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(version 11: 11th July 2017)

MBA Stage Overview 3

MBA Stage Timetable 6
The Summer Term 2017 FT MBA Course Unit Descriptions 8
Assessed Internship 9
Dissertation 14
Personal Project 17
Business Simulation Project 20
List of UK based Global Electives 24
Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management 25
Global Finance 28
Information Systems and Internet Strategy 31
International Business Strategy 34
Investment and Portfolio Management 37
Risk Management 39
Strategic Management of Projects 42
Supply Chain Management 45
Sustainable Business 47
The Practising Manager 50
The Autumn Term 2017 FT MBA Course Unit Descriptions 53
List of Autumn Term 2017 Home Electives 54
Elective Registration Rules 55
Advanced Strategic Management 56
Big Data Analytics 58
Business to Business Marketing 60
Corporate Recovery and Turnaround 62
Digital Economy: Foundations and Strategies 64
Entrepreneurship Project 69
Internet Marketing Strategy 73
Management in Practice 79
Managing Disruptive Technologies 82
New Business Ecosystems: infrastructure and Sharing Economy 85
Practical Investing 88
Real Options in Practice 91
Strategic Integrity: Strategy, Corporate Finance and Information Systems 93
Venture Capital and Private Equity 96
International Study Tour 100

China Study Tour – Contemporary Business in China 102
Dubai Study Tour - International Business Strategy 111
Language Electives 115
List of Global Electives at one of our International Centres 119
Advanced Strategic Management 120
Business to Business Marketing 123
Commercial and Contract Management 126
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 129
Information Systems and Internet Strategy 132
Investment and Portfolio Management 135
Risk Management 137
Supply Chain Management 140
The Winter Term 2018 142
The International Business Project 143



As you start to consider the MBA Stage of your programme I want to provide you with information
on all options available to you.

Firstly, you must successfully complete the Diploma Stage of the Programme to proceed to the MBA
stage, where you are required to accumulate a further 150 credits from the following:

Summer Term Choices

30 credits, choose from:

1. Assessed Internship Report OR Dissertation - 30 credits each

2. Global Electives (UK based only) - 15 credits each
3. Personal Project - 15 credits
4. Business Simulation Project – 30 credits

Autumn Term Choices

60 credits, choose from:

1. Electives (Home or Global electives at one of our International Centres) – 15 or 30 credits each
2. International Study Tour – 15 credits
3. Entrepreneurship Project – 30 credits
4. Personal Project – 15 credits
5. Dissertation – 30 credits
6. International Exchange Programme – 60 credits (reported as 4 x 15 credits)

Winter Term
60 credits

1. International Business Project (COMPULSORY)

International Study Tour

The Study Tour is part of the International Business Experience at Manchester Business School. The
study tour will combine an academic course with visits to companies and institutions. This year we
are offering “Contemporary Business in China” at our Shanghai Centre and “International Business
Strategy” at our Dubai Centre.

China Study Tour – 18 until 22 September 2017

Dubai Study Tour – 24 until 28 September 2017

As with our Exchange programme, students will be expected to cover the cost of the flight and

Global Electives

The Global MBA offers a wide variety of elective modules and you may notice that they run slightly
differently to those on the Full Time MBA. The Global electives are delivered through a combination
of self-study and face to face workshops in the UK or at one of our global centres.

These electives commence 1st July 2017 and study starts from that day. Most electives have an
individual assignment which you would be expected to submit usually about 6 weeks into the
semester (mid-August) with a face-to-face, residential workshop taking place in the Summer or
Autumn Terms. An assignment (usually group) is submitted either during or after the workshop and
where an examination is part of the assessment, these are held in Manchester in December.
In most cases these three methods of assessment are the norm but please refer to the course unit
spec for further details.

Global electives held in Manchester will contribute towards your Summer Term credit allocation.

Global electives at one of our International Centres will contribute towards your Autumn Term
credit allocation.

Global electives are reported as 15 credits each on the FT MBA Programme.

Language Elective Courses

The University Language Centres delivers a small number of language courses that MBA students can
take as credit. Enrolment for these courses does not start until late May and attendance would be
required for 3 hours per week. The language courses are on offer in the Autumn Term are:

• Introductory Spanish
• Introductory German
• Introductory French

These courses are for students who have no knowledge of the languages above.

The International Exchange Programme

To be eligible for the international exchange programme students must successfully pass the diploma
stage at the first time of sitting. Exchange places are highly competitive and decided via an
application process. Full documentation on the International Exchange Programme will be available
in February 2017.

MBA Stage Rules

• The Assessed Internship or the International Exchange Programme cannot be combined with
any other courses during the same term.
• Only 1 Assessed Internship, 1 Dissertation, or 1 Personal Project may be taken.
• You may apply for a combination of no more than 2 Global Electives and/or Study Tours.
• The International Business Project is Compulsory for ALL.
• Students are advised to study a maximum of 30 credits in the Summer Term and 60 in the
Autumn Term. Any students who wish to take more than the required number of credits in
either term should submit a written case to the MBA Centre Coordinator r for consideration.




Summer 26th June – 25th August OR 15th September Assessed Internship Full-time/10 weeks 30
2017 (depending on your elective choice)
Dissertation As agreed with supervisor 30
Personal Project As agreed with supervisor 15
10th – 14th July 2017 Business Simulation Project Full-time study 30
1st – 12th September Electives (Manchester based Refer to course unit spec 15 credits each
Global only)

Autumn 7th September – 6th October 2017 Electives (Global at one of Refer to course unit spec 15 credits
our International Centre)
Period 1: 18th September –7th October 2017 Electives (Home or Global) Refer to course unit spec 15 credits
th th
Period 2: 9 October – 18 November 2017 Electives (Home only) Refer to course unit spec 15 or 30 credits each
18th – 22nd September 2017 International Study Tour Full-time study 15
24th – 28th September 2017 International Study Tour Full-time study 15
18th September –18th November 2017 Dissertation As agreed with supervisor 30
18th September –18th November 2017 Personal Project As agreed with supervisor 15
Term dates vary depending on the Exchange International Exchange Full-time study 4 x 15 credits
School Programme TOTAL 60 credits
18th September – 18th November 2017 Entrepreneurship Project Refer to course unit spec 30 credits
20th November – 8th December 2017 International Business Full-time study 60
Project (compulsory)
25th September – 15th December 2017 Language elective Refer to course unit spec 15

Winter 8th January – 6th April 2018 Continuation of International Full-time study
Business Project





FT MBA Course Unit Descriptions

Course Unit Descriptions are intended as a
guide only and / or offerings are subject to


Academic Year 2017/2018

Semester/Term Summer 2017

Course Unit Title MBA Assessed Internship

Unit code BMBA60108
Credit rating 30
Level Postgraduate
Degree programmes MBA

Contact hours Contact with supervisor as necessary

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

Member of staff Academic Lead: Administrative Support:

responsible Carole Talbot Louise Cain

Contact details and office Alliance MBS East, Room E12a Alliance MBS
hours Office hours: By appointment MBA Centre
Tel: 0161 275 3794 Room 2.002 Dover Street
Email: Tel: 0161 275 6307
Other staff involved Approximately 4 internship supervisors, comprising external
practitioner supervisors and Alliance MBS academics.
ECT* 15
Notional hours of
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


The MBA Assessed Internship provides learning opportunities to address topics at the intersection
of business theory, organisational practice and individual action, including the relevance of
business and managerial concepts, models, and methods; the development and implementation of
recommendations; and reflections on the individual self in the context of the internship and

broader business relationships. The unit is undertaken in conjunction with an agreed internship in
an external organization.


Category of outcome Students should be able to:

Knowledge and Understand and contextualize the relevance and application of
understanding organization, business and managerial theories and concepts in a real
world setting.
Intellectual skills Demonstrate the ability to link what is taught on the MBA to aspects of
the internship experience.
Practical skills Acquire improved skills related to settling into an organization and the
challenge of scoping and implementing projects.
Develop improved writing and organisational skills.
Transferable skills and Gain experience and improved skills in undertaking reflection about
personal qualities organisational environments and on individual self-capabilities to
perform in such environments.


Students will be allocated a supervisor who will support the students either in group sessions or
one to one in relation to completing the report.

Students will write a report on their experiences of the internship on completion of the work
experience. It is expected that students will create notes during the internship and discuss the
report as it develops with the supervisor.

The report will be a maximum of 3,000 words plus references and will address both professional
and personal development aspects:

Part 1 – Reflect on a challenge within the internship. This may be the challenge of the work
required of you during the internship OR it may be a business or management challenge for the
organisation that interests you.

Part 2 – Reflect on your internship experiences. What have you learned during the process and
how do you feel this will enhance your ability as a manager on completing the MBA.

In part one you should draw on knowledge from the MBA taught units or your wider reading on
business and management topics. The task is to directly relate concepts, theories or frameworks
to an aspect of the internship or organisation.

Two very straightforward examples are provided below. Your focus might be much more

You were required to write certain documents or carry out certain types of analysis during the
internship which you previously had little experience of – discuss how drawing on theory helped
you tackle the issue. Theories, concepts and frameworks used should be discussed and

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A problem for your internship organisation is staff retention. You have noticed that there are very
few mature females and yet in the trainee cohort you notice higher proportions of females to
males. Explore how interventions such as provision of crèche facilities, career breaks and part-
time working would help to retain more skilled employees. Theories, concepts and evidence used
should be discussed and referenced.

In part two the focus should be on how the internship had added to your personal development.
Through in-depth reflection you need to discuss what you have learned through the process. You
should draw on the ideas and concepts around reflection which will be communicated via an
recorded online tutorial. You are advised to keep a reflective journal during the internship which
will form the basis of your essay.

For both parts it is advised that should provide a plan and submit this to their supervisor. Plans
should include:

Part one
1. A summary description of the challenge;
2. A statement of how the theories, concepts and frameworks are used in the essay;
3. A list of the key references.

Part two
1. A description of the situation upon which you reflect;
2. A discussion of your reflection on the situation;
3. A conclusion as to what you have learned and what you take away from the experience
for your future career post MBA.


The full-time work component of 8-10 weeks associated with an Assessed Internship must be
completed by the start of the Autumn Term of the MBA Stage (students on the FT MBA are not
allowed to be in full-time employment at any time during the Autumn, Winter or Spring Terms) or,
if a student is going on Exchange, the start of the term or semester at the relevant Exchange
School. Because of the need for advanced approval and the need to complete the full-time work
components, full approval should be sought prior to 26th June 2017, with internships starting no
later than 3rd July 2017. Please note that the School will not normally accept any internship which
has not been properly registered.

Students are placed in groups with an internship supervisor. The supervisor is either an Alliance
MBS academic staff member or an external practitioner. The Academic Lead is responsible for
overseeing the assessment, providing guidance, and supporting academic supervisors as required
and may also take a group. It is expected that each supervisor will have approximately 30


The 2016 Alliance MBS “Guide to the Internship Assessment Process” will be made available to all
student interns and internship supervisors.

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An online tutorial will be recorded for students to access at their leisure. Any questions or queries
should be directed towards the supervisor and/or academic lead as appropriate.

Students individually seek out reference materials appropriate to their internship and will draw
upon references and materials from prior Alliance MBS courses. Supervisors may suggest
additional materials as appropriate to their group and students.


Assessment task Length (words) Weighting within Deadline for Deadline for the
unit (if relevant) submission return of
Individual Report 3,000 words 100% 11.59pm on 10/10/17
The Individual Report will be assessed on the following criteria:

1. The report addresses the issues outlined above.

2. The report contains reflection on the learning from the internship and the ability to reflect
on the MBA taught components in relation to the experience.
3. The report draws on some academic literature which is referenced properly.
4. The report is well written and presented.

NB – the assessment is not based on whether or not there is a job offer or the success of
projects/work experience. The report should demonstrate learning and the development towards
the reflective skills necessary for taking leadership roles expected of MBA graduates.


Feedback will be provided by supervisors within the normal turnaround time.


All Assessed Internships must be formally signed off by the Associate MBA Director before
commencement of the internship. A link is given at the end of this course unit spec. To gain
formal approval for an assessed internship, students must complete the form by Monday 26th June
2017 at the latest.

During the internship period, the Academic Lead is available to receive feedback from students, to
provide guidance, and the resolve any issues that occur.

The MBA Centre will undertake an evaluation procedure with all student Interns at the completion
of the process.


This proposal is for a simplified assessed internship which is designed to maintain the ability for

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MBA students to generate credits towards their final MBA through completing an internship. This
year the focus of the assignment is on two clear aspects which will allow a more in depth
discussion. As outlined above students are advised to keep notes and reflect throughout the
internship and develop plans to be shared with their supervisors. Students should make contact
with the supervisor voluntarily regarding these plans. Please note that supervisors will not read
draft essays but will advise on style and approach. Guidance will be provided in the tutorial about
the level of detail expected in the essays particularly that regarding the use of theory, concepts
and frameworks.

These changes take into account the feedback from the 2016 cohort. In particular the online live
tutorials are replaced with a recorded tutorial so that students can access this at the start of their
internship. Students may also submit their assignments early to fit in with the internship process.
Having said this it is often advantageous to allow some time between finishing the internship and
finalising the report.

Internship Registration Form:

Date of this version 27th January 2017

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Academic Year 2017/2018

Semester/Term Summer or Autumn term
Course Unit Title Dissertation
Unit code BMBA60001
Credit rating 30 credits
Level 7
Degree programmes Full time MBA
Contact hours 6 hours face to face plus virtual support as required
Pre-requisite units Completion of Diploma stage
Co-requisite units None
Member of staff responsible
Other staff involved Supervisor
Notional hours of Learning** 300
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours that it is expected that a learner (at a particular
level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is expected
that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved. Therefore if a
unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance with the Credit
Framework (QAA).

The unit aims to:
1. Explore a current business problem which will enable the student to apply many of the concepts,
theories and techniques acquired during their Fulltime MBA studies.
2. Provide the student with experience of project management and organization of a dissertation.
3. Provide practical knowledge, learning and engagement in activities that will contribute to
competence in handing complex unstructured business situations.
4. Bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and application of that knowledge, including how
to research/investigate a business problem.

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Category out outcome Students should be able to:
Knowledge and understanding - Understand the theoretical background to practical
solutions to business issues.
- Understand how to analyse data, both qualitative and
quantitative, to get meaningful results.
Intellectual skills - Design business research by applying theoretical concepts
to practical problems, which may involve developing
hypotheses and methods as well as deciding on target
populations and samples.
- Make critical judgements and solve problems effectively.
- Arrive at reasoned decision from research information and
make arguments from an informed point of view.
- Apply understanding of ethical, professional and academic
Practical skills - Negotiate the scope of the dissertation, agree deliverables
and milestones; and adapt according to feedback from
- Where relevant, collect and analyse data according to
professional and ethical standards.
Transferable skills and - Manage the project effectively, including managing time,
personal qualities resources and deadlines, as well as any changes to the
specification that may arise over the course of the project.
- Satisfy the academic requirements of the programme.
- Work constructively with the supervisor towards an agreed
- Identify personal strengths and weaknesses and areas for
further learning and development.
- Critically reflect on progress and adapt to changing
- Think creatively and solve problems effectively.

The student will be expected to work on a self-selected project.

The student will work on a current interdisciplinary business project, most likely through desk
research. The dissertation will focus on the application and exploration of particular theory and
concepts learned during the MBA.

A Project proposal must be submitted for approval of the project scope. The proposal will explain
the need for the particular issues to be investigated by the study, set out a clear research question,
and the main theoretical ideas intended to be used to explore the topic.

The student will agree the project scope and methods with the supervisor. The dissertation will

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include a literature review that frames the study with critical insights on the relevant academic and
professional literature.

The main body of the dissertation will demonstrate understanding of the context, apply concepts
and theoretical ideas appropriately to a particular business project, and show an ability to evaluate
assumptions critically. Discussion of the dissertation findings will include the managerial


The Manchester Method will form the basis the project work, with three goals:

- Maximum learning and career value for each individual student.

- Analytical and professionally effective results for the sponsoring company (where relevant).
- Enhancement of the good reputation of Alliance Manchester Business School.

Each student is responsible for finding their own project supervisor. The supervisor is responsible
for monitoring the progress of the student, providing advice and support, marking reports and
providing feedback to the student.


Assessment Task Length Weighting within Deadline for Deadline for

unit (if relevant) submission of return of
assessed work feedback
Project Proposal – 300-500 words Not assessed 4 weeks before 3 weeks after the
outline of project the formal start formal start of
task, timeline and of the project the project period
proposed period
Final Report Not exceeding 100% Final deadlines:
15,000 words Summer Term
2017 – 18
September 2017.
Autumn Term
2017 – 8 January

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Academic Year 2017/18

Semester/Term Summer or Autumn term
Course Unit Title Personal Project
Unit code BMBA60003
Credit rating 15 credits
Level 7
Degree programmes Fulltime MBA
Contact hours 3 hours face to face plus virtual support as required
Pre-requisite units Completion of Diploma stage
Co-requisite units None
Member of staff responsible
Other staff involved Supervisor
ECT* 7.5

Notional hours of Learning** 150

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours that it is expected that a learner (at a particular
level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is expected
that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved. Therefore if a
unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance with the Credit
Framework (QAA).


The unit aims to:

1. Explore a current business problem which will enable the student to apply many of the concepts,
theories and techniques acquired during their Fulltime MBA studies.
2. Provide the student with valuable experience of project management within a live business
context, where a field based project is undertaken.
3. Provide practical knowledge, learning and engagement in activities that will contribute to
competence in handing complex unstructured business situations.
4. Bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge, including how to
research/investigate a business problem.

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Category of outcome Students should be able to:

Knowledge and - Understand the theoretical background to practical solutions to
understanding business issues.
- Understand how to analyse data, both qualitative and
quantitative, to get meaningful results.
Intellectual skills - Design business research by applying theoretical concepts to
practical problems, which may involve developing hypotheses and
methods as well as deciding on target populations and samples.
- Make critical judgements and solve problems effectively.
- Arrive at reasoned decisions from researched information and
make arguments from an informed point of view.
- Apply specific knowledge to a commercial setting.
- Apply understanding of ethical, professional and academic
Practical skills - Negotiate the scope of the consultancy project, including:
identifying a match between the sponsor’s expectations and the
student’s abilities; agreeing deliverables and milestones; getting
the sponsors’ commitment to essential resources, data and
internal company staff needed by the project.
- Deal with real customers or businesses and win access to
information in ethically-acceptable ways.
Transferable skills and - Manage the project effectively, including managing time,
personal qualities resources and deadlines, as well as any changes to the
specification that may arise over the course of the project.
- Satisfy both the sponsor’s practical needs and the academic
requirements of the programme.
- Work constructively with the supervisor towards an agreed
- Identify personal strengths and weaknesses and areas for further
learning and development.
- Critically reflect on progress and adapt to changing circumstances.
- Think creatively and solve problems effectively.


The student will be expected to work on a self-selected project.

The student will work on a current interdisciplinary business project, either through primary
research for a sponsoring `client’ company, or through desk research. Sponsoring companies will
usually be self-sourced by the student. A project proposal must be submitted to your supervisor
for approval of the project scope.

The student will negotiate with the client over the exact work specification as well as for resources
and work towards an agreed deadline. If based on field work, the project will mimic a real working
environment as closely as possible. The students will agree the project scope and methods with

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the supervisor.


The Manchester Method will form the basis the project work, with three goals:

- Maximum learning and career value for each individual student.

- Analytical and professionally effective results for the sponsoring company (where relevant).
- Enhance of the good reputation of Alliance Manchester Business School.

Each student is responsible for finding their own project supervisor. The supervisor is responsible
for monitoring the progress of the student, providing advice and support, marking reports and
providing feedback to the student.


Assessment Task Length Weighting within Deadline for Deadline for the
unit (if relevant) submission of return of
assessed work feedback
Project Proposal – 300-500 words Not assessed 4 weeks before 3 weeks after the
outline of project the formal start formal start of
task, timeline and of the project the project period
proposed method period

Final Report Not exceeding Final deadline:

7,500 words Summer Term
2017 – 18
September 2017

Autumn Term
2017: 8 January

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Dates: 10th – 14th July 2017

Academic Year 2017 - 2018

Term Summer
Course Unit Title Business Simulation Project
Unit code To be advised
Credit rating 30 credits
Level 7
Degree programmes Full time MBA
Pre-requisite units Completion of Diploma stage
Co-requisite units None
Member of staff responsible David Roberts
ECT* 15
Notional hours of Learning** 300
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours that it is expected that a learner (at a particular
level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is expected
that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved. Therefore if a
unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance with the Credit
Framework (QAA).


Welcome to the Management Simulation Course that runs as part of your MBA. This course
embraces the philosophy of our Business School – Learning By Doing.

The course draws on the learning in your MBA journey so far.

The business simulation is about the European Car Industry and will put you in a real world scenario
of heading up a motor car manufacturer.

You will lead a start-up company with an initial investment of £500Million. You will be responsible
for decisions around overall strategy, finance, operations, marketing, and HR. You task in the
simulation is to maximise the initial investment.


The course has four overarching aims:

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1) Develop an understanding and an appreciation of the relationships and interdependencies
between the major areas of a business;

2) Experience the challenges in dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty;

3) Provide an opportunity to develop negotiation, decision making, and analytical skills in a

time-constrained environment.

4) Provide an opportunity to reflect on organisational structure and group dynamics.

The business simulation about the European Car Industry will put you in a real world scenario of
heading up a motorcar manufacturer.

