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Title name

''women empowerment in
khanozai, district pishin,

submitted by
Ahmed yar
Ahmed faraz
1.1 Introduction

The term empowerment has an alternate association in the various cultural, social, and
political setup. Therefore, it is critical to explain it in a single dialect. According to United
Nation; women empowerment mean1 “The process by which women get power and
influence over their own lives and acquire the ability to make strategic alternatives”. In the
context, empowerment needs several changes within the society, much-moderated
practices for individuals. Though existing society is Male dominated, so a considerable
number of opportunities be given to women to stand equally with men. Empowerment,
alludes educational opportunities, skill development, awareness about liberty according
to the value of society and existing norms. Due to perpetual women oppression, and man
dominated society, there exist a widespread gender gap in our society which halt the
process of women empowerment on accounts to take an active shift in sustainable
development. The people are of the view that countries can get enormous benefits for
thickening the size of their economy, if women’s technical labor and intellectual services
are incorporated.
In developing countries, they hold the dual standard in its views toward women. On
the one end, women are considered to be the cornerstone of attention when it comes to
the institution of Marriage and family, however on the other end, they are regarded as
secondary citizens. They are often dispossessed of fundamental rights and exploited in
male chauvinistic society. Moreover, in developing society it has scored a vital position
and become a tradition which is becoming wider and wider and so on. The inhuman
circumstances forced them to initiate a struggle to obtain legal and constitutional rights,
prior to the 20th century, England made amendments in laws governing women rights to
divorce, China permitted women to hold office, New Zealand enhances the rights of
women to vote. In the conclusion of the nineteenth-century women’s movement
accumulate strength and several and gain several dimensions. Empowerment is a
process by which there is expansion and women have to lead by their own choice and
intention. Women Empowerment indicate to the production of a situation for women
where they can lay their own advantages and besides for the society as well. Women
Empowerment indicate to expanding and enhancing the social, political, financial and

lawful quality of the females, to guarantee square with appropriate to females, and to
make them sufficiently sure to declare their rights.
In other words, the international organisations have been playing a vital role in
backdrop severe aggression upon women within the developing countries. In order to
cater to women, some sustainable goals were set up such as International Women's Day,
Mother's Day, it was to encourage the sacrifices of women in the development of the
nation. They suggested several dimensions in which women must be up lifted. In context
of Pakistan, it has been observed in the research of international organisation, that gender
inequality is at apex in Pakistan. The ratio of illiterate population is almost covered by
women. The major concern of women empowerment is to hold them responsible for their
right and set them free so that they could Make deliberate decision on their own part.
Women empowerment posses five components "Women’s empowerment has five
components: women’s sense of self-worth; their right to have and to determine choices;
their right to have access to opportunities and resources; their right to have power to
control their own lives, both within and outside the home; and their ability to influence the
direction of social change to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and
internationally" In this manner, education, technical training, instilling awareness, self-
worth, enhancement of choice selection, management of resources and restructuring the
institutions that strengthen consistent women empowerment.
Empowerment is a multidimensional concept, it covers political, financial and social
awareness. It can be classified into economic, social, educational and political
empowerment All these dimensions combine together forms mechanism and allow
women to do what they were denied in prior times.

Economic empowerment

Economic empowerment means to set women free from traditional economic barriers
that stagnated them from the field of production and earning. Economic empowerment
soar up authoritative gains of women, and equivalent working environment. Economic
empowerment is very vital tool for women and it is the necessity of time to incorporate
women in economic sector. Nowadays, poverty alleviation programs focus on the
mainstreaming of women in the economic field, as it is incumbent for the economic
development of a nation. Economic empowerment commences, if equal opportunity
observes between men and women in working place.

Social Empowerment
Social empowerment means to strengthen the power of women in the social sector
It is believed that Social empowerment of women cannot be achieved by only giving
access to money unless it is associated with other social training on awareness about
their unprecedented role in society. The effect of women empowerment can give a
meaningful end to the women's subordination concept. In developing society women had
been vulnerable to discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, disability, and gender gap.
The only cure is to adopt a pragmatic approach that will foster women empowerment
among the groups in society.

Educational empowerment

Educational empowerment refers to empowered women in the educational sector

“Knowledge is power” it is a universal idea that knowledge claims empowerment because
knowledge enhances thought the process and well being of individuals. According to
Napoleon “ Give me an educated mother, I shall promise you the birth of a civilized
educated nation. People believed that educated male individual can only be a benefit for
himself but educating a girl child is advantageous for the whole family. It claims certain
training for women such as self-confidence building, self-esteem and independence to
women according to the norm of moderated society.

Political empowerment

Women take part in politics and decision making, it helps them to be empowered
politically. Political empowerment is to get access to the political process. In terms of
women empowerment, it allows them to break traditional isolation and to shape their
public presence whereby they participate in decision making and influence the direction
of development .British constitution grant women right to vote that license them to trace
the course of development in society. “Without bringing them in the corridor of power
where they can formulate policies and programs and implement them, the survival of
women is very difficult”

1.1.1 Statement of problem

Without a doubt, through the ages, women are subjected by men to achieve control
over them through power. This superiority of power has been grabbed through individual
capabilities of me, just as through the since a long time prior resolve man driven culture
in which we inhabit. Each denied accumulate on the planet women have preserved
through the most. Their anguish realized no restrictions in perspective on culture, race,
area or religion. women of khanozai have been setbacks of misuse, mercilessness,
strike, absence of solid sustenance, maltreatment in a word a wide scope of hardship.
Man has exacted an unspeakable damage upon women by enslaving her in various
stages in their lives through the years. women have been unacceptable and subjected,
and had deceived of the rights, simply equivalent to every person. Women in khanozai
are the losses of social, political, religious, and money related subjection and hardship.
In like manner, they are managed unequally and cannot check out ubiquity based
activities comparatively with men. Women are taken in a pathetic state in khanozai. At
the point when father is not a sibling, man has exploited defenselessness of flimsier sex.
Women are treated by men like an animal and thrashes at whatever point he wants to do
as such. To address the detestable situation, the law makers residing in the Assemblies
of Balochistan are being silenced and continue non-to avert and influence a law by which
women can be protected by the unfortunate behavior of men in general public.

1.1.2 Significance of the study

This study rotate around the contemporary situation of women empowerment in

Khanozai, Balochistan. This area holds high literacy rate in Balochistan and the further
dimension will be analyzed men and women are parallel in their intellect but male
dominated society couldn't digest this empirical fact. Women have been struggling
inexorably to critical position in male dominated society. In order to achieve their goals,
women most of the time become subject to sexual assault in endowment sexual
orientation and so in. Furthermore the importance of this research is to secure legal
privileges of women and to insure economic prosperity of women so, they could get
excess to economy. Sadly, in some countries like Pakistan especially in rural areas:
women education is neglected due to cultural beliefs, most of the time due to the prevalent
environment, women are relevant in kitchen and pro-creation purpose.
2" if you educate a man, you educate an individual but if you educate a woman, you

educate a nation".
Educating a woman brings self-confidence promote participation of women in
educational activities. Woman needs equal opportunities for education. Women
empowerment lessens maternal mortality and fruitfulness. Women empowerment is
known and measured by their learning they learn.

1.1.3 Research objectives

The objectives of the research will shed light on all the elementary and fundamental
rights of the women in Khanozai, district Pishin.

● To illustrate the immense social condition of the women in Khanozai.

● To portray the gloomy norms concluding in a alienation of women from political
discourse and participation.
● To throwlight on political participation of women in Khanozai, Pishin district.
● To suggest the empowerment of women in Khanozai, how, when and what
conditions women are empowered.
● To as certain the economic condition of the women in Khanozai and their
contribution to the economy
● To reveal the cultural barriers that have halted women from school.

