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The product of specific heat of an element in

the solid state and its atomic weight is a
CALORIMETRY constant and is approximately equal to 6.4
Calorimetry is the study of the measurement of cal/gram atom / 0 C
quantities of heat  CHANGE OF STATE:
 Matter exists in three states or phases
 HEAT: such as solid, liquid and gas.
 It is the energy exhange between two  Matter can exist in all these three phases
systems due to the temperature simultaneously at a particular pressure
difference. and temperature.
 S.I unit is joule  Melting of ice or vapourisation of water is
 The C.G.S unit is calorie an example for change of state. During
 The dimensional formula is [ML 2 T -2 ] change of state, temperature remains
 The amount of heat gained or lost depends constant.
upon the nature of material and its state.  MELTING:
 The heat flows from higher temperature  Every solid melts at a definite
region to lower temperature region. temperature called melting point.
 Calorie: It is the quantity of heat required  In case of substances which expand on
to raise the temperature of 1g. of water freezing, the melting point is lowered due
from 14.5 0 C to 15.5 0 C. to increase of pressure.
 1calorie = 4.186J. Ex: Ice, cast Iron, type metal etc.,
 Heat is measured by using calorimeter  In case of substances which contract on
 SPECIFIC HEAT: freezing, the melting point rises due to
 It is the amount of heat required to raise increase of pressure.
the temperature of 1g of a substance Ex: Brass, Cu.
 Addition of impurities (or) presence of
1 Q
through 1 0 C. s impurities generally reduces the melting
m T point of a substance.
 The S.I unit is Jkg -1 K -1  The freezing point, melting point and the
 The C.G.S unit is Cal.g -1 0 C -1 boiling point of a substance depends
 Dimensional formula is L2T 2 K 1 onthe external pressure and on the purity
of the substance.
S.No. Substance CGS Value S.I Value
 The melting point of the substance which
Specific heat Specifi heat
contracts on liquification decreases with
increase of pressure. Ex: cast iron, ice
1. Water 1 cal g -1 0 C -1 4186 JKg -1 K -1
and type metal. the lowering of melting
point of ice is 0.0072 0 C /atmosphere.
2. ice 0.5 cal g -1 0 c -1 2100 Jkg -1 k -1
 The melting point of those substances
which expand on liquification increases
with the increase of pressure.
 It is the amount of heat required to raise
Ex: wax, gold, silver, copper etc
the temperature of the body by 1 0 C
 The melting of ice when pressure is
 Q appiled and resolidification on removal of
c pressure is called regelation.
T  Snow-ball preparation is due to
 The S.I.unit is JK -1 regelation.
 The C.G.S unit is Cal o C -1
 Dimensional formula : ML 2 T -2 K -1
 It is the change of state from liquid to
 Thermal capacity depends on mass and
vapour at a particular temperature.
nature of substance.
 Increase of pressure increases the boiling
 WATER EQUIVALENT: point of a liquid.
 Mass of water which has same  On mountains, it is difficult to cook food
thermal capacity as that of the b e c a u s e wi t h increase in height,
substance is called water pressure decreases and hence the boiling
equivalent point of water decreases.
 It is numerically equal to heat  Boiling point of a liquid depends on nature
capacity (ms) o f t h e l i q u i d , a p p l i e d p re s su r e a n d
 The S.I unit is kg presence of impurities.
 The C.G.S unit is g  the escape of molecules from the free


surface of a liquid is called evaporation  LAW OF MIXTURES (OR) CALORIMETRY
 Refrigerators, air coolers etc., work on PRINICPLE:
the principle of cooling produced by  W he n three s ubs ta nces of d if f erent
evaporation. masses m 1 , m 2 and m 3 specific heats s 1 ,
 Body temperature is also controlled by s 2 , s 3 and at different temperatures t 1 ,t 2 ,
evaporation of sweat and t 3 respectively are mixed, then the
 Evaporation is a slow process where as resultant temperature is
boiling is a quick process
 Evaporation takes place at all m1s1t1  m2 s2t 2  m3 s3t3
temperatures where as boiling takes m1s1  m2 s2  m3 s3
place at a particular temperature
 Evaporation takes place only at the  W hen ice at 0 0 C and steam at 100 0C are
mixed, mass of ice that melts is m ice = 8
surface of a liquid where as boiling occurs
m steam
through out the liquid.
W hen “x” gram of steam is mixed with
 The rate of evaporation depends on the
“y” gram of ice, the resultant temperature
nature of the liquid
 The rate of evaporation is more when the is
difference in temperatures of the liquid 80(8 x  y )
and the surrounding air is high t
( x  y)
A Liquid can be slowly heated beyond its  W hen ice and water are mixed the mass
boilingpoint. of ice that just melts is
In side a pressure cooker the boiling point of msθ
water is greater than 100 0C m ice 
water free from dust and air can 80
be heated up to 137 0 C with out changing to W here m= mass of water.
t h e va p o ur s t a te . S u p e r- he a t e d w at e r i s  W hen ice and s team are mixed, the
unstable. stirring or even a slight mechanical amount of steam that just condenses into
disturbance causes the water to boil water at 100 0 C.
immediately. mice
It is a process of conversion from gaseous
st ate t o s olid s tate direc tly on c o ol ing a  W hen ice at 0 0 C and steam at 100 0 C are
material. The reverse process of the hoar -frost mixed then resultant temperature must
is sublimation. be between 0 0C and 1000C. The resultant
temperature cannot be less than 0 0 C or
more than 100 0C.
It is the amount of heat required to change unit
 Steam is used in heat engines as working
mass of a substance from one state to another
substance because of its high latent
state without any change of temperature.
 It is the amount of heat required to convert  Heavy water is used as coolant in nuclear
1gram of ice at 0 0 c to 1 gram of water at reactors because of its high specific heat.
0 0 c.  In extinguishing fire hot water is preferred
 The S.I value is 0.335X10 6 J/kg than cold water since hot water becomes
 The C.G.S value is 80 cal/g vapour quickly and vapours do not allow
 It is the amount of heat required to convert  Inside a deep mine boiling point of water
1gram of water at 100oc to 1gram of steam is greater than 100 0 C.
at 100 0C.  Steam at 100 0 C produces more severe
 The S.I value is 2.26x10 6 J/kg. burns than water at 1000C as steam gives
 The C.G.S value is 540 Cal/g out more heat due to its latent heat.
 Latent heat of vapourisation decreases  CALORIFIC VAULE :
with increase in temperature. Calorific value of a fuel is the quantity of heat
 Latent heat of a substance becomes zero liberated when one gram of the fuel is burnt
at critical temperature.. completely.
 Latent heat depends on the nature of a unit: cal/g or J/kg
substance and pressure. It can be determined by using Bomb Calorimeter
 The product of the latent heat of fusion or Bell Calorimeter
and the atomic weight of a substance is Note : Calorific value of a food stuff is the
known as atomic latent heat. quantity of heat liberated when a unit mass


of the food stuff is completely utilised by the ( dv  o, w  o)
 If work is done on the system then heat
 T HE RM ODY N AM I CS: I t i s th e b ra n c h o f
is absorbed and consequently the
physics that deals with the conversion of heat temperature of the system increases.
into other forms of energy.  W hen work is done by the system
 SYSTEM: against external pressure then dw=pdv
 A p a rt i c u l a r p o r t i o n o f m a t t e r o r a
restricted region of space under
investigation is called system. w  p dv
 If the state of a system is represented
by pressure (P), volume (V),  Area under p-v graph is equal to the work done
temperature (T) and Entropy (S) then it  I N T E R N AL E N E R G Y: I t i s t h e e n e r g y
is called a thermodynamic system. possessed by the system due to molecular
 TYPES OF SYSTEMS: motion and molecular configuration. Internal
 Open system: It is the system in which e n e rg y o f a s y st e m is a t h e rmo d y n a m i c
both heat and matter can be exchanged function. It is of two types.
with surroundings.  Internal Potential Energy: It is the energy
Ex: Plants, Animals etc., present in a system on account of its
 Closed system: It is the system in which molecular configuration is called internal
only heat is exchanged with the potential energy.
surroundings.  Internal Kinetic Energy: It is the energy
Ex: An electric vapour lamp. present in a system on account of motion
 Isolated system: It is the system in of its molecules is defined as internal
which neither heat nor matter is kinetic energy.
exchanged with surroundings.  Change in internal engery
Ex: Thermos Flask. U  U K  U P
 THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM: If two bodies are at
 The c han ge i n int ernal ene rgy
the same temperature then they are said to be
depends upon the initial and final
in thermal equilibrium. W hen bodies are in
states only.
equilibrium, no exchange of heat takes place
 ZEROTH LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: If two U  U final  U initial
bodies A and B are in thermal equilibrium with  For an ideal gas since there are no
a third body C then the bodies A and B will intermolecular forces of attraction
also be in thermal equilibrium with each other. there is no potential energy. For
Zeroth law gives the concept of temperature. such a gas the internal kinetic
 INTERNAL WORK: It is the work done by energy depends only on
one part of a system on its another parts. temperature.
Example: work done by a gaseous system  Internal energy of real gases
against intermolecular forces. depends upon temperature and
 EXTERNAL WORK: When work is done by the volume.
system or on the system by the surroundings  Change in internal energy is zero
then it is called external work. in a cyclic process.
 Real gases consist of both kinetic
energy and potential energy due to
 W hen a gas expands at constant
intermoleculer forces.
pressure then for a small change in
Ex: If a fan is turned on in a closed room
volume dv workdone is dw=pdv
then the temperature of the room
 If the volume changes from v 1 to v 2 at
increases because the molecular
constant pressure p, the work done is w=
speeds increases.
 All the heat added to a system is partly
 If the work is done by the system , then
utilised to do the mechanical work and
work done is (+) ve.
remaining to increase its internal energy.
( dv  0, w  o)  T he di f f e ren t ia l f o rm of f i r st la w o f
 If work is done by the system, heat is thermodynamics is
released and the temperature of the dQ=dU+dW, where
system decreases. dQ = heat added,
 If the work is done on the system, then it dU = Increase in internal energy.
is (-) ve. dW= work done


 It defines the property of system called  , through a distance d, then the mass
internal energy. of ice melted is,
 It is a consequence of law of conservation
of energy. Mgd
 When heat is added to the system dQ is + W here m=mass of ice melted.
ve(+dQ)  W hen a block of mass m is dragged on
 When heat is taken from the system dQ is a rough horizontal surface of coefficient
-ve (-dQ) of friction  , then the rise in temparature
 When gas expands work is done by the gas
of block is,
dw is positive (+ dW)
 When gas contaracts work is done on the gd
gas dw is negative.(-dW)  
 When internal energy of system increases
 If a bullet just melts when stopped by an
and dU is +ve (+dU)
obstacle and if all the heat produced is
 When internal energy of system decreases
absorbed by the bullet then
and dU is -ve(-dU)
(JOULE’SLAW): The amount of heat poduced ms  mL 
2 J
is directly proportional to the amount of work
done. W here L= Latent heat of the material
of the bullet
HW or W =JH. s= Specific heat
W  A metal ball falls from a height ‘h 1 ’ and
J= where J= Mechanical equivalent of heat. bou nc es to heig ht ’ h 2 ’. Th e ri s e in
H temperature of the ball is
g (h1  h2 )
 It is the amount of work necessary to  
produce unit amount of heat engegy. Jc
 J is not a constant or physical quantity.  JOULE’S LAW 0R MAYER’S HYPOTHESIS:
It is simply a conversion factor which is It states that there is no change in internal
used to convert joule or erg into calorie energy during the free expansion of gas.
or kilocalorie.  SPECIFIC HEAT OF GASES:
 VALUES OF ‘J’:  A gas will have two specific heats.
 J = 4.186 J/cal =4.186X10 7 erg/cal a) Specific heat at constant volume (cv)
=4186 J/ b) Specific heat at constant pressure( c p)
 W hen heat and work are in Joule then J  Specific heat depends only on the nature
=1 of material and temperature
 The height f rom which ice is to be  W ater has largest specific heat among
dropped to melt it completely is solids and liquids.
 Among solids, liquids, and gases specific
JL heat is maximum for Hydrogen.
g  Specific heat slightly increases with
where L= Latent heat of ice. increase of temprature.
 The rise in temperature of water when it  In liquids specific heat is minimum for
falls from a height h to the ground is, Mercury.
 T h e va l u e o f s p e c i f i c h e a t m a y l i e
gh between 0 and  .
 