Working in small groups you will lead a start-up company with an initial investment of £500Million.
You will be responsible for decisions around overall strategy, finance, operations, marketing, and
HR. You task in the simulation to maximise the initial investment.

Your company will trade over a number of periods. You will make decisions at the start of each
period in the areas of operations, finance, sales and marketing, and production and operations.

The outcome of your decisions are be reflected in financial statements and a comprehensive suite
of other management information reports on the progress of your company against the background
marketplace and against your competitors in the simulation.

As the simulation progresses the business environment will become increasingly complex and


Category of outcome Students should be able to:

Knowledge and 1) Understand the key issues associated with the setting and
understanding implementation of a company strategy and particularly the
interplay of factors and decision making issues that influence
effective organisational performance
2) Understand the relevance of key financial concepts in the
3) Understand the link between strategy and implementation.

Intellectual skills 1) Mobilise prior learning from other parts of the MBA programme.
2) Make reasoned arguments for your decisions.
Practical skills 1) Utilise framework and models to analyse the business
2) Formulate written and oral arguments to for decision-making.
3) Manage complex and unstructured problems in a rigorous and
analytic way.
Transferable skills and 1) Appreciation of the need for organisation, planning,
personal qualities communication, co-ordination and negotiation in executing a

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group task.
2) Obtain greater in sight into your own and other group members
ways of working as part of a task in a time constrained
competitive environment.
3) Improving your own learning through planning, monitoring, and
critical reflection.
4) Ability to evaluate and adapt strategies for further development.
5) Coping with stress and pressure in a volatile, uncertain, complex,
ambiguous real world environment.


Delivery of the course is Face to Face over an intensive block period and will involve the use of
simulation software.

There will be some lecture input, group and individual work, multiple student presentations, and
other activities to make the simulation as realistic as possible.

Additionally there will be a field visit to an organisation involved in the motor industry.


Learning resources will include a comprehensive instruction guide for the simulation and all
associated data.


Assessment Task Length Weighting within Deadline for Deadline for

unit (if relevant) submission of return of
assessed work feedback
Assignment 1: 10 ppt slides for 50% Presentations will Within 15
4 x Team Board each report take place in class working days
Reports 20% and the PPT slides
Peer assessment and report should
adjustment of up be submitted by
to + / - 20% of 11.59pm on
group mark 14/7/17

Assignment 2: 2,000 words 50% 11.59pm on Within 15

Individual 28/7/17 working days
Reflective Report

Assignment 1
This assignment is in four parts.

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Based on the initial briefing and other available resources, candidates will prepare and present an
analysis of the market opportunities and prepare a report for the board with the strategy and
outline business plan for their organisation.

Typically, 10 ppt slides with support commentary where necessary.

As the simulation progresses, and using the results from each round of the simulation, candidates
will prepare and present three further board reports. These reports will provide an analysis of their
organizations current position and a justification for their decisions in the following round.

Typically 10ppt slides with supporting commentary.

The reports will include (yet are not exclusive to) analysis of; Share price, Financial position, Sales
and Marketing, Operations, HR, Competitor activity, and any other relevant information.

Assignment 2
Reflective Report

For the second assignment, students will submit a reflective piece, which will highlight their learning
from the simulation.

Drawing on their lessons learned, the reflective piece will also highlight specific actions that the
students intend to take to further develop their practice as a business manager / leader.


Extensive verbal formative feedback as the course progresses.

Students will receive formative feedback in advance of submission of the reflective assignment.
Summative feedback audio and written feedback via blackboard after submission.


End of unit course evaluation questionnaire.


Feedback from the course last year was positive and no changes are planned.

Date of current version 30th January 2017

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Elective Title Dates of face to face workshop

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7/9/17 – 9/9/17

Global Finance 4/9/17 – 6/9/17

Investment and Portfolio Management 1/9/17 – 3/9/17

Information Systems and Internet Strategy N/A - online


International Business Strategy 4/9/17/ - 6/9/17 and 7/9/17 – 9/9/17

Risk Management 7/9/17 – 9/9/17

Strategic Management of Projects 4/9/17/ - 6/9/17 and 7/9/17 – 9/9/17

Supply Chain Management 7/9/17 – 9/9/17

Sustainable Business 10/9/17 – 12/9/17

The Practising Manager 1/9/17 – 3/9/17


Allocation of spaces is subject to capacity.

The above workshop dates are subject to change but will be confirmed before we ask for your

Course Outlines are intended as a guide to the content of the courses. They are correct at the time
of preparation but as courses are reviewed on a regular basis, the actual content and format may
change between selection and delivery.

24 | P a g e

Course Title Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Credit rating 15
Degree Programmes MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Co-ordinator Oswaldo Lorenzo/ Leigh Wharton
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook: to be purchased / loaned
Workshop Location UK


The module is based on an integrative approach including the following five units/topics:
Stages of the Entrepreneurial Life Cycle: Unit 1 will present the stages of the entrepreneurial life
cycle. Specifically, the unit will go through the stages of the business opportunities, concept
ideation and testing, business model innovation, resource acquisition, management and execution.
Business Model Innovation Process: Unit 2 will describe the business model innovation process as
fundamental part of the entrepreneurial life cycle. In particular, the unit will characterize business
models that capture value from technological innovation.
Innovation Tools & Methods: Unit 3 will introduce a set of innovation tools and methods to
support entrepreneurs during different stages of the entrepreneurial journey. For example, idea
generation, visualization, experience mapping, customer co-creation, NUF test, value chain
analysis and learning launch.

Entrepreneurial Skills: Unit 4 will present the entrepreneurial skills required to manage the
entrepreneurial life cycle. Specifically, the unit will address the following skills: resiliency, focus,
finding and managing resources, selling, and innovation / learning.
Integrative Approach: Unit 5 will present the integrative approach including the following four
main topics: a) managing the entrepreneurial journey through the different stages of its life cycle,
b) business model innovation to create and deploy new opportunities through disruptive business
design, c) innovation tools and methods to ideate, select and execute solutions, and d)
entrepreneurial skills to become a successful entrepreneur. At the centre of this approach is the
development of successful entrepreneurs.


The main objective of this course is to develop or elevate the skills of entrepreneurs for the
management of the entrepreneurial life cycle. Entrepreneurs require the development of skills for

25 | P a g e
recognizing and evaluating business opportunities, building creative concepts or products, and
developing/implementing innovative business models. The course will use an integrative approach
to teach how to manage the entrepreneurial journey and how to design and construct innovative
business models. Innovation is the key driver of success for new venture creation and growth.
Then, the course will focus on developing innovative ways of thinking through the use of tools and
methods for innovation


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and The course will provide knowledge and understanding of the
Understanding entrepreneurial skills, the stages of the entrepreneurship life cycle,
the innovation tools and methods for the development of creative
concepts and disruptive business models, and the design and
execution of business models for capturing value from
technological innovation.
Intellectual Skills The course will enhance the participant’s ability to analyse
information and make critical judgements, to synthesise and
analyse data, to critically reflect upon, and evaluate prior
experiential learning and to draw reasoned conclusions.
Practical Skills The workshop stage of course will perform several hands-on
activities in groups to develop practical skills in the areas of
innovation, idea generation, co-creation, problem-solving, solution
evaluation and selection, model design and execution.
Transferable Skills and Working in groups through on-line activities and on-site workshops
Personal Qualities will nurture transferable teamwork skills.
Participants will develop skills in time management, planning and
undertaking research, and negotiation.


A variety of e-learning tools will be used through Blackboard to support and sustain a wide range
of interactions. Teaching and learning will be delivered through a study guide, a textbook, videos
and podcasts, live interactive tutorials and online discussion forums.

Each unit of the study guide will have an online format accessed via Blackboard with links to
articles, videos and podcasts. In addition, each unit will have an online discussion forum delivered
via the Blackboard discussion boards. The aim of each discussion forum will be to have an online
conversation for the reflection of specific questions and challenges related to each unit. There will
be also three online tutorials led by one of the tutors to reinforce main concepts of each unit and
to review instructions for the preparation of assignments.

Hands-on innovation workshop that will allow students to learn and apply a set of tools to ideate,
select and execute solutions. Hands-on tools will include, but will not be limited to, idea
generation, visualization, experience mapping and value-chain analysis.

26 | P a g e

Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Assessment 1 1,200 words 20% See Student Portal for
Individual all dates:-

Workshop Group 30%

Examination 2,500 words 50%

Assignment 1
Preparation of video and 10-page support power point

Workshop Task
During the on-site workshops, students will be organized in groups of 4 to 6 people to develop a set
of hands-on activities that will give rise to a final solution of the challenge and a PPT presentation.

Take away exam

27 | P a g e

Course Title Global Finance

Credit Rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Coordinator Ismail Ertürk
Contact E-Facilitotor via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: Purchase/Loan
Workshop Locations UK
Introductory Video Global Finance


This module has two key aims: 1) Enable the students to understand the dynamics of international
financial markets and; 2) Provide them with analytical tools to evaluate the international finance
issues that businesses face. The increasing globalisation of trade and capital has created volatile
currency markets and uncertainty in the international financial system. In parallel to these
developments companies witness a rapid increase in the number of innovations in international
money and capital markets. Therefore today's managers need to be equipped with necessary
analytical tools to deal with these changes. This module will first study the structure of
international financial system and markets, and then examine the models that explain foreign
exchange and interest rate movements. Next identification and management of risks that arise
from international financial transactions will be covered. Finally the topic of international project
financing and international investments will be examined.


The course aims to:

Develop an interdisciplinary framework that is derived from MBS academics’ original research on
finance and banking for the students to understand the current and evolving trends in global
finance after the crises in the U.S. and Europe.

Provide the students with the analytical skills to understand how global financial system and
markets work, and how companies can use global financial markets effectively.

Equip the students, by using case studies, with conceptual and practical tools to evaluate cost and
risks in funding in international financial markets, foreign exchange exposure and interest rate risk
problems that corporations face.

28 | P a g e
Provide the students the practical skills to use financial risk management techniques and
instruments and to evaluate their limitations.

Develop critical perspectives on financial innovation and risk management in a financialized global
economy where international financial markets and the global banking system are volatile and

Equip the students with analytical and practical skills in evaluating cross-border investment
decisions in the current global context where country risk has increased in mature economies like
Italy, Spain, etc.

Discuss the implications of current crises in Europe and the U.S. for internationally active
companies in BRIC and emerging economies.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and Have a critical and interdisciplinary understanding of managing risks
Understanding in global financial markets.
Understand how foreign exchange rates are determined and why
currencies fluctuate.
Understand models that are used to estimate effective cost of
finance in global financial markets.
Evaluate the differences between different types of foreign exchange
exposures and interest rate risks that internationally active
companies face.
Understand the principles of evaluating international investments
and projects, national capital budgeting.
Understand how global debt and capital markets are used by firms.
Identify risks involved in international investments.
Intellectual Skills Understand globalisation and financialization of world economy and
how they have transformed global financial markets and financial
decision making.
Understand how banking has changed over the last two decades and
why current financial crisis happened.
Appreciate alternative views on financial risk management
instruments and their relevance for practical decision making.
Relate the shareholder value principle and global finance decisions to
the effectiveness of financial decision making in international
Evaluate arguments for and against hedging foreign exchange
Critically discuss methods to evaluate international investment
decisions in a turbulent period in global finance and when the share
of emerging economies in world GDP is significant.
Practical Skills Calculate the effective cost of financing in borrowing in global

29 | P a g e
financial markets.
Assess different types of foreign exchange and interest rate risks.
Measure the impact of foreign exchange fluctuations on firm value.
Evaluate the cost and benefit of hedging instruments that are used in
dealing with international financial risks.
Carry out risk assessment and valuation of international investments.
Be able to develop various strategies for international financing
Analyse the causes of international financial crises and its impact on
firms and economies.
Transferable Skills and Critically gather and assess evidence from a range of sources and
Personal Qualities apply to practical treasury management issues;
Present analysis to peers;
Develop multi-disciplinary perspectives on treasury risk management
and financial innovation


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Individual Assignment 3,000 words max 35% See Student Portal for
1 all dates:-

Workshop Task 30%

Individual Assignment 3,000 max 35%

Individual Assignment 1
This is carried out via blended learning. Please note that all materials and readings required for
Assignment 1 (an individual piece of work) will be supplied during the first few weeks of the course.
Details will be posted on Blackboard.

Workshop Task
This is a group-based piece of assessed coursework, which is based on a case study. This case study
will be made available on Blackboard during the first few weeks of the course. At the workshop
students will be assigned to a team of 4 and will be given limited time to discuss/prepare the case
with their team members. The teams will then make presentations which will be assessed.

Assignment 2
Approval needs to be granted for non-attendance of workshop. If granted, an alternative assignment
will be required.

Individual Assessment 3
This will be based on a case study and it is going to cover key areas of all study guides and workshop

30 | P a g e

Course Title Information Systems & Internet Strategy

Credit Rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours This is an online module with online workshops
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Co-ordinator Charalampos (Babis) Theodoulidis
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: Purchase/Loan
Workshop Location N/A
Introductory Video Information Systems & Internet Strategy


The course will address the role and importance of Information Systems and the Internet in
support of business and organisational strategies. It will provide an overview of current ICT, and
complement this with discussion and analysis of contemporary business developments including
enterprise computing, global systems, knowledge management, decision support, e-business, e-
government, virtual organisations and social computing. It will also provide students with an
awareness of the Internet and the World-Wide-Web as an information resource for business and
academic research. The course will take a socio-technical perspective on information systems and
the Internet, discussing them in terms of technology, people and organisations. It will discuss how
an organisation’s ICT strategy must cohere with and support its general business strategy.


The course aims to:

Emphasise the need to address organisational, business, cognitive and cultural issues alongside the
technical issues if developments in ICT are to bring real benefits
Discuss the alignment of ICT and business strategies and methods for achieving such alignment
Discuss the modern business environment and the varied inter-organisational interactions
facilitated by the Internet and World Wide Web.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and On successful completion of the course students will have an
Understanding understanding of the underlying technology and be able to assess

31 | P a g e
its role and potential in business strategy and for achieving
competitive advantage. Students will:
Have an understanding of the history and trends of ICT in
business and organisations.
Have an appreciation of key technologies and their application to
business and organisational strategy
Understand the concept of strategic alignment and
implementation issues
Intellectual Skills Students will be able to analyse critically the ICT needs of a
business or organisation
Practical Skills Students will be better able to use the internet and web research
tools to explore business issues.
Transferable Skills and Use of web to research case studies and similar.
Personal Qualities


The course is delivered online with a range of interactions. A three-hour face-to-face induction
session is taking place at the start of the course. Also, four three-hour virtual workshops take


Assessment Task Length Weighting within unit Due Date

(if relevant)
Assignment 1 1,500 – 2,000 20% See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Group Assignment 2 1,500 – 2,000 20%

Individual Essay 3,000 – 4,000 40%
Participation 2,000 – 3,000 20%

Induction Assignment
Choose one of the ISIS related topics and review the topic in relation to the literature and elaborate
in terms of business, technological and people issues.

Group Assignment
A group assignment based upon e-cases. Each group will be given an “e-case” to explore and
investigate the company discussing some aspect of its business or strategy that is relevant to this

Individual Assignment
An individual essay on a general IS or Internet topic which will allow the members of the course to
show an integrated appreciation of the majority of material within the course.

32 | P a g e
Your participation to learning unit exercises and discussions will be assessed by your e-tutor and
marks will be allocated based on whether you have completed the exercises, whether you have
contributed to issues raised by your colleagues, whether you have raised issues yourselves based on
the discussion topics and whether you have participated and contributed to the virtual workshop for
the unit.

33 | P a g e

Course Title International Business Strategy

Credit rating 15

Degree Programmes MBA

Workshop Hours 24

Pre-requisite Courses None

Co-requisite Courses None

Module Co-ordinator Stefan Zagelmeyer

Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard

Materials Study Guide: available on Blackboard

Textbook/s: purchase or loan
Workshop Location UK


The International Business Strategy (IBS) course introduced strategic aspects of managing a
multinational corporation (MNC) in an international context. This course focuses on a) the role of
organisational resources and capabilities and b) the institutional and cultural differences between
countries for the firm’s competitiveness.

IBS is an interdisciplinary course that combines aspects of strategic management, organisational

theory, international economics, comparative political economy, cross-cultural psychology,
management marketing, marketing, and other disciplines that broadly imping on the practical
decision-making challenges international managers face.

This course is case-based and rigorously examines multinational firms (largely MNEs but also – to a
lesser degree – small micro MNEs) and their international business problems. Aside from the
broad range of relevant topics covered, the course is designed to develop strategic analytical skills
as well as practically-relevant problem-solving skills that will e useful for AMBS students well
beyond the context of this course.


This course includes four parts:

I Foundation of International Business and International Business Strategy.

The first part of the course introduced and explains the concept of international business, the
phenomenon of the MNC, and the two leading perspectives in international business. First, the
institution-based view suggests that firm performance is, at least in part, determined by the
institutional frameworks governing firm behaviour around the world. Second, the resource-based
view suggests that firm performance is, at least in part, determined by its internal resources and

34 | P a g e
capabilities. This part also includes a thorough discussion of formal institutions and informal
institutions (culture), which – together with the organisation’s resources and capabilities –
influence and shape the design of international business strategies.

II Global Business
The design of international business strategy cannot be separated from the external macro-level
context it operates in. The second part of the course introduces the students to relevant issues in
the international economic and political context, ranging from international trade to foreign direct
investment to regional economic and political integration. This part identifies macro-levels factors
that MNCs should consider when engaging in international trade and foreign direct investment.

III The MNC on the Global Stage

In the third part the MNC takes centre stage. This section discusses the processes of starting and
developing an international business. It elaborates on entrepreneurship at the international level,
different strategies of entering and for staying in domestic markets, and international alliances and
acquisitions. This section also deals with issues of corporate social responsibility, organisation
structure, organisational learning, knowledge transfer and corporate governance.

IV The Functioning of the Global MNC

The fourth part of the course looks at the functioning of MNCs, investigating the issues of global
production and supply chain management, international marketing, international people
management and, finally, finance, accounting and controlling in the international context.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and Develop a fundamental understanding of the foundations, motives,
understanding means and mechanics of international business. Recognise the
relevance of institutions and culture as well as of organisational
resources and capabilities for the design and development of
international business strategies.
Also recognise how changing environmental conditions will require their
organisation to evolve.
Intellectual skills Case analysis skills
Critical skills and thinking. The ability to analyse and make critical
An ability to articulate the precepts provided by conventional wisdom to
produce bespoke management tools
An ability to solve problems effectively
An ability to apply course specific knowledge to a commercial situation
Practical skills Group work
Case analysis
Application of core skills covered in earlier courses
Undertaking independent research
Transferable skills and Ability to deal with a lot of information quickly and effectively. IBS
personal qualities covers a lot of ground in a short period: identifying priorities and
developing timetables will probably be necessary for most
Enhanced negotiation skills

35 | P a g e
Working constructive with team members


The course utilises a blended learning approach, incorporating a multiplicity of teaching and
learning methods.

All students have online access to specifically written course materials. They undertake a period of
self-study which is followed by a 3-day workshop where students learn face-to-face and get to
experience the `Manchester Method’ through opportunities to meet and network with their peers,
undertake group-work and enhance their presentation and soft skills.

Throughout the unit, students are supported through on-line discussion channels and support sites
contain extensive academic input. Students are able to communicate globally and additional
material is available through Blackboard and the student portal.


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due date

Assignment 1 Max’m 2,000 as 20% See Student Portal for
directed all dates:-

Workshop Task 30%

Examination 50%

Assignment 1
This is carried out via blended learning. Please note that all materials and readings required for
Assignment 1 (an individual piece of work) will be supplied during the first few weeks of the course.
Details will be posted on Blackboard.

Workshop Task
This is a group-based piece of assessed coursework, which will be handed out to you and undertaken
during the course workshop

Assignment 2
Approval needs to be granted for non-attendance of workshop. If granted, an alternative assignment
will be required.

The examination for this course will be 2.5 hours + reading time and will be an Open Book

36 | P a g e

Course Title Investment and Portfolio Management

Credit Rating 15
Degree Programme Global MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Coordinator Nicholas Collett
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: Purchase/Loan
Workshop Locations UK


The Investments and Portfolio Management course covers the necessary theoretical background,
tools, and skills required in modern portfolio management. The course aims to provide useful
material for portfolio and fund management, asset liability management in financial institutions
and fund management skills required in pension funds, mutual funds and other such industry.


This course is designed for those who are interested in how the various financial instruments
which make up the Money and Capital Markets work and how portfolio managers combine these
assets to gain required risk / return objectives. Setting portfolio objectives, calculating portfolio
performance and using derivatives to hedge risk are also covered.


Category of Outcome Students will

Knowledge and The investment background and portfolio management principles
Understanding The key instruments and their management;
Derivatives, portfolio protection and performance measurement
Provide an understanding of stock selection and market timing and
how this contributes to portfolio management
Provide guidelines on monitoring and updating portfolios within
the overall allocation strategies;
Understand portfolio diversification and how globalisation might
help to achieve improved performance

37 | P a g e

This course is taught through three self-study units and a workshop.


Assessment Task Length Weighting within unit Date Date

Assignment 1 1,200 words 25%
See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Workshop Task As directed 25%

Examination 50%

Assignment 1
This is carried out via blended learning. Please note that all materials and readings required for
Assignment 1 (an individual piece of work) will be supplied during the first few weeks of the course.
Details will be posted on Blackboard.

