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People that don't want their activities revealed have a real tendency to create distractions.

creative efforts to compound distractions are numerous. Legal procedure and procedural process in
business and corporate models are a maze of policy and delays that are time consuming, time intensive
and delaying enough to thwart any justice that makes things right and balanced. Smoke screens and
procedural process envelope endeavors to get things done with often overwhelming workloads that the
masses are unable to handle and give the lawyers the advantage as the ones that have the expertise to
tie things up for years or decades. Corporate entities value this environment because everybody else is
involved in either surviving or getting their fancy cars and four car garages that wast our globes
resources and take so much more energy that everybody needs. This is the strategy that allows the
inequality of our societies divided economic classes to become more split between the rich and the
poor. The decadent luxurious fashion in which we live is most distracting for most of us as we
constantly try to keep up with the Joneses. We have no Idea what most people are experiencing or
going thru just to survive . Do we even want to know? Whats important and what isn't? Its interesting
to interpret scripture and have it fall on deaf ears when society is so involved in making it and
surviving in this society. Critical analysis of church and society is more important all the time as we
involve and invest ourselves in the possession of private material goods and are caught up in a
maintenance of our private personal property and fully distracted by the corporate entities that maintain
our power and energy sources that aid in keeping us on this consumer track of unsustainable vigor.
The atrocities of the past are secondary and tertiary when it comes to all the distractions and
priorities and concerns of the present posturing for survival and upward mobility interests of the day
which are so highly prized. We are so busy and involved and invested in those things that help us keep
our head above water in the day to day business and activities that will help us to maintain our status
quo and keep up with the level of the american dream that is, just that, a dream of unsustainable
magnitude. Jonesing for money we walk the way of the rest of the highly propagandized society of
myth that keeps us in our own self involved story of who we are that we don't know who's we are. We
go on our merry way following the pied piper of corporate entities and entertainment distractions that
keep us mesmerized in our pretend wholesome ways of life that are so invested in avarice and greed in
spite of being strained by the worldwide economic crisis. We tend to think our savior is the very thing
that has brought us to the brink and bank of ruin. We are often caught up in the hysterics of frenzied
pageantry of political rallies and devotion to corporatisms hollow promises of expansion that ultimately
deal death for all concerned. We give our allegiances to these flag waving and clamoring salvation
schemes that are basically ponzie schemes that ruin most who invest time and effort and money. Our
pietistic devotion to these hollow money making entities that waste power and energy and cause wars
to be fought for oil and other resources ignoring the overlooked and forgotten masses creating poverty
and injustice on a grand scale. This overblown methodology and way of life is pompous. And the
established Christian churches are by and large pretentious, participating, silent or complicit. The
madness we find ourselves in is a soul capturing darkness that pervades our society and communities.
Lets not yield our wills to the political leaders and their empty promises and schemes in these uncertain
We need to realize that the kingdom or commonwealth of God is the great alpha and omega of
all that is occurring. Like Eberhard Arnold states in The Innerland our ability needs to be focused on
discerning the holy and the evil which is being blurred in our day and age. Our ideas of superiority
have led us astray and our conscience has been seared to go with the flow of the world that is so
seriously deceived. Concupiscence has overwhelmed our self-giving heart ways of love and care for
one another in a world falling apart. Chief Joseph wanted to be free to love and free to live, his will
and godly conscience was silenced and squelched but he still broke out with his orations. His rich
sources of wisdom were inspiring to his adherents but to the churches and colonists they were a threat
to the avarice and greed of a superior minded powerful folk who's actions and axioms were to
perpetuate expansionism and insane militarism. This kind of Method of Operation can only lead to
certain destruction of the planet.
What are the irenic appeals that we can put forth for unity and an animus for no one, except
those who corrupt and pervert the truth of God the real alpha and omega. The power of God in our
inner lives is the Good Path that will make our actions meaningful and give us some tangible results.
I'm often drawn to Psalm 133, How good and how pleasant it is for us all to dwell together in unity.
Together we can do wonders, united we can overcome. Bundled like medicine sticks we are stronger
and a cord of three who can break. We have the capacity to respond to the Spirit of Truth.

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