Js  In is othermal process, the value of
where ‘s’ is specific heat of water specific heat is  but in adiabatic
 W hen a body of mass m moving with a process its value is zero.
velocity v is stopped and all of its energy  Specific heat of water is maxium at 15 0 c
is retained by it , then the increase in and minimum at 37 0 c.
temperature is.  Specific heat of all substances is zero at
v2  Substances with highest specific heat are
  bad conductors of heat and with low
2 Js sp ec if ic h ea t ar e go od t he rmal a nd
 W h e n a b l o c k o f i c e o f ma s s M i s electrical conductors.
dragged with constant velocity on a rough  The substance with large specific heat
horizontal surface of coefficient of friction


warms up slowly and cools down slowly. constant.
 C p is greater than C V and,  The system is in thermal equilibrium with
the surroundings.
Cp  It is a slow process.
  ( C ,C are molar specific heats )
Cv p V  The internal energy of the system remains
constant i.e., du=0
 C p - C V =R ( for 1 mole of gas) where R is  It obeys the Boyle’s law i.e. PV=k
universal gas constant  T h e w o rk d o n e d u ri n g t h e i s o t h e rm al
R= 8.3 J/ mol-K expansion at constant temperature is
 C p -C v = r ( for 1 gm of gas)
W here r is specific gas constant V 
W  2.303RT log10  2 
R  V1 
C p -C v= ( In heat units).
=2.303 RTlog 10  
cp  p2 
S.No. Nature of gas Cp Cv   The isothermal elasticity
= dp
5 3 5  p.
1. Monoatomic R R  1.67 dv v
2 2 3
The -ve sign represents, as pressure
7 5 7 increases volume decreases.
2. Diatomic R R  1.4  It takes place in a conducting vessel.
2 2 5
3. Tri (or)
 The pressure, volume and temperature of
4 a gas change but total heat remains
Polyatomic 4R 3R  1.33 constant i.e., dQ=0 (Q=constant).
 It is a quick process.
 value is always greater than one.It  The internal energy changes as
depends upon the atomicity of a gas. It temperature changes.
decreases with increase in atomicity.  The adiabatic process is represented by
R R the equations.
Cp   and Cv 
 1  1 PV  = constant
  OF MIXTURE OF GASES: When n 1moles of TV  1 constant
a gas with specific heat at constant volume P1 T  =constant
C V1 is mixed with n 2 moles of another gas of  The workdone by the system during the
specific heat at constant volume C v2 then adiabatic expansion is
n1cv1  n2 cv 2 R
(C v ) mixture  w
n1  n2   1 (T1-T2) = nCv(T1-T2)
(C p ) mixture  (C v ) mixture  R cp p2 v2  p1v1
=n (T1-T2) =
C p (mixture)   1
γ mixture   The adiabatic elasticity of gas is  p.
C v (mixture)
 The slope of adiabatic curve is  times
Fraction of heat absorbed that is converted into
greater than the isothermal curve.
dU C v 1  It takes place in a non conducting vessel.
internal energy is    Adiabatic expansion causes cooling and
dQ C p γ contraction causes heating.
Fraction of heat absorbed that is converted into  If two samples of gases are compressed
so that their pressures have the same
dW R 1 increase, one sample isothermally and
workdone=   1
dQ C p γ the other adia-batically, final volume is
mo r e i n a d i a b a t i c c h a n g e . I f t h e i r
 ISOTHERMAL PROCESS: pressures decrease by the same factor
 In this process, the pressure and volume the final volume is more in Isothermal
of gas changes but temperature remains change.


 ISOCHORIC PROCESS: and ice are in equilibrium.
 It is a process in which the volume of the  Above the ice line water exists.The curve
system remains constant. has negative slope showing the melting
point decreases with increase of the
i.e., ΔV =0 for such process ΔW =0
 In this process, the increase in internal
energy is maximum where as the work
 Claussius statement: It is impossible for
done is zero.
a self acting machine unaided by any
 ISOBARIC PROCESS: It is a process in which
external agency to transfer heat from a
the pressure of the system remains constant. cold reservior to a hot reservior. In other
i.e.,  p=o words heat can’t by itself flow from a
 THE EQUATION OF STATE FOR DIFFERENT colder to a hotter body.
TYPES OF PROCESSES:  Kelvin-Planck Statement: It is impossible
for an engine working during a cyclic
Sl. Name Quantity Quantity Result process to extract heat from a reservoir
No. of the remains which in I law and convert completely into work. In
process constant becomes other words 100% conversion of heat into
Zero work is impossible.

1. Isother- Tempera- dU dQ=dW

mal ture
2. Isobaric Pressue None dQ=du+dW
3. Isochoric volume dW dQ=dU 1. System A is in thermal equilibrium with B and B is
separately in thermal equilibrium with C. Then A
4. Adiabatic heat dQ dU=-dW
and C are in thermal equilibrium, from which law of
thermo dynamics it follows?
1. Zeroth 2. First 3. Second 4. Third
Work done is maximum during isobaric process
and minimum in adiabatic process. 2. Zeroth law of thermodynamics gives the concept of
1. Pressure 2. Volume
3. Temperature 4. Heat
 The tempertature and pressure where 3. Thermodynamic system returns to its original state,
solid, liquid and vapour states are co- which of the following is NOT possible?
exist is called triple point. 1. The work done is Zero
 The triple point of water is 273.16K 2. The work done is positive
(0.00750 0 c) and pressure 613.10 Pa. 3. The work done is negative
(0.0459 cm of Hg) 4. The work done is independent of the path followed
4. When we switch on the fan in a closed room. The
temperature of the air molecules
1. Increase 2. Decrease
3. Remains Unchanged
4. May increase or decrease depending on the speed
of rotation of the fan.
5. The work done by a thermodynamic system depends
1. The initial and final states of the system
2. Path along which work is done
3. Only on the initial state of the system
 A graph drawn between the pressure and 4. Only on the final state
temperature representing the different 6. Which type of molecular motion does not contribute
states of matter is called the phase towards internal energy ?
diagram. 1. Translational 2. Rotational
 OA is the steam line and along this line 3. Vibrational 4. All the above
water and steam are in equilibrium state. 7. In which of the process the internal energy of the
 Above the line water exists and below system remains constant ?
steam exists. 1. Adiabatic 2. Isochoric
 The curve has positive slope showing the 3. Isobaric 4. Isothermal
boiling point increases with pressure. 8. The internal energy of a perfect gas is independent
 OB is called Hoar-frost line. Along this of
line ice and vapour coexist. 1. Pressure 2. Temperature
 OB has positive slope. 3. Volume 4. Specific heat
 OC is called ice line, along this line water


9. The internal energy of a perfect gas is 22. Heat capacity of a substance is infinite. It means
1. Complete kinetic 1. heat is given out
2. Complete potential 2. heat is taken in
3. Sum of potential and kinetic energy of the 3. no change in temperature whether heat is taken
molecules in (or) given out
4. Difference of kinetic and potential energies of the
4. all of the above
10. The internal energy of a real gas is independent of 23. The temperature range in the definition of calorie is
1. pressure 2. temperature 1. 14.50c to 15.50c 2. 15.50c to 16.50c
3. volume 4. latent heat 3. 10c to 20c 4. 13.50c to 14.50c
11. How does the internal energy change when the ice 24. The heat capacity of material depends upon
and wax melt at their normal melting points? 1. the structure of a matter
1. Increases for ice, decreases for wax 2. temperature of matter
2. Decreases for ice and increases for wax 3. density of matter
3. Decreases both for ice and wax 4. specific heat of matter
4. Increases both for ice and wax 25. We need mechanical equivalent of heat because
12. Internal energy per mole of gas depends on 1. it converts work into heat
1. viscosity 2. density
2. in C.G.S system, heat is not measured in the
3. temperature 4. thermal conductivity
13. In the free expansion of a gas, its internal energy units of work
1. remains constant 2. increases 3. in S.I., heat is measure in the units of work
3. decreases 4. of some reason other than those mentioned above
4. sometimes increases , sometimes decreases 26. The mechanical equivalent of heat J is
14. The internal energy of an ideal gas depends upon 1. A constant 2. A physical quantity
1. only its pressure 2. only its volume 3. A conversion factor
3. only its temperature 4. A dimensional quantity
4. its pressure and volume 27. The bullet fired from a gun gets heated on striking a
15. Heat is target because
1. kinetic energy of molecules 1. it loses energy
2. potential and kinetic energy of molecules
2. mechanical work is converted in to heat
3. Energy in transit
4. work done on the system 3. of latent heat
16. The temperature determines the direction of net 4. specific heat
change of 28. The first law of thermodynamics is based on the law
1. gross kinetic energy of conservation of
2. intermolecular kinetic energy 1. energy 2. mass
3. gross potential energy 3. momentum 4. pressure
4. intermolecular potential energy 29. First law of thermodynamics is a special case of
17. The thermal motion means 1. law of conservation of energy
1. motion due to heat engine 2. Charle’s law
2. disorderly motion of the body as a whole 3. law of conservation of mass
3. motion of the body that generates heat
4. Boyle’s law
4. random motion of molecules
18. Heat required to raise the temperature of one gram 30. Which of the following states of matter have two
of water through 10c is specific heats ?
1. 0.001 Kcal 2. 0.01 Kcal 1. solid 2. gas 3. liquid 4. vapour
3. 0.1 Kcal 4. 1.0 Kcal 31. The specific heat of a gas in an isothermal process
19. The direction of flow of heat between two bodies is is
determined by 1. infinity 2. zero 3.negative 4.remains constant
1. Average kinetic energy 2. total energy 32. In defining the specific heat, temperature is
3. internal energy 4. potential energy represented in 0F instead of 0C. Then the value of
20. Heat is absorbed by a body . But its temperature specific heat will
does not raised which of the following statement 1. decreases 2. increases
explains the phenomena ?
3. remain constant
1. only K.E. of vibration increases
2. only P.E. of inter molecular force changes 4. be converted to heat capacity
3. no increase in internal energy takes place 33. The ratio of the relative rise in pressure for adiabatic
4. increase in K.E. is balanced by decrease in P.E. compression to that for isothermal compression is
21. When heat is added to a system at constant
temperature, which of the following is possible.
1 1
1.  2. 3. 1   4.
1. internal energy of system increases  1
2. work is done by system
34. Ratio of isothermal elasticity of gas to the adiabatic
3. neither internal energy increases nor work done
by system elasticity is
4. internal energy increases and also work done by 1 1
system 1.  2. 3. 1   4.
 1


