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#8 oe-ghtcar a de a ae 7 Get Te ae set TE ea fear 4 409% Bi This Booklet contains 40 pages ao. D CET-2018 FOR CLASS IX FOR ACADEMIC SESSION 2018-19 gea-gficat eA / Question Booklet No. ‘apps (at #) / Roll No. (in digits) agpAis (sit 4) / Roll No. (in words) 6210 Frater ana : 2.308 after it : 200 Time Allowed : 2.30 Hours Maximum Marks : 200 seat} gee 29 & fee Bae ae ators Oe ar gett He Baa a STA a FE Use Black Ball-Point Pen only for marking the responses. Do not use penci wept Saas 1 at BF A cee Mt ora A aaah hs Te ch | \ Candidate must read all the instructions carefully before marking the responses. an seit & oat Sam STs Tg BB You have to mark your answers on Answer-Sheet only. utter & sued SAGs orate a etter 3 After the examination is over, hand-over the Answer-sheet to tle invigilator. meayel oytat Important Instructions 4. wh wer ata Ft ait neil } gaz 2 Alt ae ooe ke multiple-choice type and answer all the questions. 2, ea er gferar a 200 nerf, Far Prefers At PTE: | >this Question Booklet contains 200 questions in all ari-1: ait (some) ‘the following three parts: Beer English (50 Ques.) ey wrieasey) Part-2 : General Knowledge (50 Ques.) a3: aft gferrar ater (75+25 3¥) Part-3 : Mathematics/Intelligence Test (75+25 Ques.) 3. OMR SHER Te Req me RIFT Ue steel ery AIH, HE] 3. ‘The candidates should indicate their Name, correct org, er ferrvtom, etter ai he, ue gfert as | Roll Number, Question Booklet No.. Exam Cente Code, Question Booklet Code and class on the OMR er i ten TT a POINT! AAer-Sheevotherwise the Answer Sheet wil not ote cee Retert eed oreae at ait be evaluated and the candidate will be solely 4 ee ees fe me sew sae | | Tapomible frit sa . Each question has four alternative answers, The 58 ge, Ser Fe A Rear we BT at AY MT] canaidate as to darken only one circle/bubble on the Hae TH Ve as Ee @ gT TATTA A | Answer. Sheet using blackbal-point pen indicating the cates sure Raa 23 zen Hh ger B Sax Aare ARI aT | correct answer as shown. If more than one answer option is found darkened, then the question will be es aa al re treated wrong and will not be evaluated wet @OOO Example: @OOO 5. Ue ard ga wer gferar F Proffea ea ae état 5. Rough Work is to be done in the space provided in 6. Sues oe Reet rare & cicher bg weer aT ate the question Booklet only. sein srg Bi Ls Be) IAL Set tine Told oF ae Reitecon on the ‘Answer-Sheet is not permissible 7. weirs Seger ste Aang one a HAT HE A ATA | 7, Use of Electronic Calculator and Mobile, etc. is not wae - permissible. * 8, an wafer qeey oe aT Seeger & an wat B | 8 Air completion of examination, you are allowed to a en take away your Question Booklet. 9. id eR BRAT El ETH 9. There is no negative marking. . DO NOT OPEN THE SEAL OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO ENGLISH Directions (Q.No. 1 to 15): In each of these questions in the given sentence below there is a blank. Choose the word or phrase which best completes the sentence. 1. A special committee was set up to on the problem of football hooliganism. (A) investigate (8) inform (©) research (0) report 2. I'm afraid | can't tell you what he said. It would be a of confidence. (A) rapture (B) break (©) ft (0) breach 3. The hotel room was. furnished with only a bed, a wardrobe and an ancient arm chair. (A) sparely (8) sparsely (C) scarcely (D) sketchily 4. Ourhosts had prepared a meal with five courses to celebrate our arrival. (A) generous (8) profuse (©). lavish (0) spendthrift 5. Don'tthank me for helping in the garden. It was ___ pleasure to be working outdoors. (A) Plain (8) Mere (C) Simple (0) Sheer Page 3 of 40 6. 10. She had mind which kept her alert and well-informed even in old age. (A) anexamining (8) ademanding (©) anenquiring (0) aquerying The police decided to the department store after they had received a bomb warning. (A) abandon (8) evacuate (C) (D) expel evict The school authorities. the child's unruly behaviours on ‘his parents’ lack of discipline. (A) attribute (8) accuse (C) blame (0) ascribe He was a hardened criminal without a scrap of ____for his crimes (A) pity (8) reproach (C) remorse (0) penance The doctor prescribed tablets to help the pain. (A) lighten (8) calm (C) relieve (0) rid Set-D / Clags-IX / 520 ii. iar eee _- }@™. #°} —ooee™ 