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Shirashoolari Vati Headache, including

60 Tab, Rs. 100 migraine

Vedanantaka Vati For all types of body
60 Tab, Rs. 145 pain

Proprietary Medicines Useful For Virechana Vati All types of problems

60 Tab, Rs. 125 related to constipation
Amlapittari Vati For Hyper acidity
60 Tab, Rs. 120
Vrikka Sanjivani Vati For kidney stone and
60 Tab, Rs. 145 inflammation in urine

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji

Range Of Products Ancholean Tablet
60 Tab, Rs. 225
Easy and safe method
for obesity relief
Amrutadi Vati For skin problems,
60 Tab, Rs. 150 fever and infections
Atisarahara Vati For all types of loose
60 Tab, Rs. 90 motions Classical Medicines Useful For
Deva Vati For indigestion and
60 Tab, Rs. 140 stomach related problems Ashwagandhadi Tablet Good for immune
60 Tab, Rs. 90 system, joint pain
Immugen Tablet For increase in
60 Tab, Rs. 120 immune capacity Chitrakadi Gutika Digestion and
60 Tab, Rs. 70 improving appetite
Jantughna Vati For stomach worms
60 Tab, Rs. 120 and infections Dhatri Lauha Tablet For Anemia
Flavours of Ojasvita: Jvara Keerti Vati
60 Tab, Rs. 70

What is Ojasvita? For all types of fevers Lavangadi Vati Cough, dyspnoea/
60 Tab, Rs. 120
Often what’s tasty is not healthy, and what’s healthy is not 60 Tab, Rs. 65 asthma
tasty. Ojasvita™ is the ultimate combination of good health Kasahara Vati For cough and all types Anemia, menstruation
60 Tab, Rs. 90 of throat related problems Navayasa Lauha problem, heart and
and great taste. Its 7 Power Herbs take care of your daily
30 Tab, Rs. 50 skin related problem
mental fitness needs, while its awesome new taste delights Liv-On For all liver related
you. Available in 6 Amazing flavours in various pack sizes. 60 Tab, Rs. 120 problems Nishamalaki Tablet For diabetes
7 Power Herbs in Ojasvita and their properties as 60 Tab, Rs. 90
per Ayurveda:
Mehantaka Vati Helps in diabetes and
Rasanadi Vati For all types of vaat
Ojasvita Ojasvita Ojasvita 60 Tab, Rs. 225 related problems roga
Ashwagandha: Builds Immunity. 30 Tab, Rs. 55
Malt Chocolate Strawberry Narayana Kalpa
Brahmi: Helps enhance mental alertness & learning ability. Anxiety, Insomnia, Appetite problem, vomit,
200g, 125 200g, 120 200g, 100
Shankapushpi: Helps improve mind-body coordination.
60 Tab, Rs. 140 Restlessness Sapthamruth Lauha eye related problems,
30 Tab, Rs. 55 abdominal, fever, fatigue,
Satavari: Contributes to all round nourishment of the body. Navahridaya Kalpa Hypertension anemia, hyper acidity
60 Tab, Rs. 140 Shilajitvadi Lauha Vati For improving blood
Bringaraj: Has rejuvenative properties and supports liver.
Jyotishmati: Supports growth and enhances memory. Oorja Tablet For strength and 60 Tab, Rs. 100 quantity and quality
Kali Musali: Helpful in giving strength, vigour and vitality. 60 Tab, Rs. 145 energy Sudarshan Vati Headache and body
60 Tab, Rs. 80 pain
What makes Ojasvita different from other Pavanahara Vati For gastric trouble
Health Drinks: 60 Tab, Rs. 120 Triphala Tablet Triphala helps to
1. An effective combination of natural ingredients, Ojasvita Ojasvita Ojasvita Ojasvita 60 Tab, Rs. 80 overcome “tridoshas”
contains the wellness brought from 7 Power Herbs in a Vanilla Ragi Mango
Pradarashamaka Vati Irregular cycle and other
60 Tab, Rs. 145 gynaecological problems Vyaghryadi Tablet For fever, cough and
variety of tasty flavours: Malt, Chocolate, Strawberry, 200g, 100 200g, 125 200g, 100 cold
60 Tab, Rs. 90
Vanilla, Mango and Ragi.
Available in 1Kg, 500g, 100g & one cup sachets
Pranda Gutika Viral fever, malarial
2. The combination of these 7 Power Herbs are traditionally 60 Tab, Rs. 120 fever Gokshuradi Guggulu Kidney and vaat roga
known to support memory & build strength. 30 Tab, Rs. 50
3. The quality of a product is a direct reflection of the intention
Pratishyayahara Vati Cough and cold Kanchanara Guggulu Ulcer, abdominal lump,
Ojascool 60 Tab, Rs. 100 skin problem etc.
and the mental frame of the people producing it. Ojasvita is 30 Tab, Rs. 50
200 gm, Rs. 120 Pimples, black heads
made by Meditators in a positive environment. Raktashodhini Vati and other skin related Mahayogaraja Guggulu For vaat, pitta, kapha
4. 100% Vegetarian. Free from Nuts and Parabens. A refreshing summer drink,filled roga
60 Tab, Rs. 110 problems 30 Tab, Rs. 150
with tangy sweetness of
Available at: oranges and delightful coolness Sandhimitra Vati Joint pain, gout, other Trayodashanga Guggulu Bone, sciatica, vaat
of tulsi. 60 Tab, Rs. 145 vaat related problems 30 Tab, Rs. 60 roga
Shwasa Shuddhi Vati Doe cough, mucous and
Pitta imbalance
60 Tab, Rs. 110 asthma treatment
Kamadudha Rasa disorders like
SriSriTattva SriSriTattva Sriveda Sattva Pvt. Ltd, gastritis, hyperacidity
25 Tab, Rs. 165 and other gastric
A part of sale proceeds support
THE ART OF LIVING rural & social +91-74065-74065 III Floor, No. 54/46 39th A Cross, 11th Main Road, 4th T Block,
related problems.
welfare projects worldwide.
Jayanagar, Bangalore, Karnataka, India - 560041.
Juices & Syrups Useful For Oil Capsules Useful For
Churnas, Ghritas and Lehyas
Aloe Vera Almond Improves intellect.
Triphala Helps promote healthy
Overall health Oil
Juice 30 caps, Rs. 195
nervous system
500 ml, Rs. 150