Workshop Task
This is a group-based piece of assessed coursework, which will be handed out to you and undertaken
during the workshop

Assignment 2
Approval needs to be granted for non-attendance of workshop. If granted, the completion of an
alternative assignment will be required.

The examination for this course will be 2.5 hours + reading time and will be an Open Book

38 | P a g e

Course Title Risk Management

Credit rating 15

Degree Programmes Global MBA

Workshop Hours 24

Pre-requisite Courses None

Co-requisite Courses None

Module Coordinator Anthony Merna

Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard

Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: to be purchased
Workshop locations UK


The Risk Management course is designed to cover the major elements involved in the appraisal of
a project those being identification, analysis (qualitative and quantitative) and risk response. These
you will find in most books on risk and risk management.

In this course the organisational levels typical of a corporate body are also identified. These are
corporate, strategic business and project levels. Each level will be responsible for assessing risks,
for example the corporate body will assess the big picture risks often those that are unmanageable
such as political, legal and commercial risks. The strategic business unit will assess risks associated
with the project and the market and project level will assess project risks in greater detail as more
information becomes available.

For many students involved in managing portfolios or programmes of projects the assessment is
more detailed and will usually require the use of risk software for quantification and development
of outputs on which decisions can be made.

Once these basics have been described frameworks such as Basel II and Corporate Governance are
discussed and then a number of case studies described and assessed.

The course offers a wide variety of tools and techniques which can be applied in a risk assessment.

The course workbooks and the two recommended books provide sufficient information for
students to address risk assessment in any type of project or investment.

The outline of the course is adequately covered by the chapter titles in the book Corporate Risk
Management (2008) by Merna and Al-Thani and the Study Guides.

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In this RM programme students should be able to follow a logical path of study with respect to the
outline. Initially identification of risks is covered followed by analysis both qualitative and
quantitative (deterministic and stochastic) followed by risk response. All these topics are covered
in the Study Guides and RM course books.

The assignments are also set to compliment the course as outlined in the study plan. The course
has been developed to ensure all students, irrespective of the programme they are taking, Finance,
Engineering or Construction are taught the basics of RM and its application in the business world


To understand the role of risk management and its application in the procurement and
management of projects and investments project levels.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and Describe the different risk management tools and techniques used
Understanding at different stages of projects and sources of risk
Describe the risk management process
Understand the importance risk management at different levels
(corporate, SBU and project levels) of organisations and the
sequencing of risk management
Intellectual Skills Determine the different tools and techniques used at identification,
analysis and response stages of risk management
Identify the risks associated with different stakeholders to a project
over the life cycle of the project and methods for recording and
managing risks
Practical Skills To model and manage the effect of risk over a project(s) or
investment lifecycle and to develop a risk management system
To audit risk management systems and develop as required
To assess risk management software to meet identified needs
To understand how to implement the risk management systems
required by Basel II
Transferable skills and Apply risk management techniques for both qualitative and
personal qualities quantitative analyses


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Assignment 1 2,000 words max 25% See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Workshop A1 10%
Workshop A2 25%

40 | P a g e
Examination (computer 3 questions from 5 40%

Assignment 1
Assignment 1 is an individual written assignment carried out via blended learning. Details of this
assignment will be posted on Blackboard at the start of the course

Workshop A1
Qualitative assessment of a project

Workshop A2
Written report and group presentation

The examination for this course is computer based will be 2.5 hours + reading time.
Closed Book Examination

41 | P a g e

Course Title Strategic Management of Projects

Credit rating 20

Degree Programmes Global MBA

Workshop Hours 24

Pre-requisite Courses None

Co-requisite Courses None

Module Coordinator Cliff Mitchell

Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard

Materials Study Guide: On Line

Textbook/s: to be purchased
Workshop Location UK


The unit is structured into five parts:

The Business of Projects explores what projects mean for business and in particular, the
development of their dynamic capabilities. After reviewing the importance of projects for the
dynamic capabilities of client organisations we look at the distinctive group of firms that
manage their activities entirely through projects – project-based organisations.
Defining the Project Mission focuses on the issues associated with the front-end definition of
projects. We will critically investigate the available techniques for project appraisal and
selection and assess the challenges that they face. We will then look at the “softer” side of
project definition, particularly approaches that take multiple perspectives on projects such as
stakeholder management and images of projects.
Designing and Leader the Project Organisation focuses on projects as organisations,
addressing issues in the design of project organisations, their leadership, and the motivation
of the teams that actually deliver the project.
Managing Threats and Opportunities addresses the pervasive uncertainty on projects. We
will review the established approaches to project risk management and show how these can
be improved using a broader range of techniques.
Riding the Project Life-cycle addresses managing the project through the life-cycle covering
project execution planning, managing scope through to beneficial use. We will also
investigate the challenges of project escalation and evaluate systems dynamics tools for
managing the life-cycle.


42 | P a g e
Introduce students to the challenges of managing business infrastructure projects (construction,
engineering, information systems, etc.) and to provide concepts and tools that will support them in
meeting that challenge.


Category of outcome Students will:

Knowledge and understanding Understand the nature of the project process as a reduction
of uncertainty through time, and the implications this has for
the effective delivery of assets for clients.
Intellectual skills Analyse the strategic issues around project initiation and
analyse the complex feedback loops through the project life-
Practical skills Use tools such as systems dynamics modelling and
stakeholder mapping to enhance their effectiveness when
managing projects.
Transferable skills and personal Greater awareness of the implications of uncertainty for
qualities projects and hence the importance of both clear leadership
and listening to a diversity of views in their effective


This is a blended learning module and a variety of delivery methods will be implemented. The
online element of the course is supported and delivered through the UoM’s VLE (Blackboard 9)
where the majority of the study materials such as a workbook and other teaching materials are
placed. Online discussions and online tutorials will be in place to support the learning process and
contribute to the achievement of the predefined learning outcomes. The face-to-face element of
the course will be a three day workshop which will include lectures, group work and seminars as
means to further enhance the learning process.


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due date

Essay Part 1 1,500 20% See Student Port for
all dates:

Group Workshop Task As directed 30%

Essay Part 2 3,000 50%

Assignment 1
This is an individual written assignment carried out via blended learning. Details of this assignment
will be posted on Blackboard at the start of the course

43 | P a g e
Workshop Task
This is a group-based piece of assessed coursework, which will be handed out to you and undertaken
during the workshop

Reflective Practice Paper

This 3000 word assignment will be designed to enable you to relate course concepts to your own
work experience. It will be introduced during the workshop.

44 | P a g e

Course Title Supply Chain Management

Credit rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Coordinator Paul Forrester
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: online
Textbooks: to be purchased
Workshop locations UK


Supply Chain Management is concerned with the movement of products, services, finances and
information from raw materials to the end-user. More and more, it is also concerned with the
recovery of finished goods for recycling, remanufacturing or reuse. This course examines the
management of external suppliers in order to reduce costs, drive innovation and protect
shareholder wealth. It takes the point of view of the supply chain manager who will be expected
to improve product quality, increase responsiveness, reduce risk, and drive innovation while still
cutting year-on-year input costs. The topic should therefore be of interest to students concerned
with issues of building business relationships, saving costs, risk and sustainability, and developing
analytical, presentation and people skills.


The course aims to provide students with a broad understanding of managing suppliers and the
sourcing process. It will show students some of the core skills and techniques required in
managing supply chains using an interactive and case-based approach.
Please see the Intended Learning Outcomes for a more detailed understanding of the course aims.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and Understand the role and importance of supply chain management (SCM)
Understanding within the organisation.
Understand and analyse the overall sourcing process.
Understand and be able to apply the supply wheel to industry based

45 | P a g e
Intellectual Skills Understand the design and management challenges associated with
today’s global supply networks.
Practical Skills Apply core SCM techniques to industry problems from the perspective of
the supply chain manager or management consultant.
Design and organise the procurement function suing the supply wheel.
Transferable Skills and Develop effective presentation and analytical skills.
Personal Qualities Develop skills in team working and the communication of ideas and


This course incorporates a wide variety of teaching and learning techniques over four separate
units, three of which are undertaken via blended learning, and one of which involves a workshop.
Key teaching and learning techniques include online forum discussions, podcasts, textbook and
journal readings, an individually completed assignment, group presentations and a case-based
examination. We also incorporate a three-day workshop to help embed, extend and apply your
In addition, the study materials include a variety of self-completion exercises that allow you to test
your knowledge and assess your progress during the 16 weeks of the course.


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Individual Essay 2,500 words 25% See Student Portal for all dates:-

Presentation 15 min 25%

Examination 50%

Individual Essay
Theory based essay question (1500 words)
The questions will be based on topics covered within units one and two
Choice from three questions.

Aim is to prepare a presentation on your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar.
Topics, marking criteria and other details will be available on Blackboard
Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes in length
You should expect up to 15 minutes of questions and answers on your presentation

Designed to test application of core concepts and theory learnt during the course.

46 | P a g e

Course Title Sustainable Business

Credit Rating 15
Degree Programme MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Co-ordinator Josephine Mylan
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
There is no textbook accompanying this course
Introductory Video Sustainable Business


The module addresses strategic challenges facing firms with regard to sustainable development,
including pressures for a cleaner environment, lower resource use and alleviation of climate
change. Case studies will show how firms have made the transition to sustainability through
improving their efficiency, working with their consumers and their supply chain. The role of
government policy is outlined, again with recent examples.

Tools and techniques are provided to show how a firm might prepare a strategic response to
environmental challenges. Students are asked to suggest sustainable and profitable solutions to
improve firm performance through product changes, process improvements, organisational
developments and service innovations which meet environmental goals while maintaining


To introduce issues of environmental sustainability facing business in the 21st Century and
demonstrate tools and techniques which can help firms develop their strategic response.
To introduce ways in which business might make a transition to a more sustainable, low carbon,
low energy, low environmental impact economy.
To identify ways business can enhance shareholder value through moving towards more efficient
delivery, while managing the risks and uncertainties associated with transition to a more
sustainable economy.


Category of outcome Students will

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Knowledge and Show a critical understanding of the challenges associated with
understanding sustainable development of firm competitiveness;
Appreciate the role of supplier innovation and changing user practices
in responding to these opportunities;
Understand the role of government policy in promoting sustainable
Understand the importance of networks and collaboration with supply
chains and customers in helping meet sustainability goals.
Intellectual skills Apply the common approaches, frameworks and analytical techniques
used in the assessment and evaluation of eco-innovation;
Appreciate different perspectives on the environment and sustainable
development, which will be cultivated in the group working sessions.
Practical Skills Acquire skills of research, analysis and organisation through the
enquiry based coursework including formulation, implementation and
write-up of a substantive case study;
Be able to undertake a sustainability exercise for the company; either
a life cycle analysis for a key product or service, or write a
sustainability action plan, or prepare a roadmap for future actions.
Transferrable skills and Learn how to communicate a corporate stance on sustainability.
personal qualities


Students will be led through this course on Sustainable Business on by a study guide, reinforced by
fortnightly on-line study sessions. The study guide will function as a work-book to guide study. It
will be released in a timed sequence as a set of chapters relating to each topic and case study,
effectively once a fortnight for ten weeks before and during the workshop.

The study guide will start by posing some apparently simple questions relating to sustainability. As
the course progresses in fortnightly steps, the questions will become more subtle and the
complexities of the topic will be introduced. In this fashion, the students will acquire some
elementary knowledge and then develop their skills of analysis as their knowledge of the subject
increases. One reason for using a sequence of short case studies based on substantial underlying
research is to give the students material to discuss and answer questions of growing complexity.
So, at one level, an introductory study of microwave oven disposal points to issues relating to
sustainable consumption. But when we return to the topic later in the course it will be seen to
raise a much wider set of issues relating to producer responsibility, remanufacture and extended
global supply chains for a whole range of consumer durables.

The focal point of the course will be a lively workshop of three days duration. Students will
prepare material ahead of the workshop and submit a substantial assessment afterwards. During
the workshop they will be expected to work on a group project and present their preliminary
findings prior to final submission of their project report after the workshop using the tools and
techniques they have learned during the earlier part of the course.

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Within the workshop, individual topic sessions will be built around a short presentation, formal
lecture, or video to illustrate broad principles. A relatively closed case study with fairly clear
options is offered as a focus for discussion and group exercises. A broader topic is then introduced
to encourage open ended discussion and group work on the wider issues raised. The resulting
debate allows exploration of alternative approaches to the same issue, identification of various
unresolved issues in this field and recognition of alternative points of view on a topic.

Formal exercises will be introduced to show how analytical techniques can help resolve
uncertainty, highlight areas of difference and suggest sustainable and viable outcomes to
problems. Students will be expected to present the results of these exercises. One reason for the
two preliminary assessed exercises is to provide an incentive for students to cover this
introductory material before attending the workshop.


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Individual Assignment 20% See Student Portal for
1 all dates:-
Workshop Assignment 40%
Individual Assignment 40%

Individual Assignment
Two synopsis, six and three weeks ahead of workshop, 500 word preliminary statement, 1000 word

Workshop Assignment
Group working session

Report on sustainability in a firm context

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Course Title The Practising Manager

Credit Rating 15
Degree Programme MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Coordinator Mark Winter
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbooks/s: to be purchased/loaned
Workshop Location UK


In making sense of the practice of managing, this course deliberately seeks to understand the
practice from a holistic perspective rather than focusing on particular aspects in detail.


This course is about making sense of the practice of management and the actual realities of
managing in organisations. It focuses especially on what managers actually do and how they think
in action through sophisticated processes of reflection-in-action, sense-making, and intuition etc.
In doing so, it seeks not just to develop deeper insight into the realities of managing, but also to
enrich people’s reflective thinking capability for managing more effectively in organisational
situations. Moreover, the course also aims to help participants integrate their other MBA courses
from a practitioner’s standpoint and seeks overall to cultivate a more critical outlook on
management, managing and organisations.


Category out outcome Students will

Knowledge and An understanding of the origins of professional management, its
Understanding historical development, current issues, debates and critiques.
An understanding of various empirical models of managing that ofcus on
what managers actually do and their different styles of managing.
An understanding of how managers and other practitioners think in
action and the limitations of relying just on personal experience.
A broad appreciation of systems thinking, its origins and varieties, and
the approach of `soft’ systems thinking and its relevance to managing.

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A broad appreciation of certain critical perspectives on management
and organisation, and example implications for practitioners.
Intellectual Skills More skilled in thinking systemically about the complexity of situations
in the context of managing, e.g. thinking from multiple perspectives.
More skilled in thinking critically about the practice of management in
organisations and the professional challenges of managing.
Practical Skills More skilled in making sense of complex situations from different angles
by combing experience with the deliberate use of concepts and tools.
More skills in using the `tools’ of the MBA (i.e. frameworks and models)
as prompts for thinking rather than prescriptions for action.
Transferable skills and Reflective thinking, systems thinking and critical thinking.
Personal Qualities


Given the practice focus, the course is designed and delivered using a reflective learning approach
to help participants reflect on their own knowledge and experience of managing in organisations.
The main features of this approach are: the use of evidence-based material; an emphasis on
making sense of management and managing (i.e. understanding not explanation); an emphasis on
developing a holistic understanding of managing from various perspectives (analysis and
synthesis); application of the course material to real experience and real situations; integration of
this unit with the participant’s other MBA courses; and cultivation of a more critical outlook on
management and managing through the gradual progression of the course.
Delivery of the course takes place in three stages: a pre-workshop stage consisting of some pre-
reading and a reflection paper on the participant’s professional experience to date (assessment 1);
a workshop stage involving presentations, facilitated discussions, and an applied group exercise
(assessment 2); and a post-workshop stage in which participants are required to write a second
reflection paper on their personal learning from the course (assessment 3).


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Reflection Paper 1 As directed 30% See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Group Exercise As directed 20%

Reflection Paper 2 As directed 50%

Assessment 1: Reflection Paper 1

A personal reflection paper on the participant’s professional experience of management and
managing in organisations, including references to relevant literature

Applied Group Exercise

A structured review of a real situation (chosen by the group) using relevant material from the course
and elsewhere. The main task is to review the situation for a possible way forward and produce a set

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of slides for presentation on day 2 of the workshop.
Attendance at workshop is COMPULSORY for this course.

Assessment 3: Reflection Paper 2

The final piece of assessment is an opportunity for the participant to reflect on their knowledge and
experience of management and managing has developed in relation to previous knowledge and
experience. The core task is to critically discuss three key insights from the course with links to
relevant course material and other relevant literature.

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FT MBA Course Unit Descriptions

Course Unit Descriptions are intended as a
guide only and / or offerings are subject to

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The Autumn Term is divided into two periods:

Period 1 – 18 September –6 October 2017 (Home and Global Electives at one of our International
Period 2 – 9 October – 18 November 2017 (Home electives only)

Students are expected to take 15 credits in Period 1 and 45 credits in Period 2.

Elective Title Academic Dates (all to be confirmed)

Advanced Strategic Kevin Jagiello Period 2
Management 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 Oct and 3, 4, 5, 17, 18
Big Data Analytics Ali Owrak Period 1 – 22/23 and 29/30 Sept
Business to Business Marketing Peter Naudé Period 1 – 22/23/24 Sept and 6 Oct
Corporate Recovery and Nick Collett Period 1 – 21, 22, 28 Sept and 6 Oct.
Digital Economy: Foundations Reza Salehnejad Period 2: 13/14 Oct and 20/21 Oct
and Strategies and Peter
Entrepreneurship Project Martin Henry Periods 1 & 2 - Lectures 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Sept . Remaining time group work.
Internet Marketing Strategy Chris Holland Period 1 – 22/23 Sept and 29/30 Sept
Management in Practice Mark Winter Period 2: every Wednesday
Managing Disruptive Brian Nicholson Period 2 – every Monday
New Business Ecosystems: Nuno Gil Period 2 – every Thursday (tentative)
Infrastructure and Sharing
Practical Investment Patricia Perlman- Period 2: 10,11, 17, 18, 31 Oct and 1, 7
Dee Nov.
Real Options in Practice Dean Paxson Period 2: 27/28 Oct and10/11 Nov

Strategic Integrity: Strategy, Peter Kawalek, Period 1: 18-21 Sept

Corporate Finance and Igor Yakimovich,
Information Systems Mark Healey
Venture Capital and Private Malcolm Smith Period 2 – every Thursday but excluding
Equity 26th October

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1. Students are advised to study a maximum of 60 credits in the Autumn Term. Any
student wishing to take more than the required number must submit a written case to
the MBA Centre for consideration.

2. Some of the more popular electives may be over-subscribed, in which case you may get
allocated to your 2nd or even 3rd choice elective.

3. If an elective is cancelled due to insufficient demand you will be allocated to your 2nd
choice or even 3rd choice elective.

4. A final list of elective participants will be published approximately 10 days after the
registration deadline. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email.

5. You are not permitted to take two electives that run in parallel. 100% attendance is
compulsory for all electives.

6. You can choose to drop an elective after the first session but before the 2nd
session. Email the MBA Centre, and the academic teaching the
course. You are not permitted to drop a course after the 2nd session.

7. You can add an elective but only if it hasn’t already started and you do not exceed the
maximum number of credits, in accordance with point 1 above.

8. Once enrolled on a course you must complete ALL assessment associated with the

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Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017

Course Unit Title Advanced Strategic Management

Unit Code BMBA60047

Credit rating 30 credits

Minimum no. of participants 15

Maximum no. of participants 24

Level MBA

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 60

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

ECT* 15.0

Notional hours of Learning** 300

Requirements - Full attendance of 10 day Elective

- Application of Manchester Method
- Adherence to MBS Code of Conduct
- The Elective has breadth in subject material but depth in
managerial application. Students are asked to apply the
entire content of the Elective to a ‘live-case’ of the class’s
choice. Whilst each Group focuses on applying a part of the
Elective’s content to the ‘live case’ in assessed
Presentations and the Report – the four Groups also have
to integrate their work.
- If you dislike the idea of ‘blocks’ of classroom contact,
applying the content of the Elective to one case, integrating
your analysis with that of other Groups for assessment
purposes this is not the Elective for you.
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.
** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


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Name Kevin Jagiello Secretary
Email Email


The programme unit aims to:

Serve as a capstone to the MBA course.
To holistically develop and implement company and business unit strategies in the competitive


Category of outcome Students will be able to:

Knowledge and Carry out an in-depth, systematic, rigorous analysis of the competitive
understanding environment. Holistically formulate company and business strategies
whilst aligning implementation ability.
Intellectual skills Will be stimulated and stretched.
Practical skills Effective teamwork. Structuring and delivering managerial
presentations and reports. Crafting practical managerial assignments
based on the academic literature and management best practice.
Transferable skills and As a capstone elective the intent is to `bring it all together’ – hence
personal qualities providing a foundation for your managerial career.


The elective has four main areas: 1) the Competitive Environment, 2) Company Strategy, 3)
Business Strategy, 4) Implementation. During class students are asked to apply all core concepts to
one case study. For assessment, students select a `live case’ on which to apply the course
concepts. Each group focuses on one of the elective’s four elements for a 60 minute presentation
(30% course grade) and report section (40% course grade); however, presentation and report
sections need to integrate – so the four groups need to work together. In addition, one individual
assignment on a `Special Interest Topic’ is required (30% course grade).

