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Bachelor of Science in Biology, Department of Biology

College of Science

Laboratory Activity 5: Understanding Natural Selection

Baao, Louisse May| Escanilla, Carl | Manuel, Cezz | Taquiqui, Arvin

BS Biology 2-5


Florida Department of Education (2011) stated that Evolution is the life-sustaining

process of change by a diversity of organisms that have adapted genetically over long
periods of time in order to survive through many environmental changes. Grabianowski
(2008), reported that natural selection is the engine that drives evolution. The organisms
best suited to survive in their particular circumstances have a greater chance of passing
their traits on to the next generation. Some of the concepts of evolution are heritability of
phenotypic traits, evolution of microbes, and survival of the fittest. Students performed
three (3) activities to further understand the concept of natural selection. The materials
used in the experimentation were six (6) different kind of beans and one (1) large
Styrofoam bowl, three (3) different colored macaroni noodles (Macaonicus noodlesia,
Coronado 2009) with 300 pieces each color, three (3) containers, and timer were used.
The result showed that the heritability of phenotypic traits of plants and animals within a
population were influenced either by genetics (high heritability) or environment (low
heritability). Acquiring new traits is the survival mechanism for microbial evolution to occur
such as antibiotic resistance, horizontal gene transfer, and mutation. Furthermore, body
size greatly affects the survival and reproduction of an animal within their environment. It
has been revealed that there is significant change in the gene frequency in the gene pool
of the future population M. noodlesia. It expressed that physical environment is a great
contributing factor in the subsistence, increase or decline of different species.

Keywords: Natural Selection, evolution, heritability of phenotypic traits, survival of the

fittest, microbial evolution
INTRODUCTION Meaney defined heritability as the amount of
phenotypic (observable) variation in a
Florida Department of Education (2011)
population that is attributable to individual
stated that Evolution is the life-sustaining
genetic differences. On the other hand, Scitable
process of change by a diversity of organisms
(2014), defined phenotype as the observable
that have adapted genetically over long periods
physical properties of an organism (organism's
of time in order to survive through many
appearance, development, and behavior). An
environmental changes. In 1858, Charles
organism's phenotype is determined by its
Darwin (1809-1882) and Alfred Russel Wallace
genotype, which is the set of genes the
(1823-1913) came up and published a theory of
organism carries, as well as by environmental
natural selection. However, Darwin has
influences upon these genes. On the other
generally overshadowed Wallace since the
hand, microbial evolution refers to the
publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859
genetically driven changes that occur in
after his five-year voyage to study plants,
microorganisms and that are retained over time.
animals, and fossils in South America and on
Some microbial changes can be in response to
islands in the Pacific. (Gildenhuys, 2019). It is
a selective pressure. The best examples of this
where he proposed that species can change
are the various changes that can occur in
over time, new species come from pre-existing
bacteria in response to the presence of
species, and that all species share a common
antibiotics. These changes can make an
ancestor all life on Earth shares a common
individual bacterium less susceptible or
ancestor (Caldwel et al., n.d.; Khanacademy,
completely resistant to the killing action of one
2019). Grabianowski (2008), reported that
or more antibiotics (Simon, 2019). Additionally,
natural selection is the engine that drives
“survival of the fittest” is a way of describing the
evolution. The organisms best suited to survive
mechanism of natural selection that originated
in their particular circumstances have a greater
from Darwinian evolutionary theory. As defined
chance of passing their traits on to the next
by the National Academy of Sciences and
generation. According to National Geographic
Institute of Medicine (2019) it is a term that
(2019), natural selection can lead to speciation,
refers to the survival of only those organisms
where one species gives rise to a new and
best able (fittest) to obtain and utilize resources,
distinctly different species. It is one of the
resulting in the evolution of organisms that are
processes that drives evolution and helps to
best adapted to the environment.
explain the diversity of life on Earth.
Students performed three (3) activities to
Some of the concepts of evolution are
further understand the concept of natural
heritability of phenotypic traits, evolution of
microbes, and survival of the fittest. Taylor and

A. Materials and Instrumentation

The materials used in the

experimentation for evolution of microbes were
six (6) different kind of beans and one (1) large
Figure 4: Three (3) containers
Styrofoam bowl. For survival of the fittest
experimentation, three (3) different colored
macaroni noodles (Macaonicus noodlesia,
Coronado 2009) with 300 pieces each color,
three (3) containers, and timer were used.