35. Why the specific heat at a constant pressure is more 47. For the Boyle’s law to hold good, the necessary
than that at constant volume condition is
1. there is greater inter molecular attraction at 1. Isobaric 2. Isothermal
constant pressure 3. Isochoric 4. Adiabatic
2. at constant pressure molecular oscillation are 48. Two samples of gas A and B, initially at same
more violent temperature and pressure, are compressed to half
3. rational work need to be done for allowing their initial volume, A isothermally and B adiabatically.
expansion of gas at constant pressure The final pressure in
4. due to more reasons other than those mentioned 1. A and B will be same
in the above 2. A will be more than in B
3. A will be less than in B
36. The ratio [Cp / Cv] of the specific heats at a constant
4.A will be double that in B
pressure and at a constant volume of any perfect gas
49. In which of the following processes all three
1. can’t be greater than 5/4
thermodynamic variables, that is pressure volume
2. can’t be greater than 3/2 and temperature can change
3. can’t be greater than 5/3 1. Isobaric 2. Isothermal
4. can have any value 3. Isochoric 4. Adiabatic
37. Which of the following formulae is wrong ? 50. During adiabatic expansion the increase in volume
Cp associated with
1. Cv = 2.  1. increase in pressure and temperature
 1 Cv 2. decrease in pressure and temperature
3. increase in pressure and decrease in temperature
 .R 4.Decrese in pressure and increase in
3. Cp = 4. Cp - Cv = 2R temperature
 1 51. A gas is being compressed adiabatically. The specific
38. Which of the following laws of thermodynamics heat of the gas during compression is
leads to the interference that it is difficult to convert 1. zero 2. infinite
whole of heat into work 3. finite but non zero 4. undefined
1. zeroth 2. second 3. first 4. third 52. The process in which no heat enters or leaves the
39. The process, in which the internal energy of the system is termed as
system remains constant ? 1. Isochoric 2. Isobaric
1. adiabatic 2. isobaric 3. Isothermal 4. adiabatic
3. isochoric 4. isothermal  pv 
40. The temperature at which adiabatic change is The gas law 
 T 
53. = constant is true for
equivalent to the isothermal change ?
1. zero degree celsius 2. zero kelvin 1. isothermal change only
3 critical temperature 2. adiabatic change only
4. above critical temperature 3. Both isothermal & adiabatic
41. Two identical sample of gases are allowed to expand 4. neither isothermal nor adiabatic
(i) isothermally (ii) adiabatically work done is 54. During adiabatic compression of a gas, its
1. more in the isothermal process temperature
2. more in the adiabatic process 1. falls 2. rises
3. equivalent in both process 3. remains constant 4. becomes zero
55. On compressing a gas suddenly, its temperature
4. equal in all process
1. increases 2. decreases
42. In the isothermal expansion of a gas
3. remains constant 4. all the above
1. the work done by gas is zero
56. The work done on the system in an adiabatic
2. heat is taken from the gas compression depends on
3. heat is neither given nor thaken from gas 1. the increase in internal energy of the system
4. internal energy stored in the gas is constant 2. the decrease in internal energy
43. The conversion of water into ice is an 3. the change in volume of the system
1. isothermal process 2. isochoric process 4. all the above
3. isobaric process 4. entropy process 57. The internal energy of compressed real gas, as
44. The internal energy of an isolated system compared to that of the normal gas at the same
1. remains constant 2. keeps on changing temperature is
3. zero 4. depending on gas 1. less 2. more
45. When an ideal gas is expands isothermally, its 3. sometimes less, sometimes more
internal energy will 4. maximum
1. increases 2 decreases 58. The ratio of slopes of adiabatic and isothermal curves is
3. remains constant 4. becomes zero
46. For an isothermal process 1.  2. 3. 2 4. 3
1. dQ = dw 2. dQ = du 
3. dw = du 4. dQ = du + dw


59. An isothermal process is 71. A thermodynamic system is taken from state A to B
1.slow process 2.quick process along ACB and is brought back to A along BDA as
3. very quick process 4. both 1 & 2 shown in the PV diagram. The net work done during
60. The energy taken by system is dQ and work done the complete cycle is given by the area
by system is dw increase in internal energy is du,
the quantity which does not depend on path is
1. du 2. dQ 3. dQ & dw 4. dw
61. du + dw = 0 is valid for
1. adiabatic process 2. isothermal process
3. isobaric process 4. isochoric process
62. Which of the following at 1000C produces most
severe burns ?
1. hot air 2. water 3. steam 4. oil
63. The latent heat of vapouristion of water is more than
latent heat of fusion of ice ?
1. on vapourisation much larger increase in volume 1. P1ACBP2P1 2. ACBB’A’A
takes place 3. ACBDA 4. ADBB’A’A
2. increase in kinetic energy is much larger on boiling 72. In isothermal expansion the pressure is determined by
3. kinetic energy decreases on boiling 1. temperature only 2. compressibility only
4. volume decreases when the ice melts 3. both temperature and compressibility
64. Which of the following will extinguish the fire quickly 4. latent heat
1. water at 1000C 2. steam at 1000C 73. A given system undergoes a change in which the work
3. water at 0 C 0
4. ice at 00C done by the system equals the decrease in its internal
65. The type of energy is gained (or) lost by the molecules energy. The system must have undergone an
when ice melts is 1. Isothermal change 2. Adiabatic change
1. K.E is gained 2. K.E. is lost 3. Isobaric change 4. Isochoric change
3. P.E is gained 4. P.E. is lost 74) A closed vessel contains some gas at a given
66. The latent heat of vapourisation of a substance is always temperature and pressure. If the vessel is given a
1. greater than its latent of fusion very high velocity, the temperature of the gas is1 .
2. greater than its latent heat of sublimation increases 2. decreases
3. equal to its latent latent heat of sublimation 3. may increase or decrease depending upon the
4. less than its latent heat of fusion nature of the gas
67. A piece of ice at 00C is dropped into water at 00C. Then ice will 4. does not change
1. melt 2. be converted to water 75) Cooking is difficult on mountains because
3. not melt 4. partially melt
1) water boils at low temperature
68. When two blocks of ice are pressed against each
2) water boils at high temperature
other then they stick together (coalesce) because
3) water does not boil
1. cooling is produced 2. heat is produced
3. increase in pressure increase melting point 4) it is cool there
4. increase in pressure, decrease in melting point 76) Paraffin wax contracts on solidification. So its melting
69. Ice is found to be slippery when a man walks on it point with pressure
this is so because 1) increases 2) decreases
1. increase in pressure causes ice to melt faster 3) remains same 4)we can’t say
2. increase in pressure causes ice to melt slower 77) In a pressure cooker cooking is done quickly because
3. its surface is smooth and cold 1) the cooker doesnot absorb any heat
4. ice is colder 2) it has a safety valve
70. A given mass of a gas expands from the state A to 3) boiling point of water rises due to increased
the state B by three paths 1,2 and 3 as shown in the pressure
figure. If W 1, W 2 and W 3 respectively be the work 4) it is a prestige to cook in a cooker
done by the gas along the three paths then 78) A large block of ice is placed on a table when the
surroundings are at 00C
1) ice melts at the sides
2) ice melts at the top
3) ice melts at the bottom
4) ice does not melt at all
79) What energy transformation takes place when ice
is converted into water
1) heat energy to kinetic energy
2) kinetic energy to heat energy
3) heat energy to latent heat
1. W 1 > W 2 > W 3 2. W 1 < W 2 < W 3 4) heat energy to potential energy
3. W 1 = W 2 = W 3 4. W 1 < W 2, W 1< W 3


80) Heat is supplied to a diatomic gas at constant 6. The amount of heat required to convert 5g of ice at
pressure. The ratio of Q : U : W is 00C into water at 400C is
1) 5 : 3 : 2 2) 5 : 2 :3 3) 7 : 5 : 2 4) 7 : 2 : 5 1. 400 cal 2. 200 cal 3. 600 cal 4.1000 cal
81) Unit mass of liquid of volumeV1 completely turns into a 7. The thermal capacity of 100g lead shot is (specific
gas of volume V2 at constant atmospheric pressure P heat of lead is 0.03 cal/g/0C)
and temperature T. The latent heat of vaporization is 1. 3 cal/0C 2. 30 cal/0C
“L”. Then the change in internal energy of the gas is 3. 300 cal/0C 4. 0.3 cal/0C
1) L 2) L+P(V2 - V1) 3) L - P(V2-V1) 4) Zero 8. Specific heat of aluminium is 0.25 cal/g/0c. The wa-
82) In a isobaric (constant pressure) process. the correct ratio is ter equivalent of an aluminium vessel of mass one
1) Q : U = 1 : 1 2) Q : U =  :  kilogram is
1. 40 cal/0C 2. 250 cal/0C
3) Q : U =  4)Q : U = 
3. 25 cal/ C0
4. 2.5 cal/0C
83) In an isobaric process, the correct ratio is 9. Two liquids A and B of equal volumes have their spe-
1) Q : W = 1 : 1 2) Q : W =  :  cific heats in the ratio 2 : 3. If they have same ther-
3) Q : W =   4)Q : W =  mal capacity, then the ratio of their densities is
KEY 1. 1 : 1 2. 2 : 3 3. 3 : 2 4. 5 : 6
01) 1 02) 3 03) 4 04) 1 05) 2 10. Two spheres have their radii in the ratio 1 : 2, the
06) 2 07) 4 08) 3 09) 1 10) 2,3 densities of their materials are in the ratio 2 : 3 and
11) 1 12) 3 13) 1 14) 3 15) 3 their specific heats are in the ratio 3:4, then the ra-
16) 2 17) 4 18) 1 19) 1 20) 2 tio of their thermal capacities is
21) 2 22) 3 23) 1 24) 4 25) 2 1. 3 : 4 2. 1 : 16 3. 2 : 3 4. 1 : 1
26) 3 27) 2 28) 1 29) 1 30) 2 11. The densities of two substances are in the ratio 3 : 4
31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 2 35) 3 and their specific heats are in the ratio 2 : 3. The
36) 3 37) 4 38) 3 39) 4 40) 2 ratio of thermal capacities per unit volume of these
41) 1 42) 4 43) 3 44) 1 45) 3 substances is
46) 1 47) 2 48) 3 49) 4 50) 2 1. 2 : 3 2. 3 : 4 3. 1 : 1 4. 1 : 2
51) 1 52) 4 53) 3 54) 2 55) 1 12. 1kg of water and 1kg of steel are heated through 1K.
56) 1 57) 1 58) 1 59) 1 60) 1 The change in their internal energies are (Specific
61) 1 62) 3 63) 1 64) 1 65) 3 heat of steel = 460 J/kg/K ; Specific heat of water =
66) 1 67) 3 68) 4 69) 1 70) 3 4200J/kg./K)
71) 3 72) 2 73) 2 74) 4 75) 1 1. 460 J, 4200 J 2. 4200 J, 460 J
76) 1 77) 3 78) 3 79) 4 80) 3 3. 1000 J, 4200 J 4. 460 J, 1000 J
81) 3 82) 4 83) 2 13. Two liquids A and B are at 300C and 200C respec-
tively. When they are mixed in equal masses the
temperture of the mixture is found to be 260C. The
LEVEL-1 ratio of specific heat is
CALORIMETRY 1. 4 : 3 2. 3 : 4 3. 2 : 3 4. 3 : 2
1. The ratio of densities of two substances is 2 : 3 and 14. M kg of ice at 00C is mixed with M kg of water at
that of specific heats is 1 : 2. The ratio of thermal 100c. The final temperature is
capacities per unit volume is 1. 80C 2. 60C 3. 40C 4. 00C
1. 1 : 2 2. 2 : 1 3. 1 : 3 4. 3 : 1 15. 5 g of steam at 100 C is mixed with 5g of the ice at
2. The density of a substance is 400 kgm-3 and that of 00C. The final temperature of the mixture is
another substance is 600 kgm-3 . The heat capacity 1. 1000C 2. 950C 3. 900C 4. 800C
of 40 c.c of first substance is equal to that of 30 c.c 16. A beaker contains 200g of water. The heat capacity
of second substance. The ratio of their specific of the beaker is equal to that of 20g water. The
heats is initial temperature of water in the beaker is 20 0C. If
1. 1 : 6 2. 6 : 1 3. 9 : 8 4. 8 : 9 440g of hot water at 920C is poured in, the final tem-
3. A body absorbs 1000 calories of heat when it is perature (neglecting radiation loss) will be nearly
heated from 200C to 700C. The water equivalent of 1. 580C 2. 680C 3. 730C 4. 780C
the body is 17. If 10g of the ice at 00C is mixed with 10g of water at
1. 10 g 2. 15 g 3. 20 g 4. 25 g 100C, then the final temperature of the mixture will
4. Two spheres of copper of diameters 10cm and 20 be
cm will have thermal capacities in the ratio 1. 50C 2. 00C 3. 100 K 4. 400C
1 1 1 1 18. One gram of water at 800C is mixed with one gram
1. 2. 3. 4. of ice at 00C. The resultant temperature is
8 2 4 6 1. 1000C 2. 00C 3. 800C 4. 400C
5. When 5 moles of gas is heated from 1000C to 1200C 19. If 20g of water at 600C is mixed with 60g of water at
at constant volume, the change in internal energy is 200C. The resultant temperature is
200 J. The specific heat capacity of the gas is 1. 600C 2. 200C 3. 300C 4. 00C
1. 5 J mol-1K-1 2. 4 J mol-1K-1
3. 2 J mol K
-1 -1
4. 1 J mol-1K-1