Classical Medicines Useful For Karela Evening Pre-menstrual tension

Jamun Juice Primrose Oil and skin, hair related
Amla Tablet Medicines Useful For Sugar (Diabetes) problems
Anti-oxidant 500 ml, Rs. 150 30 caps, Rs. 295
60 Tab, Rs. 100 1000 ml, Rs. 280
Delays ageing, promotes Avipattikara Churna Proper digestion
Amruth Tablet sharp memory, strength 80 gm, Rs. 80 process Diabetes and
60 Tab, Rs. 90 building and overall health
Brahma Rasayana Cough Oil Hypertension
Arjuna Tablet Very useful for heart Helps in anti-ageing Syrup For all types of cough 30 caps, Rs. 350
250 gm, Rs. 115
60 Tab, Rs. 90 problems 100 ml, Rs. 60
Haridra Khanda Skin related problems Flaxseed Joint pain
Haritaki Tablet Absorbs nutrition 80 gm, Rs. 95
and allergy related
problems Medhya Promotes Healthy Skin
60 Tab, Rs. 60 30 caps, Rs. 195
Increasing appetite, helps Rasayana
Hingvastaka Churna in relieving stomach pain
For memory and
Yashtimadhu Tablet Peptic ulcer, gout and 80 g, Rs. 90 Syrup intellectual ability
and vaat roga 100 ml, Rs. 70
60 Tab, Rs. 90 swelling, allergy etc
Kushmandaka Rasayana Helps in bleeding
Garlic Oil For balancing
30 caps, Rs. 175 cholesterol level
Helps in relieving tension 250 gm, Rs. 120 related problems New Product To c o m b a t m e n s t r u a l
Ashwagandha Tablet and building proper disorders Sri Sri Tattva
60 Tab, Rs. 90 body strength Mahatriphaladya Ghrita All problems related Pradarashamaka bring you Pradarashamaka
to eyes Syrup, enriched with Nigella Oil Helps in liver related
100 gm, Rs. 170 Syrup effective natural herbs to
200 ml, Rs. 135 30 caps, Rs. 235 problems, anti - oxidant
Neem Tablet Skin related problems Phalasarpi Infertility related problems
provide relief & lets you be
stress - free during
60 Tab, Rs. 90 and urinary problems in men and women menstrual cycles.
100 gm, Rs. 160
Fever, cold, pneumonia,
Wheat Helps in strength
Shatavari Tablet Reproductive health Sitopaladi Churna building, helps in
60 Tab, Rs. 90 in women 80 gm, Rs. 100
inflammation of hands Pachani Helps in digestion Germ Oil
and feet
30 caps, Rs. 225
Vata, pitta & kapha Rasayana and increasing
Turmeric Tablet Helps in skin related Triphala Churna related problems and 100 ml, Rs. 150 stomach juices
60 Tab, Rs. 90 problems 80 gm, Rs. 40 eye related problems
Tulsi Tablet Cough, cold and Talisadi Churna Vomit, cough, Raktashodhini
60 Tab, Rs. 90 fever 60 gm, Rs. 60 fever etc. Syrup For blood purification
Helps in memory sharpening 200 ml, Rs. 200
Brahmi Tablet
60 Tab, Rs. 90
and strengthening nervous
system Arkas New Product
Anu Taila 10 ml, Rs. 55
For blood purification
Sariva Syrup and pitta related
All five karmendriya related strengths
200 ml, Rs. 110 problems KshirbalaTaila 100 ml, Rs. 95
Overall strength building, for massaging new born
babies and uesful for arthritis.
SHAKTI Drops New Product
10 ml, Rs. 110 Narayana Taila 100 ml, Rs. 145
Helps in fatigue and Vaat related problems, fatigue, back and neck
Ushira Syrup micturition related problems.
Pure water extract of 8 200 ml, Rs. 110
Pinda Taila 100 ml, Rs. 95
Gomutra Arka Skin and vaat related certified 100% organic Hand and feet inflammation, body pain.
It helps protect your
problems invaluable herbs. The eyes from dust,
500 ml, Rs. 85 herbs used in SHAKTI Srinetra
