Stronghold Merchants v0-2

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STRONGHOLDS: TRADERS & MERCHANTS ‘STRONGHOLD BUILDING EXPANSION With a filled keg over each arm, a male dwarf trudges away from the snowy peaks of his homeland, a similarly laden mule following in his footsteps. Though the dwarf knows the closest town is weeks away, he has fall conf dence in the quality of his wares, Smelling profits on the Wind, he ventures ever forward, secking riches and glory for is ean. In the midst of bustling market, a mousy female hhalfing with round, thiek glasses scribbles away within a tome. Beside her lies a pile of her completed works, finely bound, proclaiming their titles in bold lettering. Concerned only with her writing, the halfling pays n0 heed to attracting customers, trusting that her books and reputation will be more than enough fo entice passersby. ge of an alleyway, a male kobold clad only in.a burlap sack waves his arms and chitters frantically, attempting to attract buyers. The kobol. even: tually gives up, sighing, glancing over towards his nearby pile of identical burlap sacks, complete with arm and hhead holes, No buyers today -but tomorrow, who knows? Though few of their ilk consider it, adventurers are far from being the only individuals enterprising and foo! hhardy enough to journey the wider world in search of fortune and glory. Merchants travel far and wide, often finding themselves at bustling hubs of business, such as port towns, trade hubs, and the more mercantile strong. world. hholds that pepper the disparate reaches of Each merchant has their own motivations for and meth: ‘ods of pursuing free enterprise, and for every merchant just trying to get by theres at least one more with fervant dreams of someday, somehow, making it big and retiring fo comfort and fortune Included here are sample merchant inventories for ‘the merchants that visit and take up residence at player ‘owned strongholds, This expansion is designed to work ‘with the core Fortresses, Temples, & Stronghold option available at Walrock Homebrew, though these merchants ‘an funetion equally well when found throughout the wider world, MERCHANT CHARACTERISTICS, ‘Much like adventurers themselves, merchants often have hhopes, dreams, and fatal flaws of their own. Ifyou wish to characterize a merchant for roleplaying purposes, roll fon of choose frorn the following tables. ae Personality Tait Ugreet absolutely everyone with a warm hug. [have a much better head for numbers than people Vm aften mare wing o Barter in favors than coin I don't tust sdventutrs, not even alte Bit Irs all business with me, no need to be personable. Repeat customers are my best fiends i hagele all day, until your ears fll off. winced my natural showmanship is what Ideal ‘Commeres. Fee exchange isthe world’s greatest equalizer. (Lau) Monopoly. Undercutting my vals and price gouging are the only ways to get ahead. Evil) Salesmanship. 'l zell abzolutely anything. My horse, ny mother, everthing has a price, (Chactic) Charity. try to give discounts or handouts to those that are truly in need. (Good) Finality. No refunds. Ever (Any) Enjoyment, Buying and seling wates is all big game tome, one that | love playing. (Any) 6 1 2 a6 Bond I have a sek elatve that my business supports owe a lt of money to crganized crime, and they'e threatening to collect. Violently '’m counting down the days to a peaceful retirement with my spouse or loved ones. hope to earn enough money tobe able to pursue ry true love, wha is well above my station, im on the run from the law, and plan to leave town before they finaly recagnize me. Alarge portion of my money is spent atoning fr my shameful pat Flaw “Most of my money is spent everynight inthe tavern have no real faith in the quality of my merchandise, uhether or not itis actually good. Ifsomeone undercuts my prices, Il cut their throat counterfeit currency on the side, and sip iin with the change | give customers, I never, ever, ever know when to quit, and | efuseto lose a sale i's hard for me to respect someone who doesn't ow everthing about what I'm seling MERCHANT INVENTORIES Merchants come from distant lands bearing exotic Wares, and have wildly different specialties. Even within ‘a specialty, merchants are of dramatically different qual ity depending on the materials they can acquire, and their skil at the art of commerce ‘When you require a merchant, you may ere one by rolling on the tables in the Merchants and Traders section of FORTRESSES, TEMPLES, AND STRONGHOLDS, oF by rolling on the expanded table presented here: 100 Merchants 156 Alcohol and refreshment 7.10 Animals (mounts and pets) TAS Books and maps (mundane) 1619 Flowers and seeds 2025 Food and animal parts 2629 Furniture ad interior decor 3034 High fashion 35.38 Jewelry and gems 3943 Kniccknacke 4448 Leatherworking 4952. Mechanical contraptions 5357 Medium and heavy armor (and shields) 58.61 Potions, poisons, and herbs 62:65 Religious idols and blessings 67-71 Songs and instruments 72.75 Spell tomes and serols. 7680 Thievng supplies 31.85 Tools 87.91 Vehicles and transportation 92.96 Weapons 97-100 Legendary merchant (roll once on the Legendary ‘Merchants table) eee ee MERCHANTS AND MaciC Sometimes, merchants (especially Legendary Merchants or merchants of excellent quality) will carry magic tems amongst their wares. Not every game uses magic tems, nor ate magic items necessarily common enough to be sod in every setting ‘Your DM may decide to exclude magic items (listed in italics) from the inventory of merchants you encounter, if your setting demands it. if suc isthe case and a thematically inappropriate merchant is rolled, reroll until your result is @ diferent merchant. ‘Should your OM allow magic tems, each merchant will cnly have one of any specific magic item (aside from some exceptions) available in their inventory, ever.Onee purchased, that magic item may no longer be found in the inventory of ary merchant withthe same specialty Ifa Legendary Merchant is rolled on the Merchants table, roll once on the following table to determine whieh, Legendary Merchant your players encounter 412 Legendary Merchants 1 Aste traveler 23° Enchantments 4 Feybargins 56 — Magicitems 18 Magical creatures 9.10 Necromaney 11 Needful things 12 Timedost ‘Whenever you roll or choose a merchant, roll on the ‘Quality table, below, to determine the quality of their oad. Legendary merchants do not exist helow medium quality, and their quality should be rerolled until itis, medium or higher. 412 Quality (Currency On-Hand 1 Atrocious ‘141020 gp 24 Poor 1610x509 57 Medium 1410x100 gp #10 Good 1610x250 gp. M112 Baeellent 1410500 gp Merchants carry goods on their respective list that belong to their quality or lesser. This means that a medium Jewelry merchant would be able to dispense items available to a poor or atrocious Jewelry merchant, but a good High Fashion merchant would be unable to dispense excellent quality items on their inventory list, Merchants may be willing to buy items the players are selling, usually those that are of and good make and simi Jar enough to the items they already carry: Merchants, often are willing to pay half the ordinary price for wares the players are selling, excepting magic items, which ‘obey their own special rules (found on pages 129-130 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). Currency carried by merchants for such purposes is typically is kept in a ‘secure location, such as a trapped lockbox. 2 aS THe Invisiete Han at Work Some areas are exceptionally ood (or poor) locations in Which to find merchants, The intersection of two major trade routes can yield merchants of a much higher quality than a forgotten outpost deep in the borderiands. ‘fan area's exceptionally good for trade, your OM may B choose to rall twice on the Quality table, and use the best result fan area i illzuited to commerce, however, the OM may likewise decide to roll twice and use the worst result, inetead ALCOHOL AND REFRESHMENT A dusky tavern reverberates with racous laughter and the clink of mugs raised in a toast. A stoic female dragon. born tavernkeep looks on, polishing an obligatory mug, her eyes searching for signs of trouble. Nearby ale barrels stacked higher than herself, female dwarf tends (0 a roadside stall, cleaning her coun tertop with a grungy dishrag. Colorful flags flap aimlessly in the breeze as she awaits weary thiesty travelers. A staple of civilization, some theorize that alcohol is. \Wwhat motivated early societies to pursue large-scale agriculture. Merchants that deal in aleohol and other: beverages continue this proud tradition, crafting person: alized brews for discerning palates. Most merchants with this specialization carry all items fisted for their given quality and below, though some beverages may be omitted due to geography, availability, or the merchant's own predilections, As examples, coffee or rum may not exist without a tropical region to foster their creation, ora trade route (o the same, Similarly, a dwarven brewer may not be willing to carry fancy, fine wines, while a high elf wine aficionado may turn up their nose at the thought of sell: ing ale. Some merchants of this specialization even eschew selling alcohol entirely, focusing on the other forms of refreshment listed here. In most cases, ‘merchants with this specialization of medium quality ‘and above refuse to sell inferior ale, considering the substance to be below their standards. ALCOHOL AND REFRESHMENT MERCHANT Quality toms Price Quantity Page Notes Avcious Ale inferior Zep mug — 14100 mugs — Flavor will not leave mouth until next short rest Ale non-alcoholic 2ep/ mug 144x100 mugs — E Woter Vepfeup 164x100 cups — Clean and pure Poot le 4sp/mug 164x100 mugs PHB ISS — Flaskortankard 2p lat x15 PHB150 Made of either pewter or ested wood Tea, green Sepfeup 14x cups — = Medium Brewer's supplies 20 gp vee PHB TSE ~ Cider Sep mug 164x100 mugs — Either apple, par pineapple, peach, or bey Juice, it Bepfeup — T84x25cups = Of any variety Mil 1sp/botle 1d4xSbotles —— Gost, cow, o other Moonshine 3spbotle 1é4xSbotes — Disad. on saves to avoid intoication Tea, black Sep/eup —1d4x1Oeupe— — = Yeast acpi, 1dtx2ibs. = 5 Good Brandy Sp /bottle 1d4x2botles —— 5 Coffee Vspfeup — Té4x1Ocups— ~ a Hotchocolate —Tap/eup 164 x 10cupe = 2 Mead Vspfimug 164x100 mugs ~ 5 Rum Sep /botie 1é4x2botles x Tequila Bgp/botle 1dbx2botles — — = Vodka Sep /botie 1é4x3botles — ~ a Whiskey Sep/bottle 1d4x bottles Ff Wine, common sp bot 1déxSbotles PHB ISS — Wine fine 0gp bottle 14x botles PHB ISS — fxcllent Ale, dvarven 25 gp mug 164 x10 mugs Drink a mug: facial air grows perceptibly Coffee, duarven 15 gp/eup 1d4xZeups. = Drink a cups immune to sleep far 8 hours Decanter fendies: 500 ep Onytvever — DMGTED ~ Tea, porentous — 20gp cup 1d4x2cups. = “The leaves inthe cup's bottom hint tthe fture Wine elven 25 ep /cup 1d4x2eups Drink a cup: cures the poizoned condition ANIMALS ‘Sweeping up straw and other leavings, a male forest {gnome tends to the cleanliness of a musty stable. Though a casual onlooker would never guess, the gnome holds a calm confidence that his horses are ofthe high est calibur, ‘Cages and crates punctured with small holes line a wood elfs stand on a busy market street. An imposing hawk on his arm, passers-by can barely hear the soft cheeping of hawk chicks over the roar of the market- place. Animal merchants specialize in selling mounts and companions from near and far. Usually, no more than three types of animals from each applicable quality are present at any one merchant's place of business, and no ‘merchants aside from those of atrocious quality are will {ing to sell a dead animal Sold animals are usually tame, but may not be, if Awimats MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Atrocious