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आआआआआआआआआआ आआ आआआआआआ आआ आआआआ आआआआआआ

What are the goals you have set for yourself in the future? What is it that you want to pursue as a career and
भभभभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभ भभभ भभभभ भभभभभभ भभभभभभभभभ भभभ भभभ? भभ भभभभ भभ
भभभभ भभ भभभभभभ भभ भभभ भभ भभभभभ भभभभभ भभभ भभ भभभभभ?

Life is a state of living in which there is a stage of Growth, Learning, Emotions

involving Happiness-Sadness-Loving, State & Quality of living, etc & all these are governed
by Goals & Aspirations & their attitude, determination & sincerity of an Individual towards
it. And Definitely all these is only to make their Future Bright, colourful in all aspects of life
& High Quality-Standard of living.

Introduction of various technologies, Devices & Innovation are only responsible for
the Numerous Extraordinary Development in Lifestyle of Human Beings. Consider a time
when travelling a distance far far away was very difficult without the invention of Wheel
using just Feets, it made an extraordinary development in livings of Humans. Muscular
energy is to be harnessed for travelling over kilometres which is paining job on Bicycle, but
few years after which Diesel engines was invented (by Rudolf diesel) used in cars where
input was required in form of liquid to run Car engines having output 4x than just a Bicycle.
For our daily comforts science has given us the electric light, the electric fan, the refrigerator
and the electric oven.

Think of the days where there is no invention of Highly Operated Devices than
toothbrush which is no less than A Fast Computing Mobile Phones. As a result flow of
information have been made very Easy by the use of Google- a platform for learning where
Unlimited Knowledge is available, communication through various applications such as
Gmail, Whatsapp, calling, use for Gaming-Entertaining-Health, etc.

Yes “Your Future Depends upon on your Aspirations”. As a student, I have so many
Aspirations for My Future. I Had an Interest in Mechanics, Electronics & Robotics since the
age 10Yrs. Whenever I see like this stuffs, My mind goes Passionate & tries to think about its
working, its design, & ways to modify such Techs. I wanted to Invent & Innovate something
new which would be as discussed earlier would bring a Revolution in the World, So I had
thereby Decided to go for Robotics Engineering (B.Tech through MIT Massachusetts
Cambridge) the age of AI & to study Physics-fav subject (Bsc-Msc-Phd) Self within the
books, & to apply Theoretical knowledge in Practical life as the Future lies in Innovation &

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