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ry TWO-PHASE PADWA bY Pipe th Edition Parla) eh ae ee ae ys TWO-PHASE FLOW IN PIPES by Dr. James P. Brill Dr. H. Dale Beggs Sixth Edition ‘Third Printing January, 1991 Copyright-© 1978 by Dr. James P. Brill and Dr. H. Dale Beggs FORWARD, ‘The notes included herein were prepared by Dr, James P. Brill ‘and Dr. H. Dale Beggs for use in short courses taught by either or both of them and as a textbook in a graduate level course at The University of Tulsa, Publication of this material in whole or in part Is prohibited without approval from the authors, ‘The notes should not be considered to be a thorough review of all Published works on the subject of two-pha flow in pipes. ‘The authors have attempted to compile, ina concise and uniform format, a collection of information necessary to perform pertinent engineering calculations frequently necessary in designing two-phase flow facilities ‘Mastering material contained in these notes will provide an individial with a firm foundation in the important concepts which differentiate single from two-phase flow, This material is not designed for students to merely ead about a correlation and then use off-the-shelf computer programs to solve ditticult design problems. Competent computer programmers could Program correlations covered after mastering concepts, or modify existing in-house programs to méet specific objective TABLE OF CONTENTS PRINCIPLES OF TWO-PHASE FLOW Page 1.1 Introduction. 1-2 1.2. The General Energy Equation. 1-2 1.2, Supplemental Material 1-5a 15a 15a 1-5e Turbulent FLOW enews 1-5 Example $1 Single-Phase Liquid Pressure Drop... 1-5f Non-Newtonian FIWdS someon 15h Power Law Model. 1-58 Generalized Reynolds Numbér. 1-5i Non-Newtonian Friction Factor. 1-5} Frictional Pressure Gradient. rename 1-51 Example $2 Non-Newtonian Oil-Water Mixture Pressure Drop .... 1-51 References.. 1.3 Evaluation of Friction Losses - The Friction Factor CONCEP nnn Laminar Single-Phase Flow. Turbulent Single-Phase Flo ‘Smooth Wall. Rough Wall... 1.4 Single-Phase Flow Elevation Change Component. Friction Loss Component. Acceleration Component. cece 15 Definitions of Variables Used in Two-Phase Flow... sowie 1-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) 1-PRINCIPLES OF TWO-PHASE FLOW 1.6 Modification of the Pressure Gradient Equation 1.8 Calculation of Pressure Traverses Procedure for Iterating on Length Increment Procedure for Iterating on Pressure Increment 1-28 Procedure When Temperature Distribution is Unknown Heat Transfer. Mixture Enthalpy. Effect of Slippage on Composition wien Coupling Algorithm. 1.9 References .... 1.10 Problems. TABLE ‘OF CONTENTS 2-FLUID PROPERTY CORRELATIONS 2.1 Introduction... 2.2 Solution Gas-Oil Rati Lasater Correlation, Standing Correlation 2.3 Oil Formation Volume Factor. Vazquez Correlations. 2.4 Condensate Systems. 2.4 Supplemental Material. Compositional Model. Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK). Peng-Robinson (PR) Computer Algorithm. 2.5 Oil Compressibility.. 2.6 Solubility of Natural Gas in Water.. 2.7 Water Formation Volume Factor. 2.8 Water Compressibli 2.9 2.10 Oil Density 2.11 Water Densit Pseudocritical Pressure and Temperature. Compressibility Factor... TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont) 2-FLUID PROPERTY CORRELATIONS Page Effect of Non-hydrocarbon Impurities On Zamannnm 2-40 Calculation Algorithms for z-factor. eveneee 204 Z-Factor Comparison Study mmm 2-458 2.13 Liquid Viscosity. 2-48 Oil Viscosity. 2-48 New Correlations for Oi! Viscosity. 2-538 Water Viscosity... 2-53 Emulsion Viscosity... 2-55 2.14 Gas ViscO8itY mun 2-58 Carret al. Correlation. 2-58 Lee et al. Correlation... 2-60 2.15 Surface Tension. 2-64 GS-0) nr 2-64 Hydrocarbon Surface Tension - Compositional Model non 2-658 Gas-Water. 2-66 2.16 References .... 2-68 2.17 Problems. 2-71 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3- VERTICAL FLOW 31 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Aziz, Govier and Fogarasi cw Chierici, Ciucti and Sclocehi. Beggs and Brill 3.7. Evaluation of Pressure Loss Prediction Methods, 3.8 Flow in Annuli 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Temperature Prediction wn. 3.15 References .. 3.16 Problems yeeeey ahooE ee a SSazasssessc ow www a sesas TABLE OF CONTENTS 4-HORIZONTAL FLOW Page 4a 4.2 Eaton et al. Correlation. 