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Bluefield College Football

Strength & Conditioning

Property of Bluefield College Football

Dear Bluefield Ram,

You are about to become involved in what we believe is one of the best strength and
conditioning programs in NAIA football. Over the past 4 months I have put together what I feel,
is one of the most challenging but also one of the most beneficial strength and conditioning
programs possible.

At Bluefield we take great pride in the fact that we work our athletes to their full potential. This
workout will give you an overview of the strength, speed, agility, plyometrics, balance,
functional training, core training, injury prevention, and cardiovascular conditioning techniques
that we have implemented as part of our strength and conditioning program. This manual is
formatted to give each of you a quick and easy guide for what we expect each day during
training. While this information is important, you must remember that knowledge without hard
work and dedication does no one any good. Each of you must be accountable for how good you
want to become, and ultimately this will decide how great we can be as a team.

Included at the end of the manual is a section on nutrition. While I am not, and will not pretend
to be, a registered dietician, I ask that each of you take a look at and consider adopting the
guidelines on nutrition. Nutrition is the #1 key to making sure that you are training at your peak
level. There is little to no benefit to you or to us as a team if you workout hard but you lack
proper nutrition.

Soon we will send you a link to a video with each of the exercises you will be doing this
summer demonstrated. It is of upmost importance that you not only sit down and look through
this entire manual before you begin, but that you also watch the demonstration videos
provided to you.

Finally, remember that you are responsible for your own fitness when you report to camp in
August. Take initiative and work yourself harder than you ever have before. Always keep a
positive attitude, set goals, be disciplined in your training, and lastly make a positive gain each
day. REMEMBER, when it‟s too tough for our opponents it‟s just right for us!

If you have any questions, you can contact me at (828)448-5404 or

Good luck and stay strong,

Chris Shatley
Intern Strength & Conditioning Coach
Bluefield College
Daily Workout Schedule
The following pages give a detailed layout of exactly how each workout day should go. You MUST
workout 5days a week and in the exact order listed on the sheet. REMEMBER a workout lost is gone
forever and you can NEVER make it up
Daily Workout Schedule
Dynamic Flexibility
Weight Training
Functional Training
Dynamic Flexibility
Speed/Agility Training
Skill Work
Dynamic Flexibility
Weight Training
Injury Prevention
Dynamic Flexibility
Speed/Agility Training
Skill Work
Dynamic Flexibility
Weight Training
Functional Training
Injury Prevention
Pre-workout Routine

Before beginning any training program enclosed in this booklet, complete EVERY exercise and stretch
listed on the following page in the order in which they appear. Each exercise plays a specific role in
preparing you for the workout.
 5 minute body warm up(jog, bike, jump rope)
 Hurdle Routine
o Walk Through
o Duck Unders
o Lateral High Knees
o Lateral High Knees w/ Hop
o Lateral Leg Kick
o Lateral Leg Kick w/ Hop
o Backwards Walk Through
 Flex Runs
o A march
o A skip
o B march
o B skip
o Ankling
o Butt Kicks
o Carioca
o Tin-man March
o Backward Run
 Static Stretch
o Toe Touch
o Left/Right Foot Touch
o Left/Right Toe Flex
o Legs Apart Right
o Lunge Right
o Legs Apart Left
o Lunge Left
o Sumo Squat
o Butterfly
o Legs Apart Middle
o Legs Apart Right
o Legs Apart Left
o Legs Together
o Right Twist
o Left Twist
o Right Glute
o Left Glute
o Lunge Forward Right
o Lunge Forward Left
o Right Quad
o Left Quad
Strength Training Cycle

There are many directions from which you can choose. Yet you must choose. Your options are
meaningful only when you exercise some of them and reject the rest. Your options are meaningful only
when you exercise some of them and reject the rest. Trying to do everything is as fruitless as trying to do
Strength Training Reminders

 ALWAYS use a spotter

 Spotters must keep the bar moving

 USE weightlifting belt for ANY exercises that involve the low back!

 Use PROPER form and techniques on ALL lifts

 You are only as strong as what you lift CORRECTLY

 ALWAYS warm-up properly and ALWAYS stretch after for range of motion

 USE a partner

 This will be a huge aid to your progress

 REMEMBER: REST and DIET are CRUCIAL to getting stronger.

 COMMIT yourself to an athlete‟s lifestyle

 ALL running should be in a competitive situation: either someone else or the stopwatch

 EXPLODE the bar UP on bench and squat to develop explosiveness

 Train with INTENSITY

 If you don‟t get sore after a workout, you need more intensity

 Once you miss a training session it CAN NOT BE MADE UP!


 COMMIT to your goals


 Find your drive and use it to make you better

 VIZUALIZE your goals

 Finally, PRAY, TRUST GOD, MAXIMIZE your abilities

Week 1 Deut. 20-4...”For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the

Body Weight: ______

MONDAY (49%)
Hang Clean 3x12 (______, ______, ______)
Hang Snatch 3x5 (______, ______, ______)
Squat 3x12(______, ______, ______)
Front Squat 3x5(______, ______, ______)
RDL 4x10(______, ______, ______, ______)
DB Bench 3x12(______, ______, ______)
Lat Pulldown 4X10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 4x10(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x50(______, ______)
Bench Press 3x12 (______, ______, ______)
DB Incline 3x12 (______, ______, ______)
DB Fly 3x15 (______, ______, ______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 1x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x15 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x15 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x15 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x15 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 2x20 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (56%)
Power Clean 3x12 (_____._____._____)
Pause Squat 3x12 (______, ______, _____)
Overhead Squat 3x 10 (_____, ______, ____)
Leg Curl/Extension 3x10 (______/______)
Pause Bench 3x12 (______, _______, _______)
Incline Bench 3x12 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 3x10(______)
Bent-over Rows 4x10 (______, ______, ______, _____)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Week 2
Body Weight: ______

MONDAY (50%)
Hang Clean 3x12 (______, ______, ______)
DB Hang Snatch 3x5 (______, ______, ______)
Squat 3x12(______, ______, ______)
DB Front Squat 3x5(______, ______, ______)
Single-leg RDL 4x10(______, ______, ______, ______)
DB alt-arm Bench 3x12(______, ______, ______)
Lat Pulldown 4X10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 4x10(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x50(______, ______)
Bench Press 3x12 (______, ______, ______)
DB alt-arm Incline 3x12 (______, ______, ______)
DB Fly 3x15 (______, ______, ______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 1x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x15 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x15 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x15 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x15 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 2x20 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (56%)
Power Clean 3x12 (_____._____._____)
Pause Squat 3x12 (______, ______, _____)
Overhead Squat 3x 10 (_____, ______, ____)
Leg Curl/Extension 3x10 (______/______)
Pause Bench 3x12 (_____, ______, ______)
Incline Bench 3x12 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 3x10(______)
Bent-over Rows 4x10 (______, ______, _____, _____)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (67%)
Hang Clean 10(_____) 8(_____) 8(______)
1-arm DB Hang Snatch 3x8 (______, ______, ______)
Squat 10(______) 8(________) 8(________)
Bench 10(______) 2x8(_____, ______) 6(________)

Leg Curl/Extension 3x10 (______/______)

Front Squat 3x5(______, ______, ______)
DB RDL 4x10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Seated Row 4X10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x8(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x25(______,______)
Incline Bench 10(_____) 8(_____) 6(_______)
DB Bench 10(_______) 2x8(_______,_______)
DB Fly 3x15 (______,______,______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 1x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x8 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x10 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x8 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x15 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 2x20 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (59%)
Shrugs 3x12(_______,________,_______)
Power Clean 10(_____) 8(_____) 8(_____)
Pause Squat 10 (______) 2x8 (______,_____)
Overhead Squat 3x 5 (_____,______,____)
Pause Bench 3x6 (_____,______,______)
DB Incline Bench 3x5 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 3x10(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x15 (_____,_____)
Lat Pulldowns 3x10 (______, _____, _____)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Week 4 “Are you doing all you can to make yourself better this week?”
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (70%)
Hang Clean 8(_____) 2x6(_____, ______) 4(_______)
1-arm DB Clean+Press 4x5 (______, ______, ______)
Squat 4x8(________, ________, _________, _________)
Bench 8(______) 3x6(_______, _________, _________)

Leg Curl/Extension 3x10 (______, ______, ______)