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Academic Year 2017/2018

Term Autumn 2017

Course Unit Title Big Data Analytics

Unit Code BMBA60177

Credit rating 15 credits

Minimum no. of participants 15

Level MBA

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 30

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

ECT* 15

Notional hours of Learning 300


Name Ali Owrak Secretary

Ilias Petrounias
Nikolay Mehandjiev

Room G26, Sackville Street Building Room G12, Sackville Street Building
Tele Tele 0161 2756477
Fax Fax
Email Email

The programme unit aims to make students familiar with the notion of Big Data, set it in
organisational context and explain why analytics of big data is fundamental to today’s business. It
will explore how Big Data Analytics is fundamental to both business organisation and strategy. It
will look at a range of applications and technologies and how organisations may utilise it.


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The course will address the role and impact of Big Data in organisations from both a business and a
technology perspective. The approach will be theory-based whilst grounded in practice. Big Data
Analytics has been industry driven. Examples will be given on both technology and business impact
in the form of lab sessions, case studies and business illustrations.


Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:

Knowledge and On successful completion of the module students will have an
understanding, understanding of the enabling effects of new technology on business
Intellectual skills strategy. Students will:

• Have an understanding of the notion of Big Data and its business

context, benefits and impact to organisations
• Have an appreciation of key Big Data Analytics techniques and
technologies and their application to specific business problems
• Understand the business intelligence lifecycle
• Understand the difference between the different Big Data Analytics
techniques and their applicability to different categories of business

Practical skills • To be able to apply analytics techniques

• To be able to evaluate the applications of different big data analytics
techniques and the usefulness of addressing different business
• To be able to present and explain the results of the application of
different big data analytics techniques to non-technical people

Transferable skills and • Have an appreciation of new technology developments and their
Personal qualities future trajectories and how business and technology strategies are co-
evolving in different sectors


The sessions will consist of traditional and case study lectures complemented with supporting lab

Date of current version 5th April 2017

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Academic Year 2016/17

Term Autumn 2016
Course Unit Title Business to Business Marketing
Unit Code MBBA60048
Credit rating 15 credits
Minimum no. of participants 15
Maximum no. of participants 35
Level MBA
Degree Programme MBA
Contact Hours 30
Pre-requisite units Core Marketing Module on the MBA
Co-requisite units None
ECT* 7.5
Notional hours of learning** 150
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Peter Naudé and Luis Araujo Secretary

Room Room
Tele Tele
Email Email
Office Hours


The programme unit aims to:

The primary objective of this course is to enable those students with a keen interest in business-to-
business marketing to be able to manage the relationships between companies, or enable their

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clients to manage these relationships, more effectively. The course will build on ideas that would
have been presented in earlier core marketing courses.


Category of Students should/will be able to:

Knowledge and To understand the different perspectives that can be adopted with
understanding analysing marketplaces – transactionally oriented markets vs. those in
which relationship management and/or a network perspective are more
meaningfully adopted.
Intellectual skills To understand how to analyse markets, complex decision making units,
relationships between companies, and the wider networks. A number of
analytical models will be presented during the course.
Practical skills Application of the range of models mentioned above to the case studies
utilised and also to the group project and individual essay.
Transferable skills As above – the knowledge of, and ability to apply, a range of useful
and personal analytical models.

5. METHODS OF DELIVERY (including the use of E-Learning)

Lectures and case studies discussed in class.


Assessment task Length Weighting within unit Due date

(if relevant)
Group presentation 20 mins Powerpoint 40% (peer assessment 5/11/16
adjustment of up to
+/- 20% of the group
Individual Essay 3,000 words 50% 2/12/16
Class participation n/a 10% n/a


What did you like about this course and why:

1. Professor Pete Naudé is very energetic and highly engaged to students. The content of the
class reflects the reality of most marketing industries.
2. The insights of marketing in the B2B environment. The case studies were very relevant. The
demonstration of conjoint analysis was useful.

Date of current version March 2016

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Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017

Course Unit Title Corporate Recovery and Turnaround

Unit Code BMBA60112

Credit rating 15 credits

Level MBA

Minimum no. of participants 15

Maximum no. of participants 24

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 30

Pre-requisite units Corporate Finance, Strategy

Co-requisite units
ECT* 7.5

Notional hours of Learning** 150

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Dr Nick Collett Peter Giles

Room Crawford M41 Giles Corporate Turnaround
Tele 0161 275 6355 External
Office Hours Monday - Friday


The programme unit aims to:

Give MBAs who wish to engage in turnaround management the operational and financial tools to

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enable them to become turnaround managers.


1 Causes of failure 2 Turnaround strategies 3 Financial Restructuring 4 Turnaround implementation 5

Stakeholder analysis and management.


Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:

Knowledge and Enhance understanding of Finance, Strategy and stakeholder management
Practical skills Analyse failing company situations to develop turnaround plans
Apply Advanced Financial Techniques to ailing companies

Transferable skills and Management of difficult change programmes where stakeholder

personal qualities management is key determinant of success


Lectures, cases, simulation, group role playing.

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Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017
Course Unit Title Digital Economy; Foundations and Strategies
Unit Code BMBA60157
Credit rating 15
Minimum no. of participants 15
Level Postgraduate
Degree Programmes MBA
Contact Hours 30
Pre-requisite units
Co-requisite unit
ECT* 7.5
Notional hours of learning** 150
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Reza Salehnejad Secretary None

Room 8.25 Harold Hankins Room n/a
Tele 01612756496 Tele n/a
Fax Fax n/a
Email Email n/a
Office Hours By appointment via email

Name Peter Kawalek Secretary None

Room Room n/a
Tele 0161 275 6518 Tele n/a
Fax Fax n/a
Email Email n/a

64 | P a g e
Office Hours By appointment via email


The programme unit aims to:

1. Introduce the principles of the platform markets / digital economy and online competition,
firm digitalization, online platform design, big data and AI, digital start-ups, sharing
2. Introduce multi-sided markets, and their online growth, pricing strategies and governance
3. Introduce and apply the principles of platform design, with emphasis on auctions,
recommender, reputations systems and AI,
4. Introduce the economics of search (search engines), experimentation and online
sponsored ad market,
5. Analyse pricing strategies and strategic behaviour in internet commerce, as well as pricing
online contents including share pricing in sharing economy.
6. Analyse principles of crowdsourcing / crowd-funding, with emphasis on the optimal design
of crowd-funding platforms
7. Introduce emerging business models in the sharing economy such as Uber, Lyft and Airbnb
8. Analyse the impact of AI and automation on Firm Organization, management style and
9. Analyse opportunities arising from the emergence of big data and AI and increasing
computational capabilities and their impacts on the future business,
10. Analyse the big data revolution in management and business, using actual big data cases
from Kaggle competitions, sport industry, retail commerce and telecommunication
11. Understand A/B testing, prediction markets, big data, Algorithm and AI, and exploring their
relevance to business,
12. Analyse the on-going evolution of the financial market, health market, venture capital
industry, patent market, music industry and job market,
13. Introduce and consider matching market (e.g., the design of online dating market). Review
the second machine age: work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technology –
in short the future of the economy.
14. Understand how emerging competition policies for multi-sided platforms and data firms.


[T]he online is growing faster: nominal e-commerce sales grew by over 120 percent between 2002
and 2008, while the offline sales grew by only 30 percent. As a greater fraction of the population
goes online – and uses the internet more intensively while doing so – e-commerce’s share will
almost surely rise. (Lieber & Syverson, 2011)

Dramatic advances in information technology, data collection technology, artificial intelligence and
machine learning have begun to fundamentally change the way in which firms operate and
compete with each other. New types of information / digital goods, increasingly lower search
costs, improved targeting and product customization are paving the way for the rise of platform
firms, changing the nature of many markets. Big data and exponentially increasing computational

65 | P a g e
capabilities are also changing the nature of decision making in large corporations and their
organizational form. With these dramatic advances, corporations are experiencing rapid change,
necessitating a new vision of business strategy.

This course combines economic theory with advances in the theory of the internet markets,
network industries, market design, artificial intelligence and management to investigate platform
firms, platform design, platform development strategies and the digitization process of traditional
corporations. Applying theoretical insights from a number of recent academic fields to real and up-
to-date case studies, the course offers a close understanding of the digital economy, its
foundations and strategies. The course will enable students learn how to design new platform
firms and develop strategies. The course also considers key industries such as advertising, financial
markets, insurance, healthcare, venture capital and the retail sector to understand how the ICT
and AI revolution will impact the sectors and how they are likely to respond to the rapid
technological changes over time. Understanding market evolution is vital for designing forward
looking strategies. The course also deals with other strategic decisions for firms, including entry
strategies, vertical integration and exclusive deals. By the end of the course, students are well in a
position to propose new platforms, design online markets and figure out how to transform a
traditional corporation to adapt to the digital age.


Category out Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:

Knowledge and Possess good understanding of the following concepts:
Understanding 1. Multi-sided platform, network industries, online competition and
digital economy, AI and algorithms and their impacts on businesses
2. Multi-sided markets, platform development, online growth and
pricing strategies,
3. The optimal design of high tech / digital firms – e.g., Apple,
Amazon, Facebook, and Google, Uber and Airbnb
4. Optimal design of reputation (feedback) and recommendation
5. Auctions, online auction design, the economics of online search, ad
market, attention economics and experimentation,
6. Dynamic business models in the digital economy,
7. The impact of the digital revolution in particular AI on firm
organization, supply chain and management practices,
8. Big data, machine learning and data-driven decisions
9. The impact of the digital revolution on the financial and health
markets, retail sector, the venture capital sector, and job market.
10. Cloud, big data and their impacts on the future of business – the
emergence of data-driven / scientific management
11. Crowd-sourcing, kickstarters, Fintech and prediction markets
12. Matching markets with applications to dating and job markets
13. Challenges of online security.
14. Competition policies for the online world.
15. Have access to relevant cases for each of the topics above.
Intellectual skills 1. The Digital Economy, machine learning and AI are very exciting, a

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key modern phenomena, but we want you to be able to sieve fact
from hyperbole. We will equip you with concepts and frameworks
that will help you to see what is likely to happen and what is not.
Critical thinking is important.
2. The emphasis is to think like an “engineer.” Building on firm
theory and rich up-to-date case studies, we will equip you with
skills to design online platforms, auctions, efficient reputation
(feedback) systems, recommendation systems, online pricing and
growth strategies.
3. We will equip you with analytical skills to understand the
evolutionary path of industries such as financial, health and music
4. We will encourage you to identify systemic attributes in the Digital
Economy, so that you understand its relationship to more
traditional activities in the economy.
5. We will encourage you to reflect on the fundamental implications
of big data, how management practices are likely to evolve, and
how the organizational structure of firms is evolving or likely to
Practical skills Our teaching style will be very interactive. We emphasize classroom
debate. We want you to feel comfortable in bringing materials to class and
presenting it (and so to develop these skills). As outputs we will be looking
for first-rate reports on cases and issues within the digital economy. We
will expect you to participate in identifying the key questions as well as
answering them in group and individual work.
Transferable skills 1. Ability to design online platforms / markets such as Amazon, eBay,
and personal Facebook, Google Neflix and Uber with AI at heart;
qualities 2. Ability to design pricing strategies, platform development
strategies, and dynamic business models;
3. Understand the principles of data-driven decisions, scientific
management, and ability to use big data to make decisions;
4. Familiarity with cases relating to high tech firms;
5. Confidence when confronting arguments and debate over the
future of the economy (in particular digital economy).
6. Ability to critique concepts and ideas expressed in other courses
through your knowledge of the Digital Economy.


Session Class Topic

(subject to change)
Day 1 The Economics of Internet Markets

Cases: The rise of Microsoft, Microsoft versus Netscape, IBM entry into the PC Market,
Google’s Entry into VR market and Smartphone operating systems market & Philips’
Compact Disk Introduction
Multi-sided Markets, Basic Strategies & Personalization

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Cases: Leadership Online, Google’s Android: Will it Shake up the Wireless Industry,
Capital one corporation
Day 2 Platforms & Platform Leadership
Pricing, Platform Competition, Governance & Strategic Behaviour

Case Study: Videogames Pricing, Uber & Amazon versus eBay (HBS)
Platform Design
Auctions, Search, Reputation & Recommendation systems
Cases: eBay Partner Network, Netflix & Amazon’s Recommender systems: Practices &
strategies, Uber & Lyft, Linkedin
Day3 Platform Dynamics and Pricing Strategies
Surge pricing, Bundling, Versioning

Cases : The Newspaper Industry in Crisis, the music industry, Spotify & Pandora
Matching Markets: Algorithms & Designs
Job market, dating market, and real estates
Cases: Algorithms play matchmaker to fight joblessness, LinkedIn, eHarmony & Zillow
Day 4 The digitalization of the financial sector,
Blockchain Technologies, Virtual Currencies & Fintech Start-ups

Cases: Lending Club, Prosper and Kickstarters, Transferwise,

Big Data Analytics in Platform Businesses

AI, Big Data, Software and the future of the firm
Cases: A/B Test at Google, Lessons and Challenges from Mining Retail E-Commerce
Data, Amazon mechanical Turk, Kaggle Competitions, Uber, Lyft & Airbnb
Day 5 Data Driven Firms II
The Rapid Adoption of data-driven decision making
Evidence Based Management, prediction markets & Automation
Cases: Tesla
Competition Policy
Competition & Regulation in Multi-sided Markets
A Theoretical Framework
Payment systems (regulation of the interchange fee), Telecommunication markets
(access regulation, neutrality debate), media markets (media mergers, advertising
regulation), Operating system (vertical bundling, Market share)
Day 6 Group Presentation & The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a
Time of Brilliant Technologies

68 | P a g e

Academic Year 2017/18

Semester/Term Autumn 2017
Course Unit Title Entrepreneurship Project
Unit code BMBA 60002
Credit rating 30
Level 7
Degree programmes MBA
Contact hours 50hrs
Other Scheduled teaching and
learning activities
Pre-requisite units None
Co-requisite units None
Member of staff responsible Dr Martin Henery
Contact details and office hours
Please e-mail the unit lecturer if an appointment is required
Other staff involved None
Notional hours of Learning 300 hrs


The unit aims to:

• Enable individuals to undertake a process of creative problem-solving employing both
convergent and divergent approaches to arrive at appropriate solutions.
• Provide individuals with the ability to develop and validate a business model and
implementation roadmap that demonstrates how value (whether fiscal, social, creative,
environmental or some mix of these) is to be created, delivered and captured for appropriate
and relevant stakeholders whether users, clients, partners or customers.
• Provide the student with real experience of the processes and activities involved in setting up
and development a new venture both as an individual and within a team.
• Develop critical, reflective students who are able and comfortable to work with others and on
their own on highly complex, unstructured problems, a necessity in a complex and rapidly
changing world.

This 30 credit unit aims to provide participants with a strong evidence-based grounding in both the
academic theory and the practice relevant to entrepreneurial start-ups and their role in innovation
and value creation. Through a combination of experiential learning and group-based project work,
students will be able to familiarise themselves with all areas of entrepreneurial expertise necessary

69 | P a g e
to found and develop a business enterprise.


Category of outcome Students should be able to:

Knowledge and A1. Discuss the principle activities and key strategic issues that need
understanding to be considered when planning the formation of a new venture,
social enterprise, community organisation or spin-out
A2. Describe how value in a business can be created, measured and
realised through structured testing and validation of assumptions so
mitigating the difficulties of planning in a start-up situation
Intellectual skills B1. Demonstrate an ability to recognize, analyse and respond to
patterns in complex situations and environments discriminating real
opportunities from a spectrum of possible ideas combined with an
ability to innovate and offer creative solutions to challenging and
complex problems drawing on the input of multiple stakeholder
perspectives, requirements and constraints
B2. Critically evaluate issues and to make decisions in situations of
ambiguity, uncertainty and risk in order to plan and develop strategy
with a particular focus on stakeholders requirements, resource
acquisition and risk mitigation.
Practical skills C1. Develop / establish hypotheses underpinning an organisations
planning / strategy, and to test and to attempt to validate critical
assumptions underpinning those hypotheses
C2. Employ a mix of iterative, discovery and learning processes in
order to improve sense and decision making capabilities
Transferable skills and D1. Work effectively within a team in realistic circumstances of tight
personal qualities time schedules, rapid change and uncertainty similar to that
experienced by individuals trying to develop a new start-up
D2. Garner and negotiate support for ideas and their value through
effective communication and persuasion based on informed opinion
backed up by the use of scenarios, business models, roadmaps and
other appropriate visualization methods


The unit is divided into its two parts:

1. Intensive introductory lectures / workshops – week 1 (w/c 18/9/17)
2. The project – weeks 2 to 9 (25/9/17 to 17/11/17)

The project phase of the course, will involve the students working in teams and supported by the
learning from the more directed activities in weeks 1 to 8 ( particularly in week 1) to undertake a
process of creative problem-solving in order to develop and validate a business model and
implementation roadmap that will create, deliver and capture value.

The project phase of the course has no fixed agenda, but will heavily focus on the lean start-up
methodology of build, measure and learn. Students will be directed to visualise scenarios,
develop hypotheses and to attempt to validate the underpinning critical assumptions

70 | P a g e
underpinning and should these prove incorrect, to pivot the business model and / or modify
strategies in light of the insights gained.
This ‘getting out of the building’ approach that lies at the heart of learn start-up methodology
very much parallels the Manchester Method that underpins MBS’s MBA programme. Students
need to become informed practitioners that can balance researching the literature with an ability
to apply theory into practice and to then use reflection to learn from their practice.

Specifically students will be expected to be proactive in seeking to understand context and

customer; to build scenarios that visualise objectives and end-points that can then be tested,
validated and progressed in a structured way; and to continuously learn through reflection from
working on practical problems both within teams and individually. Undertaking the project in this
way should make participants more comfortable with formulating questions, uncertainty and gaps
in their own knowledge, making sense of and acting on incomplete information, critically
evaluating knowledge and data, discovering patterns in analysis of rich data, and finally to lead, be
led and to manage groups in complex, unstructured and uncertain situations.

As equally important as the methodology and processes are the thinking modes and a key focus
for this unit is to nurture design thinking. A broader, more diverse form of collaboration
customer-centric/empathetic way of thinking that is integrative and interactive in terms of
concept development. Abductive thinking (what might be) rather than inductive (what is) and
deductive (what should be). The latter forms of thinking mode as valuable as they are seek to fit
everything into existing templates rather than equipping individuals to deal with the unknowns
and uncertainties of a more complex, rapidly changing world. In other words to develop a more
entrepreneurial way of thinking.

The unit looks in details at one of the principal steps in that process which is the identification of
the opportunity and the subsequent development of the business model. Rae defines an
opportunity as the ‘potential for change, improvement or advantage arising from our action in the
circumstances’. This definition is used in this unit as it allows for a much broader range of
opportunities to be considered, i.e. commercial, societal or environmental. To be effective in this
process requires a broad range of information from many different sources, some secondary and
some primary. A key characteristic of the entrepreneur is the way they seem to process and link
information so enabling opportunities to be spotted that perhaps others wouldn’t see. In the
supporting workshops and lectures, students will learn about the various methods for obtaining
market intelligence, how to analyse and to make sense of that research in order to identify,
evaluate and refine valuable opportunities. The ultimate aim is to be able to develop a viable
business model indicating how value is to be created and for whom; how it will be delivered and
how value will be captured by the various stakeholders.

From here, the teams will explore and evaluate the options open to an entrepreneur wishing to
create and develop a new venture be it a standard commercial business, a social enterprise or a
spin-out (whether from a University or from an existing business). They will develop an
understanding of the typical strategic issues faced in this situation as well as researching in depth
those felt to be of critical importance to the client business they are working on. Within their
teams, the course participants they will develop and validate a business model and
implementation plan complete with value-added milestones.

Assessment will be through two group presentations, the first to pitch the proposal and how the

71 | P a g e
group plan to validate it and the second, to pitch the validated proposal and implementation plan.
The students will complete an individual report by the end of week 3 which will reflect on both
the class activities and lectures in week 1 as well as their own research demonstrating that thy
have a solid overview of the start-up development process as well as providing a chance to reflect
on their development and learning over the first few weeks of the unit. Early and regular
opportunities for formative feedback will be provided through the unit.

72 | P a g e

Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn

Course Unit Title Internet Marketing Strategy

Unit Code BMBA60146

Credit rating 15 credits

Level MBA

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 30 hours

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

ECT* 15

Notional hours of 150

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.
** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Chris Holland Secretary

Room H6, Sackville Street, North Room
Tele X 56460 Tele
Fax Fax
Email Email
Office Hours By appointment
Name Peter Kawalek Secretary None
Room Harold Hankins 8. Room
Tele 0161 275 6518 Tele
Fax Fax
Email Email
Office Hours By appointment

73 | P a g e

The programme unit aims to:

Enable students to contribute to the development and implementation of Internet marketing
strategy in consumer and business markets, including financial services, high technology,
telecommunications and mobile markets, electronic trading and markets such as eBay and
RosettaNet, and other consumer markets. The course will equip students with the knowledge and
skills to analyse online markets, measure and evaluate online performance, profile competitors and
position the online strategy within the context of the overall marketing strategy of the firm, e.g.
multi-channel strategy design and evaluation, impact of web 2.0 and social media on advertising and
cost of customer acquisition and retention; online market segmentation.


The Internet, social media and web 2.0 technologies are having a profound effect on marketing
strategy and consumer behaviour. This course will focus on the formulation, implementation and
evaluation of online marketing strategies within the context of an overall marketing framework.