8080S fii CO OND 1 12, 13, 15. After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance further losses. (A) for (8) from (©) towards (0) against Ifyou in arriving late, | shall have toreport you to the Manager. (A) persist (8) persevere (C) insist (0) prevail Far from finding the job too demanding, she seems to the challenges it presents. (A) savour (8) relish (C) cherish (D) regard In the hands of a reckless driver a car becomes a weapon, (A) lethal (B) fatal (C) mortal (D) killer She took up so many hobbies when she retired that she had hardly any time, (A) onher hands (8) inhand (C)atherhand (D) athand Page 4 of 40 Directions (Q.No. 16 to 25): In the: questions, fill in the blanks in the senten with the correct option. 16. They still think that women are infer men. (A) to (8) than (C) from (0) with 17. The teacher was angry__me. (A) upon (8) to (C) against (0) at 18. Aword processoris___a typewriter (A) more easier to use than (B) easier to use as (C) as easy to use as (0) notas easy to use than 19. If you, melts. ice in warm water, it so (A) will place (B) would place (C)_ place (D) placed 20. Howmany copies with the orde (A). didwe sent (B) have we sended (C) sent we (D) did we send 9 SetD/Class-Ix/5 |. ee 21. 23. | 24, 2. ————— CS can't find my glasses. them anywhere in the office this morning? A are you seeing Directions (Q.No. 26 to 36): In each of these questions, a sentence divided into three parts A, B, C. If there is some error in any of the parts A, B, or C, then this is your answer, (8) sawyou otherwise answer is D. (C) have you seen 26. (A) ladvised (0) didyou have ) tonim Their product ___more imaginatively this (Gs fase he work prope, aii (0) Noerror. (A) isbeing marketed 27. (A) The teacher called Ravi (8) and asked him (®)_ismarketing ; (C) to describe about the incident (C)_ is been marketed aioe (D) is marketed 28. (A) This pen writes ‘When the post, lil bring it to your (8) very well ee! (C)_ butit costed me 100 rupees (A) willarrive (D) NOerror. (8) arrives: 29. (A) The bomb caused (©) isarriving (B) extensive damages (0) te going to ene (C)_ ofthe surrounding buildings. These documents arrived on Thursday, Or 2 30. (A) There were (A) isnttit (B) hardly no trees left ook (C)_ just bare rocky land. (0) Noerror. OE ae 31. (A) [would like youto (0), waren (8) complete this assignment ‘The numbers of orders went up we (C) before you leave for Mumbai. increased our price by 15%. yt eh Cy pecans) 32. (A) The visitors complained at (8) although (B) the poor accommodation (©) when (©) they were given (0) if (0) Noerror. Page 5 of 40 Set-D / Class-IX / 520 33, (A) (B) (c) (D0) 34. (A) (B) (c) (0) 35. (A) (B) (ce) (0) Directions (Q.No. 36 to 40): Read the passage carefully to answer these questions given below it. The greatest enemy of mankind, as people have discovered, is not science, but war. Science merely reflects the socials forces by which it is surrounded. Itis found that when there is peace, science is constructive; when there is war, science is perverted to destructive ends. The weapons which science gives us do not necessarily create war; these make war increasingly more terrible. Until now, ithas brought us to the doorstep of doom. Our main problem, therefore, is not to curb science, but to stop war. This is a job in which everybody must participate, including the scientists. But the bomb of Hiroshima suddenly woke us to the fact that we have very little time. The hour is late and our work has scarcely begun. Now we are face to face with this urgent question: “Can education and and creative intelligence run fast enough to keep us abreast with our own Sint com INFIDEN CON ALC tolerance, understan You can't prevent me to go there. Noerror. (Once indoor he immediately took of his wet clothes and dried himself No error. ‘The kangaroo belongs to a group of animals called marsupials Noerror. PASSAGE Page 6 of 40 mounting capacity to destroy?” That is question which we will have to answer one or the other in this generation. Science must he us in finding the answer, but ultimately the mé decision lies within ourselves 36. The phase ‘our work has scarcely begt implies that our work (A) __ has only just begun (B) has not yet begun (C) has begun but not yet finished (0) isnot likely to begin 37. Our