Figure 5: Timer from mobile phone

B. Study site

The activity was done inside the

Figure 1: Six (6) different kinds of beans; (from left to
Polytechnic University of the Philippines- Sta
right) Green mung bean, light brown mung bean, black
bean, red bean, brown bean, white bean Mesa, Manila. For evolution of microbes, the
activity was done at the dome of the 6th floor
main building while for survival of the fittest, the
activity was done at the grassy, sandy, and
rocky area of the field.

Figure 2: Styrofoam bowl with holes at the bottom

Figure 6: Grassy area of the field

Figure 3: Macaronicus noodlesia; 300 pieces each color Figure 7: Sandy area, in front of Gabriela Bldg.
first (1st) generation of parents. Five (5) beans
were then added only of the survivors, and the
bowl was shaken again. The process was
repeated five (5) times to create five (5)
generation of organisms.

Figure 8: Rocky area, in front of Gabriel Bldg.

C. Procedure

Heritability of Variable Phenotypic Traits

within a Population

Based on published data from studies in

Figure 9: Beans at the Styrofoam bowl set-up
genetics and ecology, three (3) different
phenotypic traits that vary among individuals in Survival of the Fittest

each of five (5) different plant populations and Three (3) different colored raw macaroni
another three (3) traits for each of five (5) noodles (Macaronicus noodlesia, Coronado
different animal populations were researched. 2009) were first obtained. Then, three (3) set-
The heritability of each phenotypic traits was ups were made wherein one-hundred (100)
described. Then, it was specified whether the individuals of each colors were placed on a
trait is genetically determined (high heritability, container and were mixed well to make the
H ≥ 0.5) or environmentally determined (low population composition starts out with equal
heritability value, H < 0.5). proportion of the different colored individuals.

Natural Selection in Action One (1) each of three (3) set of population of
macaroni noodles was dispersed on a 50 m 2
Evolution of Microbes
portion of grassy, sandy, and rocky area. This
Six (6) different-sized holes at the bottom served as the “preying ground” for the dispersed
of Styrofoam bowl was poked. Five (5) of each population of macaroni noodles. For three (3)
kind of bean population were put on the holed minutes, three (3) students collected the
bowl to create a generation of organisms. scattered noodles they have found, and placed
Afterwards, the bowl was shaken for 10 seconds them one piece at a time on the container that
and the beans that fall through were considered was placed three (3) meters away from the
as “dead organisms”, while the population that designated area. Afterwards, the undamaged or
were left in the bowl were considered to be the slightly damaged noodles were counted which
represented the final prey caught. The data was
then subjected to chi squared test to examine
whether there is a significant change in the gene
frequency in the gene pool of the future
population of M. noodlesia.
Figure 10: Three (3) set-ups with similar composition of
M. noodlesia


Table 1. Heritability of Variable Phenotypic Traits within a Plant Population

Variance/ Coefficient V.
Plant Species Characters Heritability Determination
Phenotype Genotype
Pea (Pisum sativum) * Plant height (cm) 11.15 10.86 94.9 Genetically
Seeds per pod 9.39 4.26 20.6 Environmentally
Branches per 50.69 31.16 37.8 Environmentally
Soybean (Glycine max
50% flowering 18.407 17.120 0.9301 Genetically
(L.) Merrill)
No. of primary
2.508 2.413 0.9621 Genetically
No. of secondary
2.076 1.975 0.9513 Genetically
Oriental beech (Fagus
Leaf length (cm) 0.0046 -0.1144 -24.88 Environmentally
Petiole length(cm) 0.0008 0.0001 0.125 Environmentally
Leaf Area (cm2) 728.3984 716.799 0.9841 Genetically
Turmeric (Curcuma Length of mother
18.30 17.10 87.37 Genetically
longa L.) * rhizome (cm)
Number of leaves
10.92 9.24 71.57 Genetically
per plant
Number of tillers
15.82 12.83 65.79 Genetically
per plant
Pointed gourd Number of fruits
(Trichosanthes 584.98 563.38 0.9631 Genetically
per plant
dioica Roxb.) Number of seeds 20.41 17.77 0.8707 Genetically
per fruit
Number of nodes 8.10 3.80 0.4691 Environmentally
at first harvest

Where; Genetically determined = (high heritability, H ≥ 0.5)