Parrot, dead Vep Only 1, ever Poor Bat 2@ 14-1 cat 23 164-1 Chicken 2@ Té4x2 Feed, animal Sep/day 144 x 30daye Frog le 14-1 ost 2 tah x2 Lizard le 14-1 Pig rt Tah x2 Pat le 164 Mise. CRO beasts 2ep-1gp 144 Medium Badger 5sp 14-1 cow 10¢p Vat x2 Draft horse 50 ep 164 Mule ap 124 ox Sep 164 Pony 30 gp ads Raven 10¢p 164-1 Weasel 5sp Té4—-1 Mice. CR1/B beasts 1 gp-10g9 dt Misc. CRI/A4 beasts Sep-25 ep 1d4—1 Good Camel 50 gp 124 Engle 20gp 14-2 Hawk 15¢p 14-2 on 200 ep 14-2 actif 25gp 134 Monkey 2p 14-2 Owl 20¢p 14-1 Riding horse ep 1s Parrot lve 20¢p 14-1 Panther 150 gp 144-2 Tiger 200 sp 14-2 Wathorse 400 ep vas oi 50 gp 14-1 Misc. CR1/2beaste 20¢p-50gp 1d4—1 Excellent Brown bear 3008p Elephant 600 gp % Mammoth 1,200 ep Rhinoceros 500 gp Ring fonimal 5,000 g9 Only L,ever infuuenee Mise. CR1 beasts 50gp-300go 144-2 marked otherwise. Untamed animals may require Animal Handling checks to interaet with them favorably, usually with a DC of 10 or 15 depending on the task demanded of them. These animals may become tamed over time, at your DM's discretion, Page Notes 3 Deceased Mais = M320 = PHB157 May instead be rooster pHets7 — MM322 May instead be a oad (MM1330. May instead be a sheep M332 — pHets7 — MM335— — z Maybe untamed MM318 Untamed PHB157 May instead be a bul steer, cow vatint M321 = (MM1333 May instead be a donkey PHB1S7 — M335 = 33s — M340 = a May be untamed E May be untamed M320 — M322 = st330 = MM331 Untamed M1332 Fullgromn or pups nas — M336 = M333 Untamed M1339 Untamed 340 = Mesa — OMA EI irtane | MM319._— Untamed; fullgrown or cubs MM322 M332 = MM 336 Untamed DMG 189 ~ 2 ‘May be untamed Books AND Maps Shelves upon shelves of tomes line the walls of an old Wooden seriptorium, and in the center ofit al sits an improbably calm halfore. As the aged seriptorium door creaks open, the halfore adjusts his spectacles, staring into the bright daylight at those entering his shop. With maps rolled and scrolled bristling from her back: pack, a halfelf smiles cheerfully as she waves down travelers. One of the best cartographers in the land, she strides forward full of confidence, knowing that no matter where they are headed, anyone passing this busy crossroad could use one of her maps. Not all books are magical, and indeed most are not. Books are always valuable, however, signifying a substa tial amount of effort on the part of authors and transorib- les across multiple ages. The same holds true for maps, ‘and both are effective tools to ensure that the vital knowl: eaige and stories ofthe past are never forgotte Merchants with this specialization usually have every sm oftheir quality or Jesser in stock, though som distribute maps or books exclusively. Often, these ‘merchants are authors, cartographers, scribes or tran: seribers themselves, and turn to selling their Wares personally as a method of building reputation and fame within their craft, The prices listed here assume the merchant exists in world where wide-spread use of such technologies as the printing press and movable type do not exist. Should the merchant and others have access to a printing press, ‘your DM may decide to reduce the prices of applicable items (such as books or maps) by half, signifying the relative ease of use of these technologies, and their impact on production and distribution, Your DM may also decide that newspapers cannot exist in settings without a printing press or equivalent technology, and thus cannot be for sale, Guidebook. These lightweight books contain infor mation on a specific geographic area, such as.a city or a forest, or on a specific type of monster found nearby, such as beasts, fey, or aberrants. Whatever the book's it do Books AND Mars MercHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Atrocious Treasure map, fake 1 =p Only 1, ever Poot Ink WOgp /ounce 144 x 10 ounces Ink pen 2ep 1dt x2 Paper 2sp sheet 1d4 x 20 sheets Parchment Vap/ahect —1d4 x20 sheets Medium Book, blank 25 ep Vé4x2 Book, try 25 4p Tah x2 Case, map o seroll 1 gp 164x5 Guidebook, ares SD gp 14-1 Map, accurate 25 gp 164-1 Newspaper 2a Tah Good Alla, known warld 500 gp 14-2 Book, classic 100 gp 136 Book, nove! 50 gp Vat Caligraphers 10g vat supplies Cartographer’ tools 15 gp 128 Guidebook, monster 125 gp 1dt-1 Excellent Book, forgotten 500 gp Only 1, ever Map, planar 1,000 gp Only, ever Treasure map, eal 1,000go Only, ever ‘subject, those that read it gain advantage on knowledge checks about the subject or creature type to ‘which it pertains. For example, a guidebook for a local desert could confer advantage on a Survival check to find food in that region, of a Nature check to tell if type of| ‘cactus is poisonous, Likewise, a guidebook detailing the anatomy and culture of dragons might grant advantage ‘on Arcana or History checks concerning them, or even Persuasion checks dealing sufficiently with the dragon's culture. These books are always tied to an area or a creature type within an area, and hecome less useful the further one travels from its intended region, Page Notes zs ‘ADC 10 Investigation check discovers itis fake PHB ISO ~ PHBISO — PHB ISO — PHaIsO = PHB ISO — PHB 1SO Example tile: “My Midnight Teling” PHB ISO — 3 Pertains to 2 nearby specifi ty or lacation 7 Portrays an important area within 7 days travel 4 Printed withthe weekly news fom a nearby ity 3 Very accurate, but not overly detailed 3 Example title: “Adventures of Sherlock Gnomes Example title: “The Drow in the High Corte” sagt ia PHaISS — = Pertans to » specific monster type found nearby 2 Example ile: "The Call of Ychak z Accurately depicts a significant planar location = Depicts an area within 7 days’ travel FLOWERS AND SEEDS Footsteps clattering against cobbled stone, a female human wearing an airy pink dress walks slowly through the dingy city streets, attempting to be seen. In the crook of her arm lies a basket of fresh-picked wildflowers, a small taste of country ving that she sells for but a few pieces of copper. A male dragonborn, dark in scale and countenance, levels his draconic glare at those avoiding his flower shop. Surrounded by bushels of colorful lowers arranged in hanging woven baskets, the dragonborn scowls, wondering why sales have been so surprisingly abysmal. Flowers represent light, life, and love in a variety of coultures, and merchants across many lands sell beautiful floral arrangements symbolizing anything from a new, springtime romance to a loss most sohumn and tragic Many ofthese merchants dabble (or fully specialize) in other botanicals, such as trees or crops, and carry with them precious seed used to grow all manner of plants. Merchants with this specialty typically carry everything available ta their quality and below. Dragon Lilly. These beautiful lillies grow in the slow moving water found in shallow ponds and streams, anc consume the impurities found in their natural environ: ‘ment. Though they naturally go through this process gradually, once picked a dragon lilly goes into a shock of sorts, seeking additional nutrition to heal, Placed in up to 10 gallons of water, a picked dragon lilly will instantly consume any imputities within ance before fully dying rendering the water safe to drink. Phoenixbloom. Burning softly and emitting a gentle fragrance like incense, phoenixbloom flowers burn eter nally, giving off bright light in a radius of 20 feet, and dim light for 20 feet after that. Any creature that comes into contact with the flaming blossoms, either through an attack or by failing a Dexterity saving throw when walk- ing through a grove of phoenixbloom, takes 14 fire damage. Flowers AND Seeps MERCHANT ‘Seeds. Found in various shapes and sizes, these seeds require fertile land to grow, and your DM is the ultimate source on whether or not a plot of land can sustain plant life. Crop and flower seeds require 100 consecutive days of maintenance to mature fully, while trees require 1,800 days to begin producing seeds and fruit. A handful of crop or flawer seeds can fill four 5-foot by Soot squares with their associated plant. The space a tree takes up varies greatly, depending on the type of tree and its age. Whistleweed. This long, foxtaiblike grass sings out a high-pitched tone when even a small amount of wind brushes it. Often, small bunches of this weed are dried and hung in caves or hallways to provide an early warn. ing of intruders, Creatures attempting a Dexterity (Stealth) check while brushing against whistleweed do 0 with disadvantage. Quality tems Price Quantity Page Notes Arocious Mited Rowers dead

"Grows up to 60 dragon lilies ina shallow pond FOooD AND ANIMAL PARTS ‘Sharpening a large and rather imposing cleaver, a human adorned with a white, pully hat turns toward a hhunk of beastflesh resting on a wooden board. With a series of repetitive strikes, he brings the cleaver down, slicing the meat with an exquisite thinness, beginning to prepare a meal Warming herself near a roadside campfire, a halfling clad in leathers carefully lowersa pot onto the flame. As it rises (o a rolling boil, she adds a handful of foraged spices before tossing in a chunk of venison, caught by tone of her traps. As the meat stews, she keeps a wary eye for travelers, especialy those willing to exchange coin for food. Merchants ofthis specialty often either make their food themselves, or sell food prepared by another chef in their employ. Highly likely to further specialize in making specific types or cultures of food, these merchants, when ‘good quality or higher, tend to perceive their craft as an art form. As such, ifthe merchant is of a high enough quality, they are unwilling to sell meals inferior to the best that they can make, and typically refuse to sell all bout the rarest animal byproducts. Foop AND ANIMAL PARTS MERCHANT Qusity ems Price Quantity Page Notes Atocious Dung Yep, da 2b, E le 2ep/ib dx 2sibx 2 Mesh squalid 3.ep/day, 144 20daye—PHBTS8 Ripe, rancid, andthe wrong kind of chen Teeth Lepyeich 14430 £ Ether animal or (posit) human poor Bread 2eploaf 144 x10loaves PHB IS. — surter dep/ sick dex 10th = Cheese 1sp/hunk 14x 20hunks PHETSS— fees 1sp/-dozen 1645 dozen Chicken, ck, rsimiar flour 2epfib, 1d x10lbs, PHB IST Frat Yep/exh 14420 Apples, plums or similar can alzo be vegetables Meal poor Gep/éay 1d4x20days PHB TSS Gruel and presty its, smell ike regret, i 1 sp/otle 14x bates = Wheat Vepjie, Adsx ass. PHB IS? — Medium Bones Sep/st Vdd sets Good fr soup and maybe even necromancy Huntingta! 5 ep rane pHB150 Mech modest 3p /day 144 x20days__PHBT58._Aheortybrth with ral vegetables Mest 3sp/chunk 14x15 chunks PHE TSE See, por, chicken, venison osmiar Meck 2s atx? PHBISO ~ relea a 1a P8150 — Raton Ssp/ day 14x 1Sdeys PHB TSO. — sat Sep/i T4xi0bs. | PHBTS7 Soop 26 atx PHBISO — meee Bes at = ere Cook’swensis 1 gp 1étx2 PHB Iss ~ Fishingtackle gp rabx2 PHBIS0. = ings Vgp/lb. — 1daxi0bs. PBT? — Hat chef 3 Onbyteever = is Mea comforable Ssp/ day 1d4x20daye PHB 158 Ligh spiced meat ered with side dich Mech weathy —Bsp/day__1d4x20days PHSB —_Weliprepared prime cutof meat, and dessert Pe te ldtx2 e oe safon Sep/i Telos. | PHBIS? — ed lb. MIA MPEG Peeper ire, or siriar Excellent Bones, dragon SOgp/ib —WddxSibs. 