mounting capacity to destroy can kept under control by (A) encouraging social forces (8) education for all (©) creativity and intelligence (D) education, liberal thinking ai creativity 38. According to the author, the real enemy mankind is not science but war, becaus (A) Science during wars destructive is ve (B) Science merely invents the weapo with which war is fought (C) the weapons that science inve necessarily lead to war (0) the weapons invented by science not cause war, though they mak more destructive 39. According to the author, the solution lies (A) preventing scientists fre participating in destructive activitie (8) abolishing war (©) stopping everywhere (0) stopping science from reflecti social forces scientific activit Set-D / Class-IX /! 40. The expression “bring to the doorstep of doom" means (A) lead us to the threshold of a new destiny introduce us to an unpredictable future (8) (C) carry us close to death and destruction (D) take us step by step to ruin Directions (Q.No. 41 to 50): In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are suggested, one of which fits into the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word. There is no... (41)... about that fact the travelling broadens the mind. Itis a... (42)... of education People who have not travelled may be ... (43). to frogs living in a well. Just like frogs, they begin to... (44)... that their village, or town, or city is the ... (45)... world. This way to thinking makes them ... (46)... and parochial. Those people who read books, magazines and newspapers come to ... (47)... something about the world outside, but this is not the same thing as seeing the outside world with one’s own eyes. To see the beautiful Taj Mahal... (48)... moonlightis an experience and a lesson jin ... (49)... beauty that no ... (50)... book or magazine can provide. a1. (A) (B) (Cc) (0) 42. (A) (8) (C) (0) proof hesitation doubt claim site way method Means Page 7 of 40 47 49, ®) ©) © @ ®) ©) ©) “ ® © (©) “ ®) © © @ ®) ©) ©) “ ® ©) ©) (B) (c) (0) (A) (8) (c) (D) similar compared matched like believe realise Iremember recall complete entire ‘enormous Full narrow contained csonstrained == restrained believe imagine admirable aesthetic commendable remarkable knowledgable coloured illustrated entertaining Set-D / Class-Ix / 520 51. 52. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Electron microscope was invented by (A) Knoll and Ruska (8) Robert Koch (C)_ Leeuwen huck (0) CP. Swan Son Catalytic converters are generally made -from : (A) Carbon (B) (C) Transition metals Alkaline metals (0) Hydrogen Most commonly used bleaching agent is (A) Alcohol (8) Chlorine (Cc) () She is known for Narmada Bachao Andolan: Sodium Chloride Carbon dioxide (A) Parvati Devi (8) Medha Patekar (C) Rama Bai (0) Gaura Devi ‘The purest form of iron is (A) Castiron (8) Steel (©) Pigiron (2) Wrought iron Page 8 of 40 51. 53, 55. ets gereal ar caftoare ea? Rear (A) ate oft oer (8) tae ae (©) strgE (02) a4. erat wares ae aT PAR TAL aT (A) ae (8) ata ag a (C) Bare arg (0) BRT ‘walt getaret 9 a aren Por aR war 8? A) water (8) Ht (©) difsar aitags (0) at ay stares 38 ler aenelt stidlers & fee sar oir (A) ode &at (8) Ferma (Cc) mag (0) tae ae a ga oa am aor 8? (A) seal ater (8) Fert (C) wear ster (0) reat ster ‘Set-D / Class-IX, | |. un ‘The instrument that measures and records the relative humidity of air is : A (8) (©) (0) ‘The shape of our milky way galaxy is A (8) () (D) ‘The different colours of different stars are due to the variation of a) (B) (c) (0) The fundamental scientific principle in the operation of battery is A) (8) (c) (0) ‘The force that keeps the planets ina regular orbit is a) (8) (c) (D) Hydrometer Hygrometer Lactometer Barometer 57. Circular Elliptical Spiral None of the above Temperature Pressure Density Radiation from them Acid —base interaction Dialysis Dissociation of electrolytes Oxidation — reduction Electricity Magnetic Gravitational Divine Page 9 of 40 ag A aide mia ar arer od Rand et are Sea Bs A) BRgriee (8) Bente (C) dachier (0) aie ead aremerin a srrpfer 8 Fr (8) tga (C) RR (OD) aagan 8 & ag et fiev-2 ont & Pro tr Prafafad 4 8 reel fate & are alt 2? (A) aA vs (8) 7 (C) we (D) Fa far eft & srerert a et rai 2: oat arent stereteear ariter Fagr-snega TUT (A) (B) (c) © softer