QUIZ MID Writing

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Nama : Yuni Fajrianti

NIM : 02184014

Expressing Your Understanding about the Material 1 to 13 Narratively !

In the 3rd semester i study in IAIN Bone, i learn about Basic Writing. My lecture name’s is
Achawir Ali S.S., M. Pd. On september, 18 2019 was the first meeting of Basic Writing after college
contract. My friends and i learned about PUNCTUATION. The kinds of punctuation include
apostrophes (‘), colons (:), commas (,), hyphens (-), parentheses (), periods (.), semicolons (;),
forward slash (/) and others. At the end of meeting, Mr. Achawir gave us some quizes about all the
materials of Basic Writing every week and the deadlines was around one week. It was my first quiz
that i have ever got. I was confused and didnt know how to do with it. So in this first quiz, i did it
with my friends in Kedai Baca.

The second meeting on September, 25 2019, i learned about CAPITULIZATION. The material
include how to use titles of document, section headings, product names (days,months, countries,
nationalities, natural language), notes, acronyms, OK (figures, tables, sections), (steps, phrases,
stages) and keywords. The second quiz was about telling story by using those materials.

For example :

I decided to celebrate a new year by getting vacation in Pare-Pare, Madya City

The third meeting on October, 02 2019, i learned about ABBREVIATIONS and ACRONYMS. It
is still part material of Basic Writing. An Abbreviation is the short form of the word and an Acronym
use and put in bracket. The quiz of those materials were about telling report by using Abbreviations
and Acronyms.

For example :

1. Abbreviation : Cont/Continous, Prof/Professor.

2. Acronym : US/United State, TV/Television.

The next meeting on October 09 2019, i learned about REFERENCES and SPELLING. The
References materials were about sections and documents (figures, tables, windows), the following
above mentioned/as mentioned above and hereafter. Then the Spelling materials were about US
and GB spelling, technical words and misspelling that automatic spellchecker do not find. The quiz
was about telling report again. At this quiz, i was talking about Wiranto’s case.
The next week on October, 16 2019, Mr.Achawir was combined several meetings into one
meeting. The materials were about NOUNS, VERBS, ADJECTIVES and ADVERB. The quizes were
about making four word class changing, searching and classifying the synonym of each word class
changing and then parapharassing to avoid plagiarism. At this quiz, all of my friends include me were
very confused and panic because we didnt understood yet.

The nineth meeting on October, 30 2019, i learned about TERMINOLOGY and PRONOUNS.
The Terminology material include safety, warning, caution, notice, etc. The quiz was about
Terminology, Ambiguity, Comparison and Genetive. About Ambiguity, my friends and i were ask to
look for a theses and find the ambiguity.

The other example :


- Keep in a cool place
- Use only as directed
Do not :
- Use for child
- Use for injury


- Mt sister’s uncle is elder than my uncle.

- Mr. Azka is the fastest runner of all runeer on the competition.


- I visited Palippis becah for three days’ vacation last year (Period of Time)

The tenth week on November, 20 2019, i learned about ARTICLES. The kinds of Articles were
about Definite and Indefinite articles. Definite Articles is used for singular/plural and
countable/uncountable noun. The kind of Definite articles is the (eg: the books, the sugar, etc).
Indefinite articles is used for singular and countable nouns. The kinds of Indefinite articles are a
(consonant) and an (vowel). For example, a bottle and an umbrella.
The eleventh meeting on October, 27 2019, i learned about INFINITE VS GERUND. Gerund is
a verb-ing form of verbs that functions as a noun. Invinitive is the first verb form (which is not bound
to the main sentences). The kinds of Infinitive are to infinitive and bare infinitive.

For example :

1. Gerund
 Fishing is not your habit.
2. Infinitive
 To improve my listening skill, i learned from VOA Application.
3. Gerund vs Infinitive
 Cooking is fun.
 To cook is fun.

The twelve meeting on December, 02 2019, i learned about NEGATIONS. Negation is a form
of negative statement. We usuallly use not to form negatives statement.

For example :

 The sudent is not seriously do the assignment.

The last meeting for the last quiz on December, 11 2019, i learned PASSIVE vs ACTIVE. Active
voice is a sentence in which the subject does work. Passive voice is a sentence which the subject is
subject to work by the object of the sentence.

For example :

1. Active
o My sister gave me a cake on my birthday.
2. Passive
o The quiz was submited on google classrom by the student.
3. Active vs Passive
o The event organizers held an event in Bunir Cafe.
o The event was held in Bunir Cafe by event organizers.

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