20. The heat energy required to vapourise 5kg of water at 373 K is 32. In a thermodynamic process with 2 moles of gas 30
1. 2700 2. 1000 J of heat is released and 22 J of work is done on the
3. 27 4. 270 gas. Given that initial internal energy of the sample
21. The amount of heat required to convert 1g of ice at - was 20 J . The final internal energy is
100C into steam at 1000C is (specific heat of ice = 1.72 J 2.32 J 3.28 J 4.12 J
0.5 cal/g/0C, latent heat of ice = 80 cal/g , latent
heat of steam = 540 cal/g) 4
1. 3045 J 2. 735 J 3. 1000 J 4. 4200 J 33. A gas for which  is is heated at constant
22. A liquid of specific heat 0.3 cal/g/0C at 900C is
pressure. The percentage of heat supplied used for
mixed with another liquid of specific heat 0.5
external work is
cal/g0C at 150C. If the resultant temperature of mix-
1. 25% 2. 75 % 3. 60 % 4. 40 %
ture is 600C then the ratio of their mases is
1. 5 : 2 2. 2 : 5 3. 1 : 1 4. 3 : 4 34. The molar specific heat of hydrogen at constant
23. Two liquids A and B are at temperatures of 750C and volume is 5 cal. Heat required to raise the temp. of 1
1500C respectively. Their masses are in the ratio of gm H2 gas by 10C at constant volume is
2 : 3 and specific heats are in the ratio 1. 2 cal 2. 2.2 cal 3. 2.5 cal 4. 4 cal
3 : 4. The resultant temperature of the mixture, when 35. The molar specific heat of helium at constant
the above liquids, are mixed (Neglect the water volume is 3 cal. Heat energy required to raise the
equivalent of container ) is temperature of 1gm helium gas by 10C at constant
1. 1250C 2. 1000C 3. 500C 4. 1500C pressure is
24. It takes 15 minutes for an electrical kettle to heat a 1. 1.2 Cal 2. 1.25 Cal 3. 3 Cal 4. 4 Cal
certain quantity of water in grams from 00c to boiling 36. A quantity of heat ‘Q’ is supplied to a monoa tanic
point 1000C. If takes 81 minutes to boil water into ideal gas which expands at constant pressure. The
steam, the latent heat of steam is fraction of heat that goes into work done by the gas
1. 80 cal/g 2.540 cal/g 3. 100 cal/g 4.336 cal/g is
25. A copper weight and iron weight of the same mass
were dropped from the same height on the ground. 2 5 4
1. 2. 3. 4. 1
Which of the weights had the higher temperature 5 2 5
after the impact ? (specific heat of Cu = 0.1 Kcal/kg/ 37. 3 moles of gas requires 60 cal of heat for 50C rise of
C ;specific heat of iron = 0.11 Kcal/kg/0C) temperature at constant volume. Then heat required
1. Iron weight 2. Copper weight
for 5 moles of same gas under constant pressure for
3. Both iron and copper 4. Cannot be answered
100C raise of temperature is
1. 200 Cal 2. 400 Cal 3. 100 Cal 4. 300 Cal
(dQ = dU + dW)
26. A gas absorbs 80 cal of heat. If the work done by 5
the gas is 150J the change in internal engery is 38. For a gas the ratio of the two specific heats is . If
1. 150 J 2. 80 J 3. 186 J 4. 156 J 3
27. Heat energy of 2100 J is given to a gas at a con- R = 2 cal / mol/K then the values of Cp and Cv are
stant pressure of 105 Pa. The increase in internal 1. 5 ,3 cal / mol / 0K 2. 3 ,4 cal / mol / 0K
energy if the change in volume is 3. 4 ,3 cal / mol / K
4. 3.5 , 7 cal / mol /0K
5 x 10-3m3
1. 1500 J 2. 1400 J 3. 1600 J 4. 800 J
39. If for a gas
28. When 20 cal of heat is supplied to a system, the in- Cv = 0.67, this gas is made up of mol-
crease in internal energy is 50 J . If the external work
ecules which are
done is 35 J, the mechanical equivalent of heat is
1. Diatomic 2. Monoatomic
1. 4.25 J/cal 2. 1.26 J/cal
3. Poly atomic
3. 4.92 J/cal 4. 2.1 J/cal
29. 100 J work is done on a gas to reduce its volume 4. Mixture of diatoamic & Polyatomic
under adiabatic conditions. The change in internal 40. One mole of an ideal gas requires 207 J heat to
energy of the gas is raise the temperature by 10K when heated at con-
1. +100 J 2. -100 J 3. -200 J 4. +200 J stant pressure. If the same gas is heated at con-
30. In a thermodynamic process the pressure of fixed stant volume to raise the temperature by the same
mass of gas is changed. In this process gas re- 10K, the heat required is (R=8.3 J/mol/K)
leases 20 J heat and 8 J work is done on the gas. If 1. 187J 2. 29J 3. 215.3J 4. 124 J
initial internal enrgy of the gas is 30 J, then final 41. If the ratio of sp.heat of a gas at constant pressure
internal energy is to that at constant volume is  , the change in in-
1. 2 J 2. 42 J 3. 18 J 4. 58 J ternal energy of gas, when the volume changes from
31. 70 cal heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 V to 2V at constant pressure P is
moles of an ideal gas at constant pressure from 250C
to 300C , then the amount of heat required to raise the R
temperature of same gas through same raise of temp. 1.
 1 2. PV 3. PV / (   1 ) 4.  PV /   1
at constant volume is
1. 50 cal 2. 70 cal 3. 90 cal 4. 60 cal


52. In an adiabatic expansion, the temperature of 5
42. For a certain gas, the ratio of specific heats is . moles of gas  = 1.5 falls from 870C to 270C, then
2 the work done is
The value of Cp for the gas is 1. 2400 Cal 2. 4980 Cal
1. R 2. 2R 3. 3R 4. 5R 3. 1200 Cal 4. 3000 Cal
43. For hydrogen gas Cp-Cv= a and for Oxygen gas Cp-
Cv = b, Then the relation between ‘a’ and ‘b’. is 1
53. If a monoatomic gas is suddenly compressed to
1. a = 16b 2. b = 16a 3. a = 4b 4. a = b 8
44. One gram of water on evaporation at atmospheric of its volume adiabatically, then the pressure of
pressure forms 1671 cm 3 of steam. Heat of the gas is
vaporisation at this pressure is 540 cal gm-1. The 1. 8 times the initial 2. 16 times the initial
increase in internal energy is 3. 32 times the initial 4. 128 times the initial
1. 250cal 2. 500cal 3. 1000cal 4. 1500cal 54. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle
45. A cylinder of fixed capacity 67.2 litres contains ABCDA as shown in the diagram. The work done
helium gas at S.T.P. The amount of heat required during the cycle is
to raise the temperature of the gas by 150C is (R
=8.31 J/mol/K)
1. 520 J 2. 560.9 J 3. 620 J 4. 621.2 J
46. For a gas = . 800c.c. of this gas is suddenly
compressed to 100c.c. If the initial pressure is P,
then the final pressure will be
P 24 1. PV 2. 2PV 3. 3PV 4. 4PV
1. 2. 3. 8P 4. 32P
32 5 55. A gas is compressed isothermally and adiabatically.
47. In an adiabatic change, the pressure P and tem- The corresponding change in volume are found to be
perature T of a mnoatomic gas are related as P  Tc 51 c.c and 34 c.c. The value of  for the gas is
where C equals. 1. 1.67 2. 1.4 3. 1.33 4.1.5
56. Waterfall is falling from 160m height. Assuming
5 2 3 5 that half the K.E. of falling water gets converted
1. 2. 3. 4.
3 3 5 2 into heat, the rise in temperature of water is
4 1 1. 0.10C 2. 0.20C 3. 0.30C 4. 0.40C
48. A polyatomic gas (  = ) is compressed to of 57. How much will the temperature of 100g of water be
3 8
its volume adiabatically. If it’s initial pressure is P, raised by doing 4200 J of work is stirring the water?
the new pressure will be 1. 0.010C 2. 0.10C 3. 10C 4. 100C
1. 8P 2. 16P 3. 6P 4. 2P 58. From what minimum height a block of ice has to be
49. During an adiabatic change the density becomes dropped in order that it may melt completely on hit-
ting the ground
1 P1
th of initial value, then  mgh JL J
16 P2 = ( =1.5) 1. mgh 2. 3. 4.
J g Lg
1. 16 2. 4 3. 32 4. 64
59. A bullet travelling at 100 ms-1 suddenly hits a con-
50. A fixed amount of dry air at temperature of 270C is
crete wall. If its K.E. is converted completely into
1 heat , the raise in temperature is
compressed to of original volume. Its final tem-
9  s  100Jkg 1
K 1 
perature is (  1 =1.5) 1. 20K 2. 40K 3. 50K 4. 60K
1. 627 C 0
2. 600 C 0
3. 158 C0
4. 527 C
0 60. To metal balls of same material having masses 50gm
and 100gm collides with a target with same velocity.
 7 Then the ratio of their rise in temperature is
51. The pressure and density of a diatomic gas    
 5 1. 1:2 2. 4:1 3. 2:1 4. 1:1
61. The difference between the two specific heat of a
1 p2 gas Cp- Cv =2 cal. If R = 8.31  107 erg/k/gm,the
where = 32 then
2 p1 should be value of mechanical equivalent of heat is
1. 4.15J/cal 2. 42J/cal
1. 126 2. 128 3. 146 4. 124 3. 420J/cal 4. 4200J/cal