1.1.4 Research Questions

1. What social barriers refrain women from empowerment ?

2. What is the contemporary political status of women in khanozai, District Pishin?
3. What is the status of women in the field of education in Khanozai?
4. What is the economic condition of the women in Khanozai and their contribution to
the economy?

1.1.5 Scheme of the study

Description of the chapters:

The description of this research is divided into five chapters.

Chapter one: Introduction

The first section in an introductory part to the examination. It renders a review of the
whole study to the reviewer. It incorporates introduction, statement of problems,
significance of the study, research objectives, research designed adopted, confinement
of study and reference style and so on.

Chapter two: Literature review

Literature review is fundamentally to examine the perspective on various writers,

researchers, political specialists and sociologist etc. In this section, the perspective of
various researchers and writers about this subject will be talked these insightful
perspective will like wise be basically eased.

Chapter three: historical background

The third chapter explains the historical viewpoint of women empowerment and
political activation of Pakistan and especially of khanozai, Baluchistan.

Chapter four: Case Study

The fourth chapter of this thesis introduces a basic analysis and furthermore talks
about the issues and obstacles women face in khanozai.

Chapter five: conclusion

The fifth chapter speaks to exceptionally conclusion which is associated to research

Questions and towards the end proposals are additionally given which, whatever
actualized obstacles may nullified. Toward the end of this thesis appendices of interviews
of several students, teachers, government official and school principle are included.

2.1 Literature review

A Literature Review is "a systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for identifying,
evaluating, and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced by
researchers, scholars, and practitioners." The review should detail, summarize, describe,
objectively evaluate and purify past research. In simple,Literature review is to analyze the views
of different sociologist, scholars, writers, political scientists and so on. In this chapter, the
viewpoints of different writers and scholars about this topic will be discuss and these scholarly
views will also be critically evaluated.

Charlotte,(1990) in his paper wrote about women's rights human rights. In his view, significant
number of women are subject to brutal treatment, torture and humiliation just because they are
women.. he emphasizes on the inequality being done to women. If anything happens to male, it
is deemed as gross violation of human rights, but on the other hand women right has not been
valued. Despite clear cut inequalities, yet women rights are not recognized as human rights. This
issue is of greater significance because it not only theoretical but also practical. The writer holds
society responsible for this graver situation which is male dominated and revolves around men's
proportions. For instance, women rights are often violated in several ways, sometimes in shape
of political repression that are similar to abuses made to men. In political repression women are
being eliminated from the scene. The writer addressed sexual abuses that women experience in
daily life which is little publicly introduced, but it is far away from the concept of human rights just
because of gender-discrimination.

Shahid(2017) in a dawn news article pens down that Balochistan is the largest province in
terms of area, yet the people of the biggest province are politically unaware. Particularly women
voters are not registered with the election commission of Pakistan pwing to their computerised
CINCs. In some of the remote area, National database and registration authority (Nadra) has no
record of women loving there. Currently 4.2 voters are registered with the Election commission
and 1.8m of them are women.

Khan(2017) In article 25 of the constitution elaborates that "all citizens are equal before the
law and entitled to equal protection before the law: there shall be no discrimination on the basis
of sex". However, as per balochistan culture it is preoccupied by conservative views when it
comes to women. And gender Discrimination is at apex. These socially constructed conservatives
values remain the stumbling block from persistent women development.

Katarina(1993) in his book addressed human rights issues alongside with women rights. He
evaluated the women rights history on accounts of economic and political organisations and
ascertained manipulation being done to them. The next section dealt with women right and human
right led to the confusion between protection of motherhood. The writer emphasized on women
empowerment, only possible through the tool of education. First they would recognise them, then
they would take measures to protect themselves. Remaining part shed light upon the challenges
faced by women in shape of inequality in custom, property, social status and marriage-decision.
The writer considered the unprecedented role of United Nations, and its agenda upon women
rights protection and ruthless violation across the world. In the concluding chapters, writer went
to summarise the challenges and describe some of its solution to the contemporary challenges
for time being. The most important picture this book portrays, is Protection of human rights will
lead to protection of women right.
According to Hakim(2000), it is quite difficult to recognize the status of women in society,
because each society has different behave toward women. In each society, the status of women
is clarified differently. He explains that the word 'status' in Pakistan contexture, that is the route
to resources such as getting employment, education, health facilities and the authority of the
power and status that a woman possesses in different condition. He describes that women less
socioeconomic, demographics, and health facilities. Moreover half of women population is not
getting an education. Girls are married at teenage, they are not asked their opinion. Most
importantly, the women are not going outside alone, because they are forbidden by their family

In 2015 Muhammad writes about Aurat foundation that is a nongovernmental organization

working for the rights of women in Pishin, Quetta, and so on. Aurat Foundation charts hundred of
cases against women in Balochistan. Many cases of violence happened in Balochistan. The
biggest province by area in Pakistan is Balochistan, mostly villages are remote and poverty is in
its hump. Muhammad writes about his aunt who died in Nushki being pregnant because she could
not afford to bring herself into Quetta and gave birth to her baby child. Unfortunately, that is why
women in balochistan suffer and wordless.

In 2016 Dr.Prabhakara Rao explains that Abraham Lincoln once said about democracy,
is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.Nevertheless, the lower
participation of women is a particular concern for democratic systems and without alteration in
that a true democracy can not be accomplished and installed. That's why the women participation
is important in decision making. He further describes that it has been remarked that governance
structures which do not give for acceptable participation continually suffer by state interventions
which is neither inclusive nor democratic.

Paterson (2008) reports, named as women empowerment in challenging environment: a

case study from Baluchistan, that Balochistan is the smallest populated province of Pakistan.
People who are living in Balochistan are conservatives, traditionalist and cultural, especially
towards women. Aggrandizement in politicization of religion and incensement in religious schools
(Madrasah) in quite evident. Secondly, there are tribes in this province and only they can
overpower. If an individual or any group wants to alter norms and values will risk accusation of
unislamic. Women empowerment is very much impermissible and they think that family honor is
determined by the actions of women. Women are not permitted to go outside and get admission
in schools,colleges or universities. They can only go outside and get admission in schools,
colleges or universities, when their brother, father, and cousins are with them, otherwise it is
impossible for them to go outside and so on.In Balochistan only the nongovernmental
organizations are where both of male and female work together. there are societies in balochistan
where they accept no modification for women. literacy rate is low and only 18% education is for

In 2002, Azra in her research paper describes that women are very great in size but their
capability and skills use for national development, because of their low skills, less education and
less empowerment in the area of politics. She also make easier to understand that in Pakistan it
is implicit that political activities are public and women inherently belong to the private sphere.
And there is no amalgamation between politics and women nature. She further discovers that part
of the problem stems from the unidentified shares of women due to their representation in the
political institution which noticed their less mobilization and empowerment.

in 2013 Mandal writes in his report that in all classes in the world specifically, women have to
bear the most. He marks to search that women sufferings are established on race, tradition,
culture, and religion, etc. Furthermore, women have been victims of violence, rapes, inequality,
poverty in their homes and societies. He concludes that dimension varies from state to state,
society to society. nevertheless, still in 21th century women are raped, beaten, abused, degraded,
molested and so on. Women are called witches; and stoned for committing honor killing and
sexual activities are common. He further added that women are raped and killed but offender
move without any punishment by law.