The topics that will be covered are: international trends and growth in Internet and mobile usage;
evaluation of website design; the role of the Internet for research and purchasing; the impact of the
Internet on competition; online market lifecycle; the impact of social media on consumer behaviour;
website design; web analytics, e.g. Omniture; the use of web 2.0 technologies for corporate systems,
e.g. knowledge management; search engine marketing and evaluation, Internet advertising; affiliate
marketing; online marketing strategies for customer acquisition, retention and service, channel
strategy and the customer journey; strategies to attack and defend online markets; the emergence
and marketing impact of online giants such as eBay, Amazon, Google and Facebook, analysis of
online competitors; online market forecasting; online market segmentation.

The emphasis will be on consumer markets but will also include examples from business markets,
e.g. business banking, use of web 2.0 within large corporations such as IBM and consultancy firms
and business to business marketplaces. The theoretical concepts will be illustrated with practical
examples and market data from a range of sectors including retail banking, retail insurance, business
banking, telecommunications and mobile phone services, grocery, sports management, music and
entertainment and other retail markets.


Category of outcome Students should be able to:

Knowledge and Have a detailed knowledge and understanding of how the Internet and web
understanding 2.0 technologies relate to marketing strategy in areas such as channel
strategy, customer acquisition and retention, advertising, consumer
behaviour, online research and purchasing and online market forecasting.
Intellectual skills On successful completion of the course, students will be able to apply a
range of marketing and strategy frameworks to measure and evaluate a
firm’s online strategy performance relative to its competitors, analyse
online markets and interpret online and marketing data so as to be able to
contribute to online strategy development.
Practical skills A major part of the course will be contemporary case studies on Internet

74 | P a g e
marketing strategy that are based on recent research and consultancy, and
that will also build on the topics covered by external speakers from industry.
As an integral part of the lectures and case studies, students will become
familiar with online data sources, measurement frameworks and analytical
tools that marketers use to inform and evaluate the online performance of
companies, website design and online promotional strategies including paid
search, affiliate marketing and use of social media.
Transferable skills and To be able to analyse and interpret online marketing data including the use
personal qualities of web analytics tools and online market data and competitor analysis
profiling techniques. Teamwork skills working as part of a group involved in
case study analyses and presentations.

5. METHODS OF DELIVERY (including the use of E-Learning)

The course will be taught through a mixture of traditional lectures, case studies, videos and guest
lectures. An external lecturer will be used to present their experiences from the perspective of a
senior e-commerce / Internet marketing role in business.


1. Copies of lecture slides and notes.

2. Case studies on financial services, Airbnb, Uber, sports marketing, mobile phone services
marketing in Europe, Amazon, and Ocado.
3. Videos on Ocado and smart business networks.
4. MBA Internet Marketing Strategy Reading List,

Core Reading

“Digital Business and E-commerce management, Strategy, Implementation and Practice (2015).
Dave Chaffey.
Chapter 1. Introduction to digital business and e-commerce.

Chapter 2. Marketplace analysis for e-commerce.

Chapter 5. Digital business strategy

Chapter 8. Digital marketing.

Chapter 12. Digital business service implementation and optimisation

Chesbrough, Henry. "Business model innovation: opportunities and barriers." Long range
planning 43.2 (2010): 354-363.

This article is a very good introduction to the concept of business models, which are a useful
method for describing and conceptualising the logic of a new business organisation that makes
innovative use of technology.

75 | P a g e
Information technology and disruption, Economist article on Marc Andreessen

McKinsey. Clouds, big data, and smart assets: Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch:

The Impact of Internet Technologies: Search, July 2011. McKinsey&Company, High Tech Practice,
J. Bughin, L. Corb, J. Manyika, O. Nottebohm, M. Chui, B. de Muller Barbat and R. Said.

Heck, Eric van, and Peter Vervest. "Smart business networks: how the network
wins." Communications of the ACM 50.6 (2007): 28-37. This is a great article on the concept of
smart B2B networks.

Motorola’s global market network for banking. See Blackman, Ian D., Christopher P. Holland, and
Timothy Westcott. "Motorola's global financial supply chain strategy." Supply Chain
Management: An International Journal 18, no. 2 (2013): 132-147.

Holland, Christopher, and Gordon Mandry. "Online Retailing." The International Encyclopedia of
Digital Communication and Society (2015).

McAfee, Andrew, et al. "Big Data." The management revolution. Harvard Bus Rev 90.10 (2012):
61-67. This is an excellent academic introduction into the implementation of big data ideas in a
business context.

Holland, Christopher P., Julia A. Jacobs, and Stefan Klein. "The role and impact of comparison
websites on the consumer search process in the US and German airline markets." Information
Technology & Tourism 16.1 (2016): 127-148.

Teixeira, T., 2012. The new science of viral ads. Harvard Business Review, 90(3), pp.25-27.

Secondary material

Davenport, T.H. and Beck, J.C., 2013. The attention economy: Understanding the new currency
of business. Harvard Business Press.

Economist, The (2000), “A Thinkers’ Guide to Internet Economics,” The Economist, 355, no.
8164, April 1, 2000, 64-66.

Eisenmann, T., G. Parker and M. Van Alstyne (2006), “Strategies for Two-Sided Markets”,
Harvard Business Review, October.

Chui, M., M. Dewhurst and L. Pollak (2013), “Building the social enterprise”, McKinsey Quarterly.

ComScore (2015). 2015 U.S. Digital Future in Focus. Published by ComScore, Inc. Corporate
11950, Democracy Drive, 
Suite 600, 
Reston, VA 20190, US.

76 | P a g e
Constantinides E. and S.J. Fountain (2008), “Web 2.0: Conceptual foundations and marketing
issues”, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 231-244.

Divol E., D. Edelman and H. Sarrazin (2012), “Demystifying social media”, McKinsey Quarterly,

Fortune Magazine (2015) “At least 80 Tech startups are Worth $ 1 billion or More. Is This Boom
for Real?”. Fortune cover story, February 1, 2015.

Holiday, R., 2014. Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Marketing, and
Advertising. Portfolio Trade.

Holland, Christopher P., Julia A. Jacobs, and Stefan Klein (2016) "The role and impact of
comparison websites on the consumer search process in the US and German airline
markets." Information Technology & Tourism: 1-22.

Holland C.P. and G.D. Mandry (2015). Online Retailing. In Mansell, R and Ang, P-H (Eds), The
International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, Wiley Blackwell-
ICA Encyclopedias of Communication. Malden and Oxford: Wiley, ISBN 9781118290743.

IBM (2015), Fifth Annual UK Online Retail Christmas Readiness Report.

Kantar (2015), Online Shopper Intelligence, UK grocery market:

Kevill, S., Connock., A., Ask The Audience, Evaluating new ways to fund TV content, Reuters
Instititute for the Study of Journalism, Oxford University.

Levitin, D.J., 2014. Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
(9780698157224). NY Books.

McKinsey (2015), Global Media Report.

McKinsey (2016), Digital globalization: The new era of global flows.

Malone, T.W., Yates, J. & Benjamin, R.I. (1989). The Logic of Electronic Markets. Harvard
Business Review, 67, 3, 166–170.

Shoemaker, P.J. and Reese, S.D., 2013. Mediating the message in the 21st century: A media
sociology perspective. Routledge.

Stone, B. and D. MacMillan (2012), “Facebook, the $96 Billion Hack, How Zuck Hacked the
Valley”, Business Week, May 21-27, pp. 60-67.

Stone, B. “Twitter, the company that couldn’t kill itself has finally turned a corner”. B. Stone
(2012), Business Week, March 5-11, pp. 62-67

77 | P a g e
Teixeira, T., Wedel, M. and Pieters, R., 2012. To zap or not to zap: How to insert the brand in TV
commercials to minimize avoidance. GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 4(1), pp.14-23.

Teixeira, T.S., 2014. The rising cost of consumer attention: Why you should care, and what you
can do about it.

Case studies

1. From A(pples) to Z(oom lenses), Extending the Boundaries of Multichannel Retailing at 307-348-1. Plus video update from Ocado and online market data based on
personal research.

2. The Business Network of the Alibaba Group, How the Alibaba Group’s Strategy and
Implementation in China is Creating Sustainable Value for Suppliers, Partners and
Customers. 310-125-1, Greeven M., Y.Y. Sheng, E. van Heck and B. Krug (2010).

3. Amazon Services, Inc: Using Knowledge to Drive Customer Growth, 504-008-1.

4. Internet and Social Media Strategy in Sports Marketing: C.P. HOLLAND, MBS and World
Academy of Sport (2015)

Date of current version November 2016

78 | P a g e

Academic Year 2017/2018

Term Autumn 2017

Course Unit Title Management in Practice

Unit Code BMBA60165

Credit rating 15

Minimum no. of participants 15

Level MBA

Contact Hours 30

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

ECT* 7.5

Notional hours of Learning** 150

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). So, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits, this will
equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Dr Mark Winter Phone 0161 306 5796

AMBS Division PMO Email
Room E12 AMBS East Office Hours Meetings by arrangement


Management in Practice is a general management course for MBA students interested in developing
their capability for senior management and leadership roles in business and other sectors. Regardless
of sector, all managerial roles require more than just expertise in marketing, operations, HR, finance
and strategy etc. As important as these subjects are in any MBA programme, professional
management also has some important generic aspects. Consider for example middle and senior
managers: (1) they have significant responsibilities; (2) they frequently make decisions in situations of

79 | P a g e
uncertainty; (3) they are guided less by textbook theory and more by their experience; (4) they
operate with different management styles; and (5) they all exercise power and influence over others.
In short, these are all generic aspects of management in practice that can be reflectively studied
alongside the functional subjects of an MBA. Neither suggesting nor implying that management can
be ‘taught’, the aim of this course is to consider these generic aspects in relation to your own
experience of management in preparation for your future career. The aim is not to prescribe best
practice on these five topics, but rather to share, discuss and reflectively apply various perspectives,
ideas and tools to develop your knowledge and capability for senior roles in management and
leadership after the MBA.


This unit aims to:

1. To develop a holistic picture of management in practice: the evolution of professional
management, current organizational challenges, and senior management’s responsibilities.
2. To understand how managers think-in-action and how decisions are actually made by reflectively
applying ideas and models from 3 perspectives: intuition, inquiry and judgment.
3. To equip the student with a practical toolkit to support decision making in practice which also
integrates with the models, frameworks and tools from the student’s other MBA courses.
4. To appreciate different management and leadership styles and to develop knowledge and skill in
facilitative leadership as a particular way of working collaboratively with others.
5. To reflexively understand other key aspects of management in practice, notably how managers use
power and influence, and how other forms of power influence social action.

5. COURSE PROGRAMME (Wednesdays 0900-1500 11th October to 15th November)

Week Date Session Themes and Class Activity

Course Introduction and a BIG History of Management
1 11 Oct
Part 1: Perspectives on Senior Management’s Responsibilities
Part 2: Decision Making in Practice: Intuition, Inquiry and Judgment
2 18 Oct
Further Insights by Applying the Three Lenses to a Film Dramatisation
Part 3: Developing a Practical Toolkit to Support Decision Making
3 25 Oct
Practical Exercises and Assignment 1 Briefing
Assignment 1: Applied Group Exercise
4 1 Nov
Applying the Toolkit in a Practical Situation and Class Discussion
Part 4: Facilitative Leadership Part A (Facilitation Concepts and Tools)
5 8 Nov
Part 4: Facilitative Leadership Part B (Practical Exercise and Reflection)

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Part 5: Reflexive Questions for Managers: Power, Knowledge and Action
6 15 Nov
Assignment 2 Briefing and Course Review


Assignments A1 and A2 Length Weighting within unit Due date

(if relevant)
A1 Applied Group Exercise 12-15 40% 3rd November 2017
Peer assessment
adjustment of up to +/-
20% of the group mark
A2 Personal Reflection Paper 3000 words 60% 8th December 2017

Date of current version 8th February 2017

81 | P a g e

Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017
Course Unit Title Managing Disruptive Technologies
Unit Code BMBA 60175
Credit rating 15
Level MBA
Degree Programmes MBA
Contact Hours 30
Pre-requisite units None
Co-requisite units None
ECT* 7.5
Notional hours of Learning** 150
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Prof Erik Beulen, Principal at Secretary

Boston Consulting Group and
Professor Tilburg University,
Room Room
Tele +31613430398 Tele
Fax Fax
Email Email
Office Hours Tba

Name Prof Brian Nicholson, AMBS Secretary

Room Crawford mezzanine M50 Room
Tele 54024 Tele
Fax Fax
Email Email
Office Hours Tba

82 | P a g e

The programme unit aims to:

1. Understand the opportunities of disruptive technologies and learn from failing business
2. Apply key concepts about markets, innovation and competitive advantage, with an emphasis
on information and communications technologies (ICT)
3. Examine alternative commercialization paths for a new technology
4. Examine ways to compete in the high-tech marketplace, and manage factors that promote or
hinder the diffusion of a new technology


This course explores how disruptive technologies (DT) may change business models. Drawing on
illustrative case study examples (eg.Uber, Graphene, digital start-ups, 3D printing, big data), the
course content demonstrates how DT can both enable new business models and challenge current
ones. The business impact of postponing the adoption of disruptive technologies will be explored by
comparing successful early adopters by legacy companies (e.g. Kodak and digital photography). This
course also explores the emerging issue of disruptive technologies, power and control. The course
will be taught through a mixture of lectures, action learning in a live project (using “human cloud”
sites or, case studies and guest lectures from practitioners.


Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:

Knowledge and Have a detailed knowledge and understanding how disruptive technologies
understanding can be adopted by organisations. This includes the assessment, the
implementation and the management of disruptive technologies.

Intellectual skills On successful completion of the course, students will be able to apply
strategy frameworks to evaluate a firm’s adoption of disruptive
technologies relative to a competitive market

Practical skills The course includes analysis of detailed case studies delivered by a mixed
faculty of academics, and practitioners. As an integral part of the lectures
and case studies, students will become familiar with disruptive
technologies. This course also includes action learning using a disruptive
technology in the form of a microsourcing project where students engage
global workers in a live project (using or

Transferable skills and To be able to analyse and assess the business potential of disruptive
personal qualities technologies. Teamwork skills working as part of a group involved in a
global virtual team with associated written and verbal presentations.

6. METHODS OF DELIVERY (including the use of E-Learning)

83 | P a g e
The course will be taught through a mixture of lectures, action learning in a live project (using or, case studies and guest lectures from practitioners.

84 | P a g e

Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017

Course Unit Title New Business Ecosystems: Infrastructure and Sharing Economy

Unit Code BMBA60148

Credit rating 15

Level Post-graduate/elective

Degree Programmes MBA, MSc.

Contact Hours 30

Pre-requisite units ---

Co-requisite units ----

ECT* 7.5

Notional hours of Learning** 150

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.
** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a particular
level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is expected
that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved. Therefore if a
unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours in accordance with the Credit
Framework (QAA).


Name Nuno Gil, Professor of New Infrastructure Development

Room MBS East F5
Phone 0161 3063486
Office Hours By appointment


This unit will introduce students to fundamental governance, strategy, and leadership issues in the
pluralistic meta- organizational settings formed to develop capital-intensive infrastructure and
business ecosystems in the sharing economy. These complex organizational settings are a growing
phenomenon. They unify multiple independent actors including governments, public agencies, firms,
universities, non-profits, and skilled individuals under an identifiable system-level goal. But unlike
the firm or a public bureaucracy, there are no authority hierarchies to govern pluralistic settings.
Rather, decision-making power over strategic choice is diffused across multiple actors with
heterogeneous belief-systems, knowledge, and interests. In these settings, many decisions are
therefore judgmental, and the outcome of bargaining and political processes side by side with

85 | P a g e
deliberative processes.
Pluralistic settings are becoming increasingly pervasive, and are central to regulated firms, public-
private partnerships, megaprojects, and new business ecosystems in the sharing economy.

In this course, we will learn how to operate in pluralistic arenas by studying business ecosystems
formed to develop capital-intensive infrastructure (transport , energy , water, telecommunications),
the ‘ digital cloud’, and sharing economy businesses. We will discuss the leadership and governance
challenges endemic to pluralistic settings in advanced economies shaped by robust and established
institutions, regulation, laws, and enforcement mechanisms. We will also discuss the leadership and
governance of pluralistic arenas in developing economies characterized by weak institutions, blurred
public-private divide, scarce resources, and multiple institutional voids and failures.


Why was Facebook forced to backtrack on privacy changes in 2010? Why are Uber and Airbnb
facing regulatory battles all over the world? Why has the promoter of the UK High-speed 2 train
backpedalled on its plans for London Euston station? Why was the School District board in Palo Alto,
the cradle of the third revolution in California, forced to defend their choice of Everyday
Mathematics textbook in detriment of the conservative Singapore Math? Why is the European
project rife in brinkmanship? Why is it so difficult for countries to converge on global issues such as
climate change, exploration of the sea-bed resources, and the occupancy of Antarctica and space?

A unifying theme underlying the above questions is the notion of pluralism. Under pluralism,
multiple actors with conflicting goals share power to make strategic choices. Pluralistic arenas are a
growing phenomenon as the world becomes more crowded and interconnected by technology.
Pluralistic arenas are becoming widespread across the public and private sectors as technology
empowers people to fight for their interests, lowers coordination costs, and makes it easier to
organize collective responses to private and public initiatives. Pluralism enables actors to achieve
objectives that alone they cannot achieve, and thus is a source of value creation and appropriation.
But getting things done under pluralism is complicated. The aim of this course is to discuss
fundamental structural and performance issues under pluralism, and introduce conceptual
frameworks and methods to enable people to excel in these arenas, and achieve system-level goals.

We will learn to become effective leaders in pluralistic arenas by using examples from infrastructure
business ecosystems and the sharing economy. We will examine and discuss key drivers, challenges,
and constraints affecting capital-intensive developments of complex socio-technical systems
business ecosystems. We will focus our attention on issues around financing, designing structures,
building consensus, dealing with the environment, resolving disputes, and forging vertical buyer-
supplier relationships under conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity. We will explore how cash-
strapped Governments need to devise new policy frameworks to entice private investment, and use
creativity, problem-solving ingenuity, and flexibility to devise ways to bridge gaps in interests and
achieve the system-level goal. We will also discuss; i) the role of symbolic and rhetorical devices to
carry actors along, and sustain the legitimacy of pluralistic arenas in the eyes of third parties; and ii)
the challenges endemic to pluralistic arenas surrounded by contexts of weak institutions, scarce
resources, and a blurred divide between the public and the private.

The course will look at the opportunities and challenges created by pluralistic arenas by using
research literature in organisation design, (consensus-oriented) collective action, and complex

86 | P a g e
systems. The case studies will focus on settings such as BAA’s Heathrow airport and the London
Olympics 2012, the UK national railway project (High-speed 2), the Golden Quadrilateral in India,
the Chinese capital investment in Africa, Uber, and Airbnb. The emphasis will be on strategic
decisions faced by the leadership teams at the helm of these enterprises. The course aims to equip
students with practical tools and conceptual frameworks useful to support the making of the
difficult judgement calls at the essence of practising leadership under pluralism.

This elective will count with numerous guest speakers including leaders in Bechtel, Manchester City
Council, and Transport for London. In addition, Ian W. REEVES, CBE, member of the advisory boards
of stockbroker Oriel Securities Ltd and Chairman of GCP Infrastructure Investments Ltd, he
publically listed infrastructure investment fund will deliver a session on Infrastructure Finance

This unit will be open to MBA students, PhD students in the Power Networks Centre for Doctoral
Training, and graduate-standing students from the Institute for Development and Policy
Management, ranked the top UK research institution in development studies and from the MSc in
Global Urban Development and Planning. This arrangement creates unique opportunities to
contrast and compare the challenges of managing under pluralism in advanced economies with
similar challenges in developing economies, managed democracies, and other political systems.
This is an overly subscribed course, and students are advised to register early


Category of Students will be able to:

Knowledge • Understand key contextual drivers affecting pluralistic arenas including funding
and and financing issues, uncertainty in requirements, conflicting goals,
understanding technological complexity, evolving regulation, and resource scarcity
• Understand alternative ways to structure capital-intensive developments
under conditions of pluralism and corresponding performance implications
• Gain awareness for the judgement calls expected from leaders operating in
large pluralistic arenas
Intellectual • Capability to characterize pluralistic settings such as infrastructure business
skills ecosystems and sharing economy businesses
• Conceptualise the life-cycle of capital-intensive developments including stages,
actors, and interlocks between stages
• Capability to evaluate alternative structures to govern pluralistic settings
• Apply strategic option-like thinking to guide decision-making
• Discuss strategies to ‘future proof’ complex socio-technical systems
Practical skills • Capability to lead competently the actors involved in capital-intensive
developments including financiers and other promoters, future operators and
end-users, development partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders
• Capability to assess how capital-intensive developments can be negotiated to
simultaneously respond to statutory requirements, commercial needs,
urgency, technological complexity, and competing interests.
Transferable • Development of argumentative skills in verbal and written form
skills and • Potential to apply the same concepts and frameworks to the analysis of other
personal complex socio-technical systems
qualities • Leadership and strategizing skills for project-based environments

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Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017
Course Unit Title Practical Investing
Unit Code BMBA60173
Minimum no. of participants 15
Maximum no. of participants 30
Credit rating 15
Level Postgraduate
Degree Programmes MBA
Contact Hours 30
Pre-requisite units Accounting, Corporate Finance, Economics for Business, M&A
Co-requisite units
ECT* 15
Notional hours of Learning** 150
* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Patricia Perlman-Dee Secretary Sangita Mistry

Room M49 Room
Tele 0161 275 0117 Tele
Fax Fax
Email Patricia.perlman- Email
Office Hours Tues 9.30 – 11.30


The programme unit aims to:

• Understand the background and roles of/in financial markets, investment banking and fund

88 | P a g e
management industry.
• Discuss theories of market efficient; active vs passive management
• Critically examine and evaluate practical investment techniques used by some of the world’s
most successful investors
• Explain how different type of investors make investment choices
• Apply a range of investment techniques/strategies in creating and managing a portfolio for
different investor ‘s needs
• Review and critically evaluate investment performance, portfolio evaluation, choice of
benchmark and choice of investment vehicles
• Present and explain investment advisory solutions according to clients’ needs
• Review and critically evaluate the impact of fees, regulation, ethics and behavioural finance
in the investment industry
• Provide an overview of the practical aspects and terminology in the investment industry


Category of outcome Students should/will (please delete as appropriate) be able to:

Knowledge and Explain, compare and contrast and critically evaluate the analytical tools
understanding and evaluation methods used by the world’s greatest investors
Identify the participants in the financial markets and their roles
(investment focus)
Demonstrate the understanding of different investor needs, requirements
and constraints.
Recognise the importance of both team and specialist input.

