Service Quality

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School

Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Chapter 1



In today’s global competitive business environment,

service quality has become an important concept in service

research. It is virtually impossible for a business

organization to survive without building customer

satisfaction and brand loyalty (Panda, 2003). Numerous

scientific research have empirically proven that service

quality significantly influences firms performance

(Poretla & Thanassoulis, 2005), improves profit margin

(Kish, 2000; Duncan &Elliot, 2002) and market share

(Fisher, 2001), boost brand image (Caruana, 2002; Ehigie,

2006) and promote customer loyalty (Qadri & Khan, 2014;

Loh et al., 2010).As a result, past studies have designed

and developed different dynamic models to investigate the

relationship between customer satisfaction, service

quality dimensions and customer loyalty (Lo et al., 2010;

Qadri & Khan, 2014). The dimensions are tangibility,

reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

“Business marketers have much to gain from retention

marketing. Business customers tend to be fewer and more

valuable, meaning as an organization you cannot afford to

lose even one customer. But how do you keep your customers

active and buying from you” (Stephens, 2010). Basically,

customers according to Levitt, 1986 are assets that need

to be acquired before they can be managed for profit.

Unless you acquire these important assets survival of the

organization is meaningless. That is the more reason why

efforts are geared towards retaining the consumers of an

organization. During the past two decades or so,

regulatory, structural and technological factors have

significantly changed the business environment throughout

the world (Angur et al., 1999). In a milieu which becomes

increasingly competitive, service quality as a critical

measure of organizational performance continues to compel

the attention of service providers for example, banking

institutions, and remains at the forefront of services

marketing literature and practice (Lasser et al., 2000;

Yavas and Yasin, 2001). The interest is largely driven by

the realization that higher service quality results in

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customer’s satisfaction and customer loyalty, greater

willingness to recommend to someone else, reduction in

complaints and improved customer retention rates (Danaher,

1997; Magi and Julander, 1996; Levesque and McDongall,


Customers’ behavior in this modern information age is

very essential for the acquisition of products of an

organization and also the retention of the consumers in

the market. Most importantly, organizations go out of

business when they lose consumers (customers). Forbes

(2011) identifies that given the continued emergence of

disruptive marketing technologies, how can companies stay

abreast, much less ahead, of how consumers will interact

with their brands? In other words, marketers today need to

view the customer as being more contemporary , but are

caught in hindsight by focusing on what worked in the

past, not what is working in the present or will work in

the future. According to Singh (2006) customer

satisfaction, (which comes from receiving quality service)

is very important because, many researchers have shown

that customer satisfaction has a positive impact on an

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organization’s profitability. As a result, the

consequences of delivering quality service to customers

must be of great concern to every organization.

One of the important aspects to ensure the attention of

the customers is to provide the best and the most

favorable products at this competing market. If a

customer’s satisfaction is earned, then it is sure that

customer loyalty will also come along with it. Moreover,

in the absence of the customer, a business organization

would not exist. In order to increase the number of the

customers, development of customer’s satisfaction is very

important. In terms of achieving business goals, these two

terms are very important. Hence, the relation of customers

and the business organization or market is, therefore, the

most important one.

Every business organization`s success depends on the

satisfaction of the customers. Whenever a business is

about to start, customers always come “first” and then the

profit. Those companies that are succeeding to satisfy the

customers fully will remain in the top position in a

market. Today’s business company has known that customer

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satisfaction is the key component for the success of the

business and at the same time it plays a vital role to

expand the market value. In general, customers are those

people who buy goods and services from the market or

business that meet their needs and wants. Customers

purchase products to meet their expectations in terms of

money. Therefore, companies should determine their pricing

with the quality of the product that attracts the customer

and maintains the long-term affiliation. The organization

should make sure that they are providing full service,

equivalent to their monetary value. This will increase the

number of customers and holds the long-term relationship

between the customer and the organization. And the

existing customer will help to attract the new customers

by providing or sharing the information about the products

and services of the companies. Satisfaction means to feel

content after what the person desired or wanted. It is

difficult to know whether the customers are satisfied with

the availability of the product or services. So, giving

satisfaction to the customers is not an easy task, for

this different factor is needed to be taken into

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consideration. Nowadays, competition can be noticed

between the business organizations and marketplaces

everywhere and has been one of the challenging tasks for

the competitors. Though it seems to be tough in the

growing market, competitors are developing their marketing

channels effectively.

Therefore, there is a positive correlation between

service quality, customer satisfaction and customer

loyalty. Service quality, customer satisfaction and

customer loyalty are all very important for the success of

every organization.

