Worksheet Unreal Past

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wish + subject + past, past perfect or conditional

1. Rewrite the following using a wish construction (phrases in brackets should be omitted).

1 I'm sorry I haven't got a washing machine.

2 I'm sorry I don't live near my work.
3 I'm sorry our garden doesn't get any sun.
4 I'm sorry I called him a liar.
5 I'm sorry I don't know Finnish.
6 I'm sorry I didn't book a seat.
7 I'm sorry I haven't got a car.
8 I'm sorry I can't drive.
9 I'd like Tom to drive more slowly (but I haven 't any great hopes of this).
10I'd like you to keep quiet. (You're making so much noise that I can 't think.)
11 I'm sorry we accepted the invitation.
12 I'm sorry that theatre tickets cost so much.
13 It's a pity that shops here shut on Saturday afternoon.
14 It's a pity he didn't work harder during the term.
15 I'm sorry you didn't see it.
16 It's a pity you are going tonight.
17 It's a pity 1 haven't got a work permit.
18 I would like it to stop raining (but I'm not very hopeful).
19 I'd like you to wait for me (even though you are ready to start now).
20 I'm sorry I didn't bring a map.
21 I'm sorry I ever came to this country.
22 I'm sorry I left my last job.
23 I'm sorry I didn't stay in my last job.
24 I'd like him to cut his hair (but I don't suppose he will).
25 I'd like him to stop smoking in bed (but I haven't any great hopes).
26 I'm sorry he goes to bed so late.
27 Motorist in fog: It's a pity we don't know where we are.
28 It's a pity we haven't a torch.
29 I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming.
30 I'm sorry you told Jack.
31 I'm sorry I didn't ask the fishmonger to open these oysters.
32 I'm sorry I can't swim.
33 I'm sorry you aren't coming with us.
34 I'm sorry you aren't going to a job where you could use your English.
35 It's a pity you didn't ask him how to get there.
36 I would like every country to stop killing whales (but have no real hope of this).
2. Choose the correct answer:

1. He would rather plays / play / would play computer games than chess.
2. I’d rather you haven't told /hadn't told /had told your friends about my problems.It was unkind of you to say that.
3. My grandparents are living in England now. If only they be/ have been/were here.
4. It's so cold in this room. I would rather didn't stay/ not stay/not to stay here.
5. I would rather had visited/have visited/visited my grandparents yesterday than stay at home in front of that boring
6. I'd rather you didn't smoke/smoked/hadn't smoked in my house. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.
7. I would rather you ask/asked/had asked me before going to the pub yesterday.
8. If only I have had/had/have the money to travel with them around the world.
9. Can I borrow your car? - I would rather you not /didn't /hadn't.
10. If only I drive/had driven/hadn't driven so fast, I wouldn't have got a speeding ticket.
11. Would you rather would stay/have stayed/stay here or go home?
12. I would rather my children watch/ were watching/are watching something else.
13. If only I hadn't known/had known/knew about your problems before I helped you.
14. If only it would has rained/rains/rain. The ground is as dry as a bone.

3. Sentence transformations
1. I think taxes should be increased.
It __________________________ increased.
2. He behaves like the President of the company.
He acts _________________________the President of the company.
3. I regret not inviting Cathy to the party.
If _____________________________Cathy to the party.
4. I'd prefer you to get home early tonight.
I____________________________________home early tonight.
5. It's a pity the car is so expensive.
I_____________________________so expensive.
6. It will be better for you to come alone.
4. Sentence trnasformations
1. What a pity he can't join us.
If ________________join us.
2. You should have listened to my advice.
I_____________________ to my advice.
3. Stella ought to have told us she would be late.
I_______________________ us she would be late,
4. Why don't you stop talking so much?
I ________________________so much.
5. I would love to watch that film again!
I wish_______________ that film again!
6. You'd think he was the boss.
He acts ______________________the boss.
7. You should go to bed; it's getting late.
It's __________________to bed; it's getting late.
8. Why don't you stop interrupting me?
You ________________________ me.
9. Erik should have checked the price list.
It _____________________Erik had checked the price list.
10. Mark ought to post the letter immediately.
I __________________________ the letter immediately.
11. Why don't you stop biting your nails?
I wish ___________________________your nails.
12. You look exhausted. You should take a holiday.
You _________________________a holiday; you look exhausted.
Would, Rather and Prefer
1. In order to say what you prefer in general, you can use the verb "TO PREFER TO" :
There are three possibilities of phrasal construction :