Intellectual skills Demonstrate the analytical skills of evaluating and selecting investments
Compare and contrast theoretical knowledge with investor needs in
creating financial solutions

Practical skills Create an investment portfolio

Illustrate, analyse, organise and implement investment
solutions/recommendations for different clients
Conduct a client meeting
Demonstrate basic knowledge of how to use data from Bloomberg
Create, run and conduct trading a portfolio of equities

Transferable skills and Group work and team decisions

personal qualities Collaboration, recognising strengths and weaknesses and how to use this
most efficiently in the investment industry.
Presentation skills
Relationship skills
Communication skills
Interaction with industry professionals

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The course will study the practical element of investing. Students will learn about the background of
financial markets and investment communities. We will look how this has developed into the roles
and the player’s active in today’s investment industry. Students will learn about practical
investment strategies, evaluation and selection techniques that have been used by very successful
investors as well as new strategies applied by hedge funds today.

Students will learn about the different type of investors and their requirements for investments.
Students will learn about different investment vehicles such as mutual funds investment trust. They
will also learn how to create an investment mandate, understand clients’ needs and create a suitable
investment portfolio for different type of investors. Students will conduct client role plays and
create a “Client letter” with recommendations for investors. Students will also complete the initial
training on Bloomberg Market Concepts. In addition to this, the students will run individual trading
portfolios during the time of the course.

The course is broad but hands on with active participation from students and a high level of
interaction with industry professionals. Students will be expected to work in groups and deliver a
number of reports and presentations. Students will also be asked to submit a personal
reflection/evaluation of the investment choices made and learnings captured and applied.

The course will be largely taught by industry professionals.

6. METHODS OF DELIVERY (including the use of E-Learning)

The course will be divided up in 6 full day sessions plus additional training and assessments sessions
(e.g. for Bloomberg MC). The sessions contain lectures with some theory, many guest speakers from
the finance industry, group work with peer presentations, presentations to industry professionals
and academics, role-plays, self-studies and reflection as well as discussions and problem solving.

All sessions will have a set of “pre-session” reading material. The course is highly interactive and
discussions following presentations are parts of the learning. The students will run a personal
“mock” investment portfolio on an electronic platform. The results and decisions will be critically
evaluated by each student in their reflective learning. Students are expected to be able to
demonstrate peer-to peer learning and part of the assessment is based on how the students can
present and explain their “findings” to the other students as well as how they can conduct meetings.
Students are also expected to undertake individual training on Bloomberg and additional self-

Written work will be submitted electronically.

All material possible will be uploaded on Blackboard

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Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn Term 2017

Course Unit Title Real Options in Practice

Unit Code BMBA60164

Credit rating 15

Minimum no. of participants 12

Level MBA

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 30

Pre-requisite units
Co-requisite units

Notional hours of Learning** 150

*ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.
** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 15 credits, this will equate to 150 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).

Name Dean Paxson Secretary
Room 2.0 Crawford House Room
Tele + 1480-3950103 Tele
Fax Fax
Email Email
Office Hours By Arrangement


The course is for students interested in evaluating strategy and financial engineering value in energy,
transport, renewables, biotechnology, infrastructure and probably your own business interest. These
businesses will be studied in terms of the real options which have been identified by practitioners.
The “expected outcome” is that students will understand the basics of real options, and the practical
applications to business opportunities and problems.

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Early sessions will involve lectures and applications to an appropriate enterprise. We will start with
basic options (for those requiring an introduction or a refreshment course on derivatives), then
extend to basic real options, and then cover some investment options. All real option formulae are
in the Real Option Value Excel on BB.

Later material will be selected according to your project and case choices.


Category of outcome Students should be able to:

Knowledge and
understanding Develop your knowledge of real options and applications.

Intellectual skills Extend your Excel and basic finance skills.

Practical skills Recognize real options in business problems and opportunities.

Transferable skills and See real options almost everywhere, and develop an intuition about which
personal qualities facts are relevant for arriving at reasonable solutions.

92 | P a g e

Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017

Course Unit Title Strategic Integrity: Strategy, Corporate Finance and Information Systems

Unit Code BMBA60170

Credit rating 15 credits

Minimum no. of participants 9

Maximum no. of participants 15

Level MBA

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 30

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

ECT* 7.5

Notional hours of Learning** 150

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Prof Peter Kawalek Dr Igor Yakimovich Patricia Ruppert MBA,

Vice-president Managing Director
Siemens AG Germany INCENTO Germany
Visiting Fellow AMBS Research Fellow AMBS

Room 8.06 Harold Hankins

Tele 0161 275 6518 +49 174 305 1724 +49 171 93 45 426


Email peter.kawalek@manch igor.yakimovich@manchester.a

93 | P a g e
Office Hours To be confirmed By appointment By appointment


The programme unit aims to:

1. Extend students’ knowledge from Strategy Formulation to Strategy Execution.
2. Promote a new integrated and systemic model of Strategy that is attuned to
environmental demands, flexible and technologically informed – an advance over the
functional views of the past.
3. Introduce the key theoretical concept of ‘Interfaces’ between the disciplines of Strategy,
Corporate Finance and Information Systems.
4. Synthesise ideas of Strategy, Corporate Finance and Information Systems in order to show
how all are utilized and inter-related in the company boardroom.
5. Exemplify the use of key Strategy models.
6. Introduce the application of principles of Corporate Finance into this context.
7. Introduce key concepts of Information Systems.


In the era of global business, the interplay of three disciplines, Strategic Management, Corporate
Finance and Information Systems, is crucial for the success or failure of any multinational.
Typically text-books and academic papers look at these in isolation. Students learning about each
of them but then try to fill in the gaps between them when they finally gain a senior position. The
reality is that the capability to identify and optimise the relations between each is vital to
successful business. Command of major business constantly optimises between the disciplines and
the most successful executives learn the variables that affect each of them. The key variables are
those that provide interfaces to the other disciplines.

This idea of interfaces between the disciplines Strategic Management, Corporate Finance and
Information Systems is key to the elective.

In this workshop we look at these critical interfaces and describe how they are related. This is
done by setting out key parts of the curricula of Strategy, Corporate Finance and Information
Systems. This leads to identification of the interfaces between them. The learning is deepened by
building up a case study of a multinational like Siemens and having open discussion in class.
Students gain insight into the senior command of an organization and see the contextual roles of
each discipline. Strategy and Corporate Finance are information sources, whilst Information
Systems deliver operational control and new business models at the same time in context of
induction 4.0 and digitization. The course does not require prior expertise in any of its topics – it is
aimed at the general MBA student.


Category of outcome Students should/will be able to:

Knowledge and Possess good understanding of the following concepts:
understanding. 1. The ability to translate Strategy Formation to Strategy Execution.
2. Classical and novel Strategy models.

94 | P a g e
3. Key concepts of Corporate Finance
4. Information Systems principals, e.g. relations between IT
Architecture, business processes and power.
5. Interfaces between Strategy, Corporate Finance and Information
Systems so that students understand how they affect each other,
also with a view to industry 4.0.
6. Reporting requirements and responsibilities of boardroom officers
that necessitate the integrated understanding of Strategy,
Corporate Finance and Information Systems.
7. Have access to industry cases for each of the topics above.
Intellectual Skills Students will gain insight and be required to prepare themselves for:
- A modern multinational business which is highly dynamic and
technological driven and
- An integrated thinking as top manager of a multinational whilst
preparing a real case study for a board room level presentation
Practical Skills Our teaching style will be very interactive and challenge theory with
practitioner’s experience. We want classroom debate. Students will
need to feel comfortable in bringing materials to class and presenting it
(and so to develop these skills). As outputs we will be looking for first-
rate reports on cases and issues related to the board-level management
of modern multinationals. We will expect students to participate in
identifying the key questions as well as answering them in group and
individual work. On the IS side we will use tools relating to SAP systems
so that experience is gained there.
Transferable skills and 1. Ability to related Strategy, Corporate Finance and Information
personal quality Systems, identifying interfaces between them.
2. Confidence when confronting arguments and debate over the
future of the economy (in particular multinationals).
3. Ability to critique concepts and ideas expressed in other courses
through your knowledge of Strategy Integrity.
4. Familiarity with cases.


1. Formal lectures using interactive workshop components on a ‘jigsaw’ basis (each groups learns about a
different part of the puzzle)

2. In-class and online case studies: bespoke case material from the course presenters will be augmented by
key cases from other sources.

3. Group Presentations. Jigsaw learning wherein groups report on different topics to aid each other.

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Academic Year 2016/17

Term Autumn 2016

Course Unit Title Venture Capital and Private Equity

Unit Code BMBA60095

Credit rating 15

Minimum no. of participants 15

Maximum no. of participants 30

Level MBA

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 30

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

ECT* 7.5

Notional hours of Learning** 150

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT
credit, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore, if a unit is worth 30 UK credits,
this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a
particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is
expected that there will be 10 hours of notional study associated with every 1 credit achieved.
Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study hours, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Name Malcolm Smith Name Patricia Perlman-Dee

Room External Staff Room M.49 Crawford House
Tele - Tele 0161 275 0117
Email Email
Name Peter Folkman
Room External Staff
Tele -


96 | P a g e
The programme unit aims to introduce course members to the skills, tactics and language of venture
capital and private equity. Both the theoretical and practical aspects of the topic will be explored.
Alongside the theory and concepts taught, experienced practitioners, including Professors Peter
Folkman and Malcolm Smith, will provide input on the practical application of the course content.


Venture Capital and Private Equity are quite different from more traditional sources of capital for
privately owned businesses, such as bank debt and retained profits. Consequently only certain types
of business are likely to seek and successfully attract VC / PE finance. The structure and funding of
VC / PE houses is complex and also requires that they adopt particular tactics in identifying investees
and managing these, post investment. Each lecture will focus on a particular issue in the VC / PE
arena, such as seed funding, growth finance, exits etc. Case studies will be used to provide
participants with the challenge of engaging with issues such as deal selection, negotiation, pricing,
management and exit, as well as the management of VC fund themselves.


Category of Students should (please delete as appropriate) be able to:

Knowledge and Understand the nature of VC and PE funding, the types of business that they
understanding are seeking to invest in and the ways that VC Houses manage their
investments in order to earn an adequate return, for their investors. The
main types and sources of VC funds will be covered, so that participants will
be able identify and seek out investors that match the profile of the different
types of businesses that may require “equity” funding.
Intellectual skills Apply the techniques of cash-flow forecasting, entity valuation, strategic
analysis, operational and change management, covered in the diploma stage
of the course, to businesses undergoing rapid change whether this is caused
by business formation, growth, turnaround or change of ownership (e.g.
management buy-out).
Practical skills Participants will be able to appreciate:
1. How VCs / PE funds make money from the businesses in which they invest.
2. If a VC or Private Equity house would be interested in considering an
investment in a particular company.
4. What terms and conditions would attach to such investments.
5. The approaches VCs would adopt in determining current and future
valuations of the business.
7. How a VC would set about realising value from such an investment.
Transferable skills At the end of the course participants will be able to advise the Directors of a
and personal company:
qualities 1. Whether the business would benefit from a venture capital
2. Actions that the management should take in order to attract such
3. The consequences of raising external equity from VCs

97 | P a g e
4. In the absence of an equity injection how the management might set
about realising value from the company, for themselves.


The course relies upon the use of AMBS case We will cover online methods of attracting
studies to illustrate the ILO’s in a practical way. capital.
Key elements of the course are supported by The course reviews the international spread of
input from professional practitioners. VC and PE Houses.
We will provide redacted term sheets and Current methods of valuation are illustrated via
business plans for the students to assess and the use of both academic references and
present their analysis. practical examples.
The course covers both Venture Capital and We illustrate the differences between VC and PE,
Private Equity, with input from Professionals in and the ways in which they attract and utilise
those fields. capital.

7. METHODS OF DELIVERY (including the use of E-Learning)

The course will run over 5 weeks, for one day per week. The course will involve relevant case studies
that course participants will prepare in advance. One or more groups will be asked to present their
analysis and recommendations. Presentations will be followed by class discussion and input from
the course leaders. Lectures will involve inputs from faculty and practitioners.


Venture Capital, Private Equity, and the Financing of Entrepreneurship

by Josh Lerner, Ann Leamon, Felda Hardymon, 2012, John Wiley & Sons;
ISBN-10: 0470591439 / ISBN-13: 978-0470591437


Assessment task Word Length Weighting within unit (if Date Due
Individual assignment 2,000 50% 02/12/16

Group project Maximum 14 slides 30% Slide pack on BB –

presentation Peer assessment adjustment Wednesday
of up to +/- 20% of the group 16/11/16
Presentations on
Thursday 17/11/16
Class Participation 20%


98 | P a g e
The standard University questionnaire will be distributed at the end of the course.


We will provide written feedback on the individual assignments. We will provide both verbal and
written feedback on the group assignments.


We have extensively remodelled the Lilliput case in the light of comments received. We have also
remodelled the course delivery in line with the Global elective, and feedback received on those

The Matrix case has been rewritten to focus on the key learnings from the case.

Date of current version AUGUST 2016

99 | P a g e


100 | P a g e
International Study Tours 2017

The Study Tour is part of the International Business Experience at Manchester Business School. The
study tours will combine an academic course with visits to companies and institutions.

This year we are offering two International Study Tours hosted by our Centres in Dubai & China.

International Business Strategy is the academic course being delivered in Dubai

Contemporary Business in China is the academic course being delivered in Shanghai

Both tours will involve three days of teaching and two days of company visits.

As with our Exchange programme, students will be expected to cover the cost of the flight and

101 | P a g e

Academic Year 2017/2018

Semester/Term July 2017

Course Unit Title Contemporary Chinese Business

Unit code

Credit rating 15

Level 7

Degree Programmes MBA

Contact Hours 22.5

Pre-requisite units None

Co-requisite units None

ECT* 7.5

Notional hours Learning** 150

Delivery Mode Blended Learning

* ECT (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): There are 2 UK credits for every 1 ECT credit, in accordance
with the Credit Framework (QAA). Therefore if a unit is worth 30 UK credits, this will equate to 15 ECT.

** Notional hours of learning: The number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a particular level) will spend, on
average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. It is expected that there will be 10 hours of notional
study associated with every 1 credit achieved. Therefore if a unit is worth 30 credits, this will equate to 300 notional study
hours, in accordance with the Credit Framework (QAA).


Theme Owner PMO Division

Staff Leaders Jiyao Xun

MBA Staff Details

Teaching Team Jiyao Xun

E-tutor, E-facilitator Jiyao Xun

102 | P a g e
Contemporary Chinese Business is an elective for MBA students who are interested in both the
theory and practice of doing business in China. This is a course delivered through the blended
learning approach which includes a five day workshop in Shanghai hosted by the University of
Manchester China Centre.
A crucial question of the current shifting world system is how dominant Western powers
accommodate China, not just as an emerging power, but a returning power, given its increasing
worldwide influence and impact on the global economy, business, politics and culture. This links
back to much of the content in the core MBA course on Leading and Managing in a Global
Environment but with a specific Chinese context.

MBA graduates who can master the art and science of Chinese business practices and who can
gain skills in conducting business in China are highly employable across the entire spectrum of
careers from international business, consulting, banking and finance, senior management, cross-
border administration and the public sector.

Contemporary Chinese Business (CCB) provides MBA students with once-in-a-life-time structured
learning experience by combining rigorous academic study, guest speakers, alumni sharing
sessions, cultural activities, and company visits in the form of a five day study tour in Shanghai that
is supplemented by pre and post workshop online elements. Company visits provide unrivalled
opportunities for creative contact with different ownership structures (i.e. foreign, joint venture,
or native Chinese) in the commercial context in Shanghai-the most modern commercial city in

Specifically, this module aims to offer senior executives and MBA students the following benefits:

(1) To gain a wider appreciation of Chinese contemporary society, including a general appreciation
of basic Chinese (Mandarin) language and etiquette for business purposes, traditional Chinese
culture (calligraphy, music), key sociological concepts related to Chinese traditional and modern
society. Furthermore, students will understand the major events that form state-society relations
in the past three decades (history, society, economy, and international relations), elements that all
collectively inform the unique formation of the fabric of the contemporary Chinese society.

(2) With this contextual knowledge and background, the course then embarks on a series of
debates on ‘hot topics’ for contemporary Chinese Business covering topics such as strategy,
marketing, supply chain, accounting & finance, talent management, market entry,
entrepreneurship and technology. This is facilitated by pre-workshop readings and on-site
interactive sessions during the tour.

(3) The company visits and various guest speaker series and cultural activities embody the
Manchester Method (learning by doing) and offer hands-on experiences for students to form a
basic mental framework to be familiarized with Chinese business culture and therefore conduct
real business in China. Each student will be coached and experience how to use Chinese calligraphy
with the guidance of a senior professional.

This elective course is designed as both a specialized module for those who have an avid interest in

103 | P a g e
doing business in China, or those who attempt to do so for other China-related business activities
after their MBA degree, and those who are considering their academic pursuits i.e. final MBA
project or international business project that potentially relate to China. Yet, those who simply
have a strong interest in Chinese culture and/or wishing to utilized our global China center and
gain access to our local alumni network are also highly welcomed.

No knowledge of Chinese language is required; neither is prior knowledge of China or its

institutions or social practice is assumed.

The unit aims to:

1) Equip students with the concepts and frameworks they need to understand, analyze and respond
to practical business and cultural problems in working with Chinese business organizations.

2) Encourage students to critically explore alternative ways of understanding and responding to

Chinese business and management issues and to be aware of the effects of context.

3) Enable students to address Chinese business issues and problems in their own organization by
harnessing appropriate concepts and frameworks to analyze real China-specific business problems.


Category of outcome Students should be able to:

• A basic knowledge and critical understanding of Chinese culture and
• A sound knowledge and critical understanding of key Chinese
cultural products of its society.
Knowledge and • A sound knowledge and critical understanding of the
understanding methodologies used to analyses Chinese business culture
• Some basic knowledge and understanding of China’s history,
society, politics, business, culture and economics that relates more
closely to business practices.
• Practical knowledge of contemporary life in China.

• Develop a high level of intercultural awareness, leading to a

professional and informed attitude to the Chinese language and
Chinese culture
• Demonstrate a good understanding of the importance and effects
Intellectual skills of context (organizational, sector, international) on management
issues in China
• Demonstrate an ability to combine and integrate analysis of
organizational/management issues for China-specific topics and

104 | P a g e
• Diagnose, analyze and propose solutions for practical business and
management problems using frameworks and evidence as
appropriate in the Chinese context
Practical skills • Demonstrate presentation skills associated with verbal and written
case reports
• Develop initial understanding and familiarization of the Chinese
business environment

• Demonstrate skills of working in teams on unstructured problems

under cultural uncertainty
Transferable skills and • Show awareness of contextual influences in group-based case work
personal qualities and discussions
• Marshal and deploy ideas, theories and evidence to substantiate
written and verbal case analyses and presentations


5.1. ELECTIVE COURSE CONTENT Describe the structure of your course and how it relates to the
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs). This section can be split in weekly activities and
readings or topic content and activities, etc.
5.2. N.A for study tour; OTL see next section

6. METHODS OF DELIVERY (Including the use of e-learning)

Much of the material is initially presented in a relatively formal way through the provision of
course materials and structured study schedule, but following this the students will engage in
individual and group work oriented around ‘real-life’ contexts. Learning is demonstrated as
students determine their understanding of specific contexts in both verbal and written
presentation form. Students will be asked to challenge preconceived understanding by reflecting
upon their own experiences through the utilization of evidence and analysis. In this way a
challenging and enjoyable learning environment complemented by the variety and quality of the
teaching processes employed will provide for a positive learning experience.

Students will be provided with study materials and be guided through an initial set of readings,
exercises and activities associated with each topic. The intention is to provide participants with
the foundations of knowledge needed to be able to start thinking about the subject critically
analyze the theory and practice of organizational behaviour in their own and other organizations
and participate in group work at the workshop.

Blended learning is the mode of delivery and the course is delivered through the provision of
materials, supported by online interaction and face-to-face workshops. Individual and group-
based teaching and learning processes are employed in order to complement a ‘deep’ approach to
learning. The two main methods of delivery for the course consist of online and workshop
components. Specifically:

105 | P a g e
Pre-workshop component

Learning materials for each topic will be posted on Blackboard and include a short introductory
video outlining the topic and written content (PDF documents) containing links as appropriate
with key text and core readings, library references or external resources.