Front Squat 3x10(______, ______, ______)
RDL 4x10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Seated Row 3x8(______, ______, ______)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x5(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x20(______, ______)
Incline Bench 8(_____) 2x6(_____.______)
DB Bench 8 (______) 2x6(______, ______)
DB Fly 3x10 (______, ______, ______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 1x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x5 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x5 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x5 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x20 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 2x20 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (60%)
Shrugs 3x10(_______, ________, _______)
Power Clean 8(_____) 2x6(_____, _____) 4(_____)
Pause Squat 3x8(_______, _______, ________)
Overhead Squat 3x8 (_____, ______, _____)
Pause Bench 3x5 (_____, ______, ______)
DB Incline Bench 3x5 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 3x10(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x15 (_____, _____)
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns 3x10 (______, _____, _____)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Week 5 “Did your workout reflect the results you want?”
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (75%)
Hang Clean 6(_____) 3x4(_____, ______, ______)
1-arm DB Hang Snatch 4x5 (______, _______, _______,_______)
Squat 8(______) 2x6(______, _____)
Bench 6(______) 3x5(_____, ______, ______)

Leg Curl/Extension 3x10 (______/______)

Front Squat 3x10(______, ______, ______)
RDL 4x10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Bent Over Rows 3x8(______, ______, ______)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x5(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x20(______, ______)
Incline Bench 6(_____) 2x5(_____.______)
DB Bench 3x6 (______, ______, ______)
DB Fly 3x10 (______, ______, ______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 1x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x5 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x5 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x5 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x20 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 2x20 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (65%)
Shrugs 3x10 (________, ________, _________)
Power Clean 6(_____) 3x4(_____, _____, _____)
Pause Squat 8 (______) 2x6 (______, _____)
Overhead Squat 3x8 (_____, ______, ____)
Pause Bench 3x5 (_____, ______, ______)
DB Incline Bench 3x5 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 3x10(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x15 (_____, _____)
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns 3x8 (______, _____, _____)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Week 6 “Will you go to your body’s limit?”
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (77%)
Hang Clean 3x6(______, ______, ______)
1-arm DB Hang Snatch 4x5 (______, ______, ______, _______)
Squat 2x6(_______, ________) 2x5(________, ________) 3(_________)
Bench 2x6(______, _______) 4(________)

Leg Curl/Extension 3x8 (______/______)

Front Squat 3x5(______, ______, ______)
DB 1-leg RDL 4x12(______, ______, ______, ______)
Bent Over Rows 3x8(______, ______, ______)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x10(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x20(______, ______)
Incline Bench 2x6(_____, ______) 4(______)
DB Bench 2x6 (______, ______) 4(_______)
DB Fly 3x15 (______, ______, ______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 1x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x8 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x5 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x8 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x20 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 2x20 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (66%)
Shrugs 3x8 (_______, ________, _______)
Power Clean 3x6(_______, ________, ________)
Pause Squat 2x6 (______, _____) 2x5(________, ________) 3(_________)
Overhead Squat 3x8 (_____, ______, ____)
Pause Bench 3x4 (_____, ______, ______)
DB Incline Bench 3x5 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 3x8(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x15 (_____, _____)
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns 3x8 (______, _____, _____)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Week 7 “You don’t beat your opponent in the fall, you beat him right now!”
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (73%)
Hang Clean 6(________) 3x4(________, ________, _________)
1-arm DB Clean+Press 4x6 (______, _______, ________, _______)
Squat 3x8(________, ________, ________)
Bench 5(______) 2x4(________, ________) 3(________)

Leg Curl/Extension 3x5 (______/______)

Front Squat 3x3(______, ______, ______)
RDL 4x8(______, ______, ______, ______)
Bent Over Rows 3x5(______, ______, ______)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x5(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x10(______, ______)
Incline Bench 5(______) 2x4(_______, ________)
DB Bench 2x6 (______, ______) 4(_______)
DB Fly 3x15 (______, ______, ______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 1x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x4 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x5 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x4 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x20 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 3x10 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (64%)
Shrugs 3x5 (_______, ________, _______)
Power Clean 6(_______) 3x4(__________, __________, __________)
Pause Squat 3x8(__________, __________, __________)
Overhead Squat 3x5 (_____, ______, ____)
Pause Bench 5(_______) 2x4(________, __________)
DB Alt-arm Incline Bench 3x3 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 3x8(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x8 (_____, _____)
Lat Pulldowns 3x5 (______, _____, _____)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (82%)
Hang Clean 4x4(________, _________, _________, _________)
1-arm DB Snatch 4x4 (______, _______, ________, _______)
Squat 2x5(________, ________) 2x4(________, _______)
Bench 2x3(________, ________, ________) 2(_________) 1(_________)

Leg Curl/Extension 5x4 (_______/_______)

Front Squat 5x3(______, _______, ______, _______, _______)
RDL 4x6(______, ______, ______, ______)
Bent Over Rows 5x3(________, _________, _________, _________, __________)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x8(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x15(______, ______)
Incline Bench 4(______) 2x3(_______, ________)
DB Bench 4 (______, ______) 2x3(_______, ________)
DB Fly 4x8 (______, ______, _______, _______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 2x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x6 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x5 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x4 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x25 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 3x10 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (68%)
Shrugs 5x4 (_______, ________, _______, ________, ________)
Power Clean 4x4(__________, __________, _________, ________)
Pause Squat 2x5(__________, __________) 2x4(__________._________)
Overhead Squat 4x4 (______, _______, _______, _______)
Pause Bench 3x4(_________, __________, _________)
DB 1-arm Incline Bench 3x8 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 4x5(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x5 (_____, _____)
Lat Pulldowns 5x4 (______, _______, ________, ________, ________)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Week 9 “Now is not the time to back off, now is the time to push the hardest”
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (85%)
Hang Clean 5x3(________, _________, _________, _________, _________)
1-arm DB Clean+Press 4x3 (______, _______, ________, _______)
Squat 3x3(________, ________, ________) 3x2(________, _______, _______)
Bench 3x3(________, ________, ________)

Leg Curl/Extension 4x4 (_______/________)

Front Squat 5x5(______, _______, ______, _______, _______)
RDL 4x10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Bent Over Rows 5x5(________, _________, _________, _________, __________)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x15(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x25(______, ______)
Incline Bench 2x3(_______, ________) 2x2(_______, _______)
DB Bench 2x3 (______, ______) 2x2(_______, ________)
DB Fly 3x5 (______, ______, _______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 2x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x3 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x5 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x3 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x30 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 4x8 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (71%)
Shrugs 6x3 (_______, ________, _______, ________, ________, ________)
Power Clean 4x3(__________, __________, _________, ________)
Pause Squat 2x3(__________, __________) 2x2(__________._________)
Overhead Squat 4x4 (______, _______, _______, _______)
Pause Bench 3x3(_________, __________, _________)
DB Alt Incline Bench 3x5 (_____, _____, ______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 4x8(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x10 (_____, _____)
Lat Pulldowns 5x10 (______, _______, ________, ________, ________)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
Max Strength
Week 10 “Did you do enough to win not only this week, but this summer?”
Body Weight: ________

MONDAY (85%)
Hang Clean 6(_________) 3x4(_________,___________,__________)
1-arm DB Clean+Press 4x3 (______, _______, ________, _______)
Squat 3x3(________, ________, ________) 3x2(________, _______, _______)
Bench 3x3(________, ________, ________)

Leg Curl/Extension 4x4 (_______/_______)

Front Squat 5x5(______, _______, ______, _______, _______)
RDL 4x10(______, ______, ______, ______)
Bent Over Rows 5x5(________, _________, _________, _________, __________)
Tricep Ext/Straight Bar Curls 5x15(______/_______)
Weighted Calf Raise 2x25(______, ______)
Incline Bench 2x3(_______, ________) 2x2(_______, _______)
DB Bench 2x3 (______, ______) 2x2(_______, ________)
DB Fly 3x5 (______, ______, _______)
UR/HC/PPress/OS/HC/BOR 2x8(_____)
Barbell Lunge 1x3 ea. leg (_____)
Overhead Lunge 1x5 ea. Leg (_____)
Barbell Step-ups 1x3 ea. leg (_____)
Explosive Step-ups 1x30 ea. leg (_____)
Low back Hypers 4x8 (BW+______)
FRIDAY (71%)
Shrugs 6x3 (_______, ________, _______, ________, ________, ________)
Power Clean 4x3(__________, __________, _________, ________)
Pause Squat 2x3(__________, __________) 2x2(__________._________)
Overhead Squat 4x4 (_______, ________, ________, _______)
Pause Bench 3x3(_________, __________, _________)
DB Alt Incline Bench 3x5 (______, ______, _______)
Shoulder Circuit (FR/SR/OHP) 4x8(______)
Posterior Delt Raise 2x10 (_____, _____)
Lat Pulldowns 5x10 (______, _______, ________, ________, ________)
DB Tricep Ext 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)
DB Curls 8(_____) 6(_____) 4(_____) 8(_____) 15(_____)

Plyometrics are a combination of explosive jumps, bounds, hops, and skips. These exercises duplicate the exact
movements that are present in all athletic events.