Drops help in building 5 ml, Rs. 35
pollution and dirt and Other Useful Products
keeps them feeling
Gulmahara Arka Fibroid and cyst all round immunity, act fresh and clear. New Product
500 ml, Rs. 120 related problems as a rejuvenator and Mamatva Gives nourishment to
Kidney, liver related build strength. Easy to Other Useful Products Granules lactating mothers
Vrikka Sanjivani Arka problems, stone and use, add 5 to 6 drops to Promotes intellect, memory, 250 gm, Rs. 225
500 ml, Rs. 120 other urine related problems a small cup (150ml) of lustre of skin,immunity, longevity,
water, mix and drink strength of sense organs and New Product
twice a day. Chyawanprash stimulation of digestion. It can
This newly developed
Sandhimitra Arka Joint related
be used in cough, cold, debility,
Sudanta tooth drop will help
problems 250 gm, Rs. 80
500 ml, Rs. 130 tuberculosis, lung diseases, Toothdrops in overcoming all tooth
heart diseases and gout related problems
10 ml, Rs. 40
Loss of appetite, Gives you freshness,
Tulasi Arka Normal cough, cold, Ajamoda Arka indigestion, urine Herbal Tea aroma & taste Vedanantaka
Full stop for pain. This
balm helps in stretched
30 ml, Rs. 80 asthma, hiccups 30 ml, Rs. 80 100 gm, Rs. 75
related problems Balm muscles, gout, spondylitis
30 gm, Rs. 60 and sport related injuries
Please take all medicines under medical guidance.
Gulab Jal Soothes and cools
100 ml, Rs. 65 your skin
Non-Fluoride Toothpaste,
For Holistic Dental Care
Almond & Honey Soap ............100 gm, Rs. 33
Why ? Aloe Vera Provides all essential Orange & Tulsi Soap .................100 gm, Rs. 33
nutrients to your skin
It is a non-fluoride toothpaste! 50 gm, Rs. 30 Cream Malai Cream Soap ......................100 gm, Rs. 33
100 gm, Rs. 56 100 gm, Rs. 90
Why Non-fluoride?
Holistic Dental Care: Sandal Soap ...................................100 gm, Rs. 33
According to studies*
1) Fluoride supplements are a risk factor for dental fluorosis.
1) Fights Tooth Decay Glycerin Soap ..................................75 gm, Rs. 36
2) Reduces Sensitivity Gives your skin a
2) Fluoride toothpaste used before the age Kesar Cream natural glow & radiance.
3) Makes gums stronger
of 6 years is a risk indicator for fluorosis
4) Reduces tooth ache & unwanted bacteria
100 gm, Rs. 90 Suitable for all skin types Hair Oil
Made from Natural herbs, 100% Vegetarian Toothpaste 5) Keeps breath fresh
For maintaining healthy
Bakul & Mayaphal: Help keep gum & teeth stronger References* New Product Sukesha Taila hair and controlling hair
Clove: Fights toothache & bacteria 100 ml, Rs. 130
1) Mascarenhas, A. K. and Burt, B. A. (1998), Fluorosis risk from early exposure to fluoride toothpaste. damage.
Cinnamon: It has anti-inflammatory properties Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 26: 241–248. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0528.1998.tb01957.x
2) Ismail, A. I. (1994), Fluoride supplements: current effectiveness, side effects, and recommendations.
Moisturising Nourishes your skin
Black Pepper: Keeps bad breath & gum problems away Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 22: 164–172. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0528.1994.tb01835.x
Cream and makes it soft Brahmi
100 gm, Rs. 120 Bhringaraj Taila It nourishes the hair root