ot met a ee Paftac oa ge vert B: a) Pas ) ar (C) geet (0) 34 4 ArT Set-D / Cla8s-Ix / 520 61. Which country won FIFA U-17 world cup final-2017 in football : (A) England (8) Spain (C) Nigeria (0) Brazil Who is defence minister of india? (A) Arunjetly (8) Nirmala Sitaraman (©) Piyush Goyal (0) Rajnath singh Who won noble prize in literature in 20172 (A) Kazuo Ishiguro (8) Richard Thaler (C) Michael Young (0) Jefferry Hall US ambassador to the UNITED Nations is (A) Nikki Haley (8) Ellie Black (©) Morgan Hurd (0) Eremina Elena When is the international girl child day is 61. Sim sist-17 2017 a Geant # Rea oa 2 3 ofan? (A) ers (8) a (Cc) argaifeer (D) ater 62. HRT teat Hat ah 8? (A) stem Steet (8) Peter dare (Cc) dea tae (0) wre fie 63. 2017 a aiid A tact Gora Pret oh (A) args Sega (8) tad tae (C) gar a (0) ee ee 64, Aga Te F fea cra ar ae ae B? (A) rt 2a (8) wh aaa (©) ara ee (0) etter deta 65. ‘sirigta aan Raw’ af & Pre Ra 7A celebrated every year? rat 8? (A) September 11 (A) feet 11 (8) October 11 (8) sat 11 (C)_ November 11 (C) FART 11 (D) December 11 (D) Rerar 1 Page 10 of 40 * Set-D / Class-Ix/ 5 |, ei aaa 70. The process of depositing a layer of zinc ‘on iron is called (A) _ Ionization (8) Crystallisation (c) (D) Neutralization Galvanization The shape of rain drop is spherical due to A) Viscosity (B) Surface tension (C) Elasticity (0) Gravitation ‘The nucleus of an atom consists of (A) Electrons and neutrons {B) Electrons and protons © Protons and neutrons (D) Allofthe above A solar eclipse occurs when (A) Moon comes between earth and sun (8) Earth comes between moon and sun © (D) The sun earth and moon are in the same line ‘Sun comes between earth and moon ‘The noble peace prize of 2017 is given to (A) Hillary Clinton (8) Barrack obama © (0) International campaign to aboish nuclear weapons (ICAN) Zannah Mustapha Page 11 of 40 67. 69, 70. Ee ore a a Feet eT HET eA ar Fel aT? (A) ssitaert (8) magediergsart (C) TaeTERTT (D) aptengsteret Fra a @ Pea often 4 ae 8 ant $ ort ‘ae ate & ott 8? A yaa ® yeaa (C) wien (0) goer Ya x PAA aT aa 8? (A) Sager otk SRT @) eae ah tae (C) stare site aga ©) Faia wh ET BT ee BE (A) aig geht ote a 3 ata 4 on oer 2 (8) pat ais ote at 8 Sta A on are B (C) a gett ote aig & ata Foo omen & (D) aie, get ote a cm the # ona Br 2017 aH staat safer goeare Pee fear sar 8: (A) Reet ier (8) Re starr (©) sre gee (0) Ca Pear aifhart sierissa (sng 3) Set-D / Clasp-IK / 520 70. The process of depositing a layer of zinc on iron is called (A) Ionization (8) Crystallisation (c) (D) Neutralization Galvanization The shape of rain drop is spherical due to (A) Viscosity (8) Surface tension (C) Elasticity (D) Gravitation ‘The nucleus of an atom consists of (A) Electrons and neutrons (8) Electrons and protons (C) Protons and neutrons (D) Allofthe above A solar eclipse occurs when (A) Moon comes between earth and sun (8) Earth comes between moon and sun (C) Sun comes between earth and moon (D) The sun earth and moon are in the same line ‘The noble peace prize of 2017 is given to (A) Hillary Clinton (B) Barrack obama (c) (0) International campaign to aboish nuclear weapons (ICAN) Zannah Mustapha Page 11 of 40 67. 69, 70. AE Te ore a Feet eT HC Heo BT aT Fel STB? (A) gatater (8) wageeeTESerT (C) TRIES (0) apie Fr a @ Pea ofan ft ae 8 ant 3 ort ‘ae ate & ott 8? A FARE ® eae (C) waar (0) goer ay) a x PA ae aa 8? () Rag ak aR @ sar ste (©) seh okt aT ©) Faia at eet a AT... ‘i (A) aig get ote a & ate 4 ot ore 2 (8) gel aig ote at & ata 4 on ore 2 (C) et yet she aig ate Foon ore 8 (0) at, get ote at we therg # anid 2017 aH shat safer goer Pee Fear sar 8: (A) Reet Piet (8) Re starr (©) arte GET (0) Ga aaa siftart sierisa (sng F7) Set-D / Clasg-IX / 520 71. 73. 18: 74, ‘The only state in India that produces saffron is: (A) Meghalaya (B) Kerala (C) Himachal Pradesh 0) “Titan’ is the satellite of which planet? (A) Mercury (8) Earth (C) Venus (0) Satu Zero degree centrigrade is equal to .... degree fahrenheit : Jammu and Kashmir (A) 273 (B) 32 (C) 283 (0) 92 Which of the following mountains are the oldest : @)_ Nilgiris (8) Aravalis Satpuras Himalayas (c) (0) Width of Board Gauge Track in the Indian Railways is (A) 1000mm. (8) 1676mm (C) 862mm (D) 1500mm Page 12 of 40 7 72. 73. 