2.2 women empowerment

Women's empowerment is the process in which women develop and reenact what it is that
they can be, do, and achieve in a circumstance that they previously were challenged or
rejected.[1][2] Empowerment can be defined in several ways, however, empowerment means
accepting and allowing women who are on the outside of the decision-making process into it.
“This puts a strong emphasis on participation in political structures and formal decision-making
and, in the economic sphere, on the ability to obtain an income that enables participation in
economic decision-making'' (Rahman, Aminur (2013). "Women's Empowerment: Concept
and Beyond" (PDF). Global Journal of Human Social Science Sociology & Culture. 13 (6):
9. Retrieved 11 December 2018) . By almond and Powell “In this process, large numbers of
individuals have been urbanized, have become literate, and have been exposed to differentiated
economic enterprises”

2.3 Women empowerment in Pkaistan

Generally, across the world women have accomplished set goals and desired position, it is
so, because the outer world has valued the significance and positive manipulation of women.
They ascertained the strength and loophole of society, it can only be ratified through installation
women in their day to day practices. In Pakistan we have a double standard, although pakistan is
actualization of two nation theory, but in practice it is contrary to its principles. Meanwhile, female
is deemed as central point of consideration in marriage life, and then again, female is believed to
be the auxiliary national of the state. In Pakistan women have less opportunities, but more
chances of humiliation and discrimination. It is considered that women are only fit for home chores
and residential work. Women of balochistan is far different from that of women residing in Punjab.
In Balochistan women often become subject of honour killing around 1200 women have been
killed from 2016 to 2019. Education is a far cry until they are in balochistan. One of the Socially
views, is that women must be refrained from education as far as possible, otherwise they might
recognize their rights and then society will be destabilized
2.4 women empowerment in Khanozai

2.5 Rationale of women disempowerment

Each forthcoming day in Khanozai faces new different issues that are domestic violence,
custom and cultural barriers etc. consequently, women in khanozai are not empowered and
politically mobilize because of these reasons which are facing by them.

2.5.1 patriarchal society

In Balochistan, Khanozai is a society which depends on male dominated society, where
women have been subjected to male dominance. .Khanozai basically comprises three main
villages besides many small and scattered clusters of dwellings i.e. Dadhaqzai, Saki Zai and
Saleh Zai in which women are less instructed, have no political and social mobilization. Women
in these ranges go up against limitations while getting instruction, they have no wellbeing offices
around them. The people who live in this society, are the advocators of their way of life and
convention. They direct women lives and basic leadership of women. Also in this society, it is very
common for women to die during pregnancy because there are only two hospitals without facilities
and this area is 78.3 km far from Quetta, which is the capital of Balochistan where hospitals are
existed with good facilities. “The Pakistan Health Demographic Survey reports that Balochistan
leads the nation in maternal mortality, with 785 deaths for every 100,000 women, compared to
272 in the rest of the country” .
2.5.2 Cultural and traditional barriers

In Khanozai, cultural and traditional barriers are against of women. For sure, cultural and
traditional barriers with aggravating lawfulness circumstance affected the position of women in
Khanozai. Societies and conventions of any socialized tribe establish its quality and character,
Nevertheless, here it is utilized for getting down women. It is social and conventional impact that
individuals living in Khanozai won't deal over cultural and traditional change for women.They are
not ready to get legitimate and specialized instruction which are need of time and change,
Because of these berries. Women are rationally tortured and not permitted to take part in
social,political, economic issues or any field of life outside home limit. In Balochistan,Khanzai has
high literacy rate ad Individuals living in khanozai even mind an education for women, but cultural
and traditional boundaries are not allow them to get an education and go outside of home or take
part in legislative issues.They consider sin and they don't comply with culture and tradition.

2.5.3 Lack of education

Balochistan is the largest province by area in Pakistan and it is nearly 44%.Khanozai is a
union council in Tehsil Karezat, Pishin District, Balochistan. where women education is not
satisfactory enough. Women in Khanozai are getting an education but that is not up to the mark
due to dearth of educational facilities, institutions, dearth of female teachers and also the
negligence of government of Balochistan which is not doing enough to start practical and useful
steps for the advancement of women education. Female in rural areas of Khanozai have no
access to colleges, universities and other institutions because they are far away from capital.
Consequently, they remain illiterate.

2.5.4 No space in politics

Political empowerment is criteria for judging a state and advancement of a society. Political
parties in Balochistan is enthusiastic and energetic for uplifting women empowerment and political
piling. But it remains an irony when it comes to seats allocation. Moreover, Balochistan is the
central area of pakistan and the biggest in terms of population but women are living in panic
situations. The only cure to the injection is to empowerment every segment of state, especially
women. Political parties have dual standard in the beginning they instill slogans of women
empowerment, but in the time of election just minor number of seats allocated to women. Elections
took place for 1,450 positions for offices of chairman and deputy chairman of district councils,
municipal corporations, municipal committees and union councils. There was not a single woman
among the 1,450-people elected for those offices”.

2.5.5 Role of women in development of Balochistan

Same as different provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan leads parliamentary type of government.
Governor is the head of the province and Chief Minister is the chief executive and head of the
government. Unicameral get together of Balochistan comprises of 65 situates in which 11 seats
are reserved and 4 seats are reserved for minorities. Commonplace organization is basically
separated into six divisions and further these six divisions are subdivided into 32 districts. It is
without a doubt genuine that women can play an important and key part in the improvement and
advance of any general public. They can perform well in every field of life. Be that as it may,
Balochistan is a general public in light of customary and social esteems, where its locals don't
care for women empowerment. They consider women empowerment or change for females as
"Bad Nami”. Despite the fact that females reach to a few positions or take an interest in
governmental issues yet they need to confront numerous issues. In show disdain toward, every
one of these impediments there are a few women who have influenced Baluchistan to state glad.

Historical Perspective

3.1 Women in pre-Islamic Arabia

Prior to the extension of Islam, women had some restricted rights, and they were overseen
like slaves and were not treated like a person. Women status was of polished they were
acknowledged to be not justifying doing bid and to anticipate part in religious life. Women had no
authority of deciding on choices in light of their own sentiments and had no influence over their
social associations. They were never informed in problems with respect to wedding and birth of
children's. They were not permitted to separate their life accomplices and their perspectives were
not respected for either a marriage or parcel. Regardless of how, they were deteriorated and not
genuinely supported to pass by their one of a kind surname once more. Women were completely
subjected and severely dislike individuals and increasingly like having a spot and property of men.
They were expelled and moved from home to home ward upon the needs and prerequisites of their
mates and their family. On a very basic level, women were impacted slaved by men and settled
on something, giving very little consideration to whether it to be one thing that significantly
affected them or not. If their mates were kicked the container, youngsters from a past marriage
was equipped for his significant other if the kid required her. Female was not in any case asserted
to manage on a decision within the issue except if and until the moment that the minute that she
could pay him for versatility, which was impossible and improbable in such cases. Additionally,
it was especially normal in Arabs that a dad was to be despicable hearing that his infant was a
female. It was accepted and guaranteed that young ladies will have a misfortune and men believed
that little girls would bring disfavor and stigmatize to the family. Henceforth, it was envisioned
about infant young ladies to be malicious, and a significant number of them were sold or covered

3.1.1 Women in Islam

Right when the world was in dull, the wonderful exposure spread in the wide leave of Arabia
with decency, and comprehensive message to mankind. It is expressed in Quran that "O Mankind,
keep your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate of
same kind and from them twain has spread a multitude of men and women".3. It accentuations on
this respectable idea, the Quran states “He God it is who did create you from a single soul and
therefrom did create his mate, that he might dwell with her in love”.4 He has made for you

consolidates from among yourselves and A has given you mates having nature like you, and has
given you from your sets and mates, adolescents and grandkids, and has made course of action of
beneficial things for you.