Review of Related Literature

Service Quality

Service quality as a multi-dimensional construct

commonly based on customer judgements about service

supplier and customer interactions and service itself

(Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Babbakus and Boller, 1992;

Zeithaml et al., 1996). According to Parasuraman et al.,

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(1988), service quality is seen as the difference between

customers’ expectations and perceptions of service with

the view of building a competitive advantage. This

indicates that delivering quality service means conforming

to customer expectations on a consistent basis and could

be assessed by probing whether perceived service delivery

meets, exceeds or fails to meet customer expectations

(Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Oliver, 1999).

According to Sargeant and West (2001), it is obvious

that the perceptions of service quality and commitment are

related to loyalty, but each of the aforementioned

factors, may have a different impact on customer loyalty

in a particular market. There are two kinds of reasons

that can determine relationship breakdown between the

customer and the organization - the natural causes

(customer demand extinction) and artificial causes

(inadequate product specifications, insufficient quality

of service level) (Sargeant and West, 2001). It is obvious

that in order to increase customer loyalty the

organization must seek to eliminate both natural and

artificial customer exit reasons. Service quality analysis

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makes an impact on the development of the customer loyalty

concept – service quality can be regarded as one of the

most frequently analyzed customer loyalty determinants.

Tangible and intangible constituents of service quality

were important in evaluating either customer view of an

organization or customer trust in an organization (Doney

and Cannon, 1997; Garbarino and Johnson, 1999). It has

been defined that service quality is very important for

customer satisfaction, and by it service quality impacts

customer loyalty (Cronin and Taylor, 1992; Oliver, 1999).

It can be stated, that the limitation of service quality

studies is the inconsistency in determining the link

between service quality and customer loyalty.

Some studies have found that service quality

determines customer satisfaction and affects customer

loyalty through satisfaction (Cronin and Taylor, 1992;

Rust and Oliver, 1994). Other studies, in contrast, have

justified the influence of customer satisfaction on the

quality of service (Bolton and Drew, 1991). Howat,

Crilley, and McGrath (2008) attributed the approach of

research into service quality to American and Nordic

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schools of thought. The approach of American school of

thought to service quality is best revealed in SERVQUAL

model developed by Parasuraman et al., (1985). In

conceptualizing the basic service quality model the

authors identified ten key determinants of service

quality: access, communication, competence, courtesy,

credibility, tangibility, reliability, responsiveness,

security and understanding the customer. Later the authors

grouped SERVQUAL dimensions into five and added assurance

and empathy dimensions (Parasuraman et al., 1988). The

approach of the Nordic school of thought is reflected in

Grönroos (1990) works where the author analyses service

quality as a construct with two components – technical (or

outcome) and functional (or process). The technical

component of quality shows the outcome obtained by the

client by using the service whereas the functional

component reflects the relation between the customer and

the organization and the assessment of the service

environment (Grönroos, 1990). Technical and functional

quality components have been analysed and dealt with the

many authors - Brady and Cronin (2001) distinguished

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Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

service environment as a quality component, Kang and James

(2004) proposed to see service environment as a functional

factor. It is obvious that both technical and functional

quality components should be analysed in the loyalty


Dimensions of service Quality

From their path breaking exploratory research in

1985, Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry developed the

SERVQUAL instrument and laid down a conceptual framework

for the measurement of service quality. The SERVQUAL

instrument has become the most dominant instrument for

measuring service quality and it originally comprises 10

dimensions with 97 items but later reduced to 5 dimensions

with 22 items in 1991. The five dimensions are tangibles,

reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.

Tangibles entail the physical evidence of the service.

Specifically, the concept explores the physical facilities

of the service provider, the appearance of personnel, the

tools and equipment used to provide the service including

other customers in the service facility. Tangibles are

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used by firms to convey image and signal quality

(Zeithamal et al, 2006).

The service dimension of reliability measures the

consistency of performance and the dependability of the

service. According to Zeithaml et al. (2006) reliability

is “the ability to perform the promised service dependably

and accurately” or “delivering on its promises” Does the

firm perform the service right at the first time? Does the

firm honours it promises? These are some of the questions

which need to be answered by service providers if they are

to achieve reliability. The accuracy in billing, proper

record keeping and performing the service at the

designated time all constitute an attempt to achieve

reliability. Assurance entails the knowledge and courtesy

of employees and their ability to convey trust and

confidence. It also includes competence, courtesy,

credibility and security. Andaleeb and Conway (2006) noted

that assurance may not be so important relative to other

industries where the risk is higher and the outcome of

using the service is uncertain. For instance, in the

medical and healthcare industry, assurance is an important

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dimension that customers used as criteria in assessing a

hospital or a surgeon for an operation. The trust and

confidence may be represented in the personnel who connect

the customer to the organization (Zeithaml et al., 2006).

Responsiveness concerns the willingness or readiness of

employees to provide service (Parasuraman et al., 1985).

