Quarterly Exam DISS2

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1stQuarter Examination, 2nd Semester School Year 2019-2020 Seat #:

DISS 2 – Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Name: _______________________________ Date: _____________

Section: _____________ Score: ____________

Multiple Choices: On the space provided before the number, write the letter that corresponds to your
chosen answer. Erasures and double strokes are considered wrong.

1. Evaluation of the career path with respect to the qualifications of the individual employees in
your company.
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
2. An analysis of the consumption patterns among housewives in a middle-income community.
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
3. A description of the different cultural practices of the Igorots.
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
4. An analysis of the voting behavior among young adults.
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Political Science d. Demography
5. An analysis on the causes of fraternity wars and gang violence.
a. Economics . Sociology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
6. A policy recommendation on how to raise the incidence of birth in countries that have an aging
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
7. A study on what causes severe depression which leads to suicide.
a. Economics c. Psychology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
8. An inquiry on how colonial occupation has changed the values of the native population.
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
9. An investigation of areas or locations where the incidence of earthquakes are most likely to
a. Geography c. Sociology
b. Anthropology d. Demography
10. An inquiry on the causes of juvenile delinquency among adolescents.
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Psychology d. Demography
11. The study of how words are combined to form a sentence.
a. Syntax c. Pragmatics
b. Semantics d. Linguistics
12. The systematic study of society as a whole
a. Economics c. Sociology
b. Psychology d. Demography
13. The study of meaning-making
a. Syntax c. Phonology
b. Semantics d. Linguistics

AISAT_DISS2 – (GS2MA/40), (GS2MB/41)

1stQuarter Examination, 2nd Semester School Year 2019-2020
DISS 2 – Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

14. The scientific study of behavior and mental processes

a. Economics c. Sociology

b. Psychology d. Demography
15. Study of the language context that involves comprehension or understanding between the lines
a. Syntax c. Pragmatics
b. Semantics d. Linguistics
16. The study of speech sound pattern
a. Phonology c. Phonetics
b. Semantics d. Linguistics
17. The study of speech sounds
a. Syntax c. Pragmatics
b. Phonetics d. Linguistics
18. The study of how words are categorized or formed
a. Syntax c. Pragmatics
b. Morphology d. Linguistics
19. Studies the behavior of individuals, households, and individual firms and markets in allocating
their resources.
a. Microeconomics c. Economics
b. Macroeconomics d. Psychology
20. Studies the behavior and performance of an economy as a whole
a. Microeconomics c. Economics
b. Macroeconomics d. Psychology
21. The idea that when a person is confronted with a set of choices, that person will choose the
option that will serve his or her objectives or interest.
a. Rational Choice Theory c. Micro level
b. Symbolic Interactionism d. Macro level
22. These are the formal institutions that is legally introduced and enforced by the state except.
a. Money c. Holidays
b. Arranged Marriage d. K-12 on Basic Education
23. If there are maladaptive parts, eventually they will contribute to the collapse of society unless
checked by other units or sectors in charge of correcting or penalizing the erring units.
a. Institutionalism c. Symbolic Interactionism
b. Psychoanalysis d. Structural Functionalism
24. This perspective relies on the symbolic meaning that people develop and rely upon in the
process of social interaction.
a. Institutionalism c. Symbolic Interactionism
b. Psychoanalysis d. Structural Functionalism
25. The branch of psychology that focuses on treating mental disorders by recognizing the
relationships between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind.
a. Institutionalism c. Symbolic Interactionism
b. Psychoanalysis d. Structural Functionalism
26. The impulsive (and unconscious) part of our psyche which responds directly and immediately to
basic urges, needs, and desires.
a. Id c. Sigmund Freud
b. Psychoanalysis d. Ego

AISAT_DISS2 – (GS2MA/40), (GS2MB/41)

1stQuarter Examination, 2nd Semester School Year 2019-2020
DISS 2 – Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