As needs be, the first wife of Muhammad PBUH, Khadija was a conspicuous and well
known dealer who proposed to Muhammad as opposed to being proposed to. Women in Islam is
seen as comparable associate in the proliferation of humanity. Man, as dad and lady as mother
both are basic until the end of time. Having this kind of association lady has a proportional offer
and rights in each point. She is equipped for have make back the initial investment with rights, she
has square with obligations. Along these lines, at initial fourteen centuries already, Islam
manufactured people also dependable and proficient to God in celebrating and adoring Him, bound
no confinements on her significant development and improvement. “In the Qur'an in the first verse
of the chapter entitled "Women", God says: "O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord
who created you from a single soul and from it its mate and from them both have spread abroad a
multitude of men and women”5.Additionally, be mindful doing your commitment toward Allah in
whom you ensure your rights since Allah is watching you. The Prophet PBUH once said inspecting
and searching for learning is a necessary for every Muslim psychologist it is male or female. Also,
moreover, don't keep male or female neglectful. There will be prosperous and propelled gathering
if female's social uniformity were authentically worked.

3.2.1 Women beyond Pakistan movement

Generally, Pakistan Movement was one of the extraordinary development for Muslim women
of the subcontinent who had never taken any part in any political progression in unbelievable
amount. Earlier that, the Khilafat Movement was the initial moment when Muslim women had felt
their caliber in the political arena. Unite as one with Maulana Shaukat Ali and Muhammad Ali
Johar in prison, their mother Bibi Amman, had intiated a protest against British imperialism by
the assistance of her daughter in-law. She facilitated and kept an eye out for extensive get-togethers
for Pakistan headway with different females and incited the numerous pieces of India to have
support for Pakistan improvement. Consequently, women had taken the frontline and furthermore

symbolize the battle for a substitute country and endeavored through their essentialness for social
move and by showing traits of association, earnestness, judgment and resolve. The sister of Jinnah
was then titled with Madder-e-Millat Mother of the Country. She was the essential woman to have
compel and formulate the female's wings for the probability of Pakistan. At one event, Jinnah
requested that his sister Fatima sit nearby him at Sibi Darbar Baluchistan, it was exceptional yearly
astounding get-together of Baluch Sardar's and Pashtun khans. Quaid-e-Azzam generally at
various events set a delineation that Muslim ladies ought to be given needs and ought to be given
a spot in legislative issues with the target that they can support the unavoidable predetermination
of Pakistan and their general populace.

3.2.2 Historical background from 1947

In subcontinent some muslim reformers who have modified the social and political presence
of muslims, among them one of the renowned pioneer was Sir Syed Ahmed Khan who genuinely
tried his endeavors to cause a situation where Muslims to can start a sensible work, and connect
with ladies' in various courses through mechanical assembly of guidance. The founder of Pakistan,
Muhammad Ali Jinnah had a compassion towards women and propelled them in each level
structure. After the segment of Pakistan women legislative issues and women lobbyist affiliations
were started by recognizable pioneers like Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah to outline that endeavored to
wipe out money related injustices against females in the country. Women were now and again
dealt with into immense scale open displays. Some like Syeda Safia Begum of Muslim Town
Lahore started the primary English School for Muslim Children in Muslim Town. Pakistani
women were permitted the suffrage, and they were reaffirmed the benefit to cast a ballot in national
races under the interim Constitution. The course of action of reservation of seats for women in the
Parliament existed all through the hallowed history of Pakistan.

3.3 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was a man in the country looking for development.It was a time of liberal
women's demeanor in his administration.All citizen-
driven agencies were launched up to women, such as the meeting of domestic administration and
remote administration in Pakistan's prevalent administration, which they had previously been de
nied.It was Bhutto's time to increase women's seats.
Nevertheless, the implementation of such techniques was weak as the state encountered an urgen
t situation related to money due to the war with India and the resulting division of the country.
Be that as it may, it is guaranteed in the constitution of Pakistan. "The Constitution also manages
the assurance of marriage, family, the mother and the tyke just as guaranteeing full interest of
ladies in all circles of national life.” 6
In any case,
the laws of Islam were frequently confused by many judges over the accreditation of non-
division and impartiality under the law by the Constitution. A formal arrangement from Pakistan
checked out the Mexico's First World Women's Conference, which provoked the constitution of
the essential Pakistan Women's Rights Committee.

3.4 Zai-Ul-Haq

General Zia ulHaq had an Islamist stance, and on July 5, 1977, the then Army Chief of Staff over
threw the impartially picked government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in a military upheaval.
He certainly required to create Pakistan an islamization position.He launched a so-
called Islamization sretegy by introducing oppressive legislation against women, such as the
course of action of Hudood Ordinances and the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order Law of Evidence Order.
He also disallowed ladies from showing an intrigue and from being spectators of recreations and
propelledpurdah.He abolished each and every focal right guaranteed in the 1973 Constitution, inc
luding the benefit of being free on the basis of sex from separation.He also suggested Qisas and
Diyat legislation, Islamic remedial laws administering Qisas retaliation and Diyat compensation i
n misconduct including serious damage. Exactly when the setback was a women, the proportion
of Diyat was part.
The 1979 Hudood Ordinance Offense of Zina Enforcing was a subgroup of the Hudood Ordinanc
e. Zina is the bad behavior of non-marital sexual relationship and
disloyalty. The Zina Ordinance included zina-bil-
jabr, the restricted sex class. On the improbable opportunity the woman who reprimands a man

for zina-bil-jabr attacking can't exhibit to the lawful system that she was attacked, she deals with
betrayal indictments. Under Qanun-e-
Shahadat, there was no comparable measurement of a woman's statement to that of a man.
Thusly, if a women does not have male observers yet rather has female observers,
their statement would not satisfy the precondition for evidence.

3.5 Benazir Bhutto

Benazir Bhutto was supportive of women. There has been a noticeable change in women's policy.
. “The Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth plans formulated under various democratically elected
governments have clearly made efforts to include women's concerns in the planning process”. 7
She expressed concerns about women's social problems, prosperity, and exploitation of women.
She also revealed plans to launch police headquarters for women, courts and development banks
for women.She also secured the termination of controversial Hudood legislation that shortened w
omen's rights.Nevertheless,she could not suggest any implementation for women's administration
s in the midst of her two insufficient terms in office.
She was not prepared to relinquish one of the islamization legislation of Zia-ul-Haq alone. In any
case.Through the assistance of Zia-ul-
Haq's eighth sacrosanct shift, these rules were protected from both standard authoritative change
and lawful review. In any case, four of these centers ended up being almost non-valuable due to
nonappearance of cash related and administrative
assistance.Simply the center sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency at th
e University of Karachi could operate a program of articulations. The first women bank Ltd. To a
ddress their financial needs, FWBL was created. For the portion of an enhancement cash organiz
ation and in relation to a social welfare organization, FWBL, a privatized business bank, could h
ave been supplied. It operates on the 38 web augmentations over the nation, made sense of how
and kept running by women. MWD outfitted a credit line from guaranteeing Rs. 48 million on
FWBL should finance little-scale credit plans for blocked women. Those social action frameworks
may have been impelled that pointed in reducing sex incongruities by upgrading women's jump
on social advantages.

As a result, it may have been the administration of Benazir that Pakistan agreed to pass the get-
together for the bigger portion of the anti-
women partition signs.That administration from guaranteeing women enhancement MWD could
be the domestic focal devices allocated for its use.

