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A Postman

A postman engaged in city delivery sort, bundle and then deliver mail
addressed to homes and businesses on an assigned route. They must
deal with the day’s mail, which has already been divided for each
letter carrier route. The mail consists of letters, circulars, magazines,
catalogs and small packages.

After casing the mail, the postman either places it in trays in delivery
order or bundles it with rubber bands. Then they can begin their route,
delivering and collecting mail. Most of them deliver mail from Postal
Service vehicles and carry all of the day’s mail with them. They can
handle more weight at one time.

A Farmer

A farmer is a person, engaged in agriculture, who raises living

organisms for food or raw materials, generally including livestock
husbandry and growing crops such as produce and grain. A farmer
might own the farmed land or might work as a labourer on land
owned by others; but in advanced economies, a farmer is usually a
farm owner, while employees of the farm are farm workers,
farmhands, etc. Their products might be sold either to a market, in a
farmers' market or perhaps directly from a farm. In a subsistence
economy, farm products might to some extent be either consumed
by the farmer's family or pooled by the community

A Nurse

A nurse is a healthcare professional who, in collaboration with

other members of a health care team, is responsible for:
treatment, safety, and recovery of acutely or chronically ill
individuals; health promotion and maintenance within families,
communities and populations; and, treatment of life-threatening
emergencies in a wide range of health care settings. Nurses
perform a wide range of clinical and non-clinical functions
necessary to the delivery of health care, and may also be
involved in medical and nursing research. Around the world,
nurses have been traditionally female. Despite equal opportunity
legislation nursing has continued to be a female dominated
A Scientist

A scientist in a broad sense is one engaging in a systematic

activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a
scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method.
Scientists perform research toward a more comprehensive
understanding of nature, including physical, mathematical and
social realms. Scientists are distinct from engineers, those who
develop devices that serve practical purposes. When science is
done with a goal toward practical utility, it is called 'applied
science. When science is done with an inclusion of intangible
aspects of reality it is called 'natural philosophy'

A Policeman

A Policeman is generally charged with the apprehension of

criminals and the prevention and detection of crime, and the
maintenance of public order. Policeman may be sworn to an
oath, and have the power to arrest people and detain them for a
limited time, along with other duties and powers. Some police
officers may also be trained in special duties, such as counter-
terrorism, surveillance, child protection, VIP protection, and
investigation techniques into major crime, including fraud, rape,
murder and drug trafficking.

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