62. The height of water fall is 210 m assuming that the
surface on which the water is falling is perfectly in-
H1 m1 1
= =
sulated and all the kinetic energy of water is dissi- H2 m2 8
pated as heat. Find the rise in temparature of the
water. (g = 10 m/s2, Specific heat of water = 1000 5. dQ = du = mc  t since dQ = 200J
cal.Kg-1C-1 , J = 4200 J/K. cal)
 t = 20K and M = 5mole, hence
1. 0.10C 2. 0.50C 3. 10C 4. 0.250C
63. From which height a block of ice must be dropped in c = 2J mol-1K-1
order that it melts completely. Assume that all the 6. Q = ms 
energy is retained by the ice. (g = 10ms -2 ,
7. Q = ms
L = 80 cal gm-1 and J = 4.2 joules/cal.)
1. 1000 Km 2.100 Km 3.33.6 Km 4.1 Km 8. water equivalent = ms
64. A diatomic gas is heated at constant pressure. The 9. m1s1 = m2s2 , v1p1s1 = v2p2s2
fraction of the heat energy is used to increase the
internal energy is  1 v2 s 2 s2
1. 3/5 2. 3/7 3. 5/7 4. 5/9  2 = v1s1 =
65. The triatomic gas is heated isothermally. What
percentage of the heat energy is used to increase 3
the internal energy C1 r1 d1 s1
10. = 3 x x
1. 0 % 2. 14 % 3. 60 % 4. 100 % C2 r2 d 2 s2
66. For a certain gas the ratio of specific heats is
3/2. What is the value of Cp for it
1. R 2. 2R 3. 3R 4. 5R
T1 1s1
11. =
67. Four students found set of Cp and Cv [in cal/deg T2  2 s2
mole] as given below, which of the following set is
correct 12. Q = ms  t
1. Cv = 4 , Cp = 2 2. Cv = 4 , Cp = 3
16. Applying principle of calorimtry
3. Cv = 3 , Cp = 4 4. Cp = 5 , Cv = 3
KEY (200 + 20) x 1 x   680 c
01)3 02)3 03)3 04)1 05)3
19. 20(60-t) = 60 ( t-20)
06)3 07)1 08)2 09)3 10)2
11)4 12)2 13)4 14)4 15)1 22. mst1  mst2
16)2 17)2 18)2 19)3 20)1
21)1 22)1 23)1 24)2 25)2 26. du = dQ - dw
26)3 27)3 28)1 29)1 30)3 27. du = dQ - pdv
31)1 32)4 33)1 34)3 35)4 28. dQ = du + dw
36)1 37)4 38)1 39)2 40)4 29. du = -dw
41)3 42)3 43)4 44)2 45)2
46)4 47)4 48)2 49)4 50)1 30. U 2  U1  dQ  dW
51)2 52)3 53)3 54)1 55)4
56)2 57)4 58)3 59)3 60)4 32. dQ = du + dw = u2 - u1 + dw
61)1 62)2 63)3 64)3 65)1
dw  1
66)3 67) 4
33. x 100 = 1   x 100
HINTS dQ  
H 1 d1c1 34. dQ = ncvdt
1. 
H 2 d 2 c2 35. c p = cv + R
dQ = ncpdt
c1 v2 d 2
2.  dw 1
c2 v1d1 36. = 1
dQ 
3. 1000 = mc (70-20) = w x 50
37. du = ncvdt
1000 cv = u , cp = cv + R = 6 cal/mol/K
w= = 20 gm
50 Qp = ncpdt = 5 x6x10 = 300 cal
3 38. cv =  1 c p- cv = R
m1 r1 1
4. = 3 =
m2 r2 8


R c p  cv 5
39. = =   1 = 0.67 53. pv  k where  =
w cv 3
54. work done = Area under rect angle
 = 01.67
 dv   dv 
5 3 55.   Isothermal =    Adiabatic
40. cp = R cv = R  v   v 
2 2
Qv 3 56. mgh = msdt
= here Qp = 270 J , Qv = 124 J
Qp 5 57. w = JH w = Jmc 

cp 4200 = 4.2 x 100 x 1 x 

41. dv = ncvdt also =
cv  = 100C
58. w = JH mgh = Jml
c p  cv 1 2
=  1 i.e. cv =
 1 59. mv = ms 

cp 3 cv  R 3 1 2
 60. mv = ms t
42. =
cv 2 cv = 2 2

hence cv = 2R and cp = 3R t is independent of mass of ball

43. Both are diatomic gases also R R
cp-cv = R for all gases 61. c p - cv = J=
J c p  cv
44. dQ = du + dw
mL = du+pdv 62. mgh = Jms 
du = mL -pdv 63. mgh = JmL
45. Q = ncvdT LEVEL - II
3 1. Three liquids A,B and C of masses 400gm, 600
=3x x 8 .31x 15 = 560. 9 J
2 gm and 800 gm are at 30 0 c, 40 0 c and 50 0 c re-
spectively. W hen A and B are mixed resultant
 
46. p1v1  p2 v2 temperature is 36 0 C when B and C are mixed
resultant temperature is 440C Then ratio of their
47. T  p1  const specific heats are
1. 2:1:1 2. 3:2:1 3. 2:2:1 4. 1:4:9
 
48. p1v1  p2 v2 2. 10gm of Ice at -20 0 C is added to 10g of water
at 50 0 C. The amount of ice and water that are
 present at equillibrium respectively
p1 d 
49.   1  1. 0,20g 2. 5g, 15 g
p2  d2  3. 5g, 10g 4. 10g, 10g
3. A boy eats an ice cube of mass 100gm at 00C. If the
50. TV γ-1 =constant body temperature of the boy is 370C the number of
joules of energy lost by the boy is ( L ice  33000J/kg
51. pv  k
=k for water Sp. heat =4200 J-kg-1K-1)
 1. 49140 J 2. 39140 J
3. 49000 J 4. 29140 J
 4. 1gm of ice at 00C is converted to steam at 1000C
p 2 p2
 the amount of heat required will be
p1 p1 1. 756 cal 2. 12000 cal
3. 716 cal 4. 450 cal
nR 5. The temperature of 100 gm of water is to be raised
52. w=
  1 (T1 - T2) from 24 0C to 90 0C by adding steam to it. The
mass of the steam required for this purpose is
where R = 2 cal mol-1 k -1 1. 10gm 2. 12 gm 3. 14gm 4. 16gm


FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS 13. If a triatomic gas is heated isothermally, per-
6. W hen a monoatomic gas expands at centage of the heat energy which is used to
constant pressure the precentage of heat sup- increase the internal energy is
plied that increases the internal energy of the 1. Zero 2. 14% 3. 60% 4. 100%
gas and that which is invovled in expansion is JOULE’S LAW (W = JH)
1. 75%, 25% 2. 25%, 75% 14. A lead bullet strikes a s teel plate with a
3. 60%,40% 4. 40%, 60% velocity of 300 ms -1 and completely stopped.
If the heat produced is shared equally between
 5
Two moles of monoatomic gas   1   is the bullet and the target the rise in tempera-
 3 ture of the bullet is
mi x e d w i t h t h r e e mo l e s o f d i a t o mi c g a s (Sp. heat of lead 0.03cal/gm/ 0 C)
1. 89.3 0C 2. 49.3 0C 3.178.60C 4. 357.2 0C
 7 15. A 0.1kg steel ball falls from a height of 10m
  2   , then the value of  of the mixture and bounces to a height of 7m. The rise in
 5
temperature of the ball is
is (C = 0.1 kcal/kg/c 0 )
1. 3 2. 2 3. 1.5 4. 1 1. 0.05 0C 2. 0.064 0C
8. One mole of monoatomic gas is mixed with 3. 0.06 C0
4. 0.07 0C
three moles of a diatomic gas. Then molar spe- 16. A steel drill is making 180 revolutions per
cific heat of the mixture at constant volume is minute. Under constant couple of 5 Nm. If it
1. 2R 2. 9R 3. 2.25R 4. 3R drills a hole in 7 sec. in a steel block of mass
9. A system changes from the state (p 1,v1) to (p2,v2) 600 gm rise in temperature of the block ( S=
as shown in the diagram. The workdone by the 0.1 cal/gm/K)
system is 1. 2.6 0 C 2. 1.3 0 C 3. 5.2 0 C 4. 3 0 C
17. A block of ice falls from certain height and com-
pletely melts. If only of the energy is ab-
sorbed by the block, the height of the fall should
.J be ( L= 363 S.I units )
1. 48.4m 2. 84.4 m 3. 88.4 m 4. 44.8 m
18. 2kg of Ice block should be dropped from ‘x km’
height to melt completely. The 8 kg of ice block
should be dropped from height
1. 4x km 2. x km 3. 2x km 4. x/2 km
1. 12x10 4J 2. 12x10 8J 1.3 2.2 3.1 4. 3 5. 2
3. 12x10 J
4. 6x10 4 J 6. 3 7. 3 8. 3 9. 3 10. 3
10. A diatomic gas is heated at constant pres- 11. 2 12. 3 13.1 14. 3 15. 4
sure. The fracrtion of heat energy used to 16. 1 17. 1 18. 2
increase the internal energy is HINTS
1. Heat gained = Heat lost from two
3 3 5 5
1. 2. 3. 4. equations. Solve for s 1 : s 2 : s 3
5 7 7 9 2. Heat given by water  mcΔ = 5000 cal
ADIABATIC AND ISOTHERMAL Heat required by ice at -20 0 C to 0 0 c=100 cal
11. One mole of an ideal gas   1.4 is adia- Heat remained =500-100=400cal
mass of ice melted =m=5gm
batically compressed so that its tem-
perature rises from 27 0 C to 35 0 C. The work Remaining ice= 10-5=5gm
done by the gas is 3. Q  mL  ms
(R= 8.47J/mol/K)
4. Q = mL+mc(100-0)+mL s
1. -160 J 2. -168 J
= 80+100+536
3. 150 J 4. 120 J
12. A monoatomic ideal gas initially at 17 0 C is sud- = 716 cal
5. Let mass of steam =m gm
1 Heat lost by steam
denly compressed to of its original volume.
8 =mx540+m(100-90)=550m
The tempeturature after compression is Heat gained by water =100(90-24)=6600 cal
1. 17 0 C 2. 136 0 C 3. 887 0C 4. 240 0 C  550m=6600