3.6 Nawaz Sharif

Nawaz Sharif, a political follower from Zia-ul-

Haq's assertion, may have been selected for 1997 as well. Again, governing Pakistan, he needed
guaranteed will obtain Islamic law comparably as those Unequaled laws from ensuring Pakistan.
These Nawaz Sharif organizations officially permitted the Qisas and Diyat Regulations in 1997,
which foundations shariah-based changes over Pakistan's criminal law. Those resolution required
before been kept in charge the president's capacity will re-issue it at regular intervals.
Sharif subsequently proposed a fifteenth constitutional reform that could necessarily replace the
present true scheme with a cautious Islamic he stopped offering on that one and could, on the oth
er side, override that constitution by any law decision from claiming any tribunal.
In the national assembly of the place Sharif's meeting, this proposal may have been endorsing a d
emanding bigger portion, but at the same moment it remained decelerated in the senate in the aft
ermath of rising against powerful restrictions from women's meetings, human advantage activists
, and political social protection opportunities.
Controlling In the case of Saima Waheed, which was widely discussed, Lahore High Court event
ually approved a woman who was right to marry unrestrained Be that, as requested in the 1965 fa
mily law amendments, on the basis of asserting Islamic values, parental authority with dishearten
love marriage will be applied. “The report of the Inquiry of the Commission for Women 1997
clearly stated that the Hudood legislation must be repealed as it discriminates against women and
is in conflict with their fundamental rights”8. A similar demand all through Benazir Bhutto's
association required in like manner endorsed correcting explicit perspectives of hudood rule. In
any case, not Benazir Bhutto or Nawaz Sharif executed these recommendations.

3.7 Pervez Musharraf

Pervez Musharraf was fiery and in support about women strengthening.
Pervez Musharraf's era may have been that a free ministry could have been created for women's
progression service, also split beginning with that social welfare and preparation unit.
All the leadership of Pervez Musharraf began to fill in for changes to the controversial 1979 hud
ood resolution that Zia-ul-Haq may have been submitted. Under the leadership of Musharraf, the
hypothesis service and the board of trustees for Islamic thoughts under the administration about
religious endeavors to fabricate an understanding for those changes of the laws. As for 7 July 2006,
all Musharraf denoted a resolution to those rapid arrival on protect from guaranteeing around 1301
females who were by and by mulling Previously,
Prisons investigating accusations other than terrorism and assassination.
The Pakistani parliament enacted the Women's Protection Bill at the end of 2006, cancelling a po
rtion of Hudood orders.
Completing this the bill allowed for DNA In addition separate exploratory affirmation will be us
ed in prosecuting cases of attack.
Under this concept, the passim of the bill and the subsequent labeling for this to President Gener
al Pervez Musharraf created difficulties beginning with fundamentalist Islamic rulers and groups.
The cabinet therefore supported a 10 percent allotment booking for females in dominant domesti
c administrations. Earlier, a 5 percent quota for females could have existed cross-
sectionally over the entire legislative units of the board.
Shaukat Aziz confirmed that proposal by service on the grounds that women's growth should be i
ncreased by 10%. Those protection from asserting women criminal laws amendment motion may
have been
moved.Women cadets beginning with that Kakul military establishment acknowledged watch dut
y on Muhammad Ali Jinnah at the grave to commence with time. Those women protection bills,
be that as it may, need been denounced towards many individuals including humanity's benefits
and ladies benefits supporters to simply paying lip administrations and furthermore crashing and
burning on repeat the hudood Ordinances.

3.8 Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari the then president of Pakistan started the Pakistan people's party and was in full
support of empowering women. In Pakistan, as much of the legislature could have been responsi
ble for improving women's rights legislation and empowerment.

3.8.1 Selection of Dr. Famida Mirza and others

It was an amazing achievement that the party administration of Pakistan people party under force
called a female member of parliament Dr. Fehmida Mirza as the first female speaker who neede
d to make history.
Across the residency, Pakistan has seen its first distant female minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, begi
nning with defense secretary, Nargis Sethi, province's deputy speaker, Shehla Raza.
In addition, there will be more female ministers, diplomats, secretaries such as Farahnaz Ispahani
, networking advisor to Pakistan's former president. Co-
chairman of the Pakistan People's Party, sherry Rehman former Pakistani minister with the Unite
d States,, Firdous Ashiq Awan, Fauzia Wahab, Shazia Marri,Farzana Raja, Sharmila Faruqi also
held famous roles within the organisation.

3.8 Historical perspective of Baluchistan

The President labeled the insurance against female badgering in the workplace. . “Two additional
bills were also signed into law by the President in December 2012 criminalizing so-called
traditional and cultural practices of Vani, watta-satta, swara and marriage to Holy Quran which
used women as tradable commodities for settlement of disputes”9.
In addition, this is the caustic throwing technique on life detention.
Furthermore, this administration created an outstanding group in the internal part of Sindh local t
o move against the demonstration about Karo-
Kari having help lines addionally work areas for a big amount of distinct Sindh local region.
That administration returned to three years the domestic status requirement of demanding female
s produced for all Musharraf, after returning to three a significant length of moment simultaneou
sly. The bill moved Eventually Tom's examining council made those demand concerning

delineation a permanency constitution for the errand to ensure the execution of ladies security
establishment and maltreatment against women.

3.8 Historical perspective of Baluchistan

Prior to the segment of Pakistan, Baluchistan had been regulated and overseen by the British Raj.
Britishers strengthened the association of nawabs, Sardar's and Khans. They kept the majority in
the state about stunning hardship. The whole structure may have been along these lines disclosed
to empower them supervised economy about Baluchistan by abusing those tribal systems through
couple individuals facilitating their vestal virgin
intrigue. The problem for Baluchistan is about to build up the time when what will happen to the
Kalat state may have been closed to housing for Shahi jirga in assistance to Pakistan.

In addition, Shahzada Karim Khan, a brother of Kalat's pretend to be khan, responded harshly ag
ainst that proposal and revolted against Afghanistan. Proposing on the above one Unit, , ungainly
dealing with tribal leaders Previously, following nawab Nauroz khan political expediencies for on
schedule 70s made significant built up issues, the spot family were the ultimacy misused
individuals and resultantly alienated.
Significant wounds of the past ones have really influenced the life of a ordinary Baloch and that i
s why all these prevalent issues need an opportunity.

3.9 Women politics in Baluchistan Quetta

“Article-25 of the constitution claims that all citizens are equal before the law and are entitled to
equal protection before the law: there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex.”10

Baluchistan might be controlled by a crime-

ridden region made by Pakistan, with moderates and conservationist perceptions predominantly a
rranging the place of segregation from females.
Here, economic and cultural variables take neighboring no room for females over legislative pro
blems, and thus, they should scream and ask for their benefits for just about no room. Fortifying

from guaranteeing women is a climate check for development of any the open eye.
There has been a need for some progress over the last couple of centuries to make political room
for females won alongside Baluchistan.