This dimension is concerned with dealing with the

customer’s requests, questions and complaints promptly and

attentively. A firm is known to be responsive when it

communicates to its customers how long it would take to

get answers or have their problems dealt with. To be

successful, companies need to look at responsiveness from

the view point of the customer rather than the company’s

perspective (Zeithaml et al., 2006).

Empathy entails caring and provision of individualized

attention to customers by personnel of the firm (Zeithaml

et al., 2006). In this respect, the customer feels unique

and special. In an attempt to develop empathy, personnel

of the firm should endeavour to know the names of their

customers, their preferences and needs and take steps to

satisfy them. Small Scale enterprises through the

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provision of customized services to clients are in a

better position to achieve empathy than large firms.

Customer Satisfaction

In service management literature customer

satisfaction is viewed as the result of a customer’s

perception of the value received in a transaction or

relationship – where value equals perceived service

quality relative to price and customer acquisition costs

(Heskett et al., 1990) – relative to the value expected

from transactions or relationships with competing vendors

(Zeithaml et al., 1996). Customer satisfaction refers to

the extent to which customers are happy with the products

and services provided by a business. Gaining high levels

of customer satisfaction is very important to a business

because satisfied customers are most likely to be loyal

and to make repeat orders and to use a wide range of

services offered by a business. Gerpott et al. (2001)

noted customer satisfaction is measured by that a

customer's estimated experience of the extent to which a

provider's services fulfil his or her expectations. A

number of benefits are associated with customer

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satisfaction; satisfied customers buy additional products,

are less influenced by competitors and stay loyal longer

(Zineldin, 2000). Ovenden (1995) caution organizations to

pay particular attention to the way they treat their

customers since some customers may not openly display

their dissatisfaction with the kind of treatment meted

them immediately. One important component in the concept

of satisfaction is complaint management. Nyer (2000)

investigated the relation between consumer complaints and

consumer satisfaction and found that encouraging consumers

to complain increased their satisfaction, and this was

especially the case for the most dissatisfied customers.

Research has also found that the more intensely a customer

complains the greater the increases in satisfaction.

Johnston (2001) argued that complaint management not only

results in customer satisfaction, but also leads to

operational improvement and improved financial


Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty can be defined in two distinct ways.

First, loyalty is an attitude. Different feelings create

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an individual’s overall attachment to a product, service,

or organization. These feelings define the individual’s

(purely cognitive) degree of loyalty. The second

definition of loyalty is behavioural. Examples of loyalty

behaviour include continuing to purchase services from the

same supplier, increasing the scale and or scope of a

relationship, or the act of recommendation (Yi, 1990).

Customer loyalty is developed over a period of time from a

consistent record of meeting, and sometimes even exceeding

customer expectations (Teich, 1997). Kotler et al. (1999)

asserted that the cost of attracting a new customer may be

five times the cost of keeping a current customer happy.

Furthermore, Gremler and Brown (1996) noted that the

degree to which a customer exhibits repeat purchasing

behavior from a service provider, possesses a positive

attitudinal disposition toward the provider, and considers

using only this provider when a need for this service

exists. Bloemer & Kasper (1995) hold a contrary view about

customer loyalty. According to the authors, Loyalty may be

interpreted as true loyalty rather than repeat purchasing

behavior, which is the actual re-buying of a brand,

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regardless of commitment. Zeithaml et al. (1996) states

loyalty is a multi-dimensional construct and includes both

positive and negative responses. However, a loyal customer

may not necessarily be a satisfied customer. Colgate et

al. (1996) also noted that it is not always the case that

customer defection is the inverse to loyalty, while

Levesque and Mc Dougall (1993) suggested that, “even a

problem is not solved, approximately half of the customers

would remain with the firm.

Empirical Literature

Rahaman et al. 2011, explored service quality of the

private commercial banks in Bangladesh. The findings from

their study revealed that, one of the primary causes of

service quality design failure is the lack of

understanding of the evolving need and preferences of

targeted customers.

Ilhaamie (2010) examined the level of service quality,

expectation and perception of the external customers

towards the Malaysian public services using the SERVQUAL

instrument. The study found that tangible is the most

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Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

important dimension. It also has the lowest scores of

perception. On the other hand, service quality gap is

neither the lowest nor the highest. Finally, these

external customers have the highest expectation on the

reliability of the Malaysian public service.