2. Equal volumes of monoatomic and diatomic
m  12g gases of same initial temperature and pressure
550 and mixed. The ratio of their specific heats of
6. Heat supplied = dQ = nc p dT  cp 
Increase in internal energy, dU= nc vdT the mixture   will be
 cv 
du C v 1 3
    60 % 1. 1 2. 1.5 3. 1.52 4. 1.53
dQ C p  5 3. The temperature of equal masses of three dif-
ferent liquids A,B and C are 120C, 190C and 28 0C
Heat involved = 40%
respectively. When A and B are mixed the tem-
n1 c p 1  n 2 c p 2 perature is16 0 C and when B and C are mixed
7.   it is 23 0 C. The temperature when A and C are
n1 c v 1  n 2 c v 2 mixed is
1. 10.1 0C 2. 20.2 0C 3.30.30C 4.40.4 0C
n1 1  n1 2 4. 30g of ice 00C and 20 g of steam at 1000C are mixed.
  The composition of the resultant mixture is
n1  n2
1. 40g of water and 10g steam at 100 0C
n1Cv1  nCv 2 2. 10g of ice and 40g of water at 0 0 C
8. Cv  3. 50g of water at 100 0C
n1  n2 4. 35g of water and 15g of steam at 100 0C
5. 100g of steam at 100 0 C condenses into water
3R 5R at 20 0 C. The amount of heat liberated in the
Cv 1  , Cv 2  ,n =1&n 2 =3 process is
2 2 1
1. 54 K.Cal 2. 80 K.Cal
3. 62 K.Cal 4. 100 K.Cal
9. W =Area of triangle + Area of rectangle 6. 0.3 kg of steam at 100 0 c is mixed with 6 kg of
10. dQ=dU+dW water. After the steam condenses the tempera-
ture of the mixture rises to 40 0c. The initial tem-
for diatomic gas dQ= CP dT
perature of the water is
and du = CV dT 1.300C 2. 40 0C 3.700C 4.10 0C
7. Steam is passed into water taken in a vessel
nR(T1 - T2 ) 1 8.4(8) (total thermal capacity 110 cal/ 0 C) at 30 0 C till
11. dw= = = -168J the resultant temperature is 90 0 C . If latent
 1 1. 4  1 heat of steam is 540 cal/g, the increase in mass
of the water.
12. TV γ1  K when   5 3 1. 60g 2. 110g 3. 12g 4.550g
13. In isothermal process no change in internal 8 A piece of iron weighing 16g at temperature of
energy takes place 112.5 0 C is dropped over a block of ice 2.5 g of
ice melts. If the latent heat of ice is 80 cal/g.
1 The specific heat of iron is
14. mV 2  Jmcs ΔT
4 1. 1 Cal g -1 C -1 2.1/9 cal g -1 C -1
3. 0.01cal g C -1 -1
4.1/16 cal g -1 C -1
15. W=JH mg(h1-h2)= Jmc s Δ 9. Metal nails weighing 100gm heated to 100 0 C
and dropped into a copper calorimeter of mass
16. c  J ( mst ) ; θ  2 nt 100 g containing 40 gm of water at 1 0 C. If the
resulting temperature is 100C. The specific heat
17. mgh = JmL of metal is (Sp. Heat of copper is 0.1 calg -1 c -1 )
4 1. 0.01 Cal g -1 c -1 2. 0.05 Cal g -1 c -1
3. 0.03 Cal g c -1 -1
4. 0.5 Cal g -1 c -1
JL 10. A man of 60kg get 1000 cal of heat by eating 5
18. n= (h) is independent of mass of ice block mangoes. His efficiency is 28%. To what height
he can jump by using this energy
LEVEL - III 1. 2m 2. 20m 3. 28m 4. 0.2m
1. 1 g o f H 2 g a s i s h e a t e d b y 1 0C a t 11. A nail at 0 0 C falls from a height of 1km on an
constant pressure. The amount of heat spent ice surface and its whole kinetic energy is con-
in expansion of gas is verted into heat. W hat fraction of it will melt?
4.155 4 .7 1 1
1. cal 2. cal 1. 2.
4.18 2 .1 33 8
6.8 1.26 3. x 10 4
4. whole of it will melt
3. cal 4. cal 33
2.2 1.7


12. A lead bullet travelling at 210m/s enters a block
n1 1  n2 2
of wood and is brought to rest. Assuming 75%
2.  
of heat absorbed by the bullet, calculate the n1  n2
increase in temperature (Specific heat of lead
0.03X 10 3 cal/kg/c 0 and J= 4.2 X 10 3 J/K.Cal) CA 3
nearly 3. CA(16-12)=CB(19-16)  
CB 4
1. 131 0C 2. 100 0C 3. 31 0C 4. 69 0C
13. A thermodynamic process is shown in the fig- CB 5
ure. The pressure and volumes corresponding C B(23-19)=CC(28-23)  
to some points in the figure are
CC 4
C A 15
 
CC 16
W hen A andC are mixed
CA   12 =C C
( 28   )
W here  is common temperature
 =20.2 C 0

4. m sL s = (mice Lice  mice st )

W here m s=mass of steam condensed to rise
temperature of ice to 100 0 c water.
6. Heat lost = Heat gained
P A= 3X10 4 Pa V A= 2X10 -3 m -3 7. Heat lost = Heat gained
P B = 8X10 4 Pa V B= 5X10 -3 m-3 8. Heat lost = Heat gained
In the process AB, 600J of heat is added to the 9. Heat lost = Heat gained
system and in process BC, 200J of heat is
2.8  Q
added to the system. The change in internal 10. J =mgh
energy of the system in process AC would be 100
1. 560J 2. 800J 3. 600J 4. 640J 11. mgh= Jm1L
14. Find the change in the internal energy when
15 gms of air is heated from 0 0 C to 5 0 C. The m1 gh 980  105 1
  
specific heat of air at constant volume is 0.2 m JL 4.2  10  80 33

cal/gm/C 0. 13. State AB is a isochoric process, so no work is

1. 75 Cal 2. 30 Cal 3. 15 Cal 4. 105 Cal done BC is Isobaric process there work done=P B
15. For adiabatic expansion of a monoatomic per- (VD-VA)))=240J
fect gas the volume increases by 24%. The dQ= 600+200=800J
percentage of decrease in pressure is Now dQ= dU+dW
1. 24% 2. 40% 3. 48% 4. 71% dU= 800-240=560J
KEY 15. p V γ =K
1. 1 2. 2 3. 2 4. 1 5. 3
6. 4 7. 3 8. 2 9. 2 10.1 Δp Δv
Hence  100 = - γ  100
11.1 12.1 13. 1 14.3 15.2 p v
1. dw=pdv for monoatomic gas   53
1 Δp 5
for 1gm H 2 gas, pv=nRT = RT 100   24  40
2 p 4
dw=pdv= RdT 1. Match the following :
List - I List - II
here dT= 1 0 K= 1 0C(nearly) a) Isothermal process e) const volume
dT 1 b) Isochoric process f) no heat exchange
dw=R. =8.31X107X erg c) Isobaric process g) const temp
2 2 d) adiabtic process h) const pressure
= 4.155X10 7erg 1) a - g, b - e, c - h, d - f
2) a - e, b - g, c - h, d - f
4.155 3) a - g, b - c, c - g, d - h
dw = cal
4.18 4) a - g, b - f, c - e, d - h


2. Match the following : 7. Match the following :
List - I List - II List - I List - II
a) Latent heat capacity e) ML2T 2 K 1 a) Among solids e) Mercury specific heat
and liquids is maximum for
b) Specific heat capacity f) M 0 L2T 2 K 1 b) In liquids specific f) W ater minimum for
c) Stefans constant g) L2T 2 heat is
c) W ith increase g) Increases the
d) Boltzmaum constant h) MT 3 K 4 of pressure boiling point of a liquid
1) a - g, b - f, c - h, d - e d) W ith increase of h) Decreases the
2) a - f, b - g, c - e, d - h pressure melting point of a solid
3) a - g, b - h, c - f, d - e substance
4) a - h, b - e, c - f, d - g 1) a - f, b - e, c - h, d - g
3. Match the following : 2) a - e, b - f, c - g, d - h
Process W orkdone 3) a - e, b - g, c - f, d - h
a) Adiabatic process e) zero 4) a - f, b - e, c - g, d - h
b) Isothermal process f) P(V1  V2 ) 8. Match the following :
Nature of Gas Specific Heat at

c) Isochoric process g) RT log P P 

Constant volume( Cv )

R a) Monoatomic e)
d) Isobaric process h) (T  T ) 2
 1 1 2
1) a - h, b - g, c - e, d - f
b) Diatomic f)
2) a - h, b - g, c - f, d - e 2
3) a - g, b - e, c - f, d - h
4) a - h, b - f, c - e, d - g 3
c) Triatomic g) R
4. Match the following : 2
List - I List - II
a) Isothermal process e) dQ = dU+dW 5
d) Mixture of equal h) R
b) Adiabatic process f) dQ = dW 2
c) Isobaric process g) dQ = dU moles of di and mono
d) Isochoric process h) dU = -dW atomic gases
1) a - h, b - e,c - g, d - f
2) a - f, b - e, c - h, d - g 1) a - e, b - f, c - g, d - h
3) a - f, b - h, c - e, d - g 2) a - g, b - h, c - f, d - e
4) a - h, b - f, c - g, d - e 3) a - f, b - g, c - h, d - e
5. Match the following : 4) a - g, b - h, c - e, d - f
List - I List - II 9. Match the following :
a) SI units of thermal capacity e) Jkg 1 Nature of the Gas Fraction of interanl
b) SI units of specific heat f) Jk 1 a) Triatomic gas d) 3 / 5
b) diatomic gas e) 3 / 4
c) SI units of latent heat g) Jkg 1k 1 c) Monoatomic gas f) 5 / 7
1) a - e, b - f, c - d,
d) SI unit of Internal energy h) J 2) a - e, b - d, c - f,
1) a - f, b - g, c - e, d - h 3) a - d, b - e, c - f,
2) a - g, b - e, c - f, d - h 4) a - d, b - f, c - e,
3) a - f, b - e, c - g, d - h 10. Match the following :
4) a - e, b - f, c - h, d - g List - I List - II
6. Match the following : a) Isobaric e) W ork done in the process
List - I List - II V2
a) workdone on the system e) Positive W  nRT log e
b) heat energy given to the f) negative V1
system b) Isochoric f) PV graph is a straight line par
c) change in internal energy g) may be allel to volume axis
+ve or -ve c) Adiabtic g) first law of thermo dynamics
d) during cyclic process h) zero is dQ  du
change in internal energy
d) Isothermal h) It is a sudden and quick
1) a - g, b - e, c - h, d - f
2) a - f, b - g, c - e, d - h
1) a - f, b - g, c - h, d - e
3) a - f, b - e, c - g, d - h
2) a - g, b - f, c - h, d - e
4) a - g, b - e, c - h, d - g
3) a - h, b - e, c - f, d - g
4) a - e, b - g, c - e,d - h


!1. Match the following : 15. A: Zeroth law of thermodynamics gives us the
Process Ex: for the process concept of energy
a) Isothermal e) Any process in an open place B: Internal energy is dependent on temperature
b) Adiabatic f) Melting of gold 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
c) Isobaric g) Process inside a pressure cooker reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
d) Isochoric h) Explosion of a bomb 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true but
1) a - g, b - f,c - e, d - h reason is not correct explanation of
2) a - f, b - h, c - g, d - e Assertion.
3) a - h, b - g, c - f, d - e 3) Assertion is true but reason is false
4) a - f, b - h, c - e, d - g 4) Assertion is false but reason is true
12. Match the following : 16. Assertion (A) : Two systems which are in ther-
List-I List - II mal equilibrium with a third system are in ther-
a) Heat cannot flow d) Zeroth law of mal equilibrium with each other.
from a body at low thermodynamics Reason (R) : The heat flows always from a sys-
temperature to a body tem at higher temperature to a system at a
at a higher temperature lower temperature
by itself 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
b) Introduces concept e) Clausius statement reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
of temperature 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur
c) Based on the law of f) First law of reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
conservation of energy thermo dynamics 3) Assertion is true but reason is false
List II 4) Both assertion and reason are false
1) a - e, b - d, c - f, 17. Assertion (A) : Specific heat at constant vol-
2) a - e, b - f, c - d, ume is greater than the specific heat at con-
3) a - f, b - e, c - d, stant pressure.
4) a - e, b - d, c - d, Reason (R) : At constant volume, work will be
13. Match the following : done by the gas. So specific heat at constant
List - I List - II volume is more
a) food is cooked faster e) melting point is low- 1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
i n a p r e s s u r e c o o k e r. ered with rise in reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
pressure. 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur
b) two blocks of ice when f) melting of ice into reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
pressed together forms a water 3) Assertion is true but reason is false
single block 4) Both assertion and reason are false
c) specific heat infinity g) boiling point is el 18. Assertion (A): In adiabatic compression, the
evated with rise in internal energy and temperature of the system
pressure get decreased.
d)specific heat zero h) dQ  0 (adiabatic Reason (R) : The adiabatic compression is a
slow process
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
1) a - e, b - f, c - h, d - g
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur
2) a - g, b - e, c - f, d - h
reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
3) a - g, b - e, c - h, d - f
3) Assertion is true but reason is false
4) a - f, b - e, c - h, d - g
4) Both assertion and reason are false
14. Match the following :
19. Assertion (A): The isothermal curves intersect
List - I List - II
each other at a certain point.
a) Thermos flask containing e) temp increases
Reason (R) : The isothermal changes take
coffee is vigorously shaken
place slowly, so the isothermal curves have very
b) door of a refrigerator is f) temp decreases
little slope
opened while it is working
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
c) cycle tube gets punctured g) dQ  du , dw  0 reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
d)gas heated in a vessel h) dQ  0 2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur
reason is not correct explanation of Assertion.
fitted with a tight piston 3) Assertion is true but reason is false
1) a - h, b - f, c - e, d-g 4) Both assertion and reason are false
2) a - h, b - e, c - f, d-g
3) a - h, b - g, c - e, d-f
4) a - g, b - h, c - e, d-f