“In October 2013, 15-member cabinet of Baluchistan took oath and it did not have a single
woman”11. There is no female consultant to Baluchistan as an extra legislative secretary.
There was a couple of women ministers over the last parliament led by nawab Aslam Raisani.
Baluchistan has been qualified as the first province to guide the election of neighboring bodies.
The government equipment has truly been used to influence the choices and the 14-
month hold method is an alternative deep lying story. Coming back to the point,
Returning to the point, not just a lone woman was selected on particular seats in neighboring bod
y’s polls. Choices were made for 1,450 posts for chairman, deputy chairperson,
municipal commissions, district council and union council.
Not even one of woman selected for those working environments among all the 1,450-people.
On such positions, no single female was awarded a ballot to challenge the judgment, also
winning ant seat. The annoying assurances imply a standpoint that doesn't take confidence in
woman strengthening and political participation.
Two of the NP and Pashtunkhwa Milli Awami Party PMAP decision-
making parties pretend to be vibrant meetings.
Both of these meetings show their commitment to empowering females in their statements.
Basically, it is a thought untouchable to them.
Baluchistan's current government, headed by a presumed primary pastor of the ' highly paid class
, ' went out to be remarkably more awful in comparison to last led government by a tribal chief, a
s far as women's political autonomy and participation was concerned.
Censoring the lack of awareness in culture, Salma Jafar, an enhancement expert working in Balu
chistan to embolden females, considers women's ban as insane and memory baffling. She finds t
his strategy based on a man-centered perspective that is detrimental to females.
She urged Baluchistan's women representatives to combat the Islamist male leaders who pulled b
ack the slight increase in empowering women after a year of proactive job.

It's true that Baluchistan khanozai is a complex society where, for instance, Lahore and Karachi,
women loathe an indistinct level of chance in big city. In any event, countless women's tribal soc
ieties of Baluchistan have produced it to the cabinet several times earlier. “Therefore, this
rationale which shifts the blame on society is actually misplaced. The political dynamics of
Baluchistan are different from other provinces. Here, MPAs are mostly tribal chiefs who join
political parties to become ministers”. 12

There is a competition among MPAs to acquire a job and because of the eighteenth amendment, t
he total amount of rural offers is limited to 15.
For instance, in such a situation, norms wind up clearly after examination of empowering women
and gender equity.
In order to validate women's refusal, at that stage, male leaders generate forgiveness for religion,
society, and culture.

Discussion and Analysis

Strategy of inquiry

The methodology of this paper will be experimental observation.The Information about this
topic will be gathered by meeting with, MPA's, Advocates, School Principal, school teachers,
instructors and housewives at their workplaces,students(female) and so on. Information about
the issues and hindrance females in every field of life, will be accumulated from those females
who knew these issues.

Data Source:
Basically, there are two types of the data collection which are primary and secondary
data. A primary data are those which are accumulated for the first time and genuine in character.
In secondary data are those which have already been accumulated by someone else and which
have through some statistical analysis and also gather information from the general population.
Keeping in view the topic of the research "women empowerment in khanozai union district
pishin balochistan" and to accumulate information and data about the theme, both the source
of information have been utilized. Books ,articles and sites have been utilized as an optional
source and meetings of the specialists about the theme have been utilized as a primary source.

12 (Accessed /8/6/2017)
Interviewing is one of the important primary source of data and information which is used
by the researcher accumulating information and data about the topic. While accumulating data
respondents were asked open handed interview questions, voice was recorded, face to face
interviews and telephonic interview were conducted of the Member of the provincial assembly
and officials in order to gather information about Women empowerment in Khanozai union,district
Pishin, Balochistan.

Sample Size:
Sample size demonstrates mathematical calculations of population to be included in the study.
We chose the most accessible one. We mould it generally and incorporate active members of
area and politicians as well. We divided the area into samples and collected empirical data from
the selected sample. It includes teachers, housewives, students and female politicians and other
people who pass on the data for the study undertaken.

Apparatus for Data Collection:

Collecting data is the most important part of the research, without collecting data the research
is incomplete. Instruments and devices which are used for the collection of facts and figures are
known as device. For the exploration of the accumulated essential information, content
examination is embraced. Content examination is characterized as an orderly and replicable
system for compacting many expressions of content into less substance classes in view of
unequivocal principles of coding. It has empowered the analyst to vary extensive measure of
information into codes and further into classifications efficiently. Certain classifications showed up
while perusing the transcript information which were contrasted and the classes chose before in
applied casing work. For the organizing of information distinctive classes were masterminded in
impermissible structures. After recording of the data, the researcher reviewed the same to ensure
that the information is categorized as it ought to be. The tables of the coded interviews have been
given in chapter of Appendices.

Citation Style:

Technically,16th edition of ‘The Chicago Manual of Style’ has been used for references and
bibliography in this research.

Figure 4.1Theme
So long as, collecting my data about Women Empowerment in khanozai union,district
Pishin, Balochistan. The following themes were formed by.
4.2 Status of Women in Khanozai:
Women have equal rights and equal responsibilities in Islam. Initial fourteen centuries ago,
Islam framed men and women equally accountable and responsible to God and worship him.
According to Article-25 of the constitution of Pakistan states that all citizens are equal before the
law and also entitled to have equal protection before the law. So, there should not be any kind of
discrimination and inequality on the bases of gender.
The status of women in Pakistan is subjected to male dominance. Male and female rights are not
balanced. The people who are living in rural area, exploit the rights of women, they indeed do
not honor their women as given by the and ill-represent the Islamic values. In rural areas, the
status of women is unbelievable. Women are restricted to get an education. Mostly people support
more to male child in education than female child. Women are not go outside home in rural area
because of their custom and value. Women are not getting their rights and they suffer domestic
violence and victim of sexual harassment.
Empowerment of women is the marked for the advancement of any society.In Khanozai,district
Pishin, the function of women in the decision-making process is negligible.However, in the
situation of marriage their opinion is taken into account. She is also authorized to make judgement
belongs to domestic activities,such as cooking or maintaining the house and cleaning house. "The
inhabitants of khanozai are Muslims. Yet the majority does not permit women to inherit, which is
permitted to them by Islamic inheritance law".
Although, females in Khanozai are not treated fairly in political, social, economic and educational
sphere. Traditional and tribal behave towards women are often practiced. Moreover, social and
cultural factors have left very little space for women in politics. Anita Irfan the present MPA of
Balochistan said in her interview that:

“She described the position of women in Khanozai that it is quite bit altered but not
completely changed. Female have no equal freedom, no freedom of speech, no freedom
to go outside of home, no freedom to get proper education. There are universities and
colleges without good facilities in Balochistan. She also said that our society is male
dominated comparatively there is much difference. People living in khanozai are
traditionalist and they have realist mind set such as Pashtuns and others. She said it is
long process and it cannot be changed in a short time period by our teachings. A tribal
leader, khan, Nawab and Sardar have a particular mentality following the decrees of their
ancestors. She also clarified that now it is seen that female are being educated. They are
being given a proper and in-discriminated education which can be helpful in any field of
life. People are visiting other provinces and found connectivity. They have chosen that
kind of social and educational environment”
Interview,Anita Irfan, (1,a,i)

Consequently, at domestic level women in Khanozai is treated as slave. They are bound to
follow the decisions of their husbands and in-laws. They are considered inferior and male are
considered superior Women in Khanozai and other parts of Balochistan, are not allowed to decide
home policy-making. Similarly, Batool Asadi Assistant commissioner Quetta city said:

“Being high literacy rate(98%) in Khanozai, district pishin,Balochistan, the status of women
in Khanozai is not advanced or changed yet it is a long process it will take time with the progress
in education, political, social,economic and better opportunity in different field of life. She said that
the signs of the advancement are very low. Human development index is also very low. Although
it is a slow process but women are struggling in every field of life. Male dominance is also one of
the factor behind this. ”

Furthermore, the people who live in Khanozai are still preferred to be patriarchal. They
practice so-called convention and cultural practices over their female which make consequences
that demolished the life of women in Khanozai. Hence, Naseema hafeez MNA of PMAP From
2013-2018 in her interview narrated that:

“The traditional society is not permitting female to come forward because it hurts the ego of men
when they see women are leading them. She said it is the factor that is why they want some
pressure on women. The people in Khanozai want their female only in home, not permit them to
go outside to do any activities and not to be socialized and educated, hence many students,
particularly females, quit their studies after graduation.She also said that now, in our society a
few people want to encourage their female and allow them to get an education and also allow
them to go Quetta for gaining education from SKB University,Quetta or others because, in
Khanozai there are no universities. Even so,the people in majority are still wanted that female
should not be empowered and not activite in different field of life. She was of view that in the areas
of khanozai dadhaqzai , salayzai and sakaza are fully educated, the literacy rate is nearly 97.2%,
where people want to permit their daughter for getting an education. They advocate them in every
field of life i.e socially, politically, and education etc.But it is also seen in khanozai, the
undeveloped area like rodh mullazai ,dilsor and kan materzai that the people of that area neither
like education for their daughter nor for their boys because of poverty, but a few people allow their
children for gaining education. She was witness that some people in Khanozai do not prefer to be
fathers of a girl child when they gave her birth. Still such kind of males with ignorant mind set
suppose girls useless and shame for them” .