4-2 Beggs and Brill Correlation.. 4-8 Dukler et al. Correlation (Case II - Constant Slip). 4-11 Guzhov et al. Correlation umn 417 Lockhart and Martinelli Correlation. 4-22 Yocum Correlation. 4:27 Oliemans Correlation. 4-298 4.3, Other Liquid Holdup Correlatio 4-29 Hughmark and Pressburg Correlation. 4-29 Hughmark Correlation, aes 4-30 4.4 Evaluation of Friction Factor and Ap Correlation: 431 4.5. Evaluation of Liquid Holdup Correlation: 4-38 4.6 Prediction of Horizontal Flow Patterns, 4-42 Taitel-Dukler Dimensionless Momentum Balance Equations. 4540 Taitel-Dukler Flow Regime Determination. 4.7 Use of Panhandle Equations in Two-Phase Flow. 4-54 4.8 Miscellaneous Pipeline Design Problems.. 4-65 Pigging. 4-66 Prediction of Liquid Slug Characteristics 4-70 Design of Slug Catchers. 4-77 Flow in Riser Pipes... 4-81 Condensate Movement in Pipeline Networks.... 4-85 4.9 Use of Gradient Curve 4:94 4.10 References 4-98 4.11 Problems 4-103 5. 5.2 5.3 54 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5-INCLINED FLOW Equation for Inclined Flow... Beggs and Brill Correlation Griffith, Lau, Hon and Pearson Correlation. PIPELINES senmnennnne Flanigan Correlation, Guzhov, Mamyev and Odishariya Correlatio Beggs and Brill Correlation Gregory, Mandhane and Aziz Method. Downhill Flow. Bonnecaze, Erskine and Greskovich Correlation. Gallyamov and Goldzberg Correlation veanu. Greskovich Method. Other Methods. Evaluation of Inclined Flow Correlations. Hilly Terrain Pipelines... References .. Problems. 6.1 6.2 6.3 64 6.5 6. FLOW THROUGH RESTRICTIONS Introduction -- ++ Description of Restrictions - Critical vs Suberitical Flow « Single-Phase Subcritical Flow - Liquids Gases ‘Two-Phase Flow..... Introduction Critical Flow Correlations. 19 Suberitical Flow Correlation: 6-32 Evaluation of Correlations sees BAL Prediction of Two-Phase Critical Flow ...... es References. Pan 6-47 Problems... 6-49 Ad AD AS Ad AS As At A As A.10 Aa APPENDIX FORTRAN Listings of Pressure Gradient Subroutine FORTRAN Listings of Fluld Physical Property and ‘Related Subroutines ~~ ~ Properties of Saturated Water: temperature table - Properties of Saturated Water: pressure table - = = - Properties of Water: superheated vapor table ~~ - - Properties of Water: compressed liquid table - = = Enthalpy-Log Presmure Diagram for Water and Steam = Vertical Flow Gradient Curves: 1,995 In, LD. = ‘Vertical Flow Gradient Curves: 4.494 in, LD. = Horizontal Flow Gradient Curves: 2.0m, LD, - Horizontal Flow Gradient Curve 401m, LD, = ao area formation volume factor compressibility factor specific heat dtameter depth frtetion factor fraction acceleration of gravity gravitational constant mass flux rate ‘gas or Liquid holdup atlo of specifi heats, ¢,/¢, axtal Length molecular vetghe nolt Reynolds number Froude number Liquid velocity mmber 5 velocity number ianeter number Liquid viscosity mumber ye auyre? wt we a S01 ~epe volumetric flow rate-in-situ conditions volumetric flow rate-standard conditions 2s constant in situ gas-liquid ratio Producing gas-otl ratio solution ges-oil ratio tne temperature velocity volune specific volume sass flow rate Uortzontal Length Presnure ratio across choke, p/P, sole fruction sau compressibiltey factor vertical Length GREEK LETTERS roughness spect tie gravity difference angle slip gas or liquid holdup viscontey density - standard conditions snaity ~ inesitu conditions Anterfactal tension Bre ye Flat afte ad a rr smipo pr pe air acceleration bubste bubble potne base conditions bean or choke erieteal dtaneter dissolved elevation formation (rock) free friction Froude wae sas velocity tntetat kinetic ene Mute Lqutd velocity mixture no-slip ott Preudo-reduced Peeudo-erkttcal Reynolds sneot a y solution sitp, sonte standard conditions superfietal Mqutd superfietal gas horizontal direction vertical direction 1,2,3, ete. time of Location Je1=upstream, 2 = downstream aut CHAPTER 1 PRINCIPLES OF TWO-PHASE FLOW Le 1 = PRINCIPLES OF TWO-PHASE FLOW 1.1 Introduction The prediction of pressure gradients, liquid holdup and flow patterns occurring during the simultaneous flow of gas and Liquid in pipes is neces 7 for design in the petroleum and chenical industries. Petroleum engineers encounter tuo-phase flow most frequently in well tubing and in flovlines, The flow may be vertical, inelined or horizontal and