Ojo (2010) investigated the relationship between service

quality and customer satisfaction in the telecommunication

industry with a focus on Mobile Telecommunication Network

(MTN) Nigeria. A total of 230 respondents participated in

the study. Regression analysis and Pearson product moment

correlation coefficient were employed in analyzing the

data. The study revealed a positive relationship between

service quality and customer satisfaction. The researcher

therefore recommended that organizations should focus more

attention on service quality, because of its effects on

customer satisfaction. To ensure that customer

satisfaction level is high organization must first of all

know the expectations of the customers and how they can

meet such expectations. Customer satisfaction helps in

customer loyalty and retention. It has been discovered

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that the cost of attracting new customer far exceeds the

cost involved in retaining existing ones.

Kheng et al, (2010) employed the SERVQUAL model developed

by Parasuraman et al., 1988 with five dimensions to

evaluate the impact of service quality on customer loyalty

among bank customers in Penang, Malaysia. Customer

satisfaction was used as an intermediate variable. The

findings show that improvement in service quality can

enhance customer loyalty. The service quality dimensions

that play a significant role in the equation are

reliability, empathy, and assurance. The findings indicate

that the overall respondents evaluate the bank positively,

but still there are rooms for improvements.

Sammons (1982) conducted an exploratory study of customer

satisfaction of fine dining restaurants in Singapore. The

paper seeks to find out the service dimensions of service

quality, which lead to higher levels of customer

satisfaction. The findings from the study indicated that

the service dimensions of assurance, empathy and tangibles

are the most important to customers’ evaluation of service

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quality, and thus, may have a positive influence customer


Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

This study was conducted to determine the demographic

profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and

status of employment. This study also determines the

relationship of service quality on customers’ loyalty.

It was also conducted to determine what actions can

be proposed to improve sellers’ service quality.


1. What is the 1. Assessing the Interventions will

profile of the profile of the be proposed to

improve the
respondents in respondents in
service quality of
terms of: terms of:
the sellers.
1.1 age 1.1 age

1.2 sex 1.2 sex

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

1.3 status of 1.3 status of

employment employment

2. What are the 2. Assessing the

effects of service effects of service

quality on quality in terms

1.1 Indicators

3. Proposing

interventions to

improve sellers

and customers

relationship in

terms of their


Figure 1.

The first frame shows the respondents of the study

including their profile as significant inputs of the


DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

In the second frame, the process includes the

following: distribution, administration and retrieval of

the questionnaires, collection of data on students,

statistical treatment of data and analysis and

interpretation of data and information gathered.

For the third frame as output, the following was

included; effects of service quality on customers’


Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the effect of service

quality on customers’ loyalty among business

establishments in Callao area.

Most specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

1.2 Sex; and

1.3; Status of employment

2. What are the effects of service quality on the

customers’ loyalty on their business?

3. What interventions can be proposed to improve the

service quality of the business to gain their

customers’ loyalty?

Research Hypothesis

On the basis of the problem and the research

framework, the hypothesis that is used for this study is

the following:

1. Service quality has a big effect on customers’


2. Service quality doesn’t affect customers’ loyalty.

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Scope and Limitation

The study focused exactly on the investigation of the

service quality and its effect on customers’ loyalty among

business establishments in Callao area.

This will determine whether the businesses have a good

or bad service quality.

The research will be focused to analyze the following

question: What are the effects of service quality on

customers’ loyalty? , What are the attitudes of sellers

toward his or her customers?

Significance of the Study

This study targets the customers that are buying their

goods in the business establishments in Callao area. One

of the objectives of the research is to find ways on how

they can improve their service quality and learn what are

it’s advantages in having a good service quality.

With the purposes mentioned above, it is hoped that this

will benefit the following group:

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Customers- The result of the research would raise

awareness about how can one acquire high grades with the

good study habits he or she is practicing. This would

inspire them to strive harder in their studies, and learn

to change their way of studying.

Sellers- This study would help the educators to instill

the right behavior in studying towards the children in

order for them to acquire good grades. This will also

enable them to find solution for effective learning in


Researcher- The findings of this study may provide them

information about the service quality in which they can

possibly make use in real life situation.

Future Researcher- The study would inspire them to do

similar and related investigations for additional

knowledge and information.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to the

context on how they were used in this study:

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Business marketing- is a marketing practice of individuals

or organizations. It allows them to sell products or

services to other companies or organizations that resell

them, use them in their products or services or use them

to support their works. It is a way to promote business

and improve profit too.

Customer loyalty- is the result of consistently positive

emotional experience, physical attribute-based

satisfaction and perceived value of an experience, which

includes the product or services.

Customer Satisfaction- is a term frequently used in

marketing. It is a measure of how products and services

supplied by a company meet or surpass customer


Profitability- the degree to which a business or activity

yields profit or financial gain.

Service quality- is a comparison of perceived expectations

of a service with perceived performance.

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Chapter 2


In order to have a clear, objective and systematic

direction in gathering treating the data, the research

design, respondents, research instruments, data gathering

procedure, and data analysis methods are identified,

designed, and described in this chapter.