74, 7. are 4 tar Goes Fae Hs ST (A) Rarer (8) aa (C) Ferree seat (0) 7y axitc ages Pou we ar sae B? AF 8) wat (C) (0) af ae Rest Hae amar 8: (A) 273 (8) 32 (C) 283, (0) 92 fra #8 aad gaa wes (A) stare (8) sree (C) wage (D) Ferrera ENCE A A (A) 1000mm (8) 1676mm (C) 862mm (D) 1500mm fe SeeD / Class-IX | eee Mansabdari system was introduced by (A) Akbar (8) () (0) ‘Who is winner of Wimbledon championship 2017 in men's singles? a) 8) (© (0) ‘An Astronomical unit (AU) is a unit of : Shershah Humayun Jahangir Roger federer Andy murry, Marin Cilic Rafael Nadal (A) Time (8) Mass (C) Distance (0) Allofthe above 79. Which one of the following is and ore of iron? (A) Haematite (B) Magnetite (C) Bauxite (0) Smettite 80. Human Rights Day is on : @ (8) 21%Juy 24" February (c) 15*May (D) 10% December 76. 1. 78. weeaardt soneh Poa ary a a? (A) oat (8) Srane © Br (0) serie farsa Gos cere APNG 2017 a7 Fata a A) wR Bee ® ak (C) ards Rafer (D) Wa Feet writs gait () Bw ea A) aa a (B) We © @ ) Aa wt Bra a 8 Prat ater omy aed wy A oer ‘aren 8? A) BreRE (8) Frege (C) Sree (D) Passe j narra afte fea B = (A) 24 eR (8) 219m (C) 1558 (0) 10 fara Where is Nathpa Jhakri Power project 1, located? (A) Uttarakhand (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Himachal Pradesh (0) Andhra Pradesh Ankleshwar and kalol are two oil fields in (A) Maharastra (B) Assam (C) Gujarat (0) Rajasthan The famous ‘Gir’ forests are located? (A) Mysore (8) Kashmir (C) Gujarat (0) Kerala The Indian standard Time (IST) is (A) 5 Zhours ahead of GMT 1 (8) 45 hours behind of GMT (C) 4hours ahead of GMT (0) st hour behind of GMT Which of these harbours is not a natural harbours (A) Chennai (8) Mumbai (C) Cochin (0) Paradip Page 14 of 40 Su ies eae eee ayer ae fag eftdora wat Rea #7 (A) Serres (8) seme eat (C) feet sar (0) sits er sieaeat ott sat F Aa aa E : (A) mere (8) aaa (c) prea ¥ (0) werent ¥ afer ‘Pre’ a et Fer 8? a) fae (8) eit (©) RM (0) aa and a are ara safes ser aa a WSS ae AB © saat (©) 4e ont ©) Sy RaVe Fret oar sete err * Set-D / Class-Ix / es lrt—CS~sti‘“SOS Jadugoda mines are famous for (A) lronore (8) Mica deposits (C) Gold deposits (0) Uranium deposits The busiest and the most important sea route of the world is. (A) North Pacific Sea Route (©) North Atlantic Sea Route (C) South Atlantic Sea Route {D) Indian Ocean Route The Andaman group and Nicobar group of islands are separated from each other by (A) Ten Degree Channel (8) GreatChannel (C) Nine Degree Channel (0) Andaman Sea “Redaiffe line” is boundary line between (A)_Indiaand Bangladesh (8) India and Bhutan (©) India and China (D) India and Pakistan Whats the International Date Line? (A) Itis the equator (©) _Itisthe O*longitude (C) tis the 90° East longitude (D) tis the 180° longitude Page 15 of 40 gin eB (a) tte ore & fee (B) Aiea} aware & Ferg (©) tS wart % fem (0) Phra S sweret & fare dar @ Wad ae atk aad Feet AEE ant & (A) BRC SIT BRR APL (8) sen arenes ARE Art (c) afar srewifess age APT (0) fee marae Art gear da aye ait Petar di ae Rrafafaa # 8 Peas ara om eat 8 oer fea mB? e (A) 2a fet Sa (8) de ara (c) aig Peat Are (D) sear are afters cre’ Prefer 8 Poa Sait & ate ‘ara tear &? (A) ARG site aie (8) aaa ye (c) area ste a (0) ara otk oe ‘cqearttefta tan Paice’ ea 8? A) 7 gra tare (8) % 0 rain ® (c) 7e 90° yt Tait & (0) 3% 180° tae Set-D / Glass-1X / 520 91. 93. Indian standard Time (IST) relates to (A) 75.5°E longitude (B) 82.5°E longitude (C) 90.5°E longitude (D) OPtongitude How far does the Exclusive Economic zone of a country extend from its coast? (A) 170km (8) 270km (C) 370km (0) 470km In which of the following is the ‘Great Barrier Reef located? (A) Coral Sea (8) Solomon Sea (C) Bismark Sea (0) Arafura Sea “Teen Bigha Corridor’ links (A) _ India and Pakistan (B) India and China (©) Bangladesh and Pakistan () Bangladesh and India The substrate of photo — respiration is (A) Pyruvic acid (8) Glucose (C) Fructose (0) Glycolate Page 16 of 40 93, 95. ee pereare 2 (A) 75.5°E tala (8) 82.5°E Tait (C) 90.5°E Faia, (0) 0° Yeaiat feat Bar a ‘or cals Ba’ Tae feerit ax am tat 8? (A) 170 Pit (8) 270 (Cc) 370 ft (0) 470 ‘Fhe Sta de’ Preafertere H & Poe fe (A) SNe aR (8) aetna (Cc) Prene aa (D) AGT ‘dim ar aiheare tsar & : (a) are ote ofa (8) ara otk de at (C) ater otk ofa (0) aterter ote area a SR ART BT TTT Fa 8? (A) sree oT (8) "ea (C) sate (0) rere , Set-D / Class-D Laat Ha aad as et ata? ‘Which one of these animals is jawless? (A) Shark (A) ae (8) Myxine (8) rarer (C) Trygon (C) Ria ©) Sphymna (0) feeat + _ 97. Afla—toxins are produced by 97. UraT-fay Pred ara 2? (A) Bacteria (a) Stary (8) Fungi 8) me (C) Viruses (C) Peary (0) Algae (0) Sarat 98. Whats the bulb filament made of ? 