5 Hor uncom 1.0005 Tah-2 S = ten soe, 5,000 Onbyieever DMG I76 = sustenance Meal, aristocratic 2p / day 1d4x 20days_—-PHBISB —Armost succulet cut of magical beast FURNITURE AND INTERIOR DECOR A high elf sits in front of a canvas, pondering, paint brush resting on her lower lip. Inspiration strikes and she raises the brash, applying paint to canvas, sculpting pastoral scene in the feywild to add to the staggering collection of art adorning the walls of her shop. Ina black, tightfited tunic and wearing eccentric angular glasses, a mustachioed gnome observes the space before him. It takes him bat a moment to conclude sto what this area needs to make it whole and vibrant. [Now he thinks, to sell its owners on the idea of an indoor fountain, Artists, designers, and art-sellers, these merchants are often artisans of their given trade. Fach work that passes through their hands is personal, in a way, and these merchants would be more than happy to inform buyers of the history and work that goes into what they're baying, Merchants in this speciality either offer all of what's available to their quality or sell one particular type of item. Some items (such as fountains, custom-made banners, and tapestries) must be made rather than sold outright, and are offen constructed (For pay) from materi als on-site by either the merchant or an artist in their employ. The items are made to order, and are labelled as such, though a merchant may have older, uncustomized versions of these items in their shops either for sale or for demonstration purposes. Any item that is made to order takes a number of days to complete equal to its {gold cost divided by 10, at which point its either ready to be picked up of is delivered to place agreed upon at the time of the items sale Furniture AND INTERIOR Decor MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Page Notes Atrocious Bartel 2e0 Té4x5 PHBISO. ~ Basket 4p 1eaxs PHBISO — Poot Bookcase 2a 143 5 feet x1 foot, 4 feet tall, holds approx 60 books Chest, medium 5 gp Tat x2 PHB1SO 6 feetx2 feet, 1 foot tll holds approx 300 Ibs Doghouse, large 3 go, 14-2 Capable of holding a dog or other large creature Furnace, coal Se 164 a“ Can burn 1 Ib of coal per day Table, wood 30 Té4x2 - 4 foot x8 fet, 2.5 feet tall Medium Chest, large 10 gp 1éex2 e 6 feet x3 fet, 2 fet tall holds approx 300 Ibs Jugor pitcher 2p véhxa PHBISO — Painting, medium 10 gp Made to order — Example: Depicts a grome & her pet giant bee Rug, large 12ep 1a4 VO fet 50 feet, really tes a room together Wardrobe, wood 10 gp 14 Ee 4 feet x15 feet, 6 feet tall, holds approx 900 Ibs. Good Altar 20gp Made to order Contains holy symbols and space for rituals Armchait 125p 14-1 : Leather, wellstuffed, highly comfortable Banner orfiag 30 gp Made to order — 3 feet 10 fet, comes with custom design Bathtub, omate 25 gp 14-1 3 Example: Worked steel ith dragon-headed taps Bed, fourposter 75 gp 14-1 Z 8 feet x6 fet, filled with ovlbear down Desk, orate 1S ep 164-2 Example: Intricate vines carved in smooth wood Fountain 7509p Made to order — 6 feet x6 fet, 4 fet tll, marble or similar Lamp, magic 100 ep 1é4—1 4 “Turns off and on, triggered bya single clap Mossic, large 600 gp Made to order = Example: Water elementals crashing on a coast Painting, huge 550. Made to order Example. The artist's depiction ofthe Dawn War Painting. lage 50 gp Made to order — Example: A courtly dragonbor and her consort Statue, metal 1,000 gp = Madeto order — Example A brass statue of the goddess Avandra Excellent Chandelie, huge 1,500 gp Madetocorder — Example: Astral cystal interlaced with mitheal Miror fife topping 50,000 gp Only ,ever_ «=: DMG IST. — Statue, precious 2,000 gp Madetoorder = Example: An enormous adamantine dragon Tapestry 1500 gp Made toorder = Example. Adventurers thwarting an ancient ew HIGH FASHION Engrossed in her work, a stern haltling wearing halt ‘moon spectacles carefully sews two pieces of a dress form together, her eyes squinting in the low light of her dress shop. Around her are mannequins clothed in all manner of finery. domestic and exotic, showing visitors the range and scope ofthe halfing’s talents. Pulling a soft rabbithide off the drying rack, a male wood elf selects a shining pair of silver shears and begins to cut the pelt down to size. As he works with scissor, fur, needle and thread, his deft fingers gradually form a Warm winter hat, suitable for the most refined of lords seeking (o hunt or journey in the snow. Creating and selling clothes i for all levels of society, erchants with this specialty usally sell most of the items available to their quality. Merchants in this special ization offen consider themselves artisans (regardless of their actual skill level), however, and may decline selling articles that they think are below them, or that do not go along with their cultural perspective. A haughty tiefing socialite, for example, would consider the selling of ‘commoner's clothes to depreciate her esteemed reputa tion, while a down-to-earth dwarven hatmaker might see aristocratic finery as frivolous and functionless. HicH FasHion MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Atrocious Sack, wearable ep iasxs Poor Cap lether Sep atx? Cepibonnet Sep 1ahx2 ap stocking 4p asx? Clothes, common 5p asxs Clothes, raveler’s 26 1axs Robes 1p 1asx2 Medium Clothes, costume 5 gp 1abx2 Cobblers tools 5S ep 1a Hat, bowler 2ep atx2 Hood 5:9 1ax2 Perfume Sep /vial 164 x2 vials Weaversteols 1 gp as Wig 2ep at x2 Good Bowarbowtle 12g 1a6x3 Clothes, aristocratic 50g atx Clothes,fine 15g iasxs oul 2ep at x2 Goggles 105 1a Hot, adventure’s 15 gp 1a Hat, beet ip 1ax2 Hot, ex Sep atx? Hat, sea captain 206 1a Hat, ushanka 3 pp 1asx2 Hat, wizard Sep va Mask Sep 1a4x2 Shaded gasses 350 gp va Excellent Boot ofthe 500 gp Only 1, ever winterlands Clothes, supeion 150 gp Only ever Hot superior 100 gp nh ever Robe ofcinilasing 50000 gp Onl, ever color Slipper ofspider 500 gp Only 1, ever elmbing Page PHB 150 pHa 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHe 154 PHB 150 PHa 154 PHB 150 Dc 156 Notes Almost waterproof ‘sturdy, if ugly, way to keep your head dry working woman’: hat Along, conical cap fora cold winter's night Worn and patched, made of rough materials Durable and well made, but not exactly fancy Simple, sraoth, and clean, with many pockets A finely made costume fora jester or actor A rounded hat witha shor brim A fain floral aroma forthe discerning nose Beautiful or austere, good at hiding baldness Soft silken cloth, plan or with festive pattern “The bleeding edge of modern fashion Refined noble clothes, very fashionable A face-wrap favored by vigilantes and assassins Leather and glass, perfect for keeping eyes safe ‘wide brimmed leather hat favoted by explorers {simple circular hat, a staple of artiste ‘orn by distinguished individuals in arid lands ‘Anautical cap that demands a crew's respect ‘soft, warm hat, ideal for freezing conditions “The conical, wide-brimmed hat ofa tue wizard Secretive o festive, ood for crimes and parties [Negates disadvantage from Sunlight Sensitivity Enchanted, always the finest clothes in the room Enchanted, always the finest hat inthe room JEWELRY AND GEMS A shining glass jeweler's loupe set against his eye, a male rock gnome wearing shoddy overalls inspects the quality fof a gemstone held in one of his leather gloved hands, Though large, the gem is nevertheless found (o be of inferior quality. Sighing and setting it aside, the gnome continues ro inventory his gemstones, which cover every available surface in his shop. Her pock:marked stone tabletop cluttered with grind- stones, small hammers, and even a tiny anvil, a female dwarf covered in dust and grime casts a small melting pot of steel into a circalar mold, setting it shat. As the ring she is molding begins to cool, she hums an old drinking song, ignoring the cluster of children around her stall, watching her work, as she looks for properly Interested adults to buy her wares. Merchants with this specialty craft and sell ornamen. tal pieces of metalwork, as well as the gems such jewelry often includes. These merchants most often sell all items available to their quality or below, but may occasionally further specialize into selling either only gems and raw materials, or only crafted jewelry. These merchants may also custom-make jewelry for your character, built to your specifications. Such jewelry takes a number of days equal to its cost in gp divided by 10 to be fully crafted, whereupon the merchant will either have it ready for your character to pick up, of if they are good quality or above, be willing to deliver it toa location of your character's choosing. Jewetry ano Gems MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Atrocious Geode, fake 2s Vé4x2 Poot Copper Sspfib, 1d x2. Earring, simple 5p 1é4x5 Gems,common 10gpjea. Idd x4 Iron Vspfib, 144 x5 Ibs, Locket,brass 3p Teh x3 Pick, miner's 40 164 Magnifying glass 100 gp 1dtx2 Ring, simple Se Vehx4 Medium Gems, uncammen SO gp /ea. 1dtx5. Jevelerstools 25 gp a4 Necklace 150 gp 1dex3 Signet ring Sep Tae Silver Sep (ib. 144 Ibs. Good Brooch ofshelding 500 gp (Only 1, ever Crown 750.¢p 14-1 Earring, elegant 200 gp Tah x2 Gems, exceptional 100 gp /es. Idtx4 Gem oftrightness 500 gp nly 1, ever Gems, rare S00 gpJea 144 x3 Gems, veryrare 1,000 ga ea. Idd x2 Gold 50 gp /lb, 144 Ibs Medaion of thoughts 500 gp Only 1, ever Ring, elegant 250 gp 1é4x2 Excellent Elemental gent S00 gp Only 1, ever Gems, legendary 5,000 gp ea. 14 Platinum S00 gpl. 1d Ibs. Ring of protection 5,000 g9 Only 1, ever Ring of telekinesis $0,000 gp Only 1, ever Page pHa 157 Duc 134 PHB 157 PHB 150 PHB 150 Duc 134 PHB 154 PHB 150 pHa 157 Da 156 oma 134 pwc i71 ba 134 Dc 134 PHB 157 Mc ist pwc 167 DMG 134 PHe1S7 wc 191 Da 193, Notes No crystals within ths rock. Only more rock, ‘Small stud or ring of semi-precious metal Examples: agate, lpis lazuli, malachite tiger eye [A small circle of polished semi-precious metal Example? citrine, jagper, macnstone, quartz Braided metal, including pendant witha gem Precious metal ctclet inset wth gemstones Oztentatiously emmed stud or metal ring Examples: amber, amethyst, garnet, jade, peal Examples: alexandrite, peridot, topaz Examples: emerald, opal, sapphire, ruby Tooled metal band inset with precious gems Examples: black sapphire, éiamond, jacinth KNICK-KNACKS ‘Toting an overstuffed backpack, a goblin walks down a ‘major trade route, waving down travellers, adventurers, and other merchants. Like others of her kin, the goblin Sscrounges for whatever she needs (o survive. Unlike the tthers, however, she offen finds it preferable to use passers-by to turn a tidy profit through hone rather than using them asa target for banditry. Sitting on a stool amidst the heaps of junk cluttering his shop, a halfore clad in slacks and a vest waits patiently. He never knows just exactly what hell sell to those who walk through his door, but he greats any ‘opportunity to part with a piece of the detritus with an almost disarming enthusiasm, Merchants dealing in knick-knacks sell odd collec tions of goods not available elsewhere. A knick-knack. ‘merchant can truly have anything, and often have all items available to their quality or lesser in addition to several items not listed here. Kwick-Kwacks MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantiy Page Notes Feds Poe (1085) Sep. die PHB 150 Poor Blanket St 1443 PHB ISO Blockandtadie 1 gp a4 PHB 150 Bucket se dd PHB ISO candle Te 4x10 PHB 150 Chak Yep pice 1d4x5 pieces PHBTS0 Comes ina vay of coors Dice st isp 1d poe iss Flskortanard 2p ats PHB 150 Made fete pewter or ested wood lying cad set 0S 5p ees poe iss Signalwhiste 5p dt PHB ISO Tindeibox ra ee PHB 150 Medium — Amulet Se vt PHB 150 Counts a6 aly symbol Ballbestings gp /1.000 144x200 PHB ISO Gn Se det PHB Is? chain Sp] lO fet 14x20 het PHB TSO. — Clmberskt 25 ep 1 PHB ISO Feat 2p at PHB 150 Lame 53 ve PHB ISO Lantern blleye 10 5 1 PHB 150 Lanter hooded 5 ep 1 PHB 150 Rope hempen gp /SOfeet 1dHxSOfeet PHB ISO. — Roubost Oe 14-2 Preis? = Scale, merchant's 5 gp on PHB 150 Troha deck 109 de 1 cos28 = ocd chem «S00 Only evr OMG 150. ~ Arisa'stools fates —‘144-+2ses—~PHBTS4.