The first online lecture, OL1, will introduce and provide an overview of the course 2 weeks into the

Online discussion forums will be used to pose or address student questions about the course and
about each topic and to provide a forum where students can share their thoughts and ideas about
the course, provoke or enter debate, or simply ask questions. The course tutor will regularly
access it to provoke and moderate discussions and post blogs, notices and announcements as

Workshop component

Describe the workshop structure and delivery (in both formats) include the use of Case studies;
Group-work; online activities/delivery etc./

The Contemporary Chinese Business course is supported by a 5-day residential workshop/study

tour which is designed to consolidate learning from the early parts of this course, to assess
student performance through a formal group presentation and to help participants prepare for
their later individual assignment. Participants will take part in discussions, undertake group
exercises and get involved in group work based on various readings and/or case studies. At the
end of the workshop, students will give a formally assessed group presentation.

The tentative schedule for the workshop and associated cases/readings to be used are:

Day 1:
AM: General introduction to the CCB workshop; basic knowledge of China;
PM: An organized visit to local cultural attraction sites featuring both the ancient and modern

Day 2:
AM: Economics overview of modern China followed by guest speaker on various topics on China;
PM: Cultural activity (e.g. Chinese calligraphy writing & practicing)

Day 3:
AM: Company visit 1
PM: Company visit 2
Chinese business leaders forum

Day 4:
AM: Company visit 3
PM: Case analysis & discussion
Reflection session and preparing group presentation

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Chinese cultural activity (e.g. traditional musical instrument performance)

Day 5:
AM: Academic session on China
Pop-quiz; module summary
PM: Assessed Group presentations

Students will be required to read the pre-workshop materials (cases and readings) before
attending the workshop and to start thinking about their group presentation task. The workshop
requirements will be set out in the general study materials and reiterated at the Online lecture
that occurs prior to the workshop. Materials for the workshop will also be sent out in advance of
the workshop.

Post Workshop component

Online Lecture 2 will be held 2 to 4 weeks after the workshop to prepare students for the final
assignment submission.
Discussions will be supported throughout the discussion forum.
A final individual assignment will be submitted 4 to 6 months after the workshop. This will
bring the course to an end.


- Cases:
Two HBS case studies will be used in the workshop for discussions and they are integral part of
students’ A1 (details see assignment brief).

These cases may be updated every semester.

- Textbooks

There are no core textbook for this elective, but it would be helpful if students can familiarize
themselves with the following:

• Liu, H. (2015). The Chinese Strategic Mind. Edward Elgar Publishing.

- Other teaching and learning materials: videos; external links

Structured Reflections will be used for the GMBA programme that is topic-linked and activity-
based. These can be used by students to reflect on topics and help them with the cumulative
preparation needed for group and individual presentations.


Assessments Type and length of Weighting *Grading Criteria or

assignment (if applicable) within unit Rubric

107 | P a g e
A1 – Workshop 30 mins + Q&A 50% YES
Assignment (Group

A2 – Individual Final 2500 words maximum 50% YES

Assignment (incl.); reflective essay style



Students are required to (1) choose one cases study made available to them at the beginning of
the course before arriving to China; (2) students then work in a group and address the questions in
the presentation brief depending on their choice.

Identification of any discrepancies they observed from this study tour would be helpful, but not
necessary for this assessment, as it would be assessed in their A2 (post-workshop assignment).
Presentation in PPT is essential.

Presentations should cover:

1. Background: Case background of the organizations, their strategy/goals, products/services,

2. Identification of China-specific issues to be focused upon in the main part of the
presentation and the main concepts, frameworks and ideas that are going to be used to
compare and contrast the cases;
3. Analysis and discussion of the selected case questions. This will constitute the heart of the
presentation and therefore is the most important part in terms of the assessment;
4. Conclusions and any recommendations for change, improvement and/or learning that
follow from your analysis and comparisons and contrasts.

Presentations will be assessed according to the following criteria:

1) Understanding of relevant concepts and literature - 25%

2) Quality of analysis and critical reasoning - 25%
3) Quality of evidence used to back up arguments - 25%
4) Quality of presentation and response to questions - 25%

PPT slides should be no more than 30 pages. Further guidance will be given as the course
progresses and at the workshop itself.


Students are required to choose one of the foreign-owned company they visited during this study

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tour, and then compare and contrast this chosen company with the ones they identified previously
in A1 by applying relevant theories and analytical frameworks introduced in the course and/or
from their readings on its strategic issues and challenges, specifically on three questions (details
see assignment brief) (essay length upto 3000 words):

The following should be covered in the assignment:

a) Background: Identification of management of change situation and the context; this will
include only a very brief background to the organization, its product/service, location,
employment, business strategy and goals being pursued
b) Analysis and discussion of the three questions listed. This is the most important part of the
c) Conclusions and any recommendations for change, improvement and/or learning that
follow from the analysis and discussion
Good marks will only be obtained by assignments that blend together nicely practical experience
with the insights that can be gained using academic materials from the course. Marks will be
awarded based on the following broad distribution:

1 Identification of issues and clear rationale - 10%

2 Understanding shown of relevant concepts/ literature - 25%
3 Quality of analysis, critical reasoning and application - 25%
4 Quality of evidence used to back up arguments - 20%
5 Integration between themes and through sections - 10%
6 Quality of presentation - 10%

Further guidance will be given as the course progresses.

Workshop Alternative (A3): Individual case study

Students who do not attend the workshops in China will need to sit for an A3-indivdiual case study.
Therefore, they will need to choose one of the A1 case studies and address the relevant case
questions on an individual basis. Essay length will be 3000 words.


Summative feedback (for both FTMBA and GMBA) will be provided in the form of:

- Comments on formal each group presentation in class (FTMBA) or at the workshop (GMBA).
Feedback immediately after presentations will be brief and more generic. Detailed comments on
each presentation will accompany the posting of marks for the group presentation on Blackboard

- Comments on individual assignments will accompany the posting of marks on Blackboard and
generic feedback will be posted at the same time regarding overall performance in individual

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Formative feedback will be provided in the form of:

- Moderated discussion of course aims, objectives, content and methods through first online tutorial
in or around week 2

- Online/workshop quiz to test students’ understanding of topic 2 (Motivation)


Feedback will be obtained informally through discussion with students and student representatives
and formally through standard course and tutor evaluation questionnaires.


N/A – newly designed course

Date of current version 08 March 2017

13. Social Responsibility

Does the course content support the Goal 3 Strategic Priority 2 of developing socially responsible
graduates – and if so how?

Yes. The course is naturally concerned with the dissemination and exploitation of knowledge about
effectively appreciate the underpinnings of successful business practices in China and enhancing
students’ capabilities in potentially seeking business opportunities in China.

However, by emphasizing the importance of understanding the elements (i.e. History, society,
economy, international relations) that collectively informs the unique formation of the fabrics of the
contemporary Chinese business society, the course does not simply assume that preferred or default
managerial actions are necessarily the most efficacious.

Managers need to show awareness of the impact of their actions upon a wider range of
stakeholders, not just shareholders. Generating commitment to management action by engaging
relevant others is also often essential not just to short term organizational performance, but also to
the sustainability of business practices.

By instilling a greater critical awareness of the important of alternative perspectives on business and
the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to managing business in China, the course is
centrally concerned with developing graduates who are well aware of the impact that Chinese
cultural, and historical roots can have as opposed to majority of other modules taught with the
Western framework as background, and who are thus well attuned to the importance of personal
and organizational social responsibility in this specific context.

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Title Dubai Study Tour - International Business Strategy

Unit code BMBA60168
Credit rating 15
Level Postgraduate
Contact hours 30
Pre-requisite units None
Co-requisite units None
School responsible Alliance Manchester Business School
Member of staff responsible Dr Stefan Zagelmeyer
ECT* 7.5
Notional hours of Learning** 150 hours


The International Business Strategy (IBS) course introduces strategic aspects of managing a
multinational corporation (MNC) in an international context. This course focuses on a) the role of
organizational resources and capabilities and b) the institutional and cultural differences between
countries for the firms’s competitiveness.
IBS is an interdisciplinary course that combines aspects of strategic management, organisational
theory, international economics, comparative political economy, cross-cultural psychology,
management, marketing, and other disciplines that broadly impinge on the practical decision-making
challenges international managers face.
This course is case-based and rigorously examines multinational firms (largely MNEs but also – to a
lesser degree – smaller micro MNEs) and their international business problems. Aside from the
broad range of relevant topics covered, the course is designed to develop strategic analytical skills as
well as practically-relevant problem-solving skills that will be useful for AMBS students well beyond
the context of this course.


The course includes four parts:

I. Foundations of International Business and International Business Strategy

The first part of the course introduces and explains the concept of international business, the
phenomenon of the MNC, and the two leading perspectives in international business. First, the
institution-based view suggests that firm performance is, at least in part, determined by the
institutional frameworks governing firm behaviour around the world. Second, the resource-based
view suggests that firm performance is, at least in part, determined by its internal resources and
capabilities. This part also includes a thorough discussion of formal institutions and informal

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institutions (culture), which – together with the organization’s resources and capabilities – influence
and shape the design of international business strategies.

II. Global Business

The design of international business strategy cannot be separated from the external macro-level
context it operates in. The second part of the course introduces the students to relevant issues in
the international economic and political context, ranging from international trade to foreign direct
investment to regional economic and political integration. This part identifies macro-levels factors
that MNCs should consider when engaging in international trade and foreign direct investment.

III. The MNC on the Global Stage

In the third part the MNC takes centre stage. This section discusses the processes of starting and
developing an international business. It elaborates on entrepreneurship at the international level,
different strategies of entering and for staying in domestic markets, and international alliances and
acquisitions. This section also deals with issues of corporate social responsibility, organization
structure, organizational learning, knowledge transfer and corporate governance.

IV. The Functioning of the Global MNC

The fourth part of the course looks at the functioning of MNCs, investigating the issues of global
production and supply chain management, international marketing, international people
management and, finally, finance, accounting and controlling in the international context.


Participants will have an improved ability to engage in critical and reflective discussion on the
application of this unit to their professional practice. Due to the seniority of the cohort, the
participants will have been able to draw on their peers' managerial experiences to consider
International Business Strategy within multiple business sectors at a strategic level.

Category of outcome By the end of the course students should be able to demonstrate:
Knowledge and A fundamental understanding of the foundations, motives, means and
understanding mechanics of international business. Students will recognize the relevance of
institutions and culture as well as of organizational resources and
capabilities for the design and development of international business
strategies. They will also recognise how changing environmental conditions
will require their organisation to evolve.
Intellectual skills • Case analysis skills;
• Critical skills and thinking. The ability to analyse and make critical
• An ability to articulate the precepts provided by conventional wisdom
to produce bespoke management tools
• An ability to solve problems effectively
• An ability to apply course specific knowledge to a business situation

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Practical skills • Group work
• Case analysis
• Application of core skills covered in earlier courses
• Undertaking independent research
Transferable skills and Ability to deal with a lot of information quickly and effectively. IBS covers a
personal qualities lot of ground in a short period: Identifying priorities and developing realistic
timetables will be essential.
Working constructively with team members.


Part 1: Foundations of International Business Strategy

Session 1: Internationalizing Business and the MNE; Understanding Institutions
Session 2: Understanding Culture; Developing International Strategy

Part 2: Global Business

Session 3: International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment
Session 4: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Part 3: The MNE on the Global Stage

Session 5: Starting and Developing an International Business
Session 6: Structuring and Organizing around the World; Governing the Corporation

Part 4: The Functioning of the Global MNE

Session 7: Global Production; International Marketing and Supply Chain Management

Part 5: Current Issues

Session 10: Current Issues in International Business Strategy


The course unit utilises a blended learning approach, incorporating a multiplicity of teaching and
learning methods.

All students are provided with a pack of specifically written course materials, plus supporting
literature. They undertake a period of self-study which is followed by a 3-day workshop where
students learn face-to-face and get to experience the 'Manchester Method' through opportunities to
meet and network with their peers, undertake group-work and enhance their presentation and soft

Throughout the unit, students are supported through on-line discussion channels and support sites
containing extensive academic input. Students are able to communicate globally and additional
material is made available through Blackboard and the student portal.



113 | P a g e
Company Visits
Lecture material – including online case studies and materials


Assessment Task Length Weighting within unit Due Date

(if relevant)
Written assignment 1,500 words 70% 30/10/16
Workshop Question provided 30% 01/10/16
presentation during workshop


Through online feedback.


Through Blackboard delivery.


Date of current version August 2016

114 | P a g e
(Offered in the Autumn Term 2017)

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Language Elective Courses

The University Language Centres delivers a small number of language courses that MBA students can
take as credit. Attendance is required for 3 hours per week. The language courses on offer in the
Autumn Term are:

• Introductory Spanish
• Introductory German
• Introductory French

These courses are for students who have no knowledge of the languages above.

The credit weighting of these language courses is 10 so MBA students taking a language will be given
an additional piece of assessment to bring the credit weighting up to 15 credits.

The courses start the w/c 25th September 2017 and teaching finishes on the 15th December 2017.

Introductory Spanish – 15 credits

• Description: This course is designed for students who wish to move quickly through the
fundamentals of Spanish grammar while developing some basic communicative skills. It aims
to teach students simple structures and lexis which will enable them to communicate
effectively in a range of situations in a Spanish-speaking country. Students will be expected
to use the range of resources available to them in the Language Centre and to communicate
with native speakers wherever possible, in order to develop cultural competence.
• Learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1) handle some of the basic grammatical structures of Spanish; 2) communicate orally and in
written form in a limited number of social occasions.
• Timetable: Tuesday 17.30 – 20.30

Introductory German – 15 credits

• Description: This course is designed for students who wish to move quickly through the
fundamentals of German grammar while developing some basic communicative skills. It
aims to teach students simple structures and lexis which will enable them to communicate
effectively in a range of situations in a German-speaking country. Students will be expected
to use the range of resources available to them in the Language Centre and to communicate
with native speakers wherever possible, in order to develop cultural competence.
• Learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1) handle some of the basic grammatical structures of German; 2) communicate orally and in
written form in a limited number of social occasions.
• Timing: Tuesday 18.00 – 21.00

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Introductory French – 15 credits

• Description: This course is designed for students who wish to move quickly through the
fundamentals of French grammar while developing some basic communicative skills. It aims
to teaching student’s simple structures and lexis which will enable them to communicate
effectively in a range of situations in a French-speaking country. Students will be expected
to use the range of resources available to them in the Language Centre and to communicate
with native speakers wherever possible, in order to develop cultural competence.
• Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1) Handle some of the basic grammatical structures of French; 2) communication orally
and in written form in a limited number of social occasions.
• Timing: Tuesday 12.00-13.30 and Thursday 12.00-13.30

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Delivered at one of our global centres.

Course Unit Descriptions are intended as a

guide only and / or offerings are subject to

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Global Electives
Global Electives are reported as 15 credits on the FT MBA Programme

Course Credits Location Dates

Advanced Strategic Management 15 Dubai 26/9/17 – 28/9/17
Advanced Strategic Management 15 Singapore 10/9/17 – 12/9/17
Business To Business 15 Shanghai 7/9/17 – 9/9/17
Business To Business 15 Dubai 26/9/17 – 28/9/17

Commercial & Contract Management 15 Dubai 30/9/17 – 2/10/17

Commercial & Contract Management 15 Dubai 3/10/17 – 5/10/17

Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15 Shanghai 4/10/17 – 6/10/17

Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15 Dubai 26/9/27 – 28/9/17
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 15 Dubai 30/9/17 – 2/10/17
Information Systems & Internet Strategy 15 Online

Investment And Portfolio Management 15 Shanghai 1/10/17 – 3/10/17

Investment And Portfolio Management 15 Dubai 30/9/17 – 2/10/17

Risk Management 15 Dubai 26/9/17 – 28/9/17

Supply Chain Management 15 Shanghai 17/9/17 – 19/9/17

Supply Chain Management 15 Dubai 26/9/17 – 28/9/17


Allocation of spaces is subject to capacity.

The above workshop dates are subject to change but will be confirmed before we ask for your

Course Outlines are intended as a guide to the content of the courses. They are correct at the time
of preparation but as courses are reviewed on a regular basis, the actual content and format may
change between selection and delivery.

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Course Information
Course Title Advanced Strategic Management
Credit rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours 25
Pre-requisite Courses Strategic Management
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Coordinator Kevin Jagiello
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: to be purchased
Workshop Locations Singapore, UAE
Introductory Video Advanced Strategic Management


The Elective has four elements: Analysis of the Competitive Environment, Corporate Strategy,
Business Strategy, Implementation. The Workshop is based on Business Strategy/developing
Business Models and applying all four elements to a case – Associated British Foods (ABF).


The course aims to build on, and integrate with, the core Strategic Management capstone Course.
The Course’s main aim is to broaden and deepen student understanding and application of
Strategic Management and to holistically develop and Implement Company and Business Unit
Strategies in the Competitive Environment. The Course stresses growth, adding value, innovation
and building for the future.


Category of Outcome Students will

Knowledge and Carry out an in-depth, systematic, rigorous analysis of the competitive
understanding environment. Holistically formulate company and business strategies
whilst aligning implementation ability.
Intellectual skills Will be stimulated and stretched.
Practical skills Effective teamwork. Structuring and developing managerial
presentations. Crafting practical managerial assignments.
Transferable skills and As a capstone the elective `brings it all together’ – in a practical,

120 | P a g e
personal qualities managerial manner for you to carry forward into your careers.


This course incorporates a wide variety of learning and teaching techniques over four separate
units, three of which are undertaken via blended learning, and one of which involves a workshop.
Key teaching and learning techniques utilised include an individually completed assignment and
live, group-based presentation work in the workshop, incorporating the practical-based learning
approach of the ‘Manchester Method’. This replicates real-world business challenges in the work


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Workshop Group 60 min presentation including 30% See Student Portal for
Presentation Q&A all dates:-

Workshop Class 10%

Individual Assignment Max 15 slies / 2,000 words plus 30%
diagrams plus tabulations
Special Interest Topic Max 15 slides / 2,000 words plus 30%
diagrams plus tabulations

Assignment 1
Strengthening an existing Business Model or developing a new Business Model

Workshop – Group Presentation

Group presentations on day 3:
- Divisional strategy for Sugar
- Divisional strategy for Primark
- Divisional strategy for Grocery
- ABF company strategy
- ABF challenges, initiatives to take

Workshop – Class Participation

Grade awarded on the basis of class participation during the Workshop and the success of our final
day meeting/presentation Q&A

Assignment 2
Approval needs to be granted for non-attendance of workshop. If granted, an alternative assignment
will be required.

Special Interest Topic

121 | P a g e
Students are asked to select a strategic issue of interest and relevance to them. A managerial
question should be asked and answered. The topic can link to Assignment 1. The topic selected can
act as a spring-board to Project Stage. The selected topic should be supported by at least five
relevant references from the literature.

122 | P a g e

Course Title Business to Business

Credit rating 15
Degree Programme MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-Requisite Course Marketing
Students MUST have completed this core module before taking this
Co-Requisite Courses None
Module Co-ordinator Judy Zolkiewski/Peter Naudé
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: to be purchased
Workshop Location Shanghai and UAE
Introductory Video Business To Business


Recap of the Basic Marketing course, but with a pure B2B focus, especially on changing channels of
The peculiarities of doing Marketing Research in B2B environments
Relationship Management and Analysis
Network Analysis
Value Pricing


The unit aims to move students beyond the traditional Kotler-type view of the world which regards
marketing management as consisting of the optimisation of a set of variables (the marketing mix)
plus the process of segmentation, targeting, and positioning.
For those students working in a business-to-business environment, this course aims to explore this
rather different world. First, B2B marketing is almost always typified by a small number of
customers accounting for a very large percentage of sales. This makes relationship management
far more crucial than it is in a B2C context. Secondly, almost all such relationships are embedded in
a complex network of other relationships (with other customers, suppliers, competitors,
regulators, etc.). This course will be centred around trying to understand better these two basic
ideas – relationships and networks.


123 | P a g e
Category of outcome Students will
Knowledge and To understand the difference perspectives that can be adopted
Understanding when analysing marketplaces – transactionally oriented market vs.
those in which relationship management and/or a network
perspective are more meaningfully adopted.
Intellectual Skills To understand how to analyse and discuss markets, complex
decision making units, relationships between companies, and the
wider networks. A number of analytical models will be presented
and evaluated during the course.
Practical Skills Application of the range of models mentioned above to the case
studies utilised and also to the group project and individual essay.
The course will also involve application of writing and group-
working skills.
Transferable Skills and As above-the content will involve knowledge of, and ability to
Personal Qualities apply, a range of useful analytical models. Process skills will involve
presentation and group-working skills.


Material supplemented with tutor-led workshops

Links to MBS Library for both academic texts and on-line data sources
The elective will be based on a 5-unit structure:
Group Forum 1 (after 1 month) (5% of Grade)
Group Forum 2 (after 2 months) (5%)
3-day workshop (month 3) (30%)
Short essay on workshop reflection (workshop + 3 weeks) (10%)
Case Study on application in student’s own company (end month 5) (50%)
The Workshop will expand upon the five issues identified in Section 4 above. We will do one case
study in order to introduce the concept of value pricing and possibly 1-2 other (Harvard-style)
cases. On the final afternoon the student groups will present the group’s case study (4-5 students
per group).


