La 400 University Learning Objectives Grid

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Seton Hill University

Learning Objectives Attainment Grid

Not Partially
Achieved Achieved Fully Achieved

I. Communication and Problem Solving

 Use the expressive arts as a mode of inquiry or SAR 355 01
expression Intermediate Painting; I
made a self-exploratory
painting that used
multiple mediums to
help better understand
my process as an artist.
 Demonstrate leadership, negotiation, relational, and Paint and Sip 2019; I
consensus skills lead two paint and sip
classes at SHU (one in
February and one in
April of 2019)in which I
made a painting and
taught that painting to a
group of students.
 Use technological skills to access information, organize SED 188 01 Principles
knowledge, and communicate of Instructional
Technologies; I created
a blog in which I taught
myself ASL and created
videos, information
graphs, and charts as a
resource that would also
help others learn ASL.
 Propose new solutions to current issues SBL 145 01 The
Environment: Issues and
Choices; With a group
of other students I
created a PSA video that
voiced the concern and
facts of food waste and
how SHU can take some
steps to reduce it. Then
the group and I
presented solutions such
as shopping locally and
reducing consumption.
 Express arguments or main points clearly, in written and SEL 107 08
oral communication Composition and
Culture; I wrote a paper
that discussed human
behavior and its relation
to hair color. This was
Seton Hill University
Learning Objectives Attainment Grid
backed by research and
expressed through a
presentation at the
Celebration of Writing.
 Transfer knowledge and values into sound decision- SAR 225 02 Clay; I
making constructed a sculptural
piece out of clay
through the skills I
learned to allow it to
survive the kiln (not
making the walls of the
structure too thick and
connecting pieces with
II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness
 Communicate in a second language at the introductory SSP 105 03 Elementary
college level Spanish and Culture II; I
produced weekly
journals written in
Spanish with a given
 Analyze the impact of history, geography, and socio- SRT 281 01 Images of
cultural dynamics on global interactions from a variety of Jesus in Film; In this
disciplinary perspectives class I discussed popular
films that featured the
story of Jesus and why
certain aspects of the
film were influenced
based on location,
history, and social and
cultural events at the
time of its production.
 Analyze current and historical events through the lens of SLA 150 02 Faith,
spirituality and faith Religion, and Society; I
wrote a paper that
discussed the Catholic
Social Teaching and
how it would apply to
the controversial subject
of abortion.
 Assess privilege and oppression from the perspective of SED 110 01
culture, race, class, and gender Foundations of
Education and School
Law; In each class the
students discussed
experiences they had in
Seton Hill University
Learning Objectives Attainment Grid
their education and how
aspects such as culture,
race, gender, and class
can affect education.
III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry
 Generate and analyze numerical and scientific data SSS 251 01 Research
Methods; I analyzed
data on media and body
image to develop a
theoretical experiment
and wrote a paper on
how I would accomplish
 Locate and analyze expressive media to gain information SAR 371 01
or comprehend the significance of an issue or an event Contemporary Art and
Criticism; In this class I
attended many galleries
in Pittsburgh and as a
whole class discussed
ways artists use media
to network and share
their own pieces.
Additionally, this class
discussed the effects of
specific social events on
the arts and how certain
artists showcase these
themes in their works.
 Organize and manage resources in a creative way to SBL 145 01 The
achieve impact Environment: Issues and
Choices; With a group
of other students I
created a PSA video that
voiced the concern and
facts of food waste and
how SHU can take some
steps to reduce it.
 Find, evaluate, and apply information SSS 251 01 Research
Methods; I analyzed
data on media and body
image to develop a
theoretical experiment
and wrote a paper on
how I would accomplish
Seton Hill University
Learning Objectives Attainment Grid
 Interpret quantitative information to present a logical SPY 225 01 Infancy
argument based on supporting data Childhood, and
Adolescence/ Lab; I
observed a child at the
Child Development
Center and marked the
number of times they
did something such as
raise their hand. I related
this to data that showed
when children of certain
ages are to display
certain behaviors and
how frequently. I then
argued that the child I
observed was ahead in
their skills for their
targeted age group.
IV. Self Reflection and Assessment
 Demonstrate ethical decision-making grounded in SRT 281 01 Images of
philosophical inquiry Jesus in Film; I analyzed
the film Sophie Sholl:
The Final Days and
discussed the morality
of the choice to execute
her and the other
members of the White
Rose. I then wrote a
paper discussing the
reason why Sophie
chose to die and the
justice she promoted for
 Apply Catholic social teaching to the analysis of SBL 145 01 The
contemporary social issues Environment: Issues and
Choices; With a group
of other students I
created a PSA video that
voiced the concern and
facts of food waste.
Then I related these
concerns with the
Catholic Social
Teachings and spoke as
to why food waste
affects many people-
Seton Hill University
Learning Objectives Attainment Grid
such as the poor and
 Recognize the value of diverse spiritual and religious Faith, Religion, and
perspectives Society; In this class I
studied Christianity,
Judaism, and Islam and
was able to understand
the similarities between
all of them while also
identifying some of key
differences that society
often notices first.

 Integrate the practice of charity with the skill of justice I volunteered at the
Feeding the Spirit in
Westmoreland to serve a
meal to those struggling
with housing or needing
a meal or necessities.
This was a community
effort to better those in
 Exercise responsible freedom and civic engagement EDU 20 5 English
based on an informed value system Language Learners
(CCAC); I had weekly
journal discussions
online with my peers
that were focused on
readings that helped me
to consider some of the
cultural values of others
whose first language
was not English. This
helped me learn how to
react to situations in a
classroom accordingly.

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