Plyometric workouts are to be performed on each lifting day as described in the following
pages. These exercises are designed to be tough and should be performed at the highest
intensity. Some exercises will require additional equipment and if you lack access the
exact equipment, supplement a similar exercise or use a different type of equipment(ex.
substitute a bench for plyo box).
Week 1

MONDAY: Split Squat Jumps 1x5 ea., Cycled Split Squat Jumps 1x10, Tuck Jumps 1x10 (Between Squat Sets)

WEDNESDAY: Clap Push-ups 1x10, Drop Catch Push-ups 1x10 (Between Bench Sets)

FRIDAY: Med ball chest drops 1x20, Med ball shoulder drops 1x20, Seated med ball chest pass 1x20, Seated med ball
overhead throw 1x20, Explosive band rows 2x20 REST Deep Squat jumps 2x15, Speed Box Jumps 2x15, Band
Speed Squats 1x20, Band Hip Thrust 1x15, Deep box jumps 1x15, Med ball squat + shoot 1x10

Week 2

MONDAY: Split Squat Jumps 1x5 ea, Cycled Split Squat Jumps 1x10, Double leg vertical jump 1x10(Bet. Sets)

WEDNESDAY: Clap Push-ups 1x10, Drop Catch Push-ups 1x10(Bet. Sets)

FRIDAY: Plyo speed pushups 1x10, Med ball chest drops 1x20, Med ball shoulder drops 1x20, Single leg Med ball chest
pass 1x10, Med ball overhead throws 1x10 ea leg, Med ball pushups 1x15 REST In-depth box jumps 1x10, Deep
Squat Jumps 1x15, Banded Speed Squats 1x20, Speed Box jumps 1x15, Lateral quick feet 1x20 sec, Med ball
squat+shoot 1x10

Week 3

MONDAY: Split Squat Jumps 1x5ea, Cycled Split Squat Jumps 1x10, Long jump 1x10 (Bet. Sets)

WEDNESDAY: Clap Push-ups 1x10, Drop Catch Push-ups 1x10(Bet. Sets)

FRIDAY: Plyo bench pushups 1x10, Med ball chest drops 1x20, Med ball shoulder drops 1x20, Single leg Med ball chest
pass 1x10, Med ball overhead throws 1x10 ea leg, DB pushup+ row 1x10ea

Week 4

MONDAY: Split Squat Jumps 1x5ea, Bounding 1x20yds, Single leg tuck jumps 1x10 (Bet. Sets)

WEDNESDAY: Clap Push-ups 1x10, DB pushup+row 1x10(Bet. Sets)

FRIDAY: Speed bench 1x10, Explosive Bench pushup 1x10, Med ball chest drops 1x20, Med ball shoulder drops 1x20,
Med ball chest pass 1x20, Med ball overhead pass 1x20, Jammer 1x10 REST Multi-box jumps 1x5(trips
up+back), Squat jumps w/ DB 1x15, Lateral Bench jumps 1x15, Squat jumps 1x15, Band speed squats 1x20,
Speed box jumps 1x15, Lateral quick feet 1x20 sec, 1x15 speed box jumps 1x15, Med ball squat+shoot 1x10

Week 5

MONDAY: One ball med ball pushups 1x10, Between bench pushups 1x10, 2 arm snapdown 1x20, DB rotational punch
1x10ea, Med ball chest pass 1x10, Med ball overhead pass 1x10, SA Jammer punch 1x10ea

WENDESDAY: DB Squat jumps 1x5+5 speed box jumps, Band thrusts 1x15, Multi-box jumps 1x5(up&back), Lateral
side box jumps 1x10ea, Lateral quick feet 1x10sec, Dot drill 1x10sec, SL tuck jumps 1x10ea, Split squat jump
1x10ea, SL speed squat jump 1x5ea, Overhead med ball squat jumps 1x10

FRIDAY: Wheelbarrow pushups 1x10, Clap pushups 1x10, DL side hop to squat jump 1x5ea direction, SL speed hops
1x10ea, Broad jumps 1x10, Speed box jumps 1x10, side bench hops 1x10ea
Week 6

MONDAY: Between bench pushups 1x10, DA snapdowns 1x20, DB punches 1x10ea, Medball chest pass 1x10, Medball
overhead pass 1x10, SA Jammer 1x10ea

WEDNESDAY: Medball depth drop and pause+ 4 power hops, Multiple box jumps 1x5(up/back), Lateral in-depth box
jumps 1x10ea, DB Squat jumps 1x10, Lateral quick feet 1x10sec, Octagon quick feet 1x10 trips, Dot drill
1x10sec, SL alternating squat jumps 1x10, Overhead medball squats 1x10

FRIDAY: Behind back clap pushups 1x10, Rotational wheelbarrows 1x10, DL speed hop 1x10, SL speed hop to DL long
jump 1x6ea(alt legs), SL side hop to DL squat jump 1x5 ea leg, Deep box jumps 1x10, Speed skater 1x10, DL
tuck jumps 1x10

Week 7

MONDAY: Speed bench 6 reps+ medball pass 8 reps, Medball pushups/on ball 1x10, SA box pushups 1x5ea, Medball
backward toss 1x10, DB punches 1x10ea, DB speed rows 1x10ea, DA jammer punch 1x10

WEDNESDAY: DB squat jumps 1x5+ 3sec pause at btm last rep+ 5 box jumps, SL multi-box jump 1x3(land on 2), DL
bench hops 1x5ea, Forward quick feet 1x10sec, DL tuck jumps 1x10, SL alt squat jumps 1x10, Speed calf raises
1x20, MB overhead squat jump 1x10

FRIDAY: Behind back clap pushups 1x10, Rot explosive wheelbarrows 1x10, DL speed hop 1x10, SL speed hop to DL
long jump 1x6(alt leg), SL side jump to DL squat jump 1x6(alt leg), Lateral quick feet 1x10sec, Forward quick
feet 1x10sec

Week 8

MONDAY: Speed bench 5 reps/pause+ 10 medball drops, Between bench plyo pushup 1x10, Box pushups 1x10, DB
punches 1x10, Jammer Rotational punch 1x10ea

WEDNESDAY: Barbell squat jump 1x5/pause+ 5 squat jumps, Barbell alt split squat jumps 1x5ea+5 box jumps, DL
bench jumps 1x10ea, Dot drill 1x10sec, DL knee tucks 1x10, DL alt squat jumps 1x10, 1x20sec banded speed
calves, wall knee drives 1x10sec ea, Overhead MB Squat Jumps 1x10, MB squat+shoot 1x10

FRIDAY: Clap wheelbarrows 1x10, Standing drop catch pushups 1x10, Alt bounding to DL vertical power hop 1x6, SL
lateral hop to DL power hop 1x6, SL knee tucks 1x10ea, Forward quick feet 1x10sec

Week 9

MONDAY: Speed bench 8 reps+ 8 clap pushups, Medball lateral pushups 1x10, Between bench pushups 1x5, Foot on
bench pushups 1x10, DB speed lawn mower pulls 1x20ea

WEDNESDAY: 45-lb plate squat jumps 1x5/pause+ 5 squat jumps, 45-lb plate overhead split-squat jump 5 reps+ 5 tuck
jumps, SL hop to DL box jump 1x6 alt leg, Box jumps 1x10, Squat+press 1x10, Overhead MB squat jumps 1x10,
MB squat+shoot 1x10

FRIDAY: Wheelbarrow claps 1x10, Drop/catch pushups 1x10, SL lateral jump to DL long jump 1x6, SL lateral hop to
DL power jumps 1x6, SL speed box jumps 1x10ea

Week 10

MONDAY: Speed bench 8 reps+ 8 feet up pushups, Double Medball pushups 1x10, Single arm medball pushups 1x5ea,
Medball lateral quick arms 1x10, DB lawnmower pulls 1x20ea

WEDNESDAY: DB split squat jumps 1x5ea+5 SL knee tucks, SL jump into DL box jump 1x6, Deep box jump 1x10,
Squat+Press 1x10, DL knee tucks 1x10, plate squat jumps 1x10

FRIDAY: Rotational Wheelbarrows 1x10, Drop Catch pushups 1x10, SL tuck jump to DL squat jump 1x6, SL long
jump+DL squat jump 1x6, DL speed box jumps 1x10

Being flexible is an integral part of our program and philosophy. If you aren’t flexible you can’t move, if
you can’t move you can’t run, and if you can’t run you are not an effective player. Take this part
of your workout as seriously as you take the weights
Should be done on days of week where flexibility is listed. Rotate through days