100 ml, Rs. 70; 200 ml, and promotes hair growth.
A unique anti-dandruff Rs. 120
Enriched with the
Anti Dandruff shampoo enriched with goodness of Teatree oil, Enriched with the
the goodness of Neem,
Anti-Acne Ginger & Grape seed Natural goodness of Shea Bhringamlakadi Hair tonic that improves
Shampoo Hibiscus & Reetha to keep Face Wash extract, Anti-Acne Face Body Butter butter, Cocoa butter, Taila hair quality and its strength.
200 ml, Rs. 150 your hair dandruff free 60 ml, Rs. 60 Wash keeps your skin Soya protein and 100 ml, Rs. 100
clear, radiant, fresh 150 gm, Rs. 250
Almond protein
& spotless
Henna Shikakai Makes your hair
silky and smooth. It gently cleanses the
Shampoo Suitable for all kinds Exfoliating Dawn-To-Dusk Body Oil Relieves body pain
skin and removes dead Protects your skin from and gives a healthy
200 ml, Rs. 110 of hair Face Scrub skin, dirt, grime and Fortifying Cream pollution and sun 200 ml, Rs. 140 glow to the skin.
60 gm, Rs. 55 blackheads 60 ml, Rs. 60
Meant for dry or Crack Free
Protein normal hair, with
every wash it results in Cream Good for cracked heel
Shampoo smooth, easy-to-
Walnut Orange It helps rejuvenate the Extra Nourishing 25 gm, Rs. 35
200 ml, Rs. 130 manage & healthy hair Face Scrub skin and make it look Moisturiser For gentle skin
young & fresh Heal Cream is a very
60 gm, Rs. 60 60 ml, Rs. 60 Quick Heal effective antiseptic and
Heals pimples, acne,
blackheads, dark Cream a natural way of curing
Its regular use will
Anti Acne Gel spots and reduces keep your skin oil free, Protecting 25 gm, Rs. 40 dryness, wounds, cuts
scars leaving skin and burns
10 gm, Rs. 70 Neem pimple free, clean, Sunscreen Saves skin from
spotless and fresh and will also harmful rays of sun
resplendent Face Pack SPF 30 Mouth Keeps your breath cool
reduce other skin and fresh forlong. Also
60 gm, Rs. 65 60 ml, Rs. 80
problems Freshener helps fight bacteria
Rose Face 15 ml, Rs. 50 causing bad breath
This face wash gently Replenishing
Wash cleans your skin Turmeric Helps reduce sebum, Keeps your skin soft New Product It is cold-pressed and is
60 ml, Rs. 60 sun tan and Foot Cream and cool 100% Natural Coconut Oil. It
Face Pack blemishes 60 gm, Rs. 60 Organic Virgin keeps your hair smooth &
60 gm, Rs. 65 Coconut Oil shiny & your skin glowing all-
Cucumber & 100 ml, Rs. 150 day-long. It can be used as
Lemon Face For deep cleansing Rejuvenating It is an exquisite herbal 200 ml, Rs. 300 an edible cooking oil.
of skin. It hydrates your lips formulation that helps
Wash Lip Balm and protects it from Night Cream Keep mosquitoes away
10 ml, Rs. 60
rejuvenate your skin Mosquito with this natural and safe
60 ml, Rs. 60 drying 60 gm, Rs. 52 at night
Repellent repellent. Enriched with
50 ml, Rs. 50 Vit E
Orange Hydrating Sri Sri Tattva Kleanup Handwash
Face Wash Enriched with For smooth and Cleansing milk is Kleanup is enriched with natural
Vitamin C Conditioner healthy hair
Cleansing Milk gentle, effective ingredients, which kill germs,
60 ml, Rs. 60
60 gm, Rs. 50 100 ml, Rs. 70 and detoxifying Handwash moisturise and care for your
hands.This hand wash is mild on
200 ml, Rs. 50 your skin and harsh on germs.
Range Of Commodities
Cow’s Pure Ghee
1 Ltr, Rs. 450; 500 ml, Rs. 230;
200 ml, Rs. 100

