنانے کا طریقہ‬
‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪ 3‬میں ممملکممھیں۔‪1‬‬ ‫ممما‬
‫مملٹہوا ہے اسممموکمم ک‬‫ٹ ا‬‫۔ جو ممممبجمم‬
‫مممےمم علوہ ملیہے وہممملکممھیں جیسے ممملیممو انکیشمی‬ ‫ٹک‬ ‫ممل نہ ممممبجمم‬‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪ 4‬میں جو رقم مماسممم‬
‫۔ ک‬
‫ممل م ممبنممر ‪ 3‬اور ‪ 4‬ممموکمم جمع مممرکمم یں‪3‬‬‫ممما‬
‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪ 5‬میں ک‬
‫۔ ک‬
‫مممےمم ممملکممھیں۔‪4‬‬
‫ممممک ایکچولجمع مممرکمم ک‬ ‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪ 6‬میں مارچ ‪ 2018‬ممماتمم جون‪ 2018‬ت‬ ‫ممما‬
‫مممامم مممپرمموگریسو ایکسپنڈیچر ممملکممھی‪5.‬‬‫دسمبر ‪ 2018‬ک‬
‫مممےمم ممملکممھیں۔ ‪6.‬‬
‫مممامم ایکسپنڈیچرجمع مممرکمم ک‬ ‫مممرمموری ک‬‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪ 8‬میں جنوری‪ +‬ف‬ ‫ممما‬
‫ممموممٹلممملکممھیں ‪7.‬‬
‫مممامم ٹ‬ ‫ممل م ممنمممبر‪ 9‬میں ‪ 8+7+6‬ک‬ ‫ممما‬
‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪8. 7‬‬
‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪ + 8‬ک‬ ‫ممما‬
‫ممل م ممنمممبر‪ +2* 8‬ک‬ ‫ممما‬
‫ممل م ممنمممبر ‪ 10‬میں ک‬‫ممما‬
‫اہم نوٹ‬
‫پے اور الونس تک فارمول لگا دیا گیا ہے ۔ باقی کالم مینول طریقے سے لکھیں‬

‫بجٹ کی ایمیل اکاونٹ کی نئی ایمیل ایڈریس پر کریں۔‬

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