Environmentally determined = (low heritability, H <0.5)
In the heritability study of Kumar, et al. Bijarpasi, Shahrajii, & Lahiji (2019, May
(2019) at Pea (Pisum sativum), high heritability 27) investigated the genetic variability and
was recorded for days to plant height (94.9%). It heritability of some morphological and
indicates that they were less influenced by the physiological traits in Fagus orientalis Lipsky
environment. Whereas low heritability was along an elevation gradient in Hyrcanian forests.
recorded for seeds per pod (20.6%) and Their results revealed that leaf length (-24.88)
branches per pod (37.8) indicated more and petiole length (0.125) were recorded as low
environmental effect due to presence of non- heritability, while leaf area (0.9513) was
additive gene action in expression of characters. recorded as high heritability. The low heritability
From this it was obvious that improvement of the ratio can be due to low-quality alleles, a low
characters exhibiting high heritability could be genetic variation or a gene-environment
more efficiently by adopting normal selection interaction. The high heritability indicated that
procedures and for those having lower value, the effect of genotype is more important than the
some other suitable breeding techniques, like environmental pressures. Most of the traits
population improvement programme would have treated in this study displayed a high heritability
to be adopted. Heritability itself provides no and, consequently, they may be considered as
indication of among of genotypic gain that will better and more correct choices for the breeding
result from selection of best individuals. programs. High genetic variation reflects an
Researchers (Guleria, et al., 2019) from increase in heterozygosis at the stands progeny,
India examined the genetic variability and which increases the future sustainability of
correlation analysis in soybean (Glycine max (L.) ecosystems facing with the global change and
Merrill) genotypes. High heritability along with adaptability. Furthermore, genetic diversity
high genetic advance was observed for 50% of among populations is an important factor for
flowering, number of primary branches, and adaptive assessment of diversity.
number of secondary branches which indicates
Sadanand, et al. (2019), studied the
the presence of additive gene action for
evaluation of genetic parameters of different
improvement of this trait by various selection
varieties of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) under
methods. The characters having high heritability
Ranchi condition. High heritability estimates
followed by high genetic advance can be used in
were observed for length of mother rhizome
soybean breeding programme because
(cm), number of leaves per plant, and number of
selection favors in the positive direction to obtain
tiller per plant, which indicated that these
high yield. The characters having high heritability
characters are under additive gene effects and
alone can also be used in breeding programme
are more reliable for effective clonal selection
for improving yield.
(Panse, 1957). Furthermore, it can be suggested
that, these genotypes can be utilized for the per fruit (0.8707). However, low heritability was
further commercial cultivation, but only after a observed in number of nodes at first harvest
few more years of evaluation. (0.4691). High heritability indicated that these
Verma, et al. from India researched the characters were mainly controlled by additive
genetic variability, heritability and genetic gene effects and thus selection may be
advance in pointed gourd (Trichosanthes dioica rewarding for the further improvement of these
Roxb.). High heritability was observed in number traits
of fruits per plant (0.9631) and number of seeds

Table 2. Heritability of Variable Phenotypic Traits within an Animal Population

Variance/ Coefficient V.
Animal Species Characters Heritability Determination
Phenotype Genotype
Savannah sparrows Wing Length 2.980 1.528 0.513 Genetically
Bill length 0.138 0.033 0.239 Environmentally
Tarsus length 0.406 0.275 0.677 Genetically
Teleostei Defense in novel
- - 0.96 Genetically
Timidity - - 0.92 Genetically

Territoriality - - 0.12 Environmentally

Cephalopoda Boldness in -
- 0.08 Environmentally
feeding context
Activity in threat - - 0.67 Genetically
Reactivity in threat - - Genetically
Black-Lipped Pearl Nacre weight - - 0.34 Environmentally
Oyster (Pinctada
margaritifera) Shape - - 0.06 Environmentally
Color - - 0.16 Environmentally
Verbet Monkey Cerebral volume - - 0.98 Genetically
pygerythrus) Cerebellar volume - - 0.86 Genetically
Corpus callosal - - 0.89 Genetically

Where; Genetically determined = (high heritability, H ≥ 0.5)

