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Part I. Direction. Select the correct answer by shading the letter of your choice.

1. The process which separates the components of white light is called_____.

A. diffraction B. reflection C. refraction D. dispersion
2. After a thunderstorm, a rainbow appears in the sky. Which statement explains this
A. Raindrops act as prism separating sunlight into colors.
B. The white clouds are actually prisms composed of different colors.
C. The colors of the rainbow comes from raindrops in the atmosphere.
D. When light is reflected by the ground towards the clouds, it separates into different
3. Which statement is true about light?
A. Light travel in a straight line.
B. Light travel faster than sound.
C. Light travels fastest in a vacuum.
D. All of the above are correct.
4. Which has the longest wavelength among the colors of the visible light?
A. red B. violet C. blue D. green
5. If red, green and blue lights fall on a green cloth, which of the color will be reflected?
A. red B. green C. blue D. white
6. A sheet of blue paper was placed under a certain light. The paper remained blue. The light
could be _____.
A. red B. green C. yellow D. magenta
7. What are the three primary colors of light?
A. green, blue, cyan C. red, blue and green
B. blue, yellow and green D. magenta, cyan, yellow
8. The diagram below shows the overlapping of colored lights on a white surface. What color
would the area labelled C be?

Green a Blue
c d b

A. yellow B. cyan C. magenta D. white

9. Which of the following will produce black?
A. white light on a green surface C. green light on a red surface
B. green light on a white surface D. yellow light on a red surface
10. Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the narrowest range of wavelength?
A. gamma ray B. ultraviolet C. visible light D. microwave
11. ROYGBIV is the component of white light. Which color carries the lowest energy?
A. violet B. red C. blue D. green
12. When a blue light strikes a white object it will appear as _____.
A. green B. blue C. black D. white
13. Heat always move from places of high temperature to places _____.
A. of higher temperature C. with the same temperature
B. of lower temperature D. none of these
14. One cold morning, you stand barefoot on a cement floor and your feet feel cold because
A. heat from the floor flows to the feet.
B. heat from the feet flows through the floor
C. the temperature of the feet is the same as the floor
D. the temperature of the floor is higher than that of the feet
15. Which of the following properties must a substance have so that convection can take
A. It must be a solid.
B. It must be a good electrolyte.
C. It must be a good conductor of heat.
D. Its density must change with temperature.
16. Body A has a higher temperature than Body B. When they are placed in contact, the heat
flow from A to B _____.
A. only if both are fluids
B. only if A is on top of B
C. only if A has greater heat content
D. until both have the same temperature
17. We wear white clothes especially during the summer months beacause white _____.
A. absorbs heat C. disperse heat
B. reflects heat D. refracts heat
18. Which does not belong to the group?
A. radiation B. convection C. absorption D. conduction
19. Which material is a good conductor of heat and electricity?
A. copper B. paper C. rubber D. wood
The illustration below shows a lady making a noodle soup using a
pan made of metal. Use this illustration to answer the questions 20-21.
20. How does heat travel through the pan?
A. by radiation C. by convection
B. by dispersion D. by conduction
21. In what direction does heat travel through the soup?
A. from top to bottom C. both A and B
B. from bottom to top D. neither A nor B
22. In a natural convection, why does heated portion of fliuds move?
A. Its molecular motions become alligned.
B. due to the currents in the surrounding fluids
C. due to the molecular collisions within the heated portion
D. heated portion’s density is less than that of the surrounding fluid
23. Which of the following situations is heat transferred through conduction?
A. The spoon becomes hotter when placed in a glass of hot water.
B. The sun heats the surface of the bodies of water
C. Meat is roasted over the burning charcoal
D. Warm air rises as the cold air sinks
24. When you put your hand above a lighted candle, your hand feels the warm air. But when
you put your hand at the side of the lighted candle, you did not feel so warm. What is an
explanation for this observation?
A. hot air is heavier and rises C. hot air is lighter and rises
B. hot air is heavier and sinks D. hot air is lighter and sinks
25. The transfer of energy through matter from molocule to molecule and occurs when two
objects of different temperatures are in direct contact is called _____.
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. insulation
26. Which method of heat transfer operates in a refrigerator?
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. insulation
27. Energy is transfered by the movement of fluids brought about by temperature diferrences.
Heated fluids tends to rise while cooler fluids sink. This mode of heat transfer is
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. insulation
28. If you place a spoon in a hot cup of milk, the spoon eventually gets hot after some time
because the energy was transferred from the milk to the spoon. Which of the following
describes this situation?
A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. insulation
29. When does repulsive force exist?
A. between two negative charges C. between a positive and a negative charge
B. between two positive charges D. both A and B
30. Which of the following can be attracted by a positively charged object?
A. A neutral object. C. Any other object.
B. Another positively charged object. D. No other object.
31. After rubbing a fur and a rod, the rod gains electrons. What happens to the fur?
A. The fur becomes positively charged.
B. The fur becomes negatively charged.
C. The fur will also gain electrons.
D. The fur becomes neutral.
32. Which of the following describes the usual way by which a material can gain a
positive charge?
A. By gaining protons C. By gaining electrons
B. By losing protons D. By losing electrons
33. What will happen when two like charges are brought together?
A. They will repel each other.
B. They will attract each other.
C. They will neutralize each other.
D. They will have no effect on each other.
34. If you comb your hair and the comb becomes positively charged, what will happen to your
A. It will remain uncharged. C. It will be repelled by the comb.
B. It will become positively charged . D. It will become negatively charged.
35.The figure shows three pairs of plates. The
electrostatic force between the plates is shown for two
of the pairs. If B is negative, what is the charge of A?
and what kind of force exists in the third pair?
A. negative, attractive C. positive, attractive
B. negative, repulsive D. positive, repulsive
36. In which set-up(s) will the bulb light up?