· I prefer + noun+ to+ noun ( I prefer something to something else)

e.g. I prefer this colour to the red one

· I prefer + verb-ing + to + verb-ing (to express an usual action preferred)

e.g. I prefer walking to going by bus to work

· I prefer + to do something + rather than + do something (to express a comparison)

e.g. I prefer to go to the cinema rather watch tv

2. In order to say what somebody wants in a particular situation, you can USE "WOULD PREFER " (
conditional tense form)
· I would prefer + noun
· I would prefer + to do something
e.g. Would you prefer tea or coffee ? I would prefer tea.
Would you like to walk in the park ? I would prefer to stay at home because it's too cold.

You can use also the structure : I would prefer + to do something+ rather than + do something to express a choice and
a comparison.
e. g I would prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping now.

An another form is possible to express the same subject.

WOULD RATHER + do something (without " to " before the verb) = Would prefer to do something
e.g. Shall we go by train ? I would prefer to go by car
I would rather go by car

In the negative form : " would rather not (do something) "
e.g. I would rather not go out this evening

In the comparative form to give more explanations about the preference : " would rather do something + than + do
something else "
e.g.. I would rather stay at home than go out this evening

3. When you want somebody to do something : you prefer SOMEONE ELSE to do something, you can use "

· I would rather + somebody else ( noun or pronoun) + did ( past form) + something
· e.g.. I would rather cook now
I would rather you cooked now (instead of me)

The negative form : I would rather + somebody else + did not + something
e.g. I would rather you did not cook now

We use the past but the meaning is present or future.

To express past or future with these structures, the sequences of tenses is used.

1.( drive / travel by train ) I prefer… 3.( phone people / write letters) I …
2.( tennis / football ) I prefer…. 4.( go to the cinema / watch films on TV) I prefer…


○ eat at home ○ get a taxi ○ go alone ○ go for a swim ○ listen to some music ○ stand
○ think about it for a while ○ wait a few minutes ○ wait till later

1. A: Shall we walk home? B: I’d (prefer)

2. A: Do you want to eat now? B: I’d (rather)

3. A: Shall we watch TV? B: I’d (prefer)

4. A: What about a game of tennis? B: I’d (rather)

5. A: Shall we leave now? B: I’d (rather)

6. A: Do you want to go to a restaurant? B: I’d (prefer)

7. A: I think we should decide now? B: I’d (rather)

8. A: Would you like to sit down? B: I’d (rather)

9. A: Do you want me to come with you? B: I’d (prefer)

10. I’d prefer (rather than) get a taxi / walk home

11. I’d (rather… than) go for a swim / play tennis

12. I’d (rather… than) wait a few minutes / leave now

13. I’d prefer (rather than) eat at home / go to a restaurant

14. I’d (rather… than) think about it for a while / decide now


1. ( get a taxi / walk home) I' d prefer…

2. ( go for a swim / play tennis) I' d rather…
3. ( wait a few minutes / leave now) I' d rather..
4. ( eat at home / go to a restaurant ) I' d prefer…
5. ( think about it for a while / decide now) I' d rather…
6. Complete the sentences with your choices.
7. Shall I tell Ann the news ? No I'd rather she…know.
8. Do you want me to go now or would you rather I …here ?
9. Do you want to go out this evening or would you rather…stay at home ?
10. This is a private letter addressed to me. I'd rather you…read it.
11. It' s quite a nice house but I'd rather it…a bit bigger.
12. Do you mind if I turn on the radio ? I'd rather you…I'm trying to study

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