Research Design

The descriptive survey method of research was used by

the researchers in order to assess the relevance and the

reliability of information for the evaluation of the

objectivity of the study. The descriptive survey method of

research, according to Pimentel,(2000), involves an

element of analysis and interpretation of the meaning or

significance of what is to be described. Description is

often combined with comparison and contrast involving

measurement, analysis and interpretation.

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The method was appropriate since the study aimed to

determine the profile of the respondents and the effects

of service quality on customers’ loyalty.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the customers of the

different business establishments in Callao area.

Random sampling was used since there are more than 100

customers in Callao area.

Research Instruments

To obtain the data needed to attain the objectives of

the study, the researcher’s main instrument that was used

in gathering data is a questionnaire for the respondents.

The questionnaire consists of the profile of the

respondents and question that has a connection to the

service quality of the business.

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Data Gathering Procedures

To facilitate the gathering of data needed, the

following procedures were undertaken by the researchers:

1. The questionnaire was administered to the

respondents in order to gather the pertinent data needed

in the study.

2. The respondents’ responses in the questionnaires

were collated after which appropriate scoring tools were

employed and interpretations.

Data Analysis

The obtained data were analyzed using the following

statistical tools:

1. Frequency and Percentage: This was used to determine

the profile of the respondents in terms of sex, age, and

status of employment. As well, it looked into different

effects of service quality on customers’ loyalty.

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Statistical Tool

After gathering data information needed in the study,

they were tallied, tabulated, analysed and statistically

treated using the following tools.

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the effects

of service quality on customers’ loyalty among business

establishments in Callao area.

Table 1. Scale on the Interpretation of the Weighted


Ratings Descriptive Interpretation

4.20-5.00 Very High Extent

3.40-4.19 High Extent

2.60-3.39 Moderate Extent

1.80-2.59 Low Extent

1.00-1.79 Very Low Extent

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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the results, analysis and

discussion of the data gathered and presented based on the

study’s problem statement.

1. Profile of the Participants

1.1 Sex

Table 1. Profile of the participants when grouped

according to sex.

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 57 41%

Female 82 59%

Total 139 100.00%

The table above illustrates the profile of the

participants when grouped according to sex. As shown,

majority of the participants are female with a frequency

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

of 82 or 59%. On the other hand, there are only 57 male

participants with a percentage of 41%.

The data indicates that there are a greater number of

females studying in senior high department and only a few


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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

1.2 Age

Table 2. Profile of the participants when grouped

according to age.

Age Frequency Percentage

15 2 1.44%

16 27 19.42%

17 69 49.64%

18 26 18.71%

19 and above 15 10.79%

Total 139 100.00%

It can be observed from the table that most of the

participant’s age is 17 where there is a frequency of 69

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or 49.64% followed by the age of 16 with a frequency of 27

or 19.42%, then those fall under the age of 18 with a

frequency of 26 or 18.71%, and the age of 19 and above

falls to a frequency of 15 or 10.79% and the age of 15

there is a frequency of 2 or 1.44%.

This further implies that there is no age when it

comes to education.

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1.3 Grade Level

Table3. Profile of the participants base on their

grade level.

Grade level Frequency Percentage

11 63 45.32%

12 76 54.68%

Total 139 100.00%

The table shows that there are only 63 or 45.32%

Grade 11 students, and 76 or 54.68 Grade 12 students.

This further implies that there are more grade 12

enrollee than grade 11.

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1.4 Strand

Table 4. Profile of the participants when grouped

according to strand.

Strand Frequency Percentage

ABM 17 12.23%

STEM 30 21.58%

GAS 32 23.02%

IA 30 21.58%

HE 30 21.58%

Total 139 100.00%

As shown in the table above, there are a greater

number of GAS students with a frequency of 32 and a

percentage of 23.02%, then followed by STEM, IA, and HE

students with a frequency of 30 and a percentage of

21.58%. In the other hand, there are only 17 ABM students

with a percentage of 12.23%.

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Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

This further implies that there are more STEM, IA,

GAS, and H.E students than ABM.

1.5 General Point Average

Table 5. Profile of participants when grouped

according to their General Point Average.

General Point Frequency Percentage


75-80 15 10.79%

81-85 54 38.85%

86-90 53 38.13%

91-95 17 12.23%

96 and above 0 0%

TOTAL 139 100.00%

It can be observed from the table that most of the

participant’s general point average bracket falls in 81-85

where there is a frequency of 54 or 38.85%, followed by

the general point average of 86-90 with a frequency of 53

or 38.13%, then those fall under the general point average

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

of 91-95 with a frequency of 17 or 12.23%, and from the

general point average of 15 or 10.79%.

