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Holy Trinity College of General Santos City Mid Term Exam (1st Term) S.Y.

Daproza Avenue, General Santos City NSTP 1 – National Service Training Program 1
Mr. Taj Ngilay – Instructor

1. READ all the instructions and items very carefully.
2. WRITE all your answers on the test booklet.
3. DO NOT WRITE your answer at the back of each page in your test booklet
4. USE ball pens with black or blue ink only.
5. Observe proper ERASURE. Example: This is the proper way to erase.

Test I. Fill in the blank (2 points each)

Instructions: Read each question carefully and give what is asked.

1. The Republic Act No. 9163 is also known as ____________.

2. NSTP stand for ______________.
3. ROTC stands for ______________.
4. LTS stands for ______________.
5. CWTS stands for _____________.

Test II. Definition of Terms (3 points each)

Instruction: Read each sentence carefully and provide a sound definition for each term.

1. Self-awareness
2. Values
3. Leadership
4. Social Mobilization
5. Pollution

Test III. Enumeration (25 points).

Instruction: Read each sentence carefully and give what is asked.

A. 3 Classificaton of Values
B. Give at least 5 characteristics of a Good Leader
C. Give at least 2 benefits of Social Mobilization
D. What are the 6 major classification of Pollution
E. Give the 9 ecosystems in the Philippines

Test IV. Situational Essay.

Instruction: This is for 25 points. Answer intelligently and comprehensively. Do not limit your answers.
Observed standard and formal English. Make sure your answer is grammatically correct.

1. You are working in a bank. Out of nowhere, band of robbers declared heist. Everyone was
instructed by the perpetrators to be obedient to whatever they say. You happen to recognize
one of the robbers – it was your father.

Question: What would you do considering that one of the robbers is your own beloved father?

2. You are the President of the Philippines. At 2AM early in the morning, the Sec. Of Defense
phoned you and informed you that China has launced and initiated a military attack in the
country. China is on her course of invading your Conutry.
Question: As the President of the Philippines, what will you do now.

3. There are a lot of ways to help protect our nature, our Environment that is. As a student of Holy
Trinity College, in what way(s) can you aid or perhaps contribute to the betterment, preservation
and advocacy of the State in protecting and maintaining the health of our ecosystem?

Bonus Question: Complete the passage below. (5 points)

We, the sovereign Filipino people … do ordain and promulgate this ________________.

*************************** END OF EXAM (NOTHING FOLLOWS) **************************

“Knowing and Understanding one’s self is the key to the True Knowledge”

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