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Turbulent Flows

Stephen B. Pope
Cambridge University Press (2000)

Solution to Exercise 10.12

Prepared by: Zhuyin Ren Date: 3/26/03

In homogeneous turbulence, the k and ε equations become

= P − ε, (1)
dε Pε ε2
= Cε1 − Cε2 . (2)
dt k k
Consider the quatity Z defined by

Z = CZ k p εq . (3)

Differentiating Eq. 3 with respect to t, we get

dZ dk dε
= CZ pk p−1 εq + CZ k p qεq−1 . (4)
dt dt dt
Substituting Eqs.1 and 2 into 4, we get
dZ p−1 q p Pε
= CZ pk ε (P − ε) + CZ k qε Cε1 − Cε2
dt k k
Zp Zq Pε
= (P − ε) + Cε1 − Cε2
k ε k k
= CZ1 − CZ2 , (5)
k k
CZ1 = p + qCε1 (6)

CZ2 = p + qCε2 . (7)

The entries in Table 10.2 are obtained by substituting Cε1 = 1.44, Cε2 = 1.92
and the given values of p and q into Eqs. 6 and 7.

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