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ragons rank among the most fearsome You can tie these effects to the type of damage an
foes you'll encounter on your overcharged dragon sustains.
adventures. This is due in no small part
to their ability to drown an entire party Damage Type Effect
in a gout of elemental energy. Yet, this Bludgeoning Force Feedback
power can quickly overwhelm a party Piercing Eruption
even when they meet a dragon at an
appropriate level. This system for reigns in the Slashing Desync
swinginess of the recharge mechanic, and gives you Elemental Absorption
control over the power of the breath weapon.
Force Feedback. The impact detonates. The
 attacker must make a Strength saving throw. On a
1. The breath weapon’s damage dice become the success, the dragon is knocked prone. On a failure,
breath weapon damage dice pool. the attacker is knocked back 15 feet and falls prone.
Eruption. A gout of elemental energy erupts from
2. You can spend any number of damage dice when the wound, dealing force damage to the dragon and
making a breath weapon attack. elemental damage to any creatures within 15 feet.
3. You recharge a number of damage dice every Any creature within range who makes a successful
turn equal to 1/3 of the total dice pool. Dexterity saving throw takes half damage.
Desync. You slash through the dragon's hide,
 causing it to seep elemental energy, but did you
 strike the right spot? The attacker must make a
Wisdom check. On a success, the dragon loses its
Allowing the recharge to exceed the initial dice pool overcharge and does not recharge its breath weapon
can increase the potential damage output. on its next turn. On a failure, the target may make an
 attack of opportunity against the attacker, but no
Establish a cap on the total recharge so the dice more than once each turn.
pool doesn't swell out of control. A good guideline is Absorption. If the dragon would take elemental
one full recharge higher than the base dice pool. damage that is reduced by a damage immunity, the
dragon becomes fully overcharged.
As an added bonus, you can add extra effects to an 
overcharged dragon. Use the following rules for If you appreciate the flexibility of the breath weapon
overcharge: and want to use the smaller blasts to accompany
Damage dealt by an effect is equal to the attacks, you can use the breath weapon as an attack
recharge dice. instead of an action. This will allow you to use it as a
Damage dealt by an effect has the same damage part of your multiattack. Depending how you use it,
type as the breath weapon, except... this may increase the overall power.
Damage dealt to the source is force damage.
Saving throw DCs are equal to the DC of the
dragon's breath weapon. 

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