98, ava ar Peete fae an ater 8? : (®) Steel ea (8) Argon (©) siti 5 (C) Tungsten (C) ener (D) Nitrogen (0) aegtr 98. While catching a ball, a player pulls down 99. let 4X argent ara, ce Bite ferent Prmifateat his hands to lower the 32 Pret aa ae 3 fire ore ara a ae Fore a 8? (B) Moment Ox 8) a (C) Impuise os (0) Catching time () ataw 100. Geostationary satellite revolves at- 100. fear (Geraci) core Freafatter 4 @ Pea (8) Fixed height (8) & Pritaa Seg ae (©) Height which depends upon its mass ) aes Tot gee FoI Pr (D) Height above pole (Oy wawt Sage Set-D / Class-IK / 520 | } | } \ 101. 102. 103. 104. MATHEMATICS / INTELLIGENCE TEST ‘Which of the following is not true ? (A) 5:25=20% (8) 0.27% =0.0027 (C) 7.4% =37:50 (0) 18:72=25% ‘The median of set of numbers : 13,19,8,5,14 is a 8 ® 5 © 28 (0) 14 ‘After 35 years, Rohan willbe 8 times as old as he is now. The present age of Rohan is (A) Syears (8) 7years (©) 4years (0) 8years The largest of the following is (&)_0.000140.01 (8B 1M00-1/1000 (C) O17 (2) 110+0.001 . Inaparallelogram ABCD if DO and CO are the bisectors of ZADC and ZBCD respectively, then reflex ZDOC is equal to. (A) 270° (B) 200° (c) 210° (0) 205° Page 18 of 40 101. 102, 103, fra 3 8 a ae A? (A) 5:25=20% (8) 0.27% =0.0027 (©) 7.4% =37:50 (0) 18:72=25% ‘ae BETA : 13,19,8,5,14 Ht a 8 (B) 5 (Cc) 13 (D) 14 asad are, Ter A omg STA AAT & syn eh ter & ata og & sat ) 734 (c) 404 (0) 8a freafafera 3 aa’ set ® (&)_0.000140.01 (B 1/100-1/1000 (c) (0.17 (D) 1/10+0.001 we wie ABT asco 4, A ae co mR zapc BT zBC artes a, dt gee zpo0c F am: (A) 270° (8) 200 (Cc) 210° (D) 205° Set-D / Class-DX ———— L—s 106. 10; iS) 110, |. In the given fig, OG=OF. The area of the LOM of (2x7-3x-2) and (2° - 4x7 +4x) is a) (8) 106. x(x-2)(2e+1) x(x-2)(2x41) (c) (0) x(x-2)(2041)7 (x-2)2x41) The factors of (x* +625) are- 10 g a (8) (x? = 25), (x7 +25) (x? +25), (x? +25) (C) (x?=10x+25), (x? + 54-425) (©) Donot exist 1 figure is ~ he Oo ¢ 2m El 4/4 G ig 12m wo 7m > ° mm oO (A) 56m? (8) 64m? (C) 74m? (0) 28m If the arithmetic mean of 7,5,13, x and 9 be 10. Then the value of x is @ 10 (8) 12 (©) 14 (0) 16 Aman sells 320 mangoes at the cost price of 400 mangoes. His gain percent is (A) 10% (B) 25% (C) 15% (0) 20% 109. 110. Page 19 of 40 Wohoyo (2x7-3x-2) (0° -4x? 44x) Bt ® @ 8) ©) (0) x(x-2)(2x+1) x(x=2)(2"+1) x(x-2)(2x +1)? (x= 2)2x+1) (x4 +625) 3 res 2 (A) (x* 25), (x7 +25) (B) (x?+25), (x? +25) (C) (x?=10x+25), (x? +5x +25) (0) we a waa fe 78 fas, OG=oF faa ar Bava & 2m 2m apt Q — =) 5 g g Va g al & B toile 12m (A) 56m* (8) 64m? (©) 74m? (0) 28m AR 7,5,13,.x Ge 9 ar aE B10 Tt x aa (A) 10 (B) 12 (©) 14 (0) 16 we afer 320 omit Bt 400 art & may ee ac Bi Gear fee aT se (A) 10% (8) 25% (C) 15% (D) 20% Set-D / Class-IX / 520 , LCM (2x7-3x-2) and (2° = 4x7 44x) is: @) (8) of 106, x(x-2)(2x+1) x(x-2)(2x41) © (0) x(x-2)(2x-+1) (x-2)2x4+1) 407. The factors of (x* +625) are- 107. (A) (x7-25), (x7 +25) (B) (x? +25), (x? +25) (C) (x? -10x425), (x? +5x +25) (D) Do not exist In the given fig, OG=OF. The area of the figure is — @o 7m > Oo 7m oO 12m (A) 56m? (8) 64m? (C) 74m# (0) 28m ). If the arithmetic mean of 7,5,13, x and 9 be 10. Then the value of x is (A) 10 (B) 12 © 14 (0) 6 110. Aman sells 320 mangoes at the cost price of 400 mangoes. His gain percent is : A) 10% (8) 25% (©) 15% (0) 20% 110. Mowoyo = (2x7-3x-2) AT (8-47 44x) Bt A 8) (c) (0) (x1 +625) % pres 8 (A) (x*-25), (x7 +25) 8) (C) (x? =10x 425), (x? +5. +25) (0) We a wae x(8-2)(2x+1) x(v- 2) (2x41) x(x 22x40? (x-2)2x+1) (x? +25), (x? +25) . RA ma fet 4, OG-oF fea ar Gama & 2m ° H g| 6 G 2 7m > oO mm Oo 12m (A) 58m? (C) 74m? (B) 64m? (D) 28m 1. AE 7.5.13, x ste 9 aT TEE 10 Fx mane @ 10 ® 2 (C) 14 (0) 16 we aR 320 ait BH 400 art & ar Wea We Seer Bi Gear afer are B : (A) 10% (8) 25% (C) 15% 20% (0) Set-D / Class-IX / 520 ’ |. If5=23 and 9=79, then 12=? 112. 113. 