Environmentally determined = (low heritability, H <0.5)
Cava, Perlut, and Travis (2019, January in heritability may be caused by covariation
14), studied Heritability and evolvability of between gene expression and environmental
morphological traits of Savannah sparrows conditions. Charmantier and Garant (2005),
(Passerculus sandwichensis) breeding in reported an emergent trend of higher heritability
agricultural grasslands. The result showed that under more favorable conditions, which was
high heritability was documented for wing length statistically significant for morphological but not
(0.513) and tarsus length (0.677), while low life-history traits. This indicates that
heritability was documented on bill length environmental conditions can have important
(0.239). It revealed that genetics had the consequences for predicted responses to
greatest relative influence on the phenotypic selection.
variation of two indicators of tarsus length and
Blay, Planes, & Ky (2018, April 23)
wing length. On the other hand, it had less
investigated about crossing phenotype
influence on bill length for environment had the
heritability and candidate gene expression in
greatest influence to it.
grafted black-lipped pearl Oyster (Pinctada
In the study Toward a Basis for the margaritifera). It was reported that nacre weight
Phenotypic Gambit: Advances in the (0.34), shape (0.06), and color (0.16) of the
Evolutionary Genetics of Animal Personality of pearl were considered to be low heritability. It is
researchers, Oers and Sinn (2011, January), well known that traits under genetic control are
they presented the most genetic studies on likely to demonstrate higher heritability values
animal personality traits focus on establishing at than those whose variability is highly influenced
least some sort of genetic basis for their by the environment (Fisher 1930; Falconer and
phenotypic traits of interest; two of it were the Mackay 1996; Lynch and Walsh 1998).
Teleostei and Cephalopoda taxa. For Teleostei,
Fears, et al. (2009, March 4), examined
the result showed both defense in novel
the heritable brain phenotypes of Vervet
environment (0.96) and timidity (0.92) were
Monkeys. The results of their study revealed
considered to be high heritability while,
that high heritability was recorded for cerebral
territoriality was considered to be low
volume (0.98), cerebellar volume (0.86), and
heritability. For Cephalopoda, high heritability
Corpus callosal area (0.89). Sex had a large
was recorded for activity in threat context (0.67)
effect on all phenotypes. Furthermore, it
and reactivity in threat context (0.89), whereas
suggested that genetics has a great factor on
low heritability was recorded for boldness in
affecting these brain phenotypes.
feeding context (0.08). In this case, differences
Natural Selection in Action
Evolution of Microbes
Table 3. Data for the Survivors and Dead Beans
Color of Beans
Generation Initial Dead Alive Initial Dead Alive Initial Dead Alive

1st 5 5 0 5 4 1 5 1 4
2nd 0 0 0 6 4 2 24 16 8

3rd 0 0 0 12 4 8 48 23 16

4th 0 0 0 48 13 35 96 31 65
5th 0 0 0 210 2 208 390 1 389
Color of Beans
Generation Initial Dead Alive Initial Dead Alive Initial Dead Alive

1st 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0
2nd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3rd 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Beans served as the organisms. The capable of growing and dividing in about 20
table showed the quantity of six (6) different minutes under ideal growth conditions.
types of beans in five (5) generations. It has
The holed bottom of the Styrofoam bowl
been noted that only black and brown beans
indicates factors affecting microbial evolution.
survived until the last generation among the
As stated by Gillings and Stokes (2012) (as cited
various beans, which merely persisted on the
in James, 2016), that an environment saturated
first generation. Furthermore, it shows that the
with antimicrobial agents has the potential to
increasing generation is directly proportional
influence genetic mutation, recombination, and
with the number of quantity of beans or
lateral gene transfer in ways capable of
organisms. According to Simon (2019,
dramatically accelerating the natural rate of
December 10), in contrast to Darwinian
microbial evolution. To survive hostile
evolution, which takes place over millions of
environments, an organism often has to acquire
years, microbial evolution can occur within
new traits. But the rules of evolution appear to
hours. This is because some bacteria are
restrict how many such characteristics it can
optimize at once. In a new study, researchers organism's DNA that occurs over time and may
say they found that some bacteria make a render it less sensitive to drugs which are used
genetic trade-off: the microbes involved were against it (mutation).
able to develop only one of two new traits and
Additionally, beans sizes greatly affected their
selected the one that best helped them thrive in
survival rate in a manner of hindering their fall
a given setting (Waldholz, 2017, August 31).
into the holed-bottom of the Styrofoam bowl.
Simon (2019, December 10), listed some For Animals, Museum Paleontologist Professor
tendency of an organism that has a certain Adrian Lister (n.d.), stated that body size is a key
characteristic to be eliminated from an indicator of an animal's ability to survive and
environment or to increase in numbers reproduce. It has been supported by Cabrera-
(selective pressure). First is the ability of Guzmán, et al. (2013) by claiming that an
bacteria to resist the actions of antibiotic drugs individual’s body size and mass can affect its
(antibiotic resistance), next is major mechanism viability in many ways such a smaller body often
by which anti-biotic resistance genes get may increase an individual’s vulnerability to
passed between bacteria and accounts for mortality sources such as desiccation,
many hospital-acquired infections (horizontal predation, competition, starvation or infection.
gene transfer), third and last is the change in an
Survival of the Fittest