20. Assertion (A) : The ratio of Cv for a diatomic LEVEL IV
gas is more than that for a monoatomic gas 1. Read the following passage to answer
Reason (R) : The molecules of monoatomic gas questions .
have more degrees of freedom than those of a The internal energy of gases at room tempera-
diatomic gas ture is due to the interaction of molecules and
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and atoms of the gas, the translational, vibrational
reason is correct explanation of Assertion. and rotational kinetic enegies of molecules. The
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur temperature of a substance is a measure of
reason is not correct explanation of Assertion. average translational kinetic energy only. At
3) Assertion is true but reason is false absolute zero the translational kinetic energy
4) Both assertion and reason are false of molecules become zero and it is known as
zero point energy. At a given temperature gas
21. Assertion (A) : According to the principle of
melecules have random velocity and their av-
conservation of energy all heat can be con- erage velocity is zero. The rms value of gas
verted into mechanical work
Reason (R) : Due to various losses, it is im- 3RT
possible to convert all heat into mechanical work molecules is givenby . You are given a sample
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
of 2 moles of o2 gas at 270C, where the rotational
reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur kinetic energy of each molecule is 18 10 J .
reason is not correct explanation of Assertion. 1. At zero point energy, a gas may posses
3) Assertion is true but reason is false a) vibrational kinetic energy
4) Both assertion and reason are false b) elastic potential energy
22. Assertion (A) : Cooking in a pressure cooker is faster c) rotational kinetic energy
Reason (R) : Boiling point is elevated with rise d) translational kinetic energy
in pressure 1) a,c,d are correct 2) a,b,c are correct
3) b,c,d are correct 4) a,b,d are correct
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and
2. The total internal energy of the gas is
reason is correct explanation of Assertion. 1) 7469 J 2) 216.8 J
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur 3) 7685.8 J 4) 6432.2 J
reason is not correct explanation of Assertion. 3. The average internal energy of each molecule
3) Assertion is true but reason is false is
4) Both assertion and reason are false
23. Assertion (A) : According to Joule, heat and
1) 638 10 23 J 2) 576 1023 J
work are related 3) 576 1023 J 4) 216 1023 J
Reason (R) : For every 1 cal. of heat we can 4. The total energy of gas at absolute zero is
get 4.186 J of mechanical work. 1) 0 2) 218.2 J
1) Both Assertion and Reason are true and 3) 816 J 4) 216.8 J
reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
2) Both Assertion and Reason are true bur KEY
reason is not correct explanation of Assertion. 1) 2 2) 3 3) 2 4) 4
3) Assertion is true but reason is false II. For 20 g of H 2 O the phase diagram is given.
4) Both assertion and reason are false Using the diagram answ er the follow ing
24. Assertion (A) : During an adiabatic process, questions.
an ideal gas expands by decrease in its inter-
nal energy only
Reason (R) : During an adibatic process, heat
cannot be exchanged between a system and
its surroundings
1) A is true and R is false
2) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A
3) Both A and R are true and R is not correct
explanation of A
4) A is false and R is true
01.1 02.1 03.1 04.3 05.1 06.3
07.4 08.4 09.1 10.1 11.4 12.1 1. The maximum temperature at which ice is pos-
13.2 14.2 15.4 16.1 17.4 18.4 sible
19.4 20.4 21.2 22.1 23.1 24.2 1) 0 0C 2) 0.01 0C 3) 1000C 4) 58.6 0C


2. W hen the system is moved from -40 0 C to 40 0C 5. If 4 moles of an ideal monoatomic gas at tem-
at 5 atm pressure, its phase changes from perature 400K is mixed with 2 moles of another
1) ice to vapour 2) ice to water to vapour ideal monoatomic gas at temperature 700K, the
3) water to vapour 4) vapour to ice temperature of the mixture is (Volume constant
3. W hen the system is moved from -10 0 C to 10 0C (2004E)
at 2.4 atm pressure, its phae changes from 1) 5500C 2) 500 0C 3) 550K 4) 536 K
1) ice to vapour through water 6. The pressure and density of a given mass of a
2) water to vapour diatomic gas (   change adiabatically
3) ice to vapour without entering into water
4) water to ice to vapour d| P|
4. At -100C, the pressure is gradually decreased from from (P, d) to (P |, d |). If  32 then is ( 
d P
8 atm to 3 atm. Then the phase changes from
1) water to ice to vapour  ratio of specific heats)(2004E)
2) ice to water to vapour 1 1
3) water to ice 128 2) 64 3) 64 4) 128
4) water to vapour without entering into ice 7. W hen a heat of Q is suppiled to one mole of a
5. For water at 6 atm pressure and at a tempera- monoatomic gas (  Then the molar heat
ture 18 0 C, the pressure is reduced to 4.58 atm. capacity of the gas at constant volume is
The matter that exist at new (2004M)
coordinates is in the form of
1) Ice 2) water 3) vapour 1) 3R 2) 5 R 3) 7 R 4) 3R
4)co-existance of all three 4 4 4 2
8. The sample of the same gas, x, y and z, for
1) 2 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 which the ratio of specific heats is have
5) 2 initially the same volume. The volume of the
each sample is doubled by adiabatic process
in the case of x, by isobaric process in the
PREVIOUS EAMCET QUESTIONS case of y and by isothermal process in the
1. The tyre of a motor car contains air at 15 0 C if case of z. If the initial pressure of the sample
the temperature increases to 35 0C, the approxi-
mate percentage increase in pressure is (ig- of x, y and z are in the ratio 2 2 :1: 2 then the
nore the expansion of tyre) (2005E) ratio of the their final pressures is
1) 7 2) 9 3) 11 4)13 (2004M)
2. The ratio of specific heats of a gas is  . The 1) 2 : 1 : 1 2) 1 : 1 : 1
change in internal energy of one mole of the 3) 1 : 2 : 1 4) 1 : 1 : 2
gas when the volume changes from V to 2V at 9. The temperature of 5 moles of a gas at con-
constant pressure “P” is (2005E) stant volume is changed from 100 0 C to 120 0 C.
The change in internal energy is 80J. The heat
 1 PV capacity of the gas at constant volume will be
1) 2) PV 3) 4) V
PV  1 in Joule/Kelvin is (2003E)
3. A 42 kg block of ice moving on rough horizon- 1) 8 2) 4 3) 0.8 4) 0.4
tal surface stops due to friction, after some 10. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a
time. If the initial velocity of the decelerating gas is proportional to the cube of its adiabatic
block is 4 ms -1 , the mass of ice (in kg) that CP
has melted due to the heat generated by the temperature. The value of Cv for that gas
friction is (latent heat of ice is 3.36  10 Jkg
is (2003M)
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 3
1) 10 3 2) 1.5  10 3 5 3 3 2
3) 2  103 4) 2.5  10 3  7
4. A) First law of thermodynamics specifies the
11. 5 moles of hydreogen   1   intially at
 5
conditions under which a body can use its heat
S.T.P is compressed adiabatically so that its
energy to produce the work.
temperature becomes 400 0 c . The increase in
B) Second law of thermodynamics states that heat
internal energy in kilojoules is (R = 8.30
always flows from hot body to cold body by itself
J/mole/k) (2002E)
1) Both A and B are true
1.21.55 2.41.5 3.65.55 4.80.55
2) Both A and B are false
3) A is truee but B is false
4) A is false B is true


12. A metal sphere of radius ‘r ‘ and specific heat 20. A flask is filled with 13 g of an ideal gas at 27 0
‘s‘ is rotating about an axis passing through C and its temperature is raised to 52 0 C. The
its centre at a speed of n rotations per sec is mass of the gas that has to be released to
suddenly stopped and 50% of its energy is used maintain the temperature of the gas in the flask
in increasing its temperature. The rise in tem- at 52 0 C and the pressure remaining the same
perature of the sphere is (2002 E) is (2000E)
1. 2.5g 2. 2.0 g 3. 1.5 g 4. 1.0 g
2 π 2r 2n 2 1 π2n 2 21. An ideal gas at a pressure of 1 atmosphere and
1. 2.
5 s 10 r 2s temperature of 27 0 C is compressed adiabati-
cally until its pressure becomes 8 times the
7 πr 2 n 2s 5 π 2r 2n 2 initial pressure, then the final temperature is---
3. 4.
8 1 14 s  3
13. A gas under constant pressure of 4.5  10 5 pa a -------     (2000 E)
when subjected to 800KJ of heat, changes the  2
volume from 0.5 m 3 to 2.0m 3 . The change in 1. 627 0C 2. 527 0C 3.4270C 5. 327 0C
the internal energy of the gas. 22. Two liquids at temperatures 60 0C and 20 0 C re-
(2002 M) spectively have masses in the ratio 3:4 and their
1. 6.75  10 5 J 2.5.25  10 5J specific heats in the ratio 4:5. If the two liquids
3. 3.25  10 5 J 4.1.25  10 5J are mixed, the resultant temperature is (2000E)
14. If for hydrogen c p - c v = m and for nitrogen
1. 70 0C 2. 40 0C 3. 50 0C 4. 35 0C
c p - c v =n, where c p and c v refer to specific heats
per unit mass respectively at constant pres- 23. A steel ball of mass 0.1 kg falls freely from a
sure and constant volume. The relation between height of 10m and bounces to a height of 5.4 m
m and n is (2002 M) from the ground. If the dissipated energy in
1.n = 14m 2.n = 7m this process is absorbed by the ball, the rise
3.m = 7n 4.m= 14n in its temperature is (Specific heat of steel =
15. A lead bullet of 10 g travelling with 300 m/s 460J/kg/ 0 C, g= 10ms -2 ) (2000 M)
strikes against a block of wood and comes to 1. 0.01 0C 2. 0.1 0C 3. 1 0C 4. 1.1 0 C
rest. Assuming 60% of heat is absorbed by the 24. 50g of copper is heated to increase its tem-
bullet, the increase in its temperature is (Sp. perature by 10 0C. If the same quantity jof heat
heat of lead is 150 Jkg -1 k -1 ) (2001E) is given to 10 g of water, the rise in its tem-
1. 10 0C 2. 12.5 0C 3. 18 0 C 4. 20 0C perature is (2000M)
16. Th e p re s s u re a n d d e n s i t y o f a d i a t o m i c (Specific heat of copper = 420J/kg/ 0C
Specific heat of water = 4200J/kg/ 0C
 7 
gas    ;  changes adiabatically from (p,d) 1. 5 0C 2. 6 0C 3. 7 0C 4. 8 0C
 5  25. A liquid of mass ‘m’ and specific heat ‘S’ is at
a temperature ‘2t’. If another liquid of thermal
d' p' cpacity 1.5 times, at a temperature of t/3 is
to (p 1 ,d 1 ). If = 32 then is (2001E)
d p added to it, the resultant temperature will be
1. 2. 32 3. 128 4. 256 4 t 2
128 1. t 2. t 3. 4. t
17. A gas for which  = 1.5 is suddenly compressed
3 2 3
26. W hen heat energy of 1500 J is supplied to a
1 gas at constant pressure is 2.1X10 5 N/m 2 there
to th of its initial value then the ratio of the was a increase in its volume equal to 2.5 X 10 -
final to initial
pressure is
m 3 . The increase in interanal energy of the
(2001 M) gas, in joules is (1999E)
1. 1:16 2. 1:8 3. 1:4 4. 8:1 1. 450 2. 525 3. 975 4. 2025
18. I mole of an ideal gas with  = 1.4 is adiabatically 27. The relation between melting point of ice and
pressure is shown by ice line, which will be
compressed so that its temperature rises from 270C
to 350C. The change in internal energy of the gas (1999E)
is (R= 8.3 Joule mole-1 k-1) (2001M) 1. with a positive slope
1. -166J 2. + 166J 3. -168 J 4. + 168 2. with a negative slope
19. During an adiabatic process, if the pressure of 3. parallel to pressure axis
the ideal gas is proportional to the cube of its 4. parallel to temperature axis
28. For an adiabatic change in a gas, if P, V,T de-
cp notes pressure, volume and absolute tempera-
temperature, the ratio
is (C p - Specific ture of gas at any time and  is the ratio of
heat at constant pressure C v-Specific heat at specific heats of gas, which jof the following
constant volume) (2000E) equation is ture? (1999 M)

7 4 5 3 1. T γ P1 γ  const. 2. T 1-γ P γ  const.