—_ Prices areas lstedin the PHB ball 1p rae PHB ISO atrops 1p /20 rdax40 PHB 150 — Dragonchess set 1 gp ae Preiss Copan eae 2 st PHB 130 Lantem of revealing 500 gp ‘Only 1, ever DMG 179 =~ Bee ieee Gr 1 PHB Iss - es 1,000gp 141 PHB ISO Excellem —Sowreignahe _SDO0Dgp _OnlyI,ever_—— DMG200 Univeral chert 50000491) Onll,eer) BMG209 = LEATHERWORKING Pulling a smooth, wood-tipped arrow from the hide of a fallen elk, a wood elf slicks back her hair in the same practiced motion as she unsheathes a curved obsidian knife. Taking great care to properly skin the beast, she then hauls the large, steaming hide back to her village. Travelers always appreciate the craftsmanship of her goods, and the gold this hide will provide, once cured and crafted, should feed her family all through the winter. His hands threading a needle with expert precision, a tiefling begins to sew omamental strips of cut leather onto an unfinished saddle. His shop smelling of deep, comfortable musk from the assembled rows of finished leather goods, the iefling has no doubt that hi work should be done before the end of the week. Leatherworkers sell leather armor, bags, saddles, and other goods to those that require them. Merchants with this specialization usually are able (o sell everything available to their quality or lower, and rarely further specialize into selling only a specific type of ten ‘current LEATHERWORKING MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Atrocious Leather cured 5 gp /sq.yd. 1d4x-4 5g. yds, Poot ——Bitand bridle. 2 gp 1dhx2 Cap leather 5s Vb x2 Mest 3sp/chunk —1d4x5 chunks Padded armor Sp 1é4x2 Pouch Sap Tah x4 Sadel, pack Se a4 Waterskin 23 Tah x3 Medium Backpack 2 1é4x3 Clothes, traveler's 2 ga 134 Hunting rap Se 164 Leather armor 10 gp Tat x2 Leatherworker’s 25 gp 164 tools il Vsp/ ask 144 x2 asks Quiver lp 124 Saddle, riding 10 gp 164 Good Bagpipes 3208p 141 Bog ofholding 500 gp Only 144, ever ects ofebenkind 500 gp Only 1, ever Boots ofthe 500 gp Only 1, ever swinterlands Deum og 164 Hat, adventurers 15 gp 16 Hide armor 10gp 134 Saddlebags 4g V64x2 Saddle, exotic 6 gp 141 Saddle, military 20 gp Vat Studded lether 45 gp 141 Excellent Beltefdwanenkind 5,000 g0 Only 1, ever Dragon scale mail, $0,000gp Only 1, ver red Glamoured studded 5,000 g> Only 1, ever leather Sadale ofthe cavalier $00 gp Only), ever Page pHa 157 pHa 158 PHB 145 PHe 150 PHB 157 PHB 150 PHB 150 pHa 150 PHB 150 Pre 14s PHB 154 PHB 150 pHa 150 PHB 157 He 154 DMG 153 Dc 155 Dc 156 Pea nse Pues PHB 157 PHa1s7 pHa157 Peers Dc 155 bc 165 ? ed Dua 172 Dc 199 Durable and well-made, stands punishment {A wice-bimred leather hat favored by explorers MECHANICAL CONTRAPTIONS Up to her elbows in cogs and covered in grease, a rock {gnome tirelessly fiddles with the intricate metal creation in front of her. Pulling out a key from one of her aprons many pockets, she winds the contraption up, before set ting it upright on the table. The hand-sized mechanical dragon at once whirs, roars, and belches a gout of flame that sets the gnomes wooden tabletop alight. The gnome cheers gleefully; and applauds her latest work. ‘Trudging along a dusty forest trail, a kobold weighed down by several heavy hunting traps on his belt drags an cequally-heavy satchel over his back. Every step causes clanks and clatters, but the Kobold pays them no mind. He finds a simple satisfaction in selling his work, as, in his opinion, the world could always use more traps. Merchants that sell mechanical contraptions are tin kers, dabbling in the bleeding edge of clockwork technol- ogy. These merchants are more than happy to sell any- thing available to their quality or lower, and will give (overly) det sstructions on the proper use of their ‘Clockwork contraptions sold by this merchant must bbe wound with an object interaction to be used. All such clockwork items (excepting the mount and sled) are small enough to hold in one or two hands, Wound clock: work items run fora minute, or four hours in the case of the mount. Clockwork Mount. This mechanical horse uses the statistics of a riding horse, but is a construct without the need to eat, sleep, or breathe. MECHANICAL CONTRAPTIONS MERCHANT Clockwork Rocket Sled. A reinforced metal sled with, «a rocket engine on the back. When ignited, the sled trav els 60 feet per round straight in one direction until it stops after a minute, and cannot be steered or directed. Qusity ams Price Quantity age Notes Rosse Giese or late = SoS Poor Abacus 2p atx? PHB 130 Ballbearings 1 gp/'1000 148x200 PHB TSO. Block and tackle 1 gp atx? PHB 150 cogs 1 p/ andl Idx handle = ol Vsp/fask 4x5 fais PHB TSO. — Medium —Barrelorgan——30gp 1 S Musical instrument tun the crank to ply Bomb Woe Tdaxe DMG 267 May not est in settings wo gunpouder Clockworkdoe Seo 1a = When wound up, walk fervard, barks, ands Cocker 20¢p 144 : Automatically plays dagonchess aginst you drogonches 2st Cunpouder hom" 38 gp ates DMG 267° May not exist in stings w/o gunpowder Lee dt PHB 150 Lock 1o¢p atx PHB 130 ocd Clockwork dragon 25 gp vt F May breathe fire that an set object aight Clockwerkemount 250 g6 0144-1 MiM336 Has the same tte a riding horse Cllr sngbind Tgp 14 = Sings of} songs on command: igless Dynamite 200 gp stick 1d4x4-sticke —DMG267 May notesiet in sting w/o gunpouder Goagescfright 5009p On r,ever——OMGI72. Cunpouder leg 250¢p 164-1 DMG 267 May notexstinserings wo gunpowder Pocketwatch 100 atx? 4 Wen wound reliably tes the time of ay Thnterstools —SOep tae HBTS = fxcdllent Clockworkrocket 2500 9144-1 2 Moves 60 fet round in one ection for min Biel trom bonds of Boro 5000 go Onl yever MGI? Manual of golems, 25,000 gp ‘Only 1, ever ‘DMG 180 - Wand oflightaing 5,000 gp. ‘Only 1, ever DMG 21 = bos ‘ Winged boots SOD gp = «On ever_— OMGZIA. MEDIUM AND HEAvy ARMOR Holding a hammer as large and heavy as his fist, a dwarf pounds sheets of metal into protective shapes ayainst a piteh-black anvil. His shop only lit by the dim light of, ‘molten slag from his forge, he nevertheless looks over his work with a keen eye, studying it closely for any weaknesses or impercetions. Riding an enormous wathorse laden with heavy saddlebags, an armored half-ore rides the trade routes with an eye out for customers. All must learn of her mastery of armorcraft, she thinks, and she will travel the World until her name is held in great reknown. Merchants that leal in armor are typically black: smiths themselves, forging their wares and selling them off (0 those that need them. Most of these merchants sell everything on this list available to their quality or below; though atrocious items are very rarely sold as actual armor by anyone outsice merchants of that quality These merchants may have a specific predilection that prohibits them from selling certain items, however. A dhwarven armor merchant, for example, would be unlikely to sell elven chain, while an elf would be just as unlikely 0 craft or sell a set of dwarven plate, each considering the other's craft to be the height of distaste, Similarly, some merchants may trend more towards sell. ny heavy armor, medium armor, or shields, but all tend to have at least a few token offerings of goods outside their particular focus. Mepium anp Heavy Armor MERCHANT Quality toms Price Quantity Page Notes irocious Garrel, wearable 2 gp tax? PHB 150 Includes straps; doesnot include bottom Bucket Sep 1asx2 PHB 150 Anything ie armor if you're foolhacdy enough Poor Chain mal 759 1a puns — Chain shire 50 gp asx puons = Copper Sepsis 1d4x2ibs, = PHBIST. — tron Vep/ib. — 1dkySibs.—PHBIS? ~ Ring mail 30¢p Teas PHBus — Scale mail 5059 1asx3 puos Shield 1ogp Téa PHBMs — Medium Ani 7559 1as-1 3 = Barding. ~ Waties Vd4 x3 PHB 157 — Prices areas listed in the PHB Breastplate 400 ¢p 1d puos — Helm homed 25 66 1a E While imposing, iis hard to ge through doors Simith’s tools 209 as pHotss — Splint 200 ep rasa PHBus — Good Adamantine armor, S00 gp* Only 1d4 1, ever DMG 150 Must alza pay the coat af the baze amor any Aimer 1 5,000 gp* Only 1d4— 1, ver OMG 152 Mustalso paythe cost ofthe base armor Half plate 750 3p 1a603 puos Helm, winged SOgp 144 - Gallant and flamboyant Mahl armor ary 500 gp* nly 144-1, ever DMG 182 Must to pay the cost ofthe base armor Pte 500g 1é4+2 PHBE hil, «1 500 gp Only 146-1, ever DMG.200 silver Sep Vet 2 Ibs é Excellent Arrow-catching shield 5,000 gp only, ever 152 - Ce 50,000 gp% Only 1d4-2, ever DMG152 Mistalo pay the cost ofthe base armor Dwanen plate 50.000gp Ony,ever = OMG 167 — Bhen chain 5,000 gp Onlyi,ever «= MG168. Helm fteleponation 5,000 go OnlyTyever OMG IA — Shield, +2 5,000 gp ‘Only 1d4- 2, ever DMG 200 - POTIONS, POISONS, AND HERBS Grinding together her mortar and pestle, a halfling reduces a handful of herbs to powder. As her cauldron begins to boil, smoke pours out the smokestack of her tunderhill shop, a sign to hes loyal customers that new potions are brewing Dressed in a grey cloak with a bandolier of potions about his waist, a halfelf occupies a comer at a roadside inn, fiddling with an alembic set up on a stone table. The townsfolk know to find him here, and direct adventurous travelers to seek his services, Naturalists or alchemists, these merchants sell potions, poisons, and the supplies to brew them. The potions these merchants have rotate, and most in this {rade only offer up to four potions or poisons per quality category. The potions these merchants create replenish after the merchant has had 30 days to craft new ones, Merchants ofthis trade are likely to further specialize as many are especially adept at brewing poisons, while others have ethical qualms about creating them, Potions, Poisons, AND Heras MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity ‘Atrocious Water Vepyeup 144x100 cups Poot Herbaliemet Sp 164 Herbs, common Ssp/'lb. —1d4x 10 Ibs. Herbs, uncommon 5 gp/Ib. 144 x Ibe Poison, basic“ 100gp/vial 144 x 2 vile Potion ofelimbing 50 ¢p tat x2 Potion efhealig Sep 1é4x3 Medium Alchemists upples 50 ¢p 134 ‘Assassin's blood 150 gp /dose 144+ 1 doses Oilofelipperine: 250 ¢p 142 Phiteroflove 250 gp 16407 Poisoner'skit SO gp 144 Potion offre breath 250 gp 144402 Potion ofgreater 2505p 1é4x2 healing Potion ofwoter 250.9 tah x2 breathing Truth serum 150gp/dose 144 +1 doses Good Drow poison 200 gp dose 144 doses Ehsicofheath —2,500gp Idd +1 Herbs, rare SO gp /lb. 144 x4 Ibs, Herbs, veryrare S00gp/Ib. 144 x2 Ibs. Potion ofelaivoyance 2,500 go 1d4 +1 Potion ofdiminution 2,500 gp 144 +1 Potion ofherokm — 2.500gp 144 Potion ofmind —-2.500gp 1d reading Potion ofeuperior —2,500¢9 144-41 Iealing Serpent venom 200 gp dose 144 doses Excellent Burnt othur fumes 500 gp /dose 144-1 doses Malice 250 gp | dose 144-1 doses Oilofsharpness —25,000gp Idd 1 Potion ofimvisibity 25,000 144-1 Potion of 2500s 1d4-1 invulnerability Potion oflongevty —25,000gp —-1d4—-1 Potion of supreme ating Potion of vitality 25,000ep 144 25,0007 1d4=1 Pee 154 PHB 150 bc 187 PHB 150 PHB 154 mc 257 DM 184 Duc 184 PHB 154 pwc 187 Dc 187 pwc 188 bc 258 bc 255 Dc 168 pwc 187 bc 187 pwc 185 Dc 188 oma 188 oma 255 bc 258 bc 255, omc 186 DMG 185, ‘OMG 188 bc 188 bua 187, bo 188 [an effective base for most potions Ex Min, sage; often used in common potions Ex Horsetal, comfrey; for uncommon potions Injury: can inflict 144 poison damage Grants a climbing speed for 1 hour Regains 2d4 + 2 hit points Injested; can inflict 1412 poison damage Grants either freedom of movement a greaze Charms the drinker for up to an hour Allows you to eshale fire, dealing 446 damage Regains 4d 4 hit points Allows you to breathe water for up to an hour Injested; target cannot knowingly speak lie Injury can render target unconscious Curse disease, blind, deaf, paralyze, and poison Ex Deviloot, embertear; fo rate potions Ex Starspine, voidweave; fr very rare potions Grants the effet ofthe clainoyance spell Drink to be shrunk a iby enlorge/reduce GGrants bles and 10 temporary Fit points Grants the effects ofthe detect thought spell Regains 8dlé + 8 hit points Injury: can inflict 346 poison damage Inbailed; can inflict persistent poison damage Inailed; can blind affected creatures Grants an item +3 to attack and damage