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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Butuan City
Aupagan, Butuan City

3rd Quarter Examination

Science 8

Name: Grade/Section:

Multiple Choice . Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Anything that has volume and mass is called

a. Atom b. matter c. molecule d. density
2. It is measure of the space occupied by an object
a. Volume b. mass c. density d. weight
3. It is the smallest particle of an element that has all the properties of the element
a. Solid b. molecule c. atom d. matter
4. Which statement is NOT the difference between mass and weight?
a. Mass measure the amount of matter in object while weight measures of the gravitational
force on an object
b. Mass expressed in kilograms, grams and milligrams while weight expressed in Newton
c. Mass measured wit ha balance while weight measured with a spring scale
d. Mass varies depending on where the object is in the relation to the earth while weight
always constant, no matter the location
5. Which is NOT a matter?
a. Sugar granules b. air inside the ball c. smoke d. heat
6. When you add the 50 ml water to the sugar and mix thoroughly until all the sugar dissolves.
What is the taste of the resulting mixture?
a. Sweet b. tasteless c. sour d. hot
7. Is the volume of the resulting sugar mixture ________ than the sum (20ml sugar+ 50 ml water)
of the volume of the unmixed sugar and water?
a. Equal b. more c. less d. greater
8. Which of the following has the strongest force of attraction between the particle?
a. Solid b. liquid c. gas d. vacuum
9. Which best describe the particles of a solid?
a. Completely unmoving
b. Have large spaces in between
c. Vibrating at fixed position
d. Have a weak attractive force
10. Which statement explain matter is made up of tiny particles with moving all the time.
a. Air, being a gas , can be compressed because there are large spaces between the particles
so that particles can be made to come closer to each other
b. The particles of liquid water are closer to each other and it is difficult to push them even
closer to each other
c. The food coloring flowed along the side of the bottle and spread shortly towards the
bottom of the container and began to spread through out the water
d. All of the above
11. Which of the following statement is FALSE regarding the particles model of matter?
a. Matter is composed of tiny particles
b. The space in between the particles are filled with air
c. The particles of matter attract each other
d. The particles of matter are constantly moving
12. What happens to the particles of liquid when it is heated?
a. The spaces between the particles continue to decrease
b. The attractive forces between the particles start to weaken
c. The particles slowdown
d. The particles spent repel each other
13. Why a gas spreads?
a. The particles vibrate a little but in these fixed position
b. The attraction between particles is negligible because of the large distance between them
c. The particles are closer to one another, nudging one another as they move
d. The particles are attracted to one another
14. Why is it that the liquid can flow out of a container and can be poured into another while
monitoring their volume?
a. Because there are attraction among the particles of liquid which hold them together
although not in fixed position
b. Because the particles move and change in position but not a freely as those in gas
c. Particles are large and so there is room for the particles to move closer
d. Because it has fixed volume
15. The solid have the following characteristics properties, except
a. Have fixed shape and fixed volume c. have high density
b. Cannot be compressed easily d. generally flow easily
16. It is a particle consisting of two or more atoms combined together in a specific arrangement
a. Mass b. molecule c. atom d. matter
17. It creates a profile of the surface of an atom and then a computer generated model or contour
map is produced
a. Microscope b. computer c. telescope d. scanning tunneling microscope
18. What is the process in which a liquid is changed to a solid?
a. Freezing b. Melting c. condensing d. evaporate
19. Which of the following is NOT a way that matter changes phase?
a. Melting b. freezing c. evaporation d. mixing
20. What changes take place when water is left in an open container?
a. The water molecule turned from liquid to gas and escaped to the air
b. The water molecule did not escape and were left in the liquid
c. The liquid water becomes solid water
d. None of the above
21. Most of the water on the surface of the liquid will turn from liquid to gas. Explain why?
a. The water molecules which did not escape and were left in the liquid have lower average
kinetic energy
b. Because the higher the temperature will cause the particles of water to move much faster
and have more energy to escape from the surface of the liquid
c. Molecules of water that previously evaporated are condensing
d. All of the above
22. What is the difference between evaporation and boiling?
a. During evaporation, the water molecules evaporate only from the surface of the liquid but
during boiling, water molecules evaporate both from surface and within the liquid
b. Evaporation can occur at specific temperature and pressures but boiling takes place at low
or high temperature
c. Temperature of liquid increases as it boils the same with evaporation
d. All of the above
23. How the water change from gas to liquid?
a. When a gas is cooled, the motion of the particles slow down
b. If the particles lose motion and cause them to come closer with one another to become a
c. As the water is heated and the temperature of the water rises, the molecules gain more
kinetic energy and they move faster
d. All of the above
24. Molecules that escape to the gaseous phase is called
a. Water vapor b. melting c. evaporation d. condensation
25. As water is heated and the temperature of the water rises, the molecules gain more kinetic
energy and they move faster.
a. True b. False c. maybe d. it depends
26. What is happening to the particles of water in ice as it turns to liquid using the particle model of
a. The particles or molecules form in their fixed position and so they turn to a liquid
b. The particles or molecules break away from their fixed position and so they turn to a liquid
c. The particles or molecules at high temperature and so they turn to a liquid
d. The particles or molecules slowdown and so they turn to a liquid
27. What will happen to the liquid on the watch glass or saucer if it is transferred into a small
container and left inside the freezer?
a. The liquid will decrease when it transferred to the freezer
b. The liquid will boil
c. The liquid will turn into solid when transferred to the freezer
d. None of the above
28. What is the basic building blocks of all matter?
a. Atom b. molecules c. matter d. vacuum
29. Atoms are composed of three types of particles except,
a. Protons b. electrons c, neutrons d. subatomic particles
30. What force holds all the parts of an atom together?
a. Gravitational force c. magnetic force
b. Electromagnetic force d. none of these
31. Which of the following best describes an atom?
a. Protons and electrons grouped together in a random pattern
b. Protons and electrons grouped together in an alternating pattern
c. A core of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons
d. A core of electrons and neutrons surrounded by protons
32. Which are found in nucleus of an atom?
a. Electrons and protons c. neutrons and electrons
b. Neutrons and protons d. none of these
33. A group of scientist tested Thomson’s model by bombarding a very thin sheet foil with positively
charged alpha particles. Their experiment is referred as
a. Plum Pudding Model c. alpha particle scattering experiment
b. Raisin bread model d. none of these
34. – 36 Complete the table below
Isotope Element # of p+ # of e # of n o charge
B-6 Boron 5 1 0
N-14 Nitrogen 7 7 0
Neon 10 10 10 0