114, 116. (A) 145, (B) 142 (Cc) 144 (0) ‘Which of the following is greatest ? (A) 23/36% (8) 06% (C) 73/8% 146 (D) 133/4% ‘Acan do a piece of work in 30 days while B can do it in 40 days. A and B working together can doit in: (A) 70days (8) (©) (0) Which of the following numbers is a palindromic number as well as a perfect square ? A (B) (c) (0) How many persons will be able to eat for '50 days on food which is sufficient for 400 persons for 10 days. (a) 80 ® 8 (©), 40 (0) 200 4171/4 days 190/7 days 12017 days 98789 56765 123454321 17161 Page 20 of 40 12. 113. 114, 116. af 5=233it 9=79, a 12=7 145, 142 A © (©) 144 (D) 146 rafter 4 8 aa aad ag 2? @ - ® 23/36% 06% (©) 73/8% (0) 133/4% feat arr a Ago Rea A ott 6 40ReT qa ae 8 Ast Bart wa fraar 3 aay a Pat Rat F ge we? (a) roe (B) 1714 fer (c) 19077 (0) 1207 frafatar dens Fa cw facia (erie) sie atte oot at 8? (A) 98789 (B) 56765 (C) 123454321 (D) 17161 400 drat fare 10 Fer ar IST 50 ae Prot att at a? (A) 80 ® 8 (c) 40 (0) 200 Set-D / Class-IX / ————— 116. 117. 18. 119. 120. Ifthe interest on a sum of Rs.500 is equal to Rs, 500 in ten years, what is the rate of interest 7 A) 5% (8) 2% (C) 10% 1 ©) 125% The simplification of 1+1/10+1/100+1/1000 in decimal form is (A) 1.0001 (B) 4.111 (C) 1.001 (0) 0.1111 tank whose length, breadth and height are respectively 7m, 6m and 5m, then find the water holding (A) 210m? (8) 320m? (C) 300m? (0) 350m? Out of certain sum of money Mahesh spends 2/3 on first day and 1/6 of the remainder on second day. Now he had 250 rupees left. What amount had he first ? (A) 600 rupees (8) 800 rupees (C) 900 rupees (0) Ifone dozen note books costs 252 rupees, find the cost of 10 note books. A) 210 (B) 200 (C) 189 (0) 168 1000 rupees Page 21 of 40 116, 117. 18, 119, HR 500 Ko FH AWA 500 Go 10 a F Ber & Ht aa a aM aM? A) 5% ®) (cy (0) 1+1/10+1/100+1/1000 @ aarraa Fret ae @) (8) 1.0001 1.111 (©) 1.001 (0) 01111 we te Breet war, Garg, der 7Hho, 6 Ho Tat Sto, 21 ga Se A oh TA A AAT AT Bel (A) 210m? (B) 320m* (C) 300m (D) 350m? age ef 8 8 eer A ged Re 23 ar eT ara at ast at 1/6 HPT gat fet ad fear 1 sq sad qa 250 6 ay Bt awash YS H sas Te Per welt ahi (A) 600s. (B) 800rs. (C) 9001s. (D) 1000 rs. & OH ah Ft atid 2526 8 10 waftat a aaa gar eri? A) 210 (8) 200 (C) 189 (0) 168 , ‘Set-D / Class-Ix / 520 121 123. 124. 125. Find the value: 0.001/0.01 A) (8) 0.001 (c) 0.011 0.01 (D0) 04 . Inadivision sum, ifthe divisor is 51, quotient ig 16 and the remainder is 27, then dividend 2 (A) 843 (8) (Cc) 94 (0) Mohan is having 20% more money than sham. If Sham has 500 rupees, then find the money that Mohan has? A) (8) 520 rupees 483 1393 600 rupees (C) 400 rupees (D) None of these 215% of 240+ 315% of 180 = (A) 2.03 (8) 2.04 (©) 3.04 (0) 204 Roman Numerals of 98 is (a) XCM (B) xcw (c)_xevlll (D) xcvIV Page 22 of 40 121 122. 123. 124, 125, 0.001/0.01 AIF SIRT 1 @ 001 (8) 0.001 (©) 0.011 (D) we Prat & aart 4, re ATH | af 16 wen ae 278 a ait a BF o4 (A) (8) 483, (Cc) 94 (0) 1993 ater & oe ar A 20% wR a are gare B FH 500 & & at te 3 favs & (A) 600 rupees 243, (B) 520 rupees (C) 400 rupees () waa aE 215% I 240+3/5% 7H 180 = a) 203 (B) 2.04 (©) 3.04 (0) 204 aa ra F 98 at fafa: (A) XCVI () xcCw (©) xcul (po) xcviv Set-D / Class 5:4 equal to : A) 125% (8) 80% (C) 60% (D) 40% 4::42:8::62:27::93:7 A 16 (8) 27 (C) 49 (0) 81 Ifrank of a student from last is 17"and 15" from beginning, then how many students are there ? (A) 31 (B) 32 (C) 33 (0) 17 ). Find the missing term. M17 23 314 19°29°37° 43" ae ” 47 37, By © 4 (G} 37 47 ‘Amachine takes 12 minutes to fil 200 bottles of Coca Cola. At this rate how many minutes. it will take to fill 500 bottles of Coca Cola? (A) 25 minutes (8) 28 minutes (C) 30 minutes (0) 40 minutes (d) Page 23 of 40 127. 128, 129. 130, 5:4 gre & feeb aaa 8? (A) 125% (8) 80% (C) 60% (0) 40% 55:1::42:8::62:27::93:7 (A) 16 (B) 27 (c) 49 (D) 81 aft Poet rere ar cart ster @ 17at ote ana @ sai %, at Rend a ga der Rear 8? A) 31 (8) 32 (©) 3 (D) 17 ° apret 9¢ st Ft IL? 23 31, 19° 29°37" 437° a) (B) (c) 37 a7 wp Feit Her Ble A 200 ataet 12 PAE H arecht Bsa ax 8 500 ata ear Pte Fath? @) 2sfre (B) 28 fre (Cc) s0ftre (0) 40fre (0) Set-D / Clas§-1X / 520 The possible value of x in the linear 2 7 Sxt+l=— ig. equation 5 3 A 3 (C) 2 (B) 2 ) 3 2 574 of anumberis 20 ess than the original number. The number is- (A) 80 (B) 90 (C) 60 (0) 70 The value of from S2+5_ 1 pe 3 a 2 (8) 2 () 3 (D) -3° . Answer of 9.5 x!97/ 4 in ordinary rotation is~ 095 (®) 0.095 Feber heer 2x1 wart aM & - A 3 (C) 2 (8) 2 (02) 3 2 136. Pref atom Srl a Ga dea 8 20 aH 8, a ten? - (A) 80 (B) 90 (C) 60 (D) 70 a7. x wa SetS 1 ‘ 2x41 3 @ 2 @) 2 (Cc) 3 (D) -3 138, Mere sia H 95x07 a aeEe 8 - A) 0.95 (C) 95 (0) 0.0095 120. 