Grants invisibility fr upto an hour Grants resistance tall damage Reduces your age by 146+ 6 years, usually Regains 10d¢ + 20hit points Cures exhaustion, disease, and poison RELIGIOUS IDOLS AND BLESSINGS Atiefling with short horns and a modest robe lights a handful of incense in a ceremonial brazier. As she tends to her ritual duties in serviee to her god, she routinely checks on visiting parishioners, making sure their needs are met. The acylotes of her temple are more than happy {o share what they have with pilgrims, asking only a modest donation in return. Rapier sling at her side, a cheerfil gnome paladin travels between distant cities, dispensing justice and doing good deeds all along the way. Always overjoyed to ‘meet fellow travelers, she sells supplies sacred (0 her godess of journeys, makin sure no wanderer goes unprotected, ‘Almost always men and women of the cloth (or huck: sters pretending at being such), these merchants bolster their respective faiths by dispensing holy wares to those in need, Most items listed here are sold by all merchants with this specialty and the appropriate quality, though ‘merchants of different faiths offer markedly different looking wares. For example, a candle sold by a priest of Pelor would look different in obvious ways from a candle sold by an (undoubs-edly secret) adherent of Veena Most merchants of this trade are able to cast spells. for your benefit, with a donation in proportion to the ‘magnituede of the spell cast. Spells the merchants are willing to cast are listed alongside the goods they sell, below. Any specific merchant is only able to cast 3 spells per day, regardless oftheir spell evel ReuGious IDo1s AND BLessincs MERCHANT Qualys eee can a Te wen Foor Sook hol, Sg text call eR a eegereet et rin kc es wi Tap leek 164120 blocks Spel Cure wounds 1057p | dy Selle 20qp pels fay oR hae a0 Hee s Spe tex? Holster 2S gp /fack 1445 fas Quarterstaff 25p Vd4 x2 Robes lp atx Sot cme Re ped he ae ee healing Turtle SS aege 1ae2 Good Keoghtom’s iment 250gp 144-2 Seat Dinan” 210 —p 3 spel ay ‘Spell: Remove curse 90 8p 3 spells | day Sel Seakuth 30 ep ae sale a ee w Sey ie Baio STORE taclert Candle ofrveenion S0O00¢9 On). eet Spl Graur 50 —" Spl rooraion oe Spall Rae dead 1250p 3 spel / ay Page PHE 150 PHB 150 pHa 150 ad He 150 PHB 230 pHa 252 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 ered PHB 150 pHa 255 pHa 267 PHB.179 PHa2s4 PHB271 pHa 277 157 pHE270 Notes Comes in variety of colors From one of varity of faiths Comes in variety of colors Has an oddly curved design Prices areas listed in the PH Thick, musky, and pungent Cast at Ist level heals 148 +3 hit points Tells you the properties of magic item Prices areas listed in the PH Cures blind, dea, paralyze, of poison (Cast at 2nd level; heals 248 + 3 hitpoints A gilded cencer for burning incense Grants guidance on 2 courze of action Lifts curse or attunement o cursed item Allows you to speak to one non-undead corpse Reduces exhaustion, removes charm, peti, curse, orabilty/hp reduction Returns a dead corpee to life SONGS AND INSTRUMENTS Boxes of whittled wooden instruments at his feet, a brightly-clothed halfore plays proudly on his bagpipes in the conter of a crowded market. Though he knows his business isn't presently booming, he takes comfort that, at the very least, none in the market can possibly ignore him: Sitting in a surprisingly cheerful store, a graceful drow carefully strings a lyre with treated spider silk ‘Though the silk no longer adheres forcefully to what it touches, itis no less durable, making it ideal for its purpose. The drow slowly phucks the lyre’s new strings, filling her shop with a beautiful, mournful tune. ‘Whether they are bards or craftspersons, merchants of this specially deal in musical instraments and written songs for musicians, Many of these merchants offer all Wares available to their quality or lesser here, though some do specialize in selling one particular type of instrument along with their written songs, usually one of cultural significance to the merchant and their people Soncs AND INSTRUMENTS MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Atrocious Witten song, ep 164 copies terrible Poor Bell lp Tah x3 Drum Se Vdtx4 Horn ip Tah x3 Shawn 2p Vahx4 ‘Written song, Sep 164 copies evivative Medium Bagpipes 30¢p tah? Chalumeau 1Sep Vétx3 Cymbals 20 gp [set dx ets Flute 2 Vetx4 bre 20¢p Tah x4 Pan ute W2ep Vetx4 Strings Dap Seuings 1d4 x5 atrings Timbre VBep Vé4x2 ‘written song, eatehy 5 =p 134 Good due 10gp 1é4x2 Duleimer 25 ep Thx Glockenspie! 35 ep 1é4x2 Instrument ofthe 500 gp Only 1, ever Doras, Doss lute Lute as ep Tat Pipes ofhaunting $00 gp Only 1, ever Pipe ofthe sewers 500 gp nly 1, ever Rebab 32 6p 1asx2 Viol 30p 1é4x3 ‘writen song, classe 5 go 164 copies ‘writen song, 50g 164 copies inspires Excellent Chime ofepening 2,500g9 Only 1, ever Gromish saxophone 250 gp 164-1 Instrument ofthe 5,000 g9 Only, ever Dords, Canaith mandolin Instrument ofthe 5,000 gp Only 1, ever bord lyre ‘writen cong, eple 500 gp (Only 1 copy. ever Page pHa 150 PHB 154 pHa 154 PHB 154 pHa 154 PHB 154 He 154 PHB 154 pHa 154 bua 176 pHa 154 wc 185 DMG 185 PHB 154 omc 158 pM 176 bc 176 Example: "The Dwarf Lass's Beard Straight, wooden musical instrument, with reed Good for restninging an instrument A circular wood instrument with brass dises Example: “A Tiefling Went Dour to Cony” A squate, drurvlke instrament that rattles Instrument of metl bars, stuck with mallets Long:-knecked wooden string instrument Example: "Ghost Azers in the Shy” Example 433" brass musleal instrument, covered in keys SPELL TOMES AND SCROLLS Seated adjacent to a near-perfect pyramid of stacked Scrolls, a high elf dips his quill in ink and begins to write new seroll in fuid elvish seript. His shop utterly quiet save for the seratching of his pen on parchment, the florid seript begins to glow ever so slightly in the dim afternoon light ‘A male tiefling clad ina large coat and a dusty Wizard's hat stands in a busy marketplace next to a pile of books nearly as tall as he is. The tiefling yells out attempting to attract buyers, but a closer inspection reveals many of the tomes to be chained shut, murmur: ing worryingly to each other. Selling magical spells is not for the faint of heart, but -chants with this specialty make ita way of life. The tomes and scrolls sold by these merchants each contain fa specific spell, and a merchant with this specialty rarely hhas more than one tome or scroll that casts the same spell. These merchants usually have all wares of their quality or lesser that are listed here, in one form or another. Unlike most magic items, scrolls and sittsal books sold by these merchants are eventually restocked after 30 ddays have passed, Scrolls may be used ifthe spell they hold is on your class spell list, and require a check if the spell is of a higher level than what you could normally cast, Complete rules for spell scrolls are found in the Dungeon Master's Guide on page 200, ‘Characters that are able to transcribe spells into a tome for ritual casting can copy spells out of spell scrolls and ritual books. Wizard characters may also copy into SPELL Tomes AND Scrouts MERCHANT lees Price Quant ArocsSpell scl fake 25 5p tae ceases ee De etx supplies case sco rats ink 10 gp /ounce 144 x10 ounces Inkpen 2@ ats Parchment ep sheet 144 20 sheets splloot, blank SOgp ats Wedlam —Rbvelbool lee 100 gp dt Rival book 2nd evel VOD gp Yak Rive book jedi! 500 gp dt Seal contip——50ep raxs Ser lei SO gp dt Sel, adice! — 250p Text Srl dle! Dep 144x3 Spal denify Dep 3 sel ay Good ual beak, th leel 5000 gp 164-1 Riel book Shee! S000 gp 1847 Rul book, hie! SO000gp 1442 Sel thledd 2500 184x3 Scroll Shine! 500g 144x2 Sol then 2500049 14x2 Seollofpriecion 2300 gp 144x3 a Excelent Splbook backup 500 gp) 0 Th=1 Manual fete, 25000¢9 Only, ever cb: Scrl,Mhloa) ——25000¢p 144-17 Ser, low! 250005 Yh -2 their spelibook non-ritual spells ofa level that they can cast from spell scrolls, Regardless, copying a spell from a spell scroll requires a check detailed in the spell scroll’ rules section, while copying a ritual spell from a ritual book requires no such check. Copying a spell rom either source still requires an expenditure of time and wealth dlotailed in features that grants ritual casting, and cory: ing a spell into a spellbook erases it from a ritual book or spell scroll Page Notes c ADC TO Inveigation check eas its fake Peis PHB ISO PHB 130 PHB 150 PHB 130 PHB150 = E Contain a steel tual spel canbe coped : Contains a 2ndevl tual spl can be coped r Contain a rcevel ual pl can be oped omc 200 mc 200 omc 200 mc 20 PHB.252_ Tele youthe properies ofa magi tem z Contain aleve! tual pl can be coped z Contains a Steve! tual pl can be coped " Contain athleve! tual pl can be coped Mc 200 - mc 20 _ OMG 200. ~ Be er oan be ved by anyone, snd pots aeainsta spcfe creature ype ~ Toe oa splbok: stan copies ance omc iso oma 200 = mc 200 THEIVING SUPPLIES ‘Standing grey as dusk against the dim light at the end of aback alley, a cloaked human awaits approaching buyers. She trusts her contacts on the street to bring those interested to hes, and, so far, that trust has yet 10 fail her. Hearing a knocking in thieves’ cant reverberate from the mouth ofthe alley, she knocks out the counter sign, and unrolls her bundle of wares onto the ground, A halfling with an eyepatch hums to himself as he sers up his wares on the walls of the inside of an open wine barrel in the back of a bat, Satisfied at the items’ arrange- ‘ment, he takes a seat nearby, palling a hidden lever. Groaning, the wine barrel mechanically closes its front, appearing whole to the untrained eye. The halfling sips a coup of tea, and awaits customers, Though their business may not (necessarily) be illegal, these merchants work tirelessly to enable crim nals, spies, and assassins. Merchants with this specialty usually have at least four types of items from each appli: ceable quality, and (most often) do not attempt to direc swindle customers unless the merchant is of atrocious ‘quality, All merchants value repeat buyers, thieving sup. plies merchants being no exception, and any merchant knows the strest way to make enemies and lose busi: ness isto swindle those who will likely have even more coin for you to earn in the future. THEIviNG SuppLies MERCHANT Quality tame Price Quantity Atrocious Book, "How to Steal” 25 gp Only 1, ever Poor Climbers kit 25 ep 14442 Grappling hook 2 gp rah Ladder, 10foot 1 5p 164 Rope,hempen 1 gp/S0f, 1d x feet Sack le 1é4xs Torch lep tah xs Medium Ammunition varies 164 x 50 pieces Crowbar 2 Tah x3 altrops 1/20 1d4x40 Dagger 2p Tah x4 Disguise kit 25 ep 164x2 Poison, basic 100gp vil 1d4 x2 vials Poisoner'skit —_-S0gp 164 Shortbow 25 ¢p tah x2 Signal whistle Sp 164x2 Thiever'tools 25 gp Tah x2 Good Crossbow hand 75 gp Vé4x3 Dice set Vp Tah x2 Drow poison 200 gp | dose 144-1 doses Everamoking bottle 500 gp Only 1, ever Forgery kt 1S ep 164 Hot of legute 500 gp Only 1, ever Playingcardset 5p 164x3 Rapier 25 ep 124 Shortsword W0Ep 164 Serpent venom 200 gp / dose 146-1 doses Spyelass 1,000gp dx 2 Excellent Chak felvenkind S00 gp Only 1, ever Dagaerafvenom 5,000¢9 Only, ever Gloves ofthievery 500 gp Only 1, ever ‘Wyvern poison 1,200 gp / dose Td4 ~2doses Page PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150 PHB 150, pHa 150 PHB 150 pHa 149 PHB 154 He 150 PHB 154 pHa T49 PHB 150 pHa 154 PHB 149 PHe 154 omc 258, bMc 168 PHB 154 Duc 173 PHB 154 He 150 PHB 150 DMG 258 PHB 150 Dc 158 Mc 161 Mc 172 oma 258 Notws The outside ie locked, and the inside is blank Prices areas listed in the PHB Injury; can inflict 1a poison damage ‘Also available weighted, fr tripe price Injuyi can render target unconscious Also available marked, for double price Injury; can inflict 3d poison damage