Day 1: Supine Hip Flexor/ IT Band Stretch 1x15sec each leg

Partner Quad Stretch 1x15sec each leg
Banded Calf Stretch 1x15sec each leg
Posterior Joint Capsule Stretch 1x15sec each arm
Wrist Extension stretch 1x15sec
Day 2: Partner Quad Stretch 1x15sec each word
Walking Toe Touches 1x10yds
Lat Stretch 1x15sec
Forearm Circuit (rolls, squeeze)
Day 3: Supine Hip Flexor/ IT Band Stretch 1x15sec each leg
Partner Quad Stretch 1x15sec each leg
Knee to chest 1x15sec each
Posterior Joint Capsule Stretch 1x15sec
Balance and Functional Training

In order to accomplish great things one must master the small. Balance is one of those things that may
seem small, but when the game is on the line, it might be that bobble-that extra second, it takes for your
opponent to regain their balance that will allow you to beat them and WIN! LITTLE THINGS MAKE
Balance & Functional Training
Week 1
Day 1- DB Bench on Balance Ball 1x12 (simultaneous)
Balance Ball sits w/ legs 1 min.
Prone Pike Press 1x20
Day 2- Star drill 1xeach leg
Balance Ball Hip Raise 1x20
Pushup Plank 1 min
Supine Reverse Leg Curls on Ball 1x20
Week 2
Day 1- DB Bench on BB 1x12 (alternate)
BB sits w/o legs 1 min
Prone Pike Press 1x20
Day 2- Star drill 1xeach leg
Balance Ball Hip Raise 1x20
Front Plank 1 min
Supine Reverse Leg Curls on Ball 1x20
Week 3
Day 1- DB Bench on BB 1x12 (alternate)
BB sits w/o legs 1 min
Prone Pike Press 1x20
Day 2- Star drill 1xeach leg
Balance Ball Hip Raise 1x20
Front Plank 1 min
Supine Reverse Leg Curls on Ball 1x20
Week 4
Day 1- DB Incline Bench on BB 1x12 (simultaneous)
BB on knees 1 min
Prone Pike Press-pushups 1x15
Day 2- Medball Crane 1xeach leg
SL BB Hip Raise 1x15ea
Side plank 30sec each side
Straight leg pulldowns 1x20
Week 5
Day 1- Alt DB Incline Bench on BB 1x12
BB on knees 1 min
Prone Pike Press-pushups 1x15
Day 2- Medball Crane 1xea leg
SL BB Hip Raise 1x15ea leg
Side plank w/ leg raise 30sec each side
Week 6
Day 1- Alt DB Incline Bench on BB 1x12
BB on knees 1 min
Prone Pike Press-pushups 1x15
Day 2- Medball Crane 1xea leg
SL BB Hip Raise 1x15ea leg
Side plank w/ leg raise 30sec each side
Week 7
Day 1- DB shoulder press on BB 1x12 (simultaneous)
BB stands 1 min
SL Prone Pike Press 1x10ea leg
Day 2- Stepping Stones SL squats 1x6ea leg
BB Hip Raise & Roll 1x10
Pushup Plank 1 min
Reverse Leg Curls on BB 1x20
Week 8
Day 1-Alternating DB Shoulder Press 1x12 each arm
BB stands 1 min
SL Prone Pike Press 1x10ea leg
Day 2- Stepping Stones SL squats 1x6ea leg
BB Hip Raise & Roll 1x10
Pushup Plank 1 min
Reverse Leg Curls on BB 1x20
Week 9
Day 1- Alternating DB Shoulder Press 1x12 each arm
BB stands 1 min
2 Ball Prone Pike Press 1x15

Day 2- Stepping Stones SL squats 1x6ea leg

BB Hip Raise & Roll 1x10
Pushup Plank 1 min
Reverse Leg Curls on BB 1x20
Week 10
Day 1- SA-DB Bench on BB 1x12ea arm
BB Standing Squats 1 min
DL BB Walkout 1x10
Day 2- Dyno Disk 1x10ea leg(alt leg in front/behind)
BOSU Ball Passes 1x10
Forearm Plank 1 min
Supine SL Reverse Leg Curls on Ball 1x15ea leg

Often one of the most underdeveloped parts of an athlete is the core. While it is the most neglected, it is
one of the most important aspects of athletic performance. Therefore, we strive to develop each
athlete’s core so that they can function and participate at their highest ability
Day 1- BB Abs 1x50
Medball Sit-up+Twist 2x25
Superman 1x15
Swimming on Knees 1x15
Day 2- Medball Standing 180s 1x20(ea side)
Plyo sit-ups 2x25
Glute Ham Raise 1x15
Aquaman 1x15
Day 3- BB Scissor Rotations 1x25ea direction
Band Partner Up & Down 1x20
Bench Low Back Hypers 1x15
BB Low Back Hypers 1x15
Day 4- Med Ball Toe Touches 1x50
BB Diagonal Crunch 1x50ea direction
BB Explosive Low Back Hypers 1x15
BB Low Back Hypers 1x15
Day 5- Machine Crunch 2x25
Lying Side Crunch 1x25ea side
Glute Ham Raises 1x15
Aquaman w/ BB 1x15
Day 6- BB Abs 1x50
Plate Side Bends 1x25ea side
Low Back Hypers 1x15
Swimming on Knees 1x15
Day 7- Decline bench Sit-up+Toss 2x25
Medball Standing 180s 1x25ea side
Explosive Low Back Hypers 1x15
Reverse Low Back Hypers 1x15
Day 8- Medball Situp+Twist 1x25
Machine Crunch 2x15(heavy)
Glute Ham Raise 1x15
Superman 1x15
Day 9- Straight Leg Ball Pass 1x25
Medball situp+twist 1x25
Low Back Hypers 1x15
Aquaman on BB 1x15
Injury Prevention

Our goal is to keep everyone healthy and able to play. To simply hope to not get injured is not enough.
The following exercises will help to further reduce the risk of injury in the fall. Follow the workout
Injury Prevention

Day 1- 4-Way Ankle 1x12

4-WayNeck 1x12
Hitch Hikers 1x12ea arm
Day 2- Tubing Circuit 1x12 (Shoulder flexion, Shoulder lateral rotation, Shoulder Abduction/Adduction)
Barbell Serratus Punches 1x20
SA Ball Rolls 1x12ea direction(both arms)
Day 3- Pushups Plus on BOSU 1x12
4-Way Neck 1x12
Tubing Circuit 1x12
Day 4- 4-Way Ankle 1x12
4-Way Neck 1x12
DB Serratus Punches 1x20
Day 5- Tubing Circuit 1x12
Scapular Band Pulls 1x10sec (each direction)
Shoulder Protraction/Retraction on BOSU1x12
Day 6- 4-Way Ankle 1x12
4-Way Neck 1x12
Hitch Hikers 1x12ea arm
Pushups Plus on BB 1x12
Day 7- 4-Way Ankle 1x12
4-Way Neck 1x12
DB Serratus Punches 1x20
Day 8- Tubing Circuit 1x12
Shoulder Protraction/Retraction 1x12
Hitch Hikers 1x12ea arm
Day 9- Tubing Circuit on BB 1x12
4-way Neck 1x12
Pushups Plus on Balance Board 1x12 @ different directions

The Hill

But then comes the Hill and I know that I am made for more, I am challenged to choose suffering, to
endure pain, to bear hardship.
At first the gentle swell carries me, but gradually the Hill demands more and more. I have reached the
end of what is possible. Now it is beyond what I can stand. The temptation is to say “Enough! This is too
much!” But I will not give in.
I am fighting my limitations. I am fighting the pain. I am fighting the unfairness. I am fighting the evil in
me and the world. But I will not give in. I will conquer this Hill; and I will conquer it alone.
Conditioning Reminders:

 Conditioning should be performed IMMEDIATELY following a lift

 Make sure to stretch BEFORE and AFTER each conditioning


 DO NOT simply run the yardage, run it against the CLOCK

o Just doing the yardage WILL NOT adequately prepare you for
this fall

 DO ALL parts of the workout

 HIGH INTENSITY is a must

o Push your self-imposed limits
Week 1-2
o B-skips, C-skips, Butt Kicks, Ankle flips, A-skips
 3 double fifths @ (B- 165s; M-145s; S-125s)
 1 mile run in 8 minutes