34. a. 6 b. 7 c. 5 d. 8
35. a. 6 b. 7 c. 5 d. 8
36. a. Ne- 20 b. Ne-18 c. Ne-21 d. Ne-19
37. This English scientist noticed that properties of elements repeat with every eight element.
He attempted to arrange the elements using the octave as a basis in 1864. Who was he?
a. Dimitri Mendeleev c. Antoine Lavoisier
b. Lothar Meyer d. John Newlands

38 . Who organized the order of elements in the periodic table according to their atomic number?
a. Henry Moseley c. Antoine Lavoisier
b. Lothar Meyer d. John Newlands
39. What is the law of Triads?
a. When ordered by atomic number , the element between two in a threesome in an average of
the other two
b. When ordered by atomic mass, the element between two in a threesome is an average of the
other two
c. Elements in threes, organized by weight, always have the exact same properties
d. There are only three elements
40. The statement that there is a periodic repetition of physical and chemical properties of the
elements when arranged by increasing atomic number is known as
a. The Mendeleevian Rule c. Periodic Law
b. The Lavoisier Principle d. Periodic Table
41. The Periodic Table is arranged in a series of columns, called
a. Groups b. periods c. rows d. none of these
42. There are two major divisions of the periodic table, the representative elements and the
transition metals
a. True b. false c. maybe d. it depends
43. The elements with the largest atomic radii are found in the:
a. lower right hand corner of the periodic table c. upper left hand corner of the periodic tabl
b. lower left hand corner of the periodic table d. upper right hand corner of the periodic table
44. The most active metals are located in the
a. upper right hand corner of the periodic table c. lower left hand corner of the periodic table
b. lower right hand corner of the periodic table d. upper right hand corner of the periodic table
45. Which family is the least reactive?
a. alkali metals b. halogens c. transition metals d. noble gases
46. Which of the following is an alkali metal?
a. Ba b. Li c. Pb d. Fe
47. What family of elements include fluorine and chlorine?
a. Noble gases b. halogens c. alkali metals d. none of these
48-50 Which atomic symbol of the following element is correct.
6 6 6 6
C Ca Be Cs
12.01 12.01 6.01 12.01
Carbon Calcium Beryllium Cesium

68 80 87 55

Fe Fl Fr Fr
12.01 12.01 223 212
Francium Francium Francium Francium

50. Bromine
35 36 18 54

Br Kr Fe Br
83.7 39.9 79.9
Francium Bromine Bromine

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