Injury; can inflict 746 poison damage Toots Slouched over a wooden countertop, a lanky wood elf Stands in front of rows upon rows of tools, each hanging from a special set of pegs on the wall behind him. The shop smells comfortably of fresh cut lumber. The wood elf yawns, waiting for customers to arrive. female dwarf, pack mule and wagon in tow, strides casually into town, a pickaxe and shovel over each shoul- der, a lit lantern resting near the head of the pick. The laborers of this hamlet sent out a request for more tools a week back, and the dwarf responded, always ready to earn coin. Craftspeople or mere traders, merchants ofthis, specialty sell tools for all professions along their trade routes, Merchants that sell tools may choose (o deal in exclusively tools appropriate for their environment. How: fever, most of these merchants are fully willing to sel everything available to their quality or lower, providing working implements to any who require them. Toots MERCHANT Qusity ams Price Quantity Page Notes Aocious Bucket sep a4 PHB 150 = Shovel 2 atx PHB 1S — Poor Blockandtackle 1 gp atx? PHB 130 Dagger ae 1 PHB — Hammer lp a4 PHB 130 Ladder foot 3p atx? PHB 150 — Lamp le 1dtx2 PHB 130 Fries ee atx PHB 150 Pole, oot Sep dx? PHB 130 Spikes ton 1gp/10. dt x40 PHB 150 Torch ssp dda PHB 150 Wood De ete Ra ea ters eee eee eee eet Median Tabac 2p dix PHB 150 Capers tools 8 ep atx PHB 1s — Cooks ners 1p rate pus iss Fetrey aes Me? atx PHB 150 — Hammer sledge "12 ep rate PHB 150 Handaxe Sep at PHen9 — Lanter, ills 10 gp 14 PHB 150 Lantern hooded gp 1a PHB ISO Masor'stools 100 tx poe iss Reel oa es 14-1 PHB IS Potters tools 10 gp rane pus iss Tinderbox ssp atx? PHB 150 — Wenverstools gp atx poe iss Woodeaners tools 1 gp atx? PHB Iss Good ‘Aches’ supple 50 gn, 14 pus iss Cobblers tools Sep atx? PHB Iss Crowbar 2p gt PHB1SO. — Classblowers tools 30¢p 1 PHB Iss eater Sp aT PHB iss Magnifying glass 100 gp. ‘Vdd = 1 PHBISO - Neopets irs 1a pues — Painters supplies 0p atx? PHB Iss Smits tools 20 gp RSE MESA Tinkerstools SOP at PHB Iss Haine Goon alin ee S Unlntupt Saran tools Gou pick) Gromish tinderbex 50 gp 164 p Can instantly set alight small fammable objects VEHICLES AND TRANSPORTATION Sitting at a table in a dimly tt wagonhouse, a dwarf with a beard full of sawdust waits patiently for customers to trail in, The smells of horses, hay, and fresh-cut wood waft through his shop, full of carriages and carts, both humble and ornately gilded, ‘The crashing of waves and the squawking of gulls periodically interrupted by the percussive strikes of his ‘hammer, a halfelf in an airy, billowing shirt pounds nails through planks, securing together the bull of a mighty ship. When completed, this vessel will be one of the feet est (0 ever sail the seas, a fact the halfelf relentlessly informs any that will listen. CCraftemen and women who specialize in transporta- tion, these merchants churn out boats and wheeled vehicles to keep the world in motion. Many of these merchants also offer courier services and transportation for hire, and keep a small staff of hirelings to aid with these endeavors. Vehicle and transportation merchants are also very likely to further specialize, and may eschew selling wagons andl horses entirely in favor of shiperaft, or dedicate themselves entirely to land transportation, especially iFthere are no large bodies of water nearby. VEHICLES AND TRANSPORTATION MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Arocious Nag hore Sep 1 Poor MRR ine ge atx? Gant Sep 1-1 Goachcab ride tars Feed arimal Sep day 164 x30days leet Mule Sp atx? o: Sp atx? Peony 30sp lax? Saddle pack Sp tat Sted 208 140-1 Veet act 2p atx? Bel lp lax? aa Se at Cartographer tools 15 gp 14 rere Sogp 1 Rouboat oer 14 cele ning aD > at Saddlebags Ap 1 Sea ee Wagon 350 14-1 Noor eka tat ood! Camel sop 144 Foldngboat 000g Only ,ever Keelboat 000g 14-1 Navigtorstools 25 2p 14 Ridinghorse 75 0 144 Saddle, lta) 202p 1a fxcelemt —Cometoffving 50000 gp Only ever ariage 00g 1d4-1 Charice ee Longship Jo000gp 144-2 saling ship 000g 164-2 Warhorse sg (Te Page pHa 157 PHB 157 PHe 159 PHB 157 PHB 159 ne 333 pHa 157 ne 335 pHa157 PHB 157 PHa 150 PHB 150 Pie 154 PHB 154 ans 321 PHB 157 pHa 157 pHa157 pHa 159 pHa157 Pre 154 nt 320 DMG 170 pHa 157 PHB 154 ane 336 PHB 157 _ omas7 "PHB 157 PHB 157 PHB 157 Pea 157 Mant 340 Notes Has 8 Strength and a movement speed of20 within acty:1 cp; between towns: 3 cp / mile May instead be a donkey Only sold ifadjacent to a body of water Only sald if adjacent to a body of water Only sold ifadjacent to a body of water Only sold ifadjacent to a body of water Size ofthe carpet is determined by the OM Only sold ifadjacent to a body of water (Only sold ifadjacent to a body of water ‘WEAPONS An impossibly burly, scarred halfling presides over a femarkably odd shop. Weapon racks line the periphery. cireling entirely around a large ring of honor carved into the center ofthe floos, The halfling proprietor encour: ages customers to test the products first-hand, sparring squaring off against wooden training dummies. Two long steel swords slung across her back, a red-scaled dragonborn boldly challenges all comers to combat in her corner of the marketplace. Exhibiting the prowess and power of her weapons, she earns both ‘customers and a fan following through her practical demonstrations. Fighters or forgemasters, merchants ofthis specialty sell weapons of great offensive power. Some of these ‘merchants seek to profit from the necessities of war, While others are idealists, promoting peace through protection. Still others are retired adventurers, knowing, the hardships and threats that exist in the wider world all ind providing reliable protection against the dangers other adventurers may encounter. Many weapon ‘merchants sel all inventory that would be available to their quality or lower, but some further specialize, focus: ing on a particular type of weaponry such as bows or Weapons MercHant uty tems Price Quantity Page Notes cemEE ees tat atx? PHB 150 Pole, 1hfoot Sep 1st? PHS — a ees ES PH18 150 Prices are as listed inthe PH Simplemelee ‘vars ——«144x15 PHBT49 Prices are as listed inthe PH Car Simpleranged ‘varies, 144 x15 PHB149 Prices ares ltd inthe PH weapons Whetstone 1ep 44x10 PHB150 — Medium —Martsimelee wares 14d 10 PH149 Paces area etd inthe PHE wespons tee le a2 PHB1s0 — Smith's tools 20gp 144 Pues = Good Ammunition, +1 500gp*/20 14420 DMG 150. Must alto pay the cost ofthe bare ammunition Jovlnoflighining! S00gp = Onkyi,ever OMG I78 = Pereira ieee TeaI0 PHB149 Paces ae as leted nthe PHE weapons QuiverofEhome S00g ——OnbyTwever OMG T89. = Ram,portable 4 gp 14 PHB1SO — sheath Sp ate? S mat lestherhoeter for dagger or word Shield 1o¢p dtx2 pues — Weopon, +1 S0DgB Only 14K ever_—_DMG.213._ Must lo pay the cos ofthe base weapon Wenpon fuming. S00 gp Only I,ever_—DMG.213._ Must also pay the cos ofthe bate weapon a Excdllent Ammunition +2 5000 go*/20 14410 DMG 150. Must sto pay the cou ofthe bare ammunition Flame tongue ary 5,000 gp" Only sever___DMG170_Mus lio pay the cost ofthe base weapon From brand any 50.000 gp Only Tjever_ DMG 7I_ Mus lo pay the coz ofthe base weapon Osthbow 50,000 OnlyT.ever_ MGIB. ~ Sivordofsharmess, 50.000¢9% Onl Tyever BMG 206. Mu so pay the oat ofthe base weapon any : net Viiow weapon any 5,000 gp* Onl T.ever_DMG 209 Mu so pay the coz ofthe bate weapon Weapon, +2 5,000 gp* Only 1d4=1, ever DMG273_ Must also pay the cost of the base weapon LEGENDARY MERCHANTS ‘The following merchants are only available by rolling them on the Legendary Merchants table. Any Stronghold ability that would allow you to select a merchant may not be used to select a legendary merchant. ASTRAL TRAVELER ‘An old magus with a trailing grey beard sits at a eross- roads, smoke curling from a long-stemmed pipe. He watches passers-by with eyes bluer than blue, sparkling with a deep, inner magic. Those that look closely with the right kind of sight can see subtle tears in reali around him, a distortion of light and being marking him as here, yet not. When held (o any kind of serutins, the ‘magus ignores it and blows a perfect cube of pipe-smoke. ‘An astral traveler has seen more than most beings will in several lifetimes, They have tasted pains and delights belonging to realities far removed from the Prime Material, and have set foot where both celestials and fiends fear to find themselves. Naturally, an astral traveler has come across plenty of souvenirs in their jour. neying, and are willing to part with a few of them for the right amount of coin, AsTRAL TRAVELER LEGENDARY MERCHANT Quality — ams Price Quantity Page Medium fatal lamond 10,000gp /ea. Unlimited 3 Bog ofholding 500 ep Only 1dé,ever__0MG153 Elemental compate 500 gp Only ever = Everbountful 500 ep 144-1 = soup tle Hourglass 25 ep 1dtx2 PHB 150 Jacofpreseving 500 gp tas Ee Mirror, steel 5 va PH 150 Obsidian mortar 250 gp tas = and pestle Oilefetherslnes: 2500g9 164-1 pwc 18s Potion ofecieour 2800g0 144-1 bc 187 form Potion ofwoter 250 ep va bac 188 brcathing Spel Telepon 490g 3 spells {day PHB 281 Spal Teleporanion 350 gp Spells day PHBZ8i sire Good Amulet ofthe plares 50,000 gp Only ever_——‘DMG 150 Gabe offorce 5,000g Onlyi,ever MG I59. Disintegration 5.0009 OnlyTyever = chamber Gem ofsecing 5.0009 OnlyTyever = DMG.172 Portable hole 5,009 Only 1d4-1,ever_ DMG 185 Spal Contol 640 gp Spells day PHB228 wether Spel Planar aly 360 gp Spells day PHB265 Spell: Plane shift 515 ep 3pells {day PHB 266 Excellent Cubic gate 500,000 gp Only 1yever DMG 160 a Sono 2 Soni ee Spell: Atal 3010 gp" Spells day PHBZI5 projection Spall: Gate 1310p Spells day PHBZ44 Wellefmany words 500,000 gp OnlyI,ever DMG 213 May be used asa valid form of eurency Points to nearest portal to an elemental plane ‘Once per day: turns 2 gal. of water nto enough soup to feed 6 people Anything in jar does not age ot require food/ait CCan grind any non-magical item to powder in dé rounds Confers the effects ofthe etherealnee spell Confers the effects ofthe goseous form spel Allows you to bresthe water for up to an hour ‘Teleports toa location onthe same plane Paying 20 times the cost allows you to create a permanent teleportation circle at your location Anything fully within this 1 1 x1 box affected by a casting ofthe spell diitegrate CChanges the weather to conditions you dictate ‘Summoned creature is free to act a5 pleases Teleports to location on a diferent plane Your OM decides what is within the iron flask ‘Add 2,200 gpto the cost fr each creature this spell affects ater the first, besides the caster (Opens a stable portal to another plane ENCHANTMENTS Clothed in a cow! and long, flowing robes, a female human focuses her will, bending innate magic around her and focusing it into a single, cohesive thought-form: Glowing placidly, the thought-form floats before her, ready to be bound into a weapon, empowering it perma. nently with a figment of her magical will. As she works, a cluster of astounded village chidren and skeptical elders crowd around her roadside stall, bat the human is either deep in thought or pretending not to notice. Ascrufly male gnome, beard and hair frizzed out in every direction, altends with his set of tinker’ tools to a battle axe laid out before him. His immense scientific ‘mind calculates the energy flow intrinsic o the powerful \Wweapon, and devises the particular method required for generating a self-sustaining magical current within it Wiring up the axe to an etherie battery of his own design, the gnome activates it, and the axe begins to hum with a distinctly magical vibration, Legendary merchants that deal in enchantments are by definition a rarity, but a welcome sight in any town they visit. Enchantments these merchants apply may be bound to any non-magical or magi ‘magical item affected by an enchantment becomes ‘magical and requires attunement. An item can have a ‘maximum of one enchantment from each of the three categories, and no more than three enchantments total at any time. Applying a new enchantment in the same category overrides the previous enchantment. ENCHANTMENTS LEGENDARY MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Page Notes Medium Random minor 100 gp Benchants day = Rolled on the table below ‘enchantment Random major 500 gp Beenchants J day = Rolled on the tabe below ‘enchantment Good Chosen minor. 