 10x120yds @ 22 sec
Week 3-4
 2 double fifths; 2 single fifths @ (B-80; M-70; S-60)
 1 mile run in 7 minutes
 10x120yds @ 20 sec
Week 5-6
 4 fifths; 4 tenths (B-36s; M-32s; S-28s)
 1 mile run in 6 minutes
 12x120yds @ 19 sec
Week 7-8
 5 fifths
 14x120yds @ 18 sec
Week 9-10
 5 fifths
 Full Gassers 5x; Half Gassers 2x
Week 11
 20x120yds @ (Big- 19 sec, Mid- 17 sec, Small- 15sec); 5 fifths (B-80s; M-70s; S-60s)
Speed & Agility Cycle

To be simply strong is not enough. To be an effective player you must combine your strength with agility
and speed. As long as one of these three components is missing from your arsenal you will never be at
your full potential as a player.
Speed Training Reminders

 To IMPROVE running speed you must increase your STRIDE LENGTH and
FREQUENCY so concentrate on both of these variables during your workouts


o Run each rep when you have had adequate rest from the last rep

 ALWAYS give 100% effort and then take time to recover

 Concentrate on proper running technique

Agility Training Reminders

 The PURPOSE of agility training is to INCREASE the SPEED at which an


 Start in your position stance (ex. Linemen start in a 3 point stance)

 Give 100% effort on every rep

 Concentrate on staying low and making quick efficient movements

 ALL drills should be competitive- either against a teammate or the clock

Weeks 1-2
**ALL drills unless otherwise noted are 50 yards long**
Day 1
 FLEX Runs- A march, A-skip, B-march, B-skip, C-skip, Butt Kicks, Ankle Flips, Ankling, Straight
leg shuffle, Power skips, High Knee Run Progression
 STRETCH Routine
o Seated Fast Arms 3x30sec; 30sec rest between
o Standing Fast Arms 3x30sec; 30 sec rest between
o Foot Fires(both legs) 3x50 reps; 30 sec rest between
o Falling Starts- 10x
o Bleacher Run- 500 steps
 REST(3 min)
o Agility Ladder (3x through ladder each)
 High Knee Run
 High Knee Lateral Run
 Single Leg Hop (Both Legs)
 Bunny Hops
 Shuffle
o Line Hops(45 sec of each)
 Double Leg Side to side
 Double Leg Forward and Back
 Single Leg Side to Side
o Crazy 8‟s (6x)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 1 (6x)
 Forward run and plant at each cone
Day 2
 FLEX Runs
o Single leg fast arms 2x30 sec each leg; 30 sec rest between
o Falling Starts(10x)
o Push-up Starts(10x)
o Wall Runs 5x30 sec; 30 sec rest between
o Bag Work(4x through each)
 Forward run, lateral run, 2 feet in both, forward hop, side hop, single leg hop
o Pro Agility (4x each direction)
o Mirror Drill (5x @ 15sec each)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 1 (4x)
Weeks 3-4
Day 1
 FLEX Runs- A march, A-skip, B-march, B-skip, C-skip, Butt Kicks, Ankle Flips, Ankling, Straight
leg shuffle, Power skips, High Knee Run Progression
 STRETCH Routine
o Foot Fires(both legs) 3x50reps each leg; 30 sec rest between
o Bounding (6x)
o Falling Starts- (5x)
o Bleacher Run- 600 steps
 REST(5 min)
o Agility Ladder (5x through each)
 High Knee Forward Run
 High Knee Lateral Run
 Hop Shuffle
 2 in 2 out shuffle
o Line Hops(45 sec of each)
 Double Leg Side to side
 Double Leg Forward and Back
 Single Leg Side to Side
o A-drill (5x)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 2 (4x)
 Forward run, circle cone
Day 2
 FLEX Runs
o Single leg fast arms 2x30 sec each leg; 30 sec rest between
o Falling Starts (6x)
o Push-up Starts (6x)
o Wall Runs 5x30 sec; 30 sec rest between
o Bag Work(5x through each drill)
 Forward run, lateral run, 2 feet in both, forward hop, side hop, single leg hop
o 4-cone drills (2x times through each)
 Sprint, shuffle, sprint, shuffle
 Sprint, carioca, backpedal, shuffle
 Sprint, shuffle, backpedal, carioca
o Cone Hop Mirror Drill (5x @ 15sec)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 2 (4x)
Weeks 5-6
Day 1
 FLEX Runs- A march, A-skip, B-march, B-skip, C-skip, Butt Kicks, Ankle Flips, Ankling, Straight
leg shuffle, Power skips, High Knee Run Progression
 STRETCH Routine
o Seated Fast Arms 3x30sec; 30 sec rest between
o Bounding 25 yards into 25 yard run (5x)
o Push-up Alt. Leg Starts(6x)
o Bleacher Run- 700 steps
 REST(5 min)
o Agility Ladder (3x through with each)
 High Knee Forward Run
 High Knee Lateral Run
 Hop Shuffle
 Carioca
o Crazy 8‟s (4x)
o T-drill (4x)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 3 (4x)
 Forward run, plant, backpedal
Day 2
 FLEX Runs
o Single leg fast arms 2x30 sec each leg; 30 sec rest between
o Hop, Bound, Sprint (10yds-15yds-25yds)
o Push-up Starts(6x)
o Foot Fire 5x50 reps; 30 sec rest between
o Line Drills
o 3-cone drills (2x through each drill)
 Sprint to outside foot cut
 Sprint, outside plant, sprint, circle, sprint
 Backpedal, sprint, shuffle
o Box Drill (6x through- 3 from each direction)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 3 (4x)
Weeks 7-8
Day 1
 FLEX Runs- A march, A-skip, B-march, B-skip, C-skip, Butt Kicks, Ankle Flips, Ankling, Straight
leg shuffle, Power skips, High Knee Run Progression
 STRETCH Routine
o Seated Fast Arms 3x30sec; 30 sec rest between
o Hop, Bound, Run (5x) (10-15-25yds)
 Use single leg hops
o Falling Starts- Rotate through for 4 minutes; rest 1 minute
o Bleacher Run- 400 steps each
 Run/Hop
 REST(3 min)
o Agility Ladder (3x through each)
 High Knee Forward Run
 High Knee Lateral Run
 About face hops
 Carioca
o 5 cone drills
 Center out drill
 Corner to center box drill
 Perimeter Drill
o 4 cone drills
o Star drill (4x)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 4 (4x)
 Forward run, circle cone, backpedal
Day 2
 FLEX Runs
o Single leg fast arms 2x30 sec each leg; 30 sec rest between
o Hop, Bound, Sprint
o Forward/Back Shuttle
o Wall Run 5x30 sec; 30 sec rest between
o Line Drills
o 3-cone drills (4x through each drill)
o W-drill (4x through)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 4 (4x)
Weeks 9-10
Day 1
 FLEX Runs- A march, A-skip, B-march, B-skip, C-skip, Butt Kicks, Ankle Flips, Ankling, Straight
leg shuffle, Power skips, High Knee Run Progression
 STRETCH Routine
o Hill Run(50yd hill-6x)
o Hop, Bound, Run (4x)(10-15-25yds)
 Use single leg hops
o Push-up Starts- (6x)
o Slalom Run (6x @ 25yds)
 REST(3 min)
o Agility Ladder (4x through each)
 High Knee Forward Run
 High Knee Lateral Run
 About face hops
 Carioca
o 4 cone drills (4x through each-2 from each side)
o Hexagon (6x)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 4 (4x)
 Forward run, circle cone, backpedal
Day 2
 FLEX Runs
o Single leg fast arms 2x30 sec each leg; 30 sec rest between
o Hop, Bound, Sprint
o Forward/Back Shuttle
o Wall Run 5x30 sec; 30 sec rest between
o Pro Agility (2x through each direction)
o 3-cone drills (4x through each)
o Mirror Drill (5x@15sec each)
o Cone Zig-Zag phase 4 (4x)

REMEMBER everything you do this summer will affect how prepared you are
when you come into camp this fall!
Nutrition Guide for the Athlete
Do athletes need to follow a special diet? Not necessarily, but they need to follow the basic guidelines for
healthy eating with more discipline compared to a non-athlete. Proper nourishment everyday will
provide adequate energy essential for athletic performance.

• DO NOT skip meals, it ↓‟s energy stores necessary for exercise.
• Plan ahead-bring small, non-perishable snacks to school/work in case there is a long time between lunch
and your workout.
 Example: eat fruits, crackers, bagels, or carbohydrate-based energy bars instead of soda pop and
• Dairy products and meats provide valuable nutrients. Meats are excellent sources of protein, iron, and zinc
while low-fat dairy foods like skim milk, yogurts and cheeses provide much needed calcium, vitamin D,
and protein.

How Many Calories Should You Have Every Day?