Table 4. Data for captured red M. noodlesia from three (3) different sites
Grassy Rocky Sandy Total
Undamaged 14 24 28 66
Damaged 1 0 1 2
TOTAL 15 24 29 68
Undamaged 14.56 23.29 28.15 66
Damaged 0.44 0.71 0.85 2
TOTAL 15 24 29 68
P value = 0.47398
Table 4 showed the data for captured red M. noodlesia from three (3) different sites. To get the
P-value of the data, Chi-squared test was used. Hence, since P-value= 0.47398 is greater than the
significant level 0.05, there is significant change in the gene frequency in the gene pool of the future
population of red M. noodlesia.
Table 5. Data for captured green M. noodlesia from three (3) different sites
Grassy Rocky Sandy Total
Undamaged 0 27 21 48
Damaged 0 0 1 1
TOTAL 0 27 22 49
Undamaged 0 26.45 21.55 48
Damaged 0 0.55 0.45 1
TOTAL 0 27 22 49
P value = 0
Table 5 showed the data for captured green M. noodlesia from three (3) different sites. To get
the P-value of the data, Chi-squared test was used. Hence, since P-value= 0 is less than the significant
level 0.05, there is no significant change in the gene frequency in the gene pool of the future population
of green M. noodlesia.

Table 6. Data for captured orange M. noodlesia from three (3) different sites
Grassy Rocky Sandy Total
Undamaged 10 28 27 65
Damaged 0 0 3 3
TOTAL 10 28 30 68
Undamaged 9.56 26.76 28.68 65
Damaged 0.44 1.24 1.32 3
TOTAL 10 28 30 68
P value = 0.135721417
Table 6 showed the data for captured orange M. noodlesia from three (3) different sites. To get
the P-value of the data, Chi-squared test was used. Hence, since P-value= 0.135721417 is greater
than the significant level 0.05, there is significant change in the gene frequency in the gene pool of the
future population of orange M. noodlesia.
Table 7. Total number of final caught preys, proportion of variously colored individuals, and number
of survival rate of M. noodlesia from three (3) different areas
Site Color of Initial number Total number of final Proportion of Number Of
prey of released caught preys variously colored survival rate
preys Undamaged Damaged individual

Grassy Red 100 14 1 0.017 85

Green 100 0 0 0 100
Orange 100 10 0 0.011 90
Rocky Red 100 24 0 0.027 76
Green 100 27 0 0.03 73
Orange 100 28 0 0.031 72
Sandy Red 100 28 1 0.032 71
Green 100 21 1 0.024 78
Orange 100 27 3 0.033 70
GRANDTOTAL 900 185 0.205 715

As what table 7 showed, from 300 M. variation of individuals in a species is a factor for
noodlesia, a total of 25 individuals were only evolution. It was noticed that in the grassy area,
caught on a grassy area; 14 red, 10 orange, and no green individual was caught due to
no green and there are no damaged individuals. camouflage, wherein organisms have colors
Under the rocky area, a total of 79 were caught; that blend into their surroundings that make
wherein 24 are red, 27 are green, and 27 are them conceal from predators.
orange, and all individuals were undamaged.
Changes in the physical environment
Lastly, in sandy area, 81 individuals were
have contributed to the expansion, if not, to the
caught; 29 red, 30 orange, and 22 green.
decline of some species, which resulted for the
Wherein, 76 were damaged and only 5 were
numbers of individuals caught under the sandy
undamaged. Furthermore, out of 900 population
area. We can say that the area with the greatest
of M. noodlesia, 185 were only caught while 715
number of individuals caught was on the sandy
individuals survived.
area however it is also the area with the greatest
Based on the result, it was observed that number of damaged individuals. There is not
the area with the least numbers of preys caught much obstruction on sandy area unlike on
was the grassy area. It is also the most difficult grassy and rocky area the reason why it is the
area for the preys to be caught since there are easiest area for the individuals to be caught,
presence of tall grasses unlike on sandy and however due to the presence of the sand,
rocky are wherein it is quite a flat land. Genetic individuals tend to be deposited under the sand,
causing the individuals to be stepped on and LITERATURE CITED
become damaged.
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the-Evolutionary-Genetics-of-Animal- Retrieved from:
Taylor, Cynthia and Meaney, John F. (n.d.). n-it-comes-to-evolution-microbes-have-to-pick-
Heritability. Retrieved from: and-choose1/

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