Rich in aroma and texture, ghee kindles the

digestive fire in the body contributing to better
nutrition. Sri Sri Tattva Ghee is manufactured
using high quality cow’s milk in the most hygienic and
ORGANIC SPLIT ORGANIC SPLIT ORGANIC SPLIT ORGANIC WHOLE safe conditions to ensure its purity and quality. Add
delicacy to your life with Sri Sri Tattva Ghee.

Sri Sri Tattva is committed to add wellness to

your life with quality food products. This is
New Product Honey is made by bees foraging nectar from flowers. Since ancient
why we bring you a selected range of food
products that are grown using the best Honey times Honey has been used as a versatile ingredient & adds flavour to
agricultural practices. These products are 250 gm, Rs. 140 different kinds of foods. Make Sri Sri Tattva Honey a part of your daily
500 gm, Rs. 250 intake & enjoy it with parathas & toasts, or include it in your preparation
cleaned, processed & packed in the most No Added Preservatives of lemonade, salad dressings, sauces, etc. for nutrition. Add ‘Pure’
hygienic conditions to ensure that you eat No Added Colours & sweetness in your life with Sri Sri Tattva Honey.
right. Bring home Sri Sri Tattva products for Flavours
a healthy Life!.
New Product
Sri Sri Tattva brings to you a tangy &
Introducing Pickles spicy range of pickles. Just add a
Mango Pickle: 300 gm, Rs. 70; spoonful to your favourite delicacy and
Lemon Pickle: 300 gm, Rs. 70; enjoy the irresistible and mouth-
watering taste of our pickles!
Basmati Rice Mixed Pickle : 300 gm, Rs. 70;
Digestive Cookies Kesar Badam Cookies 1 kg, Rs.125;
62.5 gm, Rs. 10 62.5 gm, Rs. 10
Sri Sri Nadi Pariksha
Amla Candy We specialise in treating the following
400 gm, Rs. 160
Three Flavours: Natural,
Whole Wheat Atta Chronic Ailments
Mango,Paan. Natural Available in 1kg & 5kg Blood Pressure Osteoporosis
source of vitamin and pack sizes Diabetes Kidney & Liver Dysfunction
Heart Problems Insomnia
Asthma Migraine
Introducing Arthritis Hormonal Imbalances
Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) is a time-tested Ayurvedic technique of diagnosis. It can
accurately diagnose mental and physical ailments. It is comprehensive and reaches the root
cause of health issues, not merely addressing the symptoms. Nadi Pariksha forewarns you of
potential health risks. It gives you an insight on how to optimize your health in accordance with
the elements which are predominant in your body. Our Doctors provide you with a personalised
and individual prognosis which is detailed and accurate.

Note: Nadi Pariksha is done on an empty stomach or 2 ¹⁄ hours after

consuming food. You may have water during this period.

Range Of Masalas For more details, Please contact : South – 080-26083556 / 8884331552 | West – 080-26083552 /
Chutney Powder (Chutney Pudi), Curry Leaves Powder, Rasam Powder, Sambhar Powder, Turmeric Powder, Coriander 9538963334 | Central India – 080-26083554 / 8884708181 | North - 080-26083553 / 9418888559
Powder, Red Chilly Powder, Biryani Masala, Kitchen King Masala, Pav Bhaji Masala, Garam Masala, Chaat Masala, Chhole
East – 080-26083555 / 8884661543 | E-mail :
Chana Masala

May 2017

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