Determine your weight in kilograms (kg) = divide your weight in pounds by 2.2.
Example: 175 pounds divided by 2.2 = 79.5 kg
Enter your weight in pounds _________ divide by 2.2 = _________ kilograms
• Next, multiply your answer (weight in kilograms) by the BMR (basal metabolic rate) factor to see how many
calories you burn on one hour. Use 1.0
Example: 79.5 X 1.0 = 79.5 calories per hour.
Weight in kilograms ________ multiplied by 1.0 = _________ calories per hour
• Now multiply that answer by the number of hours in a day (24).
Example: 79.5 X 24 = 1908 calories per day.
Number of calories per hour _________ multiplied by 24 = _________ calories per day

This is a rough number of calories you need to perform the basic functions of life

Next how many more calories do you need for exercise?

Calories per day _________ multiplied by your activity factor 1.05

= _________ number of extra calories needed.

• Lastly, add the number above (extra calories needed) to your first answer (calories per day), 1383 +
1908 = 3291 calories per day.

Extra calories needed _________ + number of calories per day _________

= the total number of calories you should eat every day to meet your energy demands.


*Adapted from a chapter in “Nutrition – Concepts and Controversies - Ninth Edition”, by Sizer and
How to get your calories
Counting calories can be exhausting and may take some fun out of eating, so don‟t feel that you have to
do it. However, reading food labels is about the only way to know how much you really eat. The following two
menus are equivalent in calorie content yet are not the same regarding nutritional value.

Meal Menu A Calories Menu B Calories

Breakfast 20oz Cola 270 8oz Skim Milk 90
1 cup Oatmeal 145
Med Banana 70
8oz Orange Juice 110

Lunch 20 0z Cola 270 Turkey Sandwich 375

French Fries 515 Apple 80
1/2 c Ketchup 100 2oz Pretzels 210
8oz Skim Milk 90
8oz Yogurt 240

Snack 2oz Doritos 280 Power Bar 240

Dinner 3 slices Pizza 685 3oz Chicken Breast 150

20oz Cola 270 1 c Brown Rice 215
1/2 c Vegetable 45
Roll w/ margarine 130
1 c Lite Ice Cream 200

TOTAL 2390 2390

The qualities of a healthy diet should include variety, balance, and adequacy. Which menu has more nutritious
carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products? Menu B is clearly of a higher

Nutritional value. Menu A has plenty of food-energy yet lacks the total nutrient value of menu B. Menu A has a
lot of sugar and fat and is low in iron, protein, vitamin C, and other nutrients. The above menus will remind you
of what a healthy food intake should look like.
More eating tips:

 Athletes need plenty of carbohydrates for energy. 50 to 70% of total food calories
should come from carbohydrate sources to provide energy for working muscles.
 Proteins are essential for growth and repair. Athletes require between 0.9 and 1.0 grams
of protein per pound of bodyweight. To find out how many grams you need simply
multiply our weight in pounds by 0.95. The result is the number of grams of protein you
need to consume each day. Protein should comprise 10 to 20% of your daily caloric
intake. Remember that you can get protein not only from meat but also from dairy and
nuts as well
 Eat a fruit of a vegetable with every meal to make sure you are getting important
vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Fruits and veggies are naturally low in fat, great
snacks, and can provide you with carbohydrates for energy.
 Fat provides useful energy, BUT a LITTLE goes a LONG WAY. Between 40 and 70
grams per day is enough. Select mono and polyunsaturated fats like canola and olive
oils. Saturated fat consumption should be minimalized. Fat intake should be no more
than 30% of your total daily calories
3-Steps to a Healthy Training Diet

STEP 1- Incorporate Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds with you Meal.

1. Natural Sources of anti-oxidant vitamins and minerals

2. Vitamin E sources also provide essential oils (good fat)
3. Vitamin C sources are typically citrus fruits
4. Vitamin A sources are typically red, orange, and green vegetables
5. High Priority List give you A & C in one food

STEP 2- Alter your Carbohydrate intake

1. Carbohydrate is preferred energy source for fast twitch muscle fibers

2. Carbs are rapidly depleted from fast twitch fibers when doing quick burst activities with short rest intervals
3. Low carb intake on training days can cause early fatigue, leading to pulls and cramps
4. You need more carbs at meals before (1.5-2 hours) or after activity where this type of work is performed.
Figure about half the food on your plate
5. A good mix between slow, medium, and fast digesting carbs at meals before and after activity (Gold, Silver, &
Bronze Choice Carbohydrates)
6. HOWEVER, on off days, make sure to adjust your carbohydrate intake accordingly because you will minimize
the amount of fat your body uses for energy, leaving you exercise dependent to keep excess weight off
7. Reduce your intake from Bronze level Carbohydrates on off-days, this will result in greater use of fat on off-
days, this will result in greater use of fat on off-days when fat can adequately meet your energy needs.

STEP 3- Select a Lean Protein Source

1. Heart Disease, Cancer, and Obesity are just a few problems with high fat protein consumption
2. “Gold Choice” protein has less than 10g of fat per serving
3. “Silver Choice” protein has 11-20g fat per serving
4. “Bronze Choice” protein has over 20g fat per serving
5. Need to diversify protein intake and base daily consumption on body weight
6. Breaking up protein intake with meals, snacks, and supplements throughout the day will enhance recovery,
lessen muscle soreness, and help you to avoid overeating.
Step 1- Fruits, Vegetables, Seeds and Nuts
Vitamin E

 Almonds  Soybean Oil  Red Marinara

 Avocado/guacamole  Sunflower seeds/oil  Tomato Juice
 Corn Oil  Walnuts  Tomato Sauce
 Olive Oil  Broccoli  Tomatoes
 Peanut Butter  Cantaloupe  V8
 Peanuts  Dried Papaya  Salsa
 Salmon  Red Peppers  Winter Squash

High Priority- Both Vitamins A & C

 Brussels Sprouts  Sweet Potatoes

 Dark Salad Greens  Tangerines
 Grapefruit  Watermelon
 Guavas  Yams
 Mandarin Oranges  Egg Yolk
 Mangos

Vitamin A

 Apricots  Skim Milk

 Carrots  Yogurt
 Cheese  Chili Powder
 Green Peas  Tomato Catsup or BBQ
 Peaches  Green/Yellow Pepper
 Pumpkin
Vitamin C

 Cauliflower  Pineapple
 Green Beans  Raisins
 Kiwi  Strawberries
 New Potatoes w/ skin  Pea Pods
 Oranges
Step 2-Alter Carbohydrate Intake According to Activity Level

Gold Choice Carbs

 Acorn Squash  Nectarines  Lima Beans

 Black Beans  Onions  Mini/Shredded Wheat
 Butter Beans  Pears  Multi Grain Bread
 Cherries  Plums  New Boiled Potato w/ skin
 Cucumbers/Pickles  Split Peas  Oat Bran
 Egg Noodles  Summer Squash  Oatmeal
 Egg Plant  All Bran Cereal  Pita Bread
 Fettuccini  Baked Beans  Rye Bread
 Green Beans  Bran Chex  Special K Cereal
 Kidney Beans  Brown/Wild Rice  Tortillas
 Lentils  Cheerios  Unsweetened Fruit Juice
 Mushrooms  Cream of Wheat  Whole Grain Bread

Silver Choice Carbs

 Apples  Macaroni  Spaghetti

 Bananas  Oatmeal Cookies  Sweet Corn
 Banana Cake  Popcorn  Sweet Potatoes
 Cornmeal  Pound Cake  Water Crackers
 Grapes  Raisins  Wheat Crackers
 Green Peas  Ravioli  Whole Wheat Flower

Bronze Choice Carbs

1. Baked Russet Potatoes 7. Golden Grahams 13. Refried Beans

2. Candy 8. Grapenuts 14. Sweetened Drinks
3. Cartoon Character Cereal 9. Hashbrowns 15. Total Cereal
4. Doughnut 10. Mashed Potatoes 16. White Bread
5. French Bread 11. Melba Toast 17. White Flower
6. French Fries 12. Puffed Rice 18. White Rice

**REMEMBER to reduce total carbohydrate intake on days you are not active, especially
Bronze Carbs**
Step 3-Select a Lean Protein Source
Gold Choice Protein

 95% Lean Ground Beef  Trimmed Beef or Pork  85% Lean Ham
 95% Lean Ground Turkey Roast  85% Lean Encased Meats
 95% Lean Ham  Turkey-White Meat  Low Fat Cheese
 Beans & Peas Skinless  Low Fat Yogurt
 Chicken-White Meat  White meat tuna in water  Regular Cottage Cheese
Skinless  Whole Grains  Regular Yogurt
 Fat Free Ice Milk  Yogurt from Skim Milk  Trimmed Lamb
 Low Fat Cottage Cheese  2% Milk  Trimmed Beef Brisket
 Non Fried Fish/Seafood  85% Lean Ground Beef  Turkey Bacon or Sausage
 Skim Milk  85% Lean Ground Turkey  Whole Milk