methods must be avail- able for predicting pressure drop in pipes at any inclination angle. Off shore producing has necessitated transporting both gas and Liquid phi over long distances before separation. Besides being able to size these Lines from a pressure loss standpoint, the engineer aust be able to calcu Late Liqutd content in the pipeline at various flow conditions in order to design separation and slug catching facilities. Tworphase flow occurs frequently in the chemical processing Andustry and the design of such fac{lities as condensers, heat exchangers, reactors and process piping requires methods to predict pressure érop, Liguid holdup, and for he: transfer purposes, flow pattern. ‘The purpose of this manual is to present the basic problens Anvolved {n two-phase design, outline the correlations currently available for design purposes, and to denonstrate the application of the various correlations. 1.2 The General Eneray Equation ‘Tne theoretical basis for masy fluid flow equations is the general energy equation, an expression for the balance or conservation of energy. Between evo points ina system. The energy equation is developed first, and using thermodynamic principles, is modified to a pressure gradient equation. The energy balance simply states that the energy of @ fluld entering a control volume, plus any shaft work done on or by the fluid, plus any heat energy added to or taken from the fluid, plus any change of energy with time in the control volune sust equal the energy leaving the control volume. Figure L.1 may used to illustrate this prinetpl 13 Figure 1.1 Flow System Control Volume Considering a steady eta written as jaten, the energy balance may be wns, oy Lewes tm tag tah tat ws tay yt vhere: U"= internal energy, pV = energy of expansion or compression, a = kinetic energy, 25, mgt = potential BY, ergy added to fluid, at VE + vork dove on the fluid, and Z = elevation above reference datum Dividing this equation by m to obtain an energy per nit mass balance and writing in differential form gives: vay & a+a(e)+ tatatay so. ‘This form of the energy balance equation is difficult to apply because of the internal energy term, 40 it 18 usually converted to a mechanical ‘energy balance ustng well know thermodynante relations. From thermo- aynantes fonan-e 2) La and ah = tas +2 que mes +22 ae, where hs specific enthalpy, 5 = entropy, and T= temperature, Substituting Eq. 1.3 into Eq. 1.2 gives tas +82 ig 2 \eq Py vev ig ese a eeu Ce ate Sa Heat dW Oe, Ls For an irreversible process, the cla 1s inequality states that as> da, > 28, o Tas edatdly» luo to trreversibilities, such as friction. Using this relationship and assuming no work 1s done on or by the fluid, Ee Lb becomes AB EAE Bear 8 a = Oe reece eee oT 8 Té ve consider a pipe inclined at some angle 9 vo wie nortzontal, as in Fig. 1.2, since az = dl ain et a cit at, Be 8. Muteiplying the equation by —E atv pee eer tbh +t paint es sel Fig. 1.2. Flow Geometry 15a 1.2, Supplemental Material Conservation of mass Conservation of mass simply means that for a given control volume such as a segment, of pipe, the mass in minus mass out must equal the mass accumulation’, For a constant area duct, B20) For steady state flow, pv = constant, and no mass accumulation can occur. Equation S1 then becomes SL Bev) = 0 ennninnnannin Conservation of Momentum ‘Application of Newton's First Law to fluid flow in pipes requires that the rate of momentum out minus the rate of momentum in plus the rate of momentum accumulation in a given pipe segment must equal the sum of all forces on the fluids’. Figures 1.1 through 1.3 define the control volume and pertinent variables. Conservation of linear momentum can be expressed as a a HOM) + SOV?) = Td ~ 1B pg sino However, the rate of momentum efflux term can be expanded as follows $4 2 @yyay ay OM =v az ov+pvsy Combining Eqs $2, $3 and $4 and assuming steady state flow [8(pv)/at = 0] to eliminate the rate of accumulation of linear momentum gives 1-5b Solving for the pressure gradient, one obtains which is also frequently called the mechanical energy balance equation and is identical to Eq. 1.7. Thus, the steady state pressure gradient equation is actually a result of applying the principles of conservation of mass and linear momentum, Eq. S6 clearly shows that the steady state pressure gradient is