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There are so many inter-related parts in writing good Task 1 and Task 2 essays, so it’s easier to show
links to well laid out and written blogs

To be honest the overview pages on are all good

Other links to check out –

Task 1

It’s good if you learn a standard way to write your task. Firstly you must analyse the question, looking
for the main pieces of information – heading, the information on the x and y axis, the key or the legend.
This information for bar charts and line graphs will help you to know the language to use in writing your
answer – trend language, compare and contrast language.

Pie charts can also be answered using trend language if the pie charts show information OVER time;
however it’s more common to use ‘compare and contrast’ language.

Process or cycle diagrams use ‘step’ or ‘sequencing language’ – firstly, secondly, after that, then, during,
later etc. Maps use ‘compass language’ – north, south, east, west , and prepositions of place; next to,
nearby, in front of, besides, behind, etc.

If you stick to a 4 paragraph formula – Paragraph 1 is the Introduction, Paragraph 2 is the Overall
statement, Paragraphs 3 and 4 are for Details. This will improve you marks and make your Task answer
easier to write.

Obviously, you must paraphrase the Question for the introduction, and include other pieces of
information, where necessary. Think of doing this with 2 sentences.

Next the Overall statement – for charts/graphs over time significant information would include the
most popular and least popular. (It’s good to show contrasts in this part). . Also of significance, is if there
is a considerable increase in ONE or ALL of the categories – this can be ONE Group for your details
paragraph! Plus of course any categories with a considerable decrease.
IELTS likes you to be able to see groups..Groups can be all those increasing OR decreasing. Other
groups can be the most popular/ least popular. Remember in the Overall statement to NOT use
figures or numbers, only General statements about what is happening in the graph/charts etc …

You can see here that by dividing into groups it will help you to choose the information for Paragraph 3
and Paragraph 4. USE your Overall statement as a guide to Para 3 and Para 4 . Whatever you wrote in
the Overall statement then fill it out in the Paragraphs with numbers, percentages, totals, etc

Look for things like 2 categories swapping positions then you can use a great word like ‘overtook’ (
overtake, or overtaken ) . Also look for ‘exceptions’ another great word (or you can use ‘go(es) against
the trend) . These TWO things will score you a higher mark.

DON’T try to include ALL the numbers, percentages etc. BUT try to show increases FROM the first point
TO the end point. For example - Coffee started out at 100 tonnes in 1994 and rose significantly during
the period to 780 tonnes. You can also group sets of figures that have similar increases or decreases in
a general way. For example – Sugar and pepper production also rose, but only gradually, over the
period. (No numbers but still a good statement that has included TWO products. Be CAREFUL in your
statements, make sure they are CLEAR and SIMPLE to read

{a tip here is when you are analyzing the table/graph/chart etc . is to write a simple statement of the
situation – coffee increased significantly ..DO this for all the products, then when you come to write the
answer ADD numbers percentages and where possible Trend language or comparative language if you
are grouping the product with 1 or more .)

Maps and Diagrams that show proposed changes can also be analyzed by looking at the ‘now’ situation
and the ‘after’ situation. Groups could be what changes and what stays the same

REMEMBER – Paraphrase, General Statement , Groups, Details and NO conclusions OR opinions in

Task 1


Task 2

The IMPORTANT thing in Task 2 is to correctly analyse the question . Look at the statements in the
question and look for the ‘topic idea’ then search for ‘micro-topic’ words – words that give us more
information about what we must write about. NEXT what is the task? Is it an agree/disagree,
problems/solutions, discus the opinions and add your own opinion etc kind of essay?

Next you must plan your essay. IELTS requires that you back your ideas/opinions with 2 Reasons, AND
for each reason you must provide 2 examples. (marking for an IELTS essay states that if NO examples
are given OR you do NOT answer the task then your maximum mark will be 5….so BE AWARE!! )

Next you must decide on a structure. A good structure is 4 paragraphs, and around 15 or more
So, Intro – 2 sentences, para 2 – 5 sentences, para 3 – 5 sentences, conclusion - 3 sentences

1. Paraphrase the question, using synonyms. DON’T include words like ‘nowadays’, ‘in recent times’. Just
stick to using synonyms to give the Intro the same meaning.

2. Next plan your essay writing down ideas or reasons for whatever your opinion is and then also 2
examples for each reason you agree/disagree…..

3. Looking at your essay plan then Para 2 will include a good topic sentence for Reason 1. There are then
TWO ways you can fill in the paragraph . IF you have brainstormed LOTS of ideas – for example in a
problems and solutions type of essay OR an agree/disagree essay YOU can use Firstly, Secondly, Finally
as a model …IF you cant think of many reasons to support your opinion then you can- write your topic
sentence with your reason for your opinion THEN explain/define your reason in the topic sentence.
THEN give an example of your reason.

4. Para 3 follows the same model.

5. Para 4 - The Conclusion repeats the question and includes a summary of your ideas. NO NEW

REMEMBER , ‘a discuss both points of view, then give your opinion’ is actually a THREE opinion essay !!
The opinions expressed in the question (2) and then your opinion (1) = 3 opinions

FOR both Tasks practice is needed in the key skills of using synonyms (paraphrasing the question),
understanding how to identify and group information, planning, and writing the Task response
remembering what the rules are – task 1 – no conclusion, no opinions task 2 – paraphrase just the
question, no long-winded ‘in recent years’/’nowadays’ etc , and GIVE EXAMPLES..

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