Silver Choice Protein

 Baked Chicken Strips/Nuggets  Peanut Butter

 Chicken-Dark Meat Skinless  Ricotta Cheese
 Dark Meat Tuna in Water  Skim Milk Mozzarella
 Frozen Ice Milk  Trimmed Choice Steak
 Low Fat Pudding  Trimmed Pork Chops
 Nuts or Seeds  Turkey-Dark Meat Skinless

Bronze Choice Protein

 75% Lean Ground Beef  Fried Fish/Seafood

 75% Lean Ground Turkey  Ham on Bone
 Bacon  Ice Cream
 Beef or Pork Ribs  Regular Cheese
 Chicken with skin  Regular Encased Meats
 Fried Chicken  Whole Meats

**Concentrate on Gold Choice items as your protein source**


Burger King
Product Serving Size Calories CHO(mg) Protein(g) Fat(g)
Hamburger 1 (3.6oz) 260 28 14 10
Cheeseburger 1 (4oz) 300 28 16 14
Whopper 1 (9.5oz) 570 46 27 31
Whopper Jr. w/ cheese 1 (5oz) 350 30 16 19
Whooper Jr 1 (4.7oz) 300 29 14 15
Double Whopper 1 (12.3oz) 800 46 46 48
Double Whopper w/ cheese 1 (13.2oz) 890 48 51 55
Bacon Double Cheeseburger 1 (5.3oz) 470 26 30 28
Bacon Double Cheese Deluxe 1 (6.5oz) 530 28 30 33
BK Broiler Chicken Sandwich 1 (5.4oz) 280 29 20 10
Chicken Sandwich 1 (8oz) 620 57 26 32
Chicken Tenders 6 pieces 236 14 16 13
Ocean Catch Fish Filet 1 (5.8oz) 450 33 16 28
Bacon, Egg, Cheese 1 (4oz) 353 19 16 23
Sausage, Egg, Cheese 1 (5.6oz) 534 22 21 40
Ham, Egg, Cheese Criossanwich 1 (5oz) 351 20 19 22
Breakfast Buddy w/ Sausage, 1 (3oz) 255 15 11 16
Egg, Cheese
French Toast Sticks 1 (5oz) 440 60 4 27
Hash Browns 1 (2.5oz) 213 25 2 12
Blueberry Mini Muffins 1 (3.3oz) 292 37 4 14
Orange Juice 1 (6.5oz) 82 20 1 0
Product Serving Size Calories CHO(mg) Protein(g) Fat(g)
Fries Small 340 0 4 17
Medium 440 0 5 22
Large 540 0 6 27
Onion Rings Small 310 0 4 17
Medium 400 0 6 21
Large 490 0 7 26
Side Garden Salad- no dressing 1 salad 70 10 4 3.5
Funnel Cake Sticks 1 box 300 10 2 11
Dutch Apple Pie 1 pie slice 320 0 2 13
HERSHEY‟s Sundae Pie 1 pie slice 310 10 3 19
Frozen Coke Small 110 0 0 0
Medium 140 0 0 0
Chocolate Shake Small 440 40 9 11
Medium 650 50 12 16
Large 960 75 17 23
Oreo BK Sundae Shake-Choc Small 650 40 10 21
Medium 920 50 14 28