1639 47 =3* then value of x is- A 3 (8) 4 as ©) 5 5 t (0) 2 (0) 2 140. If (9*)? = 3* then value of x is- 140. af (94)? =3° dx wae - A) 14 A) 14 (8) 16 (B) 16 (C) 15 (C) 15 (0) 17 (D) 17 | Page 25 of 40 Set-D / Clasg-IX / 520 141. 143. By simplifying Gx°y%)* /(3x4y°)> the answer will be- Ww 3xty® () 3x°y" ©) 3x°y* wa ©) 3x y¥ Quarter of a circle is ~ (A) Major segment (B) Chord (C) Quadrant (D) Semi circle Ifradius is 18 cm and angle at the centre of a circle is 120° then area of sector approximately is ~ 14: Bx5y5)"/Gxty5)> B Et ae t- @ 3x*y? (8) 3x°y’ ©) 3x°y* wos (0) 3x"°y’ aa a & hag & - «sya as (8) ster (c) agate (0) wget aft amt at Boar 8 18 Aho otk amr 8 120 at ds a date TH 142, 143. (A) 3824cm? (8) 339.3 om? (A) "382.4 cm? (B) 339.3 cm (©) 350m? —(D) 300 om* (c) 350cm? — (D)_ 300 cm? _ The Perimeter of a square is 32meter. What 144 we wt an fees 32 tex Bi Saar will be its area ? aa am? _—— Ben Sta* (a) 160rex (6) os atte oe roy agers (©) 128aMter (0) sorte 4 aL . By evaluating 6 i result willbe- 145, (%) yA aA - a, Het Baas aes 25 25 ® 16 ® 16 25 2 © i ae 16 16 ps. ) 35 Oras Page 26 of 40 ‘Set-D / Clas |. ‘The cost of 3 dosas, 5 idlis and 7 vadas is Rs. 154. The cost of 5 dosas, 8 idlis and 11 yadas is Rs. 246. Then the total cost of one dosa, one idli and one vada is- a 24 @) 2% c) 30 {D) None of these = The age of aman 15 years agowas 5 times his son's age. His age 10 years ago was: thrice his son’s age. After how many years ‘wil their combined age becomes 80 years? @ 10 (B) 20 (c) 30 (0) 40 ‘There are 2 classes Aand B. If 10 students Jeave class A and join class B, then the ratio ‘of the number of students in class A and B ‘would reverse. The difference in the number ‘of students in class A and B is- @ 10 (8) 2 © 2 (0) 40 (64% of a number is 416. Then 85% of that number is- A) 500.5 (8) 5255 (C) 600.5 (D) None of these 1 , The ratio of the salaries of Aand Bis 2:27. ‘By what percentage is B's salary greater than A’s salary? 1 7=% a 7 six ® %& 1 © 5% (0) None of these Page 27 of 40 aft 3 ater, 5 eat Se 7 aS HT 154 go Foie 5 SM, 8 wea GT 11 ST am 246 Go Bi at GH Ste, GH Geet wae a a me a @) 2% (Cc) 30 (D:) FAA aE ap ate ais at oT aS wah 10 a8 ate er ah Peat ae ag oa art A ae oH 80 a ett ? @ 10 (8) 2 © 3% () 4 Aaa ea atte aR 10 BA wa AR tear at BA oe @ dt aa A SA aT pi ort a dom a argue Sue Tet Bi gar Ast BS seats en a TCE (10 (8) 20 (c) 30 (0) 40 fat dor a 64% 8 416 we eT 85% & - (A) 500.5 (B) 5255 (Cc) 6005 (0) Fa a BE AE adhe 8 Gareth at agar 222 Bal amet AA Prat sitet sites & 2? A 11% 1 8% () 85 Ly (©) 95% (0) Ha a BE aL set / ask /520 ee ODDS —O——=*” 151. The sumtiplesin4 years under Compound 151 eo rrad at Agha wa tT Interest at a certain rate of interest, interest being compounded annually. Time itwould aad ad ats ate aoa take to become 9 times itself iS — aca ae a a? @ 6 () 8 a6 ® 8 (c) 10 (D) 12 (c) 10 (D) 12 452. Findthe sum that would amount 0. 6600 152. aftr aie tt af at 6500 amaaaa Finger simple interest in 4 years at 6% Per eer ea 21 8% aS Bo annum — (A) 5000 (a) 5000 (8) 5500 (B) 5500 (e) 6000 (c) 6000 (0) 6500 (p) 6500 t +153, Which of the statement is not true = 459, OH FET AS AEE { i Takm/hr = 20m/sec (72 krwhr = 20misec i, Curved Surface area of aconeis zr! (i) 3H AH THAT BE tava & rh ii, If p>oand gpothen p-q70- (i) Mfp>o.and q>othen p70 \ wv @y=4 w (ys=4 a 0 a @ ° i ® © ® @ © @ © i oO ™ (0) 154. Length of platform which a train 400m 07S 454, Geert A TRH faa ww 400 Met ot travelling at 45kmihr can cross: in 40 cal 5 Pho TS aA ate a 40 8SS aa seconds is- (a) 500m (B) 300m aeutit 2 (&) 500m (8) 300m (©) 100m (0) 50m (c) 100m (0) 50m 185. ‘Aman canrow2 km upstream in 20 mines 455. W& Alea a afertio wetnare # 20 fare angen eum nana ume His ver at eH 19 PETE ATT BL wa average S| for the entire journey is — ® rea af wept arat 4B - 88 48 A ww > Keir 41 41 (B) 7 km/hr (B) 7 kev 48 © 8 km/hr C) seas a7 41 (0) > kee (0) = kmh Page 28 of 40 5 SebD / Class / 52 ——_————“‘—aH —~

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