300. enchants J day = Chosen on the table below ‘enchantment Chosenmajor 1,500gp-— enchants day — Chosen on the table below ‘enchantment Random legendary 5,000 g> 3 enchants / day — Rolled on the table below ‘enchantment Excellent Chosen legendary 15,000 gp enchants J day = Chosen on the table below ‘enchantment d8 Minor Enchantments Major Enchantments Legendary Enchantments 1 Beacon, Bonus action: Item sheds Transforming. Action: tem changes Fearful. Bonus action: Adjacent creature bright light in 10-foot radius, dim into another item ofthe same type. must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving. light for addtional 10 feet. May ex- sword may turn into a different sword, throw or be fightened of you until the tinguish with another bonus action. ora pair ofboots may turm into shoes. end of your next turn. Short rest refresh 2 Compass. Action: Lear which way SpiderTouched. Grants a climb speed Teleport. Bonus action: Teleport up to isnorh equal to your movement speed 15 feet in any direction, Gleaming. This tem never gets diy Uateen. tem is permanently invisible. Silent. Grants a +10 bonus to Stealth 4 Guardian. Grants 2+2 bonus to Fle. Grants a+10foot bors to Lucy. Can add 1410 to any check, ave, init movement seed, ox attack Shortest refresh 5 Language. This tem grants krow- Flight. Acton: Gains fight speed Waller. Bonus action: Can pass ledge of specifc language chosen equal toyour eed unt through solid objects unl end of tun, by the DM. ‘the end of your + “which ejects you. Short rest refresh. 5 Sentinel tem glows when within 120 Glibness. Action: Gain advaneage on Vitaliy. Grants immunity to diseate, feet ofa specifetypeofcresture all Charisma checks made within the poisons, and poizon damage chosen bythe DM next minute. Rfreshes with ong res. 7 Unbreakable. This tem can ony be NightEye. Grants drkvision outto True Seing. Grants trusight out to 60 broken by special means 60 fee, orincreasesitby 60 feet. ‘feet orincreasesitby 60 fet. 8 Waterborne. Item can latin liquid, Warding. Reaction: Gain advantage on Fortitude, Increases your rants Advantage on checks to swim. a saving throw. Shor rest refresh, Jimum by 15. I point max: FEY BaRGAINS Sitting on a wom stump in a clear grove, a faun with, lange, pronounced, pronged horns plays an ephemeral tune on a hollow wooden pipe. In this place, sacred to the fey, the faun waits for the occasional adventurous ‘wanderer, hunter, or forager delving too deep into the woods. The faun has wares he would trade, and many simple favors he would ask. ‘Wearing a cloak of leaves that sweeps the ground as she walks, a female eladrin has a motley collection of wares spread wide across her wooden tabletop at a local market. She smiles at all who approach, and is quick to inform those who visit of her no-currency policy. Itis only when her eustomers are deep into negotiations that her eyes sparkle with a hidden malice, and those bartering ‘may begin to suspect she is more than she seems. Holding little interest in coin, the fey prefer to trade is favors, sealed by a geas spell, to compell their customers to actin certain ways. As such, fey bargains have no cur- reney cost, but have an associated price in geases, rolled randomly on the Geas tables below: Ifa geas would not apply for whatever reason, reroll until you receive a geas that does. These geases must be known by the customer before they are agreed upon and, though the fey may not lie, they may attempt to egregiously mislead those with which they deal. Fey merchants will only typically trade ‘one item per person for geases, considering overburden ing their customers with geases to be impractical Fey BARGAINS LEGENDARY MERCHANT Quality tts Price Quantity Medium og ofc rst V gees Only, ever pea) Io GE Broce ofarcerygess Only, ever oe ree aT es NOT Ter Gloves ofthicrery—Vgeas Only 1hever Quiver fone eas Only ever Selinclsheld eas Only ever coed Cook of dsplacemont 2 gezes Only, ever CGlomored studded 2geases—Only1, ever leather Rigefonimal 2gesses Only), ever infucres Rodfitapact 2 giises Only ever feeper 12 Walockpact 3 geases Unlimited Excellent Instrument ofthe 2 geases. ‘Only 1, ever ter Anstith harp Osthbow 2geases Only ever Fina of ising 93 gasses! Only ever Scimborofepeed 2easez Only eer Vorpal svard,any 3 geases’” ll Only 1, ever: 20 Ges 1 Giveyourfirstbor child tothe merchait,” 2 Res peer fy Erg bm vere ero 4. Fakeyour own death, and assumes new dey SMC ti read chee er 6 Steal a specie powerful tem fr the merchant, 7 Give the merchant a syllable of your name. 8 Nevertouch ron, ortake 10410 radiant damage SG eee Become permanently charmed by the merchant, Page DMG iss = DMG Iss - DMG Ise — MG iss — puoi = Mc 1s9 — DMG 199 = DMG 158 - uci - DMG 189 - DMcts7 — PHB 105 Grants 1st level of warlock class, Archfy patron DMc176 - pMc1ss - Ducts = DMG 199 - DMG 209 — 20 n aan ah “UBrinka mysterious potion the merchant offers you Goas “Trade the merchant a simple lock of your halt Bring the merchant a specific child, not your own, Tal the merchant your single darkest secret. Betray your frends in a specific way. ‘You can speak ony in rhyme forthe nest seven day. Lore proficiency in one instrament or atizas too ade an aspect of your beauty tthe merchant Lore specie, unmentioned, tem on your perzon. Ifyou use «specie word, nesry object reas Macic ITEMS Stroking the end of his long, white, curled beard, a {gnome wearing a pointy hat sits at the open back end of his caravan wagon. Painted above him is a rough wooden sign advertising his wagon-based shop, and the noise of ‘magical shimmering from errant enchantments cascades, gently through the wagon behind him, Placing a gentle hand upon a silver ring, a high elf concentrates her magical energies on the runed circle in which the ring resides, Using her other hand to sprinkle residuum around the edges, the circle suddenly ignites in ‘abright flash of arcane power, leaving her shop smelling faintly of ozone. Removing her hand, she smiles as she observes the ring, now shimmering and palsing with a ssubile eldritch resonance. A rarity in many worlds, merchants with this specialty are often highly sought after. Magic items are always hhard to make, and a merchant selling magical items may not carry the full ist of items displayed here, occasion: ally having on-hand five or six items from each that is available to them. Macic ITems Lecenoary MERCHANT Quality tems rice quantity Page Medium — Bog fies grey 500 gp OnlyI,ever_— OMG 154 Dustofdyres 25080 Only d,ever__ DMC 166, Few fwondrous S00 gp OnlyT,ever «= DMG170 power, sver raven tmmorble red S00gp ——OnlyT, ever DMG175 Ringefmind SOD Only, ewer DMG 197 shielding Robe offlitems S00 gp —Only1,ever_—— DMG 195 Rope ofelmbing S00gP Only, ever DMG'197, Sending tones S00gp Only setever_ DMG 199, Wind fon s00g | Oniyever— DMGzI3, Additional tems vores = omc 46 Good Bagefbears —5,000g | Onlyt,ever_ «OMG I52 Broom effying 500gP —OnlyT, ever DMG 156 Crys bo 50000 gp Onlyivever OMG 159 Deckefilusions 500 gp Only aetever__DMG 161 Frguine of wondrous 5,000 g> Only set ever DMG 169 power ivory goats Fguine of wondrous 5000 go Only1,ever DMG 170, power, onn dog Porblehole 5000 go Only 41, ever DMC 185 Ring effestherfolng 500 gp OnlyT, ever DMG 193 Ringeffieeacion 5000 9 Only1,ever DMG 187 Rirgeftheram 500g OnlyT, ever DMG 197 Staff chomming $000 gp Only1vever = DMG201 Word ofmagie 500g OnlyT,ever.—:DMG217 mises Wond ofwonder 5,000¢9 Only ever, DMG212 Additional tems varies = Dua 147 Excellent Animated shield S0000g Only1ever DMG TST Cok faracnide 50000 gp OnlyTvever DMC 158, Dancing serd ary S0000gp OnlyTsever—DMG 16? Nolzurs menelous 50,000 gp OnlyTyever DMG 183 Pigment Sef ofc 50000 gp Onlyiyever—MG201 Word ofthe war $0000gp OnlyT, ever DMG 12, smoge +3 Additional tems varies = oma 48 Up to 5 items found on Magic Item Table F Up toS items found on Magic Item Table C Up to 5 items found on Magic Item Table H MacicaL CREATURES Ajovial male human, old and wizened, wears a roped {urban and pipes a jaunty tune in the far comer of an ‘open marketplace. Before him dances a lithe, golden flying serpent, which twists and coils in response to the ‘man's musi. Sitting at the open end of her wagon, a female copper: scaled dragonborn watches the crowds pass her by. She \waits patiently, attempting not to attract toa much or t00 litle notice, as her cargo of vibrantly-glimmering dragon eqs shimmers gently in the covered wagon’s soft light. Magical beasts are, by their nature, hard to control or tame, and only a select few individuals have the ability to coax such creatures into following and listening to them, Of these, fewer still have the predilection to sell such creatures, but merchants of magical creatures are highly sought-after wherever they may find themselves. These ‘merchants usually dont have the full inventory listed here, and most often only have up to three creatures available per quality category. Sold creatures are usually tame, but may not be, if marked otherwise. Untamed magical creatures may require Animal Handling checks to interact with them favorably, usually with a DC of 15 or 20 depending on the task demanded of them. These creatures may became tamed over time, at your DM's discretion, Macicat Creatures LeceNDaRY MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Medium Bitand bride 2p Tt x2 Dite wolf 450 ep 164 Ek 60ep ade Feed, animal Scpfday 1d4 x 30daye Fying snake 200 Tet Giant fire beetle 2 gp Tah x2 Giant goat 300 gp rds Giant lizard 3509p 134 Giant wolf spider 400 ep 14-1 Saddle, etic 60 gp 14-21 Good Awakened shrub 25 gp vat Blinkdog. 250 5p 14-1 Cockatrice 650g 14-1 Dragon egg 7505p 14-1 Gelatinous eube 300 gp 1é4—1 Gant bat 250 5p 141 Giant eagle 500 gp 184-1 Giant sea horse 500 gp 141 effon 750 gp 144-1 Oulbear 7150p 14—1 Pegasus 750 gp 1é4—1 Pseudedragon 175 gp 14-1 Wore 300 gp 164-1 Excellent Basilisk 1,000 gp 1d4—1 Bulette 1,500 gp 1d4=1 Caron crawler 00 gp 14-1 Death dog 800 gp 14-1 Displacer beast 1,250 gp 1d4=1 Dragon wyrmling 2.500 gp 144-2 Gorgon 1,500gp | 1d4-2 Manticore 1,000 gp 144-2 Mimic 1500 gp Tat ‘Onyugh 1.250g9 144-1 Rust monster 800 gp 141 Unicorn 1750gp 1d4-2 Page PHB 157 na 321 Mana 322 pHa 157 Mam 322 ne 325 nt 326 ant 326 nt 330 PHB 157 ne 317 Mant 318 m2 ne 282 ns 323 ant 326 ang 328 Mant 174 Mans 249 ant 250 Mans 254 ne 347 ant 24 na 34 ana 37 ant 321 ana 81 “nt 88.1 ans 171 ans 213 nt 220 ant 248 ans 262 Mant 298 Untamed Hatches with proper care after 90 days Untamed Only sald if adjacent to a body of water Untamed untamed Untamed untamed Untamed Untamed Untamed, Untamed Untamed Untamed Untamed Untamed Untamed, except to those pure of heart may be of any calor NECROMANCY Seated atop a large burial mound, a young male human ‘wears a skeletal mask with his hait tied back. Every night finds him here, waiting for either the call of the spirits, or for interested customers to seek his wares. After shimbering in near-death for centuries, a lich awoke to find a city had been built on top of his ancient dungeon, Rather than vow revenge against the living. however, the lich Was of a more practical mind, building hhis dungeon into a shop for all comers, to finance the ddread experiments that are no doubt taking place below. The relationship between necromancers and wider ety is often troubled, at best, but that doesn't stop an enterprising few from building a niche market among the fe minded. Both the dead and the living have needs, afterall, and the exchange of coin facilitates everyone's needs being met. Depending on location and the area's dominant moral se, the exchange of necromantic goods and services may be illegal, merely frowned upon, or a normal and accepted part of everyday lie Necromancy LecENDARY MERCHANT Quality — tems Price Quantity Page Notes Medium eid Wap /vial 1dbxSviale — PHBTSO. = ‘cane focus *vates as PHB SO Prices ae as listed inthe PHB Dust ofdrynes 25059 Only 1dé,ever DMG 166. = Candle 1ep ra) PHB150 Comes inblack, gre, white, or red Chain Sgp/0fest 164 20feet — PHBTSO. — Chalk ep/piece 164 10 pieces PHBTS0. Comes in blac, grey, white, or red Component pouch 25 gp 1a PHB ISO = Corpse, dead 4p lax Es An intact corpse perfec for necromancy Dagger itl tax? PHB 148 Has an oddly curved design Flesh 1dbx20Ibs. Best not to ask Holy ymbel a4 PHB SO Prices are as ited inthe PH Hourglass 25 gp asx? PHB ISO = Incense Vep/block 164s 20blacke “Thick musky and pungent Lock 10g rm PHB 150 = Manacles 2p tax? PHB ISO = Poison, basic 100 gp/vial dt wale. PHB 150 injury an infiet 148 poison damage Shovel 2p tat? PHB ISO — Spell: Animate deod 90 gp Sispels {day PHB.212 31 lev; dead follow your commands fr a day Spell Gentle eoxe 40 30 Sapels day PHE245 Stop decay a corpse, prevents undeath Spell Rote dead 1250 g9 «spells day —~PHB270 ‘Returns adead corpse to life Spel Speokwih gp Sapells day PHE277. Allows yout speak to one non-undead corpee dood Spellbook, blank 50 zp as PHB iso ~ Wemverstools 1 6p as PHB Ise — Good Amulet ofheath 5,000gp—Only1jever.