Domino’s Pizza
Product Serving Size Calories CHO (mg) Protein (g) Fat (g)
(16”) Hand Tossed Cheese Pizza 1/8 pizza 376 56 22 10
Pepperoni Pizza 1/8 pizza 460 56 24 18
Sausage/Mushroom Pizza 1/8 pizza 430 55 24 16
Veggie Pizza 1/8 pizza 498 60 31 19
Deluxe Pizza 1/8 pizza 498 59 27 20
Double Cheese 1/8 pizza 545 55 32 25
Ham Pizza 1/8 pizza 417 58 23 11
Meat Lovers 1/8 pizza 500 65 22 24.5
Buffalo Chicken 1/8 pizza 460 60 22 23
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich 1 sub 690 105 39 28
Chicken Bacon Ranch 1 sub 870 125 45 45
Breadsticks 1 stick 110 0 2 6
Cheesy Bread 1 stick 210 5 4 6
Hot Buffalo Wings 2 pieces 200 50 16 14
Cinna Stix 1 stick 120 0 2 6
Chocolate Lava Crunch Cake 1 cake 350 65 4 17
Product Serving Size Calories CHO (mg) Protein (g) Fat (g)
Hamburger 1 burger 255 30 12 9
Cheeseburger 1burger 305 30 15 13
Quarter Pounder 1 burger 410 34 23 20
Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese 1 burger 510 34 28 28
Big Mac 1 burger 500 42 25 26
Filet-O-Fish 1 sandwich 370 38 14 18
McLean Deluxe 1 sandwich 320 35 22 10
McLean Deluxe w/ cheese 1 sandwich 370 35 24 14
McChicken 1 sandwich 415 39 19 20
Chicken Fajitas 1 order 190 20 11 8
Grilled Chicken Sandwich 1 sandwich 420 70 32 10
Angus Deluxe 1 sandwich 750 135 40 39
Chicken Nuggets 4 piece 180 11 13 10
6 piece 270 17 20 15
9 piece 405 25 30 22
French Fries Small 220 26 3 12
Medium 320 36 4 17
Large 400 46 6 22
Yogurt Parfait 1 order 160 5 4 2
Hot Carmel Sundae 1order 340 30 7 8
Hot Fudge Sundae 1 order 330 25 8 10
M&M McFlurry 12.5oz 710 60 15 25
Oreo McFlurry 12.5oz 580 50 13 19
Egg McMuffin 1 sandwich 280 28 18 11
Sausage McMuffin 1 sandwich 345 27 15 20
Sausage McMuffin w/egg 1 sandwich 430 27 21 25
Scrambled Eggs 2 eggs 140 1 12 10
Sausage 1 piece 160 0 7 15
English Muffin w/ Spread 1 muffin 170 26 5 4
Hash Browns 1 hash brown 130 15 1 7
Biscuit w/ Spread 1 biscuit 260 32 5 13
Sausage Biscuit 1 biscuit 420 32 12 28
Sausage & Egg Biscuit 1 biscuit 505 33 19 33
Bacon, Egg, Cheese Biscuit 1 biscuit 440 33 15 26
Hot Cakes 1 order 350 44 8 9
Sausage, Egg, Cheese McGriddle 1 biscuit 560 265 11 32
Steak, Egg, Cheese Bagel 1 Bagel 660 300 15 33
Small Caramel Frappe 12oz 450 55 6 20
Small Cappuccino 12oz 120 25 6 7
Small Nonfat Caramel Mocha 12oz 200 5 8 4
Regular Ice Coffee 8oz 140 20 1 5
Small Black Coffee 12oz 0 0 0 0
Small Wild Berry Smoothie 12oz 210 5 2 0.5
Pizza Hut
Product Serving Size Calories CHO (mg) Protein (g) Fat (g)
Cheese 1 slice 223 19 13 10
Beef 1 slice 231 20 13 11
Pepperoni 1 slice 230 20 12 11
Italian Sausage 1 slice 282 20 14 17
Pork 1 slice 240 20 13 12
Meat Lovers 1 slice 297 20 14 16
Veggie Lovers 1 slice 192 20 11 8
Pepperoni Lovers 1 slice 320 20 18 19
Supreme 1 slice 262 20 15 14
Super Supreme 1 slice 253 20 16 12
Cheese 1 slice 253 27 15 9
Beef 1 slice 261 28 15 10
Pepperoni 1 slice 283 28 20 10
Italian Sausage 1 slice 313 27 16 15
Pork 1 slice 270 28 15 11
Meat Lovers 1 slice 321 28 16 15
Veggie Lovers 1 slice 222 28 13 7
Pepperoni Lovers 1 slice 335 28 19 16
Supreme 1 slice 289 28 17 12
Super Supreme 1 slice 276 28 17 10
Cheese 1 slice 279 26 14 13
Beef 1 slice 288 27 10 18
Pepperoni 1 slice 280 26 8 18
Italian Sausage 1 slice 399 26 15 24
Pork 1 slice 296 27 10 19
Meat Lovers 1 slice 347 27 15 23
Veggie Lovers 1 slice 249 27 7 15
Pepperoni Lovers 1 slice 362 27 14 25
Supreme 1 slice 315 27 16 16
Super Supreme 1 slice 302 27 12 19
Lasagna 1/2 order 600 100 31 31
Chicken Alfredo 1/2 order 630 70 27
Pepperoni 1 whole 675 76 36 29
Supreme 1 whole 647 76 37 28
Taco Bell
Product Serving Size Calories CHO (mg) Protein (g) Fat (g)
Bean Burrito 1 (6.7oz) 359 54 13 11
Beef Burrito 1 (6.7oz) 402 38 22 17
Double Beef 1 (9oz) 451 40 23 22
Chicken Burrito (6oz) 334 38 17 12
Burrito Supreme 1 (8.7oz) 422 46 17 19
Combination Burrito 1 (6.7oz) 380 46 17 14
Hard Shell Taco 1 (2.75oz) 184 11 10 11
Soft Shell Chicken Taco 1 (3.7oz) 213 19 14 10
Burrito Supreme 1 (16oz) 774 76 35 37
Mexican Pizza 1 (9.5oz) 714 43 28 48
Nachos 1 order (3.7oz) 346 37 7 18
Fajita Steak Taco 1 (5oz) 235 20 15 11
Fajita Steak Taco w/ Sour Cream 1 (5.75oz) 281 21 15 15
Chicken Fajita 1 (4.75oz) 226 20 14 10
7-layer Burrito 1 (243g) 510 20 18 18
Burrito Supreme- Chicken 1 (248g) 400 40 21 12
Grilled Stuft Burrito-Beef 1(325g) 700 60 27 30
Grilled Stuft Burrito-Chicken 1(325g) 660 70 34 24
Fresco Burrito Supreme-Chicken 1 (241g) 350 25 19 8
Fresco Chicken Soft Taco 1 (135g) 170 25 12 4
Fresco Burrito Supreme-Steak 1(241g) 340 15 16 8
Fresco Steak Soft Taco 1(128g) 160 15 9 4.5
Nachos BellGrande 1(305g) 770 30 20 42
Mexican Rice 1 (85g) 130 0 2 3.5
Pintos „n Cheese 1 (128g) 170 10 10 6
Chicken Quesadilla 1(184g) 530 75 28 28
Chicken Ranch Taco Salad 1(420g) 910 70 34 55
Chipotle Steak Taco Salad 1(420g) 900 65 28 57
Express Taco Salad w/ Chips 1(447g) 660 60 24 33
Fiesta Taco Salad 1(463g) 770 60 27 42
Cinnamon Twists 1 (35g) 170 0 1 7
Caramel Apple Empanada 1(85g) 310 0 3 15
Mango Strawberry Frutista 16oz 250 0 0 0
20oz 280 0 0 0
Product Serving Size Calories CHO(mg) Protein(g) Fat(g)
Single Hamburger 1(4.7oz) 350 31 25 15
Single w/ Everything 1(7.7oz) 440 36 26 23
Double Hamburger 1(7oz) 560 26 44 30
Big Classic 1(8.9oz) 480 44 27 23
Double w/ Cheese 1(7.8oz) 620 26 48 36
Bacon Cheeseburger 1(5.3oz) 440 26 30 24
Fish Sandwich 1(6.4oz) 460 42 18 25
Grilled Chicken Sandwich 1(6.25oz) 290 35 24 7
Breaded Chicken Sandwich 1(7.3oz) 450 44 26 20
Chicken Club Sandwich 1(7.75oz) 520 44 30 25
Jr. Hamburger 1(4oz) 270 34 15 9
Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger 1(6oz) 440 33 2 25
Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe 1(6.3oz) 390 36 18 20
Hamburger Kid‟s Meal 1(4oz) 270 33 15 9
Cheeseburger Kid‟s Meal 1(4.3oz) 310 33 18 13
Plain 1(10oz) 300 69 6 0
Bacon & Cheese 1(13.4oz) 510 75 17 17
Broccoli & Cheese 1(14.5oz) 450 77 9 14
Cheese 1(13.5oz) 550 74 14 24
Chili & Cheese 1(15.5oz) 600 80 21 25
Sour Cream & Chives 1(11oz) 370 71 8 6
Sour Cream 1 packet 60 1 1 6
French Fries Small 240 33 3 12
Medium 360 50 5 17
Biggie 450 62 6 22
Chicken Nuggets 6 piece 280 12 14 20
Sweet & Sour Sauce 1 packet 45 11 1 0
Barbecue Sauce 1 packet 50 11 1 0
Sweet/Honey Mustard 1 packet 50 9 1 1
Chili Small 190 21 19 6
Large 290 31 28 9
Cheddar Cheese 2 Tbsp. 70 1 4 6
Saltine Crackers 6 crackers 75 12 2 3
Caesar Side Salad 1(4.5oz) 160 18 10 6
Deluxe Garden Salad 1(9.6oz) 110 9 7 5
Taco Salad 1(18oz) 640 70 34 30
Grilled Chicken Salad 1(12oz) 200 9 25 8
Side Salad 1(6.6oz) 60 4 3 0
Original Frosty Junior 150 15 4 4
Medium 410 35 10 10
Large 520 45 13 13
M&M‟s Twisted Frosty 1(269g) 560 40 10 19
Frosty Float 1(467g) 390 30 7 7
Chocolate Fudge Frosty Shake Small 410 35 8 11
Product Serving Size Calories CHO(mg) Protein(g) Fat(g)
Chicken Sandwich 1 sandwich 430 60 30 17
Chicken Sandwich Deluxe 1 sandwich 490 70 33 22
Spicy Chicken Sandwich 1 sandwich 480 65 31 20
Spicy Chicken Sandwich Deluxe 1 sandwich 570 80 36 27
Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich 1 sandwich 290 55 29 4
Chargrilled Chicken Sand Club 1 sandwich 410 80 37 12
Nuggets 6-count 200 50 21 9
8-count 260 70 28 12
12-count 400 105 42 18
Chicken Salad Sandwich 1 sandwich 490 80 28 19
Chargrilled Chicken Cool Wrap 1 wrap 410 55 33 12
Chicken Caesar Cool Wrap 1 wrap 460 65 40 15
Spicy Chicken Cool Wrap 1 wrap 410 60 35 12
Chargrilled & Fruit Salad 1 salad 220 55 22 6
Chargrilled Chick Garden Salad 1 salad 180 55 23 6
Chicken-n-Strips Salad 1 salad 460 90 40 22
Southwest Chargrilled Salad 1 salad 240 60 26 9
Tortilla Strips 1 packet 80 0 1 4
Garlic & Butter Crotons 1 packet 60 0 1 2
Sunflower Seeds 1 packet 90 0 2 7
Waffle Potato Fries Small 270 0 3 14
Medium 360 0 4 19
Large 400 0 5 21
Cole Slaw Medium 360 20 2 31
Large 580 35 3 50
Fruit Cup Medium 70 0 1 0
Large 110 0 1 0
Chicken Soup Medium 140 25 7 4
Large 220 40 12 6
Chicken Biscuit 1 biscuit 440 25 17 20
Sausage Biscuit 1 biscuit 590 45 16 39
Bacon, Egg, Cheese Biscuit 1 biscuit 500 230 21 27
Chick-n-Minis 3-count 280 40 16 10
4-count 370 50 21 14
Cinnamon Clusters 1 order 430 30 7 17
Yogurt Parfait Plain 1 order 230 10 6 3
w/ Granola 1 order 290 10 7 6
w/ Cookie 1 order 240 10 7 4.5
Cookies & Cream Milkshake Large 700 95 17 33
Cheesecake 1 piece 310 115 5 23
Lemon Pie 1 piece 360 30 6 13
Fudge Nut Brownie 1 piece 370 25 5 19
Ice Dream Cup 290 25 8 4.5
Cone 170 15 5 4
Fast Food Nutrition Reminders
 The nutrition facts listed are some of the more important factors when it comes to selecting a proper meal at a

fast food restaurant, HOWEVER these are not the only factors that should be considered

o FOR EXAMPLE, some of these foods are low in fat and may look ok with the information listed, but

remember things such as simple sugar can deplete the value of any food

 Watch the amount of sodium that you intake, because it can cause an increase in blood pressure as well as

several other adverse effects

 What you drink with your meal is nearly as important as what you eat at your meal. Sweetened drinks (sweet

tea, regular soft drinks, fruit drinks) can harbor uncounted calories that can change your diet, especially if you

are trying to lose weight.

 If you have no other option than to eat at a fast food restaurant, make healthy choices, or at least do your best

not to combine unhealthy choices such as a fried chicken sandwich, large fries, and a large regular soda.

 FINALLY, the choice is ultimately up to you as an individual as to how disciplined you will be when it comes

to your diet. While you can get by eating anything as long as your caloric intake is within the normal, you will

NEVER reach your full potential unless you commit yourself to eating properly.

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