4.3 Problems faced by women in Khanozai

4.3.1 Social barriers:

In khanozai, the women has been faced social obstacles in every field of life because of
traditional society. The women in this area, are very much deprived of every social right. They
have to abide by the rules and regulations restricted by their husbands. Women in areas of
khanozai like rodh mullazai ,dilsor and kan materazzi are treated as like beast but, to some extent,
they are getting social rights. The right given by the constitution in Article-25 is not acknowledged
by them as they treat them by their own so-called traditional concepts. Female is not asked her
consent while marrying her, even boy is also not asked his consent while marrying his and Most
of the females are married at a very young age. All the in-house liability of the house belongs to
the female which includes, cleaning, child bearing, washing clothes, taking care of livestock and
so on. They have no status in society and often are not entitled to any sort of property or other
assets.They are used as a commodity between to clans and tribes when they come to resolve
the clash they started. Thus, Batool Asadi Assistant Commissioner of Quetta said in her
interview that:

"There are massive obstacles faced by women in Khanozai. Khanozai is a patriarchal society it
has tribal set up female outing and any activity which is out of home, is considered insulting for
them. They are not allowed to go outside. Females have to obey what their parents decide for
them.For them, staying female in four walls is considered an honor . There is no positive
distinction between make and female, males are allowed doing job and every other activity, but
females are deprived of this basic and fundamental human rights and have no right to do such
legal activity outside of home. Female are not provided proper education and health facilities.
They are supposed even slave. It is part of their tradition and culture that female have to do
domestic works she is not for doing job or other activity. Early marriages, honor killings, watta
satta system is so called tradition they often follow since long. Women are victimized by all these
conventional and cultural values and they have to abide by these or else they are killed. Females
are mentally and physically tortured by their husbands, they are also mentally ill because of their
husband. Women are not permitted to decide how many children they have to born it is to
determine by her husband. Women are treated forcefully child breading machine. She said that
in Khanozai, woman at the household level is bounded to certain activities such as washing,
cooking, managing the house, raising the children and so on”.

Consequently, misrepresentation of culture and tradition increased obstacles for females in

Khanozai,district pishin,Balochistan . Its impacts demolished the social life of women in this area.
It is often decided in Pashtun culture that female should not be much socialized and advanced.
Female life is just in-home limitation and domestic works. Female task is to give birth to child, to
clean house, to feed child, and so on. Regarding this issue Anita Irfan MPA Minorities said in
her interview that:

“She describe that the people who live in Balochistan are following their tradition, culture and
customs. Old people such as their grandfather were the blind supporter of their culture and
conventional and still its impacts are on the present generation. They were restraining their female
going out. The culture of honor killing is still existing in some of remote areas of Balochistan. They
are habituated to early marriages. Girl consent is not essential to them even though she does
not like the one she is going to be married and boys are also victim this as girls. She supposes
tribal setup a biggest obstacles in way of women empowerment. She was of view that it is that
stop female doing something in remote areas of Khanozai”.

Culture and convention play very vital role in social dimension for the advancement and
prosperity of society. Even so, in remote areas of Khanozai it is opposite. Assuredly, the meaning
of culture and convention are explained wrong to them. They made culture and convention such
as limitations that no one can cross its layers. These are the cultural and convention barriers that
prevent female going ahead. Hence, Kiran Arshad Principle of Lahore Grammar School
Quetta (LGS) said in her interview that:

“ Tradition and culture play positive role and it is advantageous to us. Unfortunately, we used it
disadvantageous. We made culture and tradition as a boundary by which no one can be crossed
especially females.They are bounded by conventional and cultural restrictions. The Pashtun
community in this area is very sensitive when it comes to problems related to females. They make
a collective effort to get the girl married as soon as possible. Moreover, She said that there are
still some educated families in khanozai who do not want to send their girls to Quetta to be
admitted in co-education school system, colleges and universities . Now the areas of Khanozai
which are rodh mullazai and dilsor, there are people with the mindset of conventionalist approach
towards their women, they don’t like their women to be an educated at all. She said Khanozai is
a patriarchal society, womens are bound to listen their family members, husbands and parents.
Womens are very much forced to do what their husbands are considered for them. Females are
not even allowed to choose their carriers.”

4.3.2. Educational limitations:

An Education plays an important role in the life of every individual.An Education is the key
to the success. An education is a powerful tool that build personal advancement.According to
Nelson Mandela“ Give me an educated mother , I shall give you an educated
nation”. An education basically helps an individual’s
intellects, wellbeing and potential for empowerment.if one man is educated, he alone becomes
educated but if one girl is educated the whole family becomes benefited by, simply if you educate
a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.An education
creates confidence, hope, and motivation in the life of men. Nowadays, those who are educated,
they reached to the destination they wanted. In today’s develop era nations are advanced only by
using the instrument of education. khanozai education is the highest literacy which is in 98.5 %
in khanozai, the area like dadhaqzai , salayzai and sakazai fully educated, literacy
rate is nearly 97.2% And some areas far away from khanozai which are rodh mullazai ,dilsor and
kan materzai the literacy rate is below 75% ,because of poverty. Nevertheless,, the women are
not educated, the people of khanozai snatched their female by this prestigious tool and
experience. They do not let their women to be educated. There are some area Some families are
there who prefer education for their daughters but not completely. They just educate them till high
school education or intermediate after that they do domestic work or marriage without consultation
with them. So, Batool Asadi narrated in her interview that:

“She narrates that In Balochistan the rural area like Khanozai, the women are not given proper
education, health facilities and so on. They are considered even a slave. It is part of their
convention and culture that women have to do domestic works that are to clean house, to feed
the children, and to cook for the members of family etc, as they are not for doing job or gaining

Following, there is a concept of not educating female. They are of viewpoint that if one
educates ones daughter, she perhaps does not abide by the sayings of her parents. And she will
not be in her limits. As they jailed them for long.
.Kiran Arshad Principle of Lahore Grammar School Quetta (LGS)

“The present society is not permitting their female to come forward because it hurts the self-
respect of men when they see females are leading them. She said it is the factor that is why they
want some pressure on female. The people in khanozai,district Pishin Balochistan want their
female only in home and not to be socialized, educated, developed and so on.”
.3.3. Economic problems:

In any society, if one is poor and financially not supported by the someone or government,
he will not able to do anything as others do. Poverty is the major issue of Pakistan. "Pishin is fifth
poorest district among eight BRDCE programme districts in multidimensional poverty (MP) index
ranking (14th in Balochistan province)."