1. 2. 3. 4.
5 3 3 2 3. T γ-1 V γ  const. 4. T γ V γ  const.
29. Boiling water at 100 0 C and cold water at t 0 C 41. The law obeyed by isothermal process (1994E)
are mixed in the ratio 1:3 and the resultant 1. Gay-Lussac’s law 2. Charles law
maximum temperature was 37 0 C. Assuming no 3. Boyle’s law 4. Dalton’s law
heat losses, the value of ‘t’ is (1999M) 42. In P-V graphs, the ratio of slope of adiabatic to
1. 4 0C 2. 9 0C 3. 12 0C 4. 16 0C isothermal is (1994M)
30. 20g of ice and 20 g of hot water are mixed, 1
when the ice is melted the temperature of the 1.  1 2. 3.1 4. 

mixture was found to be 0 0C. The temperature
43. Latent heat of vaporization of water is 538 cal/
of hot water taken should be (L ice=80 cal/g)
g. During the conversion of 1g of water to
(1999 M) steam, if the external work done is 168J, the
1. 40 0C 2. 72 0C 3. 80 0C 4. 96 0C increase in internal energy is (1994 M)
31. A lead bullet of mass 21 g travelling at a speed 1) 638cal 2) 538cal 3) 498cal 4) 80cal
of 100 ms -1 comes to rest in a wooden block. 44. A quantity of heat ‘Q’ is supplied to a
If no heat is taken away by the wood, the rise monoatomic ideal gas which expands at con-
in temperature of the bullet in the wood nearly stant pressure. The fraction of heat that goes
i s ( Sp . h e a t o f l e a d 8 0 c a l / k g / 0 c ) into workdone by the gas is (1993 E)
(1998E) 2 3 2
1. 25 0c 2. 28 0C 3. 33 0C 4. 15 0C 1. 2. 3. 4. 1
32. The material that has largest specific heat is 5 5 3
(1998 E) KEY
1. mercury 2. water 01)1 02)3 03)1 04)4 05)4
3. iron 4. diamond 06)4 07)4 08)2 09)3 10)4
33. Fi rs t l a w of t h e rm o d y n a mi c s s t a t e s t h a t 11)2 12)1 13)4 14)3 15)3
(1998M) 16)3 17)2 18)2 19)4 20)4
1. system can do work
2. system has temperature 21)4 22)4 23)2 24)1 25)2
3. system has pressure 26)3 27)2 28)1 29)4 30)3
4. heat is form of energy 31)4 32)2 33)1 34)2 35)3
34. An amount of water of mass 20g, at 0 0 C is
mixed with 40 g of water at 100 0 C, Final tem- 36)2 37)2 38)4 39)3 40)1
perature of mixture is (1996E) 41)3 42)4 43)3 44)1
1. -20 0C 2. 6.66 0C 3. 5 0 C 4. 0 0C
35. A piece of lead falls from a height of 100m on a NUMERICALS FROM OTHER
fixed non-conducting slab which brings it to COMPETETIVE EXAMINATIONS
rest. The temperature of the lead piece imme- 1. 110 Joules of heat are added to a gaseous system,
diately after collision increases by (Sp.heat whose internal energy is 40 J ; then the amount of
of lead is 30.6cal/kg/ 0 C and g= 9.8 m/sec 2 .) external work done is
(1996E) 1. 150 J 2. 70 J 3. 110 J 4. 40 J
1. 0K 2. 27 0C 3. 7.62K 4. 4.2K 2. At 270C a gas compressed suddenly such that its
36. A diatomic gas molecule has translational, ro- pressure becomes 1/32 of original pressure. Final
tational and vibrational degrees of freedom. temperature will be (  = 5/3)
1. 4200K 2. 3000K 3. 9270C 4. 3270C
cp 3. One mole of an ideal gas requires 207 J heat to
Then is (1995 E) raise the temperature by 10k when heated at con-
cv stant pressure. If the same gas is heated at con-
1. 1.67 2. 1.4 3. 1.29 4. 1.33 stant volume to raise the temperature by the same
37. An iron ball of mass 0.2 kg is heated to 1000C when 10k, the heat required is
it is put in ice block at 00C, 25 g of ice is melted. 1. 198.7 J 2. 29 J 3. 215.3 J 4. 124J
4. A Sample of ideal monoatomic gas is taken round
The specific heat of iron is _________ C.G.S Units
the cycle ABCA as shown in the figure. The work
(1995 E) done during the cycle is
1. 1 2. 0.1 3. 0.8 4. 0.08
38. The amount of heat required to convert 10g of
ice at -10 0 C into steam at 100 0 C is (in cal.)
( 1995 M)
1. 5400 2. 6400 3. 7200 4. 7250
39. 1g of steam is sent into 1g of ice. The result-
ant temperature of the mixture is (1995 M)
1. 270 0C 2. 230 0C 3. 100 0C 4. 50 0C
40. 0.1 moles of a diatomic gas at 27 0 c is heated
at constant pressure, so that the volume is
doubled. If R=2 cal/mol, the work done is (1994
1. 150cal 2. 60 cal 3. 40 cal 4. 30 cal 1. Zero 2. 3PV 3. 6PV 4. 9PV


5. A gas is compressed at a constant pressure of 50N/ 16. Adiabatic modulus of elasticity of a gas is 2.1 x 105
m2 from a volume of 10m3 to a volume of 4m3. En- Nm-2. Its isothermal modulus of elasticity is (Cp / Cv
ergy of 100 J is then added to the gas by heating. Its = 1.4)
internal energy is. 1. 1.2 x 105 Nm-2 2. 1.4 x 105 Nm-2
1. increased by 400 J 2. increased by 200 J 3. 1.5 x 10 Nm
5 -2
4. 1.8 x 105 Nm-2
3. increased by 100 J 4. decreased by 200 J 17. Starting with the same initial conditions, an ideal
6. Heat energy absorbed by a system going through gas expands from volume V1 to V2 The amount of
a cyclic process shown in figure. work done by the gas is greatest when the expan-
sion is
1. isothermal 2. isobaric
3. adiabatic 4. equal in all cases
18. A block of ice at - 100C is slowly heated and con-
verted to steam at 1000C. Which of the following
curves represents the phenomenon qualitatively ?

1. 107  J 2. 104  J 3.102  J 4.10-3  J

7. A lead ball moving with a velocity V strikes a wall and
stops. If 50% of its energy is converted into heat, The
increase in temperature is (Specific heat of lead is S)
1. 2V2 / JS 2. V2 / 4JS
3. V S/ J
4. V2 S/ 2J
8. Water falls from a height 500m, what is the rise in
temperature of water at bottom if whole energy re- 19. 1g of ice at 00C is mixed with 1g of water at 1000C.
mains in the water ? (J = 4.2) The resulting temperature will be
1. 0.960C 2. 1.020C 3. 1.160C 4. 0.230C 1.  2. 1000C 3. 00C 4. 50C
9. The isothermal bulk modulus of a gas at atmospheric 20. In a thermodynamic process, pressure of a fixed
pressure is mass of gas is changed in such a manner that the
1. 1.293 x 106 Nm-2 2. 1.013 X 105 Nm-2
gas releases 20 joule of heat and 8 joule of work
3. accelerator neutrons4. All the these
was done on the gas. If the initial internal energy of
10. A sample of gas expands from volume V1 to V2. The
the gas was 30 joule, then the final internal energy
amount of work done by the gas is greatest when
the expansion is will be
1. isothermal 2. isobaric 1. 2 joule 2. 18 joule 3. 42 joule 4. 58 joule
3. adiabatic 4. equal in all cases 21. One gram of ice at 00C is added to 5 grams of water
11. 540 g of ice at 00C is mixed with 540 g of water at at 100C. If the latent heat of ice be 80 cal/g, then the
800C, the final temperature of the mixture in 0C will be final temperature of the mixture is :
1. 40 2. 79.9 3. 0 4. 80 1. 50C 2. 00C 3. -50C 4. 200C
12. If the ratio of specific heat of a gas at constant pres- 22. Heat required to convert 1 g of ice at 00C into steam
sure to that at constant volume is  , the change in at 1000C is
internal energy of the mass of gas, when the volume 1. 100 cal 2. 0.01 kilo calorie
changes from V to 2V at constant pressure P, is 3. 716 cal 4. 1 kilo calorie
23. Find the change in internal energy of the system
1. R /(  1) 2. PV
when a system absorbs 2 kilocalorie of heat and at
3. PV / (  1) 4.  PV (  1) the same time does 500 joules of work :
13. For a gas the difference between the two specific 1. 7900 J 2. 8200 J
heats is 4150 J/kg K. The specific heats at constant 3. 5600 J 4. 6400 J
volume of gas if the ratio of specific heat is 1.4 is KEY
1. 8475 J/kg K 2. 5186 J/kg K
3. 1660 J/kg K 4. 10375 J/kg K 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 1
14. When the amount of work done is 333 cal and change 6) 3 7) 2 8) 3 9) 2 10) 2
in internal energy is 167 cal, then the heat supplied is
1. 166 cal 2. 333 cal 11) 3 12) 3 13) 4 14) 3 15) 3
3. 500 cal 4. 400 cal 16) 3 17) 2 18) 1 19) 2 20) 2
15. An ideal gas at 270C is compressed adiabatically to
8/27 of its original volume. The rise in temperature 21) 2 22) 3 23) 1
is (Take  =5/3)
1. 4750C 2. 1500C 3. 2750C 4. 3750C


HINTS 10. work done is max for Isobaric process

1. dq=du+dw cp
2. T1  P11-  =T2  P21-  12. du = ncv dT also
3. CP=5/2R,Cv=3/2R
c p  cv
Qv 3   1
= here cv
QP 5
Qp = 270J,Qv=124J(nearly) R
ie cv=
4. W=area enclosed by the indicator  1
nr PdT P (2v  v ) Pv
du= dT   
1  1  1  1  1
= (3V-V) (4P-P)=3PV
2 13) Cp-Cv=R
5. Acc to 1st low of thermodynamics
dQ=du+Pdv 1 
since dv is negative, we get du=400J
6. W=area of loop =  r2 =  (10)2 J 14) dQ=du+dw=500 cal

1 21 15) pv   K (or )Tv  1  const

7. mv = JH = Jmc 
2 2 Ba 2.1105
16) Bi =   1.5 105 N / M 2
v2  1.4
 =
4 Jc 20) du=dQ-dw
8. mgh=mcd  23) du=dQ-dw=8400-500=7900 J

9. we know Pv=k

P=-  Bi
dv / v



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