A. A only B. B only C. A and C D. A, B and C

37. In electricity, why is earthing or grounding important?
A. to prevent short circuit and fire C. to avoid electric shock
B. to prevent damages to appliances D. all of the these
38. Which of the following statements is TRUE about lines of latitude?
A. They do not meet.
B. They form circles that are smaller at the poles.
C. They are parallel to the equator and to each other.
D. All of the above.
39. Which of the following is TRUE about the relationship of latitude and climate?
A. The farther the place from the equator, the warmer its climate.
B. The nearer the place from the equator, the warmer its climate.
C. The nearer the place from the equator, the colder its climate.
D. None of these is correct
40. How can you locate places on earth?
A. by its latitude and longitude C. Both A & B
B. by its surrounding landmasses and bodies of water D. None of these
41. Which large landmass is found to the north of the Philippines?
A. Asian B. Australia C. Europe D. Africa
42. What are natural resources?
These are materials or elements from the environment that people _____.
A. did not create C. invented for themselves
B. use to meet their needs D. observe using a scientific equipment
43. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be
A. reliable B. unlimited C. recyclable D. renewable
44. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation?
A. temperature and rainfall
B. slope of the land and rainfall
C. kind of soil particles and temperature
D. reforestation and use of compost as fertilizer
45. You see empty softdrink cans, dumped in a vacant lot. What resource is used in producing
these materials?
A. paper B. metal C. trees D. none of these
46. Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas considered nonrenewable resources if they were
produced from plant and animal remains?
A. It takes a very long time to produce them.
B. Using them results in environmental problems.
C. They are difficult to locate and explore from Earth.
D. The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries.
47. What geologic structures account for the presence of minerals in the Philippines?
A. trenches B. volcanoes C. faults D. all of these
48. Why is our country rich in biodiversity?
A. The Philippine is near the equator where there is sunshine all year round.
B. The temperature is right for plants and animals to reproduce.
C. There is an abundant rainfall.
D. All of the above.

49-50. Essay
As a student, how can you help conserve natural resources so that the future generations can also
enjoy them?

Based on DepEd Order No. 8 s. 2015

Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions
(Anderson and Krathwohl 2001)





1 8
29. relate characteristics of light
4 6 9
such as color and intensity to 2
7 5 11
Light frequency and wavelength;
10 12
30. infer that light travels in a
straight line;
13 14
31. infer the conditions necessary 18 16 15
Heat 25 23
for heat transfer to occur; 24 21 19
27 22
32. describe the different types of 29 35
32 33
charging processes; and 31 36
Electricity 34
33. explain the importance of
earthing or grounding.
34. demonstrate how places on 38
Earth may be located using a 39 40
coordinate system 41
35. describe the location of the
Philippines with respect to the 41
1. The
continents and oceans of the world
36. recognize that soil, water, rocks,
coal and other fossil fuels are Earth 43 42
materials that people use as 47 44
37. describe ways of using Earth’s 45 45
resources sustainably 48

1. D 26. B
2. A 27. B
3. D 28. A
4. A 29. D
5. B 30. A
6. D 31. A
7. C 32. D
8. A 33. A
9. C 34. D
10. C 35. C
11. B 36. A
12. B 37. D
13. B 38. D
14. B 39. B
15. D 40. C
16. D 41. A
17. B 42. B
18. C 43. D
19. A 44. A
20. D 45. B
21. B 46. A
22. D 47. D
23. A 48. D
24. C
25. A


Essay: 0 - no answer
1 point - The answer is broad, relevant and stated clearly
2 points - the answer is specific, relevant and stated very clearly

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