And also in Khanozai the people are affected. In Khanozai it is a conceptual approach towards
females, that they should not work or do any job because they have their fathers, brothers and
husbands who will earn, a few nmber of female do job like teachings or something else. Economic
empowerment is powerful instrument against poverty, but in Khanozai and others parts of
Balochistan, it is misinterpret and they prefer not let their females to be employed. consequently,
economic issue is the biggest issue that women face in Khanozai. Most of the families live in
misery for long. They are not supported by government. Similarly, Shaida Rahuf MPA revealed
in her interview that:
She said that female in tribal areas of Balochistan suffer more obstacles to come ahead and
indeed contribute in some work. She explained it is very difficult for women to go out from their
homes and do any job. She also argued that Khans, Nawabs and Sardar’s intentionally and
knowingly remained their people ignorant. They did not supported them by education and
economical support, they know if we do as they would know about their rights. They remained
their areas undeveloped so that people could not stand in their ways.

furthermore, females in Khanozai who needed to be facilitated economically they are not
supported. Females are just to do homework, to give birth to children and feed their children .
They are not even permitted to decide her economy and expenditures. They are not given proper
technical education by which they can earn for themselves. Again, Shaida Rahuf said in her
interview that:

“She also argued on the problem that the government is also failed in its policies to reach
education to of the female of khanozai. She also said that the political system is weak not the
society. Females are treated unequal they have not supported well. Females are remained slave
in boundary.”

4.3.4. Political deprivation

political empowerment of women plays an important role in politics. Political participation of

women in policy making and politics is very vital instrument for empowerment of women. " women
in Pakistan has always been citizen considered as second class, because of socio-culture,
economic, and legal obstacles. Although, half of the Pakistani population consists of women, but
their political power is not
encouraging." If they do not
bring them in the arena of politics, where they can take part in decision-making, For women it is
difficult to the survive.However, "the problem is that women are poorly represented in most
countries’ governments and legislative bodies Some people still believe that women cannot
perform as well as men in politics"
face-today/amp/ . if they are not giving strong area in politics, the issues which they face will not
be fruitful at any cost. Men are always with the concept of male dominance. They will not be
faithful to the rights of women in Khanozai, especially, the outside areas that are rodh mullazai
,dilsor and kan materazzi. A woman leader will be true pioneer and only she can understand the
issues of other females in Khanozai.In 2013, Naseema hafeez was elected the member of
provincial Assembly, she was MPA from 2013 to 2018. .Thus, Batool Asadi said in her
interview that:

“She said that in Khanozai, there is no place in politics for women. It is just show off of the
political parties they bring women in forefront but in reality, they apply nothing for the betterment
of women empowerment and political mobilization. Bringing female in forefront of the party politics
is just to get mandate from the people. Female MPA’S are not able to make any legislation for
the development of women in Khanozai. Female who are in politics as a puppet just to rise their
politics. There are women MPA’S who have not given authority and they have not advancement
schemes. She discovered that women empowerment is a slow process and it will take time. We
are in the process and Rahila khan Durrani is the obvious example because she has become the
first female speaker in the history of Balochistan.”

Additionally, it is distinction with female in Khanozia. At the time of an election all political
parties show up connection and association with womens. They need votes by names of women.
They make their attitude friendly with women. But, in reality, it is just show piece. There are a 11
female's politicians who presently lead their parties, some are on reserved seats and just 1 female
is elected. Likewise, Anita Irfan says in her interview that:

She said it is first time that female guardians are in front line of Balochistan assembly. There are
11 women members on reserved seats. Only Rahat Bibi is elected. She revealed that she is first
women on reserved seat from minorities before there were male on this seat. She throws light
over the differences that there is quite distinction in the legislation of Balochistan comparing to
other provinces of Pakistan. she said Naseema Hafeez Panezai was elected as MNA in 2013.
She also spoke that it is cultural and traditional restrictions that stop female coming out in
Khanozai. Pashtuns cultural barriers and traditional obligation are the reasons behind. Education
is the key to success but some people living in remote areas of Khanozai do not like an education
for their daughters.”

Hence, the women in Khanozai are underprivileged of every socio-political right. They are
not given political socialization so that they can further lead other deprived women in Khanozai.
women are intentionally kept away so that they do not ask for their rights. They are made slave
like in every field of life. It is common that female is given reserved seat but she is to abide by the
rules of a party leader. She by herself cannot make a policy. She is asked in every step she is
moving to. Thus, Shaida Rahuf revealed in her interview that:

She said, exactly! women are deprived politically in Balochistan they are not given proper priority
in politics. Legislation process in Balochistan is quite bit slow but workable. Legislations in
Balochistan are made responsively and then it is implemented. She exposed that Balochistan
government make and pass resolutions but Federal government does not take notice. She said
that bills, resolutions are passed by the government but some institutions are also weak to
implement it within given time. The rumors that female cannot be Politicians. The so-called
traditional and cultural l approach towards women’s capability. Not educating women, if they
remain uneducated how would they know their rights.

The subject matter of this paper is to analyse the contemporary status of women generally in
Balochistan but particularly in khanozai. It is a general phenomenon that a man is inadequate
without a woman. Despite the fact, woman in the areas mentioned above, living pathetic life since
long. In this regard, women are just to bear children and look after the home in the absence of his
husband, Following this, it has become the general tradition and sphere of area to work within.
Furthermore, ten out of eight ladies are often subject to the brutality of male dominated society.
Such as child marriages, sexism, misogyny, Benevolent sexism and victim-blaming. Scientifically,
women are more rational than men, but in societies like Pakistan women are always deemed as
lower than the men. On the other hand, it is believed that repercussion of women is only due to
the social structure of society, and it demonstrates everything. Men are always at the giving end
not at the receiving end. This giving process held them superior and they do conceive that women
cannot Make money. It comes cutting edge for men. Men decide how many children they should
have, men have liberty to decide her better half but when it comes to female it leads to respect
and honour matter. Simply, women will live life of men's choice.


The status of females in khanozai is not less than that of Quetta. Up till now, no potential
initiative has been taken. It is believed that goals given by federal has not been fulfilled in the
regional area of khanozai. Male dominancy is at apex. In this case, eight of ten women are being
caught in cage of male dominated social constraints. In simple words, men strive to do all by
themselves, no proper room is left for women to undertake their chores. Therefore, living in the
vicinity of khanozai women have to confront with social barriers. Women cannot hold proper
stakes in public office because it against the norms of that society, status of women are no better
than slaves women are machine of baby breading. These social men made constraints are being
observed by women, otherwise, they would be beaten to death. Watta satta, child-marriages all
decided convention.

Furthermore, the government its is silent on the issue related to women. Political empowerment
of women in balochistan has gone through tough process and most of them women are self-
made. Peoples living in Khanozai are of conservative mentality and of tribal mentality. Particularly
pashtuns are residents of khanozai they bears the same mentality, it cannot be ulter over a night,
it may take decades.


Title of thesis
Women empowerment in Khanozai union, district piston, Balochistan.

Interview questions

1. What is the status of women in Khanozai?

2. Why the people of Khanozai do not like change for women?
3. Instead of high literacy in Khanozai, why the women of this have been far behind
4. How female can bring change in socio-political advancement of Khanozai
5. What is the most stressful part of female about working?
6. What is the biggest challenge of women, has faced in the past year?
7. Why domestic violence in form of physical thrashing and mental torture with which women
in Khanozai is treated?
8. Why Pakistan is only made for male dominancy?.
9. Why political parties at the time of election show up manifestos containing commitment
towards female empowerment, but in reality, they are failed doing so?
10. Why politician sitting in assemblies have off and on enacted various laws to wipe the
rampant social vices and customary practices that distort the fair image of women in

The above-mentioned Questionnaire has been put before the respondents.

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