This further implies that some of the students don’t

take their studies seriously.

2. On the Effects of Parental Involvement in Student’s

Academic Performance

2.1 My parents have high academic standard for me.

Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

In terms of parent’s high standard, there are 56 or

40.29% of them said SOMETIMES, 49 or 35.25% said ALWAYS,

21 or 15.11% of them said OFTEN, 10 or 7.19% said SELDOM,

and 3 or 2.15 said NEVER.

This further implies that their parents have a high

expectation on them.

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

2.2 My parents encourage me to set high academic















Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents permitting their children to

enter in a relationship, 49 or 35.25% said NEVER, both 30

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

or 21.59% of them said ALWAYS AND SOMETIMES, 16 or 11.51%

said SELDOM, and 14 or 10.07% said OFTEN.

This concludes that their parents want their children

to focus more in studying rather than entering a


2.3 My parents tell me the benefits of education.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents choosing who their children get

along with, 49 or 35.25% said SOMETIMES, 27 or 19.42% said

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

ALWAYS, 26 or 18.71% said NEVER, 21 or 15.11% of them said

OFTEN, and 16 or 11.51% said SELDOM.

Therefore, their parents want to secure their

children’s safety. They don’t want their children to be

influenced by wrong group of friends.

2.4 My parents expect me to attain the highest


Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents expectation in attaining the

highest education for them, 47 or 33.81% of them said

ALWAYS, 40 or 28.78% said OFTEN, 36 or 25.9% of them

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

answered SOMETIMES, 10 or 7.19% said SELDOM, and 6 or

4.32% of them said NEVER.

This further implies that parents expect that school

can help their children to chase their dreams.

2.5 My parents feel proud when I do well in school.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents being proud of their children

when they do well in school, 82 or 59% said ALWAYS, 25 or

17.99% of them said OFTEN, 23 or 16.55% said SOMETIMES, 5

or 3.6% said NEVER, and 4 or 2.88% of them said SELDOM.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

This further implies that parents are happy when

their children receive their awards on the stage.

2.6 My parents monitor my studies at home.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents monitoring their studies at home,

53 or 38.13% said SOMETIMES, 40 or 28.78% of them said

ALWAYS, 24 or 17.27% said OFTEN, 12 or 8.63% of them said

SELDOM, and 10 or 7.19% said NEVER.

Therefore, parents assure that their children are

doing their home works.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

2.7 My parents encourage me to take my studies


Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents encouragement to their children to

take their studies seriously, 77 or 55.4% of them said

ALWAYS, 29 or 20.86% said OFTEN, 26 or 18.71% said

SOMETIMES, 4 or 2.88% of them said NEVER, and 3 or 2.16%

said SELDOM.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

This implies that parents want their children to study

well and not to disregard their efforts in sending them in


2.8 My parents provide me financial and moral


Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of providing them their financial and

material support, 66 or 47.48% said that their parents

ALWAYS provide them their financial and material needs, 38

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

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or 27.34% said SOMETIMES, 25 or 17.99% of them said OFTEN,

6 or 4.22% said SELDOM, and 4 or 2.88% said never.

This further implies that parents want their children to

be comfortable in studying, without thinking about their

financial needs.

2.9 My parents allot time for me to do my homeworks.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents permitting their children to

join in any extracurricular activities in school, 55 or

39.57% said S0METIMES, 32 or 23.02% of them said ALWAYS,

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

22 OR 15.83% said OFTEN, 20 OR 14.39% of them said SELDOM,

and 10 OR 7.19% said NEVER.

This implies that parents think that there is a

positive outcome in joining in any extracurricular


2.10 My parents provide me with emotional support.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

In terms of parents treating their children every

weekends to unwind, 60 or 43.17% of them said SOMETIMES,

27 or 19.42% said NEVER, 23 or 16.55% of them said SELDOM,

16 or 11.51% said ALWAYS, 13 or 9.35% of them said OFTEN.

Therefore, parents want their children to relax and

lighten up their burden in school.

2.11 My parents monitor my school performance.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never


DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

In terms of parents motivating their children when they

feel frustrated in their studies, 53 or 38.13% said

SOMETIMES, 34 or 24.46% of them said ALWAYS, 23 or 16.55%

said OFTEN, 15 or 10.79% of them said SELDOM, and 14 or

10.07% said NEVER.

This implies that parents care about their children’s

feeling when it comes to their studies. They want their

children to study without any worries.

2.12 My parents compare me to other achievers.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

In terms of attending in every meetings at school, 55

or 39.57% said SOMETIMES, 35 or 25.18% of them said

ALWAYS, 22 or 15.83% said OFTEN, 20 or 14.31 said NEVER,

and 17 or 12.23% said SELDOM.