27. Hidden in your unconscious and is driven by the 'pleasure principle' - the demand to fulfill your
biological needs immediately.
a. Id c. Superego
b. Psychoanalysis d. Ego
28. Considers social realities and norms, etiquette and rules in deciding how to behave.
a. Id c. Sigmund Freud
b. Psychoanalysis d. Ego
29. It also has the function of persuading the ego to turn to moralistic goals rather than simply
realistic ones and to strive for perfection.
a. Id c. Sigmund Freud
b. Superego d. Ego
30. Studies interpretive structures of experience, how we understand and engage things around us
in our human world, including ourselves and others.
a. Feminism c. Human Environment System Approach
b. Marxism d. Hermeneutic Phenomenology
31. The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.
a. Feminism c. Human Environment System Approach
b. Marxism d. Hermeneutic Phenomenology
32. The government would control all resources and means of production to, in theory, ensure
a. Feminism c. Human Environment System Approach
b. Marxism d. Capitalist
33. It bridges the gap between, and integrates knowledge from, the social and the natural sciences
within one framework in the study of environmental and social issues.
a. Feminism c. none of the choices
b. Marxism d. Hermeneutic Phenomenology
34. To maintain the equilibrium of the system, Parsons identified four imperatives for societies to
survivewhat is the letter G in AGIL
a. Goal Seeker c. Goal Attract
b. Goal Attainment d. Goal Manifest
35. In the AGIL model what is the letter corresponds to maintaining solidarity or coordination
among the subunits of the system.
a. A c. I
b. G d. L
36. Future events can be affected by a small change made at a certain point in time, which may
change the course of the future.
a. Domino Effect c. Hawthrone Effect
b. Butterfly Effect d. Pygmalion Effect
37. Repercussion of an act or event under which every associated or connected entity is affected to
a more or less the same degree.
a. Domino Effect c. Hawthrone Effect
b. Butterfly Effect d. Pygmalion Effect
38. People improving their performance when others have high expectations of them. For students,
when teaches expect a lot, students often perform better.
a. Domino Effect c. Hawthrone Effect
b. John Henry Effect d. Pygmalion Effect

AISAT_DISS2 – (GS2MA/40), (GS2MB/41)

1stQuarter Examination, 2nd Semester School Year 2019-2020
DISS 2 – Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

39. People in the control group are able to work harder in overcoming a perceived challenge than
those in an Experimental group.
a. Domino Effect c. Hawthrone Effect
b. John Henry Effect d. Pygmalion Effect
40. Employees change the way they behave to their seniors according to the standards they know
their seniors are measuring them with. (Example: teachers’ observation)
a. Domino Effect c. Hawthrone Effect
b. John Henry Effect d. Pygmalion Effect
41. Solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not
immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using traditional step-
by-step logic.
a. Lateral c. Linear
b. Thinking d. Critical Analysis
42. Process of thought following known cycles or step-by-step progression where a response to a
step must be elicited before another step is taken.
a. Lateral c. Linear
b. Thinking d. Critical Analysis
43. Significant purposes include socialization and learning.
a. School c. Religion
b. Media d. Family
44. Provided sexual reproductive, economic, and educational needs for its members.
a. School c. Religion
b. Media d. Family
45. Provides the social function of mirroring the concerns of the audience.
a. School c. Religion
b. Media d. Family
46. Contributes to the wellbeing of the society by teaching morality.
a. School c. Religion
b. Media d. Family
47. Unexpected disruptions of social life. Example: Marawi Siege
a. Latent Function c. Manifest Dysfunctions
b. Latent Dysfunctions d. Manifest Function
48. Expected disruptions of social life
a. Manifest Dysfunction c. Manifest functions
b. Latent Dysfunctions d. Latent functions
49. Associated with the technical interest of understanding nature, forming general laws, and
making predictions.
a. Empirical-analytical c. Empirical-critical
b. Historical Hermeneutic d. Emancipatory
50. Data are generated by understanding human meanings and not through observation of neutral
a. Empirical-analytical c. Empirical-critical
b. Historical Hermeneutic d. Emancipatory

AISAT_DISS2 – (GS2MA/40), (GS2MB/41)

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