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Participation Part 1 5% See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Participation Part 2 5%
Group Project / 30%
Individual Reflective 1,000 words 10%
Case Study 2,500 words 50%

124 | P a g e
Participation 1
Participation in Group Forum 1 based on first set of material (to culminate with Tutorial 1)

Participation 2
Participation in Group Forum 2 based on first set of material (to culminate with Tutorial 2)

Workshop Task
Group project presentation during day 3 of workshop

Individual Reflective Essay

Individual reflective essay on group project

Special Interest Topic

Case Study based on the application of the course material to the student’s work environment.

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Course Title Commercial and Contract Management

Credit rating 15
Degree Programme Global MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-Requisite None
Co-Requisite None
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Module Co- David Lowe
Materials Study Guide: Online Only
Workshop Location UAE


The role of commercial & contract management (CCM) within the management of projects, CCM
bodies of knowledge, CCM maturity, CCM success criteria, value creation, competitive advantage
theories, relationship management.

The course has three main elements:

Principles of CCM for clients (demand-side – procuring assets and services) through the project
life-cycle; including:
• Process: asset/service identification (strategy formulation & implementation, requirement
identification), requirement specification, solution specification (procurement strategy),
asset/service procurement (supplier selection), contract management (asset receipt &
usage/service management), asset disposal/service termination.
• Techniques: procurement management, drafting and negotiation contracts, contract
management (relationship, risk & value management, performance measurement)

Principles of CCM for suppliers (supply-side) through the life-cycle:

• Process: asset/service identification (strategy formulation & implementation, opportunity
identification), opportunity development (business development), proposition identification,
proposal development & submission (tendering strategy), project implementation/contract
management (asset delivery & maintenance/service delivery, asset disposal/service termination.
• Techniques: bid management (procurement of resources, estimating, bid strategy, pricing
policies, bidding models, risk & uncertainty, producing the proposal), drafting & negotiating
contracts, contract management (cash-flow, relationship, risk & value management, performance
National Applications, where the role of nationally or regionally specific approaches is explored
with particular emphasis on the role of government in shaping procurement practice.

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Unified information processing system rather than a set of separate tools and techniques.


The aims of this course are as follows:

Develop a critical understanding of the principles and practice of commercial and contract
management (CCM) within a project environment (from the perspective of both the purchaser and
Particular attention will be paid to how commercial management practice varies nationally due to
the role of the state shaping procurement.


Category of Students will

Knowledge and Knowledge and Understanding of the principles of commercial
Understanding management:
Identify the role of C&CM within the management of projects
Discuss and evaluate the concepts and principles that underpin C&CM
Discuss and evaluate the processes and practices of C&CM involved in
procuring assets and services (demand-side perspective)
Evaluate the techniques and tactics used in C&CM and how they can be
adapted to meet national practice.
Intellectual Skills Ability to:
Develop the commercial strategy for a project or programme of projects
Identify and apply appropriate concepts and framework in the analysis of
commercial and contracting issues within a project environment
Critically analyse and assess commercial and contractual issues and make
appropriate recommendations
Undertake critical research of commercial and contract management issues
in a rigorous manner
Practical Skills Ability to apply, define, design, plan ,develop, implement and manage
commercial and contracting principles and procedures in nationally specific
Transferable Skills Development of communication, organisational, managerial and coping
and Personal skills and a greater understanding of the interaction between principles and
Qualities national practices.


This is a blended learning module and a variety of delivery methods will be implemented. The
online element of the course is supported and delivered through Blackboard 9 where the majority
of the study materials such as a workbook and other teaching material are placed. Online
discussions and online tutorials will be in place to support the learning process and contribute to
the achievement of the predefined learning outcomes. The face-to-face element of the course will
be a three day workshop which will include lectures, group work and seminars as means to further

127 | P a g e
enhance the learning process.


Assessment Task Weighting Due Date

Essay (Part 1) 25%
See Student Portal for all

Group Work 25%

Essay (Part 2) 50%

Essay (Part 1 & 2)

An individual reflective practice paper: a critical reflection on the application of the theory, explored
in the course, in practice. The paper, subdivided into two parts, is designed to be submitted in
Part 1 (2,000 words) 25%
Part 2 (4,000 words) 50%

Group Work
You will be required to participate in a group seminar presentation/ discussion on the application of
commercial and contract management issues within your working environments.

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Course Title Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Credit Rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-Requisite Courses None
Co-Requisite Courses None
Module Co-ordinator Oswaldo Lorenzo/Leigh Wharton
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook: Printed
Workshop Locations Shanghai and UAE


The module is based on an integrative approach including the following five units/topics:
Stages of the Entrepreneurial Life Cycle: Unit 1 will present the stages of the entrepreneurial life
cycle. Specifically, the unit will go through the stages of the business opportunities, concept
ideation and testing, business model innovation, resource acquisition, management and execution.
Business Model Innovation Process: Unit 2 will describe the business model innovation process as
fundamental part of the entrepreneurial life cycle. In particular, the unit will characterize business
models that capture value from technological innovation.
Innovation Tools & Methods: Unit 3 will introduce a set of innovation tools and methods to
support entrepreneurs during different stages of the entrepreneurial journey. For example, idea
generation, visualization, experience mapping, customer co-creation, NUF test, value chain
analysis and learning launch.

Entrepreneurial Skills: Unit 4 will present the entrepreneurial skills required to manage the
entrepreneurial life cycle. Specifically, the unit will address the following skills: resiliency, focus,
finding and managing resources, selling, and innovation / learning.
Integrative Approach: Unit 5 will present the integrative approach including the following four
main topics: a) managing the entrepreneurial journey through the different stages of its life cycle,
b) business model innovation to create and deploy new opportunities through disruptive business
design, c) innovation tools and methods to ideate, select and execute solutions, and d)
entrepreneurial skills to become a successful entrepreneur. At the centre of this approach is the
development of successful entrepreneurs.


The main objective of this course is to develop or elevate the skills of entrepreneurs for the
management of the entrepreneurial life cycle. Entrepreneurs require the development of skills for
recognizing and evaluating business opportunities, building creative concepts or products, and

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developing/implementing innovative business models. The course will use an integrative approach
to teach how to manage the entrepreneurial journey and how to design and construct innovative
business models. Innovation is the key driver of success for new venture creation and growth.
Then, the course will focus on developing innovative ways of thinking through the use of tools and
methods for innovation


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and The course will provide knowledge and understanding of the
Understanding entrepreneurial skills, the stages of the entrepreneurship life cycle,
the innovation tools and methods for the development of creative
concepts and disruptive business models, and the design and
execution of business models for capturing value from
technological innovation.
Intellectual Skills The course will enhance the participant’s ability to analyse
information and make critical judgements, to synthesise and
analyse data, to critically reflect upon, and evaluate prior
experiential learning and to draw reasoned conclusions.
Practical Skills The workshop stage of course will perform several hands-on
activities in groups to develop practical skills in the areas of
innovation, idea generation, co-creation, problem-solving, solution
evaluation and selection, model design and execution.
Transferable Skills and Working in groups through on-line activities and on-site workshops
Personal Qualities will nurture transferable teamwork skills.
Participants will develop skills in time management, planning and
undertaking research, and negotiation.


A variety of e-learning tools will be used through Blackboard to support and sustain a wide range
of interactions. Teaching and learning will be delivered through a study guide, a textbook, videos
and podcasts, live interactive tutorials and online discussion forums.

Each unit of the study guide will have an online format accessed via Blackboard with links to
articles, videos and podcasts. In addition, each unit will have an online discussion forum delivered
via the Blackboard discussion boards. The aim of each discussion forum will be to have an online
conversation for the reflection of specific questions and challenges related to each unit. There will
be also three online tutorials led by one of the tutors to reinforce main concepts of each unit and
to review instructions for the preparation of assignments.

Hands-on innovation workshop that will allow students to learn and apply a set of tools to ideate,
select and execute solutions. Hands-on tools will include, but will not be limited to, idea
generation, visualization, experience mapping and value-chain analysis.


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Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date
Assessment 1 1,200 words 20% See Student Portal for
Individual all dates:-

Workshop Group 30%

Examination 2,500 words 50%

Assignment 1
Preparation of video and 10-page support power point

Workshop Task
During the on-site workshops, students will be organized in groups of 4 to 6 people to develop a set
of hands-on activities that will give rise to a final solution of the challenge and a PPT presentation.

Take away exam

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Course Title Information Systems & Internet Strategy

Credit Rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours This is an online module with online workshops
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Co-ordinator Charalampos (Babis) Theodoulidis
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: to be purchased
Workshop Location N/A
Introductory Video Information Systems & Internet Strategy


The course will address the role and importance of Information Systems and the Internet in
support of business and organisational strategies. It will provide an overview of current ICT, and
complement this with discussion and analysis of contemporary business developments including
enterprise computing, global systems, knowledge management, decision support, e-business, e-
government, virtual organisations and social computing. It will also provide students with an
awareness of the Internet and the World-Wide-Web as an information resource for business and
academic research. The course will take a socio-technical perspective on information systems and
the Internet, discussing them in terms of technology, people and organisations. It will discuss how
an organisation’s ICT strategy must cohere with and support its general business strategy.


The course aims to:

Emphasise the need to address organisational, business, cognitive and cultural issues alongside the
technical issues if developments in ICT are to bring real benefits
Discuss the alignment of ICT and business strategies and methods for achieving such alignment
Discuss the modern business environment and the varied inter-organisational interactions
facilitated by the Internet and World Wide Web.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and On successful completion of the course students will have an
Understanding understanding of the underlying technology and be able to assess

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its role and potential in business strategy and for achieving
competitive advantage. Students will:
Have an understanding of the history and trends of ICT in
business and organisations.
Have an appreciation of key technologies and their application to
business and organisational strategy
Understand the concept of strategic alignment and
implementation issues
Intellectual Skills Students will be able to analyse critically the ICT needs of a
business or organisation
Practical Skills Students will be better able to use the internet and web research
tools to explore business issues.
Transferable Skills and Use of web to research case studies and similar.
Personal Qualities


The course is delivered online with a range of interactions. A three-hour face-to-face induction
session is taking place at the start of the course. Also, four three-hour virtual workshops take


Assessment Task Length Weighting within unit Due Date

(if relevant)
Assignment 1 1,500 – 2,000 20% See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Group Assignment 2 1,500 – 2,000 20%

Individual Essay 3,000 – 4,000 40%
Participation 2,000 – 3,000 20%

Induction Assignment
Choose one of the ISIS related topics and review the topic in relation to the literature and elaborate
in terms of business, technological and people issues.

Group Assignment
A group assignment based upon e-cases. Each group will be given an “e-case” to explore and
investigate the company discussing some aspect of its business or strategy that is relevant to this

Individual Assignment
An individual essay on a general IS or Internet topic which will allow the members of the course to
show an integrated appreciation of the majority of material within the course.

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Your participation to learning unit exercises and discussions will be assessed by your e-tutor and
marks will be allocated based on whether you have completed the exercises, whether you have
contributed to issues raised by your colleagues, whether you have raised issues yourselves based on
the discussion topics and whether you have participated and contributed to the virtual workshop for
the unit.

134 | P a g e

Course Title Investment and Portfolio Management

Credit Rating 15

Degree Programme Global MBA

Workshop Hours 24

Pre-requisite Courses None

Co-requisite Courses None

Module Coordinator Nicholas Collett

Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard

Materials Study Guide: Online

Textbook/s: to be purchased
Workshop Locations Shanghai and Dubai


The Investments and Portfolio Management course covers the necessary theoretical background,
tools, and skills required in modern portfolio management. The course aims to provide useful
material for portfolio and fund management, asset liability management in financial institutions
and fund management skills required in pension funds, mutual funds and other such industry.


This course is designed for those who are interested in how the various financial instruments
which make up the Money and Capital Markets work and how portfolio managers combine these
assets to gain required risk / return objectives. Setting portfolio objectives, calculating portfolio
performance and using derivatives to hedge risk are also covered.


Category of Outcome Students will

Knowledge and The investment background and portfolio management principles
Understanding The key instruments and their management;
Derivatives, portfolio protection and performance measurement
Provide an understanding of stock selection and market timing and
how this contributes to portfolio management
Provide guidelines on monitoring and updating portfolios within
the overall allocation strategies;
Understand portfolio diversification and how globalisation might

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help to achieve improved performance


This course is taught through three self-study units and a workshop.


Assessment Task Length Weighting within unit Date Date

Assignment 1 1,200 words 25% See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Workshop Task As directed 25%

Examination 50%

Assignment 1
This is carried out via blended learning. Please note that all materials and readings required for
Assignment 1 (an individual piece of work) will be supplied during the first few weeks of the course.
Details will be posted on Blackboard.

Workshop Task
This is a group-based piece of assessed coursework, which will be handed out to you and undertaken
during the workshop

Assignment 2
Approval needs to be granted for non-attendance of workshop. If granted, the completion of an
alternative assignment will be required.

The examination for this course will be 2.5 hours + reading time and will be an Open Book
Workshop Task

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Course Title Risk Management

Credit rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Coordinator Anthony Merna
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbook/s: to be purchased
Workshop locations UAE (subject to availability)


The Risk Management course is designed to cover the major elements involved in the appraisal of
a project those being identification, analysis (qualitative and quantitative) and risk response. These
you will find in most books on risk and risk management.

In this course the organisational levels typical of a corporate body are also identified. These are
corporate, strategic business and project levels. Each level will be responsible for assessing risks,
for example the corporate body will assess the big picture risks often those that are unmanageable
such as political, legal and commercial risks. The strategic business unit will assess risks associated
with the project and the market and project level will assess project risks in greater detail as more
information becomes available.

For many students involved in managing portfolios or programmes of projects the assessment is
more detailed and will usually require the use of risk software for quantification and development
of outputs on which decisions can be made.

Once these basics have been described frameworks such as Basel II and Corporate Governance are
discussed and then a number of case studies described and assessed.

The course offers a wide variety of tools and techniques which can be applied in a risk assessment.

The course workbooks and the two recommended books provide sufficient information for
students to address risk assessment in any type of project or investment.

The outline of the course is adequately covered by the chapter titles in the book Corporate Risk
Management (2008) by Merna and Al-Thani and the Study Guides.

In this RM programme students should be able to follow a logical path of study with respect to the
outline. Initially identification of risks is covered followed by analysis both qualitative and

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quantitative (deterministic and stochastic) followed by risk response. All these topics are covered
in the Study Guides and RM course books.

The assignments are also set to compliment the course as outlined in the study plan. The course
has been developed to ensure all students, irrespective of the programme they are taking, Finance,
Engineering or Construction are taught the basics of RM and its application in the business world


To understand the role of risk management and its application in the procurement and
management of projects and investments
project levels.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and Describe the different risk management tools and techniques used
Understanding at different stages of projects and sources of risk
Describe the risk management process
Understand the importance risk management at different levels
(corporate, SBU and project levels) of organisations and the
sequencing of risk management
Intellectual Skills Determine the different tools and techniques used at identification,
analysis and response stages of risk management
Identify the risks associated with different stakeholders to a project
over the life cycle of the project and methods for recording and
managing risks
Practical Skills To model and manage the effect of risk over a project(s) or
investment lifecycle and to develop a risk management system
To audit risk management systems and develop as required
To assess risk management software to meet identified needs
To understand how to implement the risk management systems
required by Basel II
Transferable skills and Apply risk management techniques for both qualitative and
personal qualities quantitative analyses


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Assignment 1 2,000 words max 25% See Student Portal for
all dates:-

Workshop A1 10%
Workshop A2 25%
Examination (computer 3 questions from 5 40%

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Assignment 1
Assignment 1 is an individual written assignment carried out via blended learning. Details of this
assignment will be posted on Blackboard at the start of the course

Workshop A1
Qualitative assessment of a project

Workshop A2
Written report and group presentation

The examination for this course is computer based will be 2.5 hours + reading time.
Closed Book Examination

139 | P a g e

Course Title Supply Chain Management

Credit rating 15
Degree Programmes Global MBA
Workshop Hours 24
Pre-requisite Courses None
Co-requisite Courses None
Module Coordinator Paul Forrester
Contact E-Facilitator via Blackboard
Materials Study Guide: Online
Textbooks: to be purchased
Workshop locations Shanghai and UAE (subject to availability)


Supply Chain Management is concerned with the movement of products, services, finances and
information from raw materials to the end-user. More and more, it is also concerned with the
recovery of finished goods for recycling, remanufacturing or reuse. This course examines the
management of external suppliers in order to reduce costs, drive innovation and protect
shareholder wealth. It takes the point of view of the supply chain manager who will be expected
to improve product quality, increase responsiveness, reduce risk, and drive innovation while still
cutting year-on-year input costs. The topic should therefore be of interest to students concerned
with issues of building business relationships, saving costs, risk and sustainability, and developing
analytical, presentation and people skills.


The course aims to provide students with a broad understanding of managing suppliers and the
sourcing process. It will show students some of the core skills and techniques required in
managing supply chains using an interactive and case-based approach.
Please see the Intended Learning Outcomes for a more detailed understanding of the course aims.


Category of outcome Students will

Knowledge and Understand the role and importance of supply chain management (SCM)
Understanding within the organisation.
Understand and analyse the overall sourcing process.
Understand and be able to apply the supply wheel to industry based

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Intellectual Skills Understand the design and management challenges associated with
today’s global supply networks.
Practical Skills Apply core SCM techniques to industry problems from the perspective of
the supply chain manager or management consultant.
Design and organise the procurement function suing the supply wheel.
Transferable Skills and Develop effective presentation and analytical skills.
Personal Qualities Develop skills in team working and the communication of ideas and


This course incorporates a wide variety of teaching and learning techniques over four separate
units, three of which are undertaken via blended learning, and one of which involves a workshop.
Key teaching and learning techniques include online forum discussions, podcasts, textbook and
journal readings, an individually completed assignment, group presentations and a case-based
examination. We also incorporate a three-day workshop to help embed, extend and apply your
In addition, the study materials include a variety of self-completion exercises that allow you to test
your knowledge and assess your progress during the 16 weeks of the course.


Assessment Task Length Weighting Due Date

Individual Essay 2,500 words 25% See Student Portal for all dates:-

Presentation 15 min 25%

Examination 50%

Individual Essay
Theory based essay question (1500 words)
The questions will be based on topics covered within units one and two
Choice from three questions.

Aim is to prepare a presentation on your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar.
Topics, marking criteria and other details will be available on Blackboard
Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes in length
You should expect up to 15 minutes of questions and answers on your presentation

Designed to test application of core concepts and theory learnt during the course.

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The International Business Project

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Academic Year 2017/18

Term Autumn 2017 and Winter 2018

Course Unit Title International Business Project

Unit Code BMBA60116

Credit rating 60 credits

Level MBA

Pre-requisite units n/a

Co-requisite units n/a

School responsible MBS


Name Prof. Syd Howell (Project Secretary Susan Barker

Room MBS Crawford House, M34 Room MBS Crawford House, M15
Phone 0161 275 0429 Phone 0161 306 6404
Email Email
Office Hours By appointment

Name Dr Mike Arundale Secretary

Room Harold Hankins, 6.02 Room
Phone 0161 275 6469 Phone
Email Email
Office Hours By appointment

Name Dr Phil Galvin Secretary

Room Dover Street Building Room Please contact Phil Galvin directly
Phone 0161 275 6326 Phone by email
Email Email
Office Hours By appointment


In the International Business Project every student gains practical experience of working, in a silf-
selected group, at negotiating, designing, executing and presenting an assignment for a real business

The IB Project is a full time dedicated consultancy project on a substantial client facing project
involving international travel.

The objectives of the project are to:

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a) Increase student capability in the use of rigorous business research methodology and tools
b) maximise learning and career value for the teams,
c) provide the best possible project for the client,
d) provide the best impact on Alliance MBS’s reputation


The IB Project requires MBA students to:

• practice handling a complex and often unstructured business situation in an international
• manage a project team containing a mix of skills, experience, cultures and gender;
• deliver a rigorous, data driven analysis of a business situation under challenging consultancy
• demonstrate consultancy skills, such as project scoping and management, planning business
meetings, conduct business analysis and to manage the consultant-client relationship across
several countries and cultures;
• demonstrate that you can be thought leaders;
• demonstrate team working skills;
• demonstrate report writing and presentation skills.

The projects will require you to bring together all of the skills acquired during the previous MBA
stages into one major project.


Category of outcome Expectations

Knowledge and Students will have a clearer understanding of
understanding • the interface between soft and hard skills, and the relation between several
academic disciplines and the reality of consulting practice
• the range of skills required to deliver complex client facing projects.
Intellectual skills Additional and more specialised skills will be acquired in project management,
questionnaire design, research design, data analysis, report writing.
Practical skills Expect to be challenged more aggressively than at any previous stage of your
MBA - and to learn more. Uncertainty, frustration, jet lag and the
management of tight budgets, for time and money and visa formalities, are
also part of the mix.
Transferable skills Students will experience challenge in using their soft skills and interpersonal stresses
and personal in new contexts – notably working under pressure, and in an unstructured
qualities environment.

They will be working also with live clients and other people. Students learn that
minor-seeming actions or failures to act may have irrevocable consequences, now and
later in their careers. The effects may hit some or all of themselves, Alliance MBS and
their client.

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The IB Project is a 100% practical full time consultancy project.

The project element is supported by a supervisor for each group, the central MBA Projects team
(directed by Prof Syd Howell) who provide support throughout the project period.

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