Therefore, parents want to know every single update

about their school and to the curriculum.

2.13 My parents scold me when I get low grades.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents hiring tutors for them when getting a

very low grades, 84 or 60.43% said NEVER , 19 or 13.67% of

hem said SOMETIMES, 15 or 10.79% said OFTEN, 11 or 7.91% of

them or said SELDOM, and 10 or 7.19% of them said ALWAYS.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

This further concludes that some of the parents want

their children to excel in their class.

2.14 My parents give me rewards when I reach their

academic standard for me.

Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of giving reward when they reach their

parents academic standard, 52 or 37.41% said SOMETIMES, 29

or 20.86% of them said OFTEN, 21 or 15.11% said SELDOM, 20

or 14.39% of them said ALWAYS, and 17 or 12.23% said


DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

This further implies that parents give their children

rewards to motivate them in studying hard.

2.25 My remind me to review when there is an upcoming


Always Often Seldom Sometimes Never

In terms of parents reminder when there is an upcoming

examination, 80 or 57.55% said ALWAYS, 23 or 16.55% of

them said SOMETIMES, 17 or 12.23% said OFTEN, 12 or 8.63%

of them said NEVER, and 7 or 5.04% of them said SELDOM.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

This implies that most of the parents want their

children to get a high score in their examinations.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of findings, the

conclusions being formulated, and the recommendations

being conceptualized based on the results of the research


Summary of Findings

Based on the results and a thorough analysis of the

treated data, the significant findings were generated and

are summarized as follows:

I. Participants’ Profile

Majority of the participants are female with a

frequency of 59 or 56.19% while there are only 46 male

participants with a percentage of 43.81%.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Most of the participant’s age is 18 where there is a

frequency of 41 or 39.05% followed by the age of 17 with a

frequency of 37 or 35.24%, then those fall under the age

of 16 with a frequency of 19 or 18.10% and from the age of

19 and 20 above falls to a frequency of 4 or 3.81%.

Many of the participant’s family monthly income bracket

falls in 5,000 & below where there is a frequency of 63 or

60%, followed by the family’s monthly income of 5,001-

10,000 with a frequency of 23 or 21.91%, then those fall

under the family’s monthly income of 10,001-20,000 with a

frequency of 10 or 9.52%, and from the family’s monthly

income of 20,001 & above.

II. On Effects Of Study Habits In The Academic Performance

Of The Students

 That in terms of being comfortable asking for help

when they don’t understand something, there are 52 or

49.52% of them said ALWAYS, 16 or 15.24% said OFTEN,

17 or 16.19% of them said SELDOM, 20 or 19.05% said

SOMETIMES, and none of them answered NEVER.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

 In terms of asking friends to study or do home works

with them, 10 or 9.52% said ALWAYS, 25 or 23.80% of

them said OFTEN, 37 or 35.23% said SELDOM, 28 or

26.67% said SOMETIMES, and 5 or 4.76% said NEVER.

 In terms of studying at the last minute before test,

36 or 34.29% said ALWAYS, 28 or 26.77% of them said

OFTEN, 16 or 15.24% said SELDOM, 23 or 21.90% of them

said SOMETIMES, and 2 or 1.90% said NEVER.

 In terms of taking notes during class lectures, 32 or

30.47% of them said ALWAYS, 30 or 28.57% said OFTEN,

19 or 18.09% of them answered SELDOM, 20 or 19.04%

said SOMETIMES, and 4 or 3.80% of them said NEVER.

 In terms of trying to get the meaning of new words as

they see them for the first time, 25 or 23.81% said

ALWAYS, 32 or 30.47% of them said OFTEN, 23 or 21.90%

said SELDOM, 25 or 23.80% said SOMETIMES, and none of

them said NEVER.

 In terms of being easily distracted from studying, 18

or 17.14% said ALWAYS, 24 or 22.85% of them said

OFTEN, 32 or 30.47% said SELDOM, 27 or 25.71% of them

said SOMETIMES, and 4 or 3.80% said NEVER.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

 That in terms of downloading and reading notes or

reading text before class, 14 or 13.33% of them said

ALWAYS, 27 or 25.71% said OFTEN, 29 or 27.61% said

SELDOM, 26 or 24.76% of them said SOMETIMES, and 9 or

8.57% said NEVER.

 In terms of having a certain place when they are

studying where they can concentrate, both 25 or

23.80% said ALWAYS and OFTEN, 24 or 22.85% said

SELDOM, 26 or 24.76% of them said SOMETIMES, and 5 or

4.76% said NEVER.

 In terms of going to library to browse for some

information about their home works or requirements,

12 or 11.42% said ALWAYS, 17 or 16.19% of them said

OFTEN, 31 or 29.52% said SELDOM, 25 or 23.80% of them

said SOMETIMES, and 20 or 19.04% said NEVER.