— DMG 150. — Cloak ofthe bat 5.0009 Only 1,ever = OMG189. = Bottomless bag of 500 ep Only ever Contains an unlimited numberof corpses ony bones forse as razed minions in necromaney spells Mask, plague doctor 50gp 144-1 = Durable leather, with long beak Mask, shal 4539 1as-1 7 Made of actual bone pes ofhaumting — SO0gp ——OnlyInever = OMG 185 — Spell Create undead 1260 g9 spells day PHB 229th evel dead follow your commands fora day ‘Spell: Resurrection 2.490 gD. spells day PHB 272. More potent way of restoring the deac to life Word of for 5,000 gp Only, ever IMG 210 — Excellent Manual ofgolems, 50,000gp Only T,ever = DMG 180. — flesh sd ‘ Potion flongevty 25,000gp Only 1d4, ever DMG 188 Reduces your age by 166+ 6 years, usualy Spal Cone 2840 gp spells doy PHB 222 Safeguards against death after 120 days NEEDFUL THINGS Ahandsome young high elf stands amongst his wares in a brand-new stall, recently opened within the market. place. Though new to town, he has already acquired a eputation for outlandish deals, coupled with strange requests, and only the most perceptive among the locals hhave notived a hint of brimstone fo the incense that burns within his shop. Seated on a stool at a crossroads, an impeccably dressed gentleman holds a wooden case in his lap. Sur: prisingly. ts contents always seem to be exactly what his ‘customers desire, and hes more than willing to part with itfor a fair price, and the smallest of favors. The flends of Hell are no strangers to business, and ‘occasionally take part in the financial dealings of the mortal world to spread discord and their own influence. ‘Money, however, is not an object to these disguised ‘merchants from down below, and they will gladly offer a discount ifthe purchaser agrees to perform a favor or ‘wo that will further the many agendas of Hell. Ifa player is willing to undertake favors for this merchant, roll for random favors on the Inconsequential Favors tables, below. This merchant automatically knows when favors have been completed, and will reduce the price of one item the player desires hy half, An item avail Neeorut THincs Lecenpary MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Medium Bag efholding 500 gp (Only 144, ever Bog oftricks tan 500 8p nly 1, ever Dacen's instant 5,000 g9 | Only 1, ever forrest Iron bands of Bilare 5,000 gp Only, ever Mace fteror 5,000 g> Only 1, ever Red afrulerhip 5,000 g9 Only, ever Sword off stealing 5,000 gp Only, ever Word effreball: 5,000 g9 Only, ever ‘Any desired item varies 164 add, tems Good Belt fant strength, 50,000¢p Only, ever fice Demon armor —_$0,000¢p Only, ever Figurine of wondrous 50.000¢p Only 1, ever power, obsidian steed foun stone, intellect $0,000 gp Only, ever ‘Any desired item “varies 164 add. tems Warlock pact 50,000 gp Unliited Excellent Instrument ofthe 500,000 gp Only 1, ever bards llamh harp Iron flask 500,000 gp Only 1, ever Talaman of ultimate 500,000 gp Only 1 ever il ‘Any desired item "varies dt add, tere 420 inconsequential Favors Dump a suspicious vial na nearby well ‘Smear 2 pentagram of blood a a specific holy site. Loosen the wheels on a nearby wagon. Convince 2 child a prize awaits in the wilderness. Remove the head and hands ofa specific statue. “Tossa bag of mice into the local mil Coat the inn’s woodpile in lamp oil Leave a slaughtered black goat in the town square Publicly acuse a priest of practicing dark magic. Spread rumors of s mattied couple's infidelity. able (o a medium quality merchant requires only one favor to achieve this discount, while items in the good merchant quality category require two favors, and excel lent merchant items require three favors. The merchants ‘of Hell will also only discount one item per buyer per day, preferring to string along prospective buyers into long, ‘campaigns of imperceptibly evil actions. Page Notes pMG1ss - DMG Iss — DMG 160 — oMGi77 - DMG iso = DMG 197 - DMcz06 - Mc 210 - s Item quality no greater than rare DMG Iss - pMcier - DMG 170 — MGI — - Item quality no greater than very rare PHB 105 — Grants Tatlevel of warlock clas, Fiend patron DMG176 - DMG 178 Your DM decides what is within the von ask DMG 207 - " Whatever the purchaser desires, ofany quality 20 Inconsequental Favors V1 _Extwholea buzzing, wrigaing ive horseMh 12 Saya specific fend’: name into the miro, thrice. Killa noble’ pet, leave it where it vl be found, Publicly set alight a specific holy book. Steal a local relic leaveitin a feed trough. Instigate a bloody fight between complete strangers. Set a specific bridge on fre. 18 _Digup a specific corps, hide its parts around town, 19 Steal food from 3 specific poor family, throw tava. 20 Rolltwice again, distegarding 20, Favor involves both TimE-Lost Wandering a long, winding road, an armored human ‘male with a tiny dragonling upon his shoulder clutches a small, colored rectangle of strange material, staring at it intently. Briefly he holds it aloft, waves it slowly around, and then shakes it violently before sighing and placing it in.a pouch at his side. As he opens the pouch, a careful onlooker could spot a wealth of similar strange creations ‘and contraptions, before the human quickly and carefully ties his pouch shut, Set up adjacent to an inn, a man with tossled hair and ‘a surprisingly vivid bow-tie has a collection of odd wares spread across a ramshackle wooden table that appears inexpertly cobbled together. Behind the man lies, on its side, an oblong and smoldering blue box, into which he reaches periodically to retrieve new goods, appraising each in turn before shrugging and placing them upon his slapshod table. ‘As some arcanists and scholars of the immaterial know, planar travel is not the only method for exploring the multiverse, Through either a quirk of reality or their town design, few denizens of a future time may stumble into the past. These individuals almost always have re- turning to their native time as their driving goal, and may be willing to trade away some of their foreign resources to gain the currency they need to achieve this end. Electric Torch. When activated, casts bright light in a 120 oot cone, and dim light 120 feet after that. Comes with an energy cell, and can run for 12 hours continu ously before requiring the cell replaced to function. Entertainment Pad. This small, smooth rectangle hhas a panel that lights up and responds to touch, When activated, it an play one of 5410 outlandish songs and contains 1d10 different types of games or distractions. Comes with an energy cell, and ean run for 6 hours con: tinuously before requiring the cell replaced to function. ‘Jetpack. When activated as a bonus action, you fly a Time-Lost LeceNDarY MERCHANT Quality tems Price Quantity Medium Galevlator 60 gp 1é4—1 Electric torch 50 gp 14-1 Entertainment pad 150 gp 14-1 Energy cell 1S gp/each dh Sending stones 500.0 (Oniy 1 se, ever Wristwatch 55 ep Only 1, ever Good Bead of force 51000 gp /6 Only 6, ever ects oflevittion 5,000 gp Only 1 set, ever Cube of force 5,000 g> Only, ever Goggle: of right 5,000 gp Only 1, ever Grenade, 300gp each 144 x2 fragmentation Grenade, smoke 250 gp /each 1642 Jerpack 3500 gp Only 1, eer Laser pistol 3000 gp Only 1, ever Lasersifle 400g Only, ever Excellent Antimatterrife 500g Only 1, ever Apparatus of 500,000 ge Only 1, ever walsh ‘ Clook of nwistblity $00,000 gp Only 1, ever Grenade launcher 5,500go Only, ever Screwdriver, acoustic 1,250 gp Only 1, ever Tome of lear thought 50,000 gp Only 1, ever Tome of 50,000¢p Only 1, ever ndentonding TA Mepievat UNDERSTANDING ‘While undoubtedly players will grasp the general idea behind the tems listed here, their characters area diferent ston. t's thus highly recommended that you use the Figuring Out Alien Technology table and associated rules on page 268 ofthe Dungeon Master's Guide to illustrate this disconnect for any item labeled as "ech." The number ating associated with tech represents the successes needed to figure out an item, and more dificult technology requires more successes, Understanding how an item works isthe first step to gain- ing proficiency with it. To acquire proficiency, you must train ‘with the item for 280 days, spending gp on trining costs per day. Refer tothe Training downtime setivity on page 187 ofthe Player's Handbook for any further species. ee distance equal to 2d10 x5 feet in a direction you choose, Unless you have a fly speed or this item is activated again immediately, you will begin to fall at the start of your next, tun. Comes with an energy cell, and can be used 10 times before requiring the eell replaced to function, Page Notes 2 “Tech (2); performs mathematical functions Ee Tech (1) Z Tech @) DMG 268 - DMG 199 Made of strange, smooth, colored substance z Relably tells the time of day runs on mation DMcIss - DMG Iss - DMcist - DMGi72 - DMG 268 Tech (2) DMG 268 Tech (2) 4 Tech (#) DMG 268 Tech () DMG 268 Tech (s) DMG 268 Tech (4) a DMG Ise - DMG 268 Tech (4) e ‘Tech (3); Grants ady. on thieves’ tools checks DMG 208 Title: “introduction to Quantum Physics” DMG 209 Title: “Farmers Almanac’ ome ‘Creorrs: Photoshop & design by /u/the_singular_anyone Visit Watnock Homeunew for more! hitp://walrock homebrew ‘Art by Allen K.Isung, Jonas de Ro, Brevis, Adam Paquette, Flavio Bolla, Grishin Alexey, Alexandra Khitrova, Taylor Fischer, Vincent Durant, Indre Bankauskaite, Alexander Nanitchkoy, Syar!13, Piper Thibodeau, Nikolai Ostertag, Jansong Chen, Inkary, Angel Ganev, Késa Zsolt, Hugo Solis, (ga Debras, Gordon Napier, Natali Kalashrikova Jim Nelson, Ed Cox, Beth Tot, Ekaterina Shapovalova, Felipe Escobar Bravo, Wayne England, Aleksandar Jovanovic, John Stanko, Jenny Lehmann, jonas Akerlund, Ekaterina Orange, Zac Jennings, Lee Moyer, Totter Att, Alberto Tavira, Bryan Syme, Fiona Samson, Dan Scott, Francois Channe!s, jorge Carrero Roig, Cory Trego-Erdner, Véronique Meignaud, Diego Gisbert Lloren, Lucy Lizet, Shreya Shetty, Jake Murray, Winona Nelson, and Alba Ryosuke ‘Thanks to the kind folks of reddit, /tg/, and tumblr, to Ju/Smyris for their resource pack, and to /u/skybugl2 for their Photoshop guide!

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