made up of three components. The first component is due to friction or shear stress at the pipe wall and will be described in greater detail below. Friction losses normally represent 5-20 % of the total pressure drop in wells and nearly all of the pressure drop’ in near-horizontal pipes.. The second term in Eq. S6 is the pressure gradient due to elevation change (often called hydrostatic head or elevation component). It is normally the predominant term in wells and contributes from 80-95% of the pressure gradient. The elevation component is much smaller for pipelines, but is often comparable in magnitude to the friction component in billy terrain pipelines. The final component is due to change in velocity (often called acceleration or kinetic energy component). It is normally negligible and ‘can become significant only if a compressible phase exists at relatively low pressures. For upward flow, pressure always drops in the direction of flow. It is common to adopt a sign convention that pressure drop is positive in the direction of flow. Eq. S6 must then be multiplied by -1 to yield a positive pressure gradient. Evaluation of the wall shear stress or friction losses can be accomplished by defining a dimensionless friction factor that is the ratio of the wall shear stress to the kinetic energy of the fluid per unit volume!. Thus, pv where f is a Fanning friction factor. Throughout this monograph we will adopt a Darcy-Weisbach or Moody? friction factor, which is 4-times larger than the Fanning friction factor. Eq. S7 can then be solved for shear stress . $8 Substituting Eq. S8 into Eq. $6, the frictional component of the pressure gradient equation becomes which is often called the Darcy-Weisbach? equation. Calculation of frictional pressure gradients requires determining Values for friction factors. The procedure first requires evaluating whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. Laminar flow is considered to exist if the Reynolds number is less than approximately 2,000. The Reynolds number is defined as 810 For laminar flow, an analytical expression can be derived for the friction factor. The velocity profile for laminar flow can be integrated to yield the pressure gradient. This was done for flow in horizontal capillary tubes to give Eq. S11 which is the Poiseuillet equation, . SIL Since the pressure gradient in Eq. S11 is due only to wall shear stresses or friction, the pressure gradient is identical to Eq. $9. Combining these equations gives lz f siz en ONRe ev Our ability to predict flow behavior under turbulent flow conditions is a direct result of extensive experimental studies of velocity profiles and Pressure gradients. These studies have shown that both velocity profile and pressure gradient are very sensitive to characteristics of the pipe wall, A logical approach to defining friction factors for turbulent flow is t0 begin 15e asa with the simplest case, i.e. the smooth wall pipe, proceed to the partially rough wall and finally to the fully rough wall. Smooth pipe is seldom encountered in the production of oil and gas. However, laboratory studies conducted with glass or plastic pipes often approach smooth pipe. Numerous empirical equations have been proposed for predicting friction factors for smooth pipe. The equations most often used and their suggested ranges of applicability are: Drew, Koo and McAdams: f= 0.0056 + 0.5 Ngo? 3000 3x 10° 1316 x Ne Nge < 10" 84 Although the Blasius equation is considered less accurate, it receives ‘greater use due to its similarity to the laminar friction factor equation. Both can be expressed in the form f= CNR ‘The inside wall of a pipe is not normally smooth In turbulent flow the roughness can have a significant effect on the friction factor, and thus the pressure gradient. Wall roughness is a function of the pipe material, the method of manufacture, the age of the pipe, and the environment to which it is exposed. From a microscopic sense, wall roughness is not uniform. Individual protrusions, indentations, etc. vary in height, width, length, shape and distribution, The absolute roughness of a pipe, €, is the mean protruding height of relatively uniformly distributed and sized, tightly packed sand grains that would give the same pressure gradient behavior as the actual pipe.

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