 In terms of finishing their assignments first before

watching television program, 18 or 17.14% of them

said ALWAYS, 29 or 27.61% said OFTEN, 24 or 22.85% of

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

them said SELDOM, 25 or 23.80% said SOMETIMES, 9 or

8.57% of them said NEVER.

 In terms of spending less time with their friends

during school days to concentrate more in their

studies, 14 or 13.33% said ALWAYS, 25 or 23.80% of

them said OFTEN, 29 or 27.61% said SELDOM, 28 or

26.77% of them said SOMETIMES, and 9 or 8.57% said


 In terms of studying and preparing for quizzes and

tests, 27 or 25.71% said ALWAYS, 34 or 32.38% of them

said OFTEN, 20 or 19.04% said SELDOM, 20 or 19.04%

of them said SOMETIMES, and 4 or 3.80% said NEVER.

 In terms of exerting more efforts when their doing

difficult assignments, 31 or 29.52% said ALWAYS, 32

or 30.47% of them said OFTEN, 21 or 20% said SELDOM,

18 or 17.14% of them said SOMETIMES, and 3 or 2.85%

of them said NEVER.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

 In terms of doing their assignments regularly, 38 or

36.19% said ALWAYS, 22 or 20.95% of them said OFTEN,

25 or 23.80% said SELDOM, 18 or 17.14% of them said

SOMETIMES, and 2 or 1.90% said NEVER.

 In terms of being aware of the deadline of their home

works or requirements, 58 or 55.23% said ALWAYS, 19

or 18.09% of them said OFTEN, 12 or 11.42% said

SELDOM, 12 or 11.42% of them said SOMETIMES, and 4 or

3.18% of them said NEVER.


Based on the findings of the research, the following

conclusions are drawn:

1. That the Don Severino Pagalilauan National Senior

High School has more female students than male.

2. That the students have a good study habits.

3. That they rather choose surfing the internet than

going to the library to browse some note or study.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

4. That majority of the participants prefer to study on

their own in a comfortable place rather than studying

with friends.

5. That most of the participants exert effort in their



Based on the result of the study, the researchers


1. That the parents or guardians of the students should

be strict and responsible enough in guiding the students

on their academic activities that will enhance and improve

the academic performance of their children.

2. That the student should come often to the library

because information which come from the library are more

reliable than those from the internet.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

3. That the teacher should make strategies on how to

make their students state their opinions in order to boost

their confidence.

4. That the students should focus more in studying

rather than watching television or playing online games.

5. That the future researchers should make a further

instruction about the study habits of the students in

order to improve their academic performances.





DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Appendix A

Letter to the Principal

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region II

Division of Cagayan


Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

February, 2019

Gayle Zannett D. Luyun, Ph.D.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Secondary School Principal I

This Institution



We, the undersigned, have conceptualize our research entitled “EFFECTS


STUDENTS” as a partial requirement for our subject Practical Research


In connection, may we seek for your cooperation in answering the

questionnaires that we have prepared to gather pertinent data needed

in this research. Rest assure that your response to the questionnaire

will be kept confidential.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,






DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Appendix B






Age: __16 __17 __18 __19 __20 above Sex: __MALE


Grade Level: __11 __12

Strand: __ABM __STEM __GAS __TVL H.E __TVL I.A

Monthly Allowance: _5000 and below _5,001-10,000 _10,001-

20,000 _20,000 above

DIRECTION: Give your perception regarding the study habits

of Senior High School students of Don Severino

Pagalilaluan National High School. Use the scale

below in providing response to the item given. Put

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Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

a check mark on the space provided for your







INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1

5 4 3 2 1

1 I am comfortable asking for help when I don’t

understand something.

2 I ask friends to study or do home works with me.

3 I study at the last minute before test.

4 I take notes during class lectures.

5 I try to get the meaning of new words as I see them

for the first time.

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

6 I am easily distracted from studying.

7 I download and read notes, or read text before


8 I have a certain place when I am studying where I

can concentrate.

9 I go to the library to browse for some information

about my home works or requirements.

1 I prefer finishing my assignments first before

watching television program.

1 I spend less time with my friends during school

days to concentrate more in my studies.

1 I study and prepare for quizzes and tests.

1 I exert more efforts when I do difficult


1 I do my assignments regularly.

1 I am aware of the deadline of my homework or


DSPNHS - Senior High School Department

Don Severino Pagalilauan National High School
Callao, Penablanca, Cagayan

Prepared by: Florette Mallillin

Angelica Calagui

Marlyn Dodan

Exaltacion